Run Issue 45 1987 Sep

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The document discusses word processing software, operating systems, and computer games for the Commodore 64 and 128 computers.

Fleet System 2+ and Fleet System 4 are word processing programs for the Commodore 64 and 128 respectively. They include a 90,000 word dictionary, thesaurus, text formatting tools, and can be bundled with Fleet Filer, a database program.

GEOS is a graphic user interface operating system that opens up new possibilities for the Commodore 64 and 128. It includes applications like KeoWrite for word processing and GeoDex for contact management.

The Scene at CES

September 1987

A CWC/I Publication

U.S.A. $2.95
CANADA $3.95
U.K. £2.00

The COMMODORE 64/128 User's Guide

\> Chat with Users
O Access Information
t> Download Software
l> Play Games
O And More!

Program of the Month

O RUN Notepad 128

l> Phaser Phire
O Screen Genie
\> Cursor Commotion

"A" Rating.
- Run Magazine, March, 1987.

Fleet System 2 + and 4 are powerful, easy to use and Function and the ability to Insert, Delete and Move Text
inexpensive. Both Fleet System 2+ for your Com easily.
modore 64 and Fleet System 4 for your Commodore 128 Now Fleet System 2 + and 4 are easier to use than ever!
include an Integrated Dictionary and Thesaurus.
You'll find it much easier to use your C64 with such Fleet
The 90,000 Word Dictionary is the largest and fastest System 2 + features as: Pop-Down Menus for easy access
available for the C64/128 and will spell check a ten page to all functions, Ability to Cut and Paste by words, sen
document in just 45 seconds. There's even room for an tences or paragraphs, Built-in Disk Utilities and enhanced
additional 10,000 "Custom" words! The Integrated The
printer support.
saurus provides thousands of synonyms ("like" words)
and antonyms ("opposite" words) instantly! ff you are a C128 user, Fleet System 4 offers such powerful
features as: Help Screens, Ram-Expansion Support, and
Fleet System 2 + and 4 have many other attractive
On-Screen Bold and Underline in Preview to Screen.
features such as: Extra Text Areas, Mail Merge, Preview
Fleet Filer with Fleet System 2 + and 4 at no extra cost!
Fleet Filer is a super-fast, menu-driven database that
.Fleet Jte handles up to 5,000 records and 20 text or numeric fields.
;■ FBerW In addition, Fleet Filer will sort records and input/output
information to Fleet System 2 + , 4 and most major word
processors. Fleet Filer can also be purchased separately
for only $39,95.

For more information, or the name of the dealer nearest you

call: 1-800-343-4074.

Professional Software, Inc.

51 Fremont Street
Needham, MA 02194

Flool Syslom 2 * . a ond Fleet Filar are designed anfl wnllsn by Visiontionics Group Inc
Commodre 6a and 12S or*' register BO uadomarfcs of Commodore E loci femes Ltd

Circle 93 on Reader Secwco caid

Circlo 134 on RofldH Eervea ccud.


GEOS 559?* WORKSHOP $49.«
The Graphic Environment All the GEOS-compatible tools a
Operating System that opens writer needs, including; Ku"Write
up a whole universe of new pos
F0NTPACK1 *29.« GEODEX $39." 2.0 with headers, footers and
sibilities for C64 'sand 12H's.Witl» A collection of 20 more fonts The GEOS-compatible directory features to justify, center, search
KeoWrite, geol'mnt, fast-loading for use with GEOS applications, that allows you to create lists by and replace text. Includes a Text
diskTuiboand support for all in various shapes and sizes for name, address, phone number, Grabber (for converting from
GEOS-compatible appticat ions. more expresnve am! creative etc. Includes gcuMcrge to custom programs like l'aper Clip), kuo-
*Also available fur HO col, C128fe documents. ize form letters and invitations. tStattB and LaserWriter printing
•Also available for HO col. capability.
*Also available for 80 col. C128b.


Four GLOS-compalible appli The GEOS-compatible, numbcr- The GEOS-compatible database CABLE $39."
cations: Grapliics Grabber lor cnmchJng spreadsheet for track- manager that sorts, edits and
The six-foot cable that speeds
importing art from I'rint Shop," iiin and analyzing numerical prioritizes whatever data you
up printing because it's paral
Newsroom'" and I'rinl Master1" data. Create your own formulas, feed it. You fill out the "input
lel—not serial. Connects easily
graphics; Cnlemlar: Icon Editor perform calculations for any- form," specify your command,
to CM's and C128's with fewer
and Blackjack Dealer. tiling from simple geometry to and geoFile takes it from there.
wires and no interface box.
•Alsoavailahle for 80 oil. C128s. "what i(" cost projections. •Also available for 80 col. C128's.
•Also available for 80 col. CI28s.

Sooner or later, you're going to discover Every GEOS application can take C64's
that there's more to C64's and C128's than fun and C128's from "mastering the universe" to a
and games. university master's degree, with all kinds of
You're going to discover power. advanced capabilities that function at hyper-
Not the kind of power that blasts aliens speeds you never imagined possible.
out of the galaxy. But the kind that whips So if you're tired of toying with technology,
through boatloads of data in seconds. The try playing around with GEOS. Once you feel
kind that crunches numbers and drafts docu its power, you'll know that for anyone who
ments like child's play. still thinks Commodores are toys,
The kind you find in GEOS. n Berkeley the game's over.
The brightest minds are working at Berkeley.
To order call 1-800-443-0100 ext. 234
(California residents add 7% sales tax.) $y.fid US/$5.50r<>n:i)>n for shipping and handling. Allow six weeks for delivery.
jnlBlm>tfC«niidanEle«ai«flgJJd GQS. WtafttntatBHiGifc
Iiai!ai4innH>r Ik-ifcrt-y S JLwiiV* S'liru Sh.p^ Clint Mjj.t, Nr-wvHpmii jnl I'JftfrL
No Brag, Just Fact! Over 1,800,000 programs sold to date—and each
program includes:
• Free Customer Technical Support (For all registered users)
• A Money Back Guarantee (If you can find a better program, we'll buy it for you)**
• A very liberal Upgrade & Exchange Policy (Which means you never have to
worry about obsolete software)**

Word Writer 3 has more fea A cartridge-based product
tures, more power, and is with eight instantly accessi
easier-to-use than any other PARTNER ble, memory-resident desktop
C64 word processor! accessories.
6<* Accessories include:
• An 85,000-Word Spell Appointment Calendar
Checker—plus, unlimited & Date Book
sub-dictionaries. Name, Address, and
• An Integrated Thesaurus Phone List
with over 60,000 synonyms Auto Dialer Memo Pad
and alternatives. Label Maker & Envelope
S.R.P. C64-S49.95
C128-$69.95 ■ An Integrated Outline Addresser
Processor that quickly S.R.P. C64-S49.95 Calculator Typewriter
organizes notes, tacls, and ideas into a convenient out C128-$59.95 Screen Print
line format.
An 80-Column Print Preview Mode Other features include:

Highlighting: Prints out your text incorporating under SwiftDos: Allows you to access Commodore disk drive
lining, boldface, italic, superscript, subscript, and more. commands any time.
• SwiftLock: Enter your secret code before you leave your
Headers and Footers
computer. The keyboard will be locked until you re-enter
Automatic Program Set-Up: Configures WORD
the code.
WRITER 3 to your choice ol printer codes, screen colors,
and more.
i Extended Printer Control: Enables you to send com
mands directly to your printer at any time.
SwiftKeys* access commands quickly, using a minimum
SwiftLoad: Allows your Commodore 1541 disk drive to
of keystrokes.
WORD WRITER 3, load as iast as the 1571 disk drive.
Compatible with GEOS" DATA MANAGER 2, and

Data Manager 2
The Critic's Choice SYSTEM 1

A highly flexible filing and

recordkeeping system that
stores, retrieves, sorts, eval
uates, and updates large
amounts of information.
..SW,FTCALC is B« e^legPggJllgedH Features:
outstanding price. A Report Writer: Gen

-U-na WORD WRITER is an abwlujywf^ erates customized data

reports. You specify the title,
location, and sequence of
each column.

SE ^
S.R.P. C64-S39.95
C12e-SB9.95 A Label Maker: Prints
your name and address file
deservedlyso. - umented onto standard mailing labels, and transfers and prints

2 «Ifpowerful enough text information onto labels and tags.

Quick Access to important information: Retrieves
and prints items by name, date range, index code—or
any category stored in the system.
Calculates numerical data from column to col
umn and field to field: Allows you to perform spread
■Reg. trademarks ol Commodore Electronics, Ltd.,
Berkeley Software, Inc.. Timeworks, Inc.
sheet tasks such as payroll calculations, cost estimates.
c 1982 Timeworks, Inc All Rights Reserved Compatible with GEOS

Otde 146 on Reada Semx caid

1,800,007 PROGRAMS,
Timeworks Desktop
Personal Financial Where you once needed
a typesetter, designer, and
Planner., paste-up artist, you can do
All the computer tools you'll it all yourself with THE
need to manage your money TIMEWORKS DESKTOP
on a day-to-day basis, and PUBLISHER. Includes every
plan your financial future, thing you need to produce
too! professional-quality printed
For Your Day-to-Day documents on your C64
S.R.P. S59.95 computer.
■ Maintains your elec Features:
S.R.P. C64-$49.95 ■ Automatic Page Style Formatting: Set up a page
tronic checkbook and
credit card transactions. style only once. The computer follows it automatically,
• Writes your checks and balances your checkbook. inserting rules, headers, and footers.
■ A Full-Featured Word Processor
• Prepares and monitors your budget
• Classifies and tracks your taxable income and • A Wide Variety of Font Styles in Multiple Sizes
expenses • A Built-in Text Editor that allows you to write head
• Calculates your net worth and generates cus lines, taglines, and captions to fit any space.
tomized personal financial statements • High Resolution Graphics: Imports illustrations and
■ Tracks your financial assets—and your insurance
graphics from leading
graphic programs.
■ Automatic Kerning:
For Your Financial Future:
Opens or tightens word
Leads you step-by-step through a series of questions
and letter spacing for a
regarding your financial goals, and your current financial
truly professional look.
condition. Your answers will enable your computer to
determine and print a summary of the amounts you must • A Wide Selection
save each year to meet your financial objectives—in both of Built-in Patterns,
real and inflated dollars. Textures, and Shades
• A Complete Set of
Built-in Drawing Tools:

SwiftCalc* Draw lines, boxes, circles,

and polygons automatically
A powerful, easy-to-use elec —or, draw free hand.
tronic spreadsheet designed • Use THE TIMEWORKS
for home and business use. DESKTOP PUBLISHER
Features; to produce: Newsletters,
Sideways: Prints all your Brochures, Flyers. Forms,
columns on one, continu Reports, Bulletins, Menus,
ous sheet...sideways. Certificates, Letterheads,
250 rows and 104 col Newspapers-the pos
umns provide more than sibilities are endlessl
25,000 cells (locations) in Available at your favorite dealer, or contact Timeworks today.
which to place information.
S.R.P. C64-S39.95 To Order Call: 1-312-948-9202
Performs mathematical For Update Information Call: 1-312-948-9206
functions, up to 12 digits.
Allows the use of minimum and maximum values, aver
ages, sums, integers, absolute values, and exponential
Performs financial analysis functions, calculates
the present and future value of a dollar and the present
and future value ol a constant amount (annuity). MORE POWER FOR YOUR DOLLAR
SwiftLoad: Allows your 1541 Disk Drive to load up to 5
Timeworks, Inc. 444 Lake Cook Road,
times faster.
Deerfield, Illinois 60015 312-948-9200
Produces "What If?" Reports: Applies mathematical
functions and algebraic formulas to any spreadsheet-type "Details or every Timeworks package
analysis, such as budgeting, financial planning, or cost
estimating. Calculates these formulas and produces
complicated '"What II?" Reports at the press ol a key.

Circle 1JG on Reader Seivico card.




Online Services Overview by Margaret Morainto 36

Join a telecommunications network and access libraries of inforinalion,
chat with other cotnputerisu, purchase merchandise ami much more.

The Online Arcade by Louis Wallace 40

Caming is more fun than ever when you play online.

Plug Into Telecommunications by David Bradley 42

To get online, you need a modem and a terminal program. Read how lllis
hardware and software works and what lo look for when yon shop for a

* 128 Notepad &j im> Kodadek 48

Now, RCWs popular desktop accessory for [he C-64 works
on the C-128, too.

COVER ILIUSTRATION BY MINJAE HON<; Summer CES: The Show Goes On by umh Wallace 56
The vitality of the C-84 and C-128 was evident at this summer's Consumer
Electronics Show. Unfortunately, Commodore missed ihe fun,

* Phaser Phire l>y Robert Cook 58

Even if you've never been a Trekkie, you'll have a blast routing those
abominable Klingons.

* C-64 Function Keys Made Useful iry Kenny Lawson 63

With (his program, the function keys on your CM become as beneficial
as those on ihe C-128.


RUNning Ruminations 8
Increased phone rales for online time may challenge the
telecommunications industry.

Magic byjbn Bordm 12

The original column of hints and tips for performing Commodore
computing wizardry.

News and New Products 16

Recent developments and releases in the world of Commodore computing.

Mail RUN 20
from our readers,

4 K V N ■ SKI'TtMBER ]'JH7
Software Gallery 24 Pnu imuh
Stt-phi-n TwOMIL*
Reviews of:
• Cash In—Cash Out * Up Periscope!
DHMIS Bresson
• Accolade's Comics • Legacy of the Ancients
Managing kui r
• Video Vegas • World Tour Golf
Swain Prait
• Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy
Review Editor
CEOWATCH by Matthew Strut 66 Copy Editor
fitW's column for users of the GEOS operating system. This month: setting Peg LePace

up ;i gcoFile database. New Product; Editor


* Easy Applications bjjokn Ryan 68 Tschnicai Manager

Loi' Wallace
Short but useful applications for your Commodore computer.
This month: a program thai calculates screen and color TiMfrniv WAUH
addressee for character-graphics layouts.
Jim I!" ■■'! ■• UUUUBTTMoRABnoi
Telecomputing Workshop by David HratUey 74 Jill .StraSMA

Advice and answers to your questions On modems, terminal programs,

bulletin boards, and more.
Rosslvn A. Fhick


Resource Center by Margaret Marabito 76 IIiih inn <. I I ti

RUN'a column on Commodores and education. This month: educational designers

opportunities offered by online services, Anne Dh.ii in
rober good!

Hardware Gallery 78 PaODUCnON Assistant

Rliu Benedict
Reviews of:
• The Final Cartridge • Comp-U-Temp, Version 2-0 AssodAn PmusHERfiAus Manager
Stephen Robbins

SaI.KS Hl3'Rh_SJ_MAU\rl-S
Commodore Clinic by Jim Strasm 82 Kenneth Biakeman

Got a problem or question related to Commodore computing? This Nancy Putiiir-Tiiompson

monthly column provides the answers. Class Ads

HeatherPaqueiteKasi Coast
Brenua BILUQMER-WeSI Coast
* MEGA-MAGIC l/y Markjoergtr 90
West COAST Sales
Tips and techniques that are bigger than Magic. This month: a minipro- Giorgio saluti. managex
grara that lets you save anything you input from the keyboard, MBO W. ttAVSHDHt ROAE). SUITE 201
Palo Ai.ui, CA 0-1303
How To Type RUN Listings 92
Advihiimm; Coordinator
Using KtWs Perfect Typist checksum programs. SUE DtJMlHOE

List of Advertisers 96 UAttKCrtNG M WAGER

Wenke Hakes
Coming Attractions 96
]li sis' Masai.i w
•this article contains a program listing, the program is also available on the
september-october 1987 rkrun disk.bee pace 93 for details.

Ml ,~l .1 -l.1i»."j| >n

r<'ph *, ifth. Ji>

w |Hp>-i>I « i' H


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Shipping (hrst unit) S3.00 [Dimtniiom Required
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head LIFE'Black, blue, brown, red, green, MONITORS StNOU Copy Salb manaueh
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■ Top quality GUARANTEED, double density fn^cnrjvrjt &lj IS 00

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Quick Link communications sollware: (714)471 6365
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A BUFFER AND A DATA SWITCH! IfmiBoipiii RUN Inrita n* imden to tcticl conlrlbu1
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PROTEUS phMojnphi id t>c cmiktcred tar inmiLlr publidttan
The ■■Siamese" Bufler YOU flic pi'Hrrliirr hn iulriiiiuin}( jn jriiElr i* (rutlinril In
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Cable S10.00 DLhcr tifri cspondence should br ilirccKil [41
WITH LOTTERY PC YOUR NEXT TICKET RUN, tdiioiijl Offices. 80 Elm Si, pKHbotough, Mi
shipping S4.00
■ Proieus directs two printers (working Ail^rrlrsinK ini|iiiti#a: Send yniiT COrmpondcnCC LO Aii1
simultaneously) and trees your computer lor uses me tawpowet ano storage ot *ou(
'rnrwii^ omen. Cw rjiiiiEnuii]cjii]oiufPeurrtwn>u|hr
cornpuicr iw dRMmiinc antfreiirmUie numbC'i ',elf(:liu:i
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I11...H" Kliti Mt«l. ItlnliunniKli. Ml OMBft LdephMB
KIHI.lll W1X
■ Now you can merge a form letter with your (tot Don (bo Hmlli'ti lo Nc one or two meihuds th.ii
Subtrripiirtn protilrms ur Irldcrsi c'rBn|-n f ..ill I KOO
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iheie i in nsttsf systen. avajatic LI'iT'rVKi (SV and Caiudun ntldoUI. l-SOO-TJSflllB)
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t>cl^ccn 9 a.m. and 5 pjrt-EST, Mtnrdj^-Krirl.r^ in wiile
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inlet;i,ili(iial Business MKhines Inc
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Computer COD ofders call

(312*566 4647
RUn BBS Tlir HiiTiiriirK Bojid b /t!'.V> rcjilti frnlbatl.
briUrnir board, which joii ran rrjlt amiimr. dj> nr DfB^U,
sc> en da" 4 wrcV Fcir uinodare LufamBdn ' ' Ilie nrjg-
■zfnc llic toninwxioTc indinlrv jnrl rin-i ji ifitniTTiTalion
SuF-efxx Micro Systems ifk DftlHOBI mall Commodore user!. Call:6"S-™JI-'J"IH."tho
1S2S0 N.W. Science Park Drive PO Boi JIJ * WWeimg H 60090 Hir ji [i r n u Hi • j 1 li use! a*!andirdprrH(-nil.HIIOLrjiidroiie«rrp

Portland. OR 97229. Tele* 4949559 hi(. juip.rrii>. hill duplex And il hiuiilrr ifli liul tight hill

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Circle 274 on Roador Servlco card. Circle 194 on Rondor Sorvlco c&n
Circto 76 on Header Serves catd


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RUNning Ruminations
A proposed FCC rate hike could seriously dampen activity
in the online community.

is the Party Over? the types of services and features offered ance is the popular RUN Special Issue,
by the computer networks for Commo which includes many of the traditional
Remember the promise of telecom dore users. We'll tell you how to gel Special Issue features that our readers
munication! i» create ;i generation of started online, give you a glimpse of ihc have come to expect, as well as some
computerists who could communicate, world of telcgaming and show how you, new highlights.
slid]), work, bank and access tons of tOO, can become involved online. Chief of these is the holiday gift guide,
information—;iH from the comfori of which offers shoppers plenty of gift-giv
RUN SPECIAL PRODUCTS ing ideas for the computing relative or
their homes?
While ;i generation <>i' stay-at-home In response to requests from readers friend. Don't go shopping without this
computerists has noi yet materialized, for more information about Commo handy companion.
the telecommunications industry— dore computing and the marketplace, Back by popular demand in this year's
after a few stumbles—boasts a modest, RUN offers special products that sup issue are Jim and Ellen Strasma, who
although growing, number of users, plement and lake advantage of the in have compiled answers to the most com
Today we sec thousands of comput- formation published in the magazine. monly asked questions about Commo
erists getting online to access news, You'll notice in this issue ads outlin doti1 computing. This is a helpful guide
exchange information, download pro ing three of this year's special products for the beginner or experienced user
grams, leave messages, take courses, that we have been working on. Some of who has questions about software, hard-
play games and chat with other users. you may already be familiar with our ware, applications, programming or
In fact, this social aspect of telecom "specials," which, judging from your re new products.
munications has prompted some to actions in the past, contain valuable You also won't want to miss Ellis year's
compare these online gatherings with a supplemental information for the 64 collection of Magic tricks, which by
computer cocktail party, llm the party and 128. themselves are worth the price of the
may soon be busted. Those who are not familiar with the publication. Imagine a year's worth of
The FCC is the party-crash it. threat specials owe ii to themselves to check hints and tips!
ening this burgeoning market wrath a them out this year. They are generated Also included are several useful utili
proposal that would, iii effect, greatly with the RUN reader in mind. We're ties and applications listings that readers
increase the cost to compuicrisls ac sure that there's something here to help can type in and add to their software li
cessing these services. Phone charges, readers of all skill levels—from ihc be brary collection.
which start at a low of $3.60 per hour ginner to the more advanced C-(i'l and Be sure to collect this year's free pull-
of online time, could double as a result C-128 user—increase computing pro out wall calendar inside the Special Is
ol the proposal. This could "have the ductivity. Let us know if you find these sue. This computing calendar, which is
effect of potentially killing the mar useful and if you have any suggestions a must for every Commodore comput-
ket," QuantumLink vice-president Steve for improvement, erist, highlights the important dates in
Case was recently quoted as saying in Be on the lookout for the following the annals of personal computing, as
the Wall Street journal. offerings: well as the significant milestones in the
Whereas the business community history of Commodore computing.
might be able to absorb such a rate —The Productivity Pak makes its de
increase, the home computer market but for the third year in a row, with new —We're also introducing something
would be much harder hit. If this dev and improved programs, Everything new this year. It's called the Limited Edi
astating proposal goes Into effect, offi you need is here on one disk—a word tion and features the best Magic tricks
cials predict that the number of online processor and a database management published in RUN from its inception in
searches for information and online program and spreadsheet. In addition, January 1984 through die December
chatter could be drastically reduced. it will give you a couple of applications, 1986 issue. We've selected the best 200
With this threat looming over the in including a desktop accessory program. tricks to help both the beginning and
dustry, users, as well as officials of the These high-quality 64 and 128 pro advanced 6-1 and 128 user. Nowhere else
information services, have mobilized grams are an inexpensive way for you will you find such useful information
and expressed their concerns t" the FCC. 10 become involved with the essential packaged in such a convenient format.
The threat notwithstanding, the com "productive" applications of comput
puter network Industry lias made great ing. We've designed them as easy-to-use
strides in the last year. We've seen more for the beginner, but they pack plenty
and more activity online, with numer of power for the more advanced appli £sL«-*-t-*-c9-—-'
ous new services being added to attract cations user.
home computer users. Dennis Brisson
This month we take a look ai some of —Making its fourth annual appear Editor-in-Chief


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Compiled by JIM BORDEN

$415 Save Time by Saving to Side B First 60 PRINT#15,llUB:8,0,18,0":PRINT/n5,"l0":CL

Using a disk that's been formatted in 1571 mode theoretl
cally saves time by eliminating the need for disk swaps when
—Ian W. Pearse, Earlville, Qld., Australia
you save and access data files. However, in reality ilie time
advantage is lust, because when the drive program is saving
to side B, it has 10 check the block allocation map (HAM) on S41G Scratching with Wild Cards
side A after writing fiery block. If you intend to scratch several files beginning with die
To overcome this problem, formal a new disk and then run same few characters by using a wildcard character (* or ?), it's
my BAM Filler program, which allocates all blinks on side A easy to see which files will be scratched by using the same
(except the directory). Then save the main program and sup character with the DOS Wedge or the Directory command
port files to side B. Finally, use the Collect command to free For example, if you're thinking of scratching all files whose
side A once again. names start with FILE, use @$():FILE* with the Wedge, or type
Wait until after Collect finishes executing to pul an auto- in DIRECTORY "FILE*" on theC-128. Then you can go ahead
bool program on the disk. Otherwise, it will free die autobool and use the wild card, or Individually scratch only those files
block. you really want ti> eliminate.

