Soal PTS Ec 2021
Soal PTS Ec 2021
Soal PTS Ec 2021
Alamat : Jalan Raya Ahmad Yani Nomor 68 Tawar Kec. Gondang Kab. Mojokerto 61372
No Bentuk Soal
Tingkat Jenis
Soa KD/ Materi Indikator Soal Kunci Jawaban Skor
Kesulitan Soal
1 Siswa disajikan Middle Multiplay D. In my opinion 5
Mengungkapkan makna teks kemudian Choice Ika: I think our city is very
dalam percakapan Siswa dapat hot at the moment
transaksional menggunakan mengidentifikasi Ira: I don’t think so….. our
ragam bahasa lisan yang expression city is much cooler than
melibatkan tindak tutur: yang ada di other cities in this country
expressing of opinion dalam teks From the dialog above,
what match sentence to
complete the dialog?
A. I know it
B. I am thinking of
C. He forget it
D. In my opinion
E. See you
3 Siswa disajikan High Multiplay Yuni: We’ll have a long holiday A. I am thinking 5
teks kemudian Choice next month. What are you going of going to Bali
Siswa dapat to do? sorry
mengidentifikasi Yani: “………..”
expression Yuni: I hope you have a nice trip
yang ada di What is the suitable sentence to
dalam teks fill the dialog?
A. I am thinking of going to
Bali sorry
B. Sorry, I can’t tell you
C. It’s not your business
D. I have nothing to do
E. I don’t know what to do
4 Siswa disajikan Middle Multiplay Woman : I have bought a new B. Put a neckless 5
teks kemudian Choice dress and this blue color dress on and it will
Siswa dapat suits me. What do you think? be perfect
mengidentifikasi Man : ………….
expression Woman: I think you are right.
yang ada di Thank you.
dalam teks What is the best expression to
complete the dialog?
A. It doesn't suit you well
B. Put a neckless on and it
will be perfect
C. Thank you for your
D. I am negative about it
E. I don't think so
5 Siswa disajikan High Multiplay Janet : "Have you ever imagined 5
teks kemudian Choice living abroad?"
siswa dapat Dessy : "That is one of my goals
mengkap tema of my life."
yang ada di Janet : "Which country do you
D. Achieving
dalam teks want to live in?"
Dessy : "If I can speak English dreams
better, I will go to England."
Janet : "You can speak English,
can't you?"
Dessy : "I can but I need a lot of
improvement to prepare my
IELTS score."
Janet : "How many scores that
you have to achieve?"
Dessy : "7.0. If I get that score, I
will go to England."
Janet : "Terrific! Awesome!"
Dessy : "How about you, Janet?
What is your plan?"
Janet : "I have a dream to live in
Dessy : "Do you also need IELTS
to go there?"
Janet : "Nope, I just need to learn
Japanese language and do some
other requirements. I will go to
Japan if I speak Japanese well."
Dessy : "We should do better for
Mengungkapkan makna
our brighter future.
dalam percakapan
transaksional menggunakan
ragam bahasa lisan yang What do you think the dialogue is
melibatkan tindak tutur: about?
expressing offering.
B. England
C. Japan
D. Achieving dreams
E. Practice English better
6 Siswa disajikan Low Match I …………………….. , with C. Totally agree 5
Teks berupa you
kemudian siswa
kalimat dengan
jawaban yang
7 Siswa disajikan Low Match As far as A. Opinion 5
Teks berupa I ……………………. , I will and
kalimat not support bullying in my concerned
rumpang school
kemudian siswa
kalimat dengan
jawaban yang
8 Siswa disajikan Low Match I am ……………….. , that D. Thinking about 5
Teks berupa medical care should be
kalimat free foe everyone
kemudian siswa
kalimat dengan
jawaban yang
9 Siswa disajikan Low Match Some B. Believe that 5
Teks berupa people ……………………..
