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Thermal Engineering Chapter - 1 Exercise

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Note: - The Red marks math’s has some problem. We couldn’t solve it.

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these math from your range. Sir please make the question from this translation it will
be helpful for us.

Thermal Engineering
Chapter – 1
Question no: 1-1: It is known that the atmospheric pressure gauge reading is 755mmHg try
to complete the following calculation;
(1) The absolute pressure (Kpa) when the gauge pressure is 13.6 Mpa?
(2) Gauge pressure when the absolute pressure is 2.5 bar?
(3) Absolute pressure when the vacuum meter reads 700 mmHg?
(4) The corresponding vacuum degree (mbar) when the absolute pressure is 0.5 bar?

Question no: 1-2: Fig 1.8 shows the working principle of the commonly used inclined
micropizometer one used. Due to the suction of the induced draft fan the pressure in the flue
of boiler equipment will be slightly lower than the atmospheric pressure. If the inclination
angle of the inclined pipe of the micro-manometer is α=300 and the length of the water
column in the inclined pipe is ℓ=200𝑚𝑚 the atmospheric manometer reading at that time is
756𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔 and the absolute pressure of the flue gas (𝑚𝑚𝐻𝑔) is calculate. We know that the
density of water of water is 𝛒 = 1000 𝐾𝑔⁄𝑚3 .

Fig: 1.8

Question no: 1-3: A container /vessel is divided into two parts by a rigid wall and the three
pressure gauge are installed in different part of the container as shown in Fig-1.9. Pressure
gauge B reads 1.75 bar. If the barometer/atmospheric pressure is 0.97 bar, try to determine
the pressure gauge C reading and the absolute pressure of the gas in the two parts of the
Fig: 1.9

Question no: 1-4: The circular simple shaped container shown Fig-1.10 has a diameter
450mm, the reading of pressure gauge A 360Kpa. The reading efficiency of pressure gauge B
is 170Kpa and the atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. Try to find
(1) The secondary pressure of empty chamber and 1 and 2 chambers.
(2) Reading of pressure gauge C.
(3) The force on the top surface of the cylinder.


Question no: 1-5: When measuring the pressure of gas in the container with the silver
pressure gauges shown in Fig-1.11, to prevent mercury evaporation from endangering human
health add a section of water on iron column of water. The measured mercury column height
is 800 mm, the water column height is 300 mm, and the atmospheric pressure is known to be
160mmHg. Find the pressure of the gas in the container (bar)?


Question no: 1-6: In the initial state of gas P=0.5Mpa, 𝑉1 = 0.4𝑚3 and expand to
𝑉2 = 0.8𝑚3 under constant pressure. Find the expansion work done by the gas?

Question no: 1-7: The state change in the thermodynamic system and the pressure change
with volume are 𝑃𝑉 1.3 = Constant. If the initial state of thermal evaporation is 𝑃1 = 600Kpa,
𝑉1 = 0.3𝑚3 and when the system volume expand to 𝑉2 =0.5𝑚3 . What is the expand work

Question no: - 1-8: A balloon is 0.3m in diameter and is filled with air with a pressure of
150Kpa. As a result of heating the balloon diameter was reversible increase to 0.4m. Given
that the pressure of the air varies in proportion to the diameter of the balloon, try to find the
work done by the air?

Question no: 1 – 9: The gas is a cylinder expands from 0.1m3 to 0.3m3. If the pressure and
volume of the gas are divided in to Mpa and m3 respectively. The unit of the calculation than
the functional relationship between pressure and volume of the gas in the expansion process
is P = 0.24V + 0.04 and try to find (1) the expansion work by the gas.

Question no: 1-10: Use the compressed air the gas storage tank to inflate the balloon at the
same temperature. Since there is no gas in the balloon at the beginning. Its initial volume can
be considered to be zero. After filling with gas the volume of the balloon is 2m3. If the
atmospheric pressure is 0.09Mpa. Find the work done.

Question: 1-11: In the above question if the volume of the gas tank is 2m3. The work done
by the gas pressure in the gas storage tank is as follows:
(1) The pressure is 0.3Mpa.
(2) The pressure is 0.182Mpa.
(3) The pressure is 0.15Mpa.

Prepared By: (1) Mahamudul Hasan

(2) Rasel Ahmed
Example - 3.1: An oxygen cylinder, 25L in volume, kept indoors for a long time. The
pressure gauge indicates the gauge pressure of the force for 5bar, at room temperature is
200C and the atmospheric pressure is 1bar, try to find the quantity for the stored oxygen
Example - 3.2: A volume of 4m3 container filled with P=9.81×104Pa, t=200C air, after the air
extraction the vacuum degree of the container Pv=700mmHg and the local atm pressure
Pb=735.6mmHg at that time. It the temperature remains constant before and after air
extraction try to find:
1. What is the absolute pressure of the air in the container (bar) after extraction?
2. What is the mass of the air in the container (kg) after pumping?
3. How many kg of air must be removed to ensure a vacuum of 700mmHg in the
Example - 3.3: Calculate the density ρ and relative error of CO at pressure of 100atm and
temperature of 300k was calculated by using the ideal gas equation of state and compared
with the experimental value ρreal= 114.5kg/m3.
Example - 3.5: The air preheating of a boiler requires that the air of 3500m3 be under the
pressure of 0.11MPa increased from 25°C to 250°C, try to calculate heat required for an hour.

