Performance Evaluation

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Our Lady of Fatima University – Valenzuela Campus

College of Medical Laboratory Science

Laboratory Management
Reñella Sapasap | November 13 , 2021 | 1st Semester – Midterms

❖ Performance Evaluation is defined as a formal ❖ Self-Development is the most important benefit

and productive procedure to measure an for the employee among other things that he/she
employee’s work, and results based on their can get or acquire as he / she explore or indulged
responsibilities, outputs, feedback and overall himself working or rendering services in an
contribution for the growth and progress of the organization.
organization. ➢ In effect, performance appraisal is being given
➢ The employee’s performance will be appraised to the employee.
or evaluated by the managers. ➢ When performance appraisal is being given to
➢ There will be a feedback and praises the employee it is always important to
concerning the employees’ acceptable elements remember as a manager it is a must to provide
that they do in their works. feedback and to identify areas for
➢ Criticism is given to describe the area with improvement.
regards to work, output, and that needs ➢ When giving feedback to the employee as the
improvement. manager gives appraisals and evaluations the
❖ Appraisal / Evaluation can affect the employee’s manager must give their commendations,
➢ Moral constructive criticisms, and personal and
➢ Motivation professional observation towards the
➢ Self-esteem employee.
➢ When identifying a certain area for
improvement to the employee or subordinates
it is a must to give criticism for their
❖ The total element of performance appraisal personality and personal development also for
may consist of the following areas of the work output, attitude towards work and
consideration their working relationship with fellow
➢ Technical competency employees and colleagues.
➢ Efficiency
➢ Adherence to policies
➢ Observance of safety rules
❖ Part of disadvantages of performance appraisal
➢ Communication skills
➢ Customer service
➢ Destroy initiative of the employee
➢ Punctuality
▪ When employee was rated without
➢ Professional behavior
considering the performance standard and
❖ All this elements / factors that is provided by the
if the rater compares an employee’s present
performance appraisal is on the shoulder of the
performance with their past performances.
➢ Encourage competitiveness
❖ These are the areas that is being used to appraise
▪ It is a human instinct wherein we as a
person we would like not only to excel
❖ And these are the area to bear in mind as the
in the job that is given to us but also to be
employee do their responsibilities with the task
recognized that we do really fit in the job
that are disseminated to them.
that is being entrusted to us.
▪ Competitiveness becomes apparent or
excessive when during performance
appraisal the rater insinuate a certain

LMGT211| Performance Evaluation |Prof. Jonna A. Tacsay, RMT, MSMT|

degree of comparison between employees usually that is why at work that is the
or if the rater sugar quoting a certain area reason why the manager organize a team
that need improvement building, seminar or additional trainings
▪ Indirectly commending or giving which is conducted locally or
positive criticism to other employee with internationally.
that instance it will give a tendency to ▪ This part is really a heavy load for the top
another employee to silently push management in the financial aspects.
themselves to do more and prove that they
▪ To take good care of the employees
are one of the best.
because they will become the internal and
➢ Produce stress
external strength of the operation of the
▪ Being produce for both the manager and
business and how to procure the product
employees but primarily stress is being
and services.
produce on the part of the manager
➢ Consume significant time for managers
because for the very beginning he must be
with many employees
fair and rational and equitable in the best
way the manager could be. ▪ In doing and conduction performance
appraisal the managers will really have to
▪ Stress is being produce on the part of the
a lot a time and efforts as well to explain
employee after the evaluation session.
very well all the area which became the
▪ Once the evaluation is done that is the time
basis for the performance evaluation or
as an employee that it will sink in and
appraisal of the employee.
adopt and that is the time the employee
▪ This time the performance appraisal as to
will become stress.
discuss with the employee is the best time
▪ Specially for those are that the employee
to have a short responsive communication
has been inform that needs improvement.
between the employee and the manager or
▪ As a person we always wanted to be better
the subordinate since the appraisal
in everything that we do and with that we
evaluation just happen once a year.
must copped up first from the negative
feedback and not so nice feedback to us
before we can go back to the track again to
• Regain
• Reorganize ourselves
• To maintain and sustain the positive
outcome look.
❖ Usually occurs at a specified time to evaluate
• To exhibit a more mature attitude. employee performance and it happens once a year.
➢ Require large financial investment ➢ All the area that has been said on the previous
▪ It calls for the tough management. slide is very detailed and being explain every
▪ For those identify area of improvement well to the subordinate or employees and that
and additional skill enhancement are not is the formal time of performance appraisal.
just discuss to the employee.
▪ In the event when the manager has
identified this area that needs for
improvement and skill enhancement as a ❖ Can occur whenever the supervisor or the manager
manager automatically, they must voice it feels that communication is needed in a way that
out to the top management because they ➢ Behavior modification for a certain employee.
must make a certain action plan to address ➢ Recognizing a little accomplishment
all those areas that needs to be improve ➢ Identifying stamping blocks
and enhance the skills to develop all these ❖ The main purpose of informal appraisal is
things to help the employee to improve monitoring to make sure that all the employees are
themselves from the negative feedback. always aligned in the goals that an organization
▪ To help the employees to move forward want to attain or accomplish.
with maturity and positive mind set
LMGT211| Performance Evaluation |Prof. Jonna A. Tacsay, RMT, MSMT|

