Final Report 388 Complete
Final Report 388 Complete
Final Report 388 Complete
Lucas Strigel
Dana Kiger
Corey Bull
Lily Burchfield
Carly Lyvers
Table of Contents
Methods (17)
Measurements (18)
Implications (19)
References (29)
Final Questionnaire (32)
Communication Audit
With nearly two million followers on Instagram and half a million on Twitter, Ben &
Jerry’s consistently uses their platform to emphasize their core values further. Not only do they
use social media as a form of advertising while unveiling new products and campaigns, but
they also use their reach to take a stand for several different social justice movements like
support for LGBTQ+ organizations. Ben & Jerry’s active presence on social media and
discussion about much more than just frozen treats creates a more intimate and personal
feeling amongst consumers, thus a more specialized relationship between the two.
Public Environment
Ben & Jerry’s is a publicly owned company founded initially in May 1978 and later
bought out by a British conglomerate, Unilever. Since Ben & Jerry’s has been around, they
have never left the public eye's attention as long as the world continues to eat ice cream. As of
2020, Unilever holds 29.1% of the market shares for the ice cream industry as a whole, thus
being at the head of the food chain (Thomas, 2020).
In terms of the product, the general public is satisfied with the different array of ice-
cream flavors that Ben & Jerry’s has to offer. They have tons of unique names to ice cream
flavors that make their product more appealing to the average eye, rather than just your average
chocolate, vanilla, or Neapolitan.
In the eyes of the public, Ben & Jerry’s is a reputable organization under Unilever. If they
were to be categorized as good, bad, or neutral, they are on the side of “good” in the public's
eyes. Ben & Jerry’s has a lot of involvement in public matters and social movements regarding
change and social reform.
Evidence to support such claims that Ben & Jerry’s is a good organization can be seen
through various social and economic reforms. These include the support of the
#BlackLivesMatter Campaign in 2020, their choice to go against the grain with regards to the
refusal to use rBGH and GMO’s in the product line they serve, as well as their current efforts to
increase the pay rate of their employees to a liveable rate by the year 2030, even if it puts them at
a monetary deficit (Munbodh, 2021).
In terms of public perception, it is clear that Ben & Jerry’s is an ethical company. In
terms of food safety and animal treatment, as can be seen in their anti-rBGH campaigns and
their mission to accomplish change in the modern world through political and social reform.
They are a company that will stop at nothing to do what they consider is the right move in
terms of moving their organization in a forward direction.
Executives in the company are proud of where the organization is headed regarding the
sales of their product line (ice cream) and their stance on social and political reform. The co-
founders of Ben & Jerry’s, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, are even currently pushing for
reform that makes it easier to sue police officers that abuse their power, and are working with
multiple athletes/celebrities, such as Tom Brady and Drew Brees, and politicians to push these
policies forward with greater public support (Alcorn, 2021). In terms of the abstinence from
rBGH, Ben & Jerry’s is constantly looking to improve and abolish unsafe and unsanitary food
and health practices performed by other companies in the food and especially ice cream
Media Environment
Regarding online and mass media, consumers would describe Ben & Jerry’s as an
outgoing company that strives to make a difference in today’s society one scoop at a time. It has
been touched on above, but Ben & Jerry’s is involved in many social, health, and economic
reform in today’s society. Examples of this include the ones noted above (rBGH and #BLM) and
climate change (Holman & Buckley 2020).
Not only is Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream very anti-rBGH oriented, but it also has come out
recently with a new style of ice-cream to push an even healthier agenda to the public.
According to an article posted in The Beet in mid-February of 2021 by Maxwell Rabb, Ben &
Jerry’s is currently coming out with multiple fan-favorite flavors for vegan culture as well.
They have begun to make plant-based Ice Cream flavors for consumers who stray from dairy
products (Rabb, 2021). Clearly, Ben & Jerry’s have no problem taking a stand against other
businesses and product lines that they see as unethical or unhealthy within their industry. In a
way, the focus on healthier and cleaner dairy production methods is more beneficial to the
company because they adapt to the needs and desires of the consumers.
Publics Analysis
Ben & Jerry’s active public includes those individuals who are both knowledgeable and
involved with the organization. This public is Ben & Jerry’s strongest customers who are very
committed to the brand. The market size of ice cream franchises in the United States grew from
$4.5 billion (2011) to $6.68 billion (2020) and is expected to keep growing to $6.7 billion
throughout 2021 (Lock, 2021). According to a recent study in 2020, approximately 29 million
Americans consume Ben & Jerry’s ice cream (Statista Research Department, 2020).
The aware public includes knowledgeable individuals about Ben & Jerry’s but not
heavily involved with the organization. This could consist of those who chose to buy from
other ice cream brands that are Ben & Jerry’s competitors. The aware public is knowledgeable
about Ben & Jerry’s as a brand but chooses other options. According to a recent study, Store
brand ice cream (81.79 million Americans), Breyers (59.96 million), Blue Bell (45.32 million),
Haagen-Dazs (36.32 million), and Blue Bunny (32.47 million) are more commonly eaten most
often by individuals in America over Ben & Jerry’s (29 million) (Statista Research Department,
This public includes those who are not heavily knowledgeable about Ben & Jerry’s,
but highly involved with the organization. As a group, we fit in the aroused public because
although we are not highly knowledgeable about Ben & Jerry’s products as a whole at this
time, through this project, we have become very involved with the organization and are
learning more through our involvement with research.
