Coping Mechanisms of The Senior High School Students During COVID-19 Pandemic
Coping Mechanisms of The Senior High School Students During COVID-19 Pandemic
Coping Mechanisms of The Senior High School Students During COVID-19 Pandemic
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 5 Issue 4, April - 2021, Pages: 198-205
1. INTRODUCTION COVID-19 pandemic has been apparent since its onset. Its
The pandemic of COVID-19, which started in appearance and dissemination cause a great deal of fear
December 2019, seriously affected the functioning of private among people, contributing to increased levels of anxiety
basic education institutions in the country and around the [6]. Coping skills are influences that affect how an individual
world. It became a worldwide health epidemic in which, responds to a challenge and how effective they are [7]. When
regardless of age, gender and social status, everybody was a person feels in control of a difficult situation, he or she is
literally affected. The world stopped, and when all more likely to react confidently to it [8]. Stress coping skills
corporations wound down operations, the economy crashed. are described as "the ability to apply techniques that mitigate
Community lockdown and quarantine led teachers to work and control the stress response."[9]. There are numerous
from home and students research from home through digital coping styles, and the two primary coping strategies
distance education. [1]. Other institutions trimmed their addressed are problem- focused coping and emotion-focused
classes short of what they planned, causing further coping [10].
employment institutions to be severely disrupted. The The researchers determined what challenges come
opening of cases for the next academic year was postponed to students’ mind and how it affected in their academic
and schools were given more time to plan continuity plans achievement of senior high school student private school in
and handle alternative modalities of learning. Marilao, Bulacan. The data and evidences were gathered
The teaching and learning that occurs through survey questions, and purposive sampling method.
predominantly within the classroom is most vulnerable.
Globally, several schools have now replaced conventional 2. RELATED WORKS
classroom systems with imaginative flexible learning
methods as these are found to maximize the learning Coping is described because the mind and
outcomes of students. [2]. The educational system of the behaviors mobilized to manipulate the inner and outside
Philippines faces challenges related to learning delivery traumatic situations. [14]. It is a time period used
modalities, especially in primary education. [3]. At a rather distinctively for aware and voluntary mobilization of
short notice, the transition to online learning was too sudden, acts, specific from 'protection mechanisms' which can be
but academic institutions have to strategize and accelerate unconscious or subconscious adaptive responses, each
new ways of pedagogy teaching. of which intention to lessen or tolerate stress. [15].
In the Philippines, the sudden change to online
When people are subjected to a stressor, the various
learning created a hot debate, citing the poor living
approaches of coping with it are termed 'coping styles,'
conditions of the learners. [4]. It mentions an apparent
difference between those who can and can’t afford the which can be a fixed of surprisingly solid tendencies
money to make use of the latest platform for education. At that determine the individual's behavior in reaction to
this point, reopening the schools is very costly. [5]. stress. These are regular through the years and
The psychological and emotional effect of the throughout situations. [16]. Many of the coping
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
mechanisms show beneficial in sure situations. Some result, we are vulnerable to becoming tense and nervous
research recommended that a problem-centered method [20].
may be the maximum beneficial; different research, Coping has been identified as a critical factor in the
have regular information that a few coping mechanisms mechanism of eliminating, mitigating, or tolerating
are related to worse outcomes. [17]. Maladaptive coping stress and avoiding psychological distress [21]. Coping
refers to coping mechanisms which are related to is characterized as cognitive and emotional attempts to
terrible intellectual fitness consequences and higher cope with the situation's internal or external demands. It
ranges of psychopathology symptoms. These encompass is viewed as a mechanism rather than an attribute or
disengagement, avoidance, and emotional suppression. consequence. A minority of students find the task too
[18]. difficult, and as a result, they leave their programs of
study Some students use constructive stress control
Coping Mechanism among students the current techniques such as finding social reinforcement or
study aimed to provide insight into their emotional engaging in recreational activity, while others use
adjustment and coping mechanism. Over a period of maladaptive stress management strategies such as
time, coping mechanisms among students has increased escape/avoidance. Other weak coping mechanisms
drastically due to parental expectation and competitive include avoiding the issue, failing to get support from
environment among students. This has resulted in others, and seeking escapism through drug use. As a
having harmful effect to the individual, parents, society consequence, some students, especially young people,
and nation. Competition among students leading them to consider self-harm and suicide [22]
mental health issues like depression, anxiety and A research on coping mechanisms used by distant
suicide. These facts require immediate attention; hence, students showed that students use a range of coping
awareness among students, parents and teachers should strategies, including finding social help and making
be created so that preventive measures can be taken to improvements to enhance the difficult situation. They
create a friendly and, healthy environment. In order to can also use escapism through drug abuse, comfort food,
overcome such issue the counselors and health or attempting to avoid difficult situations. There has
professionals must take initiative to create awareness been no research on the methods used by teacher
among the parents and teachers about their role in education students to deal with depression during their
fostering a healthy environment. Thus, to save youth educational programs. Finding help and participating in
from such vulnerable behaviors they should be directed recreational activity are two of the positive coping
towards creative and constructive activities to enhance mechanism. However, disruptive coping mechanisms,
their capabilities, interests, aptitudes and encourage such as venting frustrations on children, have been
them to achieve their goals.[19] documented, especially among married distance
Among the factors that could be weakened by learning students [23].
