ASTM D 1633-17 Compresión de Briquetas de Suelo Cemento
ASTM D 1633-17 Compresión de Briquetas de Suelo Cemento
ASTM D 1633-17 Compresión de Briquetas de Suelo Cemento
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D1633 − 17
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed Jan 30 17:02:40 EST 2019
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Universidad Centroamericana (Universidad Centroamericana) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D1633 − 17
NOTE 2—These methods may be used for testing specimens of other for the h/d ratio of 1.15 commonly used in routine testing of soil-cement
sizes. If the soil sample includes material retained on the 4.75-mm (No. 4) (see Section 4). This conversion is based on that given in Method
sieve, it is recommended that Method A be used, or that larger test C42/C42M, which has been found applicable for soil-cement.
specimens, 4.0 in. (101.6 mm) in diameter and 8.0 in. (203.2 mm) in
height, be molded in a manner similar to Method B.
8.2 Calculate the unit weight of the test specimen(s) using
the dimensions and mass recorded in Section 6.
6.2 Moist cure the specimens in accordance with Practice
D1632. 9. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s)
6.3 At the end of the moist-cure period, immerse the 9.1 The methodology used to specify how data are recorded
specimens in water for 4 h. on the test data sheet(s)/form(s) is covered in 1.4.
6.4 Remove the specimens from the water and complete the 9.2 Record as a minimum the following general information
following procedures as soon as practicable, keeping speci- (data):
mens moist by a wet burlap or blanket covering. 9.2.1 Date specimen(s) was prepared;
NOTE 3—Other conditioning procedures, such as air or oven drying, 9.2.2 Testing date, operator name, location, and unique
alternate wetting and drying, or alternate freezing and thawing may be conditions.
specified after an initial moist curing period. Curing and conditioning 9.3 Record as a minimum the following test specimen data:
procedures shall be given in detail in the report.
9.3.1 Specimen identification number,
6.5 Take a minimum of three height measurements (ap- 9.3.2 Diameter and height,
proximately 120° apart), and at least two diameter measure- 9.3.3 Cross-sectional areas,
ments (approximately 90° apart). Calculate the average height 9.3.4 Maximum load carried by the specimen,
and diameter. 9.3.5 Conversion factor for height to diameter ratio (see
6.6 Record the mass of the test specimen. Note 3), if used,
9.3.6 Compressive strength,
6.7 Check the smoothness of the faces with a straightedge.
9.3.7 Age of specimen,
If necessary, cap the faces to meet the requirements of the
9.3.8 Mass of specimen,
section on Capping Specimens of Practice D1632.
9.3.9 Unit weight of specimen,
7. Procedure 9.3.10 Water content of test specimen, and
9.3.11 Details of curing and conditioning periods.
7.1 Place the lower bearing block on the table or platen of
the testing machine directly under the spherically seated 10. Precision and Bias
(upper) bearing block. Place the specimen on the lower bearing
block, making certain that the vertical axis of the specimen is 10.1 The precision and bias of this test method have not
aligned with the center of thrust of the spherically seated block. been established by an interlaboratory test program. However,
As this block is brought to bear on the specimen, rotate its based on test data from Packard (1962)4 and Packard and
movable portion gently by hand so that uniform seating is Chapman (1963)5 the following may serve as a guide as to the
obtained. variability of compressive strength test results.
10.1.1 Tests were performed in a single lab on 122 sets of
7.2 Apply a constant rate of deformation without shock to duplicate specimens molded from 21 different soil materials.
produce an approximate rate of strain of 0.05 in./min (1.3 The average difference in strength on duplicate specimens was
mm/min). Alternatively, the load may be applied at a constant 8.1 % and the median difference was 6.2 %. These values are
rate that results in a rate of stress of 10 to 30 psi/s (70 to 210 expressed as the percent of the average strength of the two
kPa/s). Apply the load until it decreases steadily, indicating specimens as follows:
failure. Record the maximum load carried by the specimen
during the test to the nearest 10 lbf (45 N). ~ high value 2 low value!
% Difference 5 3 100 (1)
~ high value1low value! /2
7.3 Determine the water content of the test specimen in
accordance with Test Method D2216 using the entire specimen, The distribution of the variation is shown in Fig. 1. The data
unless capped. If the specimen is capped, break away as much cover a wide range of cement contents and compressive
material as practical from the capping, for the water content strengths.
specimen. 11. Keywords
8. Calculation 11.1 compressive strength; soil-cement; soil stabilization
8.1 Calculate the unit compressive strength of the specimen
by dividing the recorded maximum load by the cross-sectional 4
Packard, R. G., “Alternate Measures for Measuring Freeze-Thaw and Wet-Dry
area. Resistance of Soil-Cement Mixtures,” Highway Research Bulletin, 353, Transpor-
tation Research Board, 1962, pp 8–41.
NOTE 4—If desired, make allowance for the ratio of height to diameter 5
Packard, R. G., and Chapman, G. A., “Developments in Durability Testing of
(h/d) by multiplying the compressive strength of Method B specimens by Soil-Cement Mixtures,” Highway Research Record, No. 36, Transportation Re-
the factor 1.10. This converts the strength for an h/d ratio of 2.00 to that search Board, 1963, pp 97–122.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed Jan 30 17:02:40 EST 2019
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Universidad Centroamericana (Universidad Centroamericana) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D1633 − 17
FIG. 1 Distribution of Variation of Test Results for 122 Sets of Duplicate Specimens
In accordance with Committee D18 policy, this section identifies the location of changes to this standard since
the last edition (2000 (Reapproved 2007)) that may impact the use of this standard. (November 1, 2017)
(1) Clarified wording in 1.2.1 and 1.2.2. (7) Added balances and measuring device to the Apparatus
(2) Updated caveats in Section 1 and renumbered sections as section.
applicable. (8) Added clarification wording and procedural steps in Sec-
(3) Updated 2.1 references tions 6 and 7.
(4) Updated 3.1 Definitions statement. (9) Added calculation of unit weight in Section 8.
(5) Updated Note 1. (10) Updated and expanded the Report section.
(6) Added clarification wording in 5.1.
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