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1 Religiousleftexposed - Com Archives
1 Religiousleftexposed - Com Archives
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April 2018 (1)
12: Francis Compares Plight of Muslims in the West to Victims of Abortion
February 2018 (1)
15: Blockbuster Video:Unholy Alliance
November 2017 (1)
13: Vatican Holds Left-Wing Anti-Nuclear Peacenik Conference
October 2017 (1)
07: Politics, the Pope, and the New Age Movement
September 2017 (2)
26: The Red Pope: Enemy Occupation of the Vatican
01: Pope Francis Still Singing Praises for the Earth Spirit Gaia and Mother Earth
April 2017 (1)
11: Pope Francis’ Program to End All Sovereign Nations
February 2017 (1)
14: The Catholic Conspiracy
October 2016 (1)
17: Catholic Agency Pushes Population Control Measures in Violation of
Church Teaching
September 2016 (2)
26: A Money Changers Moment for Catholics
22: The New World Order Pope
May 2016 (1)
13: Pope Francis Calls for Global Socialist Government
April 2016 (1)
18: Pope’s Marxist Bias in U.S. Campaign Signals New Global Order
March 2016 (1)
08: Conservative Catholics say Stop Trump
February 2016 (2)
23: Justice Scalia Was More Catholic Than the Pope
15: Catholic Pope and KGB Russian Orthodox Church patriarch sign statement
on religious unity
December 2015 (2)
22: Marxists in the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
November 2015 (3)
23: Catholic Writer Hits “Crony Catholicism”
19: Catholic Church Facilitates Foreign Invasion
19: The Marxist Core of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
September 2015 (5)
26: The Vatican’s Unholy Green Advisers
25: Pope Lays Out Global Marxist Agenda
23: CLIMATE OF FAITH: Talking Points about Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical
18: Why I Am Boycotting Pope Francis’ Address to Congress
15: Cancel the Papal Visit to Cuba
August 2015 (4)
26: Cliff Kincaid Interviewed on Whether the Pope
Will Endorse Bernie Sanders for President
21: The Mysticism of the Papal Encyclical on Climate Change
14: The Catholic Role in Obama’s Secret Diplomacy with Cuba
11: Protest Pope’s Climate Change Encyclical
July 2015 (1)
24: Alinsky Acolytes at the Vatican
June 2015 (1)
03: Retired NASA Scientists Criticize Pope’s Climate Science
May 2015 (6)
26: Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican
26: Report links Vatican to communist organization
20: Who is Vatican Adviser Jeffrey Sachs?
18: Liberal Academic Says America’s Founding Document Outmoded
15: Vatican Facilitates Russia’s Designs on the Middle East
12: The Catholic Church Has Gone Socialist
April 2015 (1)
28: Vatican Silences “Climate Heretics”
March 2015 (3)
24: Holy See Endorses “No Nukes” Fantasy
11: Catholic Church Captured by “Progressive Forces”
The Obama – Francis “Axis”
February 2015 (3)
03: Pope Francis endorses Liberation Theology
03: The Homosexuals’ Pope
03: Pope Says “Make alliance with Mother Earth”
December 2014 (2)
30: Obama: The Politician Without a Church
26: If Francis is a Communist Pope, how does that affect Catholic Faith and
November 2014 (2)
25: American Catholic Bishops Endorse Obama’s Illegal Amnesty Plan
01: “Pope Attempts to Change God’s Moral Laws”
September 2014 (1)
09: Russian Orthodox Church Activist Declares Putin is God
August 2014 (3)
08: The Vicar of Christ is a Marxist
04: Pope Rehabilitates Marxist Priest
01: Vatican Lifts Suspension on Marxist Priest
June 2014 (5)
30: Pope Speaks Again on Communism
29: Russian Patriarch Honors Communist Party Leader
28: Cardinal O’Malley: Pro-Life Hypocrite
21: Russia, Fatima, and Bible Prophecy
18: The Mystery of Fatima
May 2014 (3)
24: Cardinal O’Malley Honors Pro-Abortion Politician John Kerry
21: Pope to visit PA Mufti who preached Jews are enemies of Allah
09: Pope: The Bible Demands The Redistribution Of Wealth
April 2014 (2)
29: Inequality is the root of social evil, Pope Says
27: Progressive Website: Christianity Is Communism! Jesus Was a Communist!
