Simple Skirmish System - 1st Ed
Simple Skirmish System - 1st Ed
Simple Skirmish System - 1st Ed
Simple Skirmish System is a simple set of rules that allow skirmish battles to be fought out on a table top with model soldiers. It can
accommodate model sizes from 6mmm to “heroic” 32mm sized figures.
As the name suggests it is a simple set of rules that allows for quick games using any type of miniatures you have in your collection. It uses
an interactive turn sequence which means both players get to act and react in a given turn.
Items needed for play, normal 6 sided dice (D6), metric tape measure or rule, miniatures, gaming surface any size will do, plenty of scenery.
Turn Sequence
The turn sequence consists of the following phases, and continues until one side is either destroyed, withdrawals or the scenario objectives
have been achieved.
Before play begins both players roll 1D6, the highest roll takes the initial initiative. Reroll any ties.
In your turn you may:
Move and be shot at,
Combat (Shoot / perform melee), or
You may move either one figure or a group that includes a leader. The entire group must be within effective leadership range of the leader
and in view of the leader model.
If you moved and none of your figures was hit, or you shot and you hit someone, or you rallied everyone you tried to rally, you may have
another turn, otherwise it is your opponent's turn.
Play carries on alternating until the scenario conditions have been met or your opponent withdrawls.
Move all of the figures in your group in a straight line in any one direction until you reach a wall, woods, stream, or other obstacle. Figures
that have been hit may not move. You can move as far as you like in your turn per action but you can only move in STRAIGHT lines.
Your opponent may now shoot at any or all of the figures that you moved (see Shooting). If your opponent hits one of your figures, place it
where it was shot and mark it as hit.
Group Moves – if a group has a leader you move the leader model first then position the rest of the squad with in leadership range and they
all move at the same time.
Ranges of weapons are based on two measurement values. The first, effective range, is a short close range that many pistols and flame
weapons fall in to. Extreme range, as the name suggests is the maximum range that a weapon can hit and damage a target.
Each weapon type will have a number of maximum „effective‟ ranges which it can hit a target. For example, SMG = 2x effective, Assault
rifle = 6x effective. This means the effective range of a SMG in 6mm will be 100mm & 400mm for 25mm sized figures.
Range (mm)
Model Size Effective Extreme
6mm 50 500
10 -12mm 80 800
15 mm 120 1200
20 mm 160 1600
25mm 200 2000
>30mm 240 2400
Weapons Table:
Description Dice Effective Special Rules
Pistol 1 x1
SMG 4 x2
Bolt Action Rifle 2 x5
Semi-auto Rifle 3 x4
Assault Rifle 3 x6
LMG 4 x8 Reduce by 2 dice if only one crew
HMG 5 x10 Reduce by 2 dice if only one crew. Move or Shoot
RPG/Rocket Launcher 4 x3 Ignores light cover
Flame Thrower 5 x1 Ignores ALL cover types
Sniper rifle 3 x10 May pick target and ignores ALL cover types
Dice modifiers:
Dice modifiers are accumulated.
Situation Dice
Target behind soft cover -1
Target behind hard cover -2
Engaging above maximum effective range -2
Target Prone -1
Target Moved more than twice this turn -1
For hand-to-hand combat, roll a dice each, highest score knocks out lowest. Figures that have been hit automatically lose hand-to-hand
Roll a die for each figure in your group that has been hit. If you roll 1, 2, 3, or 4, the figure rallies. Roll another die for any figure that
rallies. If you roll a score of 1 or 2, the figure was knocked out and removed from play. Any other score and the figure just hid from the
shooting and is now OK.
Leaders allow group moves to be performed and are used to „rally‟ troops.
Troops that are within the leaders command range can rally on a dice score of 1,2,3,4,5
Leader Quality Effective leadership range
Raw 50
Green 100
Trained 150
Veteran 200