Evidence Bottle Water
Evidence Bottle Water
Evidence Bottle Water
If you buy bottled water, you will spend about 2000 times more than buying tap water.
Making the plastic water bottles, is used enough oil and energy to fuel a million cars.
Where the plastic water bottles are burned, releasing toxic pollution.
If we drink bottled water, we will not contribute to save the planet and will affect other places
on the planet; because When we discard the plastic water bottles, they are sent to other
countries such as India, where contaminate because they will take many thousands of years
to degrade.
If you buy a bottled water, you will not know if the water is cleaner because the bottled water
is less regulated than tap.
When we buy bottled water in some cases this water has lower quality.
The taste of tap water is better over bottled water taste, because in the taste test, people
always choose tap water over bottled water.
The plastic bottle is manufactured from new sheets of the material with which it is to be
manufactured. This sheet passed by different sub-processes such as Extrusion, blown and
injection-blown-stretched. In each one of these subprocess the sheets are suppressed to
heat, to give them the required shape. In view of the above, the manufacturing a plastic
bottle takes enough oil and energy and polluted the public water and has bad consequences
on the environment and the planet.
What happens with the plastic bottles after we throw them away?
After we throw the plastic bottled water plastic away, they are sent to other countries such
India and were slated to be downcycled, which means turning them into lower quality
products that would just be chucked later. The parts that couldn’t be downcycled were
thrown away there; shipped all the way to India just to be dumped in someone else’s
backyard. Finally, the plastic bottled water, contaminates the soils because they will take
many thousands of years to degrade.
The solutions would be in our hands, because if we demand investment in clean tap water
for all, if spent money improving the water systems, if we prevent pollution, if manufactured
refillable and reusable plastic bottle and if we make the commitment to not buy or drink
bottle water; we would contribute to save the planet and solve this problem.
Is this problem common in your community? What does the community do to deal with it?
This problem is common in my community and in my country, a lot of people believing the bottled
water is cleaner than tap water, and for these reasons the people buy a lot of bottled water. But
incredibly in some cases this is true; because in some towns the water is very polluted due different
companies such as oil, refineries and mining companies. To deal with this, my community will ask
the government to regulate the operation of these companies and making investment in
technologies for water treatment and will have clean tap water for all. Besides, if the government
oblige them to manufacture biodegradable bottles and make use of environmentally friendly
materials, we will save the environment.
Will you drink bottled water again? Why, why not?
I won´t drink bottled water again, because I won´t be certain, if the water is clean; and if it has good
quality; and all the life cycle of bottled water affects and contaminate the environment.
What will you do in the future to reduce the number of plastic bottles used in the world?
To reduce the number of plastic bottles used in the world, I will be training my community and all
the people about the consequences of buying bottled water. Besides, I will contribute in the
research of technologies to manufacturing reusable and biodegradable bottle water; that are will
make with renewable resources.