48 Inch Az El Instructions 01242020 New Ribs

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1. READ INSTRUCTIONS before disassembling the crate.
2. RIBS: Look for color coded dot on the rib. Dots indicate correct order
to assemble panels. Number is stamped in the lip of the antenna too.
3. PILOT HOLE: Locate pilot hole on the ring and antenna. THIS IS
YOUR STARTING POINT! Pilot hole is located on the 2nd block from
the left of the weld on the ring from the back view of the antenna.
MATCH mount pilot hole to panel with pilot hole.
4. FINGER TIGHT: Installing the panels to the ring and installing the
ribs on the panel sections. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
5. TIGHTEN DOWN all ribs to become a solid antenna. (Once all panels installed)
6. STRING THE ANTENNA. Strings should just touch. Adjust the
braces so front surface is exactly flat.
7. TIGHTEN DOWN ALL BOLTS: Ring to antenna.
CENTER OF THE ANTENNA. Use a laser tool or cut a piece of wood
to the focal length of your antenna. Feedhorn must be flat to antenna
surface. Please consider feedhorn manufacturer’s recommendation. See
“Preparing the Feed Assembly” in manual.
CALL 1-608-326-8406 WITH QUESTIONS
Congratulations! You have now purchased the finest AZ-EL mount available. This
unit has been designed to give you the most stable system to work on a single pole
application. Assemble using these instructions. If you have any questions please
call 800-627-9443 for help.

The AZ-EL Mount is designed to go with the 3.0m, 3.7m, 3.8m, 4.2m* and the 4.5*
meter antennas. As all are identical in theory, we will cover the basic installation first
and address each individually as the installation requires. PLEASE READ COMPLETE

If you will be storing the antenna for a period of time, a one piece antenna is to be
laid flat on a level surface. Always store the antenna on its outer lip. Shipping
Warranty for missing parts is detailed on the last page of the manual. A detailed parts
list is provided on the page prior to the “shipping warranty”. Please refer to this
section immediately on delivery.

1 - DH Antenna
1 - AZ-EL Mount 48" Back Ring
1 – 5 1/2" I.D. Base Can
8 - Back Braces for 3.0m and larger
4 - Feed Struts
1 - Feed Collar
1 - Elevation Tube
1 - Elevation Tube Bracket
1 - Bolt Bag to include all Hardware
(see page 13)
*Galvanized back braces please immediately
read special note on bolt bag page 13.

DH Satellite
P.O. Box 239
Sectional antennas must be handled with care not to Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
twist or distort sections while handling for installation. Phone: (608) 326-8406
Fax: (608) 326-4233
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. C.S.T.

*4.2m/4.5m end date 6-1-18 0ϰ/1ϲ/20ϮϬ


Base Post
5.5 Inch O.D.
(not included)

Page 1
Installation of Base Post
Look at the drawings below, the first drawing shows the recommended concrete base. In areas of deep frost, we recommend
that the base go below frost levels. 1/2” rebar can be used to reinforce the structure, if required; contact a local concrete
contractor or a local Engineer to give you an idea of how much steel to use. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU CHECK WITH A LOCAL
With this AZ-EL mount, you have a choice of two different base assemblies. The first is a base post (see FIGURE #1). The base
post is simply a 5” I.D. / 5 1/2" O.D. pipe that has one or more weldments on the lower section. We recommend that the post
be in concrete at least 4'-0”. When the post is set in concrete, be sure it is plumb. The second option is using either a square
foundation or a sono tube shown in figure #2.



Page 2
Assembling the Ring to the Base------
Assembling the AZ-EL Mount is very easy (familiarize yourself with Figure #4), as there
are only four parts to put together. First take the base can and set it on the base post. Tighten it with
the 3/4” set screws. Take the 48" ring and place each of the two ears inside of the tubes and line up
the holes on the ears with the holes in the tubes. You will notice the 3/4" holes in the center on each
of the 2-1/2” x 2-1/2” tubes welded to the 48" ring. Place the 3/4" x 4-1/2” bolts through the holes
and secure with the lock washers and nuts provided.

Place the elevation tube bracket onto the elevation tube. Tighten the set screws to hold it in place. Take
the top end of the elevation tube, the end with the 2-1/4” x 5" plate welded on and place it in the
brackets on the cross member of the ring. You will use a 3/4" x 2-1/2” bolt, lock washer and nut. Go to
the elevation tube bracket and place the tab with the 3/4” hole into the tab brackets at the back of the
base can. Secure it with a 3/4” x 2-1/2” bolt, lock washer and nut. Make sure the bolts are secure, but
leave them slightly loose until you have aligned the antenna on the satellite you will be using. Once you
have aligned the antenna, tighten all bolts and nuts.


