Iris System

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tions, which is augmented by GPS receivers

Iris System
that can be employed at every level from Integrated voice and data communications for the battlefield
individual vehicles and personnel to head-

GPS receivers provide both position informa-

tion and location tracking of other units on
their nets. This provides a cost-effective
solution to wide-spread situational awareness.
SAS provides an interface to allied and higher
echelon command, control and information
systems through ADatP-3 messages.

Integrated Logistics Support

During the design and development of the Iris
System, complete maintenance, provisioning,
bands. Tools are also provided to assist with and training analysis was conducted. The
“What if” planning scenarios and MIJI deployed system includes: field maintenance
analysis. CMS automates the production of support tools; conversion training courses;
CEOI material and network security plans. and training courseware; including CBT;
Transfer of security plans to the CMMS for technical manuals on CD-ROMs; and elec-
cryptographic key generation is done elec- tronic format technical data packages.
tronically for all Iris encryption units.
The Integrated System
Situational Awareness System Whereas the Iris System provides the com-
The Situation Awareness System (SAS) munications bearer system, the integration of
the Situation Awareness System and the • Flexible
provides a high accuracy position reporting • Survivable
and navigation capability. SAS provides the Athene Tactical System with the Iris System
• Secure
capability to exchange position and other provides the Canadian Land Forces with the
• Mobile
situation awareness information between most advanced, fully integrated, and digitized • Reliable
SAS-equipped vehicles using the Iris System. tactical command, control and communica- • Interoperable
SAS provides the capability to display maps tions capabilities in the world.
and symbols, perform database queries,
initiate message transmission, and incorporate
data from received messages in a database.
Interfaces to GPS receivers and laser designa-
tion systems ease input of own position and
For more information, please contact:
designated locations.
Communications, Command, Control &
SAS is one of the first and most advanced Integrated Sensor Systems
situation awareness and battlefield manage- Business Development
ment systems to be fielded in the world. SAS Tel. 403-295-5414
provides command and control through Fax. 403-730-1197
common “core” software at command loca- e-mail:

1020–68th Avenue N.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 8P2

The Iris System Iris Integrated Voice and Data
Gateways are provided to PSTN and MTDG.
The Wide Area System can also be used to
connect headquarters to remote emitter and/or
Meets the challenges of the modern battlefield through the use of:
The Iris System architecture is comprised of: receiver sites to minimize the electronic
Innovation – leading edge technology
signature of the headquarters.
• Local Area System
Automation – built for the information age
• Wide Area System Combat Net Radio System
Digitization – digital data with optimized bandwidth utilization
• Combat Net Radio System The Combat Net Radio System (CNR)
Standardization – open systems architecture
• Messaging System consists of digital radio systems covering HF,
Integration – enhanced operability, capability and availability • System Management and Control System VHF, and UHF bands. They include radio net,
• Situational Awareness System point-to-point, ship-to-shore, air-ground-air,
Iris is the world’s first, fully integrated voice
long-range, voice, data, and mixed-mode
and data communications system supporting
The Local Area System communications. The equipment can be
tactical operations at all echelons, from the
The Local Area System is the Information employed in vehicles, aircraft, ship, or
dismounted soldier to combat and support
Distribution System (IDS), a modular and manpack configurations. The CNR System
vehicles, to tactical command posts at
flexible local communication system. Its Two compact units, the User Control Device supports secure and non-secure radio-
battalion, brigade and division headquarters,
common architecture is IP based and pro- (UCD) and the Network Access Unit, form rebroadcast, even across frequency bands. On
and with links to theatre and national head-
vides plug-and-play capabilities, including the heart of the system. IDS is simple to multi-radio vehicles the CNR System mini-
quarters. The Iris System provides secure
DNS-like services, to meet the requirements install, maintain, operate, and tailor to mizes cosite interference across all bands.
voice and data connectivity over radio,
of headquarters ranging from division or task changing roles. The UCD provides user
telephone, and satellite links. A common
force down to sub-unit level. Based on access to all means of communication: The Messaging System
point of access to all intercom, radio and
General Dynamics Canada’s (GD Canada) vehicle intercom, the headquarters local area The Messaging System or Tactical Message
inter-vehicle links, ensures ease of operation
successful MESHnet™ product, IDS pro- system, all radio nets, and the wide area Handling System (TMHS) extends through-
for users in, or connected to, vehicles. The
vides inter- and intra-vehicle integrated system, all through a single headset. The out Iris, including the CNR nets, for the
Iris System was designed for, and has been
digital voice and data communications for UCD also provides data port services for data exchange of data between users and computer
deployed with, the Canadian Land Forces.
vehicles from tanks to command posts. terminals to connect to the IDS. applications using X.400 messages. The
Similar components of the Iris System have
TMHS provides store-and-forward messaging
also been deployed with the US Marine
Vehicles are connected to the IDS via fiber- The IDS allows user access to radios in any over the entire communications capabilities
Corps, with the US Army Tactical Operations
optic links. The network is self-discovering of the interconnected vehicles, thereby of the Iris System. Using standard and user-
Centres, and most recently with the UK
and users can freely connect and disconnect catering to the establishment of geographi- defined proforma, the TMHS formats also
Military under the BOWMAN program.
without external reconfiguration. In the event cally remoted radio parks to improve head- permit the transfer of messages to strategic
of battle damage the IDS will automatically quarters survivability. The radio park concept and allied systems.
The Iris System comprises a complete family
reconfigure. is further enhanced by the ability to form
of integrated information distribution equip-
separate transmit and receive sites for the The System Management and Control
ment with complete planning and control
various radio nets. System
software. Specialized equipment such as air-
The System Management and Control System
ground-air and HF radios, trunk links, and
Wide Area System is a combination of the Communications
gateways are all seamlessly integrated. The
The Wide Area System is a combination of Management System (CMS), providing
Iris System includes a local area system for
the Iris Trunk System (ITS) and the Long EUROCOM D0 management facilities, and
vehicles and headquarters, a long range
Range Communications System (LRCS). the Crypto Material Management System
communications system with satellite and
The ITS provides secure multi-channel Line- (CMMS), providing management and
high frequency components, and four major
of-Sight communications for voice and data distribution facilities, for cryptographic
software elements—a system-wide tactical
in the radio relay Bands I, IV, and V frequen- material within Iris. The CMS allows users to
message handling system, a communications
cies, and over fiber-optic trunk links. The plan, execute, and monitor system deploy-
management system, a crypto material
LRCS provides secure satellite, C, Ku, or X- ment, performance, network loading, and
management system, and a situational
Band, and high power HF voice and data frequency allocation. The CMS provides for
awareness system.
communications for deployed forces back to distributed communication planning, yet
the national communications infrastructure. centralized frequency deconfliction across all

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