Module 3 Orifice Flow Lesson 2

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Module 3

LESSON No. 2 : Coordinate Method of Jet Velocity and
Unsteady Flow in an Orifice

1. Coordinate Method of Determining Jet Velocity

a. Inclined Velocity

Viy Vi

 X
O Vix y


Working equations from rectilinear motion

a. V f = V i + a t
b. V f 2 = V i 2 + 2 a s
c. S = V i ( t ) + ½ a t 2

b. Horizontal Velocity

V i = Vix

V iy = 0

From: S=Vi(t)+½at2
x = Vix ( t )

c. Relationship of Vi and the coordinates x and y.

Vi = √y
2. Unsteady Flow in Orifices: Discharge Under Falling or Rising Head

The unsteady flow problems require the determination of the time it takes for the
liquid surface to rise or drop from one given elevation to another elevation. The
analysis are divided in each cases that follows.

Constant QI (inflow)
L.S. ( t = 0 )

h1 L.S. ( t = t )

Qo (outflow)

Q i = inflow
Q o = outflow or discharge

The general equation of time “t” to reduce the head from h 1 to h2 is :

Asdh d(Vol)
dt = CAo √ 2gh = CAo √ 2gh
where :
A s = area of the liquid surface at any head “h”

d (Vol )
Case I. When Q i = 0, the surface drops and the volume decreases or dt <

The rate of change in the volume of the contained liquid is the outflow, Q o.

- Q o = - C Ao √ 2gh
if the time in the interval h2 < h < h1 is required, then

1 h 2 d(Vol)

t = - CAo √ 2g √h

1 h 1 d(Vol)

t = CAo √ 2g √h

Case II. When Qi ¿ Qo at time t = 0.

Two related sub-cases under this condition:

a. Qi < Qo : The liquid surface drops as in the first case.

hi d (Vol)
∫h 2 CAo √ 2gh−Qi

b. Qi > Qo : The liquid surface rises and the volume increase or

d (Vol )
dt > 0.
h2 d (Vol)
∫h 1 Qi−CAo √ 2 gh
t =

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