Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules: by Jackdays

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Codex Greenskins:

WFRP2 Rules
by Jackdays

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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Chapter XXX: Greenskins
“Grobi! Wipe them out. All of them!"
– Gottri, Dwarf slayer giving his opinion about Goblinoids.

The Green Horde, Greenskins or sometimes just Goblinoids is a common name for a number of sub-species. They are a
barbaric and primitive group of races which often band together to invade the lands of more civilized cultures. From the
mightiest Orc to the feeblest Snotling, the Greenskin races live only for war. All other activities are but a prelude to their
next battle.

Greenskin society is tribal. Due in no small part to their natural aggression and their lack of a governmental system
beyond the most basic tribal functions, the Greenskins do not organize themselves into civilised nations but rather into
semi-formal groups known as tribes or clans. Each tribe is given a name, though this can often change with the
leadership or even if the tribe's leader has a sudden thought, there are a few that stand out, however these tribes can
range in size from no more than a dozen to upwards of hundreds of thousands to in a few times a million. Leadership is
gained through their social hierarchy by fighting and beating other Greenskins of higher rank. As they rise through the
ranks, they grow bigger in strength, size and cunning. Greenskins are universally happiest when they are fighting or in
conflict, and if there is no one else around to fight they often squabble (or even have large wars) between themselves.

At any given time, and in any given area, the largest, strongest and most cunning Greenskin is followed by the rest, as
long as there is fighting to be had. When the mood strikes or a particularly powerful leader wants, many tribes get
together and form what is known as a Waaagh!; a nearly unstoppable horde of marauding Greenskins that lays waste to
anything in their path and is more akin to an ocean than army.

Greenskins, or Goblinoids, can be found all over the Warhammer World, but the greatest concentration of them is found
in the Dark Lands to the east of the Worlds Edge Mountains and in the area around the Badlands. Greenskins do not
have any homelands.

Gork and Mork are the Greenskin gods and sometimes a source of dispute as greenskins have trouble distinguishing
one from the other, since they both represent the prized greenskin traits of brutality and cunning. Gork is generally
regarded as cunningly brutal and Mork as brutally cunning. The Orcs also like to raise great Effigies to Gork and Mork,
which are often made with scraps, wasted materials, and basically anything else the orcs can find.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Chapter XXX: Greenskin Races
“How many different Goblinoid-races you thing there is?”
– Pieter Schmidt, Scholar and Explorer asking this from his students in the University of Nuln.

Greenskins, the most common calling name, are so named for the colour of their skin. Sometimes also referred as
Goblinoids. They are not a single race as such, but a group of distinct green-skinned sub-species who share a few
common cultural and physiological traits, but are biologically related. Note! Not all the sub-species are Greenskinned.

Black Orcs
Black Orcs were originally created by the Chaos Dwarves to use as slaves, but have since rebelled and found a place in
regular Orc armies. They are even bigger, stronger and meaner than regular Orcs, and so tend towards command roles.
They are not above forming their own units though. Though other Orcs tend to look down on Black Orc intelligence,
Black Orcs are, if not smarter, at the very least better organized. They are above the petty infighting (Animosity) that
happens in most tribes and settle their differences with other Greenskins with orderly head-butting contests. Being the
largest of Orcs and having an air of authority, Black Orcs confiscate large amounts of the heaviest armour from the camp
and march to battle carrying a variety of weapons.

Black Orcs are darker-skinned than other Orcs and even more massively muscled. They brook no failure from any of
their subordinates and live only to make war.

Black Orcs
WFB: Orcs & Goblins, WFRP1-3
Black Orcs are the biggest and strongest of all the Orc breeds and because of this they often provide the leadership for
Orc tribes. Black Orcs are not necessarily any more intelligent than any other Orcs, but they are almost invariably more
determined. It is said they fought their way out from under the whips of the Chaos Dwarfs many centuries ago, though
bringing up that subject with them is, essentially, suicide.

Iron Orcs
Knights of the Grail (WFRP2 sourcebook)
Iron Orcs are real enough, though it is unclear why only Carcassonian natives have so far encountered them. At first
sight they look like Black Orcs in plate armour but without a helmet, but closer encounters reveal the armour is set into
their skin. They are faster, stronger, and better armoured than Black Orcs, but Iron Orcs are less intelligent and more
savage. They normally serve under Black Orc leaders, and some accounts suggest that their numbers are increasing.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Orcs are one of the biggest, meanest and most numerous races in the Warhammer World. Strong and tough by nature,
they are extremely belligerent and are always looking for a battle or fight. Orcs tend to become even stronger by fighting
in combat against other creatures or by topping their socials ranks, though it could be said that a bigger Orc
automatically assumes a higher social rank also, confusing the issue somewhat. Their lust for combat and carnage is
such that if there are no other enemies present for any real amount of time, Orcs will gladly fall upon each other for sport
and practice, and this is often how the strongest among them rises through the ranks to attain the position of warboss.

Orcs inhabit an extremely large portion of the Old World, and indeed much of the Eastern Hemisphere, for such was their
numbers and war-like tendency that few nations have never ever faced the wrath of these blood-thirsty beast. When in
the war-march, these primitives can transform even the most common object into a lethal killing instrument either by
strapping it with other bits of metal to form a make-shift weapon or a strapped together Armor. The race is extremely
warlike, with a society geared towards constant and every escalating warfare, living within numerous small tribal groups
with a strong chain of command. They are known for large, brutal armies of difficult-to-kill troops, usually supported by a
variety of units and war machines.

Orc "culture" is dominated by the concept of strength. There is no law, and therefore no crime. If an orc feels wronged,
he can challenge the source of his grievance to a pit fight. Once the fight is over, the matter is considered settled. Orcs
have no concept of pity; to an orc, the weak are simply weak, and are beneath them in society. An orc attains a higher
social rank by fighting and defeating members of that rank. Because of their bizarre physiology, orcs receive a steady
supply of adrenaline when preparing to challenge a superior, causing him to physically increase in size and muscle-
mass. An alert superior will spot this occurring and promptly beat the challenger down before he becomes a threat. If the
superior fails to notice this development, then a battle inevitably results.

Common Orcs
WFB: Orcs & Goblins, WFRP1-3
Orcs are taller and broader than humans, with short legs and long arms much like a non-human ape. They have massive
heads which come directly forward on their necks, giving them a stooping appearance. Their jaws are lined with vicious
fangs that jut out from their underbite. They have beady red eyes, a generally foul demeanour, and are naturally hairless.
An average orc stands somewhere around six feet tall, though more like seven feet tall when stretched out of his
characteristic stoop.

Orcs have tough, thick, green skin which is highly resistant to pain. They can survive even the most horrific of injuries,
which is reflected in-game by an above-average Toughness value. Orcs have an "adrenaline-fuelled metabolism," which
means that they grow in size, strength, endurance, and belligerence as they fight and defeat opponents. An Orc will only
stop growing when he finds an opponent that he can't beat.

Savage Orcs
WFB: Orcs & Goblins, WFRP2-3
Savage Orcs are by far the most primitive breed of Orc. While most of the Greenskin races have an appreciation of
technology for its military applications, Savage Orcs have a primal, Neolithic society, and shun these advances. Savage
Orcs do not wear any armour and use weapons made of wood, stone, and bone. They also daub crude warpaint upon
themselves, firmly believing these wards to protect them from harm, and in battle fighting as berserkers with little regard
to their own safety. This firm belief somehow generates a magical protection which indeed protects them somewhat. To
the Savage Orcs, this proves the superiority of their ways over the Orcs who have embraced technology.

Savage Orcs tribes inhabit the most remote areas of the world: large forests and especially the deep jungles of the
Southlands. Some live on the great plains, following the mighty herds of boars and other animals. In the Southlands, the
powerful sunlight and heat has strangely affected the already brutish brains of the Orcs, making the Savage Orcs single-
mindedly savage and brutal.

Many centuries ago all Orcs were similar to the Savage Orcs, but it is said that it was the Chaos Dwarfs who taught the
Orcs the knowledge of metalworking. Some tribes either were too remote to gain from the knowledge, or intentionally
disregarded these new ways. Since then the Savage Orcs and the more advanced Orc tribes have become entirely

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Swamp Orcs
WFB6: Orcs & Goblins (map)
Swamp Orcs are most commonly found from the great Marshes of Madness. Yet, it is possible that similar tribes are
found other parts of the world where huge bogs, marshes or swamps are found. Swamp Orcs are pretty savage tribes
(somewhere between Savage Orcs and normal Orcs), but have become good swimmers and learned to use boats (or
other similar drafts). They are experts in living water-realm.

It is not uncommon that Swamp Orcs are joined by Boglars.

White Orcs ("Albino Orcs")

Archaon - Everchosen (novel)
In the Troll Country, there are many strange creatures. One of those is the savage White Orcs (also referred sometimes
as "Albino Orcs") mounted on boars of war. Even the names "Greenskins" suggest that their race is green, yet there are
multiple tribes of these albino Orcs in the Troll Country and also in the Norsca. Nobody really knows how this is possible,
because Greenskins are very much immune (or resistant) to the effects of Chaos and simply - Green. Still many say they
are mutated sub-race. Other stories tell strange sub-races of Greenskins that come from the Dark Lands and that the
White Orcs could be one of these. Maybe experiment of the Chaos Dwarfs living there. Either way they are very rare
race, which have adapted the harsh cold environment better than their cousins.

White Orcs are very much similar to normal Orcs. Actually, they are very primitive and even more barbaric than normal
Orcs making them more close to Savage Orcs. Their skin seems to have lost all the green colour (no pigment at all) and
is usually white or different shades of grey (usually older White Orcs). This helps them to hide in winter-time more easily
(in snow), because they also do not need to wear that much clothing to cover themselves from the cold, which they have
developed immunity.

White Orcs do use some simple weaponry and even few pieces of armour. These are usually captured from their victims.
They are not very accustomed to the use of armour.

GM choice: It is possible that this, very rare, sub-species are found somewhere else in the cold hemisphere. One
possibility is the Naggaroth. See more information from Frost Goblins.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 5 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Goblins, also known as Gobbos, are scrawny creatures, standing between three to four feet high. They have large,
pointed ears and noses and long, slender fingers perfectly adapted to pilfering what does not belong to them. Behind
their cruel eyes and mocking toothy grins lies a malevolent spirit and ruthless desire for self-preservation that feeds their
selfish and backstapping nature. Goblins rely on their keen cunning to survive. Like all Greenskins, they are not
renowned for their intellect, but their wits far outstrip those of the Orcs. They are cowardly creatures and will run away
from enemies they do not outnumber. Even then, they would far sooner shoot their foe from a distance, preferably from

Fire Kobolds
White Dwarf 268, WFB6: Orcs & Goblins (map)
Kobolds are green-skinned Goblinoids that are almost completely identical to the common Goblin. Only an exceptional
expert of Goblinoid studies can spot the distinction of their longer arm-span and smaller hip bones, which make a
Kobold's movement somewhat irregular and crooked compared to that of a common Goblin. Fire Kobolds on the other
hand are much more recognisable.

They are indigenous to the volcanic Red Cloud Mountains that lay south of the Badlands and other volcanic regions
around the globe. Although Fire Kobolds have a greenish skin tone, they are covered in large patches of deep red or
orange tones. In fact, at first glance they look like Goblins with some type of horrific skin disease, fungus infestation or
who are perhaps covered with blotches of red war paint.

Reports have suggested that these Goblinoids spit small wads of fire as a brutal attack and natural defence mechanism,
though others have reported that they simply favour the use of flaming arrows. At the same time, fire based weapons
seem to have little or no effect at all on these Kobolds, which would suggest that their volcanic environment has had a
profound effect on this species of Goblinoids.

Forest Goblins (or Jungle Goblins)

WFB: Orcs & Goblins
Forest Goblins are a breed of Goblins who live in the forests from the northern parts of the Warhammer World to the
steaming jungles. Hidden in deepest forests, Forest Goblins are always eager to raid and pillage isolated farms, villages,
and sometimes even cities. They decorate themselves with large colourful feathers, which are used in certain
combinations to distinguish tribesmen from foreigners. They also use warpaints, bones, and teeth as decoration. As
metal ores are lacking in the forests, Forest Goblins usually wield weapons made of wood, bone, and rock. Some
weapons and armours made of iron or steel might be traded and bartered from other Goblin or even Orc tribes.

Spiders have a very important role in the culture and daily life of the tribes. Small and succulent Spiders are eaten, while
others are kept as pets. Large horse-sized spiders are ridden as warmounts and small poisonous spiders are used by
the tribal shamans. A shaman will put these spiders inside his mouth so that the spiders bite him on the tongue. The
poisons will drive the shaman a bit mad but also stimulate the part of his brain that controls magic.

While all other Greenskin tribes worship the twin gods Gork & Mork the Forest Goblins are known to also worship the
Spider, and to adore the forests spiders as gods of the forest.

Frost Goblins (of Naggaroth)

WFB8: Orcs & Goblins
In the far west, the Greenskins of Naggaroth are the spawned descendants of captives taken by the Dark Elves
thousands of years ago. At one time the Witch King forced many tribes to fight for the Dark Elves in their wars with the
High Elves, although in truth most took little persuading. Since then, many survivors have escaped and taken up
residence in the forests and mountains of that cold land. Goblins of this region, called Frost Goblins, have tunnelled lairs
into still-moving glaciers. The Witch King's people have suffered more from Greenskins than they ever gained from their
enslaved armies and will slay any Greenskin they find, without mercy.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 6 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Goblins (or Lesser Hill Goblins)
WFB: Orcs & Goblins, WFRP1-3
Goblins, also affectionately known as gobbos or grots, are small, greenskinned and mean little humanoids. They are the
counterparts to their brawny Orc cousins, making up in intelligence and sheer craziness what they lack in size and
stature. Another common trait amongst goblins is their remarkable cowardice. Instead of loving heads-up close combat,
as Orcs do, their favourite method of fighting is to shoot the enemy with bows from behind; if that can't be done, a spear
is second best. Normal Goblins are the most numerous of all the Goblin sub-species.

Hill Goblins (or Great Goblins)

White Dwarf 268, WFB6: Orcs & Goblins (map), WFB1: Forces of Fantasy
South of the Empire, across the shores of Tilea and the Border Princes, lays a barren plain of hills and grasslands at the
very edge of the Badlands. It is in this deserted region where the largest Goblins can be found. Generally reckoned as
Hill Goblins, but also known as Great Goblins, these Goblinoids are larger than ordinary Goblins, more aggressive and
as strong as Ores. The skin tone of a Hill Goblin is much darker than that of a common Goblin, with some shades even
resembling that of a Black Orc's hide.

Being much more brutally ambitious than the average Goblin, Hill Goblins enjoy fighting almost as much as Ores do and
will occasionally sell their services as mercenaries to armies that will put up with them. Wrestling and brawling are
favoured leisure activities for these hulking Goblins and they enjoy nothing more than bullying around their smaller
Goblinoid cousins.

Physically, Hobgoblins fall roughly between Orcs and Goblins. They are less muscular than Orcs, and somehow look
even more shifty and mean than the smaller Goblins. They are a sneaky, evil-minded race of Greenskins. Treachery is
an innate characteristic of Hobgoblins, and the term "backstapping" has a very literal connotation for them.
Consequently, they have developed a hardened bony layer between their shoulder blades, which is always pockmarked
from previous differences of opinion. Hobgoblins have also a deep suspicion of any creature that doesn’t betray its own
comrades as soon as it is slightly more advantageous to do so.

Hobgoblins live in the mighty Eastern Steppes (and also Dark Lands) where many of the great Goblin clans are currently
under the servitude (not slave) of the Chaos Dwarfs or is part of Great Khanate Kingdom of the Steppes. Distinct from
their many "cousins" the Hobgoblins are estranged from their kin. They do not march to war with their Goblin comrades,
nor join the great WAAGH! of their larger cousins, and the closest thing to cooperation between their kin is often a bit of
opportunistic looting alongside their brethren if the circumstances are right. However, the Hobgoblin race as a whole is
dreadfully hated by all other Greenskin race, made infamous by their great Betrayal of the Greenskin uprising of the Dark
Lands against their Chaos Dwarves Overlord, which brought them the infernal hatred of their brethren for all eternity.
Rather, the Hobgoblin's have their own kingdom on the Great Steppes east of the Worlds Edge Mountain range where
the legendary Hobgobla Khan rules the empire of the Hobgoblin Khanate.