—Ian W. Pearse, EARLVTLLE, Qld., Australia

20 NU$=CHR$|0)
30 OPEN!5,8,15,"10":OPENS,8,8,"#"iPRINT*15 $417 1541 vs 1571 Sector Interleave
,"UA:8,0,18,0" I write C-64 programs on both the C-64 and C-128, with
40 PRINT#15,"B-P:8,4":FORX=4TO71 :PRINT#8,N 1541 and 1571 disk drives. When I use fast-loaders. Cfi-1 pro
U$;:NEXT grams thai I've saved with a 1571 drive require nearly twice
50 PRINT#15,"B-P:8,76":FORX=76TO143:PRINT# as much lime to load as those saved with a 1541 drive.
8,NU$;:NEXT Investigation showed dial the blocks in the I Ml-saved files


$418 C-64 River Run 50 A=INT(RND<1)*3>+1:IFP<5TIIENA=1
60 IFP>22THENA-2
One day, as you speed downstream in your new power
70 T=INT{RNDI1)*40):P0KE1984+T,30:POKE5625
boat, you suddenly bear a roaring ahead. Beware! There
arc rapids ahead!
80 ONAGOTO90,!00,110
River RUN works on the C-G-l or in 40-Column mode on
90 P=P+1:PRINTP$;SPC(P);A$:Q=0:GOTO120
the C-128. The farther downstream you travel, the more
100 PRINTP$;SPC(P);B$;P=P-1:Q=0:GOTO120
rocks you'll encounter and the higher your score will be.
110 PRINTP$;SPC(P+1);C$:Q=1
Use the comma key to make the boat turn left and the
120 S=S+1:PRINT"(HOME)";S:IFK$=","THENB=B-
period key to turn right. When you crash, you'll be asked
if you want to play again.
130 IFK$="."THENB=B+1
140 IFPEEK(SC + B)o160THEN180
10 ftS = "!COMD 7HC0MD + HCTRL 9}{2 SHFT Ms) 160 R=INT(RND(1)*100):IFR<P%THENT=INT(RND(
(6 SPACEs)(2 SHFT Ms}{COMD *HCTRL 0)": 1 )*( 5 + 2*Q) ) :R=T+P + 4-Q:POKE194'5+R,209
170 P%=P%+5*ABS(S/20=INT(S/20)):GOTO50
180 POKESC-tB, 1 70 :FORX = 1TO1 000: NEXT: PRINT"!
. |":CS="(COMD 7HCTRL 9)(2 COMD Ms){7 S
:POKE53281,13:POKE532 65,23:POKE650,128
30 P$ = "{HOME)":FORA = 1TO24:P$ = P$-t-"{CRSR DN)
40 FORX=1TO25:PRINTSPC|P+1);C$:NEXT —Robin blaine. Louisville, MS


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were separaicd hy ten blocks (interleave = 10), while blocks in S41A C-64 Wedge Handler
die 1571-saved files were separated by six blocks (inier-
If you're like me, you'll waul a copy of the DOS Wedge on
leave=6). Typically, ;i 1641 fast-loader program can transfer each of your disks. I use die following program to load acid
two blocks ofa program io the computer with each revolution boot the Wedge's DOS 5.1 program. Then, whenever 1 want
of the disk. When programs are saved with a 1571, however, to copy the machine language program onto other disks, that
the blocks are too close, and the fast loaders can read only one
option is always available, and 1 can even save my wedge
block per revolution.
handler at die same time.
In 1571 mode, the drive is fast enough to pick up three
blocks on each spin. Unfortunately die default interleave is (> 10 PRINT"{SHFT CLRJC-64 WEDGE HANDLER - JO
in hodi 1571 ami 1511 modes, fortunately, you can change E CHARNETSKI"
the interleave defaull with ibis program line: 20 IF BY = 0 THEN BY=52224:F$="DOS 5.1":LOAD
20 OPEN 15,8,15:PRINTin5,"M-W"CHR$(105)CIIR
The final CHRS value is the interleave value, in this case, THIS PROGRAM TOO (Y/N)";B$
10. If you use this line before1 saving programs on a 1571, your 50 PRINT"{CRSR DNUNSERT TARGET DISK - HIT
CMi-1 fas! loaders will work al full speed. However, using this ANY KEY"
Mm' for 128 programs will make them load more slowly in 60 GET C$:IF C$="" GOTO 60
1571 mode. 70 OPEN15,8,15,"I0":OPEN7,8,9,F$+",P,W
—Ray Roberts, Gainesville, fl 80 INPUT#15,D,E$:IF D THEN PRINTES:G0T0U0
90 PRINT#7,CHR$(0);CHR$(204);
100 FOR I=0TO857:PRINT#7,CHR$(PEEK(I+BY));
$419 1541 DOS Wedge Command Summary
Many new C-C4 users nay nol be aware of the full usefulness
110 close7:if b$ = "y"t!ien save "wedge handl
of the DOS Wedge utility thai comes on tlie demo disk sup
er",8:input#15,d,e$:print e$
plied with the disk drive. 1 lere's a summary of the commands
120 if d=0 then print"d0ne."
available with this very handy Utility. Refer to the drive manual
130 close15:goto30
lor a full explanation of the DOS commands. Note, however,
that nol all the DOS Wedge commands listed here arc covered
—Joseph r. Charnetskj, Dallas, pa
in (he older manuals.

©—Returns the current disk suilus.

S41BC-128 Escape ESC
@S—Lira ihc directory to iht- icreen without disturbing the pro-
nun in memory. (Note: Tiiu ilic spate bar to snip and start tin1 I've found an undocumented escape function in theC-128's
screen editor. Just press the escape key twice. The double
@l(l—Initializes the disk drive. escape disables Reverse, Underline, Insert (from tile insert-
delete key] and Quote modes. The result is the same as press
@UJ—Software reset for the DOS.
@V0—Validates disk. ing ESC O, but it's easier to type.
@#N (where N is the drive number, 8 to 15]—If you have two or —Charles lavin, Coral Gables, fl
more- drives, this command Ids yiiu Switch the DOS Wedge com
mands back and faith between drives, ftr Instance, @#'.) will lend
S41C C-64 Joy Function
thr tiimtimnds to drive 'J.
@N(M)1SK NAMK.ll)—format) ;t disk. (Warning:Thh command d&
My joystick interpreter makes it easy to read the joystick
positions on the C-64. This intcrrupt-driven program resides
itroyi all data on a disk.)
@t:():NEW FILENAME = {):C)1.DFII.KNAMK—Makes a copy of an in the cassette buffer, and, when activated by SYS 828, it runs
old lilt on me same disk under ;■ neu1 filename. in the background until you press run-stopAres tore.
You can find die positions of die joysticks by peeking mem
@R0:NEW NAME = HOLD NAME—Renames a file on the disk.
@S0:FILENAME—Scraiches a file from the disk.
ory location 252 for purl 2 or 253 for port l.'jusl like the Joy
(FILENAME—Loads a Basic program,
function in Basic 7.0, the locations of the joysticks are as
I FILENAME—Loads and inns b Basic program. follows:

% FILENAME—Loads a program back Into memory ai the exact 8 I 2

place ii was saved from, (lor binary i'\\ca such as DOS 5,1.) Note: The 703
latter three commands c;m he used In a directory listing hy typing 654
the first character in the first Column and pressing return; the
Wedge will see only Itte filename Within quotes and ignore any Other
Add 16 if the fire-button is pressed. If you peek location
character? on the line.
252 and get a value of 20, thai means joystick 2 is pushed in
—FILENAME—Saves a program to disk.
the southeast direction and die fire-button is pressed.
QQ—Disables the DOS Wedge program.
Note thai > can be used Instead of @. Also, to use DOS ROGER MOORE
Wedge commands in a program requires a different syntax 20 FORX=828TO885:READA:POKEX,A:C=C+A:NEXT
First type the @ and then include (he command within quotes. 30 IFC<>5208 THENPRINT"DATA ERROR!"
For example, 10 @"10" will initialize the drive (assuming the 40 DATA 120,169,73,141,20,3,169,3,141,21,3
Wedge is active).
—Don Griffey, hofkinsvillk. ky Continued ira p. H6.

14 RUN ■ SEPTKM1IKK 1987


Submarine Simulation In The World! SUBMARINE SIMULATION

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Crfda 68 on Peadfn Service carH

News and New Products
Find out what was new at the Summer CES
in Chicago, and learn about some surprising buying

trends among computer retailers.


Surprising Buying speed, altitude and bomb-drop points from five to ten projects during its start
for the entire bomber formation. up phase.
Training missions to Mostar and Bu For more information on the MECC/
AMBLEK. PA—IMS America, Ltd., charest have been included to let you UM Center for the Study of Educational
Computer Markets Division, a market sharpen your take-off, landing and Technology, contact the MECC Admin
research organization, reports some sur bombing skills. An on-screen Instru istrative Vice-President, 3650 Lexington
prising changes over the last year in ment panel indicates altitude, rate of Ave. North, St. Paul. MN 55126; 612-481-
retailer purchases in a number of cate climb, heading, air speed, degree of 3650, or the Office of the Dean, College
gories of peripherals. The company's bank/turn and degree of pitch. Features of Education, 104 Burton Hall, Univer
audit of February 1987 purchases by include the ability lo select and adjust sity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
computer stores shows remarkable variables, such as the level of engine per 55455; 612-625-6806.
growth in several unrelated categories. formance, the reliability of fighter es
The biggest of these changes is a 215.4 corts, bombing accuracy and the prob Manage Your Own
percent increase in dollar purchases of ability of being intercepted by enemy Football Team
disk drives in formats smaller than four lighters and flak. To increase realism,
inches. BALTIMORE—General Manager Disk,
you can choose to have random weath
The report also shows, in part, that an expansion program for the computer
er conditions.
hard disk drive purchases grew 118.4 football game, Super Sunday, has been
B-24 is available for the C-64 at $34.95
percent, keyboards gained 130.5 per from Strategic Simulations, 1046 N.
released by The Avalon Hill Game Com
cent and circuit protection devices were pany (4517 Harford Rd., Baltimore, MD
Rengstorff Ave., Mountain View, CA
up 84.6 percent. Video display terminals 21214). The program lets you, in the role
climbed 95.3 percent, networking de of general manager, accumulate game
Check Reader Service number -107.
vices were up 163.2 percent and acces statistics, build new learns through as-
sories grew 99.8 percent. lute trades and even create different
On the down side, purchases of mul
MECC/UM CENTER TO league standings. Everything can be
tifunction cards by computer stores de Study Educational printed out to help keep track of your
clined 10.6 percent. Technology team. It's available for the C-64 for §30.
Check Reader Service number 400.
ST. PAUL—The Minnesota Education
Takeoff! al Computing Corporation (MECC) and
the College of Education, University of
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA—The realtime
flight simulator, 11-24, is a simulation of Minnesota, have announced a prelimi BERKELEY, CA—Berkeley Softworks
19 World War II missions flown by the nary agreement lo form a partnership (2150 Shaltuck Ave., Berkeley. CA 94704),
406th Bombardment Group to the to create a Center for the Study o! Edu developers of GEOS. the disk operating
Ploesti, Romania, oil fields. You act as cational Technology. The primary pur system for the &64 and C-128, has re
pilot, copilot, navigator, engineer and pose of die Center will be to foster leased geoProgrammer, a full-featured,

bombardier in the lead B-24 Liberator research within die two organizations application-development software pack

plane, and determine the flight path. on how technology can most effectively age. Targeted at programmers with a
be used in schools. good understanding of 6502 assembly
Don Rawitsch, MECC administrative language, il is available for $69.95.
vice-president, said, 'There is a great The company's word processor, geo-
need to put more systematic study Write, is used as the editor for the as
behind the decisions being made by sembler, allowing you to print special
schools that use technology and the com comments in your listings in boldface or
panies that supply ihat technology." italics to increase the readability of
The Center will collect information source code. When graphics need to be
on how technology-1>ascd methods can defined in a program, you can just paste
help people learn. Research projects In a picture from geoPaint. Graphics ap
Will focus on the design ofeffective tech pear as pictures in the listing, instead of
nology-based learning materials, the as a long list of numbers.
systematic preparation of educators to Ge<Programmer includes three func
use technology, and the organization of tions: geoAssembler, geoLinker and
school operations to maximize the ef geoDebugger.
You're on your awn in Strategic fectiveness of technology. GeoAssembler reads source text from
Simulations' flight simulator, B-24. The Center is expected to support a geoWrite document. You can define


Tsachers can enter
their own stories
and questions in
Weekly Reader's
Stickybear Reading

over 1000 labels for each assembly mod uf'acture, sale and marketing of Micro
ule. Any expressions you use can include Prose Software's product line through
any combination of arithmetic and log out Europe. "Gunship has become the
ical operators. The macro facility sup classic C-64 game in England," said Bell,
ports nested invocation and multiple "and we're expecting similar results
arguments. Pseudo-opera tors are incor from Pirates!"
porated into geoAssmblcr for condi
tional assembly, memory segment-type A-MAZE-INCl
definition and space allocation. The sys
ALAMEDA, CA—Iq Soko-Ban, you're
tem also places error messages in your
in the midst of a maze, widi large boxes
geoWrite document.
scattered throughout. Your job is to ef
GeoLinker accepts link structure from
ficiently and neatly arrange the boxes in
geoWrite documents and reads relo been released by Weekly Reader Family
one specific location. Patience and a
catable object modules produced by Software (245 Long Mill Rd., Middle-
well-developed strategy arc the name of
gcoAssembler. It also supports construe' town, CT 06457). The package contains
the game, if you're to successfully move
tion of GEOS Seq-type and VL1R (mod more than 30 stories, each one followed
each box to where it belongs. Moving
ule-swapping) applications and resolves by comprehension questions for chil
the wrong box too early can make it
all cross references, and it evaluates un dren to answer. Features include enter
difficult or even impossible to access
resolved arithmetic and logical expres ing your own stories and questions,
sions passed from the assembler. choosing appropriate gradc-ievel stories
There are 99 floors, 50 of them with
GeoDebugger, the program's interac (grades 2-4) and printing out the stories
predesigned layouts to keep your mind
tive symbolic debugger, automatically and answers. The program also auto
stimulated. You can create an addition
transform! the RAM expansion unit matically advances to the level of the
al 49 mazes of your own. SokoBan is
into a monitor, so you can debug ap child. The package, for the C-64, in
available for the C-64 from Spectrum
plications using maximum available cludes a user's guide and poster, and
HoloByte, 2061 Challenger Drive, Ala-
memory. The debugger also provides retails for $29.95.
meda, CA 94501. Price unavailable at
memory examination and modification Check Reader Service number 405.
press time.
commands, including symbolic line-
Check Reader Service number 403.
disassembly and a line assembler for
Amnesia and the Battles
patching codes. All of the results are
printed into a special overlay text win It's in the Cards Of Normandy
dow, m> that an application's graphics CHFJtRY HIII, NJ—Two new thematic SAN MATF.O, CA—Electronic Arts
screen is unaffected. greeting card collections. Season's Greet (1820 Gateway Drive, San Mateo, CA
Check Reader Service number 402. ings and Merry Christmas, have been 94404) has released two games for the
released by Classic Compu (3100 W. C-64. Prices were unavailable al the
time we went to press.
MicroProse Leads Chapel Ave., Cherry Hill, NJ 08002). The
continuous tractor-feed greeting cards In tlie mystery thriller, Amnesia, a full-
European Market in
are designed to be used with any word length interactive novel, you learn that
Entertainment Software a strange woman wants to marry you, a
processor and printer. You can add per
BALTIMORE—MicroProse Software sonal pizza// to messages, greetings and strange man is trying to kill you, the state
Ltd., the United Kingdom subsidiary of announcements inside each card. In ad of Texas wants you for murder—and
MicroProse Software, Inc., has firmly es dition, each collection is packaged with you don't know why! You'll explore over
tablished itself as the European market 50 stationery cards and 40 matching 4000 Manhattan locations, including the
leader in entertainment software after envelopes. It's available for the C-64 entire subway system, as you search for
only ten months in operation, accord for SI 1-95. your identity.
ing to Stewart Bell, managing director of Check Reader Service number 406. Battles of Normandy, the sequel to
the firm. Bank-front, relives the 1944 Allied in
"We're doing a substantial volume vasion of Normandy and the two months
Improving Reading
of business," said Bell, "exceeding all of hard fighting that followed. Eight his
of our turnover, sales and profit pro Comprehension toric battles are fought on a full hex-
jections. We started with only one per MIDDLETOWN, CT—Stickybear Read grid map of the Normandy peninsula,
son in August 1986 and now have 27 ing Comprehension, a multilevel read or you can use the battle construction
employees." ing program designed to improve the set to create completely new battles.
MPS Ltd. is responsible for the man- reading skills of children ages 8-11, has Check Reader Service number 401. ■


Up Periscope!, the new slate of the
art in submarine simulation! Blow
ing the competition out of the water
graphic i«h™>°9"B isenvxJ «om SubLOGK, with superior combat strategy and
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SubLOGIC. Up Periscope!,
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- 529.95 -
Better Engineering at a Better

Compare hits for yourself! Up Periscope! Silent Service

Flrei Suggested Retail Price S29.9S S34.S5

Fire a 3-Dimenslonal Graphics Yes No

Fire 3 Number of Scenarios 6 3

Fire 4 Split-Screen Views Yes NO

Fire 5 Reality Levels 11 7

Fire 6 Radar Screen Yas No

Fire 7 Accu-Sound'" realism Yes No

Fire 8 Torpedo Types 3 1

Fire 9 Auto or Manual Torpedo Launch Yes Yas

Fire 10 Time-Day-Mo nth-Year Selection Capability Yes No

Fire 11 Zoom Feature Map or Map View

Ship Views Only

Fire 12 Submarine Strategy & Tactics Manual by John Patten, Capt. USN Yes No

Fire 13 Auto-Load Feature on C128 Yes No

Fire 14 Joystick Required No Yes

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And don't forget ThunderChopper! Or write or call for more information.

For true helicopter action and Up Periscope! and Thunder

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corporates the most advanced and IBM PC line of personal

graphics, (light systems, and game- computers for the suggested retail

playing factors to provide a sensa price of $29.95. For direct orders

please specify which computer ver
tional balance of strategy and fun.
sion you want. Include $2.00 for
shipping (outside U.S. $6.25) and
specify UPS or first class mail
' 1987 ActionSoft Corporation
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Commodore 64 and Commodore 128 are charges accepted.
trade marks of Commodore Electronics Ltd.
Apple II Is a trademark of Apple Computer,

IBM Is a registered trademark of International
Business Machines Corp.


CHAMPAIGN. IL 61820 (217) 39BB38S

C.rdo IBS on Readw Sawcn end

Mail RUN
Firul out how readers are reacting to our new look, where to get

your Cardco periplierals repaired and zvlwre you can buy

software and return it ifyou 're not satisfied.

Cardco Repairs where you can buy a program and then, game's time factor and what he consid
if you decide it's not righi for your ered to be a lack of plays easy enough
The following information will be ap-
needs, return the program and get your for school-age children. He failed to
preciated by people who, like myself,
money back." I'm the assistant manager mention that we recommend not using
have been searching for help with Cardco
of a B. Dalton Software Etc.. . . store, the game clock when young children are
products thai have gone had, since
and it's our company's policy to let cus playing, and that one of the main pur
Cardco is no longer in business. The
tomers return any product with which poses of the "cheat sheet" cards is to
Supra Corporation has purchased the
they aren't satisfied, for whatever rea (ailor the game to tile interests and abil
manufacturing and marketing rights for
son, for a lull refund. We'll also open ities of (lie players, including school-age
all of Cardco's Commodore peripherals.
almost any package in the store and children from fourth grade up.
They'll also service items previously pur
demo ii. For this purpose, we keep var —PAUL GRANCHELLI
chased directly from Cardco, although
ious computers, including a C-128, on
they cannot honor the old Cardco life President
the premises. We can't demo the few Buzzword Game Company
time warranty. In the case of an item
products where the software writes to 5582 S. Zeno Court
such as the Cardco Plui G Interface, they
and configures the disk permanently, Aurora, IL 80015
would charge SI 5 for the repair and re
but our open return policy still applies.
turn the item postpaid.
If you're interested In having Supra —ClIFP l)]R<;o
repair a Cardco product, contac! them B. Dalton Soki ware Etc. Which Comes First. . ?
at 11SS Commercial Way, Albany, OR Fort Collins, CO
We've received several tellers from readers
97321; 503-967-9075. They'll give you an pointing out that Annette Ilituhnw's article
estimate and ;i "return authority num "Do's and Don'ts of (Computer Care" in the
ber," which you should mark promi
Old Friend, New Guise
June 19H1 issue contradicts the Commodore
nently on the outside of the package One <!;iy early in June, I glanced into
manuals when it says to turn on the disk drive
when you send the Item ti> them. Include my mailbox and saw a strange magazine
and printer after the computer. The article, is
:t check for the amount they (juolcd, as thai seemed to he trying to say it was an
correct While it realty tloesn 't matter with the
well as a letter describing the symptoms old friend—RUN. At first I thought,
C-64, it matters a great deal which is turned
of malfunction. what have they done? When 1 brought it
onfirsl viith the 0128. Ifyou turn on tlie 128
in, 1 discovered (here were changes in
—R. T. SAPONAS last, it'll attempt to autoboot the first fid' on
side, too—the whole magazine had been
Colorado Springs, CO the disk. If the disk isn 't in the drive, the head
remodeled. The kitchen had moved to
will quickly go out of alignment.
where the living room was, Mail RUN
Where's That Program? was closer to the fronl. New Products —EDITORS
RUNdowu had a new name.
When I received last July's issue and
I read through to make sure il was still
turned to the table of contents, the Fea Biased Publicity
RUN. Luckily, it was. I'm getting over my
ture, "Outlining Your Thoughis" caught As president of the Maine State Sysop's
initial objections to the facelift, and now
my eye. After reading the article, T
I realize the new look is rather attractive, Association, I make a point of reading
couldn't help but smile as I contem your Telecomputing Workshop column
plated how you'd get the program listing —Aaron Plkomsik
to keep in touch with ihc telecomputing
on ihc ReRUN disk. Worcks 1KR, MA
world. It's distressing to see that Public
—Ralph E. Brown Domain Solutions is listed as the main
SlILLTON, CT source of public domain telecommuni
Buzzword Review cations software. I think you're overstep
Good point. We apologize for our slip in We were pleased that you reviewed ping your bounds by giving this one com
the (able of contents, There, shouldn't have our game Buzzword in last June's is pany free advertising and not referring
been an asterisk ill front of "Outlining Your sue, hut we were dismayed by Mike the reader to a user's group where the
TTujugkts." same software could he had lor free, at
I iiushaw's criticism dial "after playing a
—Editors number of times, you could memorize the same time promoting membership in
these nonprofit organizations.
many of the answers." We find that com
ment ironic, because we believe that a —RICHARD A. LEMBREE
vocabulary game that doesn't enable the Kennebunkfort, ME
Unsatisfactory Software players to memorise (leant) the answers
In last April's Mail RUN, Garvey fails in its purpose. We were equally dis To rectify any overemphasis on one source,
said that he knew of'no software store mayed that Mr. Hinshaw criticized the we plan to include a more complete list of


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sources ofGommodart public domain software efforts of both commercial enterprises demo disk that came with my disk drive
in a future issue. Ifreaders have suggestions ami user's groups lo increase the supply to copy irack 18, sector 1 of the stamp
for sources—noncommercial or commercial— of program! for this machine. collection disk. Next, I copied all the
we hope they'll let us know, Send your suggts- tracks and sectors and found where each
—Roy G. Taylor
lions lo Mail RUN. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada iile began. Then, using Disk Doctor

—Editors from the June 1985 issue of RUN, I

changed the directory back to what il
User's Group
was supposed to be and recovered my
Losing the Faith Hospital Project stamp files. This process look a while,
I've been a faithful RUN reader for We at ihe Upper Peninsula Computer but mil nearly as long as rccuicring all

three yean, because ymir material has Users Glub have recently approved a ihe data cm my collection. 1 hope others
responded to my Deeds, However, now project to donate computer equipment who've suffered similar disasters will
I'm disenchanted. In your new format, and software to ihe pediatric depart benefit from my experience.
tlie articles blend in with ihe advertise ments of ihe two hospitals in Marquette —C. P. MATURIN
ments, making the magazine harder to County, Michigan. We feel these com New Iberia. LA
read. Also, too much of the magazine is puters will help occupy ihe young pa-

now devoted 10 die C-128. As a C-G4 licnts' lime constructively and relieve
owner, I'm gelling only half as much their anxiety ai being alone, as well as Mail Order in Alaska
usable information as I used to. create good feelings in our communily A Unique Experience
and promote Commodore computing.
—Larry D. Baxlky 1 read "Mail Order Maxims," by
The systems will lie set up on wheeled
Sulphur Springs, TX Christine AdameC, in last May's issue
bedside tables the nurses will bring into
and was amused. The amhor neglected
the children's rooms.
to add a tutorial on the special mail or
New Look and New We've written to various suppliers of
der needs of Alaskans. Some of the pit
Column computer products, seeking donations,
falls I've encountered, could easily be
and have received favorable responses
I love your new look. Ir\s very profes avoided if the mail order houses were
from a numher of national .software ven
sional and brings RUN into ihc '80s. I aware of a few facts:
dors. Any ideas from other RUN leaders
especially like the shaded bands in the Alaska is purl of the United States. I've
or user's groups, and, of course, dona
program listings. They make typing in had my credit cards (even American Ex
tions, would be welcome. Perhaps other
the listings much easier. press) refused, because They don't: take
Commodore chilis in oilier areas would
The article, "GEOS One Year Later," cards from foreign countries!
like lo try a similar project
is righl on target. Everyone who owns a It costs no more to mail to Alaska than
C-64 should have GEOS. It makes [he (H —David Ku;lkr to California. I've been charged as much
superior to tnosl computers on the mar PRESIDENT, UPCUC as three limes the actual postage.
ket. I hope you'll he publishing more on (ill) EAST Riix;i-:St. Tlieabhreviaiion for Alaska is AK, not
GKOS in upcoming articles—maybe ishpehing, mi -19849 AL. More than once my merchandise
even a department entirely devoted lo lias gone to Alabama.
GF.OS. 128 Numeric Keypad UPS docs not serve Alaska. Much time
has been wasted in attempting to ship
—Douglas F. Aaron With Master Grades
here via UPS. I, for one, gladly pay a
Address unknown Thanks to Jim ISorden for his C-I2H
liiile extra lor air parcel post.
Keys in (M Mode program in last May's
Alaska is huge and varied, wiih many
No sooner said than done. As yim'vr prob Mega-Magic, Teachers who use the Mas remote places. Advertisers need to treat
ably irtreatty discovered, l/ist month we started ter Grades program from Midwest Soft Alaskans individually, because our cir
our geo Watch column. Written liy Matthew ware will be interested to know that ihe
Stern, it'll keepyou abreast of GEOS news and
cumstances are so varied. We appreciate
128 Keys program is compatible with it. businesses that listen and try to under
applications. In irsing Master Grades, which is de stand our needs; we order from them
—EDITORS signed for ihe C-64, you input grades again, and we recommend them lo our
wiih ihe number keys across ihe top of
friends. Several RUN advertisers have
the keyboard. With 1'JH Keys in place,
C-128 Disk Libraries given us good service, and we've spent
you Can use the G-128's numeric keypad
hundreds of dollars giving them repeal
Being a regular reader of RUN, I feel instead, even though you're iit ti-l mode. business.
I should respond to die letters (bat have Just load 128 Keys and run it, then load
been appearing in (he Mail RUN col Master' Grades as usual. —Anita F. Hales
umn about the lack of software for the KETc:hikan. AK
C-128. I was glad to see several positive
responses in ihe June issue. 1 concur that
some really fine commercial software A Call to Readers
tor die I 28 has surfaced during (be past Rescuing Datafile Files This page is your stage, so stand up ami
year, and Commodore user's groups ace When I typed in the updated Datafile Say afew words. Extend praise, air grievances
adding ro (he momentum by setting up S.6 program from last February's issue, or offer han<L\-on ailvice anil information.
C-I28 disk libraries. My group, the Ham I mistakenly lyped an S where I should Send your letters to Mail RUN, SO Elm
ilton Commodore User Group, now has have typed a $. When I ran the program, St., Peterborough, NH 03458. Each letter
four such disks in its collection. I hope ii erased the entire disk that contained must include the urriter's name ami complete
readers who've complained about ihe my stamp collection Tiles. address, RUN reserves tlie righl to edit Utters
lack of GIL'S software will support ihe To remedy the situation, 1 used Ihe for style, clarity arul space. ■