The inactive public consists of those who are not knowledgeable on Ben & Jerry’s
and are not involved with the organization at all. This is the group of people Ben & Jerry’s
should try to target to gain more business and followers.
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
● Have a wide variety of ● Certain consumers might disagree
unique/seasonal flavors without with some of the company’s
overwhelming consumers. values.
● The Ben & Jerry’s foundation which ● Former CFO embezzled money
donates 7.5 percent of their profits to from the company.
charities around the world ● Company policies might end up
● Open and forward about their values. costing them more in the long run.
● Strong marketing and advertising
Opportunities Threats
● A lot of market potential, the demand ● The company could lose sales if
for ice cream is predicted to grow with more conservative ideologies
a cumulative annual growth rate of 3 became popular.
percent. ● Conflicting ideas from parent
● Focus more on healthier ice cream company Unilever
options like dairy-free, sugar-free, and ● Health-conscious people refraining
light ice cream. from eating ice cream
● More innovation through social media ● Major competitors like
as a form of communication GeneralMills’ Haagen-Dazs, Dean
Food Company’s Mayfield, and
Blue Bell Creameries.
Our study found it beneficial to look at the ice cream brand our sample of JMU students
consumes the most often. This information is important because it allows us to see if our sample
of JMU students consumes Ben & Jerry’s products regularly. This question addresses the useful
knowledge of knowing whether or not our sample of students consumes Ben & Jerry’s products
the most often or if they consume products more often from one of their competitors.
RQ1: What ice cream brand do JMU students eat most often?
RQ2: How familiar are JMU students with Ben & Jerry’s?
RQ4: Are political affiliations associated with intentions to purchase Ben & Jerry’s
RQ5: Are JMU students more or less likely to consume products if they know rBGH is
RQ6: What are JMU students' attitudes towards food made with artificial hormones?
Brand Support through Word of Mouth Recommendation
Support can be defined as the level of approval someone has towards an idea, product, or
organization. We think it is important to gather information on whether or not JMU students are
likely to recommend Ben & Jerry’s products to other people. Word of mouth can be defined as
talking about an idea, product, or organization with someone else. We find it important to see if
JMU students are likely to support Ben & Jerry’s as an organization through word-of-mouth
recommendations. Hence the following research question is proposed.
RQ7: Do JMU students intend to support Ben & Jerry’s through word-of-mouth
Our questionnaire is designed to gauge JMU student’s perceptions of the Ben & Jerry’s
brand and then identify what those perceptions mean to Ben & Jerry’s as an organization. More
specifically, we hope to identify perceptions of the relationship between Ben & Jerry’s and
rBGH. The hypotheses listed below were created based on the research questions described
Perceptions of Progressivism
According to our secondary research, people believe Ben & Jerry’s to be a reputable
organization. We believe that the organization’s positive reputation comes from the positive
response to their public stances on social issues. In general, if people like a company more, they
are more likely to purchase that company’s products; JMU students are included when referring
to “people.” This information led us to create the following hypothesis:
H1: JMU students associate Ben & Jerry’s with progressive values.
The college student demographic tends to lean left on political issues, which means they
are likely to support progressive ideas. To restate, if someone has a more positive attitude
towards an organization, they are more likely to buy the goods and/or services that the
organization provides. Based on this information, we created the following hypotheses:
H2: Knowledge of the social issues that Ben & Jerry’s supports is positively associated
with intentions to buy Ben & Jerry’s products in the future.
rBGH Familiarity
Ben & Jerry’s has taken one of these social stances is their refusal to use any suppliers
who use the rBGH growth hormone in their products. Before research, the researchers for this
report were not familiar with rBGH at all. Since our researchers are also JMU students, we
created the following hypothesis:
The researchers for this report believe that Ben & Jerry’s stance on rBGH demonstrates
the organization’s progressive values. The hypotheses discussed above imply that Ben & Jerry’s
progressive values will lead to higher intentions to buy Ben & Jerry’s products. Since we
identified that the decision not to use rBGH is a progressive stance, we created the following
H4: Knowledge of Ben & Jerry’s stance on rBGH is positively associated with intentions
to buy Ben & Jerry’s products in the future.
Sampling Method:
This study was conducted to measure people’s awareness of Ben & Jerry’s position on
the use of rBGH and its possible effects on a person’s decision to buy a Ben & Jerry’s product.
The survey was distributed to James Madison University students, with feedback from 170
survey responses. As Ben & Jerry’s is known as one of the top ice cream brands and is easily
accessible both in Virginia and on the James Madison University campus, using college students
as our sample population not only seemed best for the expected number of responses but also
matched the demographics for those who consume their products.