The Hobgoblins are the scourge of the steppes; feared, hated and powerful. Their numberless hordes are most
unwelcomed in the Old World. The Hobgoblin Hegemony, the Empire of Hobgobla Khan, is the largest kingdom in the
known World. The tribe of the Mournguls have long been a threat to the lands of the east, for these Hobgoblins are a
truly different breed than the lowly slaves of the Chaos Dwarfs. The Mournguls and their allies are warriors almost equal
to Orcs, and the Great Horde, the army of the Hobgobla Khan, is by far the most numerous of the Hobgoblin clans in the
whole Warhammer World.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 7 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Jungle Kobolds
The Thousand Islas - A Guide to Piracy and the Southern Sea for WFRP (fan-made sourcebook)
Jungle Kobolds are identical in size to a common Goblin; a Kobold has a narrower waist and longer arms that give it a
distinctive gait that is crooked and irregular (misshapen ape-like look). Jungle Kobolds are a sub-species that have
adapted to living in the tree-tops of forested areas, swinging from vines to ambush those walking or sailing below. They
are one of the most primitive Greenskins and also savage creatures. Their looks and culture is also very much different
than Forest Goblins.

Jungle Kobolds are rare Greenskin sub-species and are usually found from the steaming jungles from the tropical islas of
Southern Sea to the Southlands and beyond.

WFB6: Orcs & Goblins (map)
Kobolds are identical in size to a common Goblin; a Kobold has a narrower waist and longer arms that give it a distinctive
gait that is crooked and irregular (misshapen ape-like look). They have tougher skin; they are usually stronger and more
resilient than average Goblin. Also, they are primitive and very savage creatures.

Normal Kobolds have adapted living in both above and under the ground. They are commonly found among the cliffs and
rocky terrains jumping agile on the rocks or in huge caverns underground scaling the walls. They are rare Greenskin sub-
species and usually found from the Badlands, mountains surrounding them, underground or from the lands of the Araby.

Night Goblins (or Mere-Goblins)

WFB: Orcs & Goblins, WFRP2-3
Night Goblins are a sub-species of the Greenskin race, the very existence is mostly spend in the dark and damp
undergrounds of the World's Edge Mountain's and many other places. These creatures of the night, mortally hate the
sunlight and any source of light, preferring to live in near total darkness. These creatures are adept in night time fighting,
often having better eyes then most land-dwellers. These Goblins are only known to leave their caves and hideouts only if
the sun is setting or down, and when there is little to no light and they are reinforced by considerable amounts of Fungus
Beer. Those who do come out during the sun-light, they would often wear dark clothing or plain black robes, for the sun-
light seems to hurt or burn the Goblins' skins.

Many years ago, a tribe of Goblins took to living in the caverns and tunnels of the World's Edge Mountain, and there they
lived in total darkness, wearing pitch black clothing and taking up the name of Night Goblins. Night Goblins are easily
marked out from other greenskins as they wear long, dark and hooded cloaks, in part to blend in with the poorly lit
tunnels, but mostly to protect themselves from the hated sunlight should they venture above ground. Given a choice,
Night Goblin's would almost never go above ground in the day-time, unless it's shrouded by darkness or cloudy. When
they do emerge, Night Goblin's launch deadly raids, and ambushes against travellers in the mountain pass, and commit
countless other malicious deeds. Indeed, due to their proximity to the mountain caverns and tunnelway's, they are
considered the mortal enemy of the Dwarven Empire of Karaz Ankor.

In the moist darkness of their subterranean lairs, the Night Goblin's are inundated by all manner of moulds and
mushrooms. Many kinds of toadstool are grown for variety of uses. Fungus and Mushrooms are consumed, mixed in
potions, used as medical treatment, used to fuel glow-lights and used as bait to attract cave creatures known as Squig's.
Night Goblin's are especially cowardly, but unlike those of other Goblin clan's, Night Goblin's create a special brew called
Fungus Beer, that enables their brethren to fight in a near maniacal state, where they are completely insane and
paranoid, and would enhance a Night Goblin's sense and reflexes, to fight better against another stronger foe. Perhaps it
is the lack of sunlight or the proximity of so much dank mould and mushroom, but Night Goblin's still produce more
bulging-eyed lunatic's than all the other Goblin tribes combined.

Displaying even more than the usual goblinoid lack of common sense, individual Night Goblin's gleefully ingest
dangerously hallucinogenic mushroom. Deep in their caves, Night Goblin's shamans are one of the most feared
Goblinoid shamans in the World's Edge Mountain. Not only are they powerful magic user's, they are also expert brewers
and cultivators on mushroom's. These Shaman's grow and cultivate these mushroom's in order to create the infamous
Night Goblin brew's that make's the Night Goblin's into crazed pycho's.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 8 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
White Dwarf 268
Troglagobs are by far one of the most unusual types of Goblins. They are Goblins that dwell in the sea. making coastal
raids against the Empire, Tilea and even raiding the shores of Ulthuan and Lustria. Recently, many of these ocean-
dwelling Goblins have been sighted on Albion in great numbers, in the muddy southern tip of the island that has come to
be known as Trogland. Troglagobs can have greenish skin like their Goblin cousins, though most tend to reflect a more
seas green such as turquoise or similar blue-green colour. The hands and feet of a Troglagob are webbed like that of a
frog, making them excellent swimmers with exceptional speed. Troglagobs actually have both gills and lungs, allowing
them to breathe comfortably above and below water. However, Troglagobs will not venture too far from their aquatic
habitat as they need to refresh themselves at least every few days or else they will dry up and die.

Gnoblars are about halfway in size between Goblins and Snotlings. They have thin, droopy ears and large noses, and
their skin is generally darker than other greenkins, sometimes even blue. The largest population is found around the
Mountains of Mourn, which is simply called Gnoblar Country, and they live as subservient vassals (or 'pets') to the Ogres
of the Ogre Kingdoms. Originally the bulk of the Gnoblar communities dwelt the Dark Lands until they were driven east
(some west and south) into the mountains by Chaos Dwarf slavers. Some Gnoblar tribes are found in other parts of the
Warhammer World also, even as far as Troll Country.

The Gnoblars of the Mountains of Mourn have developed a symbiotic relationship with the Ogre tribes, and most now live
either in, or on, the fringes of Ogre settlements. Living so close to the Ogre camps also provides the Gnoblars with
security from the many different creatures that would otherwise prey on them, the presence of the brutish Ogres a
persuasive deterrent.

Blood-Gnoblar (of Mountains of Mourn)

White Dwarf 310
High up in the peaks of the Mountains of Mourn dwell the Blood-Gnoblars. They look like ordinary Gnoblars except their
warty hides range from different hues of browns to dark reds. They also have a heightened sense of hearing, perhaps
due to the high altitude of their mountain top lairs, making them exceptional Trappers. Many Blood-Gnoblars spend all of
their time fortifying their lairs and setting traps for any curious interlopers.

In Gnoblar society it is the Blood-Gnoblars who were first responsible for teaching other Gnoblars the best techniques of
trapping and scouting. As a result, many Gnoblar Trappers will go to great lengths to look like a Blood-Gnoblar, achieved
through a blood ritual in which a captive is drained of blood and once exsanguinate, the Gnoblars douse themselves in it.

Boglars (or Bogarts, Boggarts, Marsh-Gnoblars, Marsh Goblins, Water Gnoblars, Swamp
White Dwarf 310
Boglars are a breed of Gnoblars that live-in marshes, bogs and swamps. Boglars look like any other Gnoblar though their
skin is a greenish-grey and they have beady yellow eyes. They spend much of their time catching frogs, fish and other
amphibious or reptilian critters, dissecting them with broken sticks and eating them alive.

Boglars are extremely sensitive to sunlight and bright light in general, only emerging from their swampy lairs at dusk.
Although Boglars normally seem to affiliate only with other Boglars, Gnoblars and Goblins, a large tribe of Boglars in the
Marshes of Madness have been rumoured to be in alliance with strange, cyclopean creatures.

Gnoblar (or Lesser Goblins)

WFB: Ogre Kingdoms, White Dwarf 310
Gnoblars are mischievous Greenskins. They are also weaker and are more cowardly. However, Gnoblars have
absolutely no remorse, sympathy or compassion, even for the deaths of their other comrades. Gnoblars (quite rightly)
see themselves so low on the World food chain that they actually expect the Gnoblars around them to die, whether it is in
battle or by way of a hungry Ogre.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 9 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Gnoblars enjoy nothing more than capturing and torturing small animals and also prisoners. All Goblinoids find inflicting
pain upon their captives delightful, but for Gnoblars the sense of power it gives them is highly addictive. These Gnoblar
Trappers excel at catching small game - ground hogs, snufflers and barrow rats are regularly caught in vicious barbed
traps or impaled by crude wooden stakes.

Gnoblars are superstitious creatures, often keeping small stones, coins or other trinkets as good luck charms. Other
common thing is a high-pitched giggle (can be heard when they flee or also seeing others flee or hurt). The constant
bickering, bullying, biting and back stabbing is common among Gnoblars.

Toad-Gnoblars (or Toad-Boglars)

White Dwarf 310
Toad-Gnoblars are mystical sub-race of Boglars. They are very similar to Boglars, but they are said to multiply in number
at the mere touch of water. Such bizarre theories have, of course, never been proven, nor has a Toad-Gnoblar ever been
actually seen (or at least correctly identified). Yet several breeds of Gnoblars have been described with similar wondrous
and mythical abilities to the of the Toad-Gnoblar.

WFB: Orcs & Goblins, WFRP1-3
Snotlings are smaller and weaker than goblins; about half their height (barely reach a couple of feet in height). They are
the smallest of Greenskins. Snotlings are far less intelligent than Goblins and can do little except in imitation of others.
They congregate on the edges of greenskin villages, hunting (and being hunted by) squigs, although they are often too
terrified to approach these strange creatures. In battle, they usually gather in large swarms that are too stupid to know
when they're beaten. Sometimes they manage to cobble together examples of the infamous snotling pump wagon; a
gigantic, uncontrollable wrecking machine. To Orcs, as long as they're smaller than themselves, they're all just weedy
little "grotz" to be bossed around.

Dust Goblins:
White Dwarf 268
In the deserts of Khemri, ancient Liche Priests raise mighty armies of Undead warriors for their mummified masters
known as the Tomb Kings. In these cursed domains, the dead do not rest easy and those that dare venture to the Land
of the Dead are doomed to a life of Undeath. Occasionally, a teeming horde of Greenskins from the Badlands or the
World's Edge Mountains make their way into this realm of death intent on slaughtering, plundering and conquering. None
have ever succeeded, nor ever returned from the Land of the Dead... at least alive!

Once the armies of the Tomb Kings destroy the green-skinned interlopers, the Liche Priest summons the rotting
Goblinoid carcasses back from the grave, adding them to their lord's horrific legions. However, some of these Undead
Goblins somehow find their way back to their homelands.

Unlike Humans, Elves and Dwarfs, an Undead Goblin corpse retains a small pan of its mischievous and unpleasant
qualities from its previous malevolent life. These Undead Goblins, known as Dust Goblins, still bicker and taunt one
another like spiteful children.

The actual rules are out of this document. Dust Goblins are just small skeleton-warriors.

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Chapter XXX: Waaagh!
“I’m gonna stomp ‘em to dust, I’m gonna grind their bones. I’m gonna burn down dere towns and cities. I’m gonna pile
‘em up inna big fire and roast ‘em. I’m gonna bash ‘eads, break faces and jump up and down on da bits dat are left. An’
den I’m gonna get really mean.”
– Grimgor Ironhide, Black Orc Warboss rising Waaagh! among his troops.

A Waaagh!, Waaargh! or Waaagh! Energy is formed when a number of Greenskins unite for a particular purpose. Or
perhaps the purpose breeds the Waaagh! and the Greenskins are simply attracted to it. Or maybe the Waaagh! was
always there and Gork and Mork simply guide Greenskins to follow a particular one. No one really knows, and the
Greenskins do not much care, either. All they know is that the more they are, the bigger the Waaagh! becomes and the
bigger the Waaagh!, the more Greenskins will be drawn to join it. As the Waaagh! grows, the primal Waaagh! energies
grow, and it is these energies that Greenskin Shamans feed upon and channel into magical effects on the battlefield.

Waaagh! Energy
Greenskins generate their own magic field, often referred to as Waaagh! Energy. This energy is linked to an Greenskin
emotional state and is transmitted involuntarily to other Greenskins. So, if one Greenskin becomes wildly exited, it does
not take long for those around him to become similarly aroused. As this energy is passed from one Greenskin to the
next, the feeling intensifies until it reaches a critical point where it must find an outlet, usually in violence.

Sometimes vast numbers of Greenskins are brought together in wave of violent euphoria. Normal tribal divisions fall
apart as thousands of ecstatic Greenskins unite to embark on a voyage of conquest and destruction. This is known
simply as the Waaagh!.

Once a Waaagh! starts it is almost impossible to stop, as the many nations that have been swept by its hurricane force
can attest. Fortunately, its power cannot be sustained forever; once the Waaagh! has run its natural course it eventually
runs out of steam, and the component war bands then go their separate ways. Until the next time.

Waaagh! is both the Greenskin word for "crusade" or "warpath" or simply "carnage" and the term for the magical energy
Greenskins generate.

Starting Waaagh!
Waaagh! can start when just two Greenskins meet up. But more there are Greenskins in same location better is the
chance that it starts. This will cause a violent euphoria, which may run out there among the Greenskins gathering or it
can be the beginning of huge Green wave of violence lasting days, weeks or even months. But truly to rise the Waaagh!
you need powerful Boss, who can manipulate the Waaagh! Energy to build up among the Greenskins, keep it on and
point the direction to release this energy. This Boss can also be Shaman and actually Greenskin Shaman do have spells
to build up Waaagh!. And as more Greenskins became agitated by the Waaagh! Energy, more Shamans can build their
powers to produce magical effects (spells).

The actual chance for Waaagh! to build up and explode (consuming all the Greenskins in the area) comes every time
when few Greenskins meet up and spend multiple hours together. It is the presence of other Greenskins and is based on
the Waaagh! Energy Greenskins produce together. This energy agitates them finally causing the actual Waaagh!. To
make this simple in the rule point of view, GM should test once for Waaagh! every day multiple Greenskins group up (GM
decides the moment). The chance for this is based on the energy what different types of Greenskins produce and also
some other agitation bonuses. Every Orc raises the chance by 1%. The test chances are counted as Orc equivalents

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 11 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

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Orc Equivalents:
6 Snotlings = 1 Orc
2 Goblins, Gnoblars or Boglars = 1 Orc
1 Hobgoblin = 1 Orcs
Night Goblin Fanatic = 2 Orcs
Black Orc = 2 Orcs

When two Orcs meet up, there is 20% chance per day for agitation, that will cause Waaagh!. Every extra Orc gives 1%
more extra to this. Just add number of Orcs (or Orc equilevants) to the 20%. So, 5 Orcs (or Orc equivalents) would have
25% chance every day to get Waaagh! going on just staying together. Now, 50 Orcs would have 70% chance (this
meaning that you need 100 Goblins to do the same).

Agitation Bonuses:
Boss: Greenskin boss (the greatest) may help up to build the Waaagh! surge by agitating other Greenskins by his
speeches (these are not that good usually, yet effective). Chance for doing this is done by using either Charm or
Command skills. Successful test gives +10% to next Waaagh! chance test. Make successful Average Charm Test or
Challenging (-10) Command Test. If Greenskin boss would have Public Speaking Talent, this will give +10% bonus for
the bosses’ test.
Shaman: Greenskin shamans have spells that help in the agitation. See Waaagh! Magic chapter.

Example: Orc Boss and shaman gather a horde of 20 Orcs and 60 Goblins. This gathering has 70% change every day
to start the Waaagh!. Boss wants to help that and tries few days to agitate his horde. Second day he succeeds in this by
using Command skill. For next day chance for Waaagh! is 80%. But to rise this even further, tribal shaman starts
inspiring prayer (making successful Lesser Magic spell), which rises the chance even further to total 100%. So, next day
Waaagh! is on and horde decides to follow their Boss and attack the close Dwarfen settlement.