S39-9S Series

atari a-m /fit/ PC'

dl US

You love playing games, but sometimes you'd rather build Heady to shift from construction to destruction? Try B-24™
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This unique simulation lets you design and play a nearly You command ihe lead 11-24 Liberator which will determine the
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Tight four levels of combat, fighter-ill led skies of Ploesti.
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Explore the deep seas, reachfor the upper atmosphere, venture
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Compiled by BETH S.JALA

Cash Im- state lax isn't based on a percentage of who like sea simulations, because the
the gross wage. It does provide for fed perfectionism has paid off.
Cash Out B+ One of the selling points of Up Per
eral tax tables, various special deduc
tions and printing of payroll checks. iscope! is that it uses 3-D graphics li
Small Businesses Can Now censed from Subl.ogic. It does this well,
At $69.95, Cash In—Cash Out is a
Go with the Flow, . . great value. It uses all ihe C-128's fea but the simulator has even more than
tures, including graphics and an 80-col- that going for it.
The Cash Flow, That Is! umn screen. There is a bonus Financial The documentation consists of iwo
Tool Box that includes formulas for booklets. The first is an operations man
Cash In—Cash Out is a unique ac depreciation, amortization, breakeven ual that is both clear and concise in
counting system fur the small-business analysis, a popup calculator, and more. introducing you to the various modes
person who is not an accountant The Paragon Software deserves credit for and missions of the game. The second
program is based on cash entries of breaking away from the traditional re is a very good capsulized history of
sales, expenditures ami payroll, rather porting methods of accounting acid WWII submarine warfare. Written by a
[haii on the traditional method of gen turning out Something that can be used former Navy officer, this booklet will
eral ledger and transactions journals. and understood by small-business own instill in you a deep respect for the
Nearly every aspect of Cash In—Cash ers. (Paragon Software, 52! Plymouth St., missions you are about to recreate.
Out is streamlined For simplicity and Gremsburg, PA 15601; C-128/S69.95.) Unlike other submarine simulators
speed. This is a program that can sum ihat use separate screens for various
—Sandra CjEROME
marize information quickly and pro stations. Up Periscope! uses spiit-scrcen
phoenix, AZ
vide you with easily understandable techniques to give you all ihc infor
reports. mation you need. Your view from the
From an accountant's point of view, Up Periscope! A+ bridge or through the periscope can
this isn't a true accounting program, occupy the entire upper half of the
because it lacks a general ledger, trial
As Submarine Commander, screen, but when you need radar, a chart
balance and traditional financial re or the Torpedo Data Computer, the
You'll Soon Be Shouting,
ports. Yet, the information that it does screen splits so that your view occupies
furnish to the small-business owner is ''Yeoman, Up Periscope!" the left half of the screen and the par
amazing) It graphs monthly disburse ticular instrument occupies the right.
ments and sales to the screen or printer. Up Periscope! has finally appeared This arrangement makes il easier to
provides reports that tell you bow much On the shelves. That it was a long time react quickly.
a certain customer purchased for a spec coming is the result of perfectionism at The lower half of the screen is always
ified period and tracks expenses by the head of ActionSoft. That it is finally occupied by an instrument cluster that
dales and accounts. here i.s cause for joy among those of us shows fore and aft torpedos ready; fuel, i
Cash In—Cash Oul is completely
menu-driven, with examples and on
screen explanations of requirements. Report Card
The program allows you up to nine sales
A Superb!
categories with individual tax options.
An exceptional program that outshine* ;ill others.
Entering information into Cash In—
Cash Out is a breeze. When posting to
B Good.
your checkbook, the current bank bal
One of the better programs available in iis category. A worthy addition to your
ance is displayed after each check. If
Software library.
you've written a check llial must be
charged to various accounts, the total
C Average,
remaining check balance is displayed
Livei up to Us hilling. No major liinsles, headaches or disappointments here.
until you equal out. Checks are saved to
the disk after all the entries are made,
D Poor.
ill us preventing a delay between entries.
This program has some problems. There arc belter on the market.
The Payroll module, unfortunately,
doesn'i contain a selection of state tax
E Failure.
tables, but uses a percentage withhold
Many problems; should be deep-sixed!
ing method instead. This can be a prob
lem if wages change frequently, and your


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battery and oxygen levels; time scale, Up 1'criscope! is a welcome addition warn that everything except one disk
compass, helm and speed display; and to the growing category (if .sea simula drive should be disconnected before
mi indicator that shows the position of tions and a worthwhile addition lo any loading the game. That's apparently just
your sub in the water, including depth, software library. The play action i.s both a precaution, because I successfully ran
periscope up or down, and so on. satisfying and rewarding, the graphics my regular system, two disk drives and
Missions in Up Periscope! include arc very well done, and the sound, a printer without any problems.
historical simulations where you find though sparse, is what you might hear While disk loads with some software
yourself in the position of a famous in a submarine: the pinging of destroy can be time-consuming, I found this
submarine such as Wahcio or Thrasher ers, the wiioosh of a torpedo leaving program relatively quick. It is limited
during its glory (lays. Regardless of how the lube and the sound of the explosion. to using one disk drive, so you are oc>
they fared in the past, the outcome of Only a few keys are needed, and these casionally prompted to insert a differ
the scenario will be up lo you. are used in a logical manner. ent disk. A watch icon appears on the
After a few missions, you probably screen during a disk load: This means
won't even need the quick-reference that the computer is thinking.
card. 1 give Up Periscope! high marks If you tire of the comics, all of the
in all departments. [Editor's note: games are directly accessible. It will lake
There's an interesting aspect lo this some time for you to try all the possible
product that al! C-128 owners will surely story combinations. I can almost guar
enjoy, Even though documentation antee continuous chuckles as you go
slates that it's not compatible wilii C-M through Ihe pages of this electronic
fast load cartridges, it automatically comic book.
boots in 128 mode. Using a C-1S8 and I'm particularly impressed with the
1571 combination, it loads quite quickly original sound track that accompanies
and seems to take advantage of the this program, ll sets the mood perfectly
1571's faster disk access.] lArtionSo/t, and has just [he right mix of arcade
122-1 Race St., Urbana, 1L 61801; 064/ sound and serious music.
$29.95.) Should you be interrupted mid-game,
—ERVIN BOliO a save feature lets you resume exactly
Both your view from the bridge and
St. Petkks, MO where you led off, and high scores are
■ glance at your instrument
listed on a Heroes page.
indicators be rue to keep you on
Some very creative use of sprites re
path and target in Up Periscope! Accolade's Comics A sults in characters with moving heads,
lips or hands. It's not Disney studio
Pacific Patrol activities are also based
Now Playing On Screen, quality, bin slill quite notable.
on hisiory and lead lo longer games. While [hi- program works well on the
The Latest Adventures of
Here you set out from your base and 64, the fi-lt: and the 128 in 64 mode, no
enter enemy waters on a search-and- Steve Keene, Private Spy autoboot track is included. Would you
destroy task. Long missions can be
saved 10 a data disk for continuing play If you like your comic books and your
at a later time. All missions have diffi computing. Accolade Software has
culty and reality levels, with parameters come up with a dandy way for you to
like visibility, torpedo (ype, enemy ex enjoy both at the same time. This pro
pertise, and so forth. gram is billed as the world's first living
To speed up a game, Up Periscope! comic book. Not only does it display
makes use of a time-compression de amazing full-color cartoon panels, but
vice. I suggest that you use this to find some of them include animation, too.
and approach the enemy, then drop Throughout one of the two basic sto
hack to normal speed for ihe hattle. ries, some cartoon panels give you the
The Torpedo Data Computer is an chance to change captions. The ensuing
other interesting device in that it ideiv action is determined by your choices.
lifies the target, displays its course and If you choose correctly, you'll be re>
distance and, in the Automatic mode, warded by finding your way to one of
locks on to it. In manual control, you the eight arcade-style games starring
Move over, Mike Hammer*—here
feed in information by laking bearings private spy Steve Keene. While none of
comes Stave Keene, private spy
and providing "marks." the games are extremely challenging,
and star of Accolade's Comics.
After a torpedo is fired, a legend atop figuring out how to gel to them is a big
the screen tells you whether it's a hit or part of die fun.
a miss—even though hits are accom Steve has been given five lives. He believe dial that's about the only criti
panied by a satisfying explosion. If can lose a life during one of the arcade cism I have concerning this package?
you're close enough, you'll have an op games, or when you create a slory [hat The accompanying instructions are
portunity to watch the ship turn one doesn't lead to an arcade game at the simple but adequate. I found it more en
end up and sink below the waves. A end. When his five lives are gone, the joyable to use ilie joystick than to rely on
good way to watch this is to invoke die game is over. keyboard operation.
Zoom feature. For other actions, like The program consists of three disks. Try to imagine your favorite comic
sonar ranging by die enemy, the legend It's designed to work with cither joystick book hero coming alive on your Com
bar turns red to catch your attention. or keyboard controls. The instructions modore computer screen, and you'll


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come pretty close to the look and feel of Your options throughout are presented Vegas? In Baudville's Video Vegas,
Accolade's Comics. I highly recommend as menus and you need only select and there's no limit to your possible win
it for (host looking for some good, clean click to enter your choice. Second, nings in blackjack, poker, keno and the
fun. (AcmUuie, 20813 Stevens Creek Blvd., unlike some role-playing games (hat ubiquitous one-armed bandit.
Cupertino, CA 95014. C-64/$39.95.) make you responsible for half a dozen Greeting you with a lively nighttime
characters, each with its own powers, view of downtown Vegas, this simula^
strengths and weaknesses, Legacy gives tion achieves remarkable realism by em
Springfield, IL
you a single character to develop. More ploying crisp displays, animation and
over, instead of dozens of spells to mas sound effects. In poker and blackjack,
Legacy of the ter, Legacy offers only six. the cards are richly detailed—almost as
Ancients B+ Whatever Legacy of the Ancients if someone pasted them onto your
lacks in complexity, however, it makes screen. Similarly, when you take on the
Let Neitfier Dungeons up for in richness of detail. As you walk three-reel Lucky 7 slot machine, your
through the museum, for example, coins slide into a slot, the arm pulls
Nor Monsters Defeat Your
torchlights flicker against the textured back with a "ka-chunk." and the icons
Quest for ttie Scroll walls, and with each move your foot spin by before clicking into place. Win
steps echo faintly down the hallway. As nings "clank" into a receiving tray.
Legacy of the Ancients is a fantasy/ you make your way across the wilder Keno plays on an 80-place grid, like
adventure game much in the tradition ness, you hear a watery "squish" as you those available on cards throughout the
of The Bard's Tale or the Ultima sc gambling mecca. You mark one or more
ries. Like those other games, legacy numbers as you cursor through the grid.
provides you with a magical world There's an air of suspense as the '20

(Tarmalon) to explore, complete with f 11.111 winners are subsequently flashed one
towns, castles, dungeons, wilderness mStHifti* by one. Exich game boasts such interest-
and enough monsters to keep even the wo boosting touches. Add to that the ex
most experienced dragon-slayer on Iris ■;rr«u
mi i
plicit, yet unobtrusive, prompts and
toes. As with most fantasies, the goal
H .<"
simple keyboard controls, and ii's easy
here is lo build up your character's per (o get into the rhythm of big-time gam
sonal attributes and gold supply so lie B£l ft. bling excitement.
can survive the rigors of advcniuring Recognizing that most would-be high
and, ultimately, complete his quest. In rollers want to test their luck and skill
this case, the objective is to render II1E1! DISK SIM 1 ID Bit 6 K* against the real thing, Raudville offers
harmless ihe evil Wizard's Compen
dium—a leather scroll containing the J authenticity as well as atmosphere.
Money odds and winning chances ap
compiled spells of twelve powerful Who knows what may be lurking in pear to be about the same as you would
magicians. the dark, damp doorways of the find in Las Vegas. Lucky 7 pays back
Your adventure begins in, and re cold and cruel corridors in the most (98 percent) of the money wa
volves around, the Galactic Museum. As mazes of Legacy of the Ancients? gered, although you might find that
you travel through this torch-lit, 3-D hard to believe when you hit n bad
maze of corridors and doorways, you streak. Typically, Keno offers fantastic
slosh through the swamp, and the
discover many intriguing exhibits. payoffs but terrible winning odds.
thrashing of dry underbrush as you
Some provide clues to solving (he quest, Poker looks and plays very much like
push your way through the thicket
while others are actually gateways to the the casino Draw Poker video game. A
hi the towns, bold, solid colors arc
outside world. You can only view most interspersed with intricate patterns
fine route lo getting a handle on poker
exhibits after first depositing a jeweled odds, the game pays off on everything
representing shingled roofs and brick
coin, and, since you begin the game with from a high pair through a royal flush.
walkways. The blending of (his extra
only two of these, your initial choices However, since you bet only before the
ordinary color and sound with tradi
are limited. However, as you explore deal, and the payoff on strong hands is
tional role-playing settings results in a
Tarmalon's castles, 12 towns and 24 far below the odds, winning big is still
fantasy with a familiar look and feel
dungeon levels, you'll find additions] mainly a pure-luck proposition. Black
thai still manages to set itself apart in
coins to use in unlocking more of the jack, on the other hand, offers very
a genre full of imitations. (Electronic
museum's secrets. Arts, 1820 Gateway Drive, San Mateo, CA
good money-making opportunities to
Each (own has several shops where the skilled gambler. Besides all the usual
94404; C-64/$29.95.)
you can pick up such necessities of ad options, typing a question mark pro
—Bob GUf.KRA vides a running point count and a re
venturing as weapons, armor, food and
Charlestown, MA
water, boats and climbing gear. In ad port on the cards played—perfect for
dition, towns arc great places to acquire serious card counting practice.
additions] gold. You can win big playing Video Vegas A A smooth-running, attractive pack
blackjack or a game of skill called "Hip age. Video Vegas does just about every
flop," visit the neighborhood loan
Break the Bank thing short of paying your airfare (o
shar. . . I mean lending institution, or the nearest casino. A keypress calls up
At Your Computerized
make a withdrawal at the local bank. odds and winning combination dis
Legacy is well suited to the novice Caesars Palace plays, and your current bankroll is up
player. First, from the time you enter dated on each play and maintained
your character's name, you can j>!ay the Who hasn't thought about cleaning from game to game. Unfortunately; it
game almost entirely with a joystick. out every casino on the strip in Las is not saved to disk.



Reasonable betting limits and accu rain. The dampness of the greens affects Lies—where the ball sits, not what you
rate outcome simulation] mean each the speed of the ball do about your score—determine the
game works and feels like the genuine The screen is divided, with overhead maximum safe club. L'sing more than
article. Supplied with an informative views on the left, and the right sides that risks flubbing, at which point a
booklet, Video Vegas is about as close showing die golfer and the fairway. Press bubble will emerge above the golfer's
as you'll come to a sure thing without the space bar, and an arc on the left side head with "$# % !&" or "Drat!" in it. Lies
losing your shirt. (liaudville, 1001 Medi of the screen shows the approximate range from perfect to rotten on fairways,
cal Park Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI range of the selected club. Status lines roughs and traps, depending on wheth
■19506; C-64/S29.95.) on the top of the right screen show er the ball rolled to resi or buried itself
—JEFF HURLBURT everything from par for the hole to wind on the fly. Nice touches.
' Houston, TX direction and speed, the distance re A power meter, located in the bottom-
maining to die green and the club in right corner, resembles a one-handed
use. You are also told how the ball lies. clock pointing to the six. Press me fire- <
World Tour Golf B+
Get Out Your Clubs
And Conquer Tlwse
Fairways and Greens Introducing

"Golf," said Sir Winston Churchill,
"is a game whose aim is to hit a very
small ball into an even smaller hole,
with weapons singularly ill-designed for
ihc purpose." 3y Lou Wallace & David Darus
That quotation opens the instruction
booklet for World Tour Golf, a slightly
different approach to the computerized
green. For a fun round of golf in a tioi-
so-demanding situation, this game does
an admirable job of doing just what
Churchill described.
What other golf simulation offers a
course with cows standing in the rough
or a dragon lurking over the back of a
green? What other game opens up with
the player designated as that great
comeback golfer. Jack Snicklaus? Jack,
At last, you can unleash Ihe graphics potential ot your
incidentally, can be customized, re
Commodore 128 To achieve performance which rivals that of
named and saved to disk so you can 16-bit micros1 Imagine your 128 (or 128-D) producing
develop your own Arnie's army of golf resolution o' 640 x 200 in monochrome and 640 < 192 in 16
ers. Each golfer can have a different colors without any addihonal hardware. Sound impossible"1
Not with Basic 6, Ihe new graphics language extension
average drive distance and accuracy,
which will affect consistency and the Basic S adds over 50 now graphics commands lo standard
C-128 Basic. Just select one ol many graphics modes and
likelihood of whiffing ihe ball.
draw 3-D lines, boxes, circles and a multitude ol solid
If you can't seem to master the EA shapes with a single command. We've even added
Champion course of golf's greatest commands lor windows, lonts. patterns and brushes.
holes, then design your own! You get To demonstrate the power and versatility ol (his new
an ample supply of water, sand, grass, graphics language, we nave created Basic Paint, a flexible
icon-based drawing application. Written in Basic 8, Basic
rough, trees, hills, cows and pins for
Paint supports an expanded Video RAM (64K|, RAM
creating one hole or a complete course. Expanders, Joystick and the New 1351 Pioporiional Mouse.
The construction section can come in Also included is an icon-based desk-lop utility which
handy for relocating pesky water haz provides quick and convenient access lo each ol your very
ards or other troublemakers on the own Basic 8 creations.
25 courses that are contained on the All this graphics poteniial is yours at the special introduclory

game disk. price of $39.95 The package includes Basic 8, Basic Paint,
the desk-top utility, a 180-pago manual and a run lime
Some courses are expected-—tile oblig module (BO-Column RGS Monitor Required!
ator)- Pebble Beach; the venerable St.
Andrews; the inspiring Augusta. Then,
there is the unexpected Goofy, with
oddly shaped fairways; Fantasy, where
fairways carve out bears, unicorns ot bi Mail rou>
Corv,rter Mart
•2?00 NE *naiewn RoaCT* var
Complete Package
kini-clad woman; and Davyjones, where Phonooideoi*elC0TO 206-GM-1393

Same da, snipping! No COO D'Ot'i uinvilo LJ G
oars arc handier than irons. CHECKS. HOHEV ORDERS OH vl .'.. "'. . 11 i .M

Before beginning each course, players - All mtftn rundi

are told whether there has been sun or

C.rcto 48 on Reaoei Servce card SEFFEMBER 1087 RUN 19


button, and it begins its clockwise swing drawing card for computerists who want is the Clap tain's Log. Designed to appear
toward the maximum power murker at to design their own nightmarish courses. dog-eared and worn, the Log walks you
one o'clock. Pressing ilie button a sec As pro golfer Harry Toscano said: "I'm through all phases of the game; it also
ond time sets the power and reverses the hilling the woods just great, but I'm hav contains snapshot-s of various charac
swing of the pointer. Pressing the point ing a terrible time getting out of them." ters and scenes from ilie TV scries.
er ai the bottom of the clock determines (FAectronic Arts, 1820 Cateuiay Drive, San The textual game revolves around an
whether the hull will hook, slice or sail Mateo, CA 94404; C-64/$34.95.) incident that occurs near the Great
straight down the fairway. —Lonnie Brown
Transtellar Rift when the Enterprise
The player in World Tour Golf aims comes under attack front a Komulan
the ball byrepositioning the golfer, Each Bird of Prey. After sustaining massive
movement changes the direction by 22.r> damage lo all decks, the ship's food
degrees. Move the golfer 16 times in the supply becomes contaminated. You, as
Star Trek:
same direction and you'll get ;i pano Captain Kirk, must beam down to Pro
The Promethean metheus Four to secure food for the 430
ramic view of ihc hole.
The ball's flight can be followed on Prophecy B crewmen aboard the Enterprise. Once
cither screen. It grows larger on the on the surface, you come across a
overhead view as the liall gains altitude
Beam Yourself |umper, a legendary and near-mythical
and nearly vanishes from view i;n the creature that's reputed to have passed
Into This
right screen as it sails away. through that sector of the galaxy cen
Balls can bounce off trees or lodge Final Frontier turies ago.
under low branches. In addition, some G-ameplay consists of typing in com
fairways have hills that cause the hall to "To boldly go where no man has gone mands and exploring Gene Roddcn-
ricochet in odd directions, especially if before." Star Trek is a phenomenon bei ry's private world. Like all good text
the player selects a club with too little that has transcended its initial me games, it's very straightforward in that
loft to clear them. dium to become wholly ingrained in time will pass and actions will occur,
Putting is the most awkward pan of American culture. Freed from video, some of them game-motivated and oth
World lour Golf. Once you're on the theTrek experience has been translated ers that you must anticipate. 1 admit I'm
green, the overhead view shows ilie lo into virtually all media forms. discouraged when an event is unavoid
cation of the pin and ball. The V-shaped While The Promethean Prophecy able for the continuation of the game.
symbols indicate the severity of the slope isn't the first Star Trek-computerised I do have one serious complaint
and its direction. Sometimes, in order incarnation, it's perhaps the slickest. Si about Star Trek: The command line
to play the brt-ak correctly, the hole mon and Schuster deserves praise for permits only one line of text to be typed
winds up oul of si^ht behind the golfer. it.s work in putting this first-rate pack in at a lime, and you can't really do
The keyboard can be used to assist wirh age together. much in the space of a single line. This
putting, The three parts lo the accompanying seems lo he poor planning, and I'm sure
Ihc game contains three practice instruction book are the Captain's Log, thai it's frustrating lo serious gamers.
modes: A driving range, a putting green the Captain's Manual and a series of Ibis single, yet unfortunate, flaw pre
and a feature that lets you repeatedly supplements. The supplements contain vents an otherwise good game from
play the same hole on any course until recommendations for a new captain, being a great one. (Simon Of Schuster, One
you're satisfied with your strategy. troubleshooting tips, a sample tran Gu!f+ Western Plata, New York, NY 10023;
World Tour Golf lets holes be con script, and menlOS for speeches on "ef C-64/S32.95.)
structed in every detail, clown to the fective crew management." —Robert J. Sodaro
shape of the green. That will he a big The most notable section, however, Fatrfield, ct ■


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is essentially an interface that connects your com What about folks who live in the sticks? Rural
have a big puter to your telephone via the cable that plugs computcrists have a big problem when it comes to
into [he back of the phone. accessing the online networks. For instance, my "lo
problem when Modems compatible with Commodore com cal" node is about 60 miles away. When I want to go
puters are quite inexpensive ($19 and up), and online, it's the best I can do, so I grit my teeth and
it comes to you can purchase them from various sources, pay the phone bill—at least it's less expensive than
including the online services themselves. They making a call directly to the network.
accessing the come in two speeds: 300 and 1200 baud, which
Another Way: Local BBSs
refers to the speed of data transmission between
online your computer and the online service. Many While the national information services pro
Commodore owners are opting for one of the vide massive amounts of information and the
networks. faster 1200-bauci modems—Commodore's 1070, opportunity W meet people from around the
for example. At about $100, the 1670 costs more world, they aren't the only centers of online
than a 300-baud modem, but it'll save you online activity. There's plenty of local (literally) action
time and, in the long run, money. online. Bulletin boards (BBSs) operated out of
individuals' homes have sprung up throughout
THE SOFTWARE the country. They provide an opportunity for
You'll also need a terminal program—software COmputerisU—only one caller at a time—to
that enables your computer to send information share information, get software and communi
through the modem and the phone line, out the cate with others through electronic mail, all for
door to your local network node and finally to free. You don't have to pay a long-distance phone
the network itself, and then to receive infor bill or any subscription fee.
mation back again. You must load and run the
terminal program prior to logging on. Most of
The National Networks
these programs will let you access various net If you do want to join a national online net
works. However, some, such as QuantumLink, work, there arc many available. The features of
require their own special terminal software. gome of the more popular general interest net
works arc highlighted below. Because these
Other Requirements descriptions are far from comprehensive, I've
All national networks charge a subscription included addresses and phone numbers for more
fee—varying from S10 to S50 or so—to join. For information in Table 1. Also mentioned in Table
tiiis signup fee, which is usually paid only once, 1 are back issues of RUN in which I described
you receive a user identification number and pass the networks more thoroughly. Just keep in mind
word for identifying yourself when you knock at that the services have added features since those
the network's door, so to speak. If you don't iden articles were written,
tify yourself properly, you won't l>e lei in. Books provide an additional source of infor
In addition to the sign-up fee, the national net mation about the online networks, and I've listed
works charge you for accessing their Information, a cumber in Table 2. You'll find detailed descrip
Some charge a flat fee each month, but more often tions of [he networks in these volumes, as well
they charge you by the hour. The hourly rate varies, as information on how to use them.
with prime time (day) much more expensive than As you read about the online services, keep
non-prime time (nights and weekends). [n mind that they all provide information, pro
The networks' online charges are quite com grams and the opportunity to interact with other
petitive, and are often listed in promotions and Commodore users, but they're aimed at different
ads. You may have noticed thai die GEnie ads kinds of users. In deciding which you want to
include a comparative cost chart that encourages join, see how the types of information and ser
you to join their network because it's less expen vices they provide fit your interests and needs,
sive than CompuServe and The Source. and check on the times of day they're open.