coping mechanism, attention has been paid to Another research on the coping mechanisms used
expectations of self- efficacy, which are considered one by distance learning students revealed four coping
of the most important determinants for student mechanisms: planful problem solving, taking
engagement, persistence, and academic success. From a accountability, finding social help, and confrontive
proactive perspective, research on academic stress has coping. Coping strategies are methods for dealing with
emphasized the importance of coping strategies in traumatic and difficult situations. Coping was clinically
preventing harmful consequences. In recent years, there characterized by Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman as
has been a growing interest in discovering the extent to the amount of continuously evolving cognitive and
which individuals are able to combine different coping behavioral efforts aimed at dealing with specific
strategies and the adaptive consequences. demands, whether internal or external, that are perceived
Planful problem solving, finding social as challenging [24].
reinforcement, confrontive coping, distancing, self- Students encounter tension when they are
control, escape- avoidance, taking accountability, and attempting to cope with the pressures of transitioning to
constructive reappraisal are among the eight styles of a new living setting, new friends, academic pressure,
coping mechanisms listed by Lazarus and his and sexual issues. These conditions can leave them with
colleagues. These eight 8 coping strategies were further shaking hands, strained limbs, migraine, headache, and a
subdivided into active coping strategies and passive number of other stress- related symptoms, or they can
coping strategies. Coping skills increase class limit the student to ineffectiveness [25].
attendance, engagement, perseverance even when faced Students who attain high academic achievement are
with losses or loss in general, and arm them with a more likely to experience difficulty as a result of the
better, more robust self, which can lead to a much more academic standards that they must meet. Furthermore,
productive learning experience. We are complex those students demonstrated a variety of stress coping
creatures living complex lives, and we are not all mechanisms to relieve their stress [26]. Coping entails
capable of coping with the challenges that we face. As a controlling one's engagement reactions in order to alter
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
the cause of tension or one's emotional reaction [27]. under the new normal?
Coping, is an attempt to handle particular external and 3.What are the difficulties/challenges you
internal tension demands [28]. Coping is characterized encountered under the new normal as a student?
as a deliberate, voluntary mechanism that involves 4.How do the respondents cope up in those
attempts to control feelings and perceptions, regulate difficulties/challenges that they encountered as a
behavior and physical arousal, and act on the student?
atmosphere to mitigate a stressor [29]. 4. METHODOLOGY
Explored the contrast between positive and poor The research method for this study was a
coping strategies. According to research, healthy coping qualitative phenomenological approach. This approach
styles include exercising or the use of a strategic task focuses on explaining people's living situations. The goal
such as finding the bright side of a problem. The same of phenomenology is to describe the meaning of this
study, poor coping strategies involve students who experience both in terms of what was experienced and how
blamed themselves or engaged in unhealthy habits such it was experienced. [40]. Instead of analyzing it, the
as drug misuse or ignoring others [30]. On the other researchers explained the data obtained. There are five
hand, described avoidance coping as a form of emotion- levels or phases in the clarification phase referred to: (1)
focused technique. This technique is used by more bracketing and phenomenological elimination, (2)
anxious teens and consists of cognitive efforts to deny or delineating meaning units, (3) clustering meaning units to
diminish the source of stress. According to study, the shape themes, (4) summarizing each interview, and (5)
themes that fall under this approach mostly centered on collecting common and special themes from all the
denial and evasion or mental disengagement as a interviews and assembling a composite overview in the
measurement of stress coping [31]. It provided teenagers form of a grounded theoretical structure.
with a therapeutic break by encouraging them to The researchers used interviews and observation
withdraw from a traumatic environment by wishful data gathering. This is to get the information requirements
thinking, denial, self-distraction, or mental for this study. The researchers interviewed the respondents.
disengagement [32]. Coping behaviors may also be built The investigators also sent a letter of request to the
in the light of life skills and instruction offered in a participants. This letter shows that they agree with the
school environment, stressed the importance of assisting interview.