Exercise 3.1: Didn’t find the proper translation.
Exercise - 3.2: Volume of 0.027m3 rigid gas storage, equipped with a pressure of 7×105 Pa
and the air temperature is 200C. The exhaust valve is installed on the Jane. It will be opened
when the pressure reaches 8.75×105Pa and closed when the pressure is 8.4×105Pa. if the
valve is opened due to external heating find:
(1) What is the internal front temperature when the perimeter door is opened?
(2) How much air is lost by heating? Set the air temperature in the cylinder to remaining
constant during the exhaust process.
Exercise - 3.3: One adiabatic rigid body cylinder divided into two parts by a frictionless
piston that the ideal gas with 300C, 0.5kg and the other side of the store has 0.12MPa, 300C,
0.5 kg of the same gas. Then relax the piston by moving it by the side of the convergent
balance. Set the specific heat as the constant valve and try to find the (1) temperature (T) at
equilibrium (2) pressure at equilibrium (MPa).
Exercise - 3.4: 5kg of Ar gas through a constant internal energy process, the initial state is
P1= 6.0×105 Pa, T1=600k and the volume at the end of the swelling is V2= 3V1. Ar gas can be
regarded as an ideal gas, Rg=0.208kJ/kg.K. Find the final pressure and the change of entropy.
Exercise - 3.5: The two chambers in shown in figure (the profile line in the figure represent
adiabatic) are separated by adiabatic and frictionless pistons between cylinders. Two rooms at
the beginning of the volume is 0.1m3 respectively with air and hydrogen storage. Pressure
0.9807×105Pa, temperature 15°C. Heat the body of the air side, until two indoor gas pressure
rises to 1.9614×105Pa. find the volume of hydrogen in the final state and final temperature of
air and the heat added by the outside world? Cv= 715.94kJ/kg.K; KH2=1.41.

Exercise 3.7: 6kg of Air from initial state P1=0.3MPa, t1= 30°C by the following process of
different expansion to the same end pressure P2= 0.1MPa. Find (1) heat absorbed by the gas
(2) the entropy (3) n=1.2, try to compare the expansion work, heat exchange and final
humidity of air in different process.
Exercise 3.8: Didn’t find the proper translation.

Exercise - 3.10: A boiler burns 500kg of coal per hour and it is estimated that 10m3 standard
state can be generated for every gram of coal. Burned measured flue gas pressure at the outlet
is 0.1MPa and the temperature is 200°C, the velocity of the flue gas is C=3m/s. if the
chimney section is circular, find the internal diameter of the bacon outlet.

Exercise - 3.14: 1kmol ideal gas expands adiabatically from P1=0.5MPa in its initial state to
T1=340K and then double its original volume. The known gas Cp.m=33.44 j/mol.K, Cv.m=
25.12 J/mol.K. Identify the change of gas final temperature, external work under mystery
condition and show the process on the on the p-v and T-S graphs,
(1) Reversible adiabatic expansion
(2) Free expansion of gas to vacuum.
Chapter – 4
Exercise - 4.1: An inventor claimed to have designed a heat engine that circulates between a
heat source of 540K and heat source of 300K, which can generate 450J of net work for every
1000J heat absorbed from a heat source. Is this design reasonable?

Exercise - 4.2: In winter outdoor average temperature of 5℃, keep idoor temperature in 20℃
when needed to supply heat heat for 2 × 104 kj/h. How much power is required when using
electric furnace heating? If a motor is used to drive the Carnot heat pump for heating, what is
the power to be transferred? How many power does it take to heat an electric stove?
Exercise - 4.3: A reversible engine work in the temperature of 150℃ high temperature heat
source and temperature is 10℃ low temperature heat source. Find out:
1) The thermal efficiency of the engine?
2) When the work output of heat engine is 2.7 KJ, what is the heat absorbed from the
high temperature reservoir and the heat absorbed to the low temperature reservoir?
(3) If the heat engine runs in reverse as a heat pump between two sources, what is the
performance coefficient of the heat pump? When working medium absorbed from low
temperature heat source, the temperature is 10℃ , heat source absorb 4.5kJ/sec. What
is the required input power?

Exercise - 4.8: An adiabatic container is a piston of thermal conductivity is divided into two
parts, when the original piston is fixed, both the left and right sides of the volume
V1=V2=0.001𝑚3 , inside air temperature is 300K. The pressure P1=2 × 105 Pa, the right
pressure P2=1 × 105 Pa. Suddenly pull the pin and finally reaching a new equilibrium. Find
the left and right two parts and the entire container volume of air in pin.
Exercise - 4.9: After the close mouth system goes through a process the entropy increased to
25 KJ/K and absorbed 300K heat from constant temperature reservoir of 8000KJ. Is the
process is reversible of irreversible?
Chapter - 6
Example - 6-1: The steam power unit operates according to the Rankine cycle. It is known
that the steam pressure p1= 3.5Mpa of the steam turbine population is equal, temperature
t1=435℃, steam turbine exhaust pressure p2= 0.005Mpa, calculate the Net work per kilogram
of steam in this ring, cycle heat efficiency and steam consumption rate of this power plant?