rumpang eating fish and yogurt at
kemudian siswa the same time cause
dapat severe skin disease
kalimat dengan
jawaban yang
10 Siswa disajikan Low Match I feel quite …………….. , E. Believe 5
Teks berupa about this issue
kemudian siswa
kalimat dengan
jawaban yang
11 Siswa disajikan Low Essay Read the text above and then She is asking 5
teks kemudian answer the question! suggestion to Alif
siswa What is Bita doing ?
data yang
12 Siswa disajikan High Essay What is alif’s initial plan in the He come here to 13
teks kemudian mall? buy some breads
siswa dapat for his mother
informasi terkait
kejadian yang
ada di dalam
13 Siswa disajikan High Essay What does alif think about the According to alif 13
teks kemudian doll? the doll is nice and
siswa dapat the color is blue
yang ada
14 Siswa disajikan Middle Essay What happened to Bita’s best She said that bita’s 6
teks kemudian friend’s old bag? best friend bag is
siswa dapat little bit broken
masalah yang
ada di dalam
15 Siswa disajikan High Essay Mention one expression of giving 1) What does 13
teks kemudian opinion based on the dialogue your best
siswa dapat above? friend like
menyebutkan for a gift?
expression of 2) I think this
giving opinion doll is nice
yang ada and the
didalam teks color is
blue, her
3) I believe
that is a
great idea
Total Skor 100
Mojokerto, 15 September 2021
Waka Kurikulum Bid. Penilaian Ketua Panitia PTS Guru Mata Pelajaran
Laili Nur Hidayah, S.Pd. Afida Rosdiana Ningrum, S.S. Marisa dwi rahmawati
Terakreditasi A
Nomor : 200/BAP-S/M/SK/X/2016 NSM : 131235160005
Alamat : Jalan Raya Ahmad Yani Nomor 68 Tawar Kec. Gondang Kab. Mojokerto 61372
Petunjuk : Bacalah dengan cermat teks/data yang disediakan, kemudian jawablah semua pertanyaan yang sudah disediakan berdasarkan
tiga jenis (1) Multiplay Choice, (2) Mix and match, (3) essai.
Perhatikan teksh Berikut ini untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan!
B. England
C. Japan
D. Achieving dreams
E. Practice English better
(B). Mix and Match ; Jodohkan pernyataan berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!
Pernyataan Jawaban
6 I …………………….. , with you Opinion and
7 As far as I ……………………. , I will not support bullying in my Believe that
8 I am ……………….. , that medical care should be free foe Totally agree
9 Some people …………………….. eating fish and yogurt at the Thinking
same time cause severe skin disease about
1 I feel quite …………….. , about this issue
Essay !
Alif : Hi! How are you doing?
Alif : I am also good, thankyou. What are you doing here in this small alone?
Bita : I am looking for a gift for my best friend and buy a dress for me to go her birthday party. The next two days is her birthday and I have to give her
something as a gift.
Alif : Oh, I see.. okay then, what if I accompany you finding the gift and your dress?
Bita : Really? Are you free now? I mean what are you doing here? Aren’t you waiting for someone here?
Alif : Actually nope. I came here just to buy some breads for my mother then I want to go home. But I met you here so I can accompany you finding the
gift and the dress.
Alif: firstly, we look for the gift. Umm, what does your best friend like for a gift? Like her favorite things colors, or hobby? We can start finding a gift
easily by knowing your bestfriend’s favorite thing.
Bita : she likes everything in blue. She likes bright blue and tosca.
Alif: what about this cute blue shoes? Do you like it?
Bita : umm I do not think that this model of shoe fits to her. What do you think about this doll as a gift?
Alif : I think this doll is nice and the color is also blue, her favorite. But in my opinion, we have to give her something useful, such as bag, shoes, dress,
or anything that she needs at present.
Bita : She ever told me that her old bag is little bit broken. What do you think if we give her a bag as a birthday gift?
Alif : I believe that it is great idea! Alright, let’s find nice bag for her.
Bita : Hey, look at this bag! The color is also soft. It is blue,but soft. The bag has some parts but it looks simply beautiful. I think this one suits her. I will
take this then.
Alif : alright!
Bita: So, the next thing to do is finding my dress for my best friend’s birthday party. Do you want to accompany me?
Questions :