The Long-Distance Calls CompuServe

A major hurdle to telecommunicating is the CompuServe is the largest information net
cost of long-distance phone calls to online net work in this country, with over 200,000 subscrib
works. For example, CompuServe is located in ers and a huge reservoir of information to serve
Ohio, GEnie in Maryland and QuantumLink in them. You can gain access to it with any terminal
Virginia, if you live far from these locations, program and any computer.
you'll wonder how you can afford to call long CompuServe provides home computerists,
distance like that. professionals and businesses with news, sports,
The answer is, don't call long distance. Several aviation and weather reports; newsletters from
companies, such as Telenet, Tymnet and Uninel, manufacturers; forums and dubs for interacting

38 RUN- SEl'l'KMIIER li)BT

with folks from around (he world; electronic of the largest databases of Commodore public
mail; games; and a Cll simulator for live chatting domain software available on any network. The
with others. It also publishes its own monthly network claims to add over 1000 new Commo
magazine. Online Today, which is available online dore programs to its downloading databases each
anci in hard copy. The network is continually month. GEnie's Flagship Commodore Round-
adding new services. Table draws many experienced users of the
As a Commodore user, when you log onto C-64, C-I28 and other Commodore computers.
CompuServe, you can type GO CBM to access You tan upload to this network for free, and
clubs and databases for your computer and to there's no extra charge for 1200'baud CTSIUinls-
post compmer questions to be answered by per sion. (Most other networks charge more for the
sonnel from Commodore. faster speed.)
It costs $39 to join CompuServe, then S12.50 Other GEnie offerings include a Cll simulator
an hour for 1200-baud access and S6 for 300- for live chatting with friends; electronic mail; a
baud access. travel service; home shopping; the Grolier's ency-

If you're involved in research, you'll want to
check out Delphi. Ii not only lias its own ency
clopedia, but is a gateway to DIALOG, the most
sophisticated of online research libraries. Delphi News, buEinoss,
also lets you send electronic and U.S. mail, and MENU OF SERVICES MENU trowel, shopping.
enables you to communicate with subscribers to 1 Today From The Source - TODAY The Source
other online services, such as The Source and a News, Weather and SpOfll- NEWS • offops you a vari
3 Li -...,- . and hi.i.y.r.-j BUSINESS -
CompuServe. 4 Cornmunluilon Scrvlcn - CO'.''-" - ety of services
Delphi's Global-ink offers a translation service 5 Special Imprest Groupl 4SIG5) to choose from.
G Portonal Computing PC
where you tan get text files you upload translated 7 Travel Servtcoi TRAVEL ■
by professionals into foreign languages, such as B Shopping. '.'.■■ ind L'i '-.,:■' HOME
9 '.'cir.ii ■ fnlonniUon INFO "FREE"
German, Italian and French. The translated files Eniffr Hem number, - H elp or - 0 -\0t:
can then be sent anywhere in the world.
For Commodore owners, this network offers
Flagship Commodore and Starship Amiga, clubs
where you can get programs for your Commo
dore computer and correspond with other own
ers of Commodore machines.
It costs S49 to subscribe to Delphi, then $17
per hour during the day and S" per hour eve Socialize with
nings and weekends. You can access the network other Commodore
with any computer and terminal software. users when
you're online
PlayNet and American PeopleLtnk
with PlayNet.
These networks are both devotee! to socializing
and game playing, but they differ in mode of
access and presentation. PlayNet was developed
for Commodore owners and uses Commodore-
specific terminal software, whereas you can ac
cess PeopleLink with any computer and terminal
program. PlayNet uses color-graphics screen dis
plays; PeopleLink is text-based. PlayNet is open
only at night and on weekends; PeopleLink is
open during both prime and non-prime time,
although Its subscribers tend to log on during
the evening, since it's primarily a socializing net v 11m li/rir'j-jirt ;;i
s-tn-n K.t.c
Lrave a message
work. Both networks offer Commodore forums U: D1H4-I* urmii
I a
on the Commodore
you canjoin.
Service forum
It tosis S15 to join PeopleLink, then S4.95 per
when you're
hour for non-primc-time access and SI 1.95 (300- I ■])!*< Hill lUIMhm [Biillilllll U> 1171 K lk!IHB
mil lakK iHlkriHiiibm it.n niIi-./ ttrMm. *,: t ih
hooked up to
baud) or $12.95 (1200-bauci) for prime-time ac M * iUII Uh I! ,
irrmUi Liurl.
* hiII nnltnii
Tm mil ilia b%f I Ik<] nEbnuJ 'ihin '.' ---
cess. To join PlayNet, you pay $19.95, and then indll linlirw liin^iill it klip, firlkl tf l«jtt i
■0*1 !■«,'■ rr::r.
it costs a flat SI 2 per month for up lo four hours
online. Beyond the four hours, you pay S2.75
per liour.
uui ami. I lif mi

General Electric started GEnie last year, and
the network has taught on rapidly. GEnie is the
site of lots of Commodore activity, including one


The Online


While you may be Only recently aware of on>

line games, they've actually been around for
quite a while. Classics such as Adventure and
Zork accounted fora lot of mainframe computer Online with

lime back in the sixties—so much time, in fact, QuantumLink:

Com put or
thai games were banned on many universily and
Industrial computer systems. gambling

However, when ihe personal computer revolu in Rabbit Jack's

tion came along, (elcgaming dropped off sharply. Casino.
After all. why play text games online when you can
play arcade-quality games on your C-64? , tJick 1 "h ilad 9Bu like the
More recently, as the number of computers Ofcrritor
Vra>. . . I'n mnnini » LQI
Hi Guy'.'

equipped with modems has increased, and as the

programmers who design online systems have be
come more familiar with home computers, a new
type of telegame has appeared. These games Although they don't pit you against other gam
come with high-resolution graphics, Sprite ani blers, the Casino's slot machines have their own
mation and sound, and in many cases they offer appeal. The graphics arc good, and you can play
a feature missing from home arcade and adven up to three chips at once in the triple-level slot.
ture games; they're niulliplayer, so opponents can
be anywhere reachable by phone.
CompuServe also offers advanced mulliplayer
QuantumLink and PlayNet online games, although their graphics aren't ar
The major online services that oiler graphics cade quality, However, what they lack in visuals
gaming for the Commodore user are Quantum- is made up for in complexity and strategy. For
Link and PlayNet. Q-Link is the larger in number example, McgaWars I and '.II are games of gal
of games offered and number of users. actic exploration and conquest where you find
Some games appear mi both Q-Link and yourself fighting with or against any number of
PlayNet. For example, there's Hangman, Reversi, other online players.
Checkers, Chess, Bridge, Backgammon and Sea A relatively new game on CompuServe is Is
Strike, a naval battle you wage against another land of Kesmiii, an advanced multiplayer role-
online sailor. All these games use the C-li-Vs full- playing adventure where you explore castles and
color graphics capability and have some degree islands and fight magicians and warriors. Island
of animation. Kvcn if you don't want to play, of Kestnai is very popular, and there's an entire
you'll have fun watching the screen as others book (available from the CompuStore) devoted
make their moves. to it. CompuServe also offers the traditional sin
QLink has also carried telegamiug into the gle-player texl adventure games, as well as games
realm of computer gambling (for fun only) with of chance like poker and blackjack.
the introduction of Rabbii Jack's Casino. When Olher online services, such as CEnie, Delphi
you enter the Casino, you get 250 Q, Chips to use and The Source, offer games, but they're the
at various games, such as poker, blackjack, the slot traditional ones and not particular)' noteworthy.
machines and even bingo. The poker area is oc On the horizon is a new world of multiplayer
cupied by a number of tables that accommodate online games, with graphics you'd expect from
up lo five players each, plus the dealer—the disk-based commercial games. One such game
Quantum computer. that's under development (by the software divi
Rabbit Jack's Casino differs from other gam sion of LucasFilms] is QuantumLink's Habitat,
bling simulations in that you play against other which will offer advanced graphics and anima
people, not the computer. When you play poker tion, multiplayer capability and an involved plot.
in the Casino, you'll feel like you're playing with Unfortunately, its announced release date has
your Friday night beer buddies. The excitement long passed. Q-Link tells me they're updating
is especially high when you play on the high stakes the story to make it more futuristic. One diing
table, where pois of hundreds, or even thousands, for sure: when it is released, it should be
of chips may be at risk. impressive. ■


clopedia; financial services; and multiplayer QuantumLink requires its own terminal soft
games. ware, but you gel it free from the network with a
Initial registration for GEnie costs SI8. Then you four-month subscription, and it is also included
pay Sr> per hour for n on-prime-lime access or $35 with the purchase of a C-6-! or a 128. The charge
per hour for prime-time. The network is accessible for access is $9.95 per month, plus $3.60 per hour
with any computer and terminal software. for certain "Plus" services. If you don't have a
modem, the network will give you one with a four-
The Source
month subscription. Q-Link is open evenings and
The Strength of The Source lies in its services weekends only. ■
lo businesses and professionals. In fact, busi
nesses make up about fiO percent of its mem Margaret MorobitO, a freelance writer on computer
bership. It provides up-to-the-minute commodity topics and an avid telecommunicate, is an associate
juices, news and commentary via satellite from editor o/RUX and the author of its Resource Center
the Commodity World News in Chicago. Members column.
can also receive continuous updates on prices
from six domestic and three overseas exchanges;
200 news items per day, covering the weather, ThdIe 1. Online notworks mentioned in this article.
the White House and worldwide developments
affecting commodities; and correspondent com American FbopleLink PlayNct, Inc.
mentaries cm happenings on the floor of the
3215 N- Frontage Rd. PO Box 587
commodities exchange. Invcstext, an investment Suite 1505 WynamskUl, NY 12198
service, provides access to 38 international in Arlington Heights, IL 60004 1-800-PLAYNET
vestment banking firms. See RUN, August 1985 See RUN, August 1985
The Source offers services to die general user,
too, and it has been lidding more. One such service CompuServe Information QuantumLink
is MicroSearch, providing ac<ess to thousands of
Services Quantum Computer Services
article abstracts from over 1(10 computer-industry
PO Box 20212 8620 Westwood Center Drive
publications. These abstracts are quick sources of 5000 Arlington Centre Blvd. Vienna, VA 22180
information on software, hardware, peripherals Columbus, OH 43220 H00-392-8200
and new products from over 3000 manufacturers, 800-848-8199 See RUN, November 1985
and anything else dealing with personal comput Sec RKV, May 1985
ing. The Source also has computer clubs, including
one for Commodore users. Delphi
It costs $49 to subscribe to The Source, For General Videotex Corporation
access at 300 baud, the rales arc S8 per hour 3 Blackstone Si.
during non-prime hours and $21 during daytime Cambridge, MA 02139
hours. For 1200-baud, the rates are $10 during 800-544-4005
non-prime hours and $25 during the day. All com SeefflWJuly 1985
puters can access this network.

General Electric Information Services
Quantum!.ink is designed specifically far Com Company
modore users, and has become a leader in pro ■101 North Washington St.
viding them with information and services. One Rockville, MD 20850
reason for Q-Link's value to Commodore users is 800-638-9636
its attraction for all the experts on Commodore Not in the previous RUN series.
computing in Canada and the U.S. Do/ens of
names in the Commodore world log onto— people like Jim Bulterfieid; Steve
Punter; RUN'i Telecomputing Workshop author.
David Bradley; and RUN'S technical manager.
Louis Wallace. I'm on QLink a lot, loo, formerly Table 2. Books about online services.
as RUN'S technical manager and now as director
of Q-Link's Tutoring Center and Quantum Com Infomania; Elizabeth Kerrarini; Houghton Mifflin
munity College. 1 also continue to operate the
Q-Link extension of my Resource Center column
The Computer Data am! Database Source Book; Matthew I,esco; Avon
in RUN.
QuantumLink has worked on expanding its
Information Sources: Annual Directory; Information Industry
services to both programmers and nonprogram-
Association, 3H> Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Suite 400,
mers. It offers dozens of programming dubs and
Washington, DC 20003
thousands of public domain programs for down
loading, as well as news and information services,
How To Look It Up Online; Alfred Glossbrenner; St. Martin's Press
weather updates, online shopping, multiplaycr
games and educational services. You can also
Inside Information; John Hclliwell; New American Library
download and preview commercial software from


The world ofonline communication is yours withjust a modem,
a terminal program and your telephone. By DAVID BRADLEY

If you have a Commodore computer sys baud) are becoming more popular, but few Com
tem but no modem, It's like owning a jet modore users have so far moved up to that speed,
that can't quite break the sound barrier. because there aren't any Commodore-specific
You can fly, but getting a modem would 2400-baud modems available. Every 1200'baud
be like adding afterburners. modem I've ever seen also supports 300 baud.
A modem opens up new worlds. Wilh it, you
Terminal Programs
can call up a friend's computer io "chat" or
exchange files, or swap ideas with people in your Before you can call another computer with a
area on ;i local BBS. If you call one of the big modem, you need a terminal program. There
online networks like PeopleLink, QuantumLink, are many available for the C-64 and the C-128,
Delphi. CompuServe or GEnie, you can meet from commercial, public domain and shareware
others from all over North America in the corn- sources, and they run the gamut from simple to
foil of your own home—and never have to worry highly complex.
aboul having enough cheese balls to go around. A basic feature of all terminal programs is a
terminal mode that sends and receives text and
Modems control characters at one or more baud rates.
But what is a modem, and what does it do? The control characters are needed to perform
The word "modem" is short for modulator/ various functions. For example, on Punter BBSs,
demodulator. The device is an interface of sorts control/P aborts just about any operation, and
thai lets computers talk to one another over on Delphi, control/7, signals that you've finished
standard phone lines. Notice. I didn't say any entering a message and want to send it along.
thing about brands. With a modem, a Commo Conirol/G is the control character used by most
dore tan talk to another Commodore, an Apple, terminal programs to ring a bell. With some
an IBM, n Wang or virtually any other computer. terminal programs, the control key and accom
This is possible because all modems speak the panying key are held down simultaneously; with
same language—ASCII (American Standard Code Others, they're pressed sequentially.
for Information Interchange). Most terminal programs let you capture text
Modems made specifically for the C-64 and in a buffer, so you can view ii on your screen
C-12K plug directly in to the computer via the user later, output it to your printer for a permanent
port. (As you look at the back of your computer, record of your online escapades or save it to
the user port is on the right.) Non-computer-spe- disk as a word processor file to examine at some
cific modems require an interface to connect to other time. Usually there's also provision for
a Commodore. The modem connects to a phone creating individual files on disk from important
line with :i cable that has malcjacks on both ends. sections of online sessions.
One jack goes into the modem, the other into a If your terminal program has a buffer, be sure
standard phone receptacle. you save its content! before yon turn your com
Some modems are faster than others. The puter off or clear the buffer to load another
speed is gauged in bits per second (bps), with a program. Once the terminal program is gone,
bit being one binary digit. Bits per second is also so is the buffer's contents. RUN reader Bill
known as baud rate. The two most common rates Bullock has told me how he always lost infor
of data transmission for Commodores are 300 mation by forgetting to save it before he
and 12110 baud, the former transmitting approx quit—until he found a terminal program that
imately SO keyboard characters per second, and warned him of the danger.
the latter about 120. Even faster modems (2400- Most terminal programs let you upload and

42 RUN SKl'TEMBER 1987

download programs or other files. Uploading is
sending a file to another computer, and download
ing is receiving a file from another computer.
To download a typical file from a network or
BBS, first you must let the service or person at the
other end know you warn that particular file.
When the file has been found and is ready to be
sent, you'll be notified. Then you instruct your
terminal program to download the file to your
disk drive, using the protocol supported by the
service you're connected with. Most programs
sound a bell when the file transfer is done, to say
you can go ahead with other things.

Error-Checking Transmissions
As a rule, online systems apply some sort of
error-check ing scheme (usually known as a trans
fer protocol) to up- and downloading to ensure
that a file arrives in the same form as it was sent.
If a transmission error occurs, the bunch, or
block, of data in which the error occurred is sent are a lot of people on the system at the same Commodore's 1G7O
again and again until it's received error-free. The time. I've found that the best time to call such a modem plugged
two most common protocols in the world of network for downloading files is shortly after 6 into the C-128's
Commodore telecommunications are Xmodem in the evening or early in the morning. user port. The
and Punter. Xmodem is supported by most of To use and enjoy telecommunications with other end of the
the larger networks and BBSs, while Punter is your Commodore, you really don't need to know coble connects to
popular on smaller BBSs. how these protocols work. Just be sure you have the phone
If you find you're getting a lot of had blocks a terminal program that supports the protocols receptacle.
with Punter, you can probably eliminate them used by the online services you're calling.
by adjusting the size of the block being sent Two other features of terminal programs you'll
between error checks. The logic here is that you probably come across are autodialing, which in
have a better chance of getting 40 characters structs your modem to dial a phone number
through error-free than you do 255 characters. automatically, and a telephone directory, where
If you do get a noisy phone connection, the best you can store BBS and network numbers you use
remedy is to hang up and call right back. The often. These features work together to get you
noise will usually be gone. online quickly. Some of the better terminal pro
Using Punter protocol at 300 baud, you can grams automatically dial some or all of the num
transfer six Commodore disk blocks of infor bers you've stored in (he telephone directory,
mation in a minute. You might expect to move then ring a bell when one of them answers.
24 blocks in a minute at 1200 baud, but the speed Note that if your modem doesn't support au
is actually only 21 blocks a minute. Xmodem todialing, or at least the type of autodialing your
transfers information at about the same rate as terminal program performs, no matter how
Punter, but on large networks, such as Delphi or many times the terminal program says it's dial
CompuServe, the speed may drop when there ing, it's never going to connect. Just as it's im-1


portant to have a terminal program that supports C-64 and C-128 is the 1200-baud Commodore
the same protocols as ilic online services you 1670. It uses a different dialing method than the
call, you must have a modem that (Mills the same 1650, and it can do both tone and pulse dialing.
way as your terminal program. The 1670 uses the same kind of commands Hayes
Many terminal programs ofTer a program modems use—commands that arc the standard
mable function key feature tliat lets you assign outside the Commodore world.
a word or group of words to a function key. To dial a number with the 1670 using tone, all
Then, any time you press that key, that word or you have to do is access the terminal mode of
group of words will be transmitted. Most people your program and enter ATDT, followed by the
assign their name, their passwords, a favorite number you want to dial. To dial using pulse,
salutation and some commonly used commands enter ATDP followed by the number. The AT
to these keys, and a lot of programs let you save gets the modem's attention, the D means dial
the key assignments, so you don't have to reenter and the T or P means lone or pulse. Please note
them each lime you go online. that these commands must be entered in capital
Choosing a Modem If you think you might move up to an Amiga,
There are many modems available that will a PC-10 or any other computer, it would be wise
work with the C-64 and C-128, and I have yet to to get a modem that will work witli your C-64
find one that doesn't transmit and receive data and CM 28 now and then with your new computer
the way it's supposed to, However, some are more later. This approach will cost more initially, he-
popular than others, because they're compatible cause you'll need a special RS-232 interface for
with more terminal programs. Remember, you your C-64 or C-128, but you'll come out ahead
can have the best modem in (he world, but if later when you don't have to buy another mo>
you can't find software to make it work with your dem. One reader, Jo-Anne Park of Toronto, has
computer, what good is it? made an interface that lets her Amiga use her
The most popular modems for the C-64 and 1670, but T haven't seen anything like it on the
C-12H are (he Commodore 1650 AutoModem market yet
and others that dial in the same way. The lf>50 If you take this route, make sure you get a
was the first Commodore-specific auiodialing Hayes or Hayes-compatible modem, since it's the
800-baud modem on the market, and all of the standard. A Hayes itself would be best, but they're
first Commodore-compatible terminal programs rather expensive, and many good Hayes-com-
were written for it. Other modems of the 1650 patibles are available. Most C-64 and C-128 pro-
type include the Total Telecommunications, the grains designed for the 1670 modem will work
Weatridge 8420, the TeleLeaming and the Pocket perfectly with a Hayes-type.
Modem, plus some lesser-known brands. These Regardless of whether you plan to get another
modems all use pulse dialing. computer in the future, I'd recommend getting a
The Pocket Modem is the only 1650-type that modem that works like the 1650 or the 1670. It'll
Abacus1 answers (as well as dials) just like the 1650, which save you a lot of aggravation, because most termi
Speedier m, an can be important if you want to run a BBS, and nal programs, both public domain and commer
example of a it's the only one that's available in a 300/1200- cial, adhere to those standards. You might pay less
terminal program, baud version. The 16511 itself is no longer being for some tiling like a Volks 6480, but you'll find dial
asks you to input made, but the compatibles are in production, few programs are compatible with it- The 6480
the type of modom and most sell for under S60. does come with a terminal program that's okay, but
you are using. The next most popular type of modem for the it lacks features found in many other programs,
and it's not as easy to use.
As when adding any component to your com
puter system, when you shop for a modem, figure
Select MODEM Type out what your needs are beforehand, so you end up
with a unit that solves more problems than it cre
[13 - 1600/HES I
ates, and one that keeps xis many doors open as pos
[2] - 1650/6420
E33 - CBH 1660 sible. You may never want to go through diose
[43 - HIGHTY-HO doors, but it's best to hxwe them ajar just in case.
IS] - CBM 1670 For more information about telecommunica
16] - HAYES COMPATIBLE tions, be sure to read my monthly Telecomputing
Workshop column in RUN, and if you have any
ModeM Type ? 5 questions, please write to me. For more informa
tion about the commercial online networks, read
HodeH Type now CBH 1670 Margaret Morabito's article, "Online Services
Baud now 1200 bps. Overview," elsewhere in this issue of RUN. ■

David Bradley, RUN's Telecomputing Workshop col

umnist and a Commodore user since the days of the 8K
Fit, is on the Board of Directors of the Toronto PET
Users Group. He's been involved in telecommunications
for over five years, including running his own bulletin


f^fm^rr" TOar» *%|||t lflWin> ^^>> WjW
Super C BASIC Compiler
C Is one ot today's most popular languages. Now anyone can speed up their BASIC
It's easy to transport C source code (ram programs by 3 to 35 timesl Basic-64 and
one computer to another. With Super C you Baslc-128 easily convert your programs into
can develop software or just leam C on your fast machine language or speedcode (takes
Commodore. Super C is easy to use and up less space yet protects your programs
takes full advantage of mis versatile from prying eyes) or a mixture of both. You
language. Produces 6502 machine code and can even compile programs written with
Is many times faster than BASIC. Includes extentions—Simon's Basic, VICTREE,
full-screen editor (search, replace and block BASIC 4.0, VideoBasic and others. When
the compiler finds an error, It Just doesn't
stop, but continues to find any other errors
as well. Supports overlays and has many
other options. 128 version works in FAST
Design pictures and graphics quickly and mode and allows you to use all 1S8K of
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Circle 15 on Feaoei Sorvico

RUN it right: C-128

128 Notepad
Now RUN's papular desktop accessory will work
its wonders on tfie C-128, too.


Tlic 128 Notepad program is a

commercial-quality desktop ac
cessory for your C-128 Ihal pro
vides many functions. Above
all, it offers a text window for recording
and recalling programming and other
noteSi but i! also includes a digital time
display; a menu for viewing the disk
directory and for saving, loading and
printing your Notepad notes; and a
DOS command center for file mainte
nance and other disk operations.
Once 128 Notepad is activated, you
can interrupt the program you're run
ning, open ihe window and enter the
texi editor l>y pressing COntrolAV. In
mi ii, control/V exits 128 Notepad and
returns you to the original program,
where the screen display will he exactly
the same as you left it, righi down to
the cursor location.
Files produced with the 64 Notepad
Update from last January's issue ofRUN
are compatible with 1'28 Notepad in the
C-I28's 80-CoIumn mode.
The 128 Notepad program is written
entirely in machine language, resides
completely in RAM and remains trans
parent lo most other programs. You can
use it in Direct mode as a stand-alone
application, with the C-128's machine
language monitor or with any Basic or
machine language program, including
RUN Script 128 Version 2.40 (RUN, De-
cember 198(i. and ReRUN Productivity
l'ak II) and the Time-DOS 64/128 date-
andiime-stamp utility from Family Soft
ware. When 128 Notepad is operating
with Time-DOS 128 and a Basic pro
gram, you'll have diree programs inter
facing at once on your CM 28!
'Ihe disk drive's error channel is con
tinually monitored while 128 Notepad
is limning, and its status is displayed
after every operation.