Page 3
If you have purchased a 4 or 8 piece sectional
antenna follow the instructions on page
(On Ground: Lift As One Piece Antenna)
The antenna will come in 4 or 8 pieces each having a color coded dot on the rib (see FIGURE #5). NOTE:
After complete installation you will no longer see the colored dots. You must take two sections of the
antenna and place them on a flat surface face down allowing for the installer to work on attaching the
numbered ribs. The antenna must always stay in crate until assembled. (see FIGURE #6) Take panel one
labeled 08/1 and 08/2 and attach it to panel 2 which is labeled 08/2 on one rib and 08/3 on the other rib.
Connect panel 1 with rib #2 (labeled 08/2) to panel 2 with rib #2 (labeled 08/2), matching the #2 on each
rib of the two panels (See photos below). Install 3/8” x 1” bolts and washer through the ribs. Secure with
washer, lock washer and nut and only finger tight the nuts on. Continue on to the next panel in the same
manner until finished with all panels. Now tighten all hardware.

Match 2 with 2

The aluminum antenna is also stamped in the lip. This
number reflects the position of the panel.

The number stamped on the rib reflects the antenna as a

whole for bulk shipping. Each section has one rib stamped.
The number will be the same on all ribs making it one
complete antenna.


The top number represents the serial number of the antenna. *Example: In FIGURE #5 you will see 4
sections with the top number 08. You will take all four pieces of 08 to make one complete antenna.

The bottom number represents the rib number. *Example: On a 4 piece 3.0m antenna the
dot will have a 08 on the upper part of the dot (serial number) and the lower number of 1, 2,
3, or 4 (rib numbers).
See optional sectional installation on page 5: “Installing by Sections to Ring”
Page 4
(Install By Sections: Using 2-3 People)

Assemble mount , using the elevation tube to place mount in birdbath position. Be sure to tighten the
elevation tube and lock the mount with ratchet straps once in birdbath position. (See PHOTO D)
Step 1: Install the brace clips to all 8 back braces, using a 3/8” x 2” bolt, 3/8” nut and a 3/8” lock washer. Initially,
only tighten these ‘finger tight’. Next, install a ½” nut at the end of the back brace, threading it down
approximately 4 to 4 ½” down the threaded rod. (See FIGURE #7)
Step 2: Install the bent tabs to the 48” Ring. The bent tabs are a piece of steel bent in the middle, approximately 1
½” x 3" long with two holes (you will find these in the bolt bag). Fasten the bent tabs with ½” bolts, and a ½” nut.
(See FIGURE #8)
Step 3: Take the first panel(the panel that has the pilot hole) and install it to the ring of the mount finger tight. Be
sure to start with the pilot hole on the mount and on the antenna. Take the back brace that is ready and put the
threaded rod through the tab on the ring (see PHOTOS A & B). Take the other end of the rod with the clip and
attach the brace and clip to the lip of the antenna section (see PHOTO C).
Step 4: Insert ½” x 3” bolt (see FIGURE #10) for washers and rubber placement) from the antenna to the mount.
Have one person continue holding the panel in place while the second person attaches the back brace. (Remember
the threaded end of the back brace should already have the ½” nut on the threaded end about 4-4 ½” on the
threaded rod and the bent tab already installed on the ring, (see FIGURE #8). Insert the threaded rod of the back
brace into the bent tab and bolt brace clip on the edge of the antenna with ¼” x ¾” bolt, ¼” nut and ¼” lock
washer. Make sure everything is only ‘finger tight’.
Step 5: Pick up the second antenna panel and be sure the numbers line up(so “2” mates up to “2”, “3 to “, etc. and
bolt in place just like the first panel. (see FIGURE #9) Once secure you can begin bolting the two units together by
placing the 3/8” x 1” bolts and washer through the templates. Secure with washer, lock washer and nut and only
‘finger tight’. Continue for the remaining panels. Once all sections have been installed, securely tighten all of the
STEP 6: You will notice all 8 bolts in the face of the antenna have been installed from the antenna to the ring at this
point. You now remove every other bolt from the face of the antenna and replace them with a feed strut. (See
preparing the feed assembly on page 9)
Brace Clip


48” RING

1/2” x 1 1/2" Bolt

Back braces are measured by tube PHOTO C
length only.
Brace Tab



Match 2 with 2
1/2” x 3” Bolt

Page 5
Installation Photos:
Additional Help for Installing by Sections to the Ring

Template Rib

Splice Strap

Back Brace Brace Clip

Continue to page 5 for section by section installation

(Install By Sections: Using 2-3 People)