❖ This could happen anytime (more than once a year) ▪ If the employees know that their input are
depends upon the insight of a manager with the being valued of course they will feel that
employees under him. they matter and they are important part of
the decision-making buddy of the
▪ In turn they are involver is likely in gender
support for the program and loyalty to the
❖ The responsible people in developing a
organization and they will feel that they
performance appraisal program includes the
are given new opportunities to learn and
➢ Upper management advance their careers.
➢ Supervisors/managers
➢ Human resources staff
➢ Staff employees
❖ The organizational philosophy and purpose of ❖ The goal of the performance standard is to ensure
having performance appraisal should be clear to that both the employers and the employees are on
those who are designing a performance appraisal the same page when it comes to job expectation.
system. ❖ For employee performance standards are
➢ The appraisal performance program is guidelines on how to properly do their job.
frequently developed by one or more members ❖ For the managers they must provide their new
of upper management and supervisory level employees a performance standard During the first
employees that includes month of employment.
▪ Chief executive officer ➢ The purpose is that the newly on boarded
▪ Manager employees will be guided and aware that their
▪ Human resource performance will be monitored and eventually
▪ Professionals be evaluated.
▪ Staff employees particularly those who are ➢ Performance standard should be
strong performers and those who will ▪ Specific
come for opportunity. ▪ Achievable
❖ The well structure performance appraisal program ▪ Easy to understand
should include the one on the list. ▪ Relevant to the position
❖ Staff employees can de included in designing the ▪ Easy to measure
performance appraisal program specially if they are ➢ Standard can be used to compare the quality
identified to be a strong performer meaning to say of work among the staff members.
they are team player and they can deliver well, and ❖ Job description has been identified as an
this type of employees can be given a chance to be informative documentation which includes
part in drafting and developing and designing of ➢ Scope
performance appraisal program. ➢ Duties
❖ Several reason why staff employee can be ➢ Tasks
included in the planning process ➢ Responsibilities
➢ Acquainted with all the task that make up their ➢ Working conditions that is related to a
job with the factors that affect their ability to particular job
get the job done. ❖ The job responsibilities become clearer and more
▪ They are the one who handles the job. comprehensive and understandable.
▪ They are the one who has been the job ❖ The established standards are more useful, reliable
responsibilities, duties have been assigned in comparing quality of work among the staff
to and that is why when they become part members and the quality of output that is being
of the performance appraisal program generated in the laboratory.
there is no way for them to depart from it ❖ Through the performance standard in a long run
because they know the areas where to the staff become more liable, accountable, and

LMGT211| Performance Evaluation |Prof. Jonna A. Tacsay, RMT, MSMT|

reliable become they are aware to meet the

standard expectation.
➢ With this performance standard there is no ❖ Performance review is often done annually or
need to depart from the standardized ways on semiannually but in some organization they do it
how to execute the duties and responsibilities more often and because of that there are many
properly. ways or methods an organization can conduct a
➢ Example of performance standard performance appraisal.
❖ There are so many types of appraisal methods, and
the first example is the
➢ Competency-based appraisals can be used in
appraisal process to describe the major skills,
abilities and attributes the staff member needs
to be successful in a job or in a certain
➢ Major skills, ability and attributes are
compounding words used to elaborate and
signify the term competency in the workplace
not only in the clinical laboratory but in all
➢ Main intent is to focus on the skills,
personality traits, motivators, and behaviors of
an individual.
➢ The individuality of an employee is not the
only one considering but also the manner on
how to incorporate the needs of the job that
they are doing.
➢ Collectively that will make the employees and
the company to grow together.
➢ This type of review study the pattern of
behavior of each laboratory personnel and
staff over a period to know whether they have
been able to hit or reach their goals or missed
it unexpectedly.
➢ With this analysis will help the top
management specially the laboratory manager
to identify the existing competencies of laws
laboratory staff and personnel.
➢ Once the manager was able to identify the
existing competencies and this is also the best
time to identify the other area that need to be
improve and skill enhancement.
➢ When these things are being identified that is
the time, they will proceed to planning on how
to strengthen or empower these skills that
need for improvement for the employees to
contribute more other value.

