INTC 5330 - Integrating Technology 1/7

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INTC 5330 – Integrating Technology 1/7

Richard Stockton College

Master of Arts in Instructional Technology
INTC 5330 – Integrating Technology in the Classroom
Summer 2011

Classroom: D-019 Tue/Thurs – 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Instructor: Douglas M. Harvey, D.Ed. Meeting hours: Tuesday/Thursday by appt.
Phone: 609-652-4770(W). E-mail:

Course Description

According to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21):

Learning and innovation skills increasingly are being recognized as the skills that
separate students who are prepared for increasingly complex life and work environments
in the 21st century, and those who are not. A focus on creativity, critical thinking,
communication and collaboration is essential to prepare students for the future.

Groups such as P21 and the International Society for Technology in education (ISTE), as
well as the major stakeholders in the education system (administrators, teacher’s unions,
state departments of education) all agree that technology integration is a key tool to
meeting the goals we have for 21st century students.

This course is designed to acquaint the teacher with the uses of digital technologies in
modern classrooms. Digital technology has become a fundamental element in today’s
classrooms, but in order to use this technology to enhance the learning experience, one
must not only be capable of using the computer, but also understand its value and true
power as a learning tool for students.

This course seeks to provide a basis for teachers that wish to integrate computers into the
classroom, by allowing practice in technological skills and covering criteria for
evaluating software and websites. In addition, the course will present a perspective on
computers as “mindtools” that can help students reach higher-order outcomes such as
problem solving and synthesis of information. The class will take a hands-on approach,
in which you will be introduced to several digital tools, and be asked to integrate them
into lessons for your own students.

Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be better able to meet the ISTE NETS*T standards
for teachers:
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to
facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
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Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments
incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context
and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S as necessary
for the 21st Century.
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative
professional in a global and digital society.
4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving
digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and
exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and
demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.
Copyright © 2008, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education),

Suggested Text/ Materials

• Handouts and Web-based materials as assigned.

Class Format
Classes consist of instructor’s presentation, discussion, and hands-on laboratory
experience. Active participation in the class is the most important factor for your
success. Due to the constraints of a cohort course, the majority of assignments should be
completed during class time. However, access to computing resources outside of class
will be beneficial for practice and experience with the various technologies.

If you need accommodations for any sort of documented physical or learning disability,
please speak to the instructor as soon as possible, preferably by the second night of class,
so that arrangements may be made to afford you the best possible arrangement to succeed
in the class.

Attendance and Class Participation (5%)
Attendance is extremely important if you are to learn the variety of material being
covered. If you must be absent, it is your responsibility to catch up on the missed class
content (hand-outs, class exercise, assignment, etc.). Also note that there are no
extensions for late assignments, and no incompletes or extensions will be given for the
course. However, assignments may be resubmitted for possible grade changes up until
the final day of class.
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You are also expected to participate in class discussion and activities, and communicate
with the instructor as needed. Professionalism is expected at all times in your treatment
of others in the class. As per strict school policy, no food or drink is allowed in the
classroom area.

Mini-Projects (70%)
There will be seven (7) mini-projects due. These projects will be required to be turned in
digitally via email link to your blog or wiki, and are due on the due date listed in the
syllabus. Resubmissions are allowed in order to correct and earn more points for a
project after the original submission, and may be made up until the final class meeting.

These mini-projects are meant to show your grasp of the concepts covered in class, and
assess your application of those concepts to educational settings. In each case the mini-
projects should be relevant to your classroom context. The mini-projects work best if
they are inter-related, such as pertaining to a large theme-based instructional unit (such as
the study of local ecology, or regional geography). For each project, you will provide an
accompanying lesson plan, with learning objectives, and a rubric for assessing students.

• Project 1 (10%): Blogs and Wikis –

• You will maintain a blog related to technology integration for your
teaching subject and grade level throughout the course. It is expected that
you will post new entries on a weekly basis, and that you will read at least
two of your classmates’ blogs each week.
• In addition, you will need to establish a lesson or unit in which
student blogging or wiki creation and maintenance is used to promote
achievement of higher order outcomes.
• Project 2 (10%): Web Quest – Develop a Web Quest for students to
follow in order to find specific information regarding a topic. (Example site: ).
• Project 3 (10%): Data – Based upon your Webquest, take the
information collected and build some sort of technology-enabled framework
(a spreadsheet, database, presentation, wiki or concept map) as an example of
what your students would produce as part of the Web Quest assignment.
• Project 4 (10%): Visual – use a visual technology to produce a set of
visual materials for use in a lesson. Examples include creating a concept map,
utilizing Web 2.0 tools such as Flickr, or Sketchcast, or Google Earth. It is
expected that you will create a lesson that incorporates those tools in such a
way that your students will utilize the tools to gain knowledge about the topic.
• Project 5 (10%) Student Response Systems and Google Tools –
Incorporate into a lesson the use of Google tools (such as a custom search
engine) and the use of a Student Response System (“clickers”) to support
student learning.] of a topic relevant to your grade level and subject area.
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• Project 6 (10%): Interactive Whiteboard– You will be asked to create

a short learning activity that utilizes the interactive whiteboard or similar
NOTE: This class may involve travel to the Southern Regional Institute
in Mays Landing – more info to follow.
• Project 7 (10%): Multimedia/Podcast – Create an audio podcast, a video,
or a multimedia presentation that conveys knowledge of a specific topic
related to your classroom. Again this should be created from the student

Assessment of these projects will be based on how well the project extends key
components of the NETS*T. Assessment criteria will relate to what degree your projects
support students’:

Learning and Innovation Skills

• Creativity and Innovation
• Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
• Communication and Collaboration

Professional Learning Network and Video Reflections (5%):

To begin the course, you are to visit the following sites and complete five (5) 100-150
word reflections on your blog (which you will begin at the first class meeting) of your
choice of videos and webinars you find there. I suggest you type up your reflections
using a word processing program, and bring them to the first class meeting on a flash
drive. The sites are:

1. Classroom 2.0 Live –

Classroom 2.0 is a social network of teachers interested in technology integration.

