Mohan Kumari and Happiness
Mohan Kumari and Happiness
Mohan Kumari and Happiness
Un V Bhubaneswar - 751054
Barrack No I,
REMUNERATION & CONDITIONS OF SERVICE: On selection, the candidate will be appointed as Initial
Appointees carrying remuneration of Rs. 25300/- per month (for I st year) and be enhanced as per slabs prescribed
under the Annexure in Govt. in G.A. & P.G. Department Notification No. 28626/Gen. dated 27.10.2021.The Condition
of Service will be guided by the respective recruitment Rules in force & Odisha Group-B (Contractual Appointment)
Rules, 2013 & amendments up to date.
i) Age:-Candidates must not be below 21 years and above 32 years of age as on 01.01.2021 with usual age
relaxation for SC, ST, SEBC, Women, Ex-servicemen & In-service contractual employees as per prevailing
ii) Minimum Educational Qualification: The candidate applying for the post must have passed Bachelor's Degree
in any discipline from any recognised University or such other educational qualification equivalent there to from a
recognised University and the candidate must have passed M.E standard/HSC examination with Odia as a Language
Stages of Type of Exam Paper Subject Duration No. of Total mark Remarks
Stage-I Written Paper-I Mathematics & 1 & ½ 100 JOO Marks There will be
Examination Reasoning Hours Objective type
Paper-II Composite paper 1 Hour 100 100 Marks questions with
(Odia,English, negative marks @
GK & Computer) 0.25 for each
Total Mark 200 Marks wrong answer.
Stage-II Certificate Candidates 1.5 times of the vacancies in order of merit category wise basing on Marks
Verification secured in the written examination shall be shortlisted for Certificate verification
There shall be no Viva-Voce Test
EXAMINATION FEES: The candidates other than SC, ST & PwD (Permanent Disability) shall have to pay non-
refundable examination fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred) only through online mode as per details mentioned in
the detailed advertisement.
1. This advertisement is indicative in nature and provisional. For details regarding educational
qualification, No. of vacancies, age limit & other eligibility criteria for the post, syllabus, plan & pattern
of examination and preference for the post, the candidates are advised to refer to the detailed
advertisement to be published in the official website of the Commission before filling
the online application form.
2. Candidates are advised to visit the website of the Commission regularly to know further updates
regarding this recruitment.