Assemble mount , using the elevation tube to place mount in birdbath position. Be sure to tighten the
elevation tube and lock the mount with ratchet straps once in birdbath position. (See PHOTO D)
Step 1: Install the brace clips to all 8 back braces, using a 3/8” x 2” bolt, 3/8” nut and a 3/8” lock washer. Initially,
only tighten these ‘finger tight’. Next, install a ½” nut at the end of the back brace, threading it down
approximately 4 to 4 ½” down the threaded rod. (See FIGURE #7)
Step 2: Install the bent tabs to the 48” Ring. The bent tabs are a piece of steel bent in the middle, approximately 1
½” x 3" long with two holes (you will find these in the bolt bag). Fasten the bent tabs with ½” bolts, and a ½” nut.
(See FIGURE #8)
Step 3: Take the first panel and install it to the ring of the mount finger tight. Be sure to find the pilot hole on the
mount and on the antenna. Take the back brace that is ready and put the threaded rod through the tab on the ring
(see PHOTOS A & B). Take the other end of the rod with the clip and attach the brace and clip to the lip of the
antenna section (see PHOTO C).
Step 4: Insert ½” x 3” bolt (see FIGURE #10) for washers and rubber placement) from the antenna to the mount.
Have one person continue holding the panel in place while the second person attaches the back brace. (Remember
the threaded end of the back brace should already have the ½” nut on the threaded end about 4-4 ½” on the
threaded rod and the bent tab already installed on the ring, (see FIGURE #8). Insert the threaded rod of the back
brace into the bent tab and bolt brace clip on the edge of the antenna with ¼” x ¾” bolt, ¼” nut and ¼” lock
washer. Make sure everything is only ‘finger tight’.
Step 5: Pick up the second antenna panel and be sure the numbers line up and bolt in place just like the first panel.
(see FIGURE #9) Once secure you can begin bolting the two units together by placing the ¼” x ¾” bolts through the
templates. Again, only ‘finger tight’. Continue for the remaining panels. Once all sections have been installed,
securely tighten all of the hardware.
STEP 6: You will notice all 8 bolts in the face of the antenna have been installed from the antenna to the ring at this
point. You now remove every other bolt from the face of the antenna and replace them with a feed strut. (See
preparing the feed assembly on page 9)
Brace Clip


48” RING

1/2” x 1 1/2" Bolt

Back braces are measured by tube PHOTO C
length only.
Brace Tab



Match 2 with 2
1/2” x 3” Bolt

Page 5
This section/page is for assembly of a 1pc solid antenna or a sectional
antenna assembled to install as a 1pc antenna.
The mount should be assembled and now it is time to install the antenna. We recommend two methods of
lifting the antenna onto the post.

The first option is using the Ground method.

Place the antenna face down and with a person under the antenna, you will place the ring on the antenna.
Put the bolt from under side up through the dish and ring tabs. Attach the 8 back braces, clips, and tabs on the ring
and tighten, but not too tight as we need to allow for flex. You can now lift this antenna and ring by a crane, forklift
or a boom truck. This insures that no pressure will be put on the antenna.

The second option is the Bird Bath method.

If you are going to use manpower, follow these instructions. First you must elevate the ring to about 60
degrees. Lock it in place. Now locate the 1/8” pilot holes on the ring and the antenna. One is located next to one
of the eight ½” holes in the dish and the other is located on one of the 8 blocks next to ½” holes on the mount. (See
FIGURE #11) (These pilot holes are only to locate the two 1/2” holes they will not line up from the mount to the
dish.) When you have located these two holes, use 4 -5 people and pick up the dish and set it into the ring making
MOUNT. Now slip in the 1/2” x 3” bolts, (leave out every other bolt when using a C, Ku, C/Ku, or S – band feed.) Do
not tighten these bolts more than just snug. Now put the dish in a very flat position (birdbath). Have the smallest
worker (installer) get into the dish and install the feed and hold the bolts while they are tightened. Install the bolts






Pilot hole is located on the 2 block from the
left of the weld on the ring.

Page 6
Assembling & Installing the Back Brace----
NOTE: 3.0m, 3.7m and 3.8m antenna systems have 15/16” galvanized round tube back braces.
4.2m and 4.5m have square tube back braces. Please refer to mechanical drawing specifications on
page 7A.

