Gcse (9-1) Music: Student Exemplars

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GCSE (9-1)


Student exemplars
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9 - 1) in Music (1MU0)
First teaching from September 2016
First certification from 2018 Issue 1
Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper


About this exemplar pack ............................................................................ 2

EXEMPLAR RESPONSES .............................................................................. 3

Levels based mark scheme for GCSE Music Appraising paper, Question 9 ........ 40

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

About this exemplar pack

This pack has been produced to support Music teachers delivering the new GCSE
Music specification (first teaching September 2016; first assessment summer

The pack contains exemplar student responses to the GCSE Music Appraising
paper. It shows real student responses to the questions taken from the sample
assessment materials. Please see the example course planners for more support
on delivering the course content.

These questions address two Assessment Objects: AO3 and AO4.

AO3 – Demonstrate and apply musical knowledge

AO4 - Use appraising skills to make evaluative and critical judgements about

The examples in the pack show responses to the GCSE questions, in which
candidates will have listened to extracts from the set works.

Following each answer you will find examiner comments on how the marks have
been awarded, and any ways in which the response might have been improved.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper


Question 1

Star Wars

Two marks awarded for correct answers selected.

Only one mark awarded for one stated purpose - the fanfare is 'important' which equals
‘celebration’ from the mark scheme.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

No mark awarded as 'to create excitement' is too vague.

Two marks awarded as two correct answers given: 'to introduce' and 'grab your attention'
(as per 'attention-grabbing', in the mark scheme)

Two marks awarded as two correct answers given: 'introduces' and 'dramatically'
(as per 'attention-grabbing', in the mark scheme)

Only one mark awarded because only one correct answer given.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Mark awarded because 'hope' equals 'optimistic' in the mark scheme.

Mark awarded because 'triumphant' equals 'ceremonial' in the mark scheme.

Mark awarded because 'uplifting' equals 'optimistic' in the mark scheme.

Mark awarded because 'major key' equals 'major' in the mark scheme.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

No mark awarded because no appropriate musical vocabulary is used.

No marks awarded as neither answer corresponds to the mark scheme.

One mark awarded because 'consistent' equals 'steady pulse' from the mark scheme.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

No marks awarded as neither answer corresponds to the mark scheme.

While trumpets is given in the answer, the mark scheme requires 'brass' to be awarded a
mark. However two marks are awarded as 'steady crotchet' equals 'steady pulse' from the
mark scheme and 'percussion' is correct.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

While three valid points are made, there are only two marks available for this question, so
two marks are awarded for the 'brass' and 'percussion' answers.

While four valid points are made, there are only two marks available for this question, so two
marks are awarded.

No marks are awarded because the student has repeated the words from the question which
are not valid answers.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Two marks are awarded for two correct answers which use correct musical vocabulary.

While the dynamics answer is incorrect, there are two valid answers for tempo, so two marks
are awarded.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Two marks are awarded for two correct answers.

Two marks are awarded for two correct answers.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Question 2

Brandenburg Concerto No. 5

One mark awarded for selecting the correct answer.

No marks awarded because the answer is too vague and does not use any musical

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Two marks awarded for naming the two correct instruments.

Only one mark awarded for naming one correct instrument.

Two marks awarded for naming the two correct instruments.

One marked awarded for stating the significance is due to it providing the 'bass'.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Three marks awarded for giving three correct reasons for the harpsichord's significance.

Despite three reasons being given none is correct so no marks are awarded.

Three marks are awarded for three correct answers, including 'fills in the harmony' which
equals 'completes harmony' in the mark scheme.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

One mark is awarded for just one correct answer: the harmony is more complete' which
equals 'completes harmony' in the mark scheme.

Only one mark awarded for selecting one correct answer.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Question 3

Killer Queen

One mark awarded for stating correct answer.

No mark awarded as an incorrect feature of rhythm is identified and no reason is given for
how this creates the mood of the music.

One mark awarding for correctly identifying a feature of rhythm (‘swinging’ which equals
‘shuffle/swing’ in the mark scheme) but second mark as no reason given for how this creates
the mood of the music.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

No mark awarded as incorrect answer given.

Two marks awarded as correct feature of music identified and valid explanation given as to
how it creates the mood of the music.

One mark awarded for selecting correct answer.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Three marks awarded for giving three correct reasons, which the examiner has interpreted
as correctly matching the mark scheme.

Three marks awarded for giving three correct reasons.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Three marks awarded for giving three correct reasons.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Question 4

Defying Gravity

No marks awarded as incorrect answers given which are not related to the melody and

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

No differences stated so no marks awarded.

Three valid points made for similarities but there are only two marks available, so both

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Two marks awarded for two valid points given.

Two marks awarded as two correct answers selected.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

One mark awarded for correctly stating piano.

No mark awarded for guitar as this is too vague.

One mark awarded for correctly stating piano.

No mark for bass guitar as electric guitar is the correct answer

One mark awarded for giving correct answer, ‘perfect fifth’

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Question 5

Samba Em Preludio

One mark awarded for selecting the correct answer.

Two of three marks awarded for stating two correct performance techniques.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Three marks awarded for stating three correct performance techniques.

Two marks awarded for stating two correct musical reasons.

Two marks awarded for stating two correct musical reasons.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

While three correct musical reasons are given, only two marks are awarded as this is the
maximum possible.

Only one mark awarded as one valid reason given (‘sounds similar to the form of a prelude’)
but no justification or other reason and justification are given.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Two marks awarded as a valid reason and justification have been stated which correspond
with the mark scheme.

One mark awarded for the given justification, but no marks awarded for no musical reason.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Question 6

Sonata in C minor

Three marks awarded for three correct answers (two for left hand and one for right hand

Two marks awarded for stating two correct answers.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Two marks awarded for stating two correct answers.

One mark awarded for giving correct answer.

One mark awarded for giving correct answer.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

No marks awarded as incorrect answers given.

Two marks awarded for stating how drama is achieved and its justification.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

One mark awarded for stating one correct way drama is achieved, but no justification marks
are present.

Two marks awarded for giving two correct ways drama is achieved, but no marks awarded
as no justifications are giving.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

One mark for wide range of melodies, but no mark awarded for ‘dramatic harmonies’ as it is
too vague.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Question 7


Six marks awarded for correct answer.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Six marks awarded for correct answer.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Question 8

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Two marks awarded for two correct points made, one for choice of instruments and one for

Two marks awarded for two correct points made, one for choice of instruments and one for

One mark awarded for one correct point made, related to melody.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

No marks awarded due to incorrect observations made.

No marks awarded due to incorrect observations made and not enough detail.

Two marks awarded for giving two correct answers.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Two marks awarded for giving two correct answers.

Only one mark awarded for correct cadence. Incorrect key given so no mark.

One mark awarded for giving correct answer.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

One mark awarded for giving correct answer.

One mark awarded for ‘everyone plays together’ which corresponds to ‘all of the instruments
are playing at the same time’ in the mark scheme.

Two marks awarded for two correct answers given – ‘all the instruments are heard together’
and ‘very short note values at the end’.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

One mark awarded for correct answer given.

One mark awarded for correct answer given.

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Levels based mark scheme for GCSE Music Appraising

paper, Question 9

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Question 9

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Some attempts at conclusions but not comparing/contrasting

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

Student exemplar responses
GCSE Music Appraising paper

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