Porocarcinoma A Case Report and Revue of Literature
Porocarcinoma A Case Report and Revue of Literature
Porocarcinoma A Case Report and Revue of Literature
10(01), 255-258
Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/14039
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/14039
Case report
A 64 years old male man, under treatment for diabetes and dyslipidemia 7 years ago, smoker 30 year package,
presented with multiple retro auricular nodular lesions evolving over the past yearon a pre-existing lesion,clinical
examination objectified a pigmented nodular lesion 5/2 cm, in the left retroauricular sulcus, painless, mobile to the
deep plane and fixed tothe superficial plane (figure 1).a biopsy was done, the result speaks of an epithelial tumor
proliferation, the appearance does not rule out an adnexal origin.
the patient was operated, the surgical procedure consisted of a surgical excision with margins of 5 mm. (figue 2).
The histopathologic result concluded that it was an infiltrating porocarcinoma, the closest margins was 4 mm.
Body CT scan did not show any abnormalities apart from a normal-looking lymph node in the left internal jugular
chain with a diameter of 7 mm.
A second look surgery was performed to have the right margin for this tumor, wich is 2 cm (figure 3).
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 255-258
after multidisciplinary discussion involving the radiotherapy-oncology and the ENT departments:
-neek dissection was performed, no lymph node metastasis was observed.
- regular follow-up was decided.
no recurrence was reported after 3 months .
Eccrine porocarcinoma (EP)is a very rare dermatological cancer, described for the first time by Pinkus and
Mehregan in 1963, till 2017 only 250 cases were described all over the world 3, presents in patients of advanced
age 1,3, has no predilection for specific parts of the body, most frequently in the extremities especially lower
limbs, followed by trunk and head.
Ulceration and multinodularity are among signs of aggressiveness with increased risk of local recurrence and distant
metastasis3,5,EP may develop de novo or not3, in our case our patient did have pre-existing lesion,This is may
be explained by the fact that some Eps arise from a preexisting benign condition 3,6, Metastasis is reported to
occur in 20% of patients The most common affected organ is lymph nodes (60%) followed by chest (13%)3,5,7.
Mortality rate in case of metastasis increases dramatically reaching to 80% in case of distant metastasis and 65%
when only lymph nodes are affected.
It´s a very aggressive tumor, when there is no metastasis, a wide local resection is recommended with a margin of 2
– 3 cm with a node dissection8,9, to prevent metastasis, in our case seen the location of the tumor a partial
amputation of the ear was performed with an homolateral cervical lymph node dissection.
EP is a very rare and aggressive skin tumor, only histopathological study confirms the diagnosis, it may give
confusion with other tumors, mortality increases significantlyif the diagnosis is made on metastatic stage, only Early
intervention with wide local resection improves prognosis.
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4Sharathkumar, et al.EccrinePorocarcinoma: a case report.J. Clin. Diagn. Res.2013; 7 (12) : 67-296
5Blandamura, et al.Porocarcinoma detected by fine needle aspiration biopsy of a node metastasis a case
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and review of the literature.Internet J. Otorhinolaryngol.2007, 7 (2) : 1-6.
7A. Kalogeraki, et al.A cytologic approach of eccrine porocarcinoma.
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8M.Lakouichmi, M.Elbouihi, I.Zrara, S.Lahmiti, N. Mansouri Hattab. Porocarcinome sudoral eccrine de la face:
tumeur annexielle rare .PanafricanMedical Journal.2013 ;14 :135.
9Poiares Baptiste A, Tellechea O, Reis JP et al. Porocarcinomeeccrine : revue de 24 cas. Ann DermatolVenereol.
1993 ;120:107-115.