There are eight holes around the rear of the 48" ring to accept the braces. First install the bent tabs. (See
FIGURES #14 & #15) The bent tabs are a piece of steel bent in the middle, approximately 1 ½” x 3" long with two
holes; you will find these in the bolt bag. Fasten the bent tabs with ½” bolts to the 48" ring; thread one ½” nut
about 2/3 of the way down on the 1/2” rod end of the brace. Slip the rod end thru the tab and install another 1/2"
nut. Only tighten these finger tight. Go to the edge of the dish and place the two 1/4" x 3/4" bolts thru the dish
and into the end of the brace clip and tighten with 1/4" nuts. Fasten the end of the back brace to the brace clip
using 3/8” x 1 ½” bolt and 3/8” locknut. (Refer to Figure #5 on pg. 6) Repeat this on all eight braces on the 3.0m,
3.7m, 3.8m, 4.2m, and 4.5m antenna.

Set the dish in its position for the desired satellite and walk 30 feet away and sight the front surface of the dish. It
should be flat. If it is not, adjust any braces that may be holding pressure and try to make the front surface flat.
Try to do very little adjusting and try to release pressure to make flat. Stringing the antenna in four locations is
advised. String from back braces parallel to each other across the face of the antenna, making certain the strings
are taut. Adjust so that the strings just touch in the center. (See Page 12 for antenna fine tuning.)

The following is a list of the different back braces for the different size antennas. Check this
chart to be sure you have the right length braces. Listed is tube length only and does not include the bracket or
the bolt in this measurement. (Refer to FIGURE #13)

Dish Size Focal Length Tube Length

10' (3.0m) 36” f/l 37”
12' (3.7m) 57.6” f/l 50”
12’5” (3.8m) 57.6” f/l 53”
14' (4.2m) 57.6” f/l 62 1/2”
14’9” (4.5M) 57.6” f/l 68 1/2”




48” RING

2-1/2” x 2-1/2” TUBE


Page 7
PAGE 7A Tab for round back brace
3/8" Hole
3 7/8"
Tab for square back brace 3/8" 3/4" 1" 3/4"
1 1/2" 5/16"
1/8" 1/4"
3 7/8" 1/8"
3/4" 3/4" 3/4"
5/16" 1/8" 1/4" 3/8" Hole FLATTENED WITH DIE
15/16" o.d. ROUND TUBING BACK BRACE NEW 1/2" threaded rod

3/8" 37"= 3.0m 2" 6"

1 1/2" 50"=3.7m

2" 6" 2" 6"

37"=3.0m 45"=3.7m
50"=3.7m 47"=3.8m
60" MOUNT 53"=3.8m

2" 6"
45"=3.7m 3/8" HOLE
55 1/4"=4.2m 1/2" 2" 6"
62.5"= 4.5m
68.5"= 5m
3/8" HOLE

1/2" 2" 6"

Back Brace
Brace bracket

3/8" x 2" bolt/nut

P.O. BOX 239
PHONE (608) 326-8406


Edge of Antenna DRWN BY:


SCALE: REVISED: back brace new


Page 7A
Fine Tuning the Antenna-----------
To get the most gain from your antenna, take an extra hour to make the adjustments needed
and if possible use a Spectrum Analyzer. You will be able to see your increase or decrease
gain with each adjustment you make. To begin, string the antenna. You do this by simply
taking a string and tying it to one brace and running the string across the front of the antenna
to the other brace at 180 degrees, tying it so it is taut. Tie another string to a brace 90
degrees from the first brace and run it to the corresponding brace 180 degrees away. Be sure
you put the string on top or under the other string so they do not touch each other. You
should, when done, have four strings at 90 degrees and they should meet in the center of the
antenna. If the strings don't touch at the center, then you will have to do some adjusting with
the braces. BE SURE YOUR STRINGS ARE TAUT. Stand back about 30 feet and sight the
antenna to see where you must apply pressure with the braces or relieve the pressure from
another area. Go ahead and make small adjustments with the braces, each time checking
with the Spectrum Analyzer to see that you are increasing the gain of the antenna.

Elevation Fine Tuning-------------

The fine tune adjustment for the elevation of the AZ-EL Mount is very simple to operate.
First elevate the antenna to the satellite and lock the elevation rod down. Tighten the U-
bolt on the tube and loosen the bolts on the bracket that hold the tube. The tube now
can be moved up and down by loosening and tightening the nuts on either side of the
bracket. You can make very small adjustments with this bracket, thus optimizing your




Page 8
  New style collar C14F2018 transition will start April 16th, 2018 please refer to page 9A for setup. 

Preparing the C Band Feed Assembly C14F

If the feedhorn you have selected has an adjustable scalar ring, move it to the proper wave guide setting as per the manufacturer's instructions. Below
we have listed the focal lengths and focal length diameter ratios for our commercial antennas. Just find your antenna and you will have the
information to set the scalar properly. Special Note: More critical than setting the wave guide to the manufacturer's recommendations is to make sure
you are setting the feedhorn at the correct focal length of the antenna.