Brand/Product Familiarity
To start the survey, we asked students to please identify what ice cream brand(s) they
purchase most often from a list of the most popular flavors. If a specific flavor was not listed, we
asked them to please specify. Next, we needed to determine students' familiarity with Ben &
Jerry’s as an organization and if students have had their products. To determine students'
familiarity with Ben & Jerry’s, we used a Likert scale ranging from 1 (not familiar at all) through
5 (Very familiar) to gauge how familiar students are with the brand. Regarding whether students
have used their products, participants responded either “Yes” or “No.”
Participant Attitudes
We then had to consider the perspective of students’ attitudes towards foods made with
rBGH and whether it truly makes a difference in the kinds of products that students are
purchasing. We did this by using a Likert Scale to record the results, ranging from 1 (Strongly
Against) to 5 (Strongly Support). Following up on that question, we used another Likert Scale to
determine how likely students are to buy a certain product if made using rBGH ranging from 1
(Not at all likely) to 5 (Very Likely). Last but not least, we used the same Likert Scale from the
above question to gauge whether students would purchase Ben & Jerry’s products, knowing their
company values regarding rBGH. The questions asking about likelihood to purchase a product
using rBGH did not yield reliable results, with an alpha value, 𝛂=0.18.
Attitude to Purchase
After gauging participant attitudes, it was time to shift gears to focus on student
participants’ personal purchase intentions. We measured this on a Likert Scale from 1 (Strongly
disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree), with 2, 3, and 4 being “Somewhat Disagree, Neither Agree nor
Disagree, Somewhat Agree,” respectively. The questions in the table included three variations of
the same question that state whether students intend, plan, and expect to purchase Ben & Jerry’s
Products. The measurements were considered to be reliable, with an alpha value, 𝛂=0.94.
Attitude to Recommend
Lastly, we had to assess whether students would 1) tell their friends and family to
purchase Ben & Jerry’s, 2) recommend buying Ben & Jerry’s products to their peers, and 3) say
positive things about Ben & Jerry’s to other people. As for the student attitudes for purchasing in
the section above, we used a Likert Scale from 1-5 to their disagreement with the different
categories. The measurements were considered to be reliable, with an alpha value, 𝛂=0.92.
Ben & Jerry’s is certainly a global leader in corporate social responsibility with their
willingness to take a stance on a social issue or matter that would greatly affect their customers.
The company prides itself on its marketing team as well as its knowledge of NGOs and policies.
They understand that when issues arise, they “have this privilege, power, and ability to
communicate” (Beard, 2021). With the issue that the research team is investigating, it is
important to understand why Ben & Jerry’s implemented this change in the first place, their
customers. Ben & Jerry’s learned the effects of rBGH and why it would not be good for their
products. They considered their customers and their well-being in this choice.
As mentioned before, Ben & Jerry’s has a respected marketing and social mission. Their
social mission can deter any customer from buying their product if they disagree with Ben &
Jerry's stance on an issue. They believe their “ice cream can change the world,” and they strive to
improve and change different issues throughout the world (Ben & Jerry’s, 2020). However, some
customers do not care to know a stance. The research collected from the survey can provide Ben
& Jerry’s the information they need to understand if their stance on social issues makes a
difference in customer’s purchase intentions. The data should give insight into the increase or
decrease in sales caused by the knowledge of Ben & Jerry’s issues.
This information can help Ben & Jerry’s advertise or write about their stances in different
ways to gain more attention to increase sales. Ben & Jerry’s originally made this stance in 1989.
Therefore, their stance on the issue is not likely to change (Ben & Jerry’s, 2020). Based on the
survey findings, the company can decide how to improve its marketing to appeal to more
customers.With the information we have collected, Ben & Jerry’s can market their products in
different ways.
Hypothesis 1 (H1):
H1 predicts that JMU students associate Ben & Jerry’s with progressive values. When
testing this hypothesis, Measures of Central Tendency were analyzed (Mean (M), Median, Mode,
and Standard Deviation (SD)) to examine the students' perceptions of progressiveness with the
Ben & Jerry’s organization. The findings suggest that the participants in the survey perceive Ben
& Jerry’s to be less progressive than expected. To be more specific, the figures are (M= 2.29)
and the (SD= .86). At this point, the data clearly suggests H1 to be wrong, and therefore not
Hypothesis 2 (H2):
H2 proposes that knowledge students have regarding the social issues that Ben & Jerry’s
support is positively associated with their respective intentions to purchase Ben & Jerry’s
products in the future. A regression analysis was performed in order to determine whether the
above hypothesis (H1) will be supported or rejected. Unfortunately, the data we received from
the participants in the survey was less than helpful. An important factor overlooked when
designing the survey was the assumption that students already had prior knowledge of Ben &
Jerry’s social activism. The problem therein occurs when students state their purchase intentions
of Ben & Jerry’s products based on their knowledge of Ben & Jerry’s social activism, even if
some students have no prior knowledge. Since this data is now tainted, because students were not
asked their initial knowledge base of social activism within Ben & Jerry’s, the data does not
provide a clear answer for H2.
