obvious, and we are also blind to our blindness.” This is the result of an overall world problem
having generally poor hindsight when it comes to dealing with what is the concept of statistics.
In this day and age, statistics helps with people dealing with numbers since many of the changes
in these times are more complex than it ever was. Statistics, are about us as a group, not us as
individuals. It is the science of dealing with data about the state/community that we live in and it
also relates to people as individuals relating to their own respective group/peers. There is also a
big variation between what we people generally perceive and what reality is as given by
statistics, hence the saying at the first part of this summary.
One of the most common examples of the use of statistics to provide information and give people
knowledge about certain thing now is the daily counts of COVID19 new cases, recoveries, and
death tolls found in the news every day and its consolidated figures.
Statistics is the science for collection, organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of
For me, its essence is to inform people for us to have insights, ideas, knowledge about certain
things (the subject of investigation) that drives our decision on what we should do to resolve
problems or improve solutions. This part is clear.
However, as mentioned by the speaker from the talk, variations in statistics exist and cannot be
denied and as shown by his presentation, these variations can differ significantly from the actual
So how do we know that the information presented for us is at least as nearly as accurate as can
be? Honestly, I do not know but to guess, I think it relies on what method of sampling to
instigate and the focus on how to gather accurate data. Fortunately, I am currently enrolled in a
statistics class so I am hoping that I be enlightened by our teacher.
One of the most common examples of the use of statistics to provide information to the people
about certain thing is the quarterly polls to know who are the preferred electoral candidates there