18CS71 AI - ML Question Bank Mod 5 1
18CS71 AI - ML Question Bank Mod 5 1
18CS71 AI - ML Question Bank Mod 5 1
Instance-Base Learning
Q. Question COs CL Marks
1. What is instance-based learning? Explain K-nearest Neighbour learning CO5 L2 8M
Algorithm. (July 2019) (Jan 2019) (Jan 2020) (Sept 2020) (Feb 2021)
2. CO5 L2 8M
Explain Locally Weighted Linear Regression. (July 2019) (Jan 2019) (Jan 2020)
(Feb 2021)
3. CO5 L4 5M
What is Reinforcement Learning and explain Reinforcement learning problem
differs from other function approximation tasks. (July 2019) (Jan 2019) (Jan
2020) (Feb 2021)
4. Write Q-learning algorithm. (July 2019) (Jan 2019) (Jan 2020) (Feb 2021) CO5 L1 3M
5. Explain Case Based Reasoning with example. (Sept 2020) (Feb 2021) CO5 L2 6M
6. Write short note on CO5 L2 15M
i)Q-Learning ii) Radial Basis Function iii) Locally weighted regression. (Sept
7. Explain Radial basis functions. (Feb 2021) CO5 L2 8M