Hypothesis 3 (H3):
H3 predicts that JMU students are generally unfamiliar with rBGH. In order to prove this
hypothesis, a frequency table went under statistical analysis based on the questions asked on a
Likert Scale regarding students’ familiarity of rBGH. Similarly, to research question 3 (RQ3),
the results indicate that the majority of JMU students are not familiar at all with rBGH (44.7%)
or claim to be less familiar (40.6%). Students claiming neutral familiarity are (6.5%), others
claiming slightly more familiarity sit at (5.3%), and those students claiming to be very familiar
with rBGH hold a slight (1.8%). The data clearly posits that a majority of surveys collected
reflect JMU students' lack of familiarity with rBGH, therefore supporting the H3 claim that JMU
students are unfamiliar with rBGH.
Hypothesis 4 (H4):
H4 explored whether JMU students’ knowledge of Ben & Jerry’s stance on rBGH is
positively associated with intentions to purchase Ben & Jerry’s products in the future. To predict
this likelihood, a simple linear regression was calculated and analyzed. A regression was not
found ( F ( 1,167 )=4.01 , p <.05 ), with an R2 of 0.02. In fact, students’ likelihood to purchase Ben
& Jerry’s decreased by .15 (β = -0.15, p < .05) for every unit increase in knowledge on Ben &
Jerry’s stance on using rBGH.
Summary of Results
This study focused on Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream company. Ben & Jerry’s is a dairy
company that prides itself in its firm stance on refusing to use recombinant bovine growth
hormones, otherwise known as rBGH, in any of their product lines, regardless of the potential
loss in profit margins and/or saving face. Our survey was designed to gauge JMU students’
awareness of rBGH, and furthermore, their perception on Ben & Jerry’s refusal to use growth
hormones in their products. From this point, our survey was specifically designed to understand
the relationship that JMU students’ knowledge of Ben & Jerry’s position on rBGH had on the
participants’ own purchase intentions of Ben & Jerry’s products.
According to the study, a total of 170 James Madison University students participated in
this research survey, however only 167 students actually completed the survey. 169 students
reported their gender, and the majority of the participants identified with the female gender (N=
121, 71.2%) as opposed to male (N = 45, 45%). A very small number of participants identified
with a gender other than male or female (N = 2, 1.2%). Due to this study being targeted towards
current college students, the average age of participants was 18 years old (Mean = 18.31, SD =
13.32). 169 students also report their ethnicity, with the majority of participants being white (N =
130, 76.5%). 169 students also reported their political affiliation, with the majority of students
identifying as Democrat (N = 75, 44.1%), followed by Republican (N = 44, 25.9%), followed
very closely by Independent (N= 42, 24.7%). People that identified as an “other” political
affiliation were small in number (N = 8, 4.7%). It is worth noting that many of the manual text
entries in the “other” field were on the left side of the political spectrum (such as Leftist,
Socialist, Liberal). In this study, there were a total of 11 variables being tested through seven
research questions and four hypotheses including: (RQ1) what ice cream brand do JMU students
eat most often, (RQ2) how familiar are JMU students with Ben & Jerry’s, (RQ3) how familiar
are JMU students with the rBGH, (RQ4) are political affiliations associated with intentions to
purchase Ben & Jerry’s products, (RQ5) are JMU students more or less likely to consume
products if they know rBGH is used, (RQ6) what are JMU students' attitudes towards food made
with artificial hormones, (RQ7) do JMU students intend to support Ben & Jerry’s through word-
of-mouth recommendation, (H1) JMU students associate Ben & Jerry’s with progressive values,
(H2) knowledge of the social issues that Ben & Jerry’s supports is positively associated with
intentions to buy Ben & Jerry’s products in the future, (H3) JMU students are generally
unfamiliar with rBGH, and lastly, (H4) knowledge of Ben & Jerry’s stance on rBGH is
positively associated with intentions to buy Ben & Jerry’s products in the future.
The following information was gained from all of the survey data gathered from the JMU
student participants: (1) The majority of students purchase Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream over all
other ice cream companies, (2) almost 90% of JMU students are familiar with Ben & Jerry’s as
an organization, compared to the other students that surveyed just over 1% admitting they have
no familiarity with Ben & Jerry’s at all, (3) Over 85% of participants are unfamiliar with rBGH,
with just under half of that number having no clue what it is at all. Meanwhile just over 10% of
respondents have some familiarity with rBGH, (4) JMU students’ purchase intentions towards
Ben & Jerry’s products is not significantly involved with their political affiliations, (5) JMU
students are most supportive of foods made with rBGH, (6) Ben & Jerry’s is recommended
highly to others through word-of-mouth communication by JMU students.
