A Study On The Challenges Faced by Single Parent On Teenager Care Laveena D'Mello, Dr. B. M. Govindaraju & Dr. Meena Monteiro
A Study On The Challenges Faced by Single Parent On Teenager Care Laveena D'Mello, Dr. B. M. Govindaraju & Dr. Meena Monteiro
A Study On The Challenges Faced by Single Parent On Teenager Care Laveena D'Mello, Dr. B. M. Govindaraju & Dr. Meena Monteiro
Electronic copy available
available at:
at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2959225
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJATET)
Impact Factor: 5.665, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 4664
(www.dvpublication.com) Volume I, Issue I, 2016
The Need of Father: The child needs fathers who accept his role masculinity which cannot acquire by a formal
course of study. It may be learned in the course of daily life from a father who is there from his infancy. The
child needs to be aware that he/she has a father who can protect him/her from danger. The child also needs
father‟s help in dealing with his angry wishes and fearful fantasies. Father‟s role is important to view
sympathetically the child‟s frustration, fury, and fear at the same in silent strength, convey their reassuring
message, “Don‟t worry, I shall not let you carry out your fearful wishes”. Children especially boys, tend to
idealize their father young. Every little boy wants to grow up to be just like little girl thinks their father is the
smartest man on this earth. It is not that difficult either. Children will truly enjoy spending time with father, not
just when they are kids, but also when they are adults (8, 12)
The Need of Mother: A mother is an important person in each child‟s life. There are three styles of infant
attachment to mother, that is, secure, anxious-ambivalent and avoidant. In a secure attachment, the infant feels
secure when the mother is out of sight and confident that the mother is taking care and protection. In an anxious-
ambivalent attachment, the infant shows anxiety when a mother. He/she feels insecure when the mother is not
present. In an avoidant attachment, the infant senses the mother‟s detachment and rejection, when he/she desires
close bodily contact. The infant shows avoidance behaviors with the mother as a means of defense. A single
mother feels lonely depressed and without hope. Sometimes this frustration can lead them to take it on the child.
Single Parents:
The day‟s fathers, married or single have been changing their roles in the family setting. Today they
can be found more in helping children in the classroom setting, throes, they are involved in house chores, they
held out in the kitchen other and previously considered „mother roles‟. Before this, a father just was not
socialized to be primary care gives although of course, many men did raise children on their own due to high
rate of maternal death, divorce or separation. Father often does not communicate as well with their children as
mothers do. Most people think that father is stricter than a mother; however they tend to be less disciplinary than
single mothers. Father can have a great influence on their child because the best way for a son learn to be
a good father is watching his own. Some biological factors that affect children living in a single father home are
that females tend to reach menarche at an earlier age. One reason for this is that single and two parent families
have different patterns of parental care resulting in difference in reproductive development. Also social learning
may account for developmental differences as father absent girl‟s model their mothers sexual behavior and
reproductive strategies may be heritable (6). The problems that single mother faces that they have a harder time
providing for their families because feminist studies conclude that woman generally has lower paying jobs.
Some positive things that may be associated with being a single mother are that opposed to males, they usually
have a more extensive support system. They are often closer to friends and families who can help them through
tough times and even be there to support the mother in raising her children.
Single Father: The role of fathers, married or single, has been changing. Today fathers are more likely to help
children in a classroom setting and do household chores than in the past. Historically fathers were not socialized
to be primary care givers, although many men did raise children on their own due to high rates of maternal
death, divorce or separation. The majority of single fathers may remarry later and the children deal with a „step
mother‟ figure that came in their lives (1, 10)The financial and lifestyle hardships of single fathers are similar to
those of single mothers. But income disparity is less hard on men raising any children alone and many single
fathers find their family offer support, but even to today „s gender- neutral society, most seem to favor single
mothers as the ideal natures or caregivers; than single fathers, a problem that may men faced by societal
Single Mother: Single motherhood is by far the most common instance of single parenting. Single mother
something have a hard time providing for their families. Something they have given more responsibility of care
giving to their parent or another relative. Even they encounter less open criticism from society at present as
compared to earlier decades when the single mother was more likely shunned for her choice to raise a family
alone. The majority of studies on the issue conclude that they generally have lower paying jobs, although this
income disparity has been decreasing. A single mother failed to graduate from high school and is unable to
obtain a college education. Thus they aren‟t able to have an average wage or income. This is a difficult situation
unless there are welfare and health care programmed available to support mother and child (2, 4).