They host a weekly series of webinars that are free to join, and keep an archive of
past webinars. Each webinar is about 1 hour long. I am asking you to view/attend
two (2) webinars on topics of your choice, either by attending a live session (click
on the Calendar tab on the web page) or by viewing an archived show (click the
Archive and Resources tab. For the webinars you will need to make sure your
computer will run the eLuminate plug-in – directions are on the web page.
(Alternatively, you can go to iTunesU and search for “Classroom 2.0” and
download some webinars via iTunes).

2. Edutopia Videos -

Edutopia is a website sponsored by the George Lucas Foundation. It has many

great resources for teachers, including a wealth of short (about 5 minutes) videos
on a variety of topics. When you visit the web page for Videos, you will see that
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you can search by topic and grade level. You should select as your topic
“Technology Integration” and for grade level the one that fits you. You should
choose three (3) videos that seem interesting to you, watch them and record your
reflections for posting on your blog.

Personal Learning Network (5:%):

One of the most powerful things about Web 2.0 is its emphasis on social connections. As
a teacher, creating an interconnection of various social connections (a Personal Learning
Network, or PLN for short) can be a wonderful source for ideas, professional
development, and support. Your PLN works in conjunction with your more traditional
professional connections, such as in-building colleagues and district provided training,
but allows you to access a much wider array of resources than you could without using
the Web.

You will be asked as part of this class to draw up a plan of how you would go about
creating your PLN to help you stay current with technology integration, and I hope you
will follow through on that plan. The plan should include answering the following

1. Which web based community site will you join and why? General teacher
communities include Classroom 2.0 or the Educator’s PLN; some communities
are specific to a discipline, (such as the English Companion Ning or Art
Education 2.0). These communities are a wealth of resources and tend to be more
formal in their organization.
2. Which tool(s) will you use for a smaller group of colleagues that you can turn to,
such as Twitter or Facebook. These tools are more for fast exchanges or
answering specific questions that require short answers.
3. Which professional organizations will you join, and which conferences will you
target for annual attendance? ISTE or AECT (association for Educational
Communications and Technology) are international groups; NJAET or NJECC
are statewide organizations; and conferences range from large international
conventions (NECC, ISTE’s annual conference, is in Philadelphia this coming
June!) to smaller state affairs (such as My Classroom to Yours here at Stockton
each spring). Often you will find other educators with a shared interest via this
4. Which websites, blogs, wikis, and podcasts will you follow regularly? This may
include the use of an RSS reader that tells you when new content is added to a
blog or a new podcast is made available.
5. Will you continue your blog/wiki or start a new one as part of your PLN? You
could also start a podcast, or create a YouTube channel, or any other sharing site
related to your professional interests. Remember that you can’t just take from
your PLN – you need to share too.
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6. What does your PLN “look” like? You should also include a graphic
representation of your PLN - see for examples.

Final Portfolio (20%):

Develop an instructional unit that combines all of the things you learned in class to teach
a unit in your classroom. The student should do all assignments such that they are on the
same topic, and include lesson plans and a rationale supporting why you are using the
chosen technology tool. For example, develop a lesson for your students that involves:
• Teacher (that is you) creating Web pages for a Web Quest to help and guide
students in gathering information on different bird species.
• Students creating a database, wiki, or spreadsheet with data on local birds for
queries and reports in order to achieve analysis level objectives.
• Students scan or take digital pictures for use in a PowerPoint demonstration about
feeding habits of water fowl to demonstrate communication skills.
• Have students create a concept map on birds that links various concepts about
species, habitats, etc. to show conceptual understanding.
• Students make a video of different local bird species.
• Have students combine their projects into a digital portfolio that integrates their
knowledge about birds.

In presenting your portfolio, you should

graphically show and link how your portfolio
pieces meet the NETS*T standards. For
example, you might make a PowerPoint page
that uses the NETS*T graphic (see below) and
by clicking on each of the standards takes you
to a slide that shows each project that you feel
relates to the standard.

Grading Chart
Please note that at anytime a student may request a status check of her/his grade. It is also
important to remember that any graded assignment may be resubmitted with appropriate
changes in order to achieve a higher grade. The final date for resubmissions is the end of
the final class session.

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- F
97-100 93-96 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 0-69
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Class Date Topics Assignment/Readings Due
1-3 5/9 NO CLASS
5/11 Online Video Viewing and
5/17 Reflections
4 5/19 Introduction Traditional vs. Reflective Blog/Wiki Begun
Mindtools Approach

Blogs and Wikis

5 5/24 Creating Web Quests Blog/Wiki Lesson Due

6 5/26 Working with Data WebQuest Due

7 5/31 Working with Visuals Data Project Due

8 6/2 SRS/Google Docs and Tools Visual Project Due

9 6/7 Interactive Whiteboards SRS/Google Project Due
10 6/9 Multimedia/Podcast Interactive Whiteboard Lesson
11 6/14 Personal Learning Networks Multimedia/Podcast Due

Digital Portfolios

12 6/16 Lab: Work on Digital Portfolios PLN Due

Revise projects

13 6/21 Wrap Up Digital Portfolio Due

Present Projects Reflective Blogs/Wikis finished

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