Although the information gathered from these surveys was collected from mainly
younger college students that attend JMU, it is still actionable data that could prove to be useful
to Ben & Jerry’s organization as a whole if they ever decide to revisit their strategy on pushing
for removal of rBGH products, or campaign on simply what rBGH is and the effects it has on the
food industry. It also sends a message as to what is truly important to college students regarding
their purchases and diet (JMU students at the minimum) which might be the push that Ben &
Jerry’s may need to emphasize their social efforts against rBGH in order to spread the word to
today's youth.
Theoretical Implications
The results of this study indicated a variety of different findings, some more surprising
than others, regarding both Ben & Jerry’s and rBGH. Some of the significant findings that came
from this collection of research are (1) participants perceive Ben & Jerry’s to be less progressive
than expected and hypothesized, and (2) due to participants’ lack of prior knowledge regarding
Ben & Jerry’s social activism, no conclusion could be made linking together knowledge of the
company’s social justice support and intention to purchase products.
According to the information discovered from the data collected from our surveys, the
data suggests that participants perceive Ben & Jerry’s to be less progressive than originally
expected. There are multiple reasons why we believe this to be the case. First off, we knew that
Ben & Jerry’s holds a positive reputation in the public eye with regards to social and political
activism. That being said, JMU is a very progressive university, and we expected such students
would be aware of Ben & Jerry’s stance on such social issues and would associate them more
with progressive values and assume their organization to be progressive, as well. This however
was not the case. Along the same lines, (RQ4) indicates that JMU students’ political affiliation
has nothing to do with their purchase intentions towards Ben & Jerry’s products. This leads to
the idea that maybe JMU students are generally not associating any types of political or social
agendas to their ice cream choices. Instead, it may very well be the case that JMU students
simply buy Ben & Jerry’s because they like the exotic flavors, and make no actual association to
the company's social activism objectives at all.
The empirical findings of this research also suggest that due to participants’ lack of prior
knowledge regarding Ben & Jerry’s social activism, no conclusion could be made linking
together knowledge of the company’s social justice support and intention to purchase products.
This was not expected, to say the least. Initially, the survey was interested in finding out if JMU
students were purchasing Ben & Jerry’s products based on their knowledge of Ben & Jerry’s
social activism. The problem was that the data was unclear as to whether students were even
aware of Ben & Jerry’s social activism in the first place, similarly to what was mentioned in the
previous paragraph.
Going off research findings, Ben & Jerry’s is still a likely product to be purchased by
JMU students, although it is still difficult to pinpoint if Ben & Jerry’s political affiliation, or
student’s perceptions of their affiliations, plays a major role in their choice to purchase those
products. That is not to say that there is no way that either of these reasons will not suffice in the
near future as JMU grows and progresses, but as for now, they still remain a bit obsolete or
Practical Implications
Revised SWOT Chart
Strengths Weaknesses
● Have a wide variety of ● Certain consumers might disagree
unique/seasonal flavors without with some of the company’s
overwhelming consumers. values.
● The Ben & Jerry’s foundation which ● Former CFO embezzled money
donates 7.5 percent of their profits to from the company.
charities around the world. ● Company policies might end up
● Open and forward about their values. costing them more in the long
● Strong marketing and advertising. run.
● Comfortable with their views and on ● Lack of advertisement related to
certain stances they have taken like rBGH and other ingredient
rBGH. factors.
Opportunities Threats
● A lot of market potential, the demand ● The company could lose sales if
for ice cream is predicted to grow with more conservative ideologies
a cumulative annual growth rate of 3 became popular.
percent. ● Conflicting ideas from parent
● Focus more on healthier ice cream company Unilever.
options like dairy-free, sugar-free, and ● Health-conscious people refraining
light ice cream. from eating ice cream.
● More innovation through social media ● Major competitors like
as a form of communication. GeneralMills’ Haagen-Dazs, Dean
● Connecting with different audiences via Food Company’s Mayfield, and
their social media and their website. Blue Bell Creameries.
● Growing consumers with their ● Consumers not buying Ben &
advertisement that they do not use Jerry’s ice cream because of their
rBGH. knowledge of rBGH disuse.
Campaign Ideas
One message that should be conveyed to Ben & Jerry’s publics is “rBGH is widely used
in the dairy industry and it is bad”, worded a bit more eloquently of course. This message should
be delivered using the awareness communication channel. As discussed earlier in this report, our
research shows that most JMU students have little knowledge on rBGH. Sure, the decision to not
use rBGH in their dairy products is an ethical choice for the organization, but people simply are
not aware of the harms that the growth hormone can cause, let alone its existence at all. Our
researchers suggest that the Ben & Jerry’s organization start a public relations campaign that is
designed to raise awareness of the extensive use of rBGH in the dairy industry, and why rBGH is
harmful. This might lead to publics to retracting support from Ben & Jerry’s competitors in favor
of Ben & Jerry’s itself. People would be aware of the harms that Ben & Jerry’s competitors are
causing because of rBGH and would instead choose to support Ben & Jerry’s because they do
not use rBGH.