youth in seeking social resources and communicating The respondents of the study comprised senior
effectively [33]. high school students in Barcelona academy of- Marilao,
Teens must learn how to deal with difficult Bulacan, Philippines. We used purposive sampling method
situations. According to study, there are both to select the respondents of the study. Purposive sampling
constructive and negative approaches to coping [34]. is a convenience sampling method. This method is applied
Communication and finding assistance from others, as when it is difficult to access subjects with the target
well as problem solving, taking action, and seeking help characteristics. In this method, the existing study subjects
[35]. Two emotion-focused coping behaviors recur: recruit future subjects among their acquaintances.
introducing emotional reinforcement and reducing stress Sampling continues until data saturation. [41].
by limiting tension. Emotionally based coping elicits We used researcher-made interview questions to
both positive and negative reactions. Bad coping habits compile the information for this study. These questions
included emotional reactions [36] and venting [37], describe the issues and problems in implementing the new
while constructive coping behaviors included getting normal. This was for them to be informed of the topic at
support from friends implementing humor [38]. hand and to give them the readiness to tell their lived
More recent report in 2011 that linked approach experiences as students this new normal. The questions of
coping behavior as a problem-focused behavior that the guide acted as prompts to get the respondents'
school children should use to combat the rise in bullying perspectives on the topics.
in classrooms that impacts students' academic The researchers utilized thematic coding analyzing
achievements [39]. data. Normally, different people can refer to the same
question in different ways, using terms or phrases that don't
3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM match but are always thoughtfully related. The open codes,
created from a first pass through the data that focuses on
The main goal of the study was to determine the identifying, labeling, and classifying, may be combined
coping mechanism of the Senior High School students. into a single overall concept. Qualitative data processing
Specifically, the researchers sought answers to the employs a wide range of coding types, including those
following questions. related to meaning, situation, viewpoints, points of view,
measures, methodologies, and relations, among others,
1.What is it like being a student under the new whether in the field making findings or performing
normal? interviews.
2.What are the disadvantages as a student studying
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
The guide questions were: B. Disadvantages Studying under the New Normal
1.What is it like for you as a student under the new B.1 Procrastination
2.What are the disadvantages as a student studying under The disadvantages encountered of a student
the new normal? studying under the new normal is procrastination.
3. What are the difficulties/challenges you encountered Student 1 stated that, "Procrastination is a big problem,
under the new normal as a student? especially while working in the comfort of your own
4. How do you cope up in those difficulties/challenges home. There are many tempting things to do that may
you encountered as a student? hinder your workflow which cause deadlines to be
missed such as the availability of sleep. This may result
in other problems like lack of sleep due to one trying to
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS catch up to deadlines, causing missed classes, and many
more.” Some also experienced distractions they can’t
A. Student under the New Normal focus because they are inside of their home and are
distracted, poor time management and tardiness.
A.1 Struggle in the New Normal Setting However, most students struggle with issues such as
task aversion and uncertainty. As a result, students begin
The answer of the participants revolves around to procrastinate their activities, unable to organize their
the fact that senior high school students under the new duties according to their priorities, causing them to
normal are feeling hard to adjust in the current set-up. In become easily distracted. It is one of the most difficult
fact, student 2 indicated that “Online class in these days skills to master and it is one of the keys to higher
take a lot of time to adjust and to adapt to the new academic achievements [44].
normal”. In addition, that student also indicated that,
“As a student, it is hard at first because I'm not used to B.2 New Normal Learning Struggles
this, I also had a hard time adjusting and adapting to this
situation but as time pass by, I learned to adjust and I Some participants stated that it doesn't equalize
got used to it.” Also, some of the participants face some the quality of learnings we gain in a face-to-face setting.
struggle because they feel drained and exhausted which Some also stated that they have more demanding works
were indicated by student 3 and student 4. The than face to face classes. Many instructors and students
procedures which were commonly utilized in face-to- who prefer in- person instruction have found the abrupt
face classes are not appropriate in distance learning. transition to fully adopt online learning to be especially
Fear comes along as instructors grasp innovation. They stressful. Online learning is frequently portrayed as a
are given a sense of duty to adjust and investigate such weaker option that provides a lower-quality education
things so they can coordinate it into their instructional than face-to-face learning (Hodges et al. 2020). Clearly,
method and still perform proficient capacities [42]. despite the fact that online learning has been around for
many decades, some faculty members and students do
A.2 First Occurrence not see the value of fully online learning. Many
instructors have to come up with quick online learning
Most answer of the participants stated that they solutions during the current health crisis [45].