When Waaagh! is on, then every Greenskin that comes across the agitated and raging horde of Greenskins must make
Challenging (-10) Will Power Test to resist the urge to join this Waaagh!. For simple rule, every Greenskin the raging
horde meets joins the Waaagh! also. Although some maybe hostile against this horde and resist the joining the actual
horde (or group), even they are agitated by the Waaagh! surge.

Waaagh! Bonuses
Waaagh! keeps Greenskins raging and violent. During the Waaagh! they are very aggressive and drawn to fight and
pillage. But it also gives some actual game bonuses:
 Frenzy Trait, if Greenskin has this Trait then it is activated automatically.
 Stout-Hearted Talent, if Greenskin has this Talent, then use Fearless Trait.
 As good as it looks. This ability helps Greenskins to use their skills better, either copying something they have
witnessed or actually inventing suddenly something (which is very rare among Greenskins). Greenskin
constructions are usually very crude looking, but with this ability something may actually look good and not only
look, but also work. This ability gives Greenskins better chance actually building something working, cook
something good, forge a good quality weapon or piece of armour, heal someone by natural means, re-enforce
their fortress…etc. This surge gives a +10 bonus to any tests done by skills that use Strength, Agility,
Intelligence or Will Power.
 Waaagh! Magic. Greenskin Shaman benefit most by the Waaagh! Energy. They use this energy to fuel (or
create) their spells. Bigger the Waaagh! (more Greenskins involved), larger the amount of this energy that they
can use. Without Waaagh! Energy spell creating is more difficult because they have channel the ambient
energy from themselves.

Keeping Waaagh! On
As Waaagh! has chance to build up and burst, it also has chance to cool down. GM should do every day new test for
this. This roll has 80% chance that Waaagh! will continue. Agitation bonuses (above) still apply if used. If it finally
happens, that Waaagh! cools down, then all the Greenskins lose their bonuses and will not be agitated by the energy
they produce for next 2d10 days (this is because they released so much energy and need little time to start building up
that again). Also, Shamans lose any special bonuses (see Waaagh! Magic chapter).

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Chapter XXX: Waaagh! Magic
“As the orcs and Goblins massed beneath the rocky outcrop on which the Shaman stood, Scarbone felt the already
intense pain inside his head steadily increase until it was as if a dozen Big ‘Uns were trying to beat their way out from the
inside using their stone axes. The power of the Waaagh! was in him now, the magical energy searching for a means of
escape. Despite the incessant pounding inside his skull, in his mind’s eye Scarbone saw brutal Gork visiting his wrath
upon the Elf army in an orgy of devastating violence”
– Power of Scarbone, Shaman of Guzbad’s Horde

Greenskins are among the most belligerent and energetic creatures of the Warhammer World, and it’s natural that their
magic is as explosive as their nature – sometimes literally. It also works in a way completely unlike any other school of
magic in the Old World: no human or Elf mage has ever been able to tap its energies, or even to get a prober
understanding of how it works. Orcs and Goblins, needless to say, have no clue and don’t care: it lets them blow stuff up
and that’s what matters.

Greenskin Magic
Greenskins are creatures of little brain and almost no curiosity. Their single-minded enthusiasm for violence makes it
very hard for sorcery to get a grip on their consciousness. Although they do have magic it is very different to the magic of
humans and Elves. Their power comes not just from the treacherous Winds of Magic, but from the inner psyche of the
Greenskin racial mind. Greenskin magic is called the Waaagh! Magic, and it is an enormously powerful energy that is
drawn from the violent moods of their race and channelled through the Greenskin shamans to a powerful effect.

Obviously, no Orc is going to bandy about a weak-kneed Elf phrase like “racial mind” or “inner psyche”. As far as
greenies are concerned, the power of their shamans is God-given. The God (or rather Gods) in question are Gork and
Mork – the eternally squabbling brothers-gods of Orc and Goblin legend. Greenskin shamans are links between their
tribe and its Gods. By working themselves into a deep trance Orc and Goblin shamans can communicate with the great
Gods and orcish spirit creatures. Sometimes they meet ancient predecessors in the same way or they encounter other
shamans who happen to be wandering in the spirit-realm at the same time. The Orcs and Goblins call this spirit-realm
the “Great Green”.

For reasons, not entirely known, every Greenskin generates a weak but tangible field of magical energy. This ambient
energy can be sensed by any person with Aethyric Attunement or Magical Sense (“Witchsight”) abilities when in very
close (touch) range. But the true power of this natural strange magic can be sensed even from the distance when large
numbers of Greenskins gather together, particularly before battle, and become elated and aggressive. Their lust for
mayhem is enormous and overwhelming (Waaagh!). As the Greenskins become more exited the magic within their
bodies flows more strongly, increasing in pressure until it is forced to find an outlet. This energy will always seek the path
of least resistance, which in most cases is the mind of the nearest Greenskin shaman. Note, that even human and Elven
mages may sense this strange magic, they still cannot tab its power anyway. This is why it is theorized that Greenskin
magic is in truth Chaos-infused or comes from the Daemons, but this hardly the case, because humans can tab Chaos
Magic and Greenskins are very immune to the effects of Chaos.

The sensitive psyches of Greenskin shamans are helpless against the onrush of wild excitement and building pain. The
only hope they have of surviving the mounting energy and the inevitable discharge is to release it in the form of spells.
Like Light Magic, the Wind of Hysh, the Waaagh! Magic channels the magical energy from a group through a single spell
caster: the shaman. Unlike Light Magic, which is controlled intentionally, the Waaagh! Magic is discharged as a sudden
and violent burst of euphoric and destructive force.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 13 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

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Greenskin Shamans
Greenskin shamans, those sensitive to the Waaagh! Magic, usually discover their power (or affliction, depending on how
you look at it) at an early age. Orcs and Goblins live to quarrel, and a potential shaman is easily identified as the one
who, when brawling begins, clutches his head in agony and howls before even being hit. At first such behaviour is
amusing to his mates, but when nearby objects start exploding and striking out with whirlwind force, that’s when it’s time
to pack the young Greenskin off to the edge of the camp where he can be indoctrinated into the brotherhood of

Shamans are not only sorcerers, but also considered to be “priests” (or “holy ones” or "Yellerz") of Greenskins. They are
the respected (as much as any Greenskin ever respects another) messengers of their Gods Gork and Mork.

Snotling Shamans
Snotlings are oddities in the Greenskin World: too stupid to be evil, just too smart enough to be considered more than
animals. Despite that Snotlings can, at times, cast Waaagh! Magic. When on their own, Snotlings may occasionally
display innate Magical abilities. If this is very rare, it’s even more rare, that Snotling Shaman would gain more than Petty
Magic spells, although this is still possible. Like Goblins, also Snotlings, must use The Little Waaagh! Lores.

Communing with the Gods

Greenskin Shamans get their magic from communing with the Orcish Gods Gork and Mork, through the use of
hallucinogenic mushrooms that allow them to talk directly to their deities. Calling on the Gods for assistance and
protection in battle is central to the nature of Waaagh! Magic spells. More about their Gods and practices can be found
from the Religion Chapter.

Learning the Greenskin Magic

As a Greenskin shaman, your Magic Characteristic represents how much Waaagh! Magic, you can channel. Spellcasting
is handled normally but is modified by some new rules, which present the ever changing Waaagh! To learn this magic
creature must meet following criteria:
 It must be able to feel the power of Waaagh! (new racial trait for Greenskins)
 It must have a Magic Characteristic of 1 or more.
 It must know the Channelling skill.
 Note! Greenskins do not need to learn Speak Arcane Language skill to learn to channel the Waaagh! Magic.
 Note! Smaller Greenskins can only fuel power enough to create The Little Waaagh Lores. Larger Greenskins
(Orcs) can create The Big Waaagh Lores.

When criteria above are met then creature may take spells through:
 Petty Magic (Waaagh!)
 Lesser Magic
 Waaagh! Lore (various)

Petty Magic (Waaagh!) (Talent)

Description: You have found yourself very sensitive to the mighty power of Waaagh! Because this you can channel the
energy of Waaagh! into magic. You do not need any Arcane Languages to learn the magic. This is power that comes
inside naturally. Difference between other Lores and types of magic is, that Waaagh! Energy is the one, that creates
fuels this magic.

Waaagh! Lore (Talent)

Description: You have found yourself very sensitive to the mighty power of Waaagh! Because this you can channel the
energy of Waaagh! into magic. With this Lore, you can harness the greatest power of Waaagh! to most destructive
spells. Waaagh! Lore is not one talent but many. You do not need any Arcane Languages to learn the magic. This is
power that comes inside naturally. Difference between other Lores and types of magic is, that Waaagh! Energy is the
one, that creates fuels this magic. Smaller Greenskins can only channel power enough to create effects (Lores) called
The Little Waaagh. Larger Greenskins (Orcs) can channel The Big Waaagh.

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Greenskin Resistance to Chaos
Greenskins are about 99% resistant to Chaos (see below Optional Rules), including mutations. This also prevents them
from learning any other magic than Waaagh! Magic. Even Greenskin Resistance to Chaos trait disables Magic
Characteristic it still remains normal in purposes of using Waaagh! Magic, which is not similar to any other arcane or
divine magic. It is ability to channel the strange Waaagh! Energy, which is not really magic in the way other races know it,
but ambient energy created by all Greenskins that have Waaagh! trait.

Optional Rules (GM decision):

 High corruption. Long-time exposure to corruption may eventually cause mutations. This should be some high
exposure, like Warpstone. If this happens, then these Greenskins keep Greenskin Resistance to Chaos trait
(they still cannot learn other magic than Waaagh! Magic), But Greenskin Resistance to Chaos should be treated
as a +20 bonus to any tests against mutation, but not anymore almost immunity.
 It is possible, but highly unlike, that Greenskins could be corrupted by the Dark Gods. If they would be willing
and are seen worthy to become servants, they could be corrupted. If this happens Greenskin loses his ability to
Waaagh! and also Greenskin Resistance to Chaos. This is almost unheard because Dark Gods do not see
Greenskins usually worthy servants and Greenskins just don’t have intelligence, wits or even will to start serve
other Gods. Also, Greenskin must become servant worthy enough to gain Rewards of Chaos from the Dark
Gods. First reward will be that the Dark God will take the Resistance to Chaos.

Story of Radzog:
Even Greenskin races are almost immune to the effects of Chaos, there are still legend that even they can be corrupted.
This is true. Among the legendary Bloodaxe Alliance there was mighty warrior and priest who became the chief of the
Alliance. His name was Radzog. Radzog was very intelligent Orc warrior that was corrupted by the Dark Gods (namely
Tzeentch). He became servant of the great Changer of Ways, and Tzeentch rewarded him by corrupting his body.
Radzog lost his power to Waaagh! and produce the ambient energy of his kind and also to resist Chaos. For exchange
he learned new kinds of magic given by Tzeentch. In time Radzog also mutated like no other Orc ever.

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Casting Spells
To cast spells the Greenskin shaman must be among other Greenskins. Shaman uses the Waaagh! Energy of others to
cast spells. It is also possible to cast spells without others, but then shaman must draw the energy from himself and this
is more difficult (see below Channelling). More there are other Greenskins around, more shaman gains energy that he
can release in the form of Waaagh! Magic. Even amount of Greenskins helps shaman to truly harness the great power of
Waaagh! Energy, the more likely he is to lose control of this energy with potentially disastrous results. See more
Waaagh! Miscast table.

Rules of casting:
 When shaman is alone or surrounded by less than 10 Orc equivalents (see below), whom he can draw the
energy, he needs to roll Channelling Test (see below Channelling).
 When shaman is under the influence of the Waaagh!, he doesn’t need to roll Channelling Test.
 When shaman is surrounded by 10+ Orc equivalents (see below), whom he can draw the energy, he doesn’t
need to roll Channelling Test. Range 100ft.
 When shaman is surrounded by 50+ Orc equivalents (see below), whom he can draw the energy, he doesn’t
need to roll Channelling Test and also gains an extra d10 to Casting Rolls. This counts as an extra die and also
purposes of Waaagh! Miscast. Range 100ft.
 When shaman is surrounded by 100+ Orc equivalents (see below), whom he can draw the energy, he doesn’t
need to roll Channelling Test and also gains an extra 2d10 to Casting Rolls. These count as an extra die and
also purposes of Waaagh! Miscast. Range 100ft.
 When shaman is surrounded by 1000+ Orc equivalents (see below), whom he can draw the energy, he doesn’t
need to roll Channelling Test and also gains an extra 3d10 to Casting Rolls. These count as an extra die and
also purposes of Waaagh! Miscast. Range 100ft.

Optional Rule: In GM decision, you may roll an extra d10 to all Casting Rolls. This die doesn’t count to actual Casting
Rolls, but for the purposes of Waaagh! Miscast. Greenskin Magic is very unstable.

Orc Equivalents:
6 Snotlings = 1 Orc
2 Goblins, Gnoblars or Boglars = 1 Orc
1 Hobgoblin = 1 Orcs
Night Goblin Fanatic = 2 Orcs
Black Orc = 2 Orcs

When natural Waaagh! has consumed Greenskins and also their shamans, then no Channelling Test is needed. But if
Waaagh! is not happening and in a case, that shaman is alone (cannot channel the energy of others or there are too few
others – see above) all spells first need a Channelling Test (which requires a Use a Skill half action) to draw the needed
Waaagh! energy from the shaman himself. This Channelling Test does not provide a bonus to your Casting Roll; instead
it simply allows you to cast a spell. If your Channelling Test fails, you cannot cast a spell this round.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 16 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Greenskin shamans require the presence of many of their brethren to work their magic (draw the energy from them) – in
fact, the more the mightier. That is why the spells do not have individual Ingredients, but there are extra bonuses that
come from the amount of Greenskins that give the energy to the shaman (see Channelling above). However, there are
some universal Ingredients that Greenskins like to use, which gives bonuses on the Casting Rolls.

Universal Ingredients:
 Magic mushroom brews (various). Check details below. Sometimes Mushrooms are eaten raw (like they are
found), sometimes turned to powder and sometimes also to potions with other ingredients. Some ways may
even increase the effects, but commonly not. Greenskins also like to mix them to their fungus beers, but this
way they may also become drunk.
 Magical Waaagh! Standards or spirit-totems (+2, very rare availability). Magically enchanted items that can be
used to fuel the Waaagh! Power. Works from range of 100ft.
 Snotlings (+3). Large Greenskins (Orcs) can more easily consume small ones. Usually Orcs eat Snotlings. This
is called “Grot-Noshing”. If Shaman eats Snotling (Orc shaman may consume even few during a day) he gains
instantly Snotlings ambient Waaagh! Energy. This bonus actually remains for 1d10 hours. Shaman cannot
exchange this bonus by eating multiple Snotlings at same time. Only one bonus remains at any given time.
 Spider Venom (+1, average availability). Mild venom from small spiders that cause almost trance like state
where victim becomes numb reducing his Movement by -1 and slowing his reaction causing -10 to Initiative Test
for the duration of the effect. The effect of this poison last for 3d10 rounds. The poison can be collected, but
most of the time Shamans use living small Spiders and let them live among their equipment or even in the body.
Spiders keep biting Shaman time to time basically providing this bonus all the time. Spiders are most common
among the Forest Goblins, but also common practice among the Savage Orcs and Night Goblins.

Magic Mushrooms:
Note that these Casting Roll bonuses are only for Greenskin magic-users. Creating Mixture means that you have Trade
Tools (Apothecary), spend 1d10 hours per draught, and succeed at a Trade (Apothecary) Test with given difficulty.
Mushrooms can be consumed also raw, as done many times by Greenskins, but this usually has side-effects.