Another message that our researchers would like Ben & Jerry’s publics to be exposed to
would be “Ben & Jerry’s does not support the use of rBGH, which means that they are a better
organization compared to their competition”, or something of the sort. This message has the goal
of targeting the attitude communication channel of Ben & Jerry’s publics. According to our
research, although JMU students seemed to prefer Ben & Jerry’s ice cream over other brands,
they seemed to be at least indifferent to the use of rBGH in the products they consume. Our
research shows that it is possible that people are less likely to buy Ben & Jerry’s products, given
the knowledge that they are informed on Ben & Jerry’s stance on not using rBGH. The goal of
this campaign should be to have the publics gain a more positive attitude towards Ben & Jerry’s,
and their stance on not using rBGH.
Stacks, D.W. (2017). Primer of Public Relations (3rd ed). The Guilford Press.
Statista Research Department (2020, November 13). U.S. population:Which brands of ice cream
and sherbet do you eat most often? Statista. https://www-statista- households-most-eaten-brands-of-
Tauer, L. W. (2016). The effect of bovine somatotropin on the cost of producing milk: Estimates
using propensity scores. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(4), 2979–2985.
Thomas, B. (2020). IBISWorld industry report 31152. Ice cream production in the US.
Unilever Plc. Mergent Online. https://www-mergentonline-
Wunsch, N.G. (December 2020). Sales of the leading ice cream brands of the U.S. 2020. Statista. ice-cream-
Younus, S., Rasheed, F. & Zia, A. (2015). Identifying the factors affecting customer purchase
intention. Global Journals, 15(2).
Final Questionnaire
Consent to Participate in Research - Perceptions of Ben & Jerry's Corporate Social
Advocacy Campaigns
Identification of Investigators & Purpose of the Study
You are being asked to participate in a research study conducted by Corey Bull, Lily Burchfield,
Dana Kiger, Carly Lyvers, Lucas Strigel, Andrew Balgoyen, Amanda Bowen, Mary Comeford,
Abby Reardon, Ellie Scalzo, Alex Albaladejo, Tyler Cannon, Paige Cooke, Kathleen Dillon,
Jordi Silva, Craig Allison, Jenn Hauck, Amanda Horak, Kalli Perroots, and Elizabeth Skaggs
from James Madison University. This study will contribute to the researcher's completion of
SCOM 388, Campaign Research Methods. This project seeks to understand individuals'
perceptions and intentions to engage with Ben & Jerry’s based on its corporate social advocacy
Research Procedures
This study consists of an online survey that will be administered to individual participants
through the SONA system and JMU bulk email. You will be asked to provide answers to a series
of questions related to your perceptions and intentions to engage with Ben & Jerry’s based on its
corporate social advocacy efforts.
Time Required
Participation in this study will require less than 10 minutes of your time.
The investigators perceive the risks of taking the survey to be no greater than those in everyday
exposure to daily advertisements and population polls. If you feel uncomfortable answering
questions in the survey, please discontinue the survey.
The benefits of this survey are added knowledge of perceptions of and reactions to advertising
for pedagogical purposes.
We plan to share our research in research papers and conferences. Individual responses will be
obtained anonymously and recorded through SONA. No identifiable information will be
collected from the participant and no identifiable responses will be presented in the final form of
this study. All data will be destroyed at the conclusion of this study.
Participation & Withdrawal
Your participation is entirely voluntary. You have the choice not to participate. Should you
choose to participate, you can withdraw at any time without consequences of any kind. Once
your responses have been submitted and anonymously recorded you will not be able to withdraw
from this study.
Questions About the Study
If you have any questions or concerns during the time of your participation in this study or after
its completion, please contact:Corey Bull (, Lily Burchfield
(, Dana Kiger (, Carly Lyvers
(, Lucas Strigel (, Andrew Balgoyen
(, Amanda Bowen (, Mary Comerford
(, Abby Reardon (, Ellie Scalzo
(, Alex Albaladejo (, Tyler Cannon
(, Paige Cooke (, Kathleen Dillon
(, Jordi Silva (, Craig Allison
(, Jenn Hauck (, Amanda Horak
(, Kalli Perroots (, or Elizabeth Skaggs
Andrea Martinez Gonzalez
Assistant Professor
James Madison University
Questions about your rights as a research subject:
Taimi Castle
Chair, Institutional Review Board
James Madison University
(540) 568-5929
Giving of Consent
I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about this study. I have read this consent and I
understand what is being requested of me as a participant in this study.
I certify that I am at least 18 years of age. By clicking on the link below, and completing and by
submitting this anonymous survey, I am consenting to participate in this research. This study has
been approved by the IRB, protocol #21-2446
First, we would like to ask you some awareness questions.