Antenna Size Focal Length Focal Distance

10' (3.0m) 36" f/l .3 f/d

11' (3.3m) 36" f/l .28 f/d Discontinued
12' (3.7m) 57.6" f/l .4 f/d
12’5” (3.8m) 57.6”f/l .378 f/d
12' 9" (3.9m) 57.6" f/l .375 f/d Discontinued
14' (4.2m) 57.6" f/l .34 f/d
14' 9" (4.5m) 57.6" f/l .33 f/d

NOTE: C14F Strut length includes bent end.

Your DH representative should have asked you what type feed you will be using. We need this information to be assured we are sending the proper
collar to attach your feed to our struts. A DH C14F is supplied as standard unless you have made a request for another style collar. Place the C14F
collar or collar supplied on the back of the feedhorn scaler ring. Turn the scaler plate on the feedhorn so that all three holes line up between the
slotted holes on the feed collar. Insert the 1/4" x 3/4" bolts through the scalar ring and then thru the collar; fasten with the 1/4" nuts. (Most C-band
and dual feeds have a 3-bolt pattern on the scalar ring as described above).

For heavy duty SEAVEY (C24HD) or heavy duty CHAPARRAL (C14FHD) feed assembly please refer to page 10 and page 11.

For CHAPARRAL type feeds, refer to Figure #10. Slip the feed strut into a tab on the collar and line up the two holes. Insert the 2 – 1/4” x 1 1/2”
bolts into the holes and tighten with the 1/4" nuts. Proceed with placing all four struts in every other hole, then check and measure the focal length
according to instructions and tighten down. Be sure your focal length is set correctly and you’re looking at the center of the dish. On a Chaparral style
feed the actual focal length should be 1/4” inside the waveguide for C-band and 1/8” for Ku band. Seavey recommends the focal length is measured
to front of the scalar ring.

1/4” x 1 1/2” Bolt


Figure # 10
1/4” Lock Washers & Nuts

1/2" x 3” Bolt
3/4” Feed Strut
1/2” Rubber Washer
  Antenna Surface
1/2” Steel Washer
1/2 “ Nut
C14F Collar 
For use of Chaparral Feeds C14F   Page 9 
Preparing the C Band Feed Assembly C14F2018
If the feedhorn you have selected has an adjustable scalar ring, move it to the proper wave guide setting as per the manufacturer's instructions. Below
we have listed the focal lengths and focal length diameter ratios for our commercial antennas. Just find your antenna and you will have the
information to set the scalar properly. Special Note: More critical than setting the wave guide to the manufacturer's recommendations is to make sure
you are setting the feedhorn at the correct focal length of the antenna.

Antenna Size Focal Length Focal Distance

10' (3.0m) 36" f/l .3 f/d

11' (3.3m) 36" f/l .28 f/d Discontinued
12' (3.7m) 57.6" f/l .4 f/d
12’5” (3.8m) 57.6”f/l .378 f/d
12' 9" (3.9m) 57.6" f/l .375 f/d Discontinued  
14' (4.2m) 57.6" f/l .34 f/d
14' 9" (4.5m) 57.6" f/l .33 f/d  

NOTE: C14F2018 Strut length includes bend in measurement. 

Your DH representative should have asked you what type feed you will be using. We need this information to be assured we are sending the proper
collar to attach your feed to our struts. A DH C14F2018 is supplied as standard unless you have made a request for another style collar. Place the
C14F2018 collar or collar supplied on the back of the feedhorn scaler ring. Turn the scaler plate off the feedhorn so that all three holes line up
between the slotted holes on the feed collar. Insert the 1/4" x 3/4" bolts through the scalar ring and then thru the collar; fasten with the 1/4" nuts.
(Most C-band and dual feeds have a 3-bolt pattern on the scalar ring as described above).

For heavy duty SEAVEY (C24HD) or heavy duty CHAPARRAL (C14FHD) feed assembly please refer to page 10 and page 11.