Black Spot Mushroom aka “Berserk Speed”

Black spotted red Mushrooms. This rare hallucinogenic mushroom found from the dark wet forests and caves. When
consumed, the user slips into a strange boost that has many effects. This causes Frenzy state and user gains Frenzy
talent. If user has Frenzy it is activated immediately. User also gains a temporarily bonus of a +10 to Toughness and
Initiative. The effect of one dose lasts for 1d10/2 hours. At the end of the effect users gains a -10 penalty to all Ag tests
for a 2d10 hours. This is main ingredient for the infamous “Guzzia’s Battle Brew”. If the mixture (including “Guzzia’s
Battle Brew”) successful, then Ag penalty only lasts for a 1d10 hours.
Casting Roll Bonuses: +2
Cost: 10s (Greenskins), 40gc (Everywhere else)
Market Availability: Average (Greenskins), Very Rare (Everywhere else)
Creating Mixture: Routine (+10)

Bloodfang Mushroom
White mushrooms found from the caves. If consumed raw gives strange euphoric feeling of Strength actually giving +10
bonus to Strength. This effect will last 1d10 hours. This is actually very common battle drug among other races. Side-
effect starts after the actual effect fades and causes -10 penalty to Strength and Agility for a 1d10 hours. If brewed
successfully as a draught, then there are no side-effects.
Casting Roll Bonuses: +1
Cost: 3s (Greenskins mountain/underground areas), 10gc (Dwarfs), 20gc (Everywhere else)
Market Availability: Common (Greenskins), Scarce (Dwarfs), Very Rare (Everywhere else)
Creating Mixture: Hard (-20)

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Fire Cap Mushroom
Yellow capped hallucinogenic mushroom common in the dark wet forests. When consumed causes hallucinations and
strange warm effect, which in worst cases can feel like user’s body is in fire. The effect of one dose lasts for 2d10
rounds. If the mixture fails the fire effect is so real-like, that user may actually feel like his body is on fire (and act on that
going into a panic).
Casting Roll Bonuses: +1
Cost: 1s (Greenskins), 10s (Everywhere else)
Market Availability: Plentiful (Greenskins), Scarce (Everywhere else)
Creating Mixture: Very Easy (+30)

Green Ooze Mushroom

Green slimy mushrooms, with white spots found from the caves. They glow with green light. Very good healing herb if
done right. If consumed raw in only gives Casting Roll bonuses, which will last for a one hour. But if brewed successfully
as a mixture it heals 1d10 Wounds from a lightly injured character.
Casting Roll Bonuses: +2
Cost: 5s (Greenskins mountain/underground areas), 5gc (Dwarfs), 10gc (Everywhere else)
Market Availability: Common (Greenskins), Scarce (Dwarfs), Very Rare (Everywhere else)
Creating Mixture: Challenging (-10)

Mad Cap Mushroom

Hallucinogenic mushroom found from the caves and mountain areas. When consumed, the user slips into a mad and
destructive rage. Users Strength Bonus attribute increases by +1 and he becomes oblivious to damage, further reducing
all Wounds taken by -1. In this madness, he can’t dodge or parry. The effect of one dose lasts for 2d10 rounds. At the
end of the effect, the mushroom deals 2 Wounds. If the mixture is successful, then no Wounds are lost at the end.
Casting Roll Bonuses: +3
Cost: 3s (Greenskins in the mountain/underground areas), 3gc (Dwarfs), 30gc (Everywhere else)
Market Availability: Common (Greenskins), Average (Dwarfs), Very Rare (Everywhere else)
Creating Mixture: Challenging (-10)

Spikespore Mushroom
Blue mushrooms, with white spots found from the caves and mountain areas. Very good healing herb, because numbs
the body and takes away the pain. When consumed, user gains a temporarily bonus of a +10 to Toughness, which will
last for 2d10 rounds. If not done properly (boiled mixture) user becomes too numb gaining -10 penalty to Initiative Tests
and -1 penalty to Movement for the same duration as bonus.
Casting Roll Bonuses: +1
Cost: 1s (Greenskins mountain/underground areas), 3s (Dwarfs), 10s (Everywhere else)
Market Availability: Abundant (Greenskins), Common (Dwarfs), Scarce (Everywhere else)
Creating Mixture: Easy (+20)

Yellow Spot Mushroom

White yellow spotted hallucinogenic mushroom found from the deep caves. There it glows with an eerie green light.
When consumed causes strong hallucinations and a -10 penalty to any physical Tests (WS, BS, S, Ag …etc.) for the
duration of the effect. The effect of one dose lasts for 2d10 rounds. At the end of the effect, the users usually vomit
strongly (user is considered to be stunned for a 2 rounds). If mixture is done right, this drops the penalty to -5.
Casting Roll Bonuses: +2
Cost: 1s (Greenskins mountain/underground areas), 1gc (Dwarfs), 10gc (Everywhere else)
Market Availability: Abundant (Greenskins), Average (Dwarfs), Rare (Everywhere else)
Creating Mixture: Easy (+20)

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Optional Rule: Bad Mushrooms
There is always chance that mushrooms are rotten, corrupted, user fails in the mixture test or totally wrong type/number
of mushrooms causing overdose. In GM decision, you should roll d10 each time from the following table:
 1-6 Good Mushrooms: No penalties.
 7 Bad Mushrooms: No bonuses.
 8 Rotten Mushrooms: Causes stomach pains, headache, vomit…etc. Penalties -10 to all actions for a 1d10
hours. Also -1 penalty to all Casting Rolls.
 9 Corrupted Mushrooms & minor overdose: Effect is little too much. Make Average Toughness Test or user falls
into a strange trance/chemical trip and is considered Helpless for a 1d10 hours.
 10 Corrupted Mushrooms & major overdose: Make a Challenging (-10) Toughness Test or user fall into a coma
for a 1d10 days.

Automatic Failure
Like other spellcasters, rolling all ones on your Casting Rolls results in automatic spell failure by losing the control of the
Waaagh! energy. Consult Waaagh! Miscast table. In addition, shaman must take a Will Power Test or gain an Insanity
point as the uncontrolled Waaagh! energy sears his mind.

Waaagh! Miscast Table

Minor ‘Eadbangerz Chart
01-10 Mushrooms: All kind of brightly coloured mushrooms appear in the two-yard radius from the shaman. These can
be used as hallucinogenic brews.
11-20 Waaagh! Light: Shaman starts to glow strange green light brightly for a 1d10 minutes sparkling in time to time.
21-30 Waaagh! Vomit: Shaman’s eyes will glow / sparkle wild green energy and he also spits this energy every time he
opens his mouth for a 1d10 minutes.
31-40 Spooked: Waaagh! Energy seems to build uncontrolled and starts to burst wildly, but actually it doesn’t. Make
Average Will Power Test or shaman will piss his pants and be stunned for a 1d10/2 rounds.
41-50 Small Spores: Strange plant-like, brightly coloured spores appear for five feet from shaman in one direction (GM
decision). Few hours’ time they grow into a plant-like underground womb that nourishes 1d10 Snotlings. Underground
womb will nourish these small Snotlings for a 1d10 days and then small child-like Snotlings burst from the ground. Treat
as weak Snotlings, which will eventually grow into a normal member of its race, but without sex.
51-60 Little Explosion: Small, sudden explosion causes shaman to fly 1d10 feet backwards and down to the ground.
Shaman will be stunned for a round.
61-70 Physical Shock: The Waaagh! Energy channelled is little too much. This causes shaman to lose 1 Wound
regardless of Toughness Bonus or armour.
71-80 Mental Block: The Waaagh! Energy channelled is little too much. Shamans Magic Characteristic is reduced by 1
for 1d10 hours.
81-90 Mental Shock: The Waaagh! Energy channelled is little too much. This causes shaman to lose 1 insanity point.
91-95 Mork Might: The GM can choose any result from this chart or make up a comparable Minor effect.
96-00 Super Green: Roll on Major ‘Eadbangerz Chart instead.

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Major ‘Eadbangerz Chart
01-10 Voice gone: Shaman loses his voice or his tongue is strangely tide up for 1d10 rounds.
11-20 Waaagh! Overload: Shaman is overwhelmed by Waaagh! Energy and stunned for a 1d10 rounds.
21-30 Create Squig: Waaagh! Energy suddenly creates 1d10 small Squigs, which will eventually grow large in time.
31-40 Large Explosion: Large, sudden physical explosion of Waaagh! Energy causes damage to shaman and everyone
within small Template area. This explosion causes 1d10 Wounds regardless of Toughness Bonus or armour.
41-50 Large Spores: Strange plant-like, brightly coloured spores appear for five feet from shaman in one direction (GM
decision). Few hours’ time they grow into a plant-like underground womb that nourishes 1d10/2 Goblins. Underground
womb will nourish these small Goblins for a 1d10 days and then small child-like Goblins burst from the ground. Treat as
weak Goblins, which will eventually grow into a normal member of its race, but without sex.
51-60 Huge Spores: Strange plant-like, brightly coloured spores appear for five feet from shaman in one direction (GM
decision). Few hours’ time they grow into a plant-like underground womb that nourishes 1 normal Orc. Underground
womb will nourish these small Orc for a 1d10 days and then small child-like Orc burst from the ground. Treat as weak
normal Orc, which will eventually grow into a normal member of its race, but without sex.
61-70 Stinking Cloud: Shaman releases wind and that becomes huge green cloud of stink. Use large Template. Cloud
remains for 1d10 rounds and in wind may move. Everyone that can smell are disgusted by the horrible stink of the cloud
and this causes a -10% penalty to all actions.
71-80 Pain!: You suffer pain for 1d10 rounds, suffering a -10% penalty to all tests made in that time.
81-90 Waaagh! Minor Blast: Wave of uncontrolled Waaagh! Energy. This charge causes 1d10 Wounds (regardless of
Toughness Bonus or armour) and 1 insanity point to shaman unless he rolls successfully in Challenging (-10%) Will
Power Test. Also, every Greenskin in the 50 yards’ range from the shaman must pass an Average Will Power Test or
they will suffer also same fate. Even they succeed on this they will be stunned for a 1d10 rounds.
91-95 Gork Might: The GM can choose any result from this chart or make up a comparable Major effect.
96-00 Mega Green: Roll on Catastrophic ‘Eadbangerz Chart instead.

Catastrophic ‘Eadbangerz Chart

01-10 Huge Explosion: Large, sudden physical explosion of Waaagh! Energy causes damage to shaman and everyone
within large Template area. This explosion causes 2d10 Wounds regardless of Toughness Bonus or armour.
11-20 Waaagh! Bombardment: Suddenly Waaagh! Energy burst into air and drops into close range area like small green
bombs causing 1d10 small Template area explosion that each cause Damage 4. GM should decide the targets, but
these should drop on own troops/companions, houses/huts, equipment…etc. causing much damage.
21-30 Waaagh! Coma: Shaman is overwhelmed by Waaagh! Energy and must make Average Will Power Test or fall into
a coma for a 1d10 days. Even test is successful shaman is still stunned for a 1d10 rounds.
31-40 Mind Wreck: Waaagh! Energy courses through the mind of shaman and burns it. Shaman loses permanently 2d10
points of Intelligence and Will Power Characteristics. Shaman also gains few strange habits (starts drooling, speaks
strange, screams time to time without reason…etc.).
41-50 Body Wreck: Waaagh! Energy courses through the body of shaman and withers it. Shaman loses permanently
2d10 points of Strength and Toughness Characteristics.
51-60 Madness: The Waaagh! Energy channelled is little too much. This causes shaman to lose 1d10 insanity point.
61-70 Petrified: Shaman is suddenly turned to a green stone statue with his equipment by the bursting Waaagh! Energy.
71-80 Memento: The Waaagh! Energy channelled is little too much. Shaman loses his ability channel magic (Magic
Characteristic) for a 2d10 days.
81-90 Head hurts!: Waaagh! Energy courses through the tortured brain and shamans head explodes killing him instantly.
91-95 Waaagh! Nuke: Major wave of uncontrolled Waaagh! Energy. This charge destroys shaman totally and every
Greenskin in the 50 yards’ range from the shaman must pass a Challenging (-10%) Will Power Test or their heads will
blow up also. Even they succeed on this they will be stunned for a 1d10 rounds. Everyone else in the 50-yard range must
make also Average Will Power Test or be stunned also by the mind-blowing hit of this strange energy.
96-00 God Green: The GM can choose any result from this chart or make up a comparable catastrophic effect.

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Petty Magic (Waaagh!)
Petty Magic (Waaagh!) effects are very similar as any other Petty Magic.

- Bunch O’Waaagh
Casting Number: 6
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: Instant
Range: 16 yards (8 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can throw a bolt of green Waaagh! Energy at an single opponent. Bolt is magic missile with Damage 2.

- Gedup
Casting Number: 5
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch (You)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: Your touch brings the green energy of Waaagh! which heals an injured character of 1 Wound. A wounded
character can only receive such healing once during or after each battle of encounter in which Wounds are lost. You can
cast this spell on yourself.

- Green Light
Casting Number: 3
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: 1 hour
Range: 30 yards (15 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can cause any item in your grasp to glow with very bright greenish color (bright as a lantern) for one
hour or until you let it go. Even bright this will not hurt eyes of any Greenskin race.

- Minor Waaagh! Prayer

Casting Number: 6
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: Instant
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: Your almost ritual-like Prayer for Greenskin Gods builds Waaagh! Energy among those Greenskins close to
you. Chance for Waaagh! rises by +10% for the next test. This spell cannot be combined with other similar spells.

- Mork’s Might
Casting Number: 6
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Range: Touch (You)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: The touched character receives a +5% bonus to Weapon Skill and Strength and you can only benefit from
one Mork’s Might at a time. You can cast this spell on yourself.

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- You Weren’t Using Dat
Casting Number: 4
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: Instant
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You force a target character to drop whatever he is holding by sending green electric like sparkles. The
subject of this spell can resist it with a successful Will Power Test.

Lesser Magic
Lesser Magic effects caused by Waaagh! Energy are similar as other Lesser Magic even gained different way. You can
use Lesser Magic Spells from the WFRP2 Core Rulebook, with following names and some little changes. Also do not use
original Ingredients (check Ingredients rules above). The difference with Greenskin Lesser Magic and other Lesser Magic
is that users of these magical ways learn the magic different way, gain the power to use magic different way and not all
the spells maybe possible to produce by either way.

- Away! (Move): as the original spell.

Duration: Instant up to 2 rounds
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)

- Don’ Feel Nuthin (Aethyric Armour): This energy shield is not invisible, but sparkling green energy.
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Range: Touch (you)

- Gork’s Weapon (Blessed Weapon): Green energy glows from the weapon.
Duration: 1 hour
Range: Touch

- Major Waaagh! Prayer

Casting Number: 10
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: Instant
Range: 36 yards (18 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: Your almost ritual-like Prayer for Greenskin Gods builds Waaagh! Energy among those Greenskins close to
you. Chance for Waaagh! rises by +20% for the next test. This spell cannot be combined with other similar spells.

- Mork Flight (Skywalk): as the original spell.

Duration: Rounds/Magic
Range: Touch (you)

- Steal Yer Thunder (Dispel): as the original spell.

Duration: Instant
Range: 12 yards (6 square)

- Stuff, Safe, Here (Magic Lock): as the original spell.

Duration: 1 week
Range: 2 yards (1 square)

- Swallow Tongue (Silence): as the original spell.

Duration: Rounds/Magic
Range: 24 yards (12 square)

- ‘U goes there (Magic Alarm): as the original spell.

Duration: Triggered
Range: Touch

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The Little Waaagh! Lores
These are Lores (effects of Waaagh! Magic) created by the smaller Greenskin Shamans (Goblins and very rarely also

Lore of Little Mork (Healing, bonuses)

Lore of Little Gork (Damage)
Lore of Little Da’ Green (Other & mix)
- Gaze of Gork
Casting Number: 8
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: Instant
Range: 18 yards (9 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You create a number of bolts of green Waaagh! Energy equal to your Magic Characteristic and can hurl
them at one or more opponents. Bolts are magic missile with Damage 2.

- Brain Bursta
Casting Number: 8
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: Instant
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can throw a bolt of green Waaagh! Energy at an single opponent. Bolt is magic missile with Damage 4.

- ‘Ere We Go! (BONUSES)

Casting Number: X
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Range: 18 yards (9 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can boost number of opponents equal to your Magic Characteristic times, giving Fearless Trait (anyone
with Fearless Trait becomes totally immune to Fear and Terror).

- Gork’ll Fix It
Casting Number: 8
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: 1 round/Magic Characteristic
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can cast this spell on any one character or creature, inflicting a series of minor yet distracting, calamity.
Victim must make a successful Average Will Power Test. If unsuccessful, then victim will attack the nearest character
with an all out attack, be it friend or foe. If the nearest character is out of reach, victim must move towards him as fast as
possible and engage him in melee combat (making a charge attack if possible).

