Green Gravel: Priorities For Aggregate Reform in Ontario
Green Gravel: Priorities For Aggregate Reform in Ontario
Green Gravel: Priorities For Aggregate Reform in Ontario
The current “business as usual” policies for extraction of stone, sand, gravel and shale in
the Province of Ontario are unsustainable.
Aggregate extraction, particularly as a non-renewable resource, has not been subject to 3Rs
principles (reduce, reuse, recycle) as has begun with our forests, energy, and other consumptive
products/wastes. Numerous recent reports, including Special and Annual Reports by the Ontario
Environment Commissioner since 2003, have repeatedly documented these issues and concerns
and have called for a range of reforms. These reports have also confirmed that the aggregates
program in Ontario has been suffering from inadequate capacity in terms of staffing, budget and
expertise resulting in serious compliance, inspection and enforcement limitations.
1. Develop and implement a long term conservation strategy for aggregates. Establish
provincial capacity independent of the industry and The Ontario Aggregate Resources
Corporation (TOARC) to forecast future demand and supply needs and maintain data. Maintain
up to date aggregate resource inventories. Optimize the thousands of existing licenses before
issuing new licenses. In the face of climate change we need to conserve. Develop a
comprehensive 3Rs strategy – with quantifiable targets – along with the use of alternative and
composite materials. Address corollary policies such as Ministry of Transportation 400 series
and other highway specs as well as municipal specs. Increase fees paid by the industry and do so
on an annual basis as both a market signal to drive 3Rs innovations and to sufficiently fund the
proposed regulatory framework.
2. Ban new aggregate extraction in the Greenbelt, the Niagara Escarpme nt, the Oak Ridges
Moraine, and Class I, II and III agricultural lands adjacent or contiguous to these
designated areas. Make use of Minister’s Zoning Order(s) under the Planning Act to
immediately stop any new aggregate extraction in these key green spaces, their natural and
hydrologic features, habitat and corridors. Amend the relevant legislation and Plans – the
Greenbelt Act and Plan, the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act and the Oak
Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, and the Planning Act to protect the Greenbelt, Niagara
Escarpment, Oak Ridges Moraine and our most valuable agricultural land from new aggregate
extraction forever.
3. Redesign the licensing and permit approvals process to make it more fair and balanced
for the public interest and the environment. Level the playing field during the review process
from the current situation where the industry proponent takes years to prepare a complex
application, with extensive funds and ministry advice, and the public is given 45 days to respond
and counter propose under the Aggregate Resources Act. Change the timeframes to allow for
meaningful public review. Reintroduce intervenor funding for aggregate extraction review
processes as well as other development applications. Make all application, companion technical
studies and updates readily accessible to the public (including on-line). Change the ministry(ies)
role to comprehensive evaluator and decision-maker from advocacy. Move to eliminate perpetual
licenses and permits as well as unlimited annual tonnage allowances.
4. Develop and implement more effective and credible mechanisms for compliance,
inspection and enforcement of aggregate operations and rehabilitation. Enforce provincial
laws and site plans. The industry should not be policing itself. Make use of modern GPS,
satellite and real-time video technologies to monitor aggregate operations on-site and during
hauling. Post material on company and ministry websites. Increase ministry capacity to conduct
regular inspections and establish a work plan with targets and timetables to increase the frequency
of inspections. Establish specific rehabilitation targets for current licensees and abandoned sites,
including significant penalties for failure to achieve up to and including license suspension and
denial of new licenses.
The undersigned environmental and community groups agree that reform of Ontario’s aggregate
regulatory, policy, operations and governance framework must, at a minimum, include these
reform priorities in order to better manage the aggregate resource, minimize urban sprawl and to
protect our drinking water, air quality, our natural heritage systems and our local communities.
Members of the Ontario Greenbelt Alliance