Example - 6-2: A steam power plant adopts a reheat cycle, steam turbine inlet pressure of
17MPa, temperature is 540℃, expansion to 4MPa to reheat, reheater outlet temperature is
540℃, exhaust steam pressure is 0.008MPa.The dryness of exhaust steam and the heat
efficiency of cycle were determined and compared with the Rankine cycle with the same
initial and final parameters.
Example - 6-3: A steam power plant adopts primary steam extraction for heat recovery, and
the new steam parameter is known to be p1= 2.4Mpa, t1=390 ℃, p7 = 0.12MPa extraction
steam pressure, steam exhaust pressure is 0.005MPa, strives for the regenerative cycle
thermal efficiency of steam consumption rate dp, and with the original's cycle thermal
efficiency is 7 and steam consumption rated.
Example - 6-4: Mixed heating cycle with 1kg air as working medium. At the beginning of
compression, pressure p1=0.1mpa, temperature T1= 300k, compression ratio 𝜀=15, heat
added at constant volume is 700kJ. Heat added at constant pressure is 1160k. Try for:
1) Maximum cycle pressure Pmax
2) Maximum temperature Tmax of the cycle
(3) Cycle thermal efficiency office, 𝜂𝑡
(4) Cycle net work Wnet.

Exercise - 6-1: A long cycle, the new steam parameter of p1 = 4MPa, t1 = 400℃, the steam
exhaust pressure p2=4kPa. Ignore the pump work, and try to calculate the circulating net
work, heat addition, thermal efficiency and the dryness of exhaust gas x of this cycle. If t1 =
550℃, p1 and p2 stays the same, the quantity?

Exercise - 6-2: A steam power plant, turbine inlet steam parameters for p1=13MPa. t1=
535℃, within the turbine expansion after work to dry saturated steam is fed into reheater,
under constant pressure to heated to 535℃, and then enter the lower inflation continues to
steam exhaust steam turbine 7kPa pressure, such as steam flow rate is 200t/h, ignore the
pump work, try to calculate the shaft work, cycle thermal efficiency of steam turbine and
steam exhaust dryness x. Let the heating child of coal be 2×104𝑘 𝐽 /kg to calculate the
theoretical coal consumption rate?
Chapter – 8
Example - 8-1: Three pieces are made of pure copper (thermal conductivity 𝜆1=
398W/m.K)), brass (thermal conductivity 𝜆2=109 W/m K)) and carbon steel (thermal
conductivity 𝜆3=40W/(m.K)) made from big flat, thickness of 𝛿=10mm, temperature
difference 𝛥𝑡 =tw1 - tw2 = 50℃, calculate the heat flux of three materials?

Example - 8-3: The thickness of concrete outer wall of A house is 𝛿=200mm, and the
thermal conductivity of concrete 𝜆=1.5w/(m.k).Winter outdoor air temperature tf2 = -10 ℃,
Winter indoor air temperature tf1 = 25 ℃. Heat transfer coefficient h1= 5 W/𝑚2. 𝑘, and
h2=20W/𝑚2. 𝑘 . Assuming that the air temperature and the surface heat transfer coefficient
between the wall and the wall do not change with time, Find out the inner and outer walls
temperature tw1 and tw2.

Exercise - 8-1: A large flat-panel, high 3m,width 2m, thick 0.02m, Thermal conductivity
45W/(M·K), Both the surface temperature were t1=100℃, t2=50℃, Determine the panel
resistance, heat flow, heat flux.
Exercise - 8-2: An inner diameter of the air 50mm, long 2.5m. The flow inside the tube is
heated, the average air temperature is known 80℃, The inner surface of the heat transfer
coefficient of convective heat transfer h=70W /(m2 ·K) , Heat flux q=5000W / m2, Find the
tube wall temperature and heat flow.

Exercise - 8-3: A single glazed windows, high 1.2m, width 1m, Thick glass 0.3mm, Thermal
conductivity of glass λ =1.05W/(M·K), Indoor and outdoor air temperature, respectively
20℃ with 5℃ Between the indoor and outdoor air and the convection heat transfer
coefficient of heat transfer surface of the glazing were h1=5W/(m2·K) with h2=20W/(m2·K),
Thermal resistance test and the heat radiation loss seeking glazing glass, convective heat
transfer resistance on both sides.

Exercise - 8-5: Have a thickness of 400mm House facades, thermal conductivity

λ=0.5W/(m·K). Winter indoor air temperature between t1=20℃, and the wall surface of the
wall of the convective heat transfer coefficient of heat transfer h1=4W/(m2·K). Outdoor air
temperature t2= -10 ℃, And the surface convective heat transfer between the heat transfer
coefficient of the external walls h2=6W/(m2·K). If not considering the heat radiation, find the
heat transfer coefficient through the wall, and heat transfer per unit area of the outer wall

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