- ‘Ey, Quit Bleedin’

Casting Number: 12
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch (You)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: Your touch bursts green energy which heals an injured opponent of 1d10 Wounds. It still leaves some scars.
You can also heal youself.

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- Eeek! (BLAST)
Casting Number: XX
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: Instant
Range: 18 yards (9 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: XXX

- Squig Power
Casting Number: 18
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: Greenskins have strange connection with Squigs. With this spell you can use your Waaagh! Energy to boost
the abilities of one Squig. Squigs physical size almost doubles (huge Squigs may also cause fear to smaller creatures
gaining this way Frightening Trait. GM decision). Also spell doubles the Wound amount and gives +20% bonus to
Weapons Skill, Strength and Toughness.

- The Foot of Gork (Da Krunch)

Casting Number: 9
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: Instant
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can summon the almighty Foot of Gork to stomp down everyone in a Small Template area. All those
fully under a template are affected by the spell. Any targets only partially covered by a template can make an Average
Agility Test to leap out of the way and avoid the Foot. Foot causes Damage 6.

- The Hand of Gork

Casting Number: 9
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: Instant
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: Every Greenskin within an area represented by the Small Template feel the power of Gork pushing them
into the fray. They each can take a bonus half action immediately which must be used either to move towards an enemy,
or make an attack.

- Mork Wants Ya!

Casting Number: 10
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: Instant
Range: 18 yards (9 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: The almighty Mork reaches down from the sky with a great green hand and seizes an unlucky foe, crushing
them to paste between giant green fingers. Hand can attack single opponent, who will suffer Damage 10 hit unless
succeeds on Average Dodge Test or Challenging (-10%) Agility Test. Hand will also throw victim for 2d10 yards, which is
partly the cause of damage.

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The Big Waaagh! Lores
These are Lores (effects of Waaagh! Magic) created by the larger Greenskin Shamans (Orcs).

Lore of Big Mork (Healing, bonuses)

Lore of Big Gork (Damage)
Lore of Big Da’ Green (Other & mix)
- Gaze of Mork
Casting Number: 10
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: Instant
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You create a number of bolts of green Waaagh! Energy equal to your Magic Characteristic and can hurl
them at one or more opponents. Bolts are magic missile with Damage 3.

- ‘Eadbutt
Casting Number: 12
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: 1 round
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can bash green Waaagh! Energy at a single opponent. Victim must make successful Challenging (-
10%) Strength Test or is thrown backwards 1d10/2 yards and falls into ground. Victim is stunned 1 round and there is
possibility that victim also knocks others behind him down, but they are given Average Agility Test or Easy (+10%)
Dodge Test, to avoid this.

- Bash ‘Em Ladz

Casting Number: 12
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Range: 18 yards (9 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can boost number of opponents equal to your Magic Characteristic times 3, giving a +20% bonus on
their Initiative Tests.

- Breath of Mork
Casting Number: 12
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch (You)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: Your touch bursts green energy which heals an injured opponent of 1d10 Wounds. It still leaves some scars.
You can also heal youself.

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- ‘Ard As Nails
Casting Number: 14
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Range: Touch (You)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can boost one opponent of your choosing. This opponent gains +30% bonus to its Toughness, and also
+10% bonus on Strenght. Boosted opponent (Greenskins or sometimes also Mounts) will have extremely high tolerance
against pain.

- Yer A Weaklin’
Casting Number: 14
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Range: 12 yards (6 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can weaken number of opponents equal to your Magic Characteristic, giving -20% penalties to their
Weapons Skill, Ballistic Skill and Strength, unless a successful Average Will Power Test is made.

- Leaky Brainz
Casting Number: 14
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Range: 18 yards (9 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You can weaken number of opponents equal to your Magic Characteristic, giving -20% penalties to their
Intelligence and Will Power, unless a successful Average Will Power Test is made.

- Fists of Gork
Casting Number: 16
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Range: Touch (You)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: Your fists are wreathed in crackling green energy. You gain +20% to Weapon Skill and Strength, and your
hands now count as a Magical weapon (no minuses to attack even you don’t have Street Fighting talent), with Armour
Piercing and Impact Quality. Also, you gain +1 to your Attacks.

- Gork’s Warpath
Casting Number: 25
Casting Time: Full action
Duration: 1 round to unlimited rounds
Range: 36 yards (18 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: You summon the almighty Gork and his big warty feet appear from the sky stomping over the area of your
choosing. This spell is similart to Gork’s Feet, but even more powerful, yet not so sure. Feet stomp down everyone in a
Large Template area. All those fully under a template are affected by the spell. Any targets only partially covered by a
template can make an Average Agility Test to leap out of the way and avoid the Foot. Foot causes Damage 6, regardless
of armour. Also after first round of attack you must roll a dice (d10) and consult the following chart:
1 Gork slips and stomps on one you. This will place you directly in the middle of Large Template and also
everyone close to you are in the danger now. After this spell ends.
2 Gork slips and stomps one of your allies. This will place that opponent directly in the middle of Large
Template and also everyone close to him are in the danger now. After this spell ends.
3-7 Gork gets bored and wanders off. The spell ends.
8-10 Gork stomps again next round.

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- Waaagh!
Casting Number: 31
Casting Time: Two actions
Duration: 1 hour
Range: 50 yards (25 squares)
Ingredient: Check Ingredients above
Description: Your green power boost all Greenskins around you to new rage. Everyone gains +1 Attack and +10% to
Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill. Also, all Greenskins become Fearless and if they already are (boosted by the Waaagh!)
then they become totally immune to Fear and Terror. This spell causes so big boom of Waaagh! energy that any person
with Magical Sense feels this energy from 10 miles away.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 27 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Chapter XXX: Greenskin Characters
“Snotlings are the smallest vermin. Orcs are the biggest. Rest somewhere between them. But all you need to worry is
that your enemy has a green skin. Then, just kill ‘em all!”
– Olmo “Goblinbane” Betruccioni, Tilean Mercenary Captain

Here are rules for creating “custom” Greenskins and even Greenskin characters if needed. However, Greenskins do not
get along well with other race and full Greenskin adventures maybe little limited. Yet these rules give change to create
Greenskins from the beginning.

Creating Greenskins
Greenskins can be divided to five different sizes or species: Snotlings (tiny), Gnoblars (very small), Goblins (small), Orcs
(medium), Black Orcs (large). Inside every species there are variations (sub-species) with different abilities. Greenskin
culture is based on the idea that it is the right and indeed duty of the strong to oppressively rule the weak. Larger,
stronger are accorded higher status. Yet, it is possible that wiser and somehow powerful species may rule even the
bigger ones. For example, intelligent and powerful Goblin Shaman may rule both Goblins and Orcs among his tribe.

Characteristics: Snotlings Gnoblars Goblins Orcs Black Orcs

Weapon Skill (WS) 5+2d10 10+2d10 15+2d10 30+2d10 35+2d10
Ballistic Skill (BS) 2d10 20+2d10 20+2d10 10+2d10 10+2d10
Strength (S) 2d10 5+2d10 15+2d10 30+2d10 35+2d10
Toughness (T) 5+2d10 15+2d10 20+2d10 30+2d10 35+2d10
Agility (Ag) 20+2d10 20+2d10 15+2d10 20+2d10 20+2d10
Intelligence (Int) 2d10 10+2d10 15+2d10 10+2d10 15+2d10
Will Power (WP) 2d10 10+2d10 20+2d10 15+2d10 15+2d10
Fellowship (Fel) 2d10 5+2d10 10+2d10 10+2d10 15+2d10
Attacks (A) 1 1 1 1 1
Wounds (W) 1-3:3 1-3:5 1-3:7 1-3:11 1-3:12
4-6:4 4-6:6 4-6:8 4-6:12 4-6:13
7-9:5 7-9:7 7-9:9 7-9:13 7-9:14
10:6 10:8 10:10 10:14 10:15
Strength Bonus (SB) first digit of S first digit of S first digit of S first digit of S first digit of S
Toughness Bonus (TB) first digit of T first digit of T first digit of T first digit of T first digit of T
Movement (M) 3 4 4 4 4
Magic (Mag) 0 0 0 0 0
Insanity Points (IP) 0 0 0 0 0
Fate Points (FP) 1-4:0 1-4:0 1-4:0 1-4:0 1-4:0
5-7:1 5-7:1 5-7:0 5-7:0 5-7:0
8-9:2 8-9:1 8-9:1 8-9:0 8-9:0
10:3 10:2 10:2 10:1 10:0

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Type: Monstrous Humanoid
Size: Tiny (Snotling…)
- Snotling -
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
15 10 10 (1) 15 (1) 30 10 10 10
Skills: XXX
Talents: XXX
Traits: XXX

Attacks: 1; Movement: 3; Wounds: 4
Armour: None (Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0)
Weapons: XXX
Slaughter Margin: XXX

Type: Monstrous Humanoid
Size: Small (Goblin, Halfling…)
- Gnoblar -
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
20 30 15 (1) 25 (2) 30 20 20 15
Skills: XXX
Talents: XXX
Traits: XXX

Attacks: 1; Movement: 4; Wounds: 6
Armour: None (Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0)
Weapons: XXX
Slaughter Margin: XXX

Type: Monstrous Humanoid
Size: Small (Goblin, Halfling…)
- Goblins -
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
25 30 25 (2) 30 (3) 25 25 30 20
Skills: XXX
Talents: XXX
Traits: XXX

Attacks: 1; Movement: 4; Wounds: 8
Armour: None (Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0)
Weapons: XXX
Slaughter Margin: XXX

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Type: Monstrous Humanoid
Size: Medium (Human, Dwarf…)
- Orcs -
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
40 20 40 (4) 40 (4) 30 20 25 20
Skills: XXX
Talents: XXX
Traits: XXX

Attacks: 1; Movement: 4; Wounds: 12
Armour: None (Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0)
Weapons: XXX
Slaughter Margin: XXX

Black Orcs
Type: Monstrous Humanoid
Size: Large (Black Orc, Centigor, Minotaur…)
- Black Orcs -
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
45 20 45 (4) 45 (4) 30 20 25 20
Skills: XXX
Talents: XXX
Traits: XXX

Attacks: 1; Movement: 4; Wounds: 13
Armour: None (Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0)
Weapons: XXX
Slaughter Margin: XXX

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Racial Features: Snotlings
A Snotling gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land or Under-Empire), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception,
Swim, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Snotgob)
Talents: Flee!, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Rover or Tunnel Rat
Traits: Animosity*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Fearless, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*, Very
Small Attack*

Racial Features: Gnoblars

Blood-Gnoblar (of Mountains of Mourn)
A Blood-Gnoblar gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, Mountains of Mourn), Concealment, Follow Trail, Outdoor Survival,
Perception, Ride, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Set Trap, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah), Torture
Talents: Acute Hearing, Lighting Reflexes, Provincial Expertise (native location)*
Traits: Animosity*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*

Boglars (or Bogarts, Boggarts, Marsh-Gnoblars, Marsh Goblins, Water Gnoblars, Swamp
A Boglar gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer
Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah), Swim, Torture
Talents: Flee!, Lighting Reflexes, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Rover
Traits: Amphibious*, Animosity*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Hate Sun*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease,
Swimmer*, Waaagh!*

Gnoblar (or Lesser Goblins)

A Gnoblar gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land or Ogres), Concealment, Follow Trail, Outdoor Survival,
Perception, Ride or Swim, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah), Torture
Talents: Flee!, Lighting Reflexes, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Rover
Traits: Animosity*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*

Toad-Gnoblars (or Toad-Boglars)

A Toad-Gnoblar gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer
Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah), Swim, Torture
Talents: Flee!, Lighting Reflexes, Provincial Expertise (native location)*
Traits: Amphibious*, Animosity*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Hate Sun*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease,
Swimmer*, Waaagh!*, Waterbirth*

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Racial Features: Goblins
Fire Kobolds
A Fire Kobold gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer
Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah), Swim
Talents: Frenzy, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Very Strong
Traits: Animosity*, Elveses Is Scary*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease, Resistance
to Fire*, Spit Fire*, Waaagh!*

Forest Goblins (or Jungle Goblins)

A Forest Goblin gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land or Under-Empire), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception,
Prepare Poison, Ride, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah)
Talents: Frenzy, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Rover
Traits: Animosity*, Elveses Is Scary*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease, Resistance
to Poison, Waaagh!*

Frost Goblins (of Naggaroth)

A Frost Goblin gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, Naggaroth), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Ride, Scale Sheer
Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah), Swim
Talents: Coolheaded, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Rover or Tunnel Rat
Traits: Animosity*, Elveses Is Scary*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Cold*, Resistance to
Disease, Waaagh!*

Goblins (or Lesser Hill Goblins)

A Goblin gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land or Under-Empire), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception,
Ride, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah), Swim
Talents: Coolheaded, Flee!, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Rover or Tunnel Rat
Traits: Animosity*, Elveses Is Scary*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*

Hill Goblins (or Great Goblins)

A Hill Goblin gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Ride or Swim, Scale
Sheer Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah)
Talents: Coolheaded, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Street Fighting, Very Resilient, Wrestling
Traits: Animosity*, Elveses Is Scary*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*

A Hobgoblin gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, Eastern Steppes), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Prepare
Poison, Ride, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Harghazhakh)
Talents: Hardy, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Very Strong, Warrior Born
Traits: Animosity*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*

Jungle Kobolds
A Jungle Kobold gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer
Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah), Swim
Talents: Expert Climber*, Frenzy, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Rover, Very Strong
Traits: Animosity*, Elveses Is Scary*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*

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A Kobold gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer
Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah), Swim
Talents: Frenzy, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Rover or Tunnel Rat, Very Resilient, Very Strong
Traits: Animosity*, Elveses Is Scary*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*

Night Goblins (or Mere-Goblins)

A Night Goblin gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, Under-Empire), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Ride, Scale
Sheer Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah)
Talents: Lighting Reflexes, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Specialist Weapon Group (Entangling), Tunnel Rat
Traits: Animosity*, Dwarfen Hatred*, Elveses Is Scary*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Hate Sun*, Night Vision,
Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*

A Troglagob gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, High Seas), Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer
Surfaces, Silent Move, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Ghazkah), Swim
Talents: Coolheaded, Flee!, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Rover
Traits: Amphibious*, Animosity*, Elveses Is Scary*, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to
Disease, Swimmer*, Waaagh!*

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Racial Features: Orcs
Common Orcs
A Common Orc gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land or Under-Empire), Intimidate, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Ride or
Swim, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Orrakh), Torture
Talents: Menacing, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Specialist Weapon Group (Choppa), Stout-hearted, Street
Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Wrestling
Traits: Animosity*, Big 'Uns - Size Matters, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease,

Savage Orcs
A Savage Orc gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land), Concealment, Intimidate, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Ride or
Swim, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/ Orrakh Primitive Version)
Talents: Frenzy, Menacing, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Rover, Specialist Weapon Group (Choppa), Stout-
hearted, Strike Mighty Blow
Traits: Animosity*, Big 'Uns - Size Matters, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease,

Swamp Orcs
A Swamp Orc gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land), Intimidate, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Row, Swim, Scale
Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Orrakh), Torture
Talents: Frenzy, Menacing, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Specialist Weapon Group (Choppa), Stout-hearted,
Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow
Traits: Animosity*, Big 'Uns - Size Matters, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Disease,

White Orcs ("Albino Orcs")

A Savage White Orc gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, Troll Country or Norsca), Concealment, Intimidate, Outdoor Survival,
Perception, Ride, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/ Orrakh Primitive Version)
Talents: Frenzy, Menacing, Provincial Expertise (Troll Country or Norsca), Rover, Specialist Weapon Group (Choppa),
Traits: Animosity*, Big 'Uns - Size Matters, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Resistance to Cold*,
Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*

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Racial Features: Black Orcs
Black Orcs
A Black Orc gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, native land or Under-Empire), Intimidate, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Ride or
Swim, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Orrakh), Torture
Talents: Menacing, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Specialist Weapon Group (Choppa), Specialist Weapon
Group (Two-handed), Stout-hearted, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun, Wrestling
Traits: Big 'Uns - Size Matters, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Night Vision, Quell Animosity*, Resistance to Disease,

Iron Orcs
A Iron Orc gains the following skills and talents/traits:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins, Bretonnia), Intimidate, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer Surfaces,
Speak Language (Goblin Tongue/Orrakh)
Talents: Frenzy, Lighting Reflexes, Menacing, Provincial Expertise (native location)*, Specialist Weapon Group
(Choppa), Stout-hearted, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Sturdy
Traits: Big 'Uns - Size Matters, Greenskin Resistance to Chaos*, Iron Skin (2)*, Night Vision, Quell Animosity*,
Resistance to Disease, Waaagh!*

Animosity (Trait)
Description: Greenskins are a fractious lot and they need very little reason to squabble amongst themselves or mix it up
with other Greenskins. Even the merest shadow of an excuse will do. A Greenskins offered any kind of excuse must
make an Average Will Power Test or immediately attack the offending Greenskins.

