How To Acquire Clients: Focus Take-Aways
How To Acquire Clients: Focus Take-Aways
How To Acquire Clients: Focus Take-Aways
by Alan Weiss
John Wiley & Sons © 2002
208 pages
Focus Take-Aways
• Most consultants fail because they do not know how to sell and they don’t learn.
Sales & Marketing • One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to over-specialize your practice.
Corporate Finance
Human Resources • Your passion for what you do plays a key role in your success and personal growth.
• Selling the features and benefits of your service to intermediaries is self-defeating.
Production & Logistics
Small Business • Only quote prices to the true decision maker, the buyer. Avoid intermediaries.
Economics & Politics
Industries & Regions
• Establish a peer-to-peer relationship with your prospect. Don’t accept a subordinate role!
Career Development
• Visualize the objections you may receive, and prepare to handle them accordingly.
Personal Finance
Self Improvement • When a company doesn’t respond to your overtures, infiltrate it or outflank it.
Ideas & Trends
• Most consultants have “blind spots” — objections that they think they are able to
handle, but actually handle poorly. This costs them a lot of money.
• Finding the right consultant is like finding a good brain surgeon — price is not an
object. So if you’ve established yourself, do not hesitate to raise your fees.
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When it comes to the consulting business, Alan Weiss has been there, done that and
probably consulted for the T-shirt company that sold you the T-shirt. So what does
a consultant do when he’s mastered the consulting business? Why, he becomes a
consultant to consultants of course. Weiss has perfected his craft. His book takes you
into the buyer’s office, a rarified atmosphere where being too anxious to please can cost
you business fast. Weiss has an instinctive understanding of the relationship between
prospect and consultant, and an uncanny ability to communicate it. He makes you feel
empowered to strike out and start your own seven-figure consultancy — except you’d
be competing against the likes of Alan Weiss. strongly recommends his
book to both veteran consultants and neophytes.
Hit the Road
As a consultant, you will face the day when you have to get out and sell your wares.
Often, a new consultant with terrific expertise in his or her own area has never
experienced the need to sell. The greatest sales successes happen when these conditions
“In this profession, flow together:
we are bartering
our talent to 1. Market need — This is the presence of an existing desire for your services.
improve the cli- 2. Consultant competency — No one is master of all fields, but you have built up exper-
ent’s condition.”
tise and are naturally adept at one thing or another. Find the area that you are best
suited to and develop your competency in related areas of your practice.
3. Passion — You grow by finding something you love and committing yourself to
doing it — not by trying to love something just because it will make money.
Consultants follow three typical trajectories: 1) Burnout, where a wildly passionate
newcomer starts strong but lacks marketing ability or competency or both, and rapidly
declines; 2) The Trapped, where the consultant is steadily able to establish a successful
practice until he or she realizes that the passion once felt for this pursuit has vanished; or
“The easiest sales 3) The Renewing, where the consultant constantly renews his or her energy and focus,
take place in an and becomes passionate again.
atmosphere of
need. The tough- Specialize or Die?
est sales occur
when the buyer
Do you have to specialize as a consultant? Many say you do, particularly in the
doesn’t perceive a early stage of your career. However, while specialization will enable you to survive,
need.” generalization will enable you to thrive. It’s better to be in a position to de-select the
business that isn’t right for you, than it is to have clients de-select you because you
haven’t promoted your abilities in a given market niche. Not everyone is well suited to
being a generalist. You need a significant base of experience, credibility, good persuasive
skills and effective vendors who can provide additional competencies as you enlist them
How to Acquire Clients © Copyright 2003 getAbstract 2 of 5
for your clients. The natural progression of a consultant’s career usually moves toward a
more generalist position, so rather than fight it, encourage it.
Customized assault / Targets of opportunity / Ultimate consultant