Oracle Cloud: Deploying A Virtual Machine For Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
Oracle Cloud: Deploying A Virtual Machine For Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
Oracle Cloud: Deploying A Virtual Machine For Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
Oracle Cloud Deploying a Virtual Machine for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud,
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3 Operating Instructions
Creating an Application 3-1
Using EPM Automate to Import Snapshots into the Application 3-2
Logging into the Virtual Machine Operating System 3-3
Shutting Down the Virtual Machine 3-3
Troubleshooting 3-4
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Overview of the Virtual Machine
The Virtual Machine (VM) is a local implementation of an Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud environment that may contain one of the following
application types deployed to a VM:
• Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud
• Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud
• Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud
• Oracle Tax Reporting Cloud
• Oracle Profitability and Cost Management Cloud
• Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud
• Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud
• Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud
• Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud
This VM provides an environment to create and deliver demonstrations, to
troubleshoot functional issues, and to learn more about EPM Cloud. It should not be
used in a customer environment or in any situation that requires access to modify the
operating system of the EPM Cloud environment.
Virtualization Environment
EPM Cloud VM is designed to work only in an Oracle VirtualBox environment. Do not
use it with other virtualization solutions.
EPM Cloud VM can also be deployed in Ravello, but only when deployed to US East 5
US Southwest 1, and Europe Central 3 locations.
Platform Requirements
The VM is designed to be used only on desktop or laptop computers on which Oracle
VM VirtualBox is supported. See Supported host operating systems in VirtualBox
documentation for a list of supported operating systems.
Chapter 1
Setting up the Virtual Machine
In this section:
Video Overview
Virtual Machine Host Hardware Requirements
Installing and Starting Oracle VirtualBox
Downloading and Extracting the Virtual Machine Appliance
Importing the Appliance and Specifying Settings
Creating Snapshots
Starting the Virtual Machine
Changing the Service Type of an Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Environment
Connecting to an EPM Cloud Environment
Video Overview
Watch the following Oracle internal only video for an overview of the steps to deploy
the VM.
Chapter 2
Installing and Starting Oracle VirtualBox
VirtualBox requires a physical host computer with virtualization enabled in its
Chapter 2
Downloading and Extracting the Virtual Machine Appliance
b. Click Extensions and install the VirtualBox extensions that you downloaded
Chapter 2
Importing the Appliance and Specifying Settings
You can run multiple appliances at the same time by changing the MAC
address of both network adapters on the new appliance so that VirtualBox
creates a distinct IP address for the new environment when it is started.
Users will use the new IP address in the URL that they use to access the
Chapter 2
Importing the Appliance and Specifying Settings
c. In Appliance Setting, select the Reinitialize the MAC address of all network
cards check box, and make other desired changes.
Chapter 2
Importing the Appliance and Specifying Settings
d. Click Import
The import process may take a few minutes (sometimes up to 10 minutes).
2. In Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager, click EPMCS_VirtualBox to display details.
Verify that the value of Operating System under General is reported as Oracle
(64–bit). If this is reported as 32–bit, verify that virualization is enabled for your
3. Optional: Create a baseline snapshot. See Creating Snapshots.
4. Check appliance settings and correct invalid settings. In some cases, the VM will
not start unless you complete this step.
a. In Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager, select Machine and then Settings.
b. Verify that the network Adapter settings are accurate.
The VM enables two network adapters (a host-only adapter and a NAT
If you switch the NAT adapter to a Bridged Adapter, when you
connect to the internet using a wireless adapter or another network
adapter on your computer, you should update the Bridged Adapter
setting to select the right network adapter for the connection before
starting the VM.
To change the Bridged Adapter settings (for example, to bridge with your
home wireless network adapter):
i. In Settings, click Network, and then Adapter 2.
Chapter 2
Importing the Appliance and Specifying Settings
ii. If needed, modify the adapter settings to identify the ethernet adapter that
connects to the current (for example, home) network.
c. Correct any reported invalid setting. Hover the mouse over (Invalid icon)
for an explanation of the setting that is reported as invalid.
For example, the following issue may be reported if your host machine has
only 8 GB memory.
You can change the memory setting from the System tab by moving the Base
Memory slider to the green range.
If you are hosting the VM on a laptop with only 8GB memory, Oracle
recommends that you adhere to the VirtualBox suggestion of
allocating no more than 5015MB of memory to the VM. If you are
working with Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud, the
VM performance may not be adequate at this memory level. Oracle
recommends that you use a laptop with 16GB RAM (of which 11GB
is allocated to the VM) if you are working with Oracle Enterprise
Planning and Budgeting Cloud or Oracle Financial Consolidation and
Close Cloud.
Chapter 2
Creating Snapshots
Creating Snapshots
Create a VM snapshot after every major configuration step to restore the appliance if
something goes wrong.
1. In Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager, select EPMCS_VirtualBox and then select
Snapshots from Machine Tools.
2. Click (Snapshot).
3. Specify a snapshot name and then click OK.
Chapter 2
Changing the Service Type of an Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Environment
See Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud for detailed information on installing and using the EPM Automate Utility.
If you converted an Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud environment to
another service type, for example, to an Oracle Profitability and Cost
Management Cloud environment, you must recreate the service before you
can convert it again to another service type, for example, to Oracle Account
Reconciliation Cloud.