LMGT211| Performance Evaluation |Prof. Jonna A. Tacsay, RMT, MSMT|

➢ Example of competencies assessment form ➢ Examples of appraisal method aside from the
rating scale where disadvantages and
advantages stipulated from references.


❖ A type of rating system.

❖ These appraisal tool generally contain set of
specific behaviors that represent gradations of
performance or grades.
❖ Use as common reference point called anchors for
waiting employees on various dimension.

❖ It gives a scale which represents a range to

measure a different criterion.
❖ Rating System it can vary from below to average
or unsatisfactory to highly satisfactory or zero to
ten or never to always or beginner to expert and
zero percent to one hundred percent.
➢ In this example given the evaluation is for the
➢ These are the example of criteria under rating
system performance review. production line supervisor and the work
dimension to be evaluated using the appraisal
❖ Measurement scale using the rating system can
tool (the bars) is the work scheduling.
be visual.
➢ There is a numerical value that is acquitted to
➢ One of the extremely example is when you eat
a specific working behavior.
or go to the restaurant or mall, they will give
you a small paper with a five star on it. ▪ The numerical value represents gradation
of performance that would certainly
❖ The rating scale are use in performance
become a reference point on how an
management system to indicate the employees’
employee behave towards the work
level of performance or achievement.
assigned to them.
➢ This scale commonly uses because it provides
❖ The bars focus on employee behaviors and avoid
quantitative assessment and easy to administer
any evaluation of attitude.
and assist in differentiate employees.
➢ It will provide quantitative assessment once
the criteria have an equivalent number and
when it becomes quantitative assessment and
computation will be possible for the rating of ❖ Purpose of appraisal
the employee. ❖ Work environment
❖ Skills of employees
❖ Manager’s management style

LMGT211| Performance Evaluation |Prof. Jonna A. Tacsay, RMT, MSMT|

➢ Peers
➢ Customers
➢ Direct reports
❖ It offers a clear understanding of an individual’s
❖ It has five (5) integral components
❖ Both the managers and the employee as part of the ➢ Self – appraisals
organization they plan and act towards the same ▪ It offers the employee a chance to look back
goal. at their performance and understand their
❖ With this method it uses a SMART method to strength and weakness.
match and valeted the over working organizational ▪ If self-appraisal is performed without
goals with objectives and for the manager and structure forms and formal procedures it
employees for them to be able to discern if that can become bias.
objective is effective, feasible, or not.
➢ Managerial reviews
➢ Specific
▪ Performance is done by the managers, and
➢ Measurable it is part of traditional and basic form of
➢ Achievable appraisal.
➢ Realistic ▪ These reviews must include individual
➢ Time – sensitive employee rating warded by supervisors as
❖ At the end of the review period using the well as the evaluation of the team or
management by objectives the employees are judge program done by senior managers.
by their results. ➢ Peer reviews
❖ It is a rewarded with promotion and salary height ▪ Co workers get a unique perspective on the
or increase or if when an employee is provisionary employee’s performance making them the
on of the reward will be tenure with the workplace most relevant evaluator.
to become a regular one. ▪ These reviews help to determine an
❖ For the failures, it is dealt seriously either the employee’s ability to work well with a team
employee will be transferred or further training for and how a particular employee take up an
a particular group of employees for their initiatives and reliable contributor in the
performance to be improved to have a positive organization.
result to achieve the objectives. ➢ Subordinates Appraising Managers (SAM)
▪ Considered to be an upward appraisal
▪ Upward because as an ordinary employee
they are going to make a review or
evaluate a higher up like manager and
▪ This type of evaluation is as delicate and
one of the most significant steps.
➢ Customer or Client reviews
▪ Internal costumer are the product users
and always avail the service.
▪ External costumers not part of company
but interact with a specific employee on
regular basis.

❖ A multi-dimensional performance appraisal

method wherein the employee is being evaluated
from their circle of influence namely
➢ Managers
LMGT211| Performance Evaluation |Prof. Jonna A. Tacsay, RMT, MSMT|

❖ Useful in determining the hidden potential of

❖ This method focuses on analyzing an employee’s
feature performance rather than past work.
❖ Analyze seven (7) major components
➢ Interpersonal skills
➢ Cognitive abilities,
➢ Intellectual traits
➢ Leadership skills
➢ Personality traits
➢ Emotional quotient
➢ Other related skills
❖ A qualified psychologist is needed to conduct a
variety of test to assets an employee effectively.
❖ The concept was introduced way back in 1930 ❖ This method is also slow and a complex process
by German army but it has been finished and and one of the disadvantages is the results are
tailored to fit with today’s working environment. highly dependent on the psychologist who
❖ Before it is being used by the military. administered the procedure.
❖ A method that many organizations used to ❖ Specific scenarios are considering while
identified management potential and determine performing psychological appraisal.
candidates’ suitability for higher functional
position. –
❖ This type of method is often used in manager
development process as a tool to evaluate ❖ Analyzes employee’s performance through
candidates’ personal traits and abilities. monetary benefits that an employee yields to the
❖ By using an assessment centre in performance company.
appraisal, it can help to predict a feature behavior ❖ It is obtained by comparing the cost of retaining an
as well as to identify a high potential employee and employee and monetary benefits an organization
to develop leaders and to bridge skill gaps through has a certain form the specific employee.
training, need identification, and learning ❖ An employee’s performance is evaluated based on
intervention. cost accounting method.
❖ Its high is dependency on the cost and benefit
analysis and memory power of the reviewer is the
drawback of the human resources accounting

