2020 Survey Report
2020 Survey Report
2020 Survey Report
The 2020
Produced by:
The Graphene Council
04 JANUARY 2021
Table of Contents
Introduction ...............................................................................................3
The Graphene Council is the largest community in the world dedicated to the research,
development and commercial application of graphene and related advanced materials.
We directly connect more than 30k materials researchers, professionals, engineers and
application developers, of which approximately 1/3 are in academia and 2/3 are from the
commercial sector.
In 2016, The Graphene Council conducted the very first global survey of the graphene
ecosystem and now in 2020, we have once again surveyed the graphene community,
including companies that are not yet using this amazing material but that are evaluating
its potential.
More than 800 individuals and organizations have contributed to this latest edition of the
survey and their feedback has provided a rich set of data and insights that will help us to
better understand where the graphene market stands today, and where it is headed.
As you will see from the results of our survey, graphene has an incredibly diverse
universe of potential applications, a direct result of its very impressive range of
performance characteristics. Graphene is really the only material that can claim it is
simultaneously the thinnest, strongest, most thermally conductive, most electrically
conductive, has the best barrier properties and still offers other positive attributes.
The range of applications includes coatings, plastics, energy storage, textiles, filtration,
composites, printed electronics, biomedical, EMI shielding, corrosion control, films,
lubrication, thermal transfer and many, many more.
Thank you to everyone that contributed to the survey, we appreciate your input and we
value your interest and dedication to graphene as an important, advanced material.
Terrance Barkan
This version of the report provides a high-level overview of the results that are being
made available to the public and to survey participants.
We will continue to make a deeper, detailed analysis of the vast amount of data we have
collected to understand the implications for the sector. We will also make comparisons
from the 2016 survey data to track how the sector is evolving and maturing.
Definitions Used
Each section of the survey will explain the terms used in that section and put the data into
context. For the purposes of our report, the following general definitions apply:
Applications Includes functionality (e.g. “Thermal Management”) as well as some
industry sectors (e.g. “Aerospace”).
Commercial Refers to any for-profit, private sector organizations and companies.
Academic Includes higher education institutions, government-related organizations,
technical training centers or any non-commercial entity.
Use of Content - The contents of this report belong exclusively to The Graphene Council.
If you would like to use any of the content, images, tables or to quote any statistics,
please send your request directly to tbarkan@thegraphenecouncil.org.
We will endeavor to approve all requests.
Any republication of any of our content must include attribution as follows:
Source: The 2020 Graphene Survey by The Graphene Council
Commercial Entity
We have further segmented the survey Academic Organization
responses based on how people are working
with graphene; are they producing graphene,
using it in an application, conducting research, developing potential applications, etc.?
This year we included the option for respondents that are not yet working with graphene
but that are evaluating its use to register their interests and comments. This is incredibly
important to help understand the needs of future consumers and users of graphene.
Use in Application
Academic Research
Commercial Research
Commercial Producer
Academic Producer
Electrical Conductivity
Thermal Conductivity
Electrical Charge Storage
Impact Resistance (Toughness)
Corrosion Resistance
Tensile Strength
Barrier Properties
Flex Modulus
UV Protection
Flame Retardation
0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% 1
Frequency of Use %
Functionalized Graphene
Graphene Oxide - GO
Multi-layer Graphene (MLG) 5-10 carbon layers
Few Layer Graphene (FL) 2-5 carbon layers
Graphene in Powder Form
Reduced Graphene Oxide - rGO
Very Few Layer Graphene (VFL) 1-3 carbon layers
Graphene Nanoplatelets (11 or more carbon layers)
Single layer graphene (on substrate)
Graphene in a Suspension/Solvent
Single layer graphene (other than on substrate)
Graphene in a Master Batch formulation
Graphene in a Paste
Graphene Quantum Dots
0.0% 12.5% 25.0% 37.5% 50.0%
The chart above gives an indication of the complex range of formats and forms that
graphene is available in from a commercial perspective. Within the categories listed
above, there are even more ways of defining a specific graphene material leading to
literally thousands of permutations.