For example, to create an Oracle Profitability and Cost Management Cloud
application after working on an Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud
application, you should complete these steps:
• Create a backup of the existing data and artifacts.
• Run the recreate EPM Automate Utility command to return the service to
the original Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud service
• Run the recreate command again with the TempServiceType=ARCS option to
change the service type to Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud
• Create the Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud application
Using this command results in the loss of existing data and artifacts. If you
want to preserve existing data and artifacts, perform a complete backup of
the application before initiating this procedure.
To change the service type of an Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud environment:
1. Verify that the host computer is not connect to a network using VPN. VPN
prevents connection to the local IP address of the VM.
2. Open a command prompt window on the VM host computer.
3. Navigate to the bin folder, for example, C:\Oracle\EPM Automate\bin, where the
EPM Automate executable is installed.
4. Sign in to the environment using the following command:
epmautomate login epm_default_cloud_admin epmDem0s
Always use the IP address of the host-only adapter ( or
whatever IP address is assigned to it) while using the EPM Automate
Chapter 2
Connecting to an EPM Cloud Environment
If you are connected to Oracle VPN using AnyConnect, you cannot access
the IP address of the VM. Disconnect from VPN before accessing the service
URL. If you change the VirtualBox DHCP address range for the Bridged
Adapter, you must restart the host computer to ensure that changes take
• URL for Oracle Profitability and Cost Management Cloud, Oracle Enterprise
Data Management Cloud, and Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Connecting to an EPM Cloud Environment
Generally, is the default IP address of the Host-only
Adapter that VirtualBox configured. You cannot connect to this address
from outside the host, for example, from an external device such as an
iPad. If you are not able to connect using this IP address from your
browser, you can identify the IP address of the Host-only Adapter (eth0)
by executing the following command from an xterm in Oracle Linux 5 VM
operating system.
See Logging into the Virtual Machine Operating System for more
Be sure to keep track of the IP addresses of the VMs especially when
you run mutliple VMs on the same host.
Use one of the following URLs to connect to Oracle Smart View for Office
• URL for Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud, Oracle Enterprise Planning
and Budgeting Cloud, Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud, and
Oracle Tax Reporting Cloud:
– (private
– (shared
• URL for Oracle Profitability and Cost Management Cloud:
Operating Instructions
In this section:
Creating an Application
Using EPM Automate to Import Snapshots into the Application
Logging into the Virtual Machine Operating System
Shutting Down the Virtual Machine
Creating an Application
Use the following information sources to create an Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud application:
• To create an Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud application, see these
– Creating an Application in Administering Planning for Oracle Planning and
Budgeting Cloud
– Building a Planning Application in Using Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud
• To create an Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud application, see
Setting Up Your Application in Administering Planning for Oracle Enterprise
Planning and Budgeting Cloud.
• To create an Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud application, see
Creating an Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud Application in
Administering Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud.
• To create an Oracle Profitability and Cost Management Cloud application, see
Creating and Migrating Oracle Profitability and Cost Management Cloud
Applications in Administering Oracle Profitability and Cost Management Cloud.
• To setup and configure Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud, see Setting Up and
Configuring Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud.
• To create an Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud application, see Working
with Applications in Administering and Working with Oracle Enterprise Data
Management Cloud.
• To create an Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud application, see Setting
Up Your Application in Administering and Working with Oracle Strategic Workforce
Planning Cloud.
• To create an Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud application, see
Creating a Custom Application in Working with Applications, Models, and
Dimensions for Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud.
Chapter 3
Using EPM Automate to Import Snapshots into the Application
You must start from a clean environment if you want to switch from one
application type to another. For example, to create a Consolidation
application after working on a Planning and Budgeting application you should
clean up the existing environment before creating the Oracle Enterprise
Planning and Budgeting Cloud application. See Troubleshooting for
information on recreating the service. You can also revert to a snapshot that
you created prior to creating an application in the service.
Always use the IP address of the host-only adapter ( or
whatever IP address is assigned to the first adapter) while using the
EPM Automate utility.
Chapter 3
Logging into the Virtual Machine Operating System
Do not power off the appliance by selecting Machine, then Close, and then
Power off the machine in VM VirtualBox Manager because this action
leaves the cloud service environment in an unknown state.
• If you are currently logged into the VM operating system, you must log out to
access the log in screen. To log out, long click (click and hold the left mouse
button) in the VM screen background, and then select Exit.
• To shut down the running VM in its current state, from the login screen, click Shut
Down. The EPMCS_VirtualBox appliance is powered off when the VM operating
system is shutdown. Unsaved application data may be lost.
Chapter 3
Recreating the Service
If you are faced with data corruption, you can restore the service to a clean state using
the recreate EPM Automate command. This process deletes the Planning application
and all custom artifacts. After recreating the service, you must create an application.
Snapshots that you previously uploaded to the service are preserved. You can use
them to recreate artifacts.
To recreate the service:
1. Open a command prompt window on the VM host computer.
2. Navigate to the bin folder, for example, C:\Oracle\EPM Automate\bin, where the
EPM Automate executable is installed.
3. Sign in to the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environment
using the following command.
epmautomate login epm_default_cloud_admin epmDem0s
Chapter 3
Always use the IP address of the host-only adapter ( or
whatever IP address is assigned to it) while using the EPM Automate