Blue Bells Model School SESSION 2021-22 Term Ii Class Viii Subject:English Literature/ Novel Lord Ullin'S Daughter
Blue Bells Model School SESSION 2021-22 Term Ii Class Viii Subject:English Literature/ Novel Lord Ullin'S Daughter
Blue Bells Model School SESSION 2021-22 Term Ii Class Viii Subject:English Literature/ Novel Lord Ullin'S Daughter
SESSION 2021-22
Reference to context
Read the extract and answer the following questions. 1mark each
A. "Come back! come back!" he cried in grief
'Across this stormy water..............
And I'll forgive your highland chief,
My daughter! -0 my daughter!"
(a)Who cried to whom to come back?
(b) Do you think that Lord Ullin's promise was honest? Give reasons.
(c)Explain the line 'Across this stormy water..............
(d) Who is the poet of the 'Lord Ullin's Daughter'?
E. Near at hand,
From under the sheltering trees,
The farmer sees
His pastures, and his fields of grain,
As they bend their tops
To the numberless beating drops
Of the incessant rain.
He counts it as no sin
That he sees therein
Only his own thrift and gain
G.With the Typee people indeed, sleep might be called ‘the great business of life’, for
they pass a large portion of their time in its arms. The strength of their bodies is no way
shown more clearly than in the quantity of sleep they can endure. To many of them,
indeed, life is little else than an often interrupted but delightful nap.
H.The young girls very often danced by moonlight in front of their dwellings. There are
a great variety of these dances, in which, however, I never saw the men take part. They
all consist of active, romping, movements, in which every limb is brought into use.
J.As for myself, I ate sparingly from one of Tinor’s platters, which was devoted entirely
to my own use. It contained the milky meat of ripe coconut, a section of a roasted
bread- fruit , and two or three bananas , or some other agreeable and satisfying fruits
served from day to day to give me a change in the food. The meal was finished by
drinking the liquid contents of a young coconut or two.
K. “It’s a special moment in conservation history .”
i. Who was the speaker? To whom did he say this?
ii. What was the special moment the speaker is talking of?
iii. In what way was it special?
iv. Name the lesson from where the extract is taken.
L. “Her bloodline lives in her daughters and sons, some of whom challenged her
leadership and even snatched her kills,” said Nallamuthu.
i. Who is the speaker here and what is his profession?
M.I came to tell that the mango tree belongs to him from now on. This is the least I can
do for him. What he did today was precious , many lives were saved. One doesn’t get to
see such bravery from a little boy every day!
i. Who is the speaker here and to whom is he speaking?
ii.Who is addressed as precious here and why?
iii.What was being given to him as a reward?
iv.Name the author of this lesson.
N. Once on the empty railway track, Budhiya began to think of all the things that were
about to come his way, and they seemed scary.
i. Why was Budhiya worried?
ii. Why were the things seeming scary?
iii. Where was Budhiya at the moment?
iv. Did he have to face any consequences at the end?
Q1.Answer the following in about 35-40 words 2 Marks each
i. Why does Lord Ullin’s daughter defy her father and elope with her lover?
ii. Why does Lord Ullin’s wrath change into wailing on seeing his daughter?
Q3. Discuss in detail the underlying themes in the poem ‘Blow Bugle Blow’.
Q4. Do you think rain is good for us? Why? What are the problems people face during the
rainy season?
Q5. Write the character sketch of Tommo the narrator in about 80 – 100 words.
Q6. Why are the Typees called ‘simple savages’ by the writer? Compare their life with that
of simple country life.
Q7.What do you think was the reason for Machli’s fight with the crocodile ? Discuss.
Q8.Write in detail the reason Budhiya went to the orchard and his encounter with Ramu
Q9.Why had Ramu Chacha come to Budhiya’s house? Why was there a change of heart for
Q10. What kind of a person was Ramu Chacha? Explain with examples from the story.
i. Whom did Anjali see on entering the kitchen ?What was served to her as breakfast?
ii. What was the policy followed by Anjali’s father?
iii. What happened when she reached the school late? What was the reason she could not
concentrate in the class?
vii. What happened when Anjali woke up next morning? What did she ask Jamuna for?
viii. What was left of Anjali’s clothing after all expensive ones were burnt?
ix. How did Anjali behave with her parents after the incident?
x. What was the routine followed by Anjali’s mother since she had begun spinning?
xi. Why was Irfaan carrying bananas? Whom was he planning to give? Why?
Q1. With reference to the chapter 5, Who does Anjali follow after school? What does she
notice about her classmate that makes Anjali want to follow her? Write in detail.( about 80-
100 words)
Q2. How did Anjali react when she was asked to throw her clothes on the pile? What was the
explanation given by Anjali’s mother for burning all the clothes in the house? Write in detail.
( about 80-100 words)
Q3. How did Anjali behave with her parents after the incident? Do you think her behaviour was
Q4.What did Anjali’s mother bring into her classroom? What was inside it and write in detail the
explanation by Ma to the children about it?
Q5.What does Anjali’s mother talk about untouchables? What was Gandhiji’s opinion of them?