Typing and Loading

The 128 Notepad program actually
j 8?
consists of two listings: Boot 128 Note-1




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|)ii<l (Listing 1) and ML File Generator and access the text editor. As the win return key without entering a filename,
(Listing 2). Type them in, using L28 dow opens, it will display a Help screen. or press the stop key.
Perfect Typist, and save them on one To clear the window and go on to typing When you press P to print out ;i win
disk. Then run ML File Generator to in your notes, press the shifted clear- dow, only the Notepad border and its
create a fast-load ing binary fiie of the home key. text arc output, so it's easy to fit several
128 Notepad object code on this same All of the C-128's screen-editing fea hard copies on a single sheet of paper.
disk. If you type the listings correctly, tures, including the Escape command Pressing X accesses disk operations,
the binary file will appear in the disk sequences, function within the window. including copying, renaming and
directory as 128 NOTEPAD.OBJ, and Insert/delete, the cursor controls and scratching files; initializing and reset-
[he error channel will report out as the extended keyboard also operate ling die drive; and validating and for
Ou.OK.OO.uO. normally, effectively making 128 Note matting disks. When the prompt for the
Now 128 Notepad is ready to use. To pad a mini word processor. The pro command string appears, respond with
activate it, you must run 128 Notepad gram provides 562 byies of text storage, the standard format for the command
Boot. The boot program loads the ob consisting of 14 lines of 38 spaces each you want. For example, to rename a file,
ject file and then asks you to enter the and a 15th line of 30 spaces. The lower- you'd input R0:newname = oldname,
current time in hours and minutes. If right corner of the window always dis and to scratch a file, you'd input
you press the return key without a nu plays the current time. S0:filcname. Filenames must include
meric entry at these two prompts, the When you're done using the window, the N. prefix.
TOD (time-of-day) clock will be set to close it by pressing control(V from the If you own a 1571 drive, you can try
zero, so it functions as a timer. text editor. If you want to leave VZH sending User 0 commands from the
If you have Time-DOS 128 in mem Notepad altogether, press run-stop/re- Notepad window. These commands
ory, the time is set automatically, and store. You can reactivate it by inputting aren't mentioned in the user's manual
all you need to do is activate the object SYS 7181. for the drive, but they're tjuite useful.
file. If you own a 1571 disk drive, type If you ever want to open the Notepad A list of some of the more interesting
BOOT " 128 NOTEI'AD.OBJ" and press window while the screen is scrolling, ones appears in Table 2. The format for
return; if your drive is a 1541 or com you rniiif first stop the scrolling with die User 0 commands is U0>)ix, where xx
patible, type BLOAD"128 NOTE no-SCTOll key or control/S, or the reg is the operation you want.
PAD.OBJ", press return, type SYS 7181 isters in the 128's 8563 80-column video The last command listed in Table 2
and press return again. chip will be confused. If it should will keep your drive head from banging.
Owners of a CCSZ clock/calendar become necessary to reset the chip, The x is the number of read attempts
card from theJason-Ranheim Company close the Notepad window and press in the drive's zero page location, S6A.
must permanently set the TOD master run-slop/restore. Try UO>R1.
to CIA #2 and disable the time tick, in The last choice in the option menu
addition to inputting the Bool or BLoad The Option Menu is Q, which exits from the menu and
command above. In most instances, To access the 128 Notepad option takes you back to the text editor. If you
I've found it best (o turn off the CCSZ menu, press controlID while the win want to go further and close the win
when powering up by typing in POKE dow is open. The menu choices are dow, press control/V.
165,S0:SYS 999. The TOD clock will listed in Table 1.
continue to keep the correct time, even PrcssingD displays the disk directory.
after you disable the card. While the directory is scrolling, you can To use 128 Notepad with RUN Script
Since 128 Notepad relocates the start pause it with the no-scroll key or halt it 128, first load and run the Notepad boot
of Basic to memory address S'tODO, you altogether with the slop key. program, then load and run the RUN
musl always input the New command When you press S to save or L to load Script 128 boot program. Never press the
before loading a liasic program when a Notepad file, die prompt SAVF.:N. or restore key with the window open when
Notepad is in use. New resets all the LOAD:N. will appear. The N. is a prefix you're using the Notepad with RUN
Basic pointers. that 128 Notepad automatically adds to Script 128. If you do, the computer will
the names of its files. The program's lock up, because RUN Script alters the
Using the Notepad custom input routine will accept any NMI (nonmaskable interrupt) vector,
Once you've activated 128 Notepad, filename that's no longer than 14 char and you'll have to reset the computer.
press control/W to open the window acters. To abort a save or load, press the After you've activated 128 Notepad,

Table 1. Option menu. Table 2. User 0 disk commands to use with a 1571 drive.

D: Directory Command (input) Function

L; Load UO>M1: Switches to If>71 mode ai 2 MHz

S: Save U0>M0: Switches to 1541 mode at I MHz

P: Print U0>H0: Activates read head on side 1

X: Disk command UO>H1: Activates read head on side 2

U0>Rx: Changes number of read attempts

Q: Editor

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(he interrupt waits for a control fW. zero page and the VDC registers thai change to the alternate starting ad
When it detects one, a flag diverts were stored. It then clears the flag and dress of display RAM, write the value
all future interrupts, and the current jumps to SKK33 to return control to Ba 16 to VDC register 12 Iiy using the code
screen display (including attribute mem sic or the program in memory, A=16:X= 12:SVSDFA"CDCC"),A,X.
ory) is transferred to an alternate loca The official Commodore 128 Program To read a register, load the X regisier
tion at address $1000 in the 8563 chip's mer's Reference Guide contains almost with the number of the VDC register to
RAM. This chip comes with its own block- all the information you'll need to pro be read from and call the routine at
move routine, so the process is easy. gram the 8503 chip. However, it fails SCDDA.The routine will return to Basic
Once 128 Notepad has saved the con to mention that free RAM at $11)00- with the value in the A register. To
tents of the zero page and the 8563's SIKI'K can hold an alternate screen change the value into a Basic variable,
VDC (video display controller) registers, and machine language routines for use the RRKG command. For example,
it switches in an alternate screen thai reading and writing io the 8f>(i3's VDC in read VDC register 12 in Basic, the code
exactly duplicates the original. The registers from Basic. would he X=12:SYS DKC("CDDA"|,
Notepad window will appear in this du These ML routines exist in the screen A,X:RREG A. The variable A will equal
plicate. When the alternate screen is in editor ROM and appear in bank 1 b ai the value found, in this case 16.
place, the program clears the interrupt- SCDCC and SCDDA, respectively. RUN leaders have been enthusiastic
disable bit. Specific Notepad subrou To write to :\ 8563 VDC register about the 64 Notepad program (Septem
tines perform all operaiions on the new from Basic 7.0, use the format SYS ber 1<)86 issue). 1 think you'll be just as
screen. DKC("CDCC"),A ,X. The X register holds pleased with 128 Notepad. IS)
Once you close the window, the pro the number of the VDC register to be ac
gram switches back to the original cessed, while the A register contains the Bob KmUtdek is a computer programmer
screen by reinstating die contents of the value to be stored in it. For example, to and freelance writer.

Listing 1. Boat 128 Notepad program.

10 REM BOOT 128 NOTEPAD :REM*34 UTES (0-59)";T(2):IFT|2)>59 130 PRINTSPC(83)"1 . PRESS CTRL-
:REM*190 80 FORI=1TO3:H=INT(T(I)/10):L=T 140 PRINTSPC{83)"2. PRESS CTRL-
40 FS="128 NOTEPAD.OBJ":PRINT"B 127 :REM'100 :REM*246
W SET THE TIME:" :REM*86 110 POKE DEC("1C37"),8:REM(2 SP 170 PRINTSPC(83)"5. IF RESET, E
RS f1-12)";T[1):IFT(1)>12 TH (8-12) :REM*202 180 NEW :REM-62
EN 60 :REM*206 120 PRINTCHRS(147)SPC(2S2) FS

Listing 2. ML File Generator program.

1 REM 128 NOTEPAD 2.0 ML FILE G 3,141,57,28,173 :REM*98 90 DATA 162,18,32,204,205,169,0

ENERATOR :REM*163 20 DATA 21,3,141,58,28,169,62,1 ,232,32,204,205,162,24,32,21
2 REM (C) 1987 BOB KODADEK 41,20,3,169,28,141,21,3,1 69, 8,205,9,128,162 :REM*136
:REM*172 0, 141,56,28,88 :REM*210 100 DATA 24,32,204,205,169,0,16
3 REM :REM»65 30 DATA 96,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,44,17, 2,32,32,204,205,232,32,204,
4 FS="128 NOTEPAD.OQJ":FAST:PRI 208,4 8,21,36,215,16,17,165,2 205,160,15,169 :REM*212
NT"PLEASE WAIT, READING DATA. 11,201,4,208,11 :REM'48 110 DATA 255,162,30,32,204,205,
..." :REM*170 40 DATA 165,212,201,9,208,5,173 136,16,246,169,186,133,251,
5 GRAPHIC1;GHAPHIC0;GRAPHIC5:DO ,56,28,240,3,108,57,28,169,2 169,34,133,252 :REM*178
UNTIL 1=1606 :REM'2<n 55,141,56,28,162 :REM*38 120 DATA 162,0,160,39,169,118,1
6 READ BY:POKE DEC("1C0D")+1,BY 50 DATA 13,32,218,205,240,7,169 45,251,200,169,117,145,251,
:CK = CK-tBY: 1 = 1*1 :LOOP : REM'30 ,0,141,56,28,208,234,160,50, 32,107,32,232 :REM*28
7 IF CKO172085 THEN SCNCLR5: PR 162,0,232,208 :REM*82 130 DATA 224,16,208,237,162,39,
INT"CHECKSUM WRONG.":END 60 DATA 253,200,208,248,160,0,1 169,111,157,186,34,169,119,
:REM*97 32,208,185,0,0,153,99,37,200 157,58,37,202,16 :REM'194
8 PRINT:PRINT"PUT FORMATTED DIS ,208,247,162,10 :REM*50 140 DATA 243,162,14,160,0,185,5
K INTO DRIVE & THEN PRESS RET 70 DATA 32,218,205,141,59,28,16 1,34,157,186,34,232,200,192
URN":SYS65 487 :REM*158 2,14,32,218,205,141,77,34,23 ,13,208,244,169 :REM»46
9 SCRATCH |F$):BSAVE (FS),P7181 2,32,218,205,141 :REM*254 150 DATA 16,162,12,32,204,205,1
TO P8787:PRINT DSS :REM*7 80 DATA 78,34,169,0,141,0,255,1 69,24,162,20,32,204,205,169
10 DATA 162,0,142,0,64,232,134, 70,32,104,255,165,241,9,128, ,16,141,46,10 :REM*244
45,169,64,133,46,120, 1 73,20, 133,241,169,16 :REM*188 160 DATA 169,24,141,47,10,160,3

SI RUN ■ SKl'It-.MHKR 19H7


,185,65,34,153,228,0,136,16 ,32,181,245,32,125,25 5,13,1 ,32,204,205,173,11,221,162,

,247,32,209,32 :REM*32 12,82,69,83,83 :REM*71 0,72,41,16,160,2 :REM'102
170 DATA 160,3,185,69,34,153,22 400 DATA 32,114,69,84,85,82,78, 630 DATA 208,12,169,186,32,197,
8,0,136,16,247,32,18,32,32, 0,32,228,255,201,13,208,249 32,185,9,221,23 2,72,41,240,
121,32,169,70,32 :REM*44 ,169,128,133,248 :REM*13 74,74,74,74,24 :REM*96
180 DATA 30,192,169,128,133,248 410 DATA 76,218,29,201,81,208,9 640 DATA 105,176,32,197,32,232,
,173,74,34,201,203,240,8,16 ,32,209,32,32,IB,32,76,102, 104,41,15,24,105,176,32,197
9,203,141,74,34 :REM*194 29,201,76,208,34 :REH»185 ,32,232,136,16 :REM*186
190 DATA 32,137,33,32,130,32,32 420 DATA 32,125,255,108,79,65,6 650 DATA 220,173,8,221,88,96,14
,228,255,240,248,201,22,208 8,58,3 2,78,46,0,32,21 5,32,3 2,73,34,162,31,3 2,204,205,1
,76,120,32,41,32 :REM*132 2,36,33,169,0 :REM*195 74,73,34,96,169 :REM*64
200 DATA 173,59,28,162,10,32,20 430 DATA 133,185,162,122,160,34 660 DATA 147,32,210,255,96,32,2
4,205,169,0,162,12,32,204,2 ,169,0,32,213,255,76,218,29 25,255,208,5,104,104,76,218
05,169,8,162,20 :REM*232 ,201,83,208,38 :REM*233 ,29,32,228,255 :REM*88
210 DATA 32,204,205,169,0,141,4 440 DATA 32,125,255,115,65,86,6 670 DATA 240,241,201,13,240,39,
6,10,169,8,14!,47,10,160,0, 9,58,32,78,46,0,32,215,32,3 201,20,240,36,174,75,34,236
185,99,37,153,0 :REM*70 2,36,33,162,122 :REM*33 ,76,34,240,225 :REM*170
220 DATA 0,200,208,247,173,77,3 450 DATA 160,34,134,253,132,254 680 DATA 201,127,176,221,201,32
4,162,14,32,204,205,232,173 ,162,98,160,37,169,253,32,2 ,144,217,201,34,240,213,172
,78,34,32,204 :REM*72 16,255,76,216,29 :REM*173 ,75,34,153,82,34 :REM*184
230 DATA 205,169,0,133,208,133, 460 DATA 201,88,208,60,32,125,2 690 DATA 238,75,34,32,210,255,7
211,133,212,141,56,28,76,51 55,99,79,77,77,65,78,68,58, 6,215,32,96,174,75,34,240,1
,255,201,19,208 :REM*20 0,169,35,141,76 :REM*61 :REM*182
240 DATA 6,32,121,32,76,102,29, 470 DATA 34,32,215,32,172,75,34 700 DATA 125,255,157,32,157,0,7
201,4,240,11,32,210,255,169 ,240,29,173,55,28,133,186,3 6,215,32,173,75,34,240,179,
,79,32,30,192,76 ;REM*2 2,177,255,169 :REH*17 24,105,2,162,80 :REM*16
250 DATA 102,29,32,41,32,32,204 480 DATA 111,133,185,32,147,255 710 DATA 160,34,32,189,255,173,
,255,32,125,255,147,13,32,3 ,160,0,185,82,34,32,168,255 55,28,133,186,96,141,135,33
2,32,32,109,101 :REM-94 ,200,204,75,34 :REM*83 ,142,134,33,162 :REM«144
260 DATA 110,117,13,13,32,100,5 490 DATA 144,244,32,174,255,76, 720 DATA 9,142,136,33,160,176,1
8,100,73,82,69,67,84,79,82, 218,29,201,80,208,77,32,4,3 73,134,33,221,123,33,173,13
89,13,32,108,56 :REM*2S 2,169,17,141,64 :REM*119 :REM*252
270 DATA 108,79,65,68,13,32,115 580 DATA 34,169,4,133,186,32,17 730 DATA 144,15,141,135,33,173,
,58,115,65,86,69,13,32,112, 7,255,169,103,133,185,32,14 134,33,253,123,33,141,134,3
58,112,82,73,78 :REM*201 7,255,160,20,169 :REM*117 3,200,208,227 :REM«134
280 DATA 84,13,32,120,58,100,73 510 DATA 32,32,168,255,136,208, 740 DATA 152,202,240,12,201,176
,83,75,32,67,79,77,77,65,78 248,177,251,41,127,201,32,1 ,240,3,141,136,33,44,136,33
,68,13,32,113,58 :REM*151 44,9,201,64,144 tREM'43 ,16,5,41,127,32 :REM*8
290 DATA 101,68,73,84,79,82,13, 520 DATA 9,201,96,144,3,24,105, 750 DATA 210,255,202,16,201,96,
13,18,32,115,84,65,84,85,83 32,105,32,32,168,255,200,19 1,0,10,0,100,0,232,3,16,39,
,58,146,32,0,169 :REM'59 2,40,208,227,169 :REM-174 0,0,0,32,125,255 ;REM*42
300 DATA 0,133,144,173,55,28,13 530 DATA 13,32,168,255,32,107,3 760 DATA 147,13,40,67,41,32,49,
3,186,32,180,255,165,144,20 2,206,64,34,208,204,32,174, 57,56,55,32,98,79,66,32,107
8,20,169,111,133 :REM*51 255,76,218,29 :REM*50 ,79,68,65,68,69 ;REM*100
310 DATA 185,32,150,255,32,165, 540 DATA 169,18,162,18,32,204,2 770 DATA 75,13,32,32,32,32,32,3
255,201,13,240,6,32,210,255 05,169,162,232,32,204,205,1 2,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,3
,76,80,30,32,171 :REM«125 69,186,162,34 :REM*242 2,32,32,32,32,32 ;REM*S1
320 DATA 255,32,204,255,32,125, 550 DATA 133,251,134,252,160,0, 780 DATA 32,32,32,32,32,32,32,3
255,13,13,0,169,0,141,75,34 140,64,34,96,32,247,31,177, 2,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,3
,169,14,141,76 :REM-57 251,162,31,32 ;REM*174 2,32,32,32,32,13 :REM'11
330 DATA 34,32,130,32,32,228,25 560 DATA 204,205,200,192,40,208 790 DATA 13,112,82,69,83,83,32,
5,240,248,201,68,240,3,76,6 ,244,32,64,32,201,17,208,23 32,99,79,78,84,82,79,76,45,
,31,32,209,32 :REM*211 7,96,32,247,31 :REM*222 119,32,84,79,32 :REM*47
340 DATA 169,0,133,248,169,1,16 570 DATA 162,31,32,218,205,145, 800 DATA 79,80,69,78,32,76,79,8
2,79,160,34,32,189,255,169, 251,200,192,40,208,244,32,6 4,69,80,65,68,13,32,32,32,3
96,133,185,32 :REM*147 4,32,201,17,208 :REM«242 2,32,32,32,99,79 :REM*187
350 DATA 203,240,173,55,28,133, 580 DATA 237,96,162,18,32,218,2 810 DATA 78,64,82,79,76,45,118,
186,32,180,255,165,185,32,1 05,72,232,32,218,205,24,105 32,64,79,32,67,76,79,83,69,
50,255,169,0,133 :REM*67 ,40,141,73,34 :REM«112 32,87,73,78,68 :REM*27
360 DATA 144,160,3,132,183,32,1 590 DATA 104,105,0,162,18,32,20 820 DATA 79,87,13,32,32,32,32,3
65,255,133,195,32,165,255,1 4,205,173,73,34,232,32,204, 2,32,32,99,79,78,84,82,79,7
33,196,164,144 :REM*123 205,32,107,32 :REM*80 6,45,100,32,70 :REM*65
370 DATA 208,40,164,183,136,208 600 DATA 160,0,238,64,34,173,64 83ft DATA 79,82,32,79,80,84,73,7
,235,166,195,165,196,32,57, ,34,96,165,251,24,105,40,13 9,78,32,77,69,78,85,13,0,96
33,32,165,255 :REM*181 3,251,165,252 :REM«70 ,32,49,50,56,32 :REM'137
380 DATA 166,144,208,21,201,0,2 610 DATA 105,0,133,252,96,24,16 840 DATA 78,15,20,5,16,1,4,32,0
0S,9,169,13,32,210,255,160, 2,0,160,0,32,240,255,96,120 ,24,8,33,74,23,9,35,72,0,0,
2,200,208,32,210 :REM*37 ,169,23,162,18 :REM*216 0,0,0,0,36,78,46 :REM"253
390 DATA 255,32,225,255,208,228 620 DATA 32,204,205,169,113,232 850 DATA 75 :REH*113 ■

.SWTEMBER 1987 'RUN 53

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Summer CES:
The Show Goes On
This summer's Consumer Electronics Show was a beehive
ofactivity, but where was Commodore?


In most ways, the summer months allGEOS printer driven, as well as Post and New Products section and the
arc a slow time for ilie computer script (used with the Apple LaserWriter geoWatch column.
Industry, Hardware sales are down, printer). No firm release date was avail
software sales lag anil the page able from Berkeley. Games
counts of computer-specific magazines All the major companies showed an
diminish. However, one scene of bus impressive lineup of new entertainment
tling activity is Chicago's McCormick software, most having speciacular graph
Place, where ihc Summer Consumer ics and the promise ofhours of fun.
Electronic! Show parade! new hard Activision: Yrom Aciivision and Lucas-
ware and software before editors, writ Him comes an animated comic adven
ers, distributors and dealers. ture called Maniac Mansion. In this
At CES iii June of this year, the new game, you control three characters as
Amiga Af.00 and A2000 were highly they explore an old house and try to
visible, but there was also ample evi rescue their girlfriend. Site's been kid
dence that the Commodore eight-bit napped by Dr. Fred, who wants to per
machines have plenty of life left in form an interesting, although fatal,
them. A lot of innovative software for experiment on her.
theC-64 and C428 was 00 display, with The Last Ninja is a beautifully ani
the trend toward low tost "budget" soft mated adventure/arcade game that has
ware still apparent. Also, in line with some of the best fighting sequences I've
the general computer market rush, A scroan dump from Berkeley seen yet. The graphics are detailed, and
there were announcements and dem Saftwurka' geoPubliah illustrates a the animation is very well executed.
onstrations of C-64 desktop publishing zoom-in on a page with tool box F.pyx: California Games is the new se-
programs. Software for tile C-I28 was and moriu showing. QUCl to Kpyx's Summer, Winter and
sparse, hut I did sec indication) that World Games. Instead of the usual alb
this mat bine is beginning 10 get serious 'I'imeworks also announced a desk lelic events, in ibis competition you test
support from major companies. top publishing program for the C-64, your skill at rollerskaliug, skateboard
but details were sketchy as to its final ing, surfing and hackcysack.
Inexpensive Software name and release date. Gold Disk of
Some of the low-cost software pack Canada announced that I'ageScucr—
ages on display are newly programmed originally designed for the Amiga—
from major companies, but many are would be available for the C-64 by
imports of software previously pub fall. Both PageSetter and die Time-
lished in Europe. Several reputable U.S. Works desktop program will be aimed
companies, including Electronic Arts, at users of dot matrix printers.
Epyx, Mindscape and Accolade, have
established new divisions that will spec GEOS 128
ialize in budget-line titles. The bottom Berkley demonstrated their long-
line seems to be that some low-cost pro awaited GKOS 128 package. It supports
grams ate of high quality, representing both the '10- and SD-Column bitmap
an exceptional value, while others, even modes, and the 80-column display is
at f'.Ulf) or less, aren't worth even that. especially impressive, letting you view
As always, you should be careful when the full-page width of a geol'aim or
you're offered a so-called "bargain." geoWrite document. The monochrome
display is sharp, and the mouse control By selecting verbs and pointing to
DESKTOP PUBLISHING is smooth and fluid. GHO.S 128 should objects, you can direct characters
Berkeley Softworks' geol'uhlish was be available by the time you read this. lika Dave and Razor in Maniac
one oi the new desktop publishing pro Kor more information on new GKOS Mansion, the latest from Actiuision/
grams Introduced at CES. it supports products, keep an eye on /f(Ws News Lucanfilm. © 1987 LFL


includes digitized sound, and Test Drive
puts you behind the wheel of cars you've
probably only read about in Car and
MicroProse: An actual Link Flight
Training Simulator hooked up to Gun-
ship highlighted the MicroProse booth.
1 was at the controls for a while, guiding
the computerized helicopter through
turns and dives.
After coming in for a crash landing, I
noted two new MicroProse packages on
display in the booth, both due out in late
summer or early fall. Project: Stealth
Skateboarding is just ono of the, Fighter is a jet-fighter simulation, and Invade, rescue, destroy and saue
like, totally radical sports you can Airborne Hanger is an arcade simulation. are your missions in Mindscepe's
play in Epyx' California Games. Infocmn: Plundered Hearts, Nord and Into the Eagle's Nest.
Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of 1(
The folks at Epyx have added a new and Beyond Zork weren't previewed at Not about to question success, Mind-
title, Omnicron Conspiracy, to their ad CES, but 1 got the scoop that these out scape introduced Bop 'n Rumble from
vanced gamer Master Series. Their in rageous titles should hit the stands in the creators of Bop 'n Wrestle, a pro
expensive software line, Maxx-Out, is the fall. gram that's sold more than 100,000 cop
replete with arcade, adventure arid cre Minihcape; Thunder Mountain, Mind- ies. And you'll probably be descending
ative software for the 1(1- to H-ycar- scape's budget software line, continues Into the Eagle's Nest, a WWII combat
old set. with Rock 'n Roll Trivia, a five-volume arcade game, by the lime this article is
Electronic Arts: Instant Music, one of set. Their Cinemaware line was out in published.
several new programs for the C-04, is full force, with tides adopted (and im
part of a program originally marketed proved in the process) from the Amiga. CBM No Show
For the Amiga. It's a simple composition Conspicuously missing from this CES
tool that will let you create music, even was Commodore itself. They pulled out
if you have no musical experience. The of the show and bad no presence on
Amiga version was well received, and the floor at all (in contrast to Atari's
the C-64 version should follow suit. two-Story booth, complete with air
Electronic Arts continues adding to plane!). In fact, one of the questions I
their Amazing Software line of under heard asked most oflen was, "Where is
$'20 programs, with titles like Sanxion, Commodore?" They did appear at the
Delta Patrol and Dragon's Lair, due out. Atlanta Comdex show, held at the same
lliis summer. By the time you read this. time as CES, and reportedly were well
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing should be received. However, CES is where they
On the shelves, too. This program's jokes, usually show all their new consumer
riddles and games will relieve llie usual computer products.
boredom of typing practice. Does this mean Commodore is pull
Accolade:Another program, an arcade ing back from their mass market ap
space adventure culled Sigma 7, has proach to selling computers? I don't
been added to Accolade's low-priced One of the new titles in Electronic think so. Their absence was probably
Avantage line. Two other new programs Arts' Amazing Software line, mainly due to Comdex occurring in the
from Accolade, Apollo 18: Mission to Sanxion, requires quick reflexes to same week. ■
lite Moon and Test Drive, feature spec keep your aircraft flying in a 3-D
tacular graphics for the C-64, Apollo 18 environment. Lou Wallace i\ RUN'.i technical manager.


