13 - Interview Schedule

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Instruction: Kindly () tick the most appropriate answer.

This information will be kept confidential and it will be used only

for research purpose.

1. Personal Profile

1.1 Initial : ………..…………………………………….…………………

1.2 Village Name : …………………………….

1.3 Age : [ ] 22 to 25 [ ] 25 to 30 [ ] 30 to 35

1.4 Sex : [ ] Male [ ] Female

1.5 Caste : [ ] General [ ] SEBC

[ ] SC [ ] ST

1.6 Ethnicity :[ ] Patel [ ] Brahmin

[ ] Baraia [ ] Kshatriya

[ ] Jain [ ] Baniya

1.7 Native place : ….……………..…………

1.8 If migrated, since : [ ] 1 year to 2 years [ ] 3 years to 5 years

[ ] 5 years to 10 years [ ] 10 years to more

1.9 Name of the Collage : …………………………………………………………

1.10 Name of University :

[ ] S. P. University [ ] M.S. University

[ ] Gujarat Vidhyapith [ ] Gujarat University

[ ] Ganpat University [ ] M.K.Bhavnagar University

[ ] Saurashtra University [ ] Kutch University

[ ] Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

[ ] Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University

1.11 Bachelor’s Degree : [ ] B.A [ ] B.Com

[ ] BSW [ ] BSC [ ] Other

(Specify) ..………

1.12 Family Type : [ ] Joint family [ ] Nuclear family

[ ] Single parent family

1.13 Income of the family (Per month in Rupees):

[ ] Less than 10,000 [ ] 10,001 to 30,000

[ ] More than 30,000

1.14 Father’s Occupation : [ ] Personal Business [ ] Govt. Job

[ ] Farming [ ] Labor Work

[ ] Private

Designation : ………………………………………

1.15 Mother’s Occupation : [ ] Personal Business [ ] Govt. Job

[ ] Farming [ ] Labor Work [ ] Private

Designation : ………………………………………

1.16 Education of Father : [ ] Illiterate [ ] Under Metric

[ ] Graduation /Diploma [ ] Post Graduation

1.17 Education of Mother :

[ ] Illiterate [ ] Under Metric

[ ] Graduation /Diploma [ ] Post Graduation

2. Career Aspirations

2.1 Why have you joined this course (MSW)?

[ ] Due to peer group [ ] For job opportunity

[ ] Due to family pressure [ ] It suits my temperament

[ ] For going ahead/abroad [ ] For serving society

[ ] Don’t know

2.2 Why have you selected this University?

[ ] Proximity (Nearness)/Easy to communicate

[ ] Has good reputation in market

[ ] For the medium of instruction

2.3 In which sector would you like to go?

[ ] Developmental / Social Service [ ] Corporate

[ ] Health and Counseling [ ] Administration

[ ] Research/Academic [ ] Others (Specify) …………

2.4 Which kind of job would you prefer?

[ ] Office work [ ] Field work

2.5 What is the job prospect for MSW:

Academic Health
Government NGOs Industries
Institute Sector





(Note : G = Good, A = Average, P=Poor)

2.6 In which kind of NGO you prefer for job?

[ ] Mother NGO [ ] Local NGO [ ] International NGO

2.7 What do you look forward at the workplace?

[ ] Exposure and opportunity for growth [ ] Security

[ ] Status/Reputation of the organization [ ] Salary/Perks

[ ] Convenient Working time [ ] Near to residential area

[ ] Positive relation with colleagues and boss

2.8 Would you like to go abroad?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

2.9 If yes, Where? ………………………………..

2.10 Reason for going abroad.

[ ] Study [ ] to make good Fortune [ ] Settle Down

[ ] Have Relatives /Friends/Spouse [ ] There is wider Scope/ job Prospect
[ ] Would like to inter-act with cosmopolitan population.

2.11 Which qualities would you appreciate?

[ ] Optimistic [ ] Trustworthy [ ] Intelligent

[ ] Caring [ ] Honest [ ] Understanding

[ ] Creative [ ] Resourceful [ ] Hard working

[ ] Analytic [ ] Rational

3. Basic Positive Trait in You

3.1 Basic positive trait according to you:

[ ] Leadership and Team Building

[ ] Management and Administrative

[ ] Counseling and Teaching Skill

[ ] Report writing and Documentation

[ ] Effective Communication

[ ] Presentation Skill

[ ] Planning Ability

[ ] Tend to be calm and accept challenges

3.2 Qualities you possess.

[ ] Honest [ ] Analytic [ ] Patient

[ ] Adaptable [ ] Hardworking [ ] Creative

[ ] Thoughtful about other

3.4 Weakness?

[ ] Short-tempered [ ] Depended on others

[ ] Over –Anxious [ ] Suggestible

[ ] Can’t refuse other [ ] Laziness

[ ] Fearful [ ] Not confident of Self

[ ] Prejudiced [ ] Emotional and Considerable for other

3.5 Do you want to develop any skills for to be perfect?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

3.6 If yes than which skills would u want to develop?

[ ] Communication and interactive skill

[ ] Decision making skill [ ] Problem Solving skill

[ ] Language Fluency [ ] Technical skill

[ ] Analytical research skills [ ] Adaptability and potential

[ ] Leadership and Management skills [ ] Computing skill

3.7 Do you think you could take help for skill development?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

3.8 If yes, then from whom?

[ ] Teachers [ ] Parents [ ] Books

[ ] Classes [ ] Friends [ ] Neighbor

3.9 Do you feel that Government can help you for your skill development?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

3.10 If yes then how?

[ ] Opening affordable classes

[ ] Planning project for students as a part of curriculum

[ ] Introducing career guidance at schools / collages

[ ] Organizing different types of trainings and workshops for
School/Collages students

4. Efforts for Achieving Aspirations.

4.1 Have you joined any Organization for your skill development?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

4.2 Do you do part time job?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

4.3 Reason for part time working?

[ ] Pass time [ ] Career Development [ ] to save up money

4.4 Have you ever analyzed your values and potential needed for your career

[ ] Yes [ ] No

4.5 If yes, who has helped?

[ ] Psycho analyst [ ] Trainer [ ] Guru

[ ] Parents [ ] Self [ ] Teacher

4.6 Efforts for fulfill aspirations :

[ ] Have you referred to information website

[ ] Have you read relevant books

[ ] Have you discussed with seniors/alumni

[ ] Have you chatted with professionals

[ ] Have you visited relevant organizations

4.7 Do you feel there is any barrier for achieving aspirations?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

4.8 If yes, give reason.

[ ] Financial [ ] Lack of time

[ ] Lake of family and social support

[ ] Lake of exposure and training

[ ] Personal handicap (like : Personality, Health, Disability)

5. What changes would you recommend to overcome the barriers :

5.1 Within yourself :

[ ] Realize your ability and attitude through analysis

[ ] Decide target and break goals into attainable steps

[ ] Identify the market demands

[ ] Set information about careers opportunities

[ ] undergo training for developing competence

5.2 Within the family :

[ ] Parents guidance for support

[ ] Counseling for disciplining and child rearing.

[ ] Serving information to parents about career opportunities

5.3 In the Education System :

[ ] Incorporate practical training. [ ] Encourage research.

[ ] Work out individual career path by trainer.

[ ] Train teachers
5.4 At the Government Level :

[ ] Vocational training programmes for youths at affordable cost

[ ] Framing appropriate laws related to education

[ ] Others (Specify) …………


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