For CHAPARRAL type feeds, refer to Figure #10. Slip the feed strut into a tab on the collar and line up the two holes. Insert the 2 – 5/16” x 3/4”
bolts into the holes and tighten with the 5/16" nuts. Proceed with placing all four struts in every other hole, then check and measure the focal length
according to instructions and tighten down. Be sure your focal length is set correctly and you’re looking at the center of the dish. On a Chaparral style
feed the actual focal length should be 1/4” inside the waveguide for C-band and 1/8” for Ku band. Seavey recommends the focal length is measured
to front of the scalar ring.
5/16” x 3/4” Bolt

  Figure # 10
C14F2018 5/16” Lock Washers & Nuts

1/2" x 3” Bolt

3/4” Feed Strut

1/2” Rubber Washer
Antenna Surface
1/2” Steel Washer
  1/2” Nut

C14F2018  For use of Chaparral Feeds C14F2018   Page 9A

Heavy Duty Feed Strut________________________
We have developed a new feed strut and collar for the heavier 4 Port Seavey and Chaparral feed assemblies.  This 
utilizes the rectangular aluminum tube for the feed strut. Refer to the drawing on page 11 for the bolt 
placement of a C14FHD or C24HD. Each strut has 2 ‐ 5/16” x 2 ¼”bolts to attach to the feed collar. Attach one of 
the angle brackets (2" x 2") to the antenna with the ½” x 3” bolts. Notice that angle brackets have two holes. The 
top hole is for Seavey (C24HD) and Chaparral (C14FHD) type feeds. Bottom hole isn’t used for 48” rings.  Next, 
attach the base of the strut to the angle brackets with the 5/16 x 1 ½” bolts supplied. Align the feed to point 
directly at the center of the antenna. Measure the focal length to the front of the scalar rings. (Seavey 
recommends f/l is measured to front of scalar ring.) (Chaparral measures ¼” inside the wave guide.) 
Ku Band Feed Assembly-----------------------------
When using the Ku only feeds, you will be using the C14F or C14F2018 feed plate and tri‐collar. See Figure 13 and 
Figure 15 below. First, attach the flat tri‐collar to the feedhorn as follows: attach the first two pieces by using the 
8‐32 x 1" screws provided. Now slide the collar onto the feedhorn and add the third piece; tighten evenly. Attach 
the tri‐collar to the larger horseshoe collar by the 8‐32 x ¾” bolts and nuts; tighten down. You can adjust polarity 
by loosening these nuts and rotating the feed. Finish by assembling the struts to the feed collar as shown in 
Figure 14 for C14F feed plate and Figure 16 for C14F2018 feed plate. (Fig#14, Fig#16 shows a single Ku feed 
inserted in a collar) 
Figure #13  Figure #14 Figure #15 Figure #16

C14F with Ku tri-collar C14F with single Ku feed C14F2018 with Ku tri-collar C14F2018 with single Ku feed

NOTE: New Style Collar C14F2018 Transition Starts April 16th, 2018
Fine Tuning the Antenna--------------------------------
After the assembly is complete, we recommend you "string the antenna." Simply run a string from a back brace 
across the front of the antenna to the brace 180 degrees apart. Now do this with each brace. If the strings all 
meet in the middle and no pressure is on any of them, the antenna is perfect and no further work needs be done. 
If one of the strings is not close to the others, then step back and sight across the dish and see where you will 
have to push with the back braces. Only make small adjustments at a time and remember to start with all braces 
loose. After you are sure the antenna surface is flat, you should double check to see that the feedhorn is set at 
the proper distance, then check to see that it is pointed at the center of the antenna. In our years of setting up 
antennas, these three items seem to cover over 98% of all problems of picture quality (See also page 12). 

Page 10
Use the top 2 holes on this end Black Painted strip on this end
Notes when using a 48" mount ring w/HD Collar All Holes 11/32" dia.
This strut is used for 48" mount with: 3"
1 11/16"
1 15/16" 5/8"
HD Feed collar 7/8"

Black painted end goes toward the Antenna on 48" Mt 1"

Use the top 2 holes on the strut for the C14HD or C24HD 3/8"
11/32" Holes 11/32" Holes 3/8"

Bolt goes through the 1-1/2" wide side of the feed strut
1 1/2"

3.7m, 3.8m, 4.2m, 4.5m uses 58" x 1" x 1 1/2" Struts

3 meter uses 37 5/8" x 1" x 1 1/2" Struts

C14F-HD or C24HD COLLAR This bolt hole not used

5/16" x 2 1/4" Bolts

This bolt hole not used Feed Struts

5/16" x 1 1/2" Bolt Antenna

2" x 2" Angle Brackets

1/2" x 3" Bolt
P.O. BOX 239
PHONE (608) 326-8406
Top hole is for Chaparral type & Seavy type feed
Feed Assembly for 48" Ring: C14F-HD/C24HD
Bottom hole isn't used for 48" ring DRWG#:
SCALE: REVISED: C14HD feed for 48ring
NOT TO SCALE 7-12-19
To receive the optimum from your antenna, you must take time to fine tune the antenna. What are the antenna 
adjustments? They are: make the front surface flat, be sure the feed looks at the center of the dish, and set the proper 
focal length. You must also be pointed at the satellite and have the feedhorn skew properly adjusted. 