Amphibious (Trait)
Description: Amphibious creatures are suited for life in and out of water. They can either breathe underwater or hold
their breath for sufficiently long periods that, as far as the rules are concerned, they cannot drown. Further, they may
take actions as normal while underwater, and do not halve their statistics (including Movement) while swimming.

Big 'Uns - Size Matters (Trait)

Description: Orcs just become bigger and 'arder. Because of their bizarre physiology, orcs receive a steady supply of
adrenaline when preparing to challenge a superior, causing him to physically increase in size and muscle-mass. When
their Characteristics grow, also their size grows. This gives following bonuses if these limits are reached:
 WS50, S50, T50, W16 = Unsettling
 WS60, S60, T60, W19 = Frightening
GM decision: You may also give an extra +2 Wounds per each career that Orcs finish to show how they become bigger
and tougher with experience.

Dwarfen Hatred (Trait)

Description: Hate for Dwarfs is so passionate that this brings a +5 WS bonus when fighting them.

Expert Climber (Trait)

Description: Creatures with this talent may use the Scale Sheer Surface skill as a half action. They may also use this
skill as a full action to climb a number of yards equal to their Movement Characteristic for each successful test.

Elveses is Scary (Trait)

Description: Goblins find Elves extremely unnerving. Whether this is because of the ancient animosity between the two
races, or simply because of the Elves’ superior mannerisms and smell of cleanliness, a Goblin must make a Fear Test if
it and its allies do not outnumber the Elves present by at least two to one.

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Greenskin Resistance to Chaos (Trait)
Description: See Greenskin Resistance to Chaos chapter for further information.

Hate Sun (Trait)

Description: These Greenskins are custom to the darkness of underWorld and try only to surface during night-time. If
they are suddenly caught by the sunlight or similar very bright light they suffer -10 penalty to all tests. If they surface
World, it will take few days (1d10) to get custom to the bright daylight. During that time, they suffer the normal penalty.

Iron Skin (Trait)

Description: This is strange phenomena only found amongst the Iron Orc breed. Small metallic growths break through
Orcs skin, forming a hard shell of metal scales. This growth can easily be mistaken as pieces of armour. These pieces
become stronger and bigger as Orc grows in experience and size. First Orc has 2 Armour Points in all locations except
Head. Then with each Career it gains 1 more point to these locations until it reaches 5 points. Then it stops. This growth
can be combined with actual armour pieces, but only to maximum of 5 Armour Points. Example at the beginning Iron Orc
could wear both Leather and Plate (or Mail) atop his Iron Skin gaining total of 5 AP. Second career Iron Orc (with Iron
Skin 3) may only combine one armour type with his skin anymore. It is known that this is not mutation and speculated
that has come originally from the result of some experimental Chaos Dwarf sorcery.

Quell Animosity (Trait)

Description: These Orcs do not squabble amongst themselves, nor do they brook such infighting among Greenskins
they command. An Orc may quell any such infighting among Greenskins within 12 yards with a successful Routine (+10)
Command Test.

Resistance to Cold (Trait)

Description: Creature has developed high resistance to cold. This could be metabolism or something like heavy fur.
When you are using Cold Temperature Rules, the creature is considered to have Winter Clothing / Arctic Animals, when
it needs to make any cold environment tests (even if it is naked). Also, any cold/frost damage (even magical) should be
divided by two. And after these bonuses remember too Familiarity to Cold.
NOTE! These rules are based on the Cold Temperature Rules that can be found from my Norsca Project.

Resistance to Fire (Trait)

Description: Creature has developed high resistance to heat or fire. This could be physiology or something like special
type of skin... Creature gets a +10 bonus to any tests against effects of heat (fatigue, thirst, uncomfortable feeling…), and
actually feels pretty comfortable in a warm (or hot) environment. Also, it is very resistant to most heat damage and
subtracts 3 points on any fire-based attacks (this doesn’t include Toughness Bonus). Also after these bonuses
remember too Familiarity to Heat.

Spit Fire (Trait)

Description: This creature can take a full action to spit tiny stream of fire at enemy. The spit attack hits a melee
opponent if creature succeeds on Easy (+20) Ballistic Skill Test. If attack succeeds, then the opponent is hit by small
fire which deals 1d10+4 damage that ignores armour. The spit may be dodged, but not parried. It is possible that any
flammable material will catch fire (like clothing). Make an Average Agility Test to avoid this.

Swimmer (Trait)
Description: These creatures are natural swimmers. This trait gives +20 bonus to Swim Tests.

Waaagh! (Trait)
Description: These creatures can be affected by the Waaagh! and its bonuses. Also, their presence creates Waaagh!
Energy. More info can be found from the Waaagh! Chapter.

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Waterbirth (Trait)
Description: These creatures have a peculiar ability to multiply when immersed in water. In water creature, may choose
to multiply. This takes 1d10 rounds and during these rounds the creature may not do anything else. Creature should be
naked. Creature is also counted as stationary or stunned target. Challenging (-10) Toughness Test must be done at
the end of those rounds. If this test is successful, then the creature strangely seems to divide to two similar looking
creatures. The new creature, clone, is physically identical, but mentally new creature. Yet, it has the memories,
experience and knowledge of the original creature. Even so, it still has own identity (even they are very similar, like
twins). Note, that only the creature multiplies, not any of its equipment’s (weapons, armour...etc.). Creature usually uses
this power only in a stressful situation (like in combat), which means not very often. The "cloning" process is painful and

Very Small Attack (Trait)

Description: Because these creatures are so tiny, any damage they cause bigger (over ten times bigger) creatures is
with a -2 penalty.

Greenskins (usually Savage Orcs) often paint themselves with magical designs and wear primitively lucky charms
(including body parts from slain enemies). They believe this to be pleasing to Gork and Mork and that the gaze of these
Gods Will Protect them in battle. If in full warpaint Toughness Bonus is treated as though it were increased by +2.

Hobgoblin Poison
Hobgoblin skirmishers frequently poison their weapons. They use a mushroom derived poison called Kervalt. A weapon
coated with this poison that inflicts at least 1 Wounds deals 2 additional Wounds unless the target succeeds at a
Challenging (-10) Toughness Test.

Specialist Weapon Group (Choppa)

Description: These brutal cleavers are nasty weapons indeed. Possessing a long hafted handle and a wide wedge-like
blade. Orc Choppas can cut through armour with ease. Only Orcs know how to use these weapons, counting them as
Ordinary weapons. All other races have difficulty managing their balance and weight. When wielded by an Orc, a Choppa
inflicts SB+1 damage on the first round of melee and SB damage thereafter. If wielded by a creature other than an Orc, a
Choppa is treated as a Hand Weapon but with the Slow quality. Big Choppa is larger and more unwielding than a
Choppa and only Black Orcs have been seen to use these weapons (more common among Iron Orcs). On the first round
of combat they do SB+2, and on later rounds SB+1. In the hands of normal Orc and non-Orc, they count as Great
Weapons (Two-handed).

Choppa: Cost – gp; Enc 150; Group Orc Choppa; Dmg SB (SB+1); Qualities Special; Avail Rare
Big Choppa: Cost – gp; Enc 250; Group Choppa; Dmg SB+1 (SB+2); Qualities Special; Avail Very Rare

Troglagob Poison
Troglagob skirmishers frequently poison their weapons. They use ichor from poisonous sea monsters. A weapon coated
with this poison that inflicts at least 1 Wounds deals 2 additional Wounds unless the target succeeds at a Hard (-20)
Thoughness Test.

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Chapter XXX: Greenskin Careers
“Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go!"”
– Orc war chant

These careers are specially designed for Greenskins. They are based careers found from the WFRP2 Core Rulebook
and Old World Bestiary (WFRP2 sourcebook), with modifications. And I have added more careers. I have not tried to
create each and every different type of war-unit to a career (from WFB), just enough general careers that serve all those
and give clear multi-tier paths. I'm tryin to keep this simple. I have also used some names (and great ideas) given in the
old WFRP1 Goblinoid Culture Project: Da Book of Goblins (WFRP1 fan-sourcebook), other fan-project called: Sailing
Greenskins (WFB fan-sourcebook) and finally also Warhammer 40K (WFB) names.

All the careers are open to all the Greenskins, but few things should be remembered:
 Snotlings rarely advance beyond Basic careers. They live short and violent lives usually, this preventing them
really becoming that experienced and powerful.
 Gnoblars rarely advance to beyond Basic careers. Some, most powerful ones, probably start some Advanced
career, but rarely finish them. This is GM decision - do you want to make Gnoblars that powerful?
 Goblins and Orcs can go all the way. But very rare individuals make it to the Tier3 and these are usually the
toughest, which means Orcs. You can rule, that Goblins do not advance beyond Tier2.

New talents are found at the end of this chapter.

Basic Careers

Arrer Boy (Basic)


Arrer Boy are normally Greenskin archers. Among the Orcs they are viewed suspiciously by the rest of da boyz, for
archery is a bit "Gobliny". Among Goblins and Gnoblars this more common and they may use throwing weapons and
even blowpipes. There is also Snotling Arrer Boyz, but because Snotlings are too small to use bows they usually use
slings. Arrer Boyz rarely learn to use fine weaponry like Long Bows, or even crossbows. They use simple normal bows.

Special: This career is only open for Snotlings, Gnoblars, Goblins, Orcs and Black Orcs.
Career Entries: Boatboy, Brewboy, Craffter, Greenskin Brute, Driva an Rida, Greenskin Sneak
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+5 +15 +10 +5 +10 - - - - +2 - - - - - -
Skills: Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception, Trade (Bowyer), Trade (Fletcher)
Talents: Hardy, Mighty Shot, Rapid Reload, Specialist Weapon Group (Throwing), Specialist Weapon Group (choose
one: Blowpipe, Entangling or Sling)
Trappings: Medium Armour (one piece of mail, two pieces of leather), hand weapon, Javelin, Bow with 10 Arrows (or
more Javelins or Blowpipe or Sling with stones)
Career Exits: Arrer Boy Boss, Boatboy, Brewboy, Craffter, Greenskin Brute, Driva an Rida, Fanatic, Greenskin Sneak,

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Boatboy (Basic)

It is rare that Greenskins go sailing, but it does happen. Time to time some even develope some skills for sailing.
Greenskin made draft full of angry Greenskins and just number of experienced "sailors", the Boatboyz, is accident
waiting to happen, but this doesn't worry or stop Greenskins. If they want to sail to the horizon to find new places to
pillage, then they just go - some may even make it to somewhere, most probably just sink and die in the open sea.
Greenskins do not trade, they are just Piratez, as they say it.

Boatboyz are the most common the sailing Greenskins working on Greenskin drafts (vast floating fortresses know as
Hulks, Bigchukkars and Drillakillas). They have some experience on sailing, boating, about fishing, whaling and even

Special: This career is only open for Gnoblars, Goblins, Orcs and Black Orcs.
Career Entries: Arrer Boy, Brewboy, Craffter, Greenskin Brute, Greenskin Sneak
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+10 +5 +10 - +10 - - - - +2 - - - - - -
Skills: Common Knowledge (any one), Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Navigation, Outdoor Surivival, Perception, Row,
Sail, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Swim
Talents: Seasoned Traveller
Trappings: Light Armour (Leather Jerkin), hand weapon, Bottle of some-Greenskin-brew
Career Exits: Arrer Boy, Boardin' Boy, Brewboy, Craffter, Greenskin Brute, Fanatic, Greenskin Sneak, Kaptin

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Brewboy (Basic)

An army only marches with it's stomach. When others fight, someone has to prepare the food. These are the Brewboyz.
Even best of the Brewboyz make food that in human terms would be horrifying in taste and look. But it works for the
Greenskins. Brewboyz usually handle many other important things, like acquiring herbs and fungus. Foraging food (with
Sneaks), making poisons and concoctions and finally, but very importantly - making of fungus brews. Brewboyz are
actually very skilled Greenskins, even this is never noticed by others of their kin (or anybody). Brewboyz are sometimes
called also as Oddboyz.

Brewboy career includes basically all the servant type jobs among the Greenskins, like Gnoblar Scum or Tooth-
Gnoblars. Only the toughest Brewboyz will actually be given the honour of cooking something for the rest of the tribe.
First time this is usually the body of former "main" Brewboy (or Kook).

Special: This career is only open for Snotlings, Gnoblars, Goblins, Orcs and Black Orcs. Even Black Orcs have the best
wits and abilities for this career, they rarely become Brewboyz. They like to leave this type of menial jobs for the "lesser"
Greenskins. Brewboy may seem like multi-talented career compared to careers available to other races. But remember
that even Greenskins have knowledge of multiple different fields they do not have the will and patience to execute and
learn their trades to the best, as other races do. Even how succesful their tests are, their works should never be beyond
normal quality.
Career Entries: Arrer Boy, Boatboy, Craffter, Dok, Driva an Rida, Greenskin Sneak, Wall Drummer
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+5 +5 +5 +10 +5 +5 +5 - - +2 - - - - - -
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Prepare Poison, Search, Trade (Apothecary) or Trade (Brewer),
Trade (Cook), Trade (Herbalist)
Talents: Hardy, Resistance to Poison
Trappings: Leather apron, crudely made pots and pans, hand weapon (meat cleaver), devices for brewing.
Career Exits: Arrer Boy, Boatboy, Craffter, Greenskin Brute, Dok, Driva an Rida, Fanatic, Greenskin Shaman, Greenskin
Sneak, Kook

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©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Craffter (Basic)

Craffterz are the artisans and handymen of the Greenskin world. Greenskins are not really very good on any craft, except
hurting others. Greenskin constructions are usually very crude looking and rarely even work well. Even best of things
they manufacture is about common quality and most just poor. But they still manage to build stuff time to time and
especially Waaagh! helps them achieve sometimes (very rarely) great success (see Waaagh! chapter). Craffterz are
sometimes called also as Oddboyz.

Craffterz are pretty rare among the Greenskins. They just don't have that in them. But time to time “handier” Greenskins
step forward and are given change to prove themselves. All Craffterz know basic construction and repair skill - carpentry
and metalworking. With these skills, they can build most of needed things (forge weapons, build huts, walls, defences,
watchtowers, siege engines, machines of war, ladders, chariots, wheels...etc.). But all the Craffterz also specialise on
something, which could be basically anything. Greenskins may be stupid and clumsy, but they have strange ability to
mimic things and this way start building something by themselves. For example, they have managed to build vast floating
fortresses know as Hulks (Men O' War), Bigchukkars and Drillakillas. Even these ships, in best of luck, are not the even
close to safe for sailing, they still float. We recommend choosing from following trades: Armourer, Miner, Prospector,
Shipwright, Stoneworker, Tanner or Weaponsmith.

Craffterz act also as crews of Greenskin war machines, like Gnoblar Scraplaunchers, Goblin Rock Lobbers, Goblin
Spear Chukkas, Doom Diver Catapults, Snotling Pump Wagons...etc. Also, Craffterz include characters like Torch-
Gnoblars and less experienced Scrapper Gnoblars.