RUN it right: C-64

Phaser Phire
Command the Starfleet and rout the Klingon hordes, in this

Battleship-type game.


Those despicable Klingons are at each others' fleets. To fire, move your
tacking again, and you, Com cursor, which is now on the Klingon
mander of the Starfleet, must grid, to where you think one of their
locate and destroy their space ships might be, then hit the joystick fire-
ships before they destroy yours. The button or die return key. If you're lucky,
stakes are high: If you fail, the Klingons you'll hit a Klingon ship, but the first hit
will invade the Federation of Planets and won't destroy it. To do that, you must
bring it to its knees. The forces are ar use subsequent turns to hit every square
rayed on die display screen, and Phaser ■ ■ ' the ship occupies. To win, you must de
Phire begins! It's played much like the stroy all the Klingon ships before they
popular board game, Batdeship. destroy yours.
Type in Listing 1, using 64 Perfect FIGMICB Each time you fire, the square you hit
SUtELLI gets filled in with a square dol. Each time
Typist, and save it to disk. When you run
the program, there'll he a wait while you hit a ship, a dash after its name in
some custom characters and a sprite are the list is replaced by an asterisk.
read in. If you're using a C-128 in (>■! ships must be secret, so, if your oppo The satellite in each fleet has special
mode, you can speed up initialization by nent is a person, no peeking. significance. If you destroy the Klingons'
deleting the REMs in lines 106 and 112. To place a ship, use your joystick or satellite, all die dots in your grid will dis
This will activate Pokes lhat will, in turn, the£, t, ■ and * keys to move the cursor appear, so the Klingons won't know
disable the screen update and reduce to the square where you want one end where diey've already shot or the loca
the setup time considerably. of the ship to be and press the fire-but tions of your ships they've already discov
The game display includes two side- ton or return key. Then push thejoys tick ered. Of course, it works the odier way
by-side grids, one for the Starfleet and to the right or press the t key to place around, too. Strategy hint: If you locate
one for the Klingons. Below each grid is the ship horizontally to the right of dial [he Klingons' satellite early in the game,
a list of the four ships In that fleet. The square; or push the joystick down or note the location and destroy it later,
length of each ship, in grid squares, is press die = key lo place it vertically after diey've taken more shots.
represented by a line of dashes afier the down from the square. Phaser Phire Ready, aim, phire! HI
ship's name—one dash per square. won't let you place one ship on top of
To begin play, you and the Klingon another or across a border. Robert Cook is a designer ofprinted circuit
commander must position your fleets on Once the batde lines are drawn, you boards who has written many programs for
your respective grids. The locations of and the Klingons begin firing phasers at dommadorr computers.

Listing 1. Phaser Phiro program.

0 REH STARSHIP • 1987 • ROBERT 110 FORI=0TO2047:POKEI+14336,PE :REM*18

B. COOK * :REM*50 EK(I+53248I:NEXT :REM'232 122 LF=54272:HF=54273:WV=54276:

100 PRINT"(SHFT CLRJfCRSR DN)(C 112 POKE!,PEEK[1)OR4:POKE56334, AT=S4277:SR=54278:POKELF+24

TRL 8)(7 SPACES IP H A S E R PEEK(56334)OR1:REM POKE5329 ,15 :REM*216

<3 SPACEs)P 11 I R E:REM*146 6,252 :REM*234 124 GOSUB424:POKE2040,13

102 PRINT"{4 CRSR DNs) {CTRL 2)R 114 POKE53272,(PEEK(53272)AND2 4 :REM*240

EADING DATA.... :REM*74 0)+14 :REM*224 126 CL$="{H0ME}(2 CRSR RTs){6 C

104 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0:POK 116 DIM GC(2,9,9},XC(2),YC(2),X RSR DNSH36 SPACEsKCRSR UP
E650,128:IFPEEK(14 3 36]=60TH D{5),YD(5),EP(2),PR(3) }(5 CRSR RTs) :REM"138
EN!14 :REM»186 :REM*24 128 D$="(HOME){23 CRSR DNs)
118 DIM XH|5),y.HI5) ,SH(2,5),TH( :RE»»164
106 POKE52,56:POKE56,56:CLR:REM
POKE53296,3 :REM*250 2),PL(2),PL$|2),SSS12,5) 130 PLS(1)="STARFLEET ":PL5{2)=
108 POKE56334,PEEK<56334)AND254 ;REM*62 "KLINGON " :REM*238
:POKE1,PEEK(1JAND251 120 PL=2:SP(1)=48:SP(2)=200:R=R 132 PRINT'MCRSR UPKCOMD B ) NUMB

:REM*146 ND(-TI):VC=53248:SP=53269 ER OF PLAYERS? [1-21(2 SPAC


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FOR COMMODORE C-B4 S. C-1 28 Computers


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EsHCTRL 2}"; :REM*188 166 PRINT"(CTRL 9)(COMD 7)(CRSR INT(RND(1 )"C2 + 4)THENX=SX:Y=S
:REM*76 (2 SPACES)" :REM*160 :REM*132




=(CRSR UP) (UP ARROW)(2 SPA CEs)" :REM*170 222 RD=INT(RND(1)*4):IFPR(RD)=1
CEs) (4 SPACEsKCOMD 3] (C :REM*54

RS :REM*98 [4 SPACES)" :REM*84 ORXP=1THEN222 :REM»230

198,0:WAIT198,1 :REM*64 5 SPACEs)(COMD 3)(COMD H) S 230 IFRD=2THENYD(TS)=+1:IFTY<TS

8 SHFT Rs) :REM*178 174 PRINT"(CTRL 9)(COMD 7)(CRSR ORYM=1THEN222 :REM*52

148 PRINT" (CTRL 9}{7 COMD @s K ST){19 COHD PsKCOMD 3){SH 234 X=X+XD(TS):Y=Y+YD(TS):GOTO2




150 PRINT" (38 COMD Ys):REM*214 178 PL = 3-PL:M=1:K = 5:POKE646,1 8- N244 :REM~10
152 PRINT"(CTRL 9)(COMD 7)(CRSR PL*4 :REM*250 240 IFGC(PL,TX,TY)=1THEN244
RTHCOMD DM17 COMD Is) (CO 180 FORI=1TO4 :REM*154 :REM*170
MD Is KCOMD F)" :REM*104 +SS$(PL,K) :REM«252 244 TX=SH(PL,TS)'-XD(TS):TY=SH(
D K}S T A R F L E E T(CTRL TO188 :REM*98 S):YD(TS)=-YD(TS) :REM*8
9)(COMD K)(COMD 3)(COMD H){ 186 X=INT(RND(1)*10):Y=INT(RND( 246 X=X+TX:Y=Y+TY:GOTO256

CTRL 0) KLINGONS (CT 1)*10):ONINT(RND(1)*2+1)GOS :REH»168

RL 9)(COMD K)" :REM*21B UB362,370 :REM*56 248 X = INT(RND{1 )*10) :Y^=INT(RND(
156 PRINT"(CTRL 9 H COMD 7}(CRSR 188 K=K-1:NEXT:POKESP,0:REM*1 54 1 )*10) :REM»146






)(SHFT A)(SHFT B)(SHFT C)(S 194 IFPL=1THEN178 :REM*44 :REM*37

A) f SHFT BXSHFT C) (SHFT A) 0:YC(2)=0:SP(2)=200:POKEVC+ )(>1THENXM=XM+1:G0TO268

(SHFT B)(Sf!FT CKCTRL 9) (CO 16,0 :REM«252
NKCTRL 0XSHFT A} (SHFT B) Zt<t> PL = 3-PL:M=2 :REM*192 :REM*245


D 3}{CTRL 9HCOMD J) ":NEXT 14THEN410 :REM"66 )<>1THENYM=YM+1:GOTO274
;REM»!34 206 IFNP=2THEN200 :REH-124 :REM*18 5

RT)(2 SPACEs)(15 COMD Ys)( 210 PL=3-PL:M=2 :REM*202 278 REM CHECK FOR HIT :REM*159
15 COMD YS)(2 SPACES)" HASERS :REM'16 POKE6 46,18-PL*4 :REM*253
:REM«198 214 IFSH(PL,2I = 1T11ENIFTH13-PL) > 2B2 K=GC(PL,X,YI:GC(PL,X,Y)=1



:REM*85 D":FORJ=1TO5 00:NEXT:NEXT "2723302915",J,2)^J$THEN330

(PL)*"TARGET":RETURN:KEM*23 306 IFJO2THEN316 :REM'63 328 NEXT:GOTO324 :REM»201
286 IFK=5ORK=9THSNPRINT"PREVIOU 308 T=3-PL:POKE646,18-T*4 330 0NJ/2t.5GOTO332,334,336,338
S "+PL$(PL)+"TARGET":RETURH :REM*223 ,346 :REM*41
:REM'139 310 FORI=0TO9:PRIHTLEFTS(DS,9+I 332 X=X-1*-(X>0):GOTO340
L)-t-SS$(PL,K) REM*247 B}(SHFT CJtSHFT AHSHFT B) 334 X=X*1«-(X<9):GOTO340:REM*41
290 M=3:GOSUB398 :REM*19 tSIIFT CUSHFT A){SHFT B}(SH 336 Y=Y-1*-(Y>0):GOTO340
TH(PL>+1 :REM*!53 CKS1IFT AHSHFT BKSHFT Cl" 338 Y=Y+1*-(Y(9) :REM*1S1
=X:SY=Y :REM*3 9 :REM"169 :REM»4 5
296 PRINTLEFT$(D$,20+5-K)TAB(CC 314 NEXT:NEXT :REM*63 342 XC(PL)=X»12:YC(PL)=Y*8
[PL,6)+SII(PL,K) )"{CTRL 9}*" 316 RETURN :REM-119 :REM*237
:REM*99 320 ♦ 1 ,YC(PI,) + 11 4:GOTO324
298 M=4:GOSUB398:POKE646,7 PL)/B :REM»101 :REM*195
300 PRINTCL$:FORI=1T05 :REM*49 +1,YC(PL)+114:POKEVC+16,-(S :REM*U5
302 PRINT"{CRSR UP)(3 CRSR RTs} P(PLX0):POKESP,1 :REM*lt3 348 ONMGOTO352,380 :REM*103
8 > " : FORJ= 1 TO 3 0 ft: NEXT 201AND31),2):FORJ=1TO9STEP2 352 POKE646,18-PL*4:PRINTCL$"WH
304 PRINT"(CRSR UP)[3 CRSR RTs) 326 IFMID${"* [UP ARROW) (LQ.) T :REM*21

TheHof Shot

Hot Shot
Advanced Graphics Printer Interface Graphics Printer
The Hot Shot PLUS is Ihe moal advanced and useful printer interface wot created lor ihe Commodore Interface
computer Tne Hot Shot PLUS has the si an oard features you have come to expect in a printer interface,
including Full Commodore Emulation and Transparent operating modoygrving you the maximum capa- The HOT SHOT Graphics Printer Inter
bif ily and performance possible fitttn face is an inexpensive printer interface
you' printer1 However, thai 15 |usitho wilh many ol ihe popular features found
beginning1 The Hot Shot PLUS on more expensive interfaces All stan
comes with a built-in BK dard features are supported, including
buiier, which you can expand to a 1GKr32KT46K, or 64K butler Emulation. ASCII, Transparent, and En
fust by adding additional chips I A built-in Reset button allows hanced features mode. You can also add
you lo clear The buffer. The Hoi Shot PLUS has been designed an 8K buffer chip lo [he Hal Shot. Sup
lo take complete advantage of your printers special graphic? ports Near Letter Quality printing on
features? The Hot Shot PLUS has 6 Near Lelter Quality Fonti rnosE popular dot matrix printers EasUy
built into 1(5 ROM, giving most popular primers greatly incrnasnd accessible DIP switches Advanced! pro
printing quality flndvorsaiiNly Uanra ctin design and uploari from 2lo42 gramming techniques eliminate primer
prJdHtanfll cutiomlivd lonii fnlolhe Hoi Shol PLUS memory Tnu Hul head shuffling II has advanced graphics
Shot PLUS comes complete wilh its Finibitc Font Editor bull I into Id tajitures nol loundonotncr moroexpen-
ROM, You load it into your compiler jusl as if the Hot Shot PLUS were a sive interlaces. Graphics can bo set to
dish drive1 The Fantastic Font Ednor is compatible with In* print m double or quad density1 All this
CW, C12Bln 126 mod4. and 1h« Plui4! A disk ismcruded with and more contained in a small rugged1
many additional (onTs. and fonis (rom ihe Xetec Super case which pfugs
HOT SHOT PLUS u SUPSt CHAP MIX SR. „ S"?" HolShol Graphics Srr" can be convened to the Hot Shot PLUS format right onto the back ol
eiaonics St. plus
The Hot Shol PLUS has Ceen designed la eliminate pnni head your printer connec
Shuffling and maxima grap hies printing speed. The Hot Snot tion Only ecq qc
PLUEhasa unique Graphlci En hi net men! Mode which allows
STANDARD BUFFER PHOVIDEO BK BK you to print standard graphics printouts in Double or
BUFFER USEfl EXPANDABLE NO VES Quadruple Dsntlly! Graphics quality with programs such as
Tho Pnnlshop1", Sideways'", and Goos1" ionts are dramatically
Improved using this Ionium, which Is compatible with most
BUILT IN FONT EDITOR NO ves popular printers. No olhor inlurfjico hns this great loaLure1 The
FONT EDITOR PLUS* COMPATIBLE NO YES Hoi Shot PLUS also has Iwoirtltof DIPtwhchei,allowingyou
GRAPHICS ENHANCEMENT SELECTION NO YES lo directly select ana change all thn above nestings. CP/M
GEOS1" FONT ENHANCEMENT SELECTION NO YES Mode selection also All this and moie at a Itst pnee of only
'"■" think Ine leaturi .■■ .-.- show [he Hot Shol PLUS is a tar better choice I han the Xelec Super Graphics Sr al the samp hst
price. Don't buy apnnler interlace unlil you gtfl more mlormalion on these prcducls1 Call us today To ask us why you should
Cfllr lit f-tfl COmplere mfofirulior on |h< H
choose our interlaces Thn addoeinot lei us fully describe Thaicatures of Ihoso producls These are Ine best printer interfaces on The market,
Hfid we know you will likn thorn better Jn/in any oiher Wo afso have a Iradu-m offer and other incentives' Cnllus flnd let us send you lull
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Give yuur sefjjl HS?3? finier maitfrium conpjri nnKi^ lo the a1' ■lU iny money Mck gvnrantH t»\
Serial Printer Interface WylbiiS 75-19. ?00 SagtF. Kon-XoH Full tf& 'V M COD
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PrJnler Porl se your Cornnuorire &inia * [h j F Cable aid priniw Qt™# s
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201AND31),2):F0RJ=1TO3STEP2 384 ONMGOSUB388,392:RETUI!N 412 PRINTCL$"(COMD 3)(3 SPACES)

356 IFMID$("(UP ARROW) = ",J,1) 386 REM SOUNDS :REM*3 I :REM*25
N360 ;REM*137 ,50:POKELF,3 5 :REM'53 (CTRL S]{6 SPACEs)ANOTHER B
358 NEXT:GOTO354 ;BEM*169 390 F0RL=1TO15:NEXT:POKEWV,!6:R ATTLE?(2 SPACEsltY/N]
360 ONJ/2+.5GOTO362,370:REM*237 ETURN :REM*147 :REM*155
,X + J,Y)TliENIaI-1 :K=K+1 :RETU F-.24,15-1/2 :REM*23 EN416 :REM*53
364 NEXT:T=X :REM*251 ,17 :REM*221 420 PRINTCLS'MCOMD a}(4 SPACES)
X=X+1 :REM*209 398 POKES4280,8:POKE54284,20:PO :REM"19
368 NEXT:X=T:RETURN :REM*235 KE54285,250:POKEWV+7,129 422 REM DATA :REM'245
,X,Y+J)THENI.I-1:K=K+1:RETU 400 FORI=1TO16:POKE53280,16-I»- I,J(:NEXT:NEXT :REM*107
RN :REM«251 (M"4) :REM»1 426 FORI-1TO2:FORJ=2TO5:READSSJ

372 NEXT:T=Y :REM*67 402 FORJ=1TO99:NEXT:POKELF+24,1 |I,J):NEXT:NEXT :REM*209

374 FORJ^0TOK-1:GNIPL=1ORNP=2)+ 6-I/2:NEXT:POKEWVt7,128 428 FORA=0TO63:READB:POKE14856+
2GOSUB3B0,384:GC(PL,X,Y)=K: :REM*139 A,B:NEXT :REM*163
Y=Y+1 :REM*91 404 FORL=1T015:POKELF+24,L:NEXT 430 FORA=0TO63:READB;POKE832+A,
:REM*87 RETURN :REM*41 434 DATA 03,05,06,08,09,11,12,1
380 IFIXAND1 )=0THENPRINTLEFTS(D 408 REM::::::::::: END GAME ::: 4,15,17 :REM*153
$,Y+9)TABICC(PL,X)1'MSHFT D ::::::::: :REM"211 436 DATA 22,24,25,27,28,30,31,3
}":GOTO384 :REM*47 410 PRINTCL$"(COMD 7)(3 SPACES) 3,34,36 :REM»153
,X|)"{SHFT E)" :REM'87 !":GOTO414 :REM'249 ::::::::: :REM+37

A Powerful Wordprocessor 442 DATA SATELLITE,FIGHTER,BOMB


imodore 128s 444 REM CUSTOM CHARACTERS

446 DATA 0,127,127,127,127,127,
127,127 :REM'191
448 DATA 0,247,247,247,247,247,
tS Selected 247,247 :REM»103
'.for the 1987 450 DATA 0,255,255,255,255,255,
255,255 :REM"61
452 DATA 0,127,127,120,120,120,
■ Showcase 127,127 :REM*133
Award. 454 DATA 0,255,255,143,143,143,
255,255 :R£M-107
456 DATA 0,0,0,0,255,255,255,0
From the author of Fontmaster II comes Fontmaster 128, 458 DATA 15,15,15,15,255,255,25
an enhanced version for the Commodore 128. This 5,0 :REM*155
powerful word processor with its many different print 460 DATA 63,63,63,63,63,63,63,0
:REM*1 91
styles (fonts), turns your dot matrix printer into a more 462 REM SPRITE :REM*185
effectual tool. Term papers, newsletters, and foreign 464 DATA 6 3,224,0,96,48,0,192,2
languages are just a few of its many applications, 4 :REM*73
466 DATA 0,192,24,0,192,24,0,19
* Program disk with no protection - uses hardware key 2 :REM»229

* Supplement disk includes foreign language fonts 468 DATA 24,0,192,24,0,96,48,0

* 56 Fonts ready to use
470 DATA 63,224,0,0,0,0,0,0
* Font editor/creator included :REM*255
* On screen Font preview 472 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
* 80 column only :REM*139
474 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
* Supports more than 110 printers :REM*141
476 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
This package will soon be available with a spell checker.
Commodore 128 is a registered trademark of Commodnre Business Machines, Inc 478 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
:REM»14 5 ■
^ Inc 2804 Arnold Rd Sahna, Ks 67401(913)827-0685
62 Rl'N ■ SKITKMHKK l'J87 Circle 96 on Roadsr Soivicu card.
RUN it right: C-64

iKev P Useful
One ofthe beauties oftJie C-128 is its preprogrammedfunction
keys. Now you can have these on the C-64 as well.


[hen 1 upgraded to 3
C-128 after two years of
using a C-64, it was amaz
ing how quickly I came
to depend on tile 128's preprogrammed
function keys. Having single keypresses
to input mundane command? like Load
and List has really enhanced my crea
tivity in programming, because they in
terfere very little with my train of
thought. Why, I wondered, can't the
C-64 have this same feature?
Well, the truth is that it can! My C-64
Function Keys program redefines the
tH's function keys to behave much as
the C-128'a function keys in their de
fault definitions.
When you type in CM Function Keys
from Listing 1, be sure to save it before
you run it, because the program erases
itself from memory as it completes ex
ecution. During execution, first the
Data statements arc poked into mem
ory, and then a list (if the key functions
is displayed on the screen.

The Functions
Here's a brief description of what
each key does:
Fl: toggles between the normal text
screen and a previously defined hi-res
bit-mapped screen.
F2: loads a file. First, it displays the
word LOAD, followed by a double quo
tation mark. When you add the name
of the file you want, a close quote and
a ,8 (or ,8,1 for machine language pro
grams), and then press return, the file
loads as usual.
F3: calls up the directory of the disk
in the disk drive, without disturbing any
program in memory.
F4 andF8: cycle through the 16 avail
able colors for the border and back-
ground of the screen display. I chose to
implement these screen-color options,
hecause, for one reason, the C-64 lacks
a machine language monitor like rhe
one F8 accesses on the C-128. Also, the 1



fil'.s hi-ics screen is more movable than F7: lists (lie program in memory. uiode with a reset and returned to 64
the l2H's, s<i :i function similar I" the mode with a reset or a command.
Program Particulars
I28's F'l icreen-clenr might erase the The C-64 Function Keys program is
wrong lection of memory on the ti4. Of G"f)4 Function Keys resides in mem meant to he used in Immediate mode.
course, ii's alia much easier 10 press ory locations -r>2772-53242, leaving If you use i( with a program dial in
individual keys lhan to keep typing U.5K free starling at 49152 and making cludes Get loops (especially loops (hat
POKE 53280.X and POKE 53281.X to the program compatible with many look for a function key press), you'd be
find a pleasing color combination. other wedge-type programs. Unfortu wise to press run-stop/restore before
F5: saves a file will) a procedure sim nately, it isn't compatible with the DOS running the Other program.
ilar id that tor the F2 load above. First, 5.1 DOS Wedge, because they occupy I've Identified the beginning of each
[lie word SAVE and a double quotation the same area, and C-fi'l Function Keys function-key routine in the listing with
mark appear. Then you add ihe name is difficult lo relocate. a rkm statement, so you can study how
you want (lit- file lo have, a closing quote Pressing run-stop/restore disables (he it works and alter it if you like, W
and a ,8, and press return to save the program by restoring (he original IRQ
file to disk. vectors. However, a SYS 52800 will en Kettny Lawson uses computer-controlled
F6: runs the program currently in the able it again. On [he C-128. SYS 52800 equipment in his job as set-up man at the
64's memory. even works when you've gone lo 128 RCAGE plant in Indianapolis.

Listing 1. C-64 Function Keys program.

10 REM C-64 FUNCTION KEYS ,208,3,76,68,207,76,208,206 19,2 :REH*179

:REM*204 :REM*2 4 410 DATA 169,1,133,196,76,49,23
20 REM REDEFINE 64 KEYS SIMILIA 200 DATA 201,6,208,11,173,1-11,2 4 :REM*171
R TO 128 KEYS :REM*140 ,208,3,76,234,206,76,0,207 420 REM F8 BACKGROUND :REM*163
70 PRINT"(S!IFT CLR ) " : FORX=52772 :REM*230 430 DATA 32,142,206,173,33,208,
TO53242:READA:POKEX,A:CTCCT+ 210 DATA 201,3,208,11,173,141,2 41,15,240,6,238,33,208,76,4
A:PRINT"(HOME[POKING "X:NE ,208,3,76,22,207,76,44,207, 9,234 :REM*39
XT :REM*110 76,49,234 :REM*78 440 DATA 169,0,141,33,208,76,49
LR)(2 CRSR DNs){3 CRSR RTs}E 230 DATA 120,32,159,255,165,203 450 REM F3 DIRECTORY :REM*85
RROR SOMEWHERE IN DATA STATE ,201,64,208,247,88,96 460 DATA 32,142,206,169,2,162,2
MENTSJ":STOP :REM*74 :REH*28 30,160,207,32,189,255,169,1
90 PRINT"[SHFT CLR)(CTRL 9)C64 240 REM F1 GRAPHIC :REM*176 ,162,8,160,0 ;REM*231
FUNCTION KEYS REDEFINITION I 250 DATA 32,142,206,173,17,208, 470 DATA 32,186,255,32,192,255,
NSTALLEDICRSR DN)":AS="{7 CR 41,32,208,11,173,17,208 162,1,32,198,255,32,228,255
SR RTs!" :REM*!12 :REM*13 0 :REM*189
100 PRINT"SYS 52800 TO RE-ENABL 260 DATA 9,32,141,17,208,76,49, 480 DATA 201,1,240,3,24,144,102
E KEYS AT ANY TIME.(CRSR DN .34..73..7.208.41,223,141,1 ,32,228,255,32,228,255,32,2
)":SYS52800 :REM*34 7,208,76,49,234 :REM*51 28,255 :REM*225
110 PRINTA$"F1=TEXT OR HI-RES E 270 REM F2 LOAD :REM*229 490 DATA 32,228,255,170,32,228,
CREEN(CRSR DN}":PRINTAS"F2= 280 DATA 32,142,206,169,241,160 255,32,205,189,169,32,32,21
LOAD A PROGRAM(CRSR DN)"" ,207,32,30,171,169,34,141,1 0,255,162,25 :REM*193
:REM*52 19,2 :REM*43 500 DATA 32,228,255,32,210,255,
120 PRINTA$"F3=VIEW DISK DIRECT 290 DATA 169,1,133,198,76,49,23 202,208,247,169,13,32,210,2
ORYiCRSR DN)":PRINTA$"F4=ai 4 :REM*51 55,32,228,255 :REM'205
ANGE BORDER COLOR{CRSR DN)" 300 REM F4 BORDER :REM*63 510 DATA 32,228,255,32,228,255,
:REM*154 310 DATA 32,142,206,173,32,208, 32,228,255,170,32,228,255,3
130 PRINTA$"F5=EAVE A PROGRAH{C .1,15,201,15,240,6,238,32,2 2,205,189 :REM*7
RSR DN}":PRINTA$"F6=RUN CUR 08 :REM*235 520 DATA 32,228,255,201,32,240,
RENT PROGRAM(CRSR DNJ" 320 DATA 76,49,234,169,0,141,32 3,24,144,26,32,210,255
:REM*14 ,208,76,49,234 ;REM'189 :REM*5B
140 PRINTA$"F7=LIST CURRENT PRO 330 REM F5 SAVE :REM*59 530 DATA 162,26,32,228,255,32,2
GRAM(CRSR DN)":PRINTAS"F8=C 340 DATA 32,142,206,169,236,160 10,255,202,208,247,169,13,3
HANGE BACKGROUND COLOR(CRSR ,207,32,30,171,169,34,141,7 2,210,255 :REM*242
DN)":NEW :REM*248 19,2 :REM*175 540 DATA 32,225,255,240,9,208,2
150 DATA 82,69,65,68,32,69,82,8 350 DATA 169,1,133,198,76,49,23 01 :REM*8
2,79,82,33,0 :REM*190 4 :REM*111 550 DATA 169,48,160,206,32,30,1
160 DATA 32,66,76,79,67,75,83,3 360 REM F6 RUN :REM*5 71,32,204,255,169,1,32,195,
2,70,82,69,69,46,13,13,0 370 DATA 32,142,206,169,232,160 :REM*216
:REM-32 ,207,32,30,171,169,13,141,1 560 DATA 169,36,160,206,32,30,1
170 DATA 120,169,77,141,20,3,15 19,2 :REM*77 :REM'4a
9,206,141,21,3,8e,96:REM*84 380 DATA 169,1,133,198,76,49,23 570 REM ASCII CODES :REM*108
180 DATA 165,203,201,4,208,11,1 4 :REM*141 580 DATA 36,48,82,85,78,0,83,65
73,141,2,2 08,3,76,15 4,2 06,7 390 REM F7 LIST :REM*69 ,86,63,0,76,79,65,68,0,76,7
6,186,206 :REM*252 400 DATA 32,142,206,169,246,160 3,83,84,0 :REM*252
190 DATA 201,5,208,11,173,141,2 ,207,32,30,171,169,13,141,1



- "■

■■ 11

xrjir t*i I"* t-tc«^" l^rid

* More Value * RUN SCRIPT PLUS is an easy to use, RUN NOTEPAD places an electronic pad,
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You've said it time and time again; manipulate text with ease. For the first down and recalling your programming notes
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Setting up a geoFile database is as easy as drawing a picture.