Many of the adjustments are done without any measurement of the signal, and in fact require no signal at all. 
The adjustment of making the front surface flat, adjusting the focal length, and aligning the feed will be done without 
signal. You will use the strings and the back braces to make the dish flat, a focal finder and measure tape to align the 
feedhorn to find center, and set the focal length using a measure tape to measure from dish to feedhorn. You will use a 
satellite tool to locate signal in further steps of fine tuning.  

We feel that you must use strings to assure the front of the dish is flat. The strings must be taut and run from 
brace to the opposite brace at 180 degrees. A dish with 8 braces needs four strings. Do all adjustments with the braces 
loose. The strings must touch at the center, if they do not, sight the dish from the side to see which braces should be 
slightly adjusted to make the front surface of the antenna perfectly flat. CAUTION: do not over tighten the 8 bolts that 
hold the dish to the ring as they can distort the dish. 

The easiest way to assure yourself that the feedhorn is looking directly at the center of the antenna is to use a 
Focal Finder (SEE PHOTO “A” BELOW) or to make a tool to assist in finding the center of the antenna. You can if no focal 
finder is available, cut a 1” X 4” board to the length of the antenna’s focal length. Held vertically against the feed it 
should point at the center of the antenna, this will be true at the horizontal plane as well. 

DH recommends using an AI Turbo S2 made by Applied Instruments or another tool such as a spectrum analyzer 
to locate your satellite signal in order to complete the following steps:  

Setting the Azimuth: To set the azimuth of the system you will use the base can and a tool to locate and 
measure signal. Find a satellite signal using the AI Turbo S2 or another satellite tool that will show signal spiking. Any 
signal strength will work. This is your reference point. Now you will go from bad signal to bad signal. From this reference 
point you will move the antenna left of the reference point to see if the signal gets better or worse and right of the 
reference point to see if this makes it better or worse. When you see the location of the base can for the best signal, you 
will tighten down the set screws on the base can. (Special Note: It is best to make a mark on the pole and base can to 
reference your starting point before making any moves with the base can.  Re‐mark your base can and pole so that 
you now know the location that is allowing the strongest satellite signal.) 

Setting the Elevation The fine tune adjustment for the elevation of the AZ‐EL Mount is very simple to operate. 
First elevate the antenna to the satellite and lock the elevation rod down. Tighten the U‐bolt on the tube and loosen the 
bolts on the bracket that hold the tube. The tube now can be moved up and down by loosening and tightening the nuts 
on either side of the bracket. You can make very small adjustments with this bracket, thus optimizing your signal. 

Skewing the feedhorn: You will rotate the feedhorn; again going from left or right of the marked reference 
location for your feedhorn, to find your strongest signal.  Once you find your strongest signal tighten down into place. 

Keep in mind when you are making these last “Additional Fine Tuning Techniques” very small moves will be 
needed to make the best improvements in signal strength. 

PHOTO A  AI Turbo S2 Made By Applied 
Focal Finder to Locate  Instruments 
Center of Antenna 
Page 12
C14F feed Assembly Feedhorn to Collar & LNB Ku4FL: 3PC Heavy Duty Feed Struts
1- Set of 4 Struts 3-1/4” x 3/4" Bolts ADD TO C14F C14F or C24
1- Collar (C, Ku) 3-1/4" Lock Washers 3- Section to 3pc collar 1- Set of 4 Struts
8- 1/4” x 1 1/2” Bolts 3-1/4" Nuts 3- 8-32 x 1” Bolts 1- Collar (C, Ku)
8- 1/4” Lock Washers & Nuts 12 - 5/16” Lock Washers & Nuts
(LNB to Feed) 3pc Collar to Horseshoe 4- 2' x 2' Angle Brackets
*New Style Collar C14F2018 20-1/4” x 3/4" Bolts 3- 8-32 x ¾” Bolts 4- 5/16” x 1 ½” Bolts
*C14F2018 th
transition Starts April 16 , 2018 20-1/4" Nuts 3- #8 Fender Washers 8- 5/16” x 2 ¼” Bolts
Feed Assembly 20-1/4” Lock Washers 3- 8-32 Nuts
1- Set of 4 Struts
1- Collar (C, Ku)
8- 5/16” x 3/4” Bolts
8- 5/16” Lock Washers & Nuts
Elevation Assembly
1- Elevation Clamp
1- Elevation Tube (36” Long)
Base Can to Mount
2- 3/4” x 2-1/2” Bolts
2- 3/4” x 4-1/2” Bolts
2- 3/4” Nuts
2- 3/4” Nuts
2- 3/4” Lock Washers
2- 3/4” Flat Washers
2- 3/4” Lock Washers