Special: This career is only open for Snotlings, Gnoblars, Goblins, Orcs and Black Orcs. Even Black Orcs have the best
wits and abilities for this career, they rarely become Craffterz. They like to leave this type of menial jobs for the "lesser"
Greenskins. Also, Snotling Craffterz are pretty rare. Craffter may seem like multi-talented career compared to careers
available to other races. But remember that even Greenskins have knowledge of multiple different fields they do not have
the will and patience to execute and learn their trades to the best, as other races do. Even how successful their tests are,
their works should never be beyond normal quality.
Career Entries: Arrer Boy, Boatboy, Brewboy, Dok, Driva an Rida,Greenskin Sneak
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+5 +5 +10 +5 +10 +5 - - - +2 - - - - - -
Skills: Drive, Evaluate, Perception, Search, Set Trap, Trade (Carpenter), Trade (Smith), Trade (choose one)
Talents: Hardy, Savvy
Trappings: Medium Armour (one piece of mail, two pieces of leather), hand weapon, Javelin, Bow with 10 Arrows (or
more Javelins or Blowpipe or Sling with stones)
Career Exits: Arrer Boy, Boatboy, Brewboy, Greenskin Brute, Dok, Driva an Rida, Fanatic, Endjineer, Greenskin
Shaman, Greenskin Sneak

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Driva an Rida (Basic)

Drivaz an Ridaz are Greenskin charioteers and riders. They act as any other cavalry and some tribes always use riders
(like Hobgoblins). Greenskin Drivaz an Ridaz are also beastmasters, herders ("herdas"), tenders, handlers and trainers
for their own beasts. Beasts, that may anytime turn against their own master and eat them. Drivaz and Ridaz do not learn
to use any fine cavalry techniques or weaponry. They use their normal rude weaponry. Many are skilled archers or may
even use throwing weaponry, webs or slings.

Boar Boyz or Gruntaz (skill tests with a -10 penalty): Orcs (and primitive Savage Orcs) use mighty war boars as
riding beasts. War boar is a stubborn and vicious animal that stands nearly as tall as a horse and is considerably bulkier.
It is extremely tough beast that is notoriously bad tempered, loudly flatulent, wholly dangerous and unpredictable. These
are just the sort of qualities Orcs greatly admire. A Savage Orc may ambush a boar just before battle, headbutting the
beast into submission. Once captured, many Savage Orcs adorn their malodorous mounts with good luck charms, use
dyes to mark out tribal symbols on the boar's fur, or push bonuse through the creature's lips, ears and nose. All of this
makes the already enraged swine even angrier.

Orc War Boar Chariot (skill tests with a -10 penalty): Sometimes Orcs also lash together roughly hewn logs, make
few crude (but round) wheels and are able to construct formidable chariot (Savage Orcs have not been so skilled with the
wheels). They use war boars in these chariots also. Many Orcs see it as prestigious to ride in a chariot. Usually various
things (rocks, javelins...etc) are thrown from the chariots as they crush to the enemy lines.

Goblin Wolf Riders - the Wulf Boyz (average skill tests): The giant wolf stands taller than a pony and is a slavering
beast with a ravenous appetite. Long ago the predatory packs were so large and forminable that they prowled the lands
unchecked, holding back the rising civilisations of mankind for millenia. To this day the mighty wolf packs are still a
threath. Giant wolves are not just voracious beasts, but skilled hunters that show a great deal of animal cunning. Perhaps
it is their mutural instincts to pick on the helpless, the injured and the isolated but, for whatever reason, there has always
been a strong bond between Goblins (especially Hobgoblins) and giant wolves. The two creatures recognised in each
other an ally, albeit a fierce one, that was apt to remain loyal only while times were good. Goblins soon began to ride
atop giant wolves in the same way that other races ride upon horses.

Goblin Wolf Chariots (average skill tests): It wasn't long after they first strating using giant wolves as cavalry that
Goblin armies began to field wolf-drawn chariots. Cobbled together out of crudely hacked wood or scavenged materials
and lashed tight with gutsrings cords, all Greenskins hold such rickety constructions in high regard. Many tribal chieftains
prefer to ride in chariots, trying to outdo their rivals by having the fastest and flashiest contraption. It is not unusualy for
Goblins to tinker with their battle-chariots. They sometimes add cruel scythes, an additional wolf, or perhaps they find
space for an extra warrior to make the chariot even fightier. Not to mention any markings, shields, trophies, banners...etc.

Forest Goblin Spider Riders (average skill tests, with possibility to be eaten): The giant spider breed grows large
enough to serve as mount for Goblins, who capture and hand-rear these scuttling nightmares. There are many sub-types
of giant spider, such as Tilean Greybacks, Drakwald Mancatchers, and the Scarlet Deathheads of the Great Forest, to
name just a few. Everything are poisonous and have steely, pincer-like mandibles that can punch through plate mail to
deliver a toxic bite. While not as fast as wolves or horse, these spiders can move at speed through the densest patches
of woods. Forest Goblin Spider Ridas have become masters at stalking their prey, nimbly guiding their multi-legged
beasts to scuttle across the treetop canopy in order to get into ideal position before pouncing. In battle Spider Ridas act
as light cavalry, although the shrewd gobbos always look to manoeuvre into dense terrain. Might Arachnarok Spiders be
the most colossal spider found in the wild woods - predator bigger than an Empire townhouse. They can be used as
great war beast ridden by a small mob of Greenskins in a howdah.

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Night Goblin Squig Hoppers (skill tests with a -20 penalty, with good possibility to be eaten): Once, in a reckless
mood, a Goblin Squig Herder dared to leap upon the back of one of this catches. Driven to new heights of fury by the
unexpected rider, the cave Squig responded by bouncing with unflagging enthusiasm. The rida flailed about, screaming
in a high-pitched manner, while desperately holding on. This provided great entertainment and the remaining Herders
cheered and cackled every time the Squig nearly useated its unwanted quest. Although the incident ended with both
Squig and the rida skewered on top of a wickedly sharp stalagmite, it was an impressive enough spectacle to inspire the
onlookers. Thus, the tradition of riding atop Squigs was born and the first mob of Squig Hoppers soon followed. Now
Squig Hoppers are held in awe by other Night Goblins. They are undeniable daredevil bravados to leap upon a ferocious
Cave Squig - the ravenous beasts are more than capable of swallowing a Night Goblin whole (which they do time to

Gnoblar Rihonoxen (skill tests with a -10 penalty, with possibility to be trampled): Rhinoxen are huge, hairy cave-
beasts with giant horns, used sometimes by Gnoblars to pull their trading caravans and chariots (also war engines).
Sometimes an especially pompous or foolhardy Head Honcho (Boss) will keep a Rhinox as his personal pet and do his
best to hang onto its back as he guides it into battle, often shortly before being trampled to death by it.

Gnoblar Pickback Riders (average skill test, no risks): These are not really true ridaz. Actually, they are something
most other Greenskins, except Snotlings, found just silly. Gnoblars take part in many obscure and dangerous sports;
among the most popular of these is "pig jousting". Two Gnoblars sit across from each other on the back of pigs with large
spears and charge at each other in an attempt to unseat their opponent. When a Gnoblar horde goes to war, some
Gnoblars will attempt to play "pig jousting" with the enemy. Real pigs will not suffice in the intense circumstances of
warfare so instead Gnoblars ride atop each other in a "piggy-back" manner using their same "pig-jousting" tactics to slay
(or at least irritate) the enemy. Gnoblars ridden are usually the toughest and strongest, which means Greenskin Brutes.

Special: This career is only open for Gnoblars, Goblins, Orcs and Black Orcs.
Career Entries: Arrer Boy, Brewboy, Craffter, Greenskin Brute, Greenskin Sneak, Greenskin Tunnel Runner, Wall
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+5 +10 +5 - +10 - - +10 - +2 - - - - - -
Skills: Animal Care, Animal Training, Charm Animal, Dodge Blow, Drive or Ride, Outdoor Survival, Silent Move
Talents: Combat Driver [NEW] or Greenskin Daredevil [NEW], Specialist Weapon Group (Throwing), Specialist Weapon
Group (choose one: Entangling, Flail, Sling, Two-handed)
Trappings: Medium Armour (one piece of mail, two pieces of leather), Spear, Javelin, Bow with 10 Arrows (or more
Javelins or Blowpipe or Sling with stones)
Career Exits: Arrer Boy, Beast'erder, Brewboy, Craffter, Greenskin Brute, Fanatic, Greenskin Sneak, Greenskin Tunnel
Runner, Warboss

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Dok (Basic)

Dokz, or Painboyz, are responsible for fixing injuries among the Greenskins. In their best they are about sadistic barber-
surgeons. They are relative untrained, but eventually learn batching of other Greenskins through failure (and death). As
with some other, very rare, Greenskins some individuals among them just strangely learn these skills. These are usually
called as Oddboyz. It's also no wonder that Dokz are good torturers among the Greenskins. Besides Shamans, the Dokz
are usually the most intelligent Greenskins.

Special: This career is only open for Gnoblars, Goblins, Orcs and Black Orcs. Even Black Orcs have the best wits and
abilities for this career, they rarely become Dokz. They like to leave this type of menial jobs for the "lesser" Greenskins.
Snotling tribes commonly have minor Shaman, who has needed healing abilities.
Career Entries: Brewboy, Craffter
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+5 - - +10 +5 +10 +10 +5 - +2 - - - - - -
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins), Consume Alcohol, Heal, Perception, Search, Torture, Trade (Apothecary)
Talents: Greenskin Surgery [NEW], Savvy
Trappings: Leather apron, basic medical instruments (blades), herbs, pestle and mortar.
Career Exits: Brewboy, Craffter, Greenskin Brute, Driva an Rida, Fanatic, Greenskin Shaman, Greenskin Sneak, Mad

Fanatic (Basic)

Fanatics, Madboyz, are just crazed individuals that usually get themselves intoxicated with various fungus brews. They
are sometimes holded down by their mob-mates until finally released against the enemy. Fanatics are Greenskin
berserkers, wild, unstable warriors that wield huge weaponry spinning crazily and recklessly hitting everything from their
comrades to enemies. Most famous are Night Goblin Fanatics, also Savage Orcs and more primitive Goblins have
Fanatics. Probably it is not suprise that many of the dreaded Doom Divers (Doom Diver Catapult) are Fanatics.

Special: This career is only open for Gnoblars, Goblins, Orcs and Black Orcs. Use various brews and other intoxicating
substances regularly.
Career Entries: Arrer Boy, Boatboy, Brewboy, Craffter, Dok, Drive and Rida, Greenskin Brute, Greenskin Sneak,
Greenskin Tunnel Runner, Wall Drummer
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+10 +5 +10 +5 +10 - +5 - - +2 - - +1 - - -
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Intimidate
Talents: Deadly Whirlwind [NEW], Frenzy, Hardy, Specialist Weapon Group (Flail or Two-handed), Stout-hearted
Trappings: Light Armour (one piece of leather), Flail or Two-handed weapon, narcotics or fungusbrew
Career Exits: Driva an Rida, Nob, Warboss

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Greenskin Brute (Basic)

Brute is the most common career among the Greenskins. Basic brutes make most of the Greenskins. They are tough
warriors trained for battle. Fighting is what they do best and this means mostly melee combat. Average Goblins, Orcs,
Savage Orcs, Night Goblins, Ganggobz, Gnoblar Fighters, Gnoblar Woodbellies, Gnoblar Bullies...etc. are all Brutes.

Special: This career is only open for Gnoblars, Goblins, Orcs and Black Orcs.
Career Entries: Arrer Boy, Boatboy, Brewboy, Craffter, Dok, Driva an Rida, Greenskin Sneak, Greenskin Tunnel Runner
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+15 +5 +10 +10 +5 - - - +1 +2 - - - - - -
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Intimidate
Talents: Hardy, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Specialist Weapon Group (Flail or Two-handed)
Trappings: Medium Armour (one piece of mail, two pieces of leather), hand weapon or Choppa, Shield or Flail or Two-
handed weapon
Career Exits: Arrer Boy, Boatboy, Driva an Rida, Fanatic, Greenskin Sneak, Nob, Warboss

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Greenskin Shaman (Basic)

An Greenskins Shaman is a living conduit to Gork and Mork and can wield such arcane might that even the crustiest old
Warbosses have to be impressed. The power of a Shaman comes not just from the Winds of Magic, or 'da Great Green'
as greenskins know it, but also from the raw energy radiated by their fellow Greenskins. As they advance into battle, the
Waaagh! energy rises, allowing a Shaman to focus that force through the power of his mind. What erupts out of the
Shaman are spells as brutal as the Greenskins themselves.

While Shaman can mystically squash a foe in a variety of ways, he is at times unable to attend to is own bodily needs. It
is as if being so close to the powers of the Greenskin gods is enough to unhinge a Shaman's mind. Inarguably Shamans
are a bit mad, being prone to trances and sudden spasms of fitful dancing. This embarrassing behaviour can cause
scenes around the camp that are awkward at best. Other Greenskins typically look the other way during such moments
and many Black Orcs refuse to even acknowledge a Shaman's presence.

While Orc Shamans tend to be seen as trance-addler buffoons, Goblin Shamans are cagey and cunning, if no less odd.
Many Shamans, especially Goblin Shamans, work their way into a top position, either directly advising the Warboss or
even taking the command role themselves.

The supertitious primitive Greenskins observe even more rituals, and put up with even more bone-rattling, feather-waving
dances by their mumbo-jumbo-chanting Shaman. As the Shamans provide the magical warpaint that protects them, such
activities are generally accepted. If there is any kind of change that the magic ju-ju work, the Greenskins will put up with
any amount of shamanistic prancing.

Special: This career is only open for Snotlings, Gnoblars, Goblins, Orcs and Black Orcs. Snotlings Shamans rarely
advance beyond this Tier. Gnoblar Shamans are very rare and they rarely neither advance beyond this Tier. See more
information from Chapter XXX: Waaagh! Magic.
Career Entries: Brewboy, Craffter, Dok
Main Profile Secondary Profile
- - - +5 +5 +10 +10 +10 - +2 - - - +1 - -
Skills: Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (Greenskins), Heal, Magical Sense, Performer (Dancer), Speak
Language (any one), Trade (Herbalism)
Talents: Petty Magic (Waaagh!) [NEW], Public Speaking
Trappings: Simply robes, Staff, symbols
Career Exits: Greenskin Great Shaman

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Greenskin Sneak (Basic)

Sneaks, or Mappboyz, are scouts, hunters, trappers, skirmishers, spies, thiefs, foragers, gamblers ("Cheetin' Git"), Squig
hunters and "assassins" of the Greenskin tribes. They have lesser amount of combat skills, but they have alot more other
skills, which makes them good in skulduggery and stealth. They pride themselves on their (sometimes less than brilliant)
map reading and navigational skills and some can even navigate by the stars.

It is not uncommon that Sneak is a former Driva or Rida, or other way around. Mounted sneaks move fast and special
creatures like Giant Spiders can be used to silently and effortlessly clamber up and over wooden palisades or even high
stone walls.

Special: This career is only open for Snotlings, Gnoblars, Goblins and Orcs.
Career Entries: Arrer Boy, Boatboy, Brewboy, Craffter, Dok, Driva and Rida, Greenskin Brute, Greenskin Tunnel
Runner, Wall Drummer
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+5 +5 - +5 +5 +5 +5 - - +2 - - - - - -
Skills: Concealment, Follow Trail, Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Pick Locks or Sleight of Hand, Scale Sheer
Surfaces, Set Trap, Shadowing or Swim, Silent Move, Search or Gamble
Talents: Specialist Weapon Group (choose one: Entangling, Sling, Throwing)
Trappings: Light Armour (one piece of leather), hand weapon, Javelin, Bow with 10 Arrows (or more Javelins or Web or
Sling with stones)
Career Exits: Beast'erder, Boatboy, Brewboy, Craffter, Greenskin Brute, Greenskin Tunnel Runner, Driva an Rida,
Fanatic, Wall Drummer, Warboss

Greenskin Tunnel Runner (Basic)


Tunnel Runners are used in large underground Greenskins lairs to send communication between sections of the hold.
They are very much similar as Dwarfen Runebearers, except much more unrealiable. A Tunnel Runner will often flee
rather than fight anything he faces in the nastier tunnels, probably a wise choice but one earning Tunnel Runners the
nickname of "running jeebies". Jeebies are sometimes forced above ground when tunnels collapse or are taken by
hostile forces or any of the nastier creatures that can (and do) stalk some of the deeper Greenskin tunnels.

Also outside messengers are often called as Tunner Runners. It is not uncommon that Tunnel Runner becomes Rida in
outside. They also learn Greenskin Drumming code.

