ITB Information Security and Privacy
ITB Information Security and Privacy
ITB Information Security and Privacy
Selvaraj Vadivelu
Jan-Mar 2022
Information Security
• Information Security
Information Security Model (McCumber Cube)
Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Attacks
• Organizational Framework for Information Security
Information Security Policy & Processes
Risk Assessment
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning
Information Security Audits → Certifications
• Tools and Technologies for Information Security
Reference: Chapter 8: Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2020). Management information systems: Managing the digital firm (16th Edition),
Pearson Education Limited
Information Security: McCumber Model
Information Security Model (McCumber Cube):
Desired Information Security Goals
• Confidentiality: Access only to authorized entities
• Integrity: Information reflects reality and is created
and maintained in an authorized manner
• Availability: Data is available to authorized entities
State of Information
• Storage
• Transmission
• Processing
Security measures:
Measures to ensure desired information security goals are
met while information moves across various states
• Technology
• Policy and Practices
McCumber, J. (1991, October). Information systems
security: A comprehensive model. In Proceedings of the • Education, Training and Awareness to people
14th National Computer Security Conference (pp. 328- involved
337). Baltimore, Maryland, USA: National Institute of
Standards and Technology.
Information Security: Terminology
Vulnerability: Weakness or fault in information security that can be exploited to attack
Threat: Category of Objects/people who pose potential danger to assets through attacks E.g. Virus,
DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)
Threat Agent: Specific object, person who poses such a danger (by carrying out an attack) E.g. A specific
hacker or a specific malware
Attack: Action by Threat agents that exploits the vulnerability in a system to impact information security
Information Security
Organizational Framework for Information Security (1/2)
Policies, procedures, and technical measures used to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, theft, or physical
damage to information systems
Established Information Security Policy
• Reviewed and approved by Chairman or CEO
• Create awareness
Detail out processes in line with the policy
• Document and publish centrally
• Train employees
• Methods, policies, and organizational procedures that ensure safety of organization’s assets; accuracy
and reliability of its accounting records; and operational adherence to management standards
Periodic Risk Assessment
• Identify all risks, compute Risk Exposure (Probability * Impact) and rank them
• Identify mitigation strategy, mitigation plans and contingency plans for the prioritized risks
Information Security
Organizational Framework for Information Security (2/2)
Disaster Recovery Planning
Hot redundancies; Geographic distribution
Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
Recovery plan of the IT Infrastructure in the event of any unanticipated disruption
This plan is to ensure business operations continue/resume as per requirements
Periodically test BCP
Audit (Internal and External)
• Planned audits as per checklist; Surprise desk/printer checks
Certify the Information Security Management System Eg. ISO 27000 standards
Information Security
Tools and Technologies for Information Security (1/4)
• Identity Management Software
• Manages users and privileges databases; Manages the user attributes like
passwords and syncs them across tools for authentication
• Authentication
• Password systems; Smart cards; Biometric authentication; Two-factor
• Anti-malware Software
• Securing Wireless Networks
• Firewalls (Fig 8.5 in Textbook)
• Controls the flow of incoming and outgoing network traffic as per policies
between Org network and Internet (or) between two different internal networks.