The world of GEOS expanded sig drag the lower-right corner to a new 1. Move the mouse, and the form scrolls
nificantly with the introduction of location. To move the field, you click in diat direction.
geoFile. Previously, GEOS was pri once on the shaded box in the upper- 2. Use the position indicator. This out
marily a creative tool for generating left corner, then move the field wher lined box with the black tab shows where
text and graphics and combining the ever you want. A double-click on the you arc in the form. By moving the small
two. Now, you can also use GEOS to same shaded box copies the Held. box inside the Indicator, you can move
manage information, with the same easy Copying fields is a time-saving fea immediately to another part of the form.
point-and-click controls you use (o cre ture. For example, for my apartment 3. The easiest way to move is by using
ate pictures and documents. database, I created a standard text field the form-preview display. Select the Pre
In this column, I'll describe how I with boldface titles and plain data. view option from the File menu to dis
recently used geoFile to store and ana Then, rather than set these attributes play a reduced view of your form on the
lyze information when I was apartment every time I made a new field, I kept right side of the screen. The fields will
hunting. If you already own geoFile, I making copies of the first one. If I appear as outlined boxes. Click the pre
hope you'll pick up some useful tips; if wanted to make the new field larger, I view area at your desired destination,
you don't yet own it, you'll discover how just dragged the resizing box. and you'll go to that spot in the form.
powerful and easy to use it is. One field is designated as the sort Another feature of geoFile is pasting
field. When you sort the file, all the in text scraps—text that's been cut or
Creating a Database records are sorted by the field you se copied. For example, I copied the city
Shopping for an apartment is no fun. lect. I chose City as my sort field. name Costa Mesa from one record and
It's bad enough chasing around town GeoFile lets you add something you pasted it into another, and I pasted in
with circled classifieds and spending never could achieve in any previous notes I wrote with geoWrite.
afternoons getting lost, but when I get Commodore database—pictures. When
Searching the data
home, I can never remember which you paste a piece of a geoPainl graphic
place offered a free microwave for sign into a comment field, it appears in all To look up information in your da
ing a six-month lease and which one your records. 1 used this feature to in tabase, you select the Create Search
had the dayglo green wallpaper. clude a map of Orange County, where Form option in the Form menu. This
I got geoFile just as I was about to I live, in all my records. Then, when a brings up a blank record form exactly
start apartment hunting again. It was leasing agent told me, "We're located like the one into which you entered
the perfect opportunity to put the pro in Irvine near the 405 freeway," I could your data. GeoFile recognizes the usual
gram through its paces and see how see exactly where il was. search conditions and wild cards: less
much it would help me in my search. than (<), greater than (>), e<|tial to (=).
Setting up a geoFile database is as Entering data It also uses and (He) and or (%) for
easy as drawing a picture. In fact, that's Entering data into geoFile is just like searching multiple conditions.
exactly what you do. Each record ap typing text with a word processor. If During my apartment search, I want
pears on anS&x 11-inch form, and you your field has more than one line, words ed to locate records for one-bedroom
design your database by drawing fields wrap at the end of each. All you have apartments in Santa Ana. In the search
as boxes on the form. The screen scrolls to do is hit return when you're done. form's Bedroom field, I entered = 1, and
as you move around the form. With the BSW font, you can fit a lot of in the City field, I eulered =San*. The
The number of fields in a form is information in a small space. GeoFile asterisk (*) matches all the characters
unlimited—you can create as many as accepts up to 256 characters in a field. after the ones typed, so, if I'd had rec
will fit in the space. Unlike most data I don't like taking my hands off the ords for apartments in Santa Monica
bases, geoFile fields can occupy more keyboard as I type, so I like the fact thai and San Clemcnte, geoFile would have
than one line, and they can go all the geoFile has keyboard equivalents for found them also.
way across the page. most commands. For instance, by press To execute a search after inputting the
GeoFile fields are of three types: text, ing the Commodore key and a cursor parameters, you click on one of the two
for storing numbers and characters; key, I could move to another field in "face" icons at ihe top of the screen.
number, for storing numbers; and com the key's direction, and by pressing They take you either ahead or back
ment, for adding titles. The text itself Commodore/N, I could bring up a new to the next record thai matches your
can be plain, bole! or italic, but there's record. specifications.
only one font—BSW (Berkeley Soft- If you use only the visible geoFile
works' own font). Modifying the Database
workspace for your fields, you won't
A field can be easily copied, moved have to touch your mouse during data GeoFile lets you change your data
and resized, using the two small boxes entry. If you want to use the entire form, base after you create it—a flexibility I
in the corners. To change the size, you you move around in one of three ways: found very useful. After looking at a


number of apartments, 1 wanted to add views of your data. The information is was handy for sketching floor plans and
a Consider field For places I was seri the same, but you change ihe field con jolting down notes.
ously interested in renting. To add die figuration. One of geoF lie's most powerful fea
Geld, 1 just went into Form Editing mode tures, and one tliai I haven't touched
and drew il in. on here, is its ability to exchange in
GeoFile has a search-and-replace fea Once I located ihc records for the formation with other GKOS programs.
ture similar to that of a word processor. apartments I wanted lo consider. I In my next column, I'll .show you how
For example. I wanted to consider only printed out the form for each. With to send dala between geoFile and Berke
places lhat cost $f)00 or less per month geoFile, what yon sec on the screen is ley's new spreadsheet, geoCalc. ■
(a Steal in Orange County!). I set up a what gels printed, including any pic-
search form to locate records for apart lures. Forms can he printed one or more The geoWatch column addresses readers
ments with rents less than or equal to per sheet, with the number set hy click who use GEOS, llrrkeley Sofiworks' alter
COO.Of), and inserted Yes in the Consider ing a phi', or minus icon. In addition native operating system for the C-64 and the
field. Then 1 selected ihe In All Forms, lo standard paper, geoFile will print out C-128. Send ymir questions mid comments
Replace option in the Form menu, on Libels and index cards. to: Maithtli! Stern, geoWatch, do II UN Mag
Another powerful geoFlle feature is I primed my forms in full-page for azine, ho Sfei St., ftttrborougk, NH 03458,
iis provision for creating multiple lay mat, so they'll 111 in a three-ring binder, You can also contact Mnttheio Stern cm
outs, so you can generate alternative and the blank space left on each sheet Q-Link. His online name is Matt S3.

hat comes in a two pound box and

turns your personal computer into
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Personal Musician
Sonus Corp. lias been providing the professional
PMsicbm with MIDI (Mtauid Instrument
Digital Interface) so/mure for years, nau: they
bring this technology to you. Personal Musician
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turn your Commodore into a professional multi-
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ClfclB 34 on Reador Service caid.
RUN it right: C-G4

Easy Applications
SCREEN GENIE- Let your computer calculate the screen ami color
addresses for your character-graphics layouts.


You've just finished willing the corresponding color-RAM address; X =

hisi line of your all-time greatest and Y= are the cursor's row and col
graphics game, and it's time to umn positions, ranging from 0 to 24
add some character graphics. Let's and 0 to 39, respectively; and CHAR =
see. . . The [ilayficld begins at loca is the screen-display code of the graph
tions 1101 and 1134. How many rows ics character under the cursor.
apart is that? One, two, three. . . Wait. The colors in the information line
Hmmm. That's not right, . . Maybe it's will be the same as the colors in your
one, two, three, four across. screen display, and if your display is
Sound familiar- Well, the cure is done in reverse characters, the charac
Screen Genie, a utility I wrote to elim ters in the information line will be in
inate the tedious pencil and graph pa reverse, also.
per calculations that are traditionally Only the cursor and return keys are
needed to determine screen and color active while Screen Genie is in use. As
addresses for graphics layouts. It'll be you move the cursor around with the
especially valuable to those who want cursor keys, [he information line will
to use X and Y coordinate! for "hom !>e updated continually. Keep a sheet of
ing" movable characters to a desired paper and a pencil handy, so you can
location, copy down the addresses you need for
Screen Genie superimposes a solid your screen layout.
cursor on your screen display, then re- you need it. It can be activated from To exit Screen Genie and return to
parts information about the graphics Direct mode by typing in the SYS 49152 the mode you were in before, tap the
character under the cursor, including command, or from Program mode by return key. The screen will revert to its
its screen-RAM and color-RAM ad including the SYS 49152 Command in former state, and then, if Screen Genie
dresses and its row and column posi your program listing. Either way, an was activated from Program mode, ex
tions. Screen Genie won't disrupt your information line containing the follow ecution will continue with the statement
display in any way, and you can move ing labels will appear at the lop of your following the SYS command. E
the cursor wherever you want. screen display:
John Ryan is an air traffic controller and
Uncorking the Bottle SCN= CLR= X= Y= CHAR =
is in charge ofcomputer-based instruction/or
Load and run Screen Genie to install SCN= is the current screen-RAM ad his section. He's also an advanced machine
it In memory, where it'll be ready when dress of the cursor, and CLR = is its language programmer.

Listing 1. Screen Gnnia program.

10 X=0:T=0:AD=49152 :REM*188 192,169,0,141,169 ,2,141,170 2,201,192,76,37,192,173,170

20 READ A:IP A=-1 THEN 4$ ,2,141,168,2,32 :REM*116 ,2,201,39,240 :REM*94
:REM"78 120 DATA 228,255,240, 251,201,17 160 DATA 246,238,170,2,32,188,1
30 POKE AD*X,A;X=X*1:T.T>A:GOTO ,208,3,76,151,192 ,201,29,20 92,169,1,141,167,2,32,253,1
20 :REM»170 8,3,76,105,192 :REM-232 93,76,96,192,173 :REM"50
40 IF TO76588THEN PRINT"ERROR 130 DATA 201,145,208, 3,76,129,1 170 DATA 169,2,240,224,206,169,
IN DATA STATEMENTS" :REM*2 92,201,157,240,8, 201,13,208 2,32,188,192,169,40,141,167
50 END :REM-52 ,222,32,124,193 :REM*216 ,2,32,2a,194,76 :REM*202
100 DATA 165,206,141,54,3,173,1 140 DATA 96,173,170,2 ,201,0,240 180 DATA 96,192,173,169,2,201,2
35,2,141,55,3,32,94,193,32, ,211 ,206,170,2,32 ,188,192,1 4,24 0,2 00,238,16 9,2,32,188,
82,193,32,107 :REM»154 69,1,141,157,2 :REM*56 192,169,40,141 :REM*172
110 DATA 193,32,238,193,32,175, 150 DATA 32,28,194,32 ,175,192,3 190 DATA 167,2,32,253,193,76,9C P-


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The "Stripper" quickly without
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C-64, Dependable heavy duly replacement power supply NON- Our AB switches allow you to share equipment ralher
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C-64, CPS30. Fused, repairable, all-metal case, 1 year warranty. or two printers to one computer. No need to ever plug
Ou.tpul:5VDC.2.0A.10VAC.1.0A 539 gjj • and unplug cables again, just turn a knob to switch Irom
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Saturday & Sunday ,192,160,0,177,251,141,52,3

October 3 & 4, 1987 ,177,253,141,53 :REM*122

200 DATA 3,96,160,0,173,52,3,14
10 a.m-6 p.m. 5,251,173,53,3,145,253,96,1
60,0,169,160,145 :REM*<1B


210 DflTfi 251,173,134,2,145,253,
,252,32,205,189 :REM*108
ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 220 DATA 160,14,32,75,193,166,2
3,32,75,193,173 :REM*52
\ EXHIBITS, EVENTS The Commodore Show 230 DATfi 169,2,201,10,176,13,16
AND DOOR PRIZES is the only West Coast 9,32,32,210,255,32,210,25S,
exhibition and confer
I NATIONALLY KNOWN 160,23,32,75,193 :REM*74
ence focusing exclu
240 DATA 174,169,2,169,0,32,205
COMMODORE sively on the AMIGA,
Commodore 128 and ,189,160,28,32,75,193,173,1
64, and PC 10 market 70,2,201,10,176 :REM*6
I SHOW SPECIALS place. Enjoy the Magi 250 DATA 13,169,32,32,210,255,3
AND DISCOUNTS cal Kingdom of Disney 2,210,255,160,28,32,75,193,
along with thousands 174,170,2,169,0 :REM*230
of Commodore Users. 260 DATA 32,205,189,160,36,32,7
COMMODOHESHOW 5,193,169,32,32,210,255,32,
SOFTWARE ADMISSION $10 210,255,32,210 :REM*79
DISCOUNT ON DISNEYLAND TICKETS 270 DATA 255,160,36,32,75,193,1
2,0,24,32,240 :REM*239
For More Information or to Reserve Exhibit Space, Contact 280 DATA 255,96,24,162,0,160,0,
32,240,2 5 5,32,255,233,96,56
RK PRODUCTIONS ,32,240,255,142 :REM*127
P.O. iiOX 1BW6, SAN JOSE, CA D51S8
(408) sn-mr-wo-rizwiTM en 800-252-7927
290 DATA 173,2,140,174,2,162,0,
Circle 147 on Reader Service card.
6,157,120,195 :REM*195
300 DATA 232,224,40,208,239,96,
,157,0,4,189,120 :REH'199
And your Earls and Viscounts. If you've
got royal ancestors, we have the noble WIN $ 310 DATA 195,157,0,216,232,224,
software that can help you trace 40,208,239,24,174,173,2,172
them down. THE LOTTO ,174,2,32,240 :REM*191
With Your Computer! 320 DATA 255,173,134,2,72,173,5
Family Roots and your Apple, Macintosh,
Forget random numbers. This program 5,3,141,134,2,173,54,3,32,2
IBM, Commodore, Kaypro, TRS- 80 * and 10,255,24,174 :REM*125
for home computers does an actual
many others, offer individual and group analysis of the past itlnnlng numbers. 330 DATA 173,2,172,174,2,32,240
sheets, charts, name indices, general search This amazing program will quickly pro ,255,104 141 ,134,2,96,169,!
and text capabilities. vide you with all the data you need to
,141,171 2,1 41 :HEM*213

Put up Adapts to most disk

drives, printers, and
predict which numbers will likely
come up In subsequent drawings. All
consistent lottery winners use some
340 DATA
172 2,172,171,2,185,81
screens. You get more
your utility programs, plus
kind of system based on the past win
ners. Using the real power of your com 350
5,238,1 71 ,2,172
lots of personal con puter gives you a definite edge. It's

8,2 01,255,240,7,32,210,255,
trol. A comprehen menu driven and all you do Is add the
latest winners each week and the pro 200,75,214,193 :REM*111
sive (new) manual
gram does the rest In seconds. On 360 DATA 200,140,172,2,76,195,1
is included.
screen or printer It shows hot and cold 93,96,169,0,133,251,133,253
All for just $185. numbers, frequency, groups, sums-of- ,169,4,133,252 :REM'69
dlgtts, odd/even, wheels numbers and
Write or call today 370 DATA 169,216,133,254,96,24,
more. No thlcfc manual to read. It even
for more infor has a built-in tutorial. 165,251,109,167,2,133,251,1
mation and a 65,252,109,168,2 :REM'61
Ask your software dealer or call or
free brochure. write: 380 DATA 133,252,24,165,253,109
Quinsept, Inc. SOFT-BYTE 168,2,133,254,96 :REM*153

P.O. Box 216 { Soft P.O. Box 556 F. Park 390 DATA 56,165,251,237,167,2,1
Lexington, MA 02173 \jvre Dayton, Ohio 45405
(513} 233-2200
(617) 641-2930 3,252,56,165,253 :REM*223
American Express, THE LOTTO PROGRAM is designed lor all 400 DATA 237,167,2,133,253,165,
Visa, and MasleiCard 6 & 7 draw lotto games (up to 49 numbers)!

254,237,168,2,13 3,254,96,8 3
,67,78,61,255,67 :REM*5 5
* Jiode-nwhs jor ApplB APPLE&M/SDOSIBM 24.95
Compule' 1"C , International COMMODORE & ATARI 21.95 DATA 76,62,61,255,88,61,255
Business Machines, CR.V, Inc. THS-80 & MOD III, IV 21.95
Dig'lal Research and Jandif Corp. ,8 9,61,2 55,6 7,72,65,82,61,0
MACINTOSH (super version) 29.95 ,1,10,21,26,31 :REM*2S1
Pleaae add 12.00 shipping/ 420 DATA 145,-1 :REM*251I
Clrcla 220 on Reader Service card.
handling. Fail tervlce on
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19.SS wlpurchaie of Salfoire Clink Serici: AwirdWire. . . 19.88 M.illil L'ni.l (11 Amiion .. 19.84
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fliiic 115 Advtnlure i Sel 19 SB
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CadPak 115 [>r Rulh'iCime 119 Arrhon 19 BJ LoieNoirMiker 19.M Supenrript b4 119 Perr,Mnon 19.88
PlrlyWirt . . 19.8S SupericMpf 118 - 144 hVii,:, |>,...i ., I. j. u 19 BS
CldFlk IIS (39 Super BowlSundiy .131 ArchnnliAiltPI 19 M
ChirlPik . US SBS19B5 Team Diik (14 II. i.l i.l Mil i . . J9SB ISFOCOM >-15 AIphi Million . .119 THUNDER MOUNTAIN
CSiriPlkilB 115 58S19B<>TeiriiDllk...IH Lordi oi Conqueit . .19A8 Bureaufricy 118 . . . 113 ORIGIN Hjniln. ,. 16.BS
Cobol (15 SSSGenMgr Diik 119 Hill Order Moni I en vi mi Hiilhhlker'iCuidt 119 Abloducl .131 SlotCirRicrr . . . . I6.BS
CobolHS . 139 AVANTAGE MoyieMiler . .1968 Hollyoood Hijini 11) .136 TopCun H..BS
PPM Ill Deiert loi . 19.88 Muidei Piriv . 19.18 Leather Coddnm 113 .11) TfMEWORtS
PPM 1 IB (39 Detepiar 19.88 MuiitComl.Set -I9.M Slillonlill .... 113 Ulllmi J .131 Accti.Piyable . 133
Speed Term t>4 or 118 (15 Power 19.B8 OneorvOnt . 19 BS The Lurking Horror . . ID lllM.Hl (39 Acctt. BeceivibTe . . .133
SuperC . (19 Iijmi7 ... 19 BB PinbillConii.Sei 19.88 Trinity 128, 123 PERSONAL CHOICE ■Di1iMinigtr2 . (15
SuperC 12S 139 Spi ¥t. (pi 1 4, 2 19 M Rnln(0eil.Sel 19.BS Zorki 123 limtheC138 (13 OitiManiieillB 139
Super Pucal (39 BATTIRIIi INCLUDED (e.enCitie.Cold .1)11 Zork Trilon , 139 lam(heC64 119 Genrril Ledfer 13)
Super Plica I US . ..(19 Paperclip ofSpell . 129 Skylo. 19.BS KOMAMIIACTION CITI
Term Piper Writer 118 115 Inventory Mimt . . .113
TAS 115 I'.ipfr .' l.'ll 149
■ l-i.l.l. . llJ'l. VI 'Hi Hype r Spof b/Plnji Pnni 19.88 PROTESSIONAl I'linu-r i.HP (33
TAS 11B . (19 Tou<hdo*n } !.-i 11.19-Bo Mikie , 19.8S Pi/tner1lS(R) .... .«9
TheComultinl 128 139 Fleet Syitern IFIui (39
ACCESS UlUnuleWliard 19.BS Trackmiield . 19.SB ■S»HlcilclSidr-iyi(D) 115
BAUDVILLi Fleet Stltem3 118 119
Echelon.. (19 ELECTRONIC ARTS Vie Ar Kuril tu 1 119 Fleet Syilem4 128 .H7 SniMiildSidexiyi 1 IS 139
Bluing Paddlei . . 11]
Famoui Courie Diik -1 French Pi re h men) ArciicFoi 113 MASTERTRONIC RELEVANT Sylvii Purler') Pertorul
for World ClaiiL.B. .114 Biro'iTilei (3t AclionBlkrr Ib.flS Fin. Ptinner64 133
Pa perl 100 PK 19.88 BlllboirdMiker .. (25
Famou! Courie Ditk '2 Borri'i Tile 1: The Bounder „ 1b 88 Sylvii Porter^ Perionil
Video Vein . 119 Icon Factory (15
for World C Ian L B. (14 DeilinyKni|hl fit CiptalnZip .. tfa-M Fin. Planner 128 1)9
Famoui Courie Diik '3 Cheiimaiter 2000 136 Fnrj 16 SS ■WordWriWrJ 133
Geoi128 (44 SIMON & SCHUSTER
tor World Clan L.B. .114 iii.ivi.Oji' 119 Infinity Mi chine (R) (9.8S Word Writer 128 119
GeoiM 139 (I.. ... l.i. ..
Tenth Inmt (15 Eirih Orbit Sliilon 111 kinnlil i i.l ... IbSB 'All 3ln 1 PonerPick 159
■Gin-Cult . . . .13! Great I nil. Pipei
Trial Pick: BHI. BH1. leiicy oi A nc ir nit (31 LutV-S ib.SB UNICORN
■GcoiDeikPili 1 . . (33 Airpline Comt. . .
Bj Over Mnicow 114 Mirblr Midfi... (13 Ninjl Ib SB Anlmil Klnfftom 119
'GeoDei US JK lnvr Money Mgr I2S
World Clan PeRimi (33 PrsGoll . MM D eel mi I O ii P| eon 119
I ,-.■,' jl,,.i',: .. IIS
■Cto-fll* . ,131 Slar Trek: Promethean
RnidtoMoiro* - -- (3r> Shojun 16,88 friction Action . . . 119
■GeoiFunlPik. ,, 119 Prophecy 119
ACCOLADE Scribble 113 Storm tb.SS
'Geo-Pr*ia.rammer . . (ill Typing Tutor 3 J19 Percentage Panic . - . .119
AceofAcei . (19 SlirFleeM . . (36 Vegjl l',.l. i Ib.SB Race Cir Rithmettc 119
"Gec-Publiih . . .Clll son ware
Apnlloie.. Clll ■Writer"! Work (Flop 13 J
WorldTourCo» .... Ill MICRO1EACUE Ten Little Robot! (19
Comici . . 119 EPYX BlKblll US UNISON WOULD
'Ceo! 64 add-on Football .
FlghtNight 119 119
prDg'ami onlyt Billblucr .. (6.88 BoxScoreStits 116 Art Gallery 1 or 3 116 El.
Hirdbill 119 PureStalBiieball . . . .Hi
BROD1RBUND Boulder Dnh Gereril Manlier . . . .119 Piinl M»1ir Pirn . . . .113
Killed Until Deid . 119 SOFTSYNC
CnmlruttlonlH. . . .116 1986 Team Dlti Dill. (14
Cirmen Sindlef o. WEEKLY RIADER
ACTION SOFT Calilornii Gamri (33 DeikMir.MiilS . .135
mVF Wreiilinj Clll Slickybe i' Sf riej:
USA Hi Penonal Accounfanl 113
Thunder Chopper 119 (himp.Wieilllni . 113 MItROPROSE
World 133 Trio 118 . A8C'i (16
UpPeriicopel . . .119 CreiieAClltndir . . .119 Ml
Cmldrfin 1 1.1 ... (19 Arro|el (16 Mith I nrl . , (161..
ACT1VI5ION I'..-.ii.i...| 113
I ln.|.]ilr, ,'ll.niih F-ISSIrlkeUiile. . 113 Numlieri lib
Allen " Ill ■.'.ij....I.: v.ihi. 19.88
FiilLoad(R) (19,9! Gunthip (23
Facemaker(R) . . .MM
Oppoiitei (16
Clou Country Unronii Rilt use friction Fever (R) ..14.88
Kinteka .. 19 98 Kennedy Approach 116 Reidinf . lib
Road Race 19 BB MoyieWomler . (14 L el I er Scrambler [J!) W.SB
Loderunncr . Pirilei 115 Reid int; Comp 116
Pililnpl I6.SB Ranth(H) UK
Gimemaker 115 PrinlShnp 126 SilenlSer.lce ... (13 Shipei 116
Game maker Library Di!k* P,Sr Griphici Scrapbook TopGunner (16
Story Machine IR) .. .14.88
P.S. CompinLon . . .173 Spellgubber lib
Sporti . . . 114 ■1:Sporli lib SPRINGBOARD
P.!. Graphic! Library MINDSCAPI Iiplng lib
Science Ficlion S14 -J:OlltheWil] .114 Certificate Mllnf . .132
■1,'J.OI-J (ltd. Bank SI Muilc Wr!!rrl9 BS WINDHAM CLASSICS
Ghoitbuiten .19 88 P-l. Graphici LihriiT
'3:School Sib CM. libraly Vol. 1 . 12]
BoplRumbli (19 Alice in
Hicket (988 Rid Wiriior tit Nrwiruom 131
HolldiyEdlllan . 116 BopiWieitle . ,(19 Wonderland . . . 16.88
Hacktrl 113 Toyshop 136
ir. ,• ii .... i ... f.lm ,(h.S8
Defender nl the Crown n3
N.R. Clip Art Vol. 1 . .119 M. nil
little Computer People 19B8 CMS Spt *> Sp» i: Fill 119
N.N. Clip Art Vnl. 2 115
S»i» Fimlly
Muiic Studio 111 ArdicAnlici lib N R.CIipAMVol. 3 . -(19
CMSAI11.128 1119 Indoor Sporli 119 (tc.blmitn 16 88
PillallJDemon Attack 19.BS Slrcel Sporu: Print Shop
CMSIn.enlorr 131 149 Inliltnlor 119 Tienure lilind 16.88
Purlil US Buebill . . .113 Graphic! fipander 113
DATA IAST Pert eel icore SAT .. . .144 WinrdofO' - - 16.88
Shanghii , (19 Biiketbill ... ..Clll SSI
Breikihru 123 S.D.I 123 ACCESSORIES
fail Time* 119 Sub Billlc Simulator . .113 BillleCruiitl . .137
Eipre»Riider . . . 123 Super Slir Anchor 6480 wMMwire
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Tig T«m Wrtillinj 113 The American Chillenge
Super Cycle (14 BonuiSS.DD (4.99Bi
Beach Blanket
DAVIDSON S.nlnu Mn:.;l Hi,,.. (19 Gettyiburg -.137
Tpmple Apihii Trllody (14 Bonui DS.DD 16.99 Bi
Volleyball ii mi Tnil Bluer . .. .119 Phantnie 1,1 or 1 .llSea.
AlRrbliiler ... . (31 The Eidolon 16.88 Computerve Slirler Kit
Bridie 5.0 11* UrhlMitifudn .tig Realm! of Dirkrvcn . IIS
MilhBliiler (31 Woilddamei . . .113 . M !■■■ I r, ,1,1 113
(queitrian Show MISC Rinfi of Zlllln .135
Speed Header 3 131 FIRIBIRD Diik Cue [Hnldt 7(| ...»
lumper S9U
Bob'tTermPro 129
RuaifwarlOOO (15
Sp*llll fjj DiikDrlveCleiner . . ,19
HlghlindGamet (9 SH Ilite Ill Hob'i Term Pro US . . 147
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Telecomputing Workshop
Every month, RUN '$ telecommunications column answers
questionsfrom our readers about using a Commodore computer
for telecommunications.