This is one reason why it is critical that buyers or users of graphene work with
experienced and knowledgeable producers and suppliers to make sure that the material
used is “tuned” or matched to the target application.
Surface Area
Number of Layers
Purity - Graphene Content
Flake Size (lateral dimensions)
Aspect Ratio
Oxygen Content
Metal Content
Domain (Grain) Size
Crystal Defect
0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0%
The above 10 listed graphene material characteristics are what one would typically find
included (at least in part) on a Material Specification Sheet. The actual amount of detail
and items declared will differ from producer to producer and will differ depending on the
type of graphene material.
At present, there is a great deal of work being done in international standards setting
bodies like the International Standards Organization (ISO), American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and others, to agree
which test methods are to be used to measure for a given graphene material
For example, RAMAN Spectroscopy is often used to determine if SP2 bonded carbon is
present, confirming the material is graphene, or Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to
measure the actual number of carbon layers.
The current challenge is to identify a set of consistent measurement procedures and
processes that are economical, reliable and sufficiently rapid to be used in an industrial
production setting.
of graphene materials
Heath and Safety declarations
*While the nominal price of graphene may seem to be high, the fact that often a
very small amount, often well less than 1% by weight, greatly reduces the direct
cost impact of using graphene material. For example, a high quality graphene
material that sells for $3,000 a Kg would add only $15 to a kilo of host material at
a 0.5% by weight loading. For large scale uses like cement and concrete, a GNP
material that sells for $50 Kg and that is added at 0.02% by weight in the finished
product adds a mere 1 cent a Kg or $10 per metric ton. Depending on the end
application, the type of graphene required and the load factor, graphene can
impart significant performance improvements for very sustainable costs.
With a global presence through offices and entities in the US, UK, Switzerland and Brazil,
we invite you to join The Graphene Council and to take advantage of our bespoke
expert advisory services and resources.
Everyone that completes the survey will receive a complimentary report with the
aggregated and summarized results.
Bio-Medical Applications
Composites (Thermosets)
Composites (Thermoplastics)
Electronic Components
EMI/RFI Shielding
Energy Generation
Energy Storage (Batteries / Super Capacitors)
3. Cont'd - Please indicate the main uses or applications that you are working on.
Please add any major uses not listed.
Piezoelectric Effect
Plasmonics and Metamaterials
Plastics & Polymers
Pressure Sensors
Quantum Computing
Rubber and Synthetics
Sensors (Please add details in the "Comments")
Sound Transducers
Thermal Management
Touch Screens
Transparent Conducting Electrodes
Water Filtration
Waterproof Coating
4. Please rate the material performance characteristics you trying to improve with graphene?
Flex Modulus
Thermal Conductivity
Barrier Properties
Corrosion Resistance
UV Protection
Electrical Conductivity
Flame Retardation
Graphene Oxide - GO
Reduced Graphene Oxide - rGO
Graphene in a Suspension/Solvent
Graphene in Powder Form
Graphene in a Paste
Graphene in a Master Batch formulation
6. Please rate the level of importance to you for each of the following properties for graphene material. If you do
not know, just mark "Not Sure" in the comments.
Aspect Ratio
Surface Area
Crystal Defect
Oxygen Content
Metal Content
7. STANDARDS and PRACTICES- Several international and national standards bodies are working on the
development of graphene related standards such as nomenclature, metrology and other aspects. Please rank
the level of importance of different standards and practices for you and your organization.
8. In your opinion, what is the single greatest barrier or obstacle to greater use and adoption of graphene
8. In your opinion, what is the single greatest barrier or obstacle to greater use and adoption of graphene
1000 characters left.
9. What can The Graphene Council do to help you to better understand, develop or deploy graphene related
materials and applications?
10. We will send you a copy of the summarized report as a special "thank you" for your participation!
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Company Name:
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