Figure 8.5 A Corporate Firewall
Information Security
Tools and Technologies for Information Security (2/4)
Message →Encryt → Encrypted Message → Decrypt → Decrypted Message
Symmetric key encryption: Sender and receiver use single, shared key
Figure 8.6 Public Key Encryption
Information Security
Tools and Technologies for Information Security (3/4)
Digital Signature (authentication, integrity and non-repudiation are established)
Sender/Signatory A does the following:
Message → Use a Hashing function → HashedMessage
HashedMessage → Encrypt using A’s private key → Encrypted HashedMessage (Digital Signature)
A sends Message + Hashed Message to Recipient B
Recipient B does the following:
Message → Use the same Hashing function as used by A → B’s HashedMessage
Check if this matches with the HashedMessage sent by A to confirm if the message is not modified (Integrity)
Digital Signature → Decrypt using A’s public key → Decrypted HashedMessage;
Check if this matches with the HashedMessage sent by A to know that only A has signed (Authentication)
B sends the message and digital signature that he received from A to Checker C
Checker C repeats the same process that B did and reconfirms. (Non-Repudiation)
(Non-repudiation is the assurance that someone cannot deny the validity of something)
If Confidentiality is to be added to this, then A could have first encrypted the message with B’s Public Key
to ensure that only B is able to decrypt the message
Information Security
Tools and Technologies for Information Security (4/4)
Digital certificate (Fig 8.7 in Textbook)
User A sends an encrypted message (request for a digital certificate) to Certification Authority (CA)
The CA verifies user A’s identity (Eg. Domain name and any other details as relevant)
If CA is satisfied, then User A provides their public encryption key over a secure channel to CA
CA uses this public key to generate a digital certificate which contains user A’s identity and a public key
alongwith it
CA then digitally signs the digital certificate and provides it to User A
User A can then provide this certificate to any partner B they want to communicate with (Open channel)
Partner B will verify that the certificate is valid by verifying the CA’s digital signature
If the check is passed, then Partner B knows that the public key in the digital certificate is indeed that of the
User A with identity (as mentioned in the digital certificate).
When Partner B wants to communicate with User A, they use this public key (which belongs to User A) and
only User A will be able to decrypt this message with their private key.
Figure 8.7 Digital Certificates
Human Resources Information System (HRIS)
Privacy: Challenges in HRIS
Unauthorized Access to Information
Employees should authorize access to their data
Access to employee data should be controlled at different levels (Internal/External; Levels of
Management; Functional groups; External entities including past employees/managers)
Eg. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that Medical data is stored
Unauthorized Disclosure of Information
Unauthorized Disclosure of employee data to external entities (Insurance agencies, Creditors, Landlords,
Charity organizations)
Data Accuracy Problems
Inaccurate employee data impacts employees and the organization
Eg. Background verification agencies, Data entry issue, Data updation issue
Privacy: Challenges in HRIS
Use of Data in Social Networks
Usage of personal details of the candidate/employee from Social Networks
Maybe inaccurate, not representative and may be irrelevant to business
➔ These challenges will impact the employee concerned in their personal and
professional life including stigmatization
Privacy - Laws
• European Union
• General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);
• India
• Personal Data Protection Bill (2019) - Draft
• Parliamentary committee report on this submitted in Dec 2021.
• Current laws:
• Provisions are contained in the Information Technology Act, 2000 (as
amended by the Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008) read with
the Information Technology [Reasonable Security Practices And Procedures
And Sensitive Personal Data Or Information] Rules, 2011 (SPDI Rules),%202019.pdf
Information Security - Discussion
ABC Ltd is requesting for proposals from established vendors for outsourcing some of their
product development and sustenance work. The scope of work to be outsourced involves
maintenance and enhancement of a legacy product (software Intellectual Property to be
modified; Newer user interface designs for product hardware) of ABC Ltd which is ABC’s
valuable IP earning sustained royalty revenues over the years.
What information security related requirements should ABC Ltd expect from the vendors?
Some aspects to consider: Certifications; InfoSec Questionnaire to assess the organizational infosec
framework; Execution Model eg. Offshore Development Center (ODC) with zoning – controlled access to
vendor’s intranet and internet from within ODC); Monitoring of physical items in/out movement from the
ODC; Mechanisms for avoiding mobiles/cameras to be taken inside;
Privacy – Discussion
1. What are the practices that an organization can adopt to improve employee data
2. An organization with offices in India, Europe, North America and China has an online
employee directory. It displays few details (Name, Extn, Designation, Location, Cubicle,
Photo, Manager name) of each employee and helps people contact each other when
required. Is there any issue with this?
Module 1: Introduction to IT & IS
A Recap
IS / IT; Components; The way IS/IT transform business – Six objectives; Academic
disciplines involved; Roles in IS/IT
Information Security and Privacy; Organizational Framework, Tools and Technologies for
Meet you in Session 7 (Module 2: IS Applications)!