don’t have an experience on this distance learning and
they also don’t have experience on home schooling. So, C. Difficulties/Challenges Encountered under the
this is their first-time taking classes at home that is New Normal
supported by student 1. Technology is used to support
online distance learning. Participants are constantly C.1 Unstable Internet Connection
becoming acquainted with various online learning
platforms. Participants decide to attend webinar Most answers of the participants are difficulties
sessions, watch video tutorials, and are mentored by on their internet connection. The participants mentioned
peers in order to equip themselves with the new normal that unstable and slow internet connection impede their
education. This enables them to broaden their class works as one student stated that challenges that he
knowledge and develop useful skills as they create encountered is when the internet connection is to slow
instructional materials. This also enables them to that he thought he can't attend to his class because of the
broaden their knowledge and develop useful skills as internet. Another student said that he is also having a
they create instructional plans. Teachers play an hard time with the internet connection. Especially when
important role in improving educational quality; thus, he had to attend zoom meetings and some time he
teacher's capacity building must be a top priority [43]. cannot study properly because he can't understand what
his teacher is saying because of the poor internet
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1
connection. Another student said that the stability of Students can also cope with remote learning by
internet connection and load of school works are the renting instructional materials. Since activities
difficulties they encounter as new normal learners. necessitate the use of laptops or tablets, a typical coping
Steady and fast internet connection supports the mechanism is to seek assistance from family and other.
directions, conveyance in online distance learning. Even Another coping mechanism is to get help from friends.
so, as of early this year, the Philippines' fixed average Students who face depression when participating in a
speed is just 26.18 Mbps, ranking the country 114th in remote learning program often seek social reinforcement
the world for mobile speeds and 108th for fixed from their peers. relatives who can provide urgent
broadband speeds [46]. assistance [50] [51]. When it comes to doing lesson
activities, students cope with it by exercising time
C.2 Mental State control, performing learning assignments ahead of time,
Some participants are experiencing academic
anxiety, burnouts, frustration, thinking of dropping out expanding the time for learning tasks. All three coping
of school because of the situation right now. They also mechanisms are linked since time control frees up time
feel stress because of the activities that their professor for other activities.
gives immediately. They also stated that learning is Meanwhile, students who begin remote learning are
frustrating whenever there’s something they cannot more likely to be concerned about increased teacher
comprehend. They get exhausted and drained easily. standards. However, they are able to cope with the
They experienced a lot of breakdowns and burnouts. pressure by balancing themselves. These students may
Worse, they kind of developed social anxiety. have developed an identity management culture.
Educational institutions, being the students’ primary Similarly, the students cope by praying and weeping.
environment during their formal educational years, Students must adapt emotionally as a result of the abrupt
should establish systems, wherein actual and potential transition to remote study. Students studying use this
mental health problems among the youth can be coping mechanism in the same way [52]. When they are
addressed. The link between mental health of students, exhausted by a large number of assignments, students
and academic engagement [47] and school environment turn to prayer and weep before they weep.
[48]. Students with frequent feelings of internalized
distress such as sadness, anxiety, depression) show poor 6. CONCLUSION
academic functioning and those with externalized Based on the findings of the study, we drew the
distress such as anger, frustration, and fear exhibit following conclusions: (1) The common problem of students
school difficulties [49]. implementing the new normal setting were: hard to adjust in
the current set up, deadlines to be missed such as the
D. Coping Mechanisms Despite availability of sleep, they feel drained and exhausted, they
Difficulties/Challenges Encountered have more demanding works than face to face classes, they
don’t have an experience on this distance learning, they
Despite the difficulties/challenges encountered don’t have experience on home schooling. (2) The issues
by the student participants in school, home, community associated using technology used to support online distance
students still have positivity in them and coping learning were: different online learning tools are constantly
mechanism to overcome these difficulties/challenges being introduced to students, participants choose to attend
that they have. One student said, “I prioritize my studies webinar workshops, watch online tutorials, and be mentored
and I always take time and more effort to overcome that by peers, to broaden their knowledge and develop useful
challenges that I face. I usually watch tv shows or skills as they create instructional plans. (3) The issues
movies to relax myself and it is therapeutic for me and associated encountered by students under the new normal
helps me stay calm and think straight, another thing I do were: difficulties on their internet connection, the stability of
is to organize my schedule so that I know what to do internet connection and load of school works, experiencing
and what to do next.” Another student said, “I cope up academic anxiety, burnouts, frustration, thinking of dropping
by doing my school works immediately right after my out of school because of the situation, frustrating whenever
teachers’ instructions for me to enjoy the rest as my free there’s something they cannot comprehend, they get
time and take care of my mental health.” exhausted and drained easily, developed social anxiety,
Remote learning in the midst of the COVID-19 impacting their self-confidence, relationships, schooling, and
crisis presents challenges for students, but it also jobs. (4) The students coping mechanism addressing the
motivates them to persevere amid the amounts of issues encountered were: self-care, prioritize studies, always
difficult activities they must complete every day. As a take time and effort, organizing schedule, rest.
result, the aim of this study was to explain how senior
high school students coping up with remote learning in 7. RECOMMENDATION
the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. It appears imperative that the school
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International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July – 2019, Pages: 1-1