March 2014 (5)
22: The Vatican’s Homosexual Culture
14: Pope’s Critique of Capitalism
11: Pope Francis Knows Great Marxists
03: The Russo-Papal Alliance in the Mideast
02: Can Catholics Still Criticize the UN?
February 2014 (4)
26: Cardinal’s Appeal Offers special Mass for $1000.00
14: Vatican Cardinal urges “economy of inclusion”
13: Vatican Allowed Rape of Children
08: Putin Poses as Defender of Christian Civilization
January 2014 (4)
25: Catholic Maryland State Senate President Endorses Dope
22: Pope Urges Elites to Serve Humanity
22: Pope to Meet with Obama on Common Marxist Goals
22: Russian Orthodox Church Publishes Stalin Calendar
December 2013 (8)
20: Pope removes conservative cardinal from Vatican panel
15: Pope Not Bothered by Marxist Label
13: Islamic Representative and Pope Discuss “Need for Historic Reconciliation
Between Muslims and Christians”
05: Obama Operative Masquerades as Catholic Expert
03: When the Roman Catholic Church Was Anti-Communist
02: Communists Cheer Pope Francis (1)
02: Pope Francis, Jihad, and Moscow’s “Espionage Church” (2)
01: Jesus Vs. Mohammed. We Report, You Decide
November 2013 (2)
30: Putin Shows His Religious Side with Pope
27: The Pope Endorses Socialism and Surrender to Islam
September 2013 (2)
23: Pope Praises Russian Role in International Affairs
07: The Planned Destruction of Christians in Syria
August 2013 (2)
26: Washington Post Still Defending the Muslim Brotherhood
May 2013 (3)
15: Cardinal: ‘global authority’ does not mean world government
10: Misinformation: Vatican and Lucifer
02: Pope Francis to canonize 800 Christians murdered by jihadists
March 2013 (7)
25: Magdi Allam Leaves Catholic Church Over Its Dhimmitude
20: Social Justice and Pope Francis: Choosing Freedom Over Serfdom
19: Behind the Campaign to Smear the Pope
13: God not a Marxist: Leftist prayers for a Red Pope went unanswered
11: Another American Pope Candidate Embraces the Far-left
10: Possible next Pope calls for a “central world bank” (1)
04: Black Socialist Pope to Follow Black Socialist President?
February 2013 (3)
18: Carol Byrne sets the record straight about Dorothy Day
13: Pope’s Possible Successor Promotes Marxist for Sainthood (1)
January 2013 (1)
17: Senator Richard H. Black of Virginia Objects to Sainthood for Marxist
Dorothy Day (17)
December 2012 (1)
22: Author Carol Byrne Warns of Socialism in the Roman Catholic Church (4)
November 2012 (1)
27: Cardinal says, "Imagine a world without nation states"
June 2012 (1)
04: Pope Benedict XVI’s Call for Global Government
May 2012 (1)
06: The “strategic alliance between Christians and Marxists” in Cuba: Havana’s
Martin Luther King Center
April 2012 (2)
29: Vatican Orders Crackdown on Radical Left-wing Catholic Groups
18: Bishop Says Obama on Hitlerian Path
March 2012 (1)
12: Marxism and Eschatology: The Communistic Apocalypse According to St.
Marx (1)
February 2012 (1)
18: An Evil Law Against Freedom of Religion (1)
January 2012 (1)
30: Soros-funded Fake “Catholic” Groups in Retreat (2)
November 2011 (1)
07: Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace endorses global
socialism in new document and warns of “anguish and suffering” on the road
to world government
May 2011 (3)
16: Anti-Boehner Protest Fizzles Despite Washington Post Backing
14: Soros-funded Group Behind Attack on House Speaker John Boehner’s
10: Media Stonewalled as AFL-CIO Boss Scandalizes Catholic University (0)
June 2010 (1)
06: Matthew, MARX, Luke and John: Marxism in the Catholic Church (3)
May 2010 (4)
20: Catholic TV Host Challenges Bishops
20: Atheist Soros Funds Catholic Groups
19: Ex-Con Counts on “Faith Community” to Pass National Health Care Bill (0)
19: ClimateGate, the Green Dragon, and the End of Christianity
April 2010 (2)
30: Crisis in the Roman Catholic Church – the Obama/Vatican Connection.
View ASI President Cliff Kincaid’s Power Point Presentation to the Washington,
D.C. “Government vs. God” Jericho Conference
29: Catholic Bishops Lobby for Obamacare, Amnesty for Illegals (1)