Antenna to Ring
(8 Block) Fine Tuning Kit
8- ½” x 3” Bolts 1- 5/16" x 2 U-bolt
8- ½” Flat Washers 2- 5/16" Lock Washers & Nuts
16- ½” Rubber Washers 1- 3” x 2” x 2” Elev. Angle
8- ½” Lock Washers
1- 5/8" x 8" Eye Bolt
8- ½” Nuts 2- 5/8" Nuts
Back Braces 1- 1/2" x 1 1/2" Bolt
1-1/2" Nut
8- Back Braces
1- 1/2" Lock Washer
8- Brace Clips
8- Bent Tabs
8- ½” x 1 ½” Bolts
24- ½” Nuts
8- ½” Lock Washers
3.0m- 37” Long SEE TABLES BELOW
8- 3/8” x 2” Bolts
3.7m- 50” Long
8- 3/8” Nuts Template Rib Hardware: Sectional
3.8m- 53” Long
8- 3/8” Lock Washers Antenna Size 3/8” x 1” Bolts 3/8” Lock Washers 3/8” Nuts 3/8” Washer
4.2m- 62 1/2” Long
16- ¼” x ¾” Bolts 3.0M 24 24 24 48
4.5m- 68 1/2” Long
16- ¼” Nuts
3.7M 28 28 28 56
16- ¼” Lock Washers
3.8M 28 28 28 56
4.2M 64 64 64 128
4.5M 72 72 72 144
*Highly Recommended On Systems With Galvanized Back Braces*
Please use a rubberized spray or silicon sealant to coat the threaded
rods on the end of back braces to help prevent corrosion. When Splice Straps: Sectional
doing annual maintenance on your antenna system please make sure Antenna Size Splice Straps ¼” x ¾” Bolts ¼” Lock Washers ¼” Nuts
to check as it may need to be reapplied. 3.0M 4 8 8 8
3.7M 4 8 8 8
NOTE: 3.0m, 3.7m and 3.8m antenna systems have 15/16” 3.8M 4 8 8 8
galvanized round tube back braces. 4.2m and 4.5m have 4.2M 8 16 16 16
square tube back braces. 4.5M 8 16 16 16

If you have upgraded to an 8PC 3.7M sectional antenna please refer to the tables below
for additional hardware needed.
¾” Set Screws
Template Rib Hardware: Sectional
Antenna Size 3/8” x 1” Bolts 3/8” Lock Washers 3/8” Nuts 3/8” Washer
3.7M 56 56 56 112

Splice Straps: Sectional

Antenna Size Splice Straps ¼” x ¾” Bolts ¼” Lock Washers ¼” Nuts
3.7M 8 16 16 16
Stainless Steel or DURA-CON® hardware provided.
*DURA-CON® is a corrosion resistant coating.
DURA-CON®: Problem of thread-galling is eliminated. Page 13
You have obtained one of the best antennas on the market today! We hope
that you will be happy with your new DH Antenna.

To better acquaint you with our system, we ask that you read the instruction
manual and verify that all of the equipment has been supplied in your
shipment. Please check the hardware as well as the parts list and compare to
what you have received. It is our policy to make every effort to assure you
that you have received all parts necessary to make this a pleasant experience.

While checking over your parts it is possible to find that you are missing
pieces that are necessary to complete the installation. You will find below
our shipping policy and charges if any.
Notify Factory within 5 days ARO (Delivery): Red / no charge
Notify Factory 5 to 30 days ARO: Regular / no charge
Notify Factory 31 days ARO: Your cost for parts and shipping.
Please note we are only able to ship out from our location if notified by 12:00 PM CST.
Calls received after this time will ship the following business day.
International shipping will need to be discussed prior to shipping.

Call us M-F 7:00 am to 4 pm 1-608-326-8406

In the event that you need touch up paint for your antenna or mount, these colors from any
Sherwin Williams store are the best match to our colors.(Due to shipping restrictions, we
are not able to ship paint).
Antenna color: Sherwin Williams Custom Beige product number 0110339-001
Black Mount color: Sherwin Williams Black 6509-00780

PHONE: 1 (608) 326-8406

FAX: 1 (608) 326-4233
EMAIL: dhsat@mhtc.net

Please make notes below to help in future years with replacement needs.
Size of antenna: ___________________ Date: _________________________
Feedhorn make: ___________________ Model: ________________________
LNB Make: _______________________ Model: ________________________

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