UNDEF Projects

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Asian Young Leaders in Governance

This project proposes to build upon the UNDP pilot initiative for the cultivation of young governance
leaders from the Asia-Pacific Region. The success of the 2005 initiative, resulted in an increased demand
from countries of the region to organize national roll-outs and to customize training that would imbue
young leaders with special skills; deepening their role in supporting good governance and strengthening
country capacities to maintain momentum for democratic change.

Democracy Builders: Youth Capacities for Active Citizenship

The project aims at developing youth capacities for active and democratic citizenship, pro-social identity
building and personal fulfilment. It articulates the efforts of the Ministry of Public Education (MEP), FOD,
the Electoral Tribunal, UNICEF and UNDP and addresses the design and validation of an educational
proposal oriented to enrich the civic education curriculum and the student government activities, with an
innovative pedagogical approach based on experiential learning.

National Campaign for Interethnic Dialogue: Our Diversity is Our Stre

CIRMA requests support to launch a final five-year effort of the National Campaign for Inter-ethnic
Dialogue: Our Diversity is Our Strength!” to directly engage over 20% of Guatemala’s students in an
intensive learning opportunity concerning entrenched racism against indigenous people (50% of the
population) through an innovative and proven interactive exposition and dialogue process for all
Guatemalan students.

Empowering civil society by training women leaders in policy advocacy

The objective of this project is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations, impacting public
policies in Bolivia, Peru and Chile by training women social leaders on ways to use public information to
improve policy. The training courses for leaders of civil society organizations will focus on leadership,
social management skills, monitoring and policy advocacy; consequently improving their capacity to
become effective leaders in society, by focusing on strategies promoting social inclusion.

Deepening Democracy: Women's Participation in Politics and Peace

This project will enable women in Nepal to be more involved in the democratization and peace processes
of the country, through the strengthening of their capacity relevant to the legal and policy-making
mechanisms, in light of a constitutional reform. Moreover, this project will provide women with the
capabilities and skills to lobby for women's role in peace processes, governance reforns and participation
in politics.


Youth Monitor aims at enhancing the leadership skills of young Palestinians, to act as observers on a
legislative and executive level. Young people will be trained and educated on the democratic processes
and practices, as the project seeks to disseminate information and enable youth engagement through
awareness-raising workshops and media platforms (newspaper, TV program, special website, etc…).

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