What ice cream brand do you purchase most often?
o Haagen-Dazs (1)
o Ben & Jerry's (2)
o Blue Bell (3)
o Blue Bunny (4)
o Breyers (5)
o Edy's (6)
o Other (please specify) (7) ________________________________________________
How familiar are you with Ben & Jerry's?
o Not familiar at all (2)
o Not familiar (3)
o Neutral (4)
o Familiar (5)
o Very Familiar (6)
Have you ever had Ben & Jerry's products?
o Yes (1)
o No (4)
How familiar are you with rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone)?
o Not familiar at all (1)
o Not familiar (2)
o Neutral (3)
o Familiar (4)
o Very familiar (5)
How familiar are you with Ben & Jerry’s stance on the use of rBGH (recombinant bovine growth
o Not familiar at all (1)
o Not familiar (2)
o Neutral (3)
o Familiar (4)
o Very familiar (5)
Next, please carefully read Ben & Jerry's stance on using rBGH (recombinant bovine
growth hormone).
We’ve been fighting for your right to know since 1989. Ben & Jerry's opposes the
approval and use of rBGH Fresh cream and milk makeup more than half of a pint of Ben &
Jerry’s ice cream. So we’ve always tried to make sure our Company’s values — including
support for safe and sustainable food production, family farms, and rural communities — are
reflected in the milk we buy.
In 1989, Ben & Jerry’s came out in opposition to the use of recombinant bovine growth
hormone (rBGH), a genetically engineered hormone given to cows to increase their milk
production. We think rBGH is a step in the wrong direction towards a chemically-intensive,
high-tech food system that has unacceptable social and environmental costs.
For decades, we’ve been buying milk from the St. Albans Cooperative in Vermont, made
up of about 450 family farmers; and we have required all of our farmers to pledge not to treat
their cows with rBGH. In the Netherlands, where we produce ice cream for the European market,
we buy milk from CONO Cheesemakers, made up of about 500 family farmers; rBGH is not
even legal in the Netherlands, so it’s one less thing we have to worry about!
We are still working with a coalition of nonprofit groups and companies in the U.S. to
defend the consumer's right to know.
Our Partners
St. Albans Co-Operative Creamery is a member-governed dairy cooperative committed
to providing service, stable markets and the greatest achievable return to our members by
delivering the highest quality milk, milk products and services to our customers. The
Cooperative provides active leadership in the dairy industry and political environment to benefit
all dairy farmers.
Please answer the following questions with Ben & Jerry's stance on using rBGH
(recombinant bovine growth hormone) in mind.
Ben & Jerry's values regarding rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) are...
1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5)
Progressive Not
o o o o o
Left Right
o o o o o
Leaning Leaning
Liberal Conservative
o o o o o
What is your attitude towards food made with rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone)?
o Strongly against (1)
o Against (4)
o Neutral (5)
o Support (6)
o Strongly support (7)
How likely are you to buy Ben & Jerry’s products with the knowledge of their values regarding
rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone)?
o Very unlikely (1)
o Unlikely (4)
o Neutral (5)
o Likely (6)
o Very likely (7)
If a product is made using rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone), how likely are you to
buy this product?
o Very unlikely (1)
o Unlikely (4)
o Neutral (5)
o Likely (6)
o Very likely (7)
After seeing Ben & Jerry’s values regarding rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone),
please indicate your agreement with the following statements.
Strongly Somewhat Neither Somewhat Strongly
disagree (1) disagree (2) agree nor agree (4) agree (5)
disagree (3)
I intend to o o o o o
buy Ben &
products. (1)
I plan on o o o o o
buying Ben
& Jerry’s
products. (2)
I expect to o o o o o
buy Ben &
products. (3)
After seeing Ben & Jerry’s values regarding rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone),
please indicate your agreement with the following statements.
Strongly Somewhat Neither Somewhat Strongly
disagree (1) disagree (2) agree or agree (4) agree (5)
disagree (3)
I would like o o o o o
to tell my
friends and
family to
purchase Ben
& Jerry’s
products. (1)
I would o o o o o
buying Ben
& Jerry’s
products to
my peers. (2)
I would say o o o o o
things about
Ben &
Jerry’s to
other people.
Before you go, we would like to know a few things about you.
What is your age? _________
What is your gender? (if other please specify)
o Male (1)
o Female (2)
o Prefer not to say (3)
o Other (4) ________________________________________________
What is your ethnicity? (if other, please specify)
o Asian or Pacific Islander (8)
o Black or African American (13)
o Hispanic or Latino (14)
o Native American or Indigenous American (15)
o White (16)
o Other: ____________ (17)
o Prefer not to answer (18)
Does your diet include cow's dairy?
o Yes (1)
o No (2)
o Unsure (3)
What is your political affiliation? (if other, please specify)
o Republican (1)
o Democrat (2)
o Independent (3)
o Other (4) ________________________________________________
What is your year at the university? (if other please specify)
o Freshman (1)
o Sophomore (2)
o Junior (3)
o Senior (4)
o Other (5) ________________________________________________
Thank you for taking our survey. If you have any questions about your participation in this
research, please contact Dr. Andrea Martinez Gonzalez at If you have any
questions about your rights as a research subject, please contact Dr.Taimi Castle at or at (540)568-5929.
If you are redirected to an error page at the end of this survey, do not worry. Your
responses have been recorded. Ignore the message.
Data Analysis Outputs
RQ1: What ice cream brand do JMU students eat most often?