❖ The purpose of the meeting is to explore ways to

achieve personal and organizational goals and
❖ During the assessment employees are asked to make improvements.
take part in social simulation exercises.
❖ The major drawback of this approach is time and
cost intensive process and it is difficult to manage.

LMGT211| Performance Evaluation |Prof. Jonna A. Tacsay, RMT, MSMT|

❖ The performance appraisal is being discussed and

intensively with the employee.
❖ Approach the performance appraisal in a positive
and respectful manner.
❖ The performance appraisal review is the first
stage of the performance appraisal process.
➢ It involves the employee and the manager and
sitting face to face to each other discussing all
aspects of the employee’s performance and
rush out any difference in perception and
➢ Provides the employee a chance to defend
themselves against poor evaluation by the
manager and it gives the manager a chance to
explain what they think about the employee’s

➢ Don’t wait until appraisal time to address a

poor performer. ❖ Maintain confidentiality
➢ Ensure that the employee has a current copy ❖ Complete original, sign, and date
of his or her job description and performance ❖ Place original with human resources
standards. ❖ Keep documents according to policy
➢ During the interview, give examples of poor ❖ Provide a copy to employee
performance to support your assessment and ❖ Place copy in manager’s file for internal use and for
the consequences of the behavior. accrediting agency review
➢ Prepare a list of specific changes you would
like him or her to make and the time frame in
which to correct the behavior.
➢ Present the information in a manner that
shows confidence in the employee’s ability to
➢ Set measurable standards for improvement
and plan together how this can be

LMGT211| Performance Evaluation |Prof. Jonna A. Tacsay, RMT, MSMT|

➢ Direct observation is done from time to time.

➢ Patient identification
➢ Sample collection
➢ Evaluation of adequacy of samples
➢ Use of equipment
➢ Application of quality control procedures -
interpretation of results.

❖ Defined as the application of knowledge, skills and

behaviors used in performing specific job tasks.
❖ Accurate laboratory test results depend on staff
being competent in performing a range of
procedures that occur throughout the entire
examination process.
➢ Is being used to laboratory personnel specially
to those who are hands on when it cares in
doing the laboratory test procedure.
➢ Use to ensure that laboratory personnel are ❖ Poor performance may not always be due to
fulfilling their duties as required by federal or technical incompetence performance may be
natural regulation. affected by:
1. Distractions especially personal issues such as
a sick child or parent, or financial problems,
which can make the employee’s concentration
2. Excessive workloads that pressure or hurry
❖ One of the most common methods. the employee, which may cause them to
❖ It helps to identify and prevent any performance inadvertently make errors
problem. 3. Insufficient initial orientation or training
❖ By performing this method by direct observation 4. Resistance to change some people may not
there is an assessment check list, or a custom want to use new procedures (“We’ve always
design checklist are being use to avoid bias or done it this way, why change?”).
subjectivity when evaluating and documenting the 5. Compromised sample the laboratorian may
competency of the personnel. or may not know that the sample arrived in the
➢ The checklist mist be approved by the wrong preservative or was improperly stored.
laboratory director to perform all the test as 6. Absence of SOPs or failure to update them
well as the content of the checklist. test kits may come with modified

LMGT211| Performance Evaluation |Prof. Jonna A. Tacsay, RMT, MSMT|

manufacturer’s instructions, and these

modifications need to be reflected in the SOPs.
7. Poorly written procedures including
omitting certain steps, the wrong sequence of
steps, or incorrect sample or reagent quantities
can cause very serious errors and should
always be suspected when several employees
obtain erroneous results.
8. Job descriptions that are not clear may be a
source of error
▪ For example, confusion about who has
responsibility for calibrating an
instrument could result in the calibration
not being done, causing erroneous results.

❖ It is defined as fixed or over generalized belief

about a particular group or class of people.
➢ It is like assuming that this person is like this
and like that without clear evidence.

❖ Type of cognitive bias when one trait of a person is

used to make an overall judgment of that person.
➢ An error in reasoning based on only one single
trait an individual knows about another


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