Special: This career is only open for Snotlings, Gnoblars, Goblins and Orcs.
Career Entries: Driva and Rida, Greenskin Sneak, Wall Drummer
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+5 +5 - +10 +5 +5 +5 - - +2 - - +1 - - -
Skills: Concealment, Dodge Blow, Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Silent Move, Speak Secret Language
(Drumming Code), Swim
Talents: Flee! Orientation
Trappings: Light Armour (one piece of leather), hand weapon, Lucky charm, "Pretty" good boots
Career Exits: Driva an Rida, Fanatic, Greenskin Brute, Greenskin Sneak, Wall Drummer

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Wall Drummer (Basic)

Many Greenskin tribes live in large underground caves or in deserted dwarven tunnel systems. The need to
communicate over long distances brought up some (for Goblinoid measures) innovative ideas. While Tunnel Runners are
used, they can prove to be either too unreliable in the face of grave danger to the tribe or (in the case of Orcish runners)
too massive to run through the narrowest tunnels, for example when the main tunnels have been taken by enemies.
Therefore, a special (and still primitive) communication technique has been developed by some tribes, Wall Drumming.

Wall Drummers are valuable members of their tribes as they transport important messages in times of danger. Of course,
Wall Drumming has also weak points as most tribes have different drumming codes, which sometimes causes fatal
misunderstandings. Also, in huge tunnel complexes the drumming can be heard over a very long distance by applying an
ear to the tunnel wall, but its source is often much less easy located. In some tribes, each patrol 'gang' contains a Wall

Wall Drummers are often called on for Greenskin religious rites and celebrations. During these times, they are basically
the best what Greenskins have for entertainment - which, again, is not really much.

Special: This career is only open for Snotlings, Gnoblars, Goblins and Orcs.
Career Entries: Greenskins Sneak, Greenskin Tunnel Runner
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+5 +5 - +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 - +2 - - - - - -
Skills: Concealment, Consume Alcohol, Follow Trail, Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Performer (Musician),
Perfomer (any one) or Search, Speak Secret Language (Drumming Code)
Talents: Acute Hearing
Trappings: Light Armour (one piece of leather), hand weapon, Javelin, Bow with 10 Arrows (or more Javelins or Web or
Sling with stones)
Career Exits: Brewboy, Driva an Rida, Fanatic, Greenskin Sneak, Greenskin Tunnel Runner

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Advanced Careers (Tier2)

Arrer Boy Boss (Advanced)


Arrer Boy Boss is similar to regular Nob, a veteran warrior among the Greenskins, who has specialised to long-range
combat. This individual has seen many wars, been among Waaagh! (or few) and has many scars to show. Most
experienced Greenskins fall to this career. They are rarely good leaders, but they are very tough and deadly followers.
They are bigger, stronger and even fightier than regular Greenskin Brutes.

Special: -
Career Entries: Arrer Boy
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+10 +30 +15 +15 +20 +5 +10 +5 +1 +5 - - - - - -
Skills: Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Search, Speak Language (any one), Trade (Bowyer),
Trade (Fletcher)
Talents: Menacing, Sharpshooter, Sure Shot
Trappings: Medium Armour (Full Mail Armour), hand weapon, Javelin, Bow with 10 Arrows (or more Javelins or
Blowpipe or Sling with stones)
Career Exits: Nob, Warboss

Beast’Erder (Advanced)

Beast' Erderz, the Pack Masterz, are veteran Drivaz, Ridaz and Sneaks, who are the best trainers and hunters of the
monsters among the Greenskin tribes. They have survived years among those beasts. Beast' Erderz are the ones that
make capture and train creatures like Giant Spiders, Trolls, Wyverns, Giants, Great Cave Squigs and the horrifying
Arachnarok Spiders.

Some Beast' Erders are called Sneakin' Gitz. They are masters of intelligence and scouting, using the beasts they have
trained. Others are called Snortaz, who are the most experienced members of Greenskin cavalry.

Special: -
Career Entries: Driva and Rida, Greenskin Sneak
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +10 +15 +10 +1 +4 - - - - - -
Skills: Animal Care, Animal Training, Charm Animal, Command, Dodge Blow, Drive or Ride, Follow Trail, Outdoor
Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Set Trap, Silent Move
Talents: Beastmaster [NEW]
Trappings: Huge robes, mangless, trained beast
Career Exits: Nob, Warboss

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Boardin’Boy (Advanced)

Boardin' Boyz, or Swashbukklaz, are the biggest, toughest, meanest and drunkest of the sailing Greenskins. Because
they are scarred veterans of many sea battles, they have the privilige of being the first over in a boarding action.
Experienced sailing Greenskins have adapted few ideas from other races they have encountered. Example they use alot
more hooks, blades, peglegs to replaces any previously removed limbs (this could have been lost in a raid, to some sea-
monster or just to the ships Dok). They also like grog alcohol. Many mimic clothing and style of their victims (sailor’s hats
and head-gear, jackets...etc.) and take pieces of clothing from the dead. Many also use weapons of other races, like
Cutlas. Even Boardin' Boyz are experienced sailors, that doesn't mean they are really known for their seamanship.

Special: -
Career Entries: Boat Boy
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+20 +20 +20 +20 +15 +5 +10 +5 +1 +4 - - - - - -
Skills: Common Knowledge (any one), Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Navigation, Outdoor Surivival, Perception, Row,
Sail, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (any one), Swim
Talents: Menacing, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun, Specialist Weapon Group
Trappings: Light Armour (Leather Jerkin), hand weapon, Bottle of grog, Harpoon ('Arpoonz), "fancy" clothing
Career Exits: Nob, Kaptin

Endjineer (Advanced)

Endjineers are the machine making geniuses and artillerists of the Greenskin tribes. It is these boffins who make the war
machines the Greenskins use (and which aren't scavenged from elsewhere), which they are also fully capable of firing
given a crew to command (after all, they did design them). They have the highest craft knowledge among the Greenskins
that can be achieved.

Special: -
Career Entries: Craffter
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+10 +15 +20 +15 +20 +20 +10 +10 - +4 - - - - - -
Skills: Command, Common Knowledge (any one), Evaluate, Gamble, Perception, Search, Set Trap, Speak Language
(any one), Trade (Carpenter), Trade (Smith), Trade (choose one)
Talents: Very Resilient
Trappings: Artisans Tools, Crew
Career Exits: Warboss

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Greenskin Great Shaman (Advanced)

Great Shamans are the key religious figures of the Greenskin tribes. Under them there could be number of Shamans
serving the Greather Shaman. Gork and Mork power, "the Green Spark", is strong in them. They receive stronger visions
and inspiration. Their magic is much stronger than normal Shamans. Also they are much more insane in many ways and
the power they wield becomes even more wilder and dangerous. Some powerful Shamans may even become leaders of
their tribes.

Special: -
Career Entries: Greenskin Shaman
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+10 +10 +5 +10 +10 +15 +20 +15 - +4 - - - +2 - -
Skills: Channelling, Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (Greenskins), Heal, Intimidate, Magical Sense, Outdoor
Survival, Perception, Performer (Dancer), Performer (Storyteller), Ride or Swim, Speak Language (any one), Trade
Talents: Master Orator, Waaagh! Lore (The Small Waaagh!) or Waaagh! Lore (The Big Waaagh!)
Trappings: Better robes, Staff, symbols
Career Exits: Greenskin Shaman Lord

Kaptin (Advanced)

Kaptins are Da Bosses in the Greenskin ships. They may use other names they have heard other races to use - like
Adm'ruls. And sometimes Kaptins of Orc Hulks are called Hulkbosses. Like with any other Greenskin society, the sailing
Greenskins are led by the biggest and brawniest of their kind. These hulking individuals have pummelled their way to the
top in a culture where only the strongest survive. Even Kaptins are experienced sailors, that doesn't mean they are really
known for their seamanship.

Special: -
Career Entries: Boat Boy
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+25 +20 +25 +25 +10 +5 +10 +15 +1 +5 - - - - - -
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics), Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (any one), Consume Alcohol,
Dodge Blow, Navigation, Outdoor Surivival, Perception, Row, Sail, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (any one),
Talents: Menacing, Public Speaking, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun, Specialist
Weapon Group (Throwing)
Trappings: Medium Armour (Full Mail Armour), hand weapon or Choppa, Ship & crew, "fancy" clothing
Career Exits: Big Boss

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Kook (Advanced)

Experienced Brewboyz.

Special: -
Career Entries: Brewboy
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+10 +10 +15 +20 +15 +15 +15 +5 - +4 - - - - - -
Skills: Evaluate, Command, Common Knowledge (any one), Consume Alcohol, Gamble, Outdoor Survival, Perception,
Prepare Poison, Search, Trade (Apothecary) or Trade (Brewer), Trade (Cook), Trade (Herbalist)
Talents: Very Resilient
Trappings: Ready products (poisons, herbs)
Career Exits: Warboss

Mad Dok (Advanced)


Mad Dokz are even more sadistic and blood-thirsty than normal Dokz. They are experienced "surgeons", who can treat
many problems (most usually wounds). But they have learned the trade of torture also.

Special: -
Career Entries: Dok
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+10 - +10 +20 +15 +25 +20 +10 - +4 - - - - - -
Skills: Evaluate, Command, Common Knowledge (Greenskins), Common Knowledge (any one), Consume Alcohol,
Heal, Perception, Search, Speak Language (any one), Torture, Trade (Apothecary)
Talents: Strike to Stun, Very Resilient
Trappings: Torture euipment & racks, healing herbs
Career Exits: Warboss

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Nob (Advanced)

Nob, sometimes called also as Bully, is a veteran warrior among the Greenskins. This individual has seen many wars,
been among Waaagh! (or few) and has many scars to show. Most experienced Greenskins fall to this career. They are
rarely good leaders, but they are very tough and deadly followers. They are bigger, stronger and even fightier than
regular Greenskin Brutes. Career includes Gnoblar Manbiters & Groinbiters, Orc and Goblin Boss, Orc Big 'Uns... etc.

The term "Nob" is believed to be an Greenskin bastardisation of the word "noble". Even Nobz are not rulers they still
posses some auhtority amongst other Greenskins, because of their greater-than-average size and strength.

Special: -
Career Entries: Arrer Boy Boss, Beast' Erder, Boardin' Boy, Fanatic, Greenskin Brute
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+25 +10 +25 +25 +15 - +15 +5 +1 +5 - - - - - -
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception, Speak Language (any one)
Talents: Menacing, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun, Specialist Weapon Group (Flail or
Two-handed), Wrestling
Trappings: Medium Armour (Full Mail Armour), hand weapon or Choppa, Shield or Flail or Two-handed weapon
Career Exits: Slayur, Warboss

Warboss (Advanced)

Greenskins are led by the biggest and brawniest of their kind. These hulking individuals have pummelled their way to the
top in a culture where only the strongest survive. The most powerful leaders are known as Warbosses (Honchos and
Head Honchos for Gnoblars) and Gang Cheefz, though any number of violent activites, major victories or well-known
domains are layered into the commander's title, such as Chief Headtaker, Skullkrumba of da Stunties, or Grand Rula of
Spikepeak, Wolf-Khan, Grand Despot, Potentate, Bogtator, Chieftain-King... Longer titles are favoured and the number of
bragging rights an Warboss has accumulated can be used to gauge his power level. Warbosses are usually the
chieftains of their tribes, but sometimes just advisors and captains under the great Big Boss.

Special: -
Career Entries: Arrer Boy, Arrer Boy Boss, Beast' Erder, Driva and Rida, Endjineer, Fanatic, Greenskin Brute,
Greenskin Sneak, Kook, Mad Dok
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+30 +10 +30 +30 +10 +5 +10 +15 +1 +6 - - - - - -
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics), Command, Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception,
Speak Secret Language (Drumming Code), Speak Language (any one)
Talents: Menacing, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Specialist Weapon Group (Flail or Two-handed),
Trappings: Medium Armour (Full Mail Armour), hand weapon or Choppa, Shield or Flail or Two-handed weapon, horde
Career Exits: Big Boss

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Advanced Careers (Tier3)

Big Boss (Advanced)


Big Bosses are the toughest, meanest and the biggest of all the Greenskins. They truly have survived longer than
anyone and become true kings and chieftains of Greenskins. These creatures lead huge Waaaghs! against the enemies
of the Greenskins.

Special: -
Career Entries: Warboss
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+40 +20 +40 +35 +20 +15 +20 +25 +2 +9 - - - - - -
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics), Command, Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception,
Speak Language (any one)
Talents: Da Boss [NEW], Lighting Parry, Lighting Reflexis, Quick Draw
Trappings: Mighty horde
Career Exits: none

Greenskin Shaman Lord (Advanced)


Greenskin Shaman Lords are the mighties, craziest and the deadliest of Greenskin magic-users. Tribal chiefs look to
them for advice on nearly everything and they treated with something approaching awe. In some tribes, Shaman Lords
become chiefs themselves. A few become powerful enough that they dominate several tribes and have many lesser
Shamans in their service.

Special: -
Career Entries: Greenskin Great Shaman
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+15 +15 +10 +15 +15 +20 +25 +20 +1 +6 - - - +2 - -
Skills: Channelling, Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (Greenskins), Heal, Intimidate, Magical Sense, Outdoor
Survival, Perception, Performer (Dancer), Performer (Storyteller), Ride or Swim, Speak Language (any two), Trade
Talents: Fearless, Green Spark [NEW], Mighty Missile
Trappings: Even fancier robes, Magical item
Career Exits: none

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 54 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Slayur (Advanced)

Slayurz are the most experienced Greenskins. They are the Champions of their kind. Only one bigger and greater are
the Big Bosses.

Special: -
Career Entries: Nob
Main Profile Secondary Profile
+35 +20 +35 +35 +25 +5 +20 +5 +2 +8 - - - - - -
Skills: Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception, Scale Sheer Surfaces, Speak Language (any one)
Talents: Da Enemy (choose one) [NEW], Lighting Parry, Lighting Reflexis, Quick Draw
Trappings: Heavy Armour (Full Heavy Armour)
Career Exits: Warboss

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 55 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6
Beastmaster (Talent)
Description: You are an expert at training different monstrous beasts (including primitive humanoids, like Trolls,
Beastmen, Ymir, but also creatures from Basiliks to Mammoth…etc.). When trying to train these monsters, you gain a
+20 bonus to Animal Training tests and +10 bonus to Animal Care and Charm Animal tests. Beast or animal you will
always gain a +10 bonus to Animal Care tests.

Combat Driver (Talent)

Description: You are skilled charioteer when it comes to action. Any combat tests in full speed usually gain a -10 or
even -20 penalty (both melee and missile; and also, to Dodge Blow and any Casting Rolls gain also a -2 penalty). You
can subtract up to 20 points from these penalties (this also takes away Casting Roll penalties).

Da Boss (Talent)
Description: You are an expert when it comes to agitate your horde to Waaagh!. You gain a +10 bonus to all tests
related to Waaagh!. You also gain a +10 bonus to Command tests.

Da Enemy (Talent)
Description: You have become expert of fighting one of the traditional enemies of Greenskins. You gain a +1 bonus on
damage rolls with melee and missile weapons against these enemies. Da Enemy is unusual in that it is not one talent,
but many and each must be acquired individually. Common enemies are Dwarfs, Humans, Skaven, Undead, Lizardmen.

Deadly Whirlwind (Talent)

Description: Can only be used during Frenzy-state. You swing wildly with your weaponry, whirling round in circles. You
gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with melee weapons with these reckless attacks. But every time you roll 90-00 you hit
one of your own side - if this is possible (they are close enough). GM decision and random target can be used. Make
normal attack. If there is nobody close enough, then make Average Agility Test or you stumble and fall down (knocked

Green Spark (Talent)

Description: You have become master of calling the unstable powers of Waaagh! Energy. You gain a +2 bonus to all
Casting Rolls.

Greenskin Daredevil (Talent)

Description: Similar to Trick Riding Talent, but you are capable of amazing feats on top of traditional Greenskin riding
beasts (Giant Spiders, Giant Wolves, War Boars, Squigs...) and also controlling them. You gain a +10 bonus on Animal
Training and Ride tests on these beasts.

Greenskin Surgery (Talent)

Description: Even to the most skilled Greenskin "Surgery" is just brutal torture, with good possibility to death (or loosing
limbs), eventually you may learn something. Also, highly regenerative Greenskin psychology helps little - Greenskins just
can take more pain and bleeding than most other races. You gain a +10 bonus on Heal tests.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 56 Codex Greenskins: WFRP2 Rules

©2016 Jackdays Version 0.6

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