What ice cream brand do you
purchase most often? -
Selected Choice
N Valid 169
Missing 1
What ice cream brand do you purchase most often? - Selected Choice
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Haagen-Dazs 13 7.6 7.7 7.7
Ben & Jerry's 86 50.6 50.9 58.6
Blue Bell 6 3.5 3.6 62.1
Blue Bunny 4 2.4 2.4 64.5
Breyers's 42 24.7 24.9 89.3
Edy's 3 1.8 1.8 91.1
Other (please specify) 15 8.8 8.9 100.0
Total 169 99.4 100.0
Missin -99 1 .6
Total 170 100.0
RQ2: How familiar are JMU students with Ben & Jerry’s?
How familiar are you with Ben &
N Valid 167
Missing 3
RQ3: How familiar are JMU students with the rBGH? (same as H3)
How familiar are you with rBGH
(recombinant bovine growth
N Valid 168
Missing 2
RQ4: Are political affiliations associated with intentions to purchase Ben & Jerry’s
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: COMPUTE Intention_Buy=mean(IntBuy_1,IntBuy_2,IntBuy_3)
Type III Sum Mean
Source of Squares df Square F Sig.
Corrected 10.328a 3 3.443 3.803 .011
Intercept 1165.324 1 1165.324 1287.46 .000
PolParty 10.328 3 3.443 3.803 .011
Error 149.347 165 .905
Total 2445.250 169
Corrected Total 159.675 168
a. R Squared = .065 (Adjusted R Squared = .048)
RQ5: Are JMU students more or less likely to consume products if they know rBGH is
Model Summary
Change Statistics
Mod R Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square F Sig. F
el R Square Square the Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change
1 .154a .024 .018 .81215 .024 4.032 1 165 .046
a. Predictors: (Constant), How familiar are you with Ben & Jerry's?
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 2.659 1 2.659 4.032 .046b
Residual 108.832 165 .660
Total 111.491 166
a. Dependent Variable: COMPUTE Likelihood=mean(LikeBuy1,LikeBuy2)
b. Predictors: (Constant), How familiar are you with Ben & Jerry's?
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 4.376 .360 12.170 .000
How familiar are you with .161 .080 .154 2.008 .046
Ben & Jerry's?
a. Dependent Variable: COMPUTE Likelihood=mean(LikeBuy1,LikeBuy2)
RQ6: What are JMU students' attitudes towards food made with artificial hormones?
Brand Support through Word of Mouth Recommendation
What is your
towards food
made with
bovine growth
Age hormone)?
N Valid 167 169
Missing 3 1
Mean 18.1317 4.17
Median 19.0000 4.00
Mode 18.00 4
Std. Deviation 13.3215 1.249
Minimum -99.00 1
Maximum 48.00 7
RQ7: Do JMU students intend to support Ben & Jerry’s through word-of-mouth
N Valid 167 169
Missing 3 1
Mean 18.1317 3.6982
Median 19.0000 3.6667
Mode 18.00 4.00
Std. Deviation 13.3215 .91594
Minimum -99.00 1.00
Maximum 48.00 5.00
H1: JMU students associate Ben & Jerry’s with progressive values.
Age _3)
N Valid 167 168
Missing 3 2
Mean 18.1317 2.2867
Median 19.0000 2.3333
Mode 18.00 2.00
Std. Deviation 13.3215 .86091
Minimum -99.00 1.00
Maximum 48.00 5.00
H2: Knowledge of the social issues that Ben & Jerry’s supports is positively associated with
intentions to buy Ben & Jerry’s products in the future.
Data did not give an answer, as we did not ask “Are you familiar with the social issues that Ben
& Jerry’s supports?”
H3: JMU students are generally unfamiliar with rBGH. (SAME AS R3)
How familiar are you with rBGH
(recombinant bovine growth
N Valid 168
Missing 2
H4: Knowledge of Ben & Jerry’s stance on rBGH is positively associated with intentions to
buy Ben & Jerry’s products in the future.
Model Summary
Change Statistics
Std. Error of
Mod R Adjusted R the R Square F Sig. F
el R Square Square Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change
1 .153a .023 .018 .96628 .023 4.013 1 167 .047
a. Predictors: (Constant), How familiar are you with Ben & Jerry’s stance on the use of rBGH (recombinant bovine growth
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 3.747 1 3.747 4.013 .047b
Residual 155.928 167 .934
Total 159.675 168
a. Dependent Variable: COMPUTE Intention_Buy=mean(IntBuy_1,IntBuy_2,IntBuy_3)
b. Predictors: (Constant), How familiar are you with Ben & Jerry’s stance on the use of rBGH
(recombinant bovine growth hormone)?
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 3.948 .154 25.626 .000
How familiar are you with -.163 .081 -.153 -2.003 .047
Ben & Jerry’s stance on
the use of rBGH
(recombinant bovine
growth hormone)?
a. Dependent Variable: COMPUTE Intention_Buy=mean(IntBuy_1,IntBuy_2,IntBuy_3)