IAST MONTH, when I lold you abom it, I disconnect my handset and plug the cord up. I took the computer to be fixed, but was
the Lynx, Arc and Lib ran' file-combining into the modem. I wait and wait, but tlie red told there's nothing wrong with it.
programs, I forgot to give credit to the light never comes on and no data appears. —LEON ANDERSON
people who create and maintain them. I've tried other modems with my computer, Akron, OH
Lynx is a shareware program written by and they work fine. I don't have anything
Will Corley, 7551 Twilight Drive, Sacra plugged into the cartridge port or any other A I have a Plus/4 that I use all the
mento, CIA 95822. If you use Lynx, send strange devices connected to my computer. lime with a 1670 modem and llig-
S5 to Will and support the shareware con —JakkStack gyterm. For the 1670 to work with a
cept. The latest version of his program Batavia, NY Plus/4, you must Hip switch 1 on the
that I've seen is Lynx XI, back of the modem to the up position.
Arc. written by Chris Smeets, is also a L It sounds as though yon have a This is mentioned only briefly in the
shareware program. I don't have an ad defective modem. Try it on one or manual—in the fust two sentences on
dress yet for sending contributions, so two other computers. If it still won't page 69. Are you aware of this?
watch this column for more informa work, return it to the dealer. The 1660 is a different matter. Some
tion. The latest version of Arc 1 know of of these modems will work as is with
is 230. Library was written by David Bold the Plus/'!; others (those In white boxes)
and Greg PfountZ, It's in the public do / have a C-I28, a Commodore 1670 need a slight modification. When I at
main, and the latest version is 9. modem and the Common Sntse termi tended the weekly PlusM discussion
George S. Cruppi of Petalunia, Cali nal program. I've been using this system in group on PLink, 1 was told you should
fornia, has written to say that new soft 64 mode to download 128-modr BBS pro turn the 1660 upside down and look
ware for the Volks 6480 modem— grams via the Xmodem transfer protocol. for a small speck of solder, then scrape

CommTerm 64/128, by Scotl Canuck- Sometimes when I attempt to run a program away part of it to sever the connection.
is available for SO from Anchor Auto I've downloaded, all I get is a Hreak message Then the modem should work fine with
mation, 20675 Bahama St., Chatsworth, on the screen, followed by something like this: the PlusM.

CA 91311. PC Sit AC Kit YR SP

Dave Grabowski wrote to correct the
FBD'JD 32 00 00 FF F6 QI need a terminal program to use with
answer 1 gave Kevin Brown in the May
1987 issue. The Avatex 1200 modem What's going on? my C-64 and Volks 6470 modem in
isn't fully Hayes compatible, but it's —Bill Roberts order to access the GEnie online network.
enough like the Hayes that it should Redmond, WA GF.nie requires various control codes to ac
work with the HayesJProModem/1670 tivate onlinefunctions, and the terminal pro
What you describe usually hap gram I'm wing now (Homel'ak 's HomeTmn)
option oftheC-Net BBS,
I'm now a member of the PeopleLink pens when you try to run a pro can send only controUIi. I'd especially like to
(PLink) online network. My user name gram that needs to be loaded and run have control/S and controUQ as welt.
is DAVBRADLEY. by another program. However, to be The program I'm Uiokingfor must aho have
QuantumLink users who'd like to talk sure Common Sense isn't scrambling a medium-sized buffer and user-defined macro

with me online should check the sched your files, gel another terminal pro- capability. It must do non-Xtmxlem ujiliiads,
ule of classes in the Learning Center. In [Train lliat supports Xmodem and iry Xmodem transfers and automatic P&'l&CH lo
late May, 1 began Conducting a class on again to download one of the tiles ASCII translation and support both half am!
telecommunications one night a week. you've had difficulty with. A good share full-duplex and 1200 lxi\ul Some disk-opera
My name during the classes is QTL'TOR ware terminal program that's compat tion commands (directory, save, scratch, and so
db. You're welcome to drop by and ible with the 1670 and the C-64 (as well forth) would be nice, too.
as the C 128 in 128 mode) and supports If a program exists that has all these fea
Now to this month's (]uestions. Xmodem protocol is MultiTerm 128 'A.& tures, but it isn't 6470-compatible, I'd be more
by Steve Thomas. Il's available in the than willing to change modems. I nuiy do so
public domain. anyway, since I'm dissatisfied with the 6470.
Do you know where I can get such a program?
Q I recently purchased a VicModem 1600 —KF.N PEHL
and its TeleTerm 64 Irrminai .w/lware. JI have a problem with my Plus/4 FSEDERICKSBURG, TX
So far, I haven't been able to get the modem that's giving me fits. Neither of my
to work at all. I had the, terviinal frrogram. modems—a Commodore. 1660 and a CommTerm III + should do the
and when the screen says TERMINAL 1670—will work with it. My liiggyterm + 4 trick. It's in the public domain and
HEADY, I dial CompuServe's number and terminal program loath and runs, but the compatible with tlie Volks 6-170 and
listen far the high-pitched tone. When I hear moment I touch any key the program locks 6240, the Commodore 1650 and 1660,

Authorized Liquidator

Commodore Compatible
Total Telecommunications'


the Wcstridge, the Hayes, the Mitey Mo As far as expenses go. running a
and the HesModem. PimterNet node costs the same as running
any BBS: There arc electricity hills, repair
• Access Ihe stock market, take college
hills and telephone bilk Of course, tlie classes, da your shopping and more.
Q Ijust read in your April ! 9X7 column phone bills will be higher if your node • For Commodore 64K or SX64.
that you run PuntttNtt node 13. I calls other nodes long-distance. • Has modular jacks for quick, easy
hookup to your phone system!
joined l'unter\'et on the Washington, DC, Users who want to use PunierNet must
• Works on TouchTona" and Rotary
mute (63), and my brother belongs to node open an account with their local SYSOP. (pulse} dialing (not PBX).
62 in Cleveland, Ohio. Then, each time they send a long-dis Overstock liquidation. Simple communi
I'd like to know more about this network. tance message, an appropriate amount cations package connects 6<JK or SX64
How din it start? Where are all the nodes? will be subtracted from their balance. for on-line telephone use. No special
How can I send mail to someone on another All BBSs that run on 64s and 128s arc computer knowledge required. This
node? What are the mechanics of the message one-user systems. If you get a busy signal, super-intelligent software is complelely
menu-driven and easy lo understand.
transfer? What are the expenses involved in try later, or crank up your aiuodialing
this kind of operation? When I call my node, program and wait. Features: 30K software buffet. 300 Baud.
Auto-dial simplifies complex modem
the line i.% usually busy. Does this mean that For more information about Punter-
steps. Upload, download of lext. pro
only one person can access the nolle at a time? Net, write to Steve Punter at 4342 Forest grams, data files. Captures and displays
—JOYCE KOMGMACHER Fire Lane, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada hi-resolution. mapped graphics files.
Silver Spring, MD l.4W3P-!,orcall his BBS (evenings only!) Color selection menu. Equipment
at 416-896-1446, needed: C64. monitor, and disk drive or
PunterNei started about two years
MOTE. Price inches trial subscription foove' 52 ctata
ago, when Steve Punter decided i<> D.iao ptirvrces 'or vasi information Initmi Srgn-uptoeig
add networking capabilities to his mis Q While communicating with other com FREE AH you pjiy i$ [Mp on-line iimt* you use plus
monthly rale
program. There arc nodes all over Can puters through my Commodore 1650
ada and the United States, and the num 90-Day Limited Factory Warranty.
modem, about 50 percent of the diameters I
ber is increasing. At this writing, there Mfr Lisfc*109.95

receive are incorrect. Some are added; others
arc 56 active nodes—25 in Canada, 31 are substituted for correct ones. AVi incorrect Liquidation
in the U.S. To get a listing of (he characters are sent by my computer. Priced At
I'miterNet nodes, access ihc bulletin Tlie modem used to work fine with my Item H-3O3O-3646-007 5/H: Si 00 each
section and read the Nodes bulletin. ('.■64, and it worked well retentiy with another
Sending a message to someone on Computer. My 6-1, including Ihe USSf port,
another node is jusi like sending a mes has beert pronounced healthy by a repairman. Credit cjrd nwrnbtn can ofdtr by
sage to someone on your node, with What are your rtrommendiitions? phone, 2* hour* i dty. 7 dayt a w**h

one exception: You must include the —Thomas Myleh Toil-Free: 1-800-328-0609
node number and a slash before the Sales oniiid* the 48 contiguous states are sub|tel to
Arlington. TX special conditions. Please call or write To inquire.
name "I the recipient. For instance,
ifyou want lo send a message to Blarney Since you've tried the modem with CO.M.B. Dlrscl Mnrketmif Corp. Item H-3030
1405 Xtnlum Lan» N/MJnn«pofl«. UN '■" - '1 ii ■.
Stone, a user on node '2, you enter F. another computer (1 assume on Sena—Modvm(t) liem H-3O3C-3646-007 al SlB each.
and press return at the Command> another phone line) and it worked Tine, plus $4 nnch Tor ship, handling {Minnesota rosiduno add
6<!fc BhloalaK Sorry. naCOD orders)
prompt, then input the text of the mes the modem isn't the problem. Perhaps D My check or money ctHai is enclosed (No delays m
sage. When the DBS asks you who the you have a noisy phone line. To test processing orders pa-d by checkJ

PLEASE ;mh ?f?^

message is for, you enter 2KLARNEY this theory, try another modem with check □ !-*»*- D ^rr! D ^9 Dj
STONE. After you send the message and your computer on your phone line. If Acct No
log off the BBS, the message goes to the you get incorrect characters, call your PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY

Oulfilc, and late at night is forwarded phone company and say you're having
to node 2. trouble hearing others on the 'hum
When one node calls another, a spe
cial set of code.s is exchanged, and then We invite yOU to submit your questions or
the file ol messages is sent, using Punier comments to:

protocol. As soon as the node sending David Bradley

the messages is finished, it hangs up, Telecomputing Workshop
and the receiving node deciphers the do RUN Magazine
I Direct Marketing Corp.
contents (if the files and posts the mes
Authorized Liquidator
80 Elm St.
1405 Xenlum Lane North
sages for the recipients. Peterborough, NH 03458 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441-4494


Resource Center
Telecommunications in education,from elementary school
through college, is no longerjust a dream.


Online technology is opening up cifically developed for the network. Stu lege is based on the model of a real
new educational opportunities dents log onto the network whenever college, with courses carrying credits
for students who can't physically it's convenient and proceed at their own and transcripts kept for all students.
attend a school or reach a teacher be pace through the course lessons. Sup- These networks are just a sampling
cause of work responsibility, distance, port personnel arc available for an- of what's going on in the national arena.
disability, cost or timing. Students can swerlng questions through electronic There are also dozens of local educa
log onto a network any lime of clay or mail, and students can post questions tional BliSs being set up inside schools
night and access libraries of research on public message boards. to supplement normal instruction. 1 re
material, as well as communicate with Nova University, in Fort Lauderdale, ported on one of these in my August
teachers from all levels of education. Florida, runs another teaching network 1986 Resource Center column. Now I'm
I started investigating how educators from its campus. Among other things, compiling a list of educational HBSs,
were using telecommunications several this network offers doctoral degree pro and you can help. If you're running an
years ago and have followed their grad grams to professional educators. Stu educational BBS, please send me a letter
ual acceptance of this medium. The dents use the network primarily for detailing your activities.
application of telecommunications to electronic correspondence with their
Research Opportunities
education has gone through an exper professors; traditional hard-copy study
imental stage, and the technology is materials remain the basis of their The most widespread application of
now being used productively on the lo work. They also communicate through telecommunications to education is
cal, state and national levels. The elec message conferencing and real-time probably bibliographic research. Stu
tronic schoolhouse, from elementary conferencing, although the latter isn't dents can log onto a network to access
through graduate school, is no longer widely used. millions of articles and other sources
just a dream of a few visionaries; it's a Educational online networks aren't that can be used for school research
proven concept for teaching, research aimed just at college and professional projects. Gone are the days when you
and student interaction. students. 1 started the Tutoring Center were limited 10 your small high school
on QuantumLink last year to help sec and town libraries. If your school has
Teaching Networks ondary and elementary school students just one computer with a modem, its
Telecommunications can be used for with their schoolwork. One of the students can access some of the largest
direct teaching, and several national unique Features of this online school is libraries in the world.
networks have been working on devel the live classroom sessions in which stu Teachers are discovering that online
opment in this iirea. They're discover' dents receive lessons and one-on-one libraries encourage involvement in the
ing a number of approaches to using tutoring from teachers in real time. research process. Students like to work
the online medium. Many students come to the Center only with computers, plus they can get many
Perhaps the best-known of these when they need extra help with their more citations much faster this way
teaching networks is the Electronic Uni schoolwork; others attend classes reg than from manually searching through

versity (see ihe Resource Center, RUN, ularly to pick up new skills. hard-copy indexes. They can also find
March 1987). The Electronic Universi Tutoring Center teachers meet with references from journals and Tcports
ty's students are working adults who arc Students for hour-long classes and pro thai have just been released, rather than
studying for college degrees offered by vide supplemental study materials for having to rely on printed sources that
various educational institutions that use students to download and use at home. are often outdated. The speed and cur
the network to deliver courses. EUN The Tutoring Center offers message rency of electronic research is freeing
uses its telecommunications network as boards, databases for text files and com up time for students to be more ana

a communication vehicle. Students get puter programs, and online computer- lytical and imaginative in their writing.
their assignments through electronic based quizzes. Several networks are tailoring their
mail and cio their studying offline, then My most recent project with online materials and fees to schools. BRS, for
mail the assignments and any questions education is the Q-I.iiik Community example, offers two discount educa
they may have to their teachers elec College (QCC), which just opened this tional packages. BRS/Instructor is avail
tronically. The study materials are tra past summer. It grew out of a demand able at special low rates to schools
ditional textbooks and workbooks. from Tutoring Center students for (elementary through graduate school!

Another teaching network, Control structured courses. The courses last that want to teach students how to
Data's PLATO, focuses on training and eight weeks and arc taught in live con telecommunicate and perform online

education in business and industry. ference rooms. Some of them require data searches. It provides access to 70
PLATO's approach to teaching is totally students to use a hard-copy textbook; databases that cover subjects such as
different from EUN's. Computer-based others provide all course materials on education, business, finance, science,
educational programs have been spe line for students in download. The col medicine, the social sciences, the hii-


inanities and general reference. passwords and two free training ses and a subscription to the Knowledge
The second package, BRS/Educator, sions for faculty members. Index newsletter.
is offered to professional educators, Classmate is an extension of CIP Recently, Addison-Wcsley came out
such as teachers, school librarians, ad that's specifically designed for elemen with an online research package aimed
ministrators and media center coordi tary and high school students. It offers specifically at schools. Called Einstein,
nators, in the K-12 grade range. It schools access to 50 of DIALOG'S da> it's composed of 90 online databases
provides access to about 100 databases, tabases through the Knowledge Index, from six database services: BRS, Data-
with 12 specifically in the field of an easier-to-usc version of DIALOG. Solve, DaiaTimes, DIALOG, Wilsonline
education. The Knowledge Index can be accessed and VU/TEXT. The Einstein databases
DIALOG is also cultivating the edu 24 hours a day for S15 per hour. are tailored to both faculty and student
cational market with its bibliographic DIALOG has created curriculum ma research and are searched with an easy-
research capabilities. DIALOG'S Class terials for this package lhat are a big to-use procedure that's uniform among
room Instruction Program (CIP) gives attraction to schools. All Classmate all of Einstein's services. A user's man
schools access to 220 databases at a dl* users get a student workbook that ual, a database directory and passwords
count rate of $15 per hour. Included in leaches how to log onto the Knowledge come witli the subscription. This system
the package are a lab workbook and Index and how to use various search charges by the search, rather than by
reference manual, a list of accessible techniques. Other materials accompa the minute.
databases, copies of documentation for nying Classmate include a user's man I've just touched on the educational
the network's online training, up to ten ual, a demonstration disk to run offline opportunities currently available on
line. There are literally dozens of other
networks and services, on both the na
Tabla 1. A sampling of educational onllna aarvlcaa. tional and local level, that you can tap
into if you're a student, teacher, admin
istrator or interested parent. The whole
BRS Information Technologies Nova University area of communication among students
1200 Route 7 Center for Computer-Based and professionals is exciting.
Latham, NY 12110 Learning If you'd like more information about
Computer Education the services I've mentioned in this ar
3301 College Ave. ticle, see Table 1 for a list of their names
DIALOG Informalion Retrieval Fort Lauderdale. FL 33314 and addresses. ■
3460 Hillview Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94304 PLATO If you're using Commodore computers for
Control Data Corporation
educational purposes (at home or in school)
and would like to share your experiences
PO Box O
Einstein, The Information Minneapolis, MN 55440 through the Resource Center, write me a letter
Access Tool detailing the equipment you 're using, subject
areas you teach, grade level or age of your
Add i son-Wesley Publishing
Company QuuntumLink
students, software you're using and any other
2725 Sand Hill Rd.
information you fee! like including.
Tutoring Center and Community
Menlo Park, CA 94025 Also, ifyou'd like to donate public domain
educational programs to the Resoitrce Center
8620 Westwood Center Drive
for sharing with other educators or parents,
Vienna, VA 22180
please send along a dhk with a brief descrip
Electric Chalkboard BBS
Ken Blystone, SYSOP tion of the program. Send correspondence and
disks to:
El Paso, TX
BBS phone no. 915-593-3862 Margaret Morabilo
Resource Center
do RUN' Magazine
Electronic University 80 Elm St.
TeleLearning, Inc. Peterborough, NH 03458
1150 Sansome St. You can also leave mail in my online mail
San Francisco, CA 94111 boxes: CompuServe (70616,714) or (hianlum-
Link (MARGM).


Hardware Gallery
Meet The Final Cartridge, afan-packed peripheral,

and log temperatures with Comp-U-Temp 2.0.

Compiled by BETH S.JALA

The Final the ending address appears. Whether Walk, command. The Walk command
loading the file from within the Ml. lets the ML program be executed one
Cartridge B
monitor or from Basic. The Final Car instruction at a time, thus detecting er
tridge displays the addresses that die file rors in the code that you write.
No Needfor all Ttwse occupies in memory. On the positive side, the ML monitor
The accompanying manual refers to lets you load a disk sector into memory,
Extras Wlieri You Have
a Tape Turbo, provided by The Final alter it and rewrite it to disk. Also, the
This C-64 Assistant Cartridge, that entails a speed-up rou Ml. monitor allows for continuous scroll
tine for die Datassette. When using a ing through the entire contents in mem
Originally hailing from Holland, The device number of 7, the Tape Turbo ory (SOOO0 to $FFFF) in die same way
Final Cartridge is a peripheral that adds converts the Datassette into an ersatz that you scroll through a word processor
fun to your C-64 computing. If a com disk drive, saving and loading com document—with the up and down cur
puter cartridge's contents reflect the pressed files almost ten times faster sor keys.
state of its designers' minds, then The than normally. My timing of these rapid The cartridge's enhanced Basic pro
Final < lartrldge's designers must possess saving and loading feats proved the vides about 20 new commands, includ
lively imaginations, because ii is any manufacturer's claim to hold true. Un- ing Find, Help, Auto and Delete, an Old
thing but boring. fortunately, die data compression en command for retrieving programs alter
The highlights of The Final Cartridge hancements used for the Tape Turbo issuing die New command, a Renumber
arc an enhanced Basic, MI, monitor, are, for die most part, unreliable. command for renumbering program
screen freezer, the ability to print a fro Simple Basic 2.0 programs that I saved lines, and a variety of DOS commands.
zen screen, and faster disk and Datas- using the fast-tape method required a Although The Final Cartridge's man
scttc loading enhancements. number of file saves before an error-free ual states that it loads files six limes
The Final Cartridge's documentation file was completed. Substituting differ faster, 1 found disk-loading limes to be
and design indicate a target audience of ent Datasscltcs, computers and cassette reduced by only one-half to two-thirds
game players. One of the two buttons tapes proved to be of little avail. My when loading Basic programs with the
on the unit is a reset button, and the recommendation: Forget using tape cartridge in use. Also, load times of com
other is a program freezer. enhancements and enjoy the cartridge's mercial C-64 programs, such as Easy
The reset button works in much the other options. Script and GF.OS, loaded at their usual
same way as docs the command SYS Complementing the C-64 with a resi slow pace.
647U8: It resets the computer's memory, dent Ml. monitor is a plus, biit The Final Software incompatibility posed no
The program freezer button lets you Cartridge's MI- monitor goes one better problems with The Final Cartridge, but
load iii and freeze a program, then save than most, because it doesn't use any of C.KOS deactivated the program-freeze
it to disk or tape, or print it. When print the computer's precious memory. While option. Easy Script worked well, as did
ing, you can also have a nonCummo- The Final Cartridge's ML monitor is an all the other commercial programs 1
dore compatible parallel printer inter improvement, it lacks a debugger, or tried with The Final Cartridge activated, i
face connected to the RS-232 port—the
modem port—and not use the serial
port. When 1 did use the serial port for
printing, I didn't encounter any Incom A Suporb!
patibility problems with Commodore An exceptional product that miishiilcs all others.
and Star printers as] activated The Final
Cartridge's many print options. B Good.
As far as freezing and copying a fro One of the better products available in its category. A worthy addition to your
zen program is concerned, our company hardware collection,
policy forbids employees from copying
commercial programs; so I