Single Parenting and Teenager Development:
Various studies from around the world have demonstrated a number of negative trails characteristic to
children who grew up in single-parent homes. Children growing up with a single mother are likely to be poorer
than children from two parent homes since poorer children are generally more likely to drop out of school or
commit a crime (1, 11) Even in a situation where single parenting dose have a negative effect on child
development, this effect may be offset or countered by the presence of other earning adults in a child‟s life. The
loss of partner, whether as a result of death, divorce or separation presents many adjustment problems for the
man or woman but especially for the woman? The middle-aged woman whose husband dies or who is divorced
or separated may experiences extreme feelings of loneliness. This is intensified by frustration of the normal
Electronic copy available
available at:
at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2959225
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJATET)
Impact Factor: 5.665, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 4664
(www.dvpublication.com) Volume I, Issue I, 2016
sexual desires, which are far from dormant but inactive, a person who loses his/her partner and remains alone
for two or more years generally makes satisfactory adjustments to being single, although he may tend to be
lonely and finds the single state un satisfactory. Loss of a spouse as a result of divorce or separation affects
middle age people very differently, depending upon who wanted the divorce. The man whose wife dies or who
is divorced experience a disruption in his pattern of living unless a relatives can manage the home for him. A
woman who is widowed, divorced or separated in middle age often must give up her home, go to work and live
very differently from the way she did when her husband was alive or before her divorce or separation. She may
be unwilling or reluctant to go out by herself, and the problems of entertaining is like-wise award for divorced
or separated woman, the social activities but also even worse, she often loses her old friends.
Problems Faced by Single Parents:
The plight of the single parent is one of our most difficult social problems. Single parent households
are the fastest growing category of all family units. Approximately one out of every four children will spend
some part of their childhood under eighteen living with a single parent. This single parenthood occurs because
of death, divorce or separation. If it is any reason, it will affect the partner as well as the children (10).
Single Parent Mothers: If the single parent is a mother, she may face the conflict between the continuing role
of mother and additional role of worker outside the home. After the loss of father, it is common for children to
increase their demands which come at a time when the mother is also trying to redirect her own life. Most often
the mother performs a career outside the home, for financial reasons and for a psychological boost to her already
weakened self-esteem. All over the country widows are found to have many problems in common. Economical
and emotional setbacks are inevitable for them. Indian widows are specially the target of superstitious and
backward social attitudes. In India, there was a practice on „sathi and purdah‟. They were expected to shave off
their hair, wear white clothes, eat almost nothing and keep themselves away from all auspicious functions. Their
sinfulness was thought to be the cause of the death of their husband. Thus they were forced to lead a life of
deprivation and misery. At present we can see there are lots of changes in the single mother‟s life. But still there
are lots of problems that death husband brings for the widow. She realizes that for her parents she belongs to
another house, whereas, for the in-laws. She is a burden on the family economy and hence not welcome. All of a
sudden she is exposed to face the pain of bereavement as well as realign herself to a new life.
Single Parent Fathers: Single parent father also has to face a lot of problems, especially in a case of child
rearing. They have to change their roles in the family setting. Today they can be found more in helping children
in a class room setting, they are involved in house chores, they help out in the kitchen and other previously
considered „mother‟ roles. Before this, fathers were just not socialized to be primary caregivers, although of
course, many men did raise children on their own due to high rate of maternal death. Fathers often do not
communicate as well with their children as mothers do; this dose contradict the fact that most people think that
fathers are stricter than mothers, however, they tend to be less disciplinary than single mothers. Fathers can have
a great influence on their child, though, because the best way for a son to learn to be a good father is by
watching his own. But most of the single parent father cannot be a role model because of stress and problems.
Reasons for Single Parenthood:
The effects are mainly for the single parents and the dependents, mainly due to two reasons, one is
natural and another one is manmade. Death in the family is a natural way and divorce is the extreme step when
there is no solution for the problems.
Death: The death of one partner ends the family life cycle. The remaining partner either lives alone or with
some other relatives and with the children. In many families, husband dies first leaving the widow to finish her
remaining years alone. The death of a spouse leads to bereaved partner to deal with socio-emotional loss as well
as adjust to a new life style. Personal freedom is also affected. The loss of income, health and the ability to care
oneself are hard to accept. The death of a partner is very difficult because it means the loss of a companion; sex
partner leaves the other partner lonely and gives single status to the spouse. They not only face the loss of
partner but may also face reduced income and other economic resources. In India widowhood is extensively
looked down upon especially in rural areas.
Divorce: The effects of divorce every from person to person. There are frustration and feeling of emptiness.
Some people feel divorce is a good escape from all sorrows of life. But it is not easy to forget the past. For
some, it leaves deep wound because of the traumatic effect of death, which leads to bitterness and emotional
tension and also the social attitude towards divorce. There are five phases of adjustment to divorce, anger
towards those involved, bargaining on the part of children to bring parents back together, depression and
acceptance of divorce (5).
Effects on Teenagers:
Children feel embarrassed. This is very damaging to their self-concepts unless they live with other such
children. They are most hurt by divorce when their love is divided and when they suffer from anxiety of the
uncertainties a custody is fought in court and it is decided to live with both alternately. There are also signs that
children who have gone through a divorce have problems with depression (mood), emotional stress, difficulties
in school. Problems like these however may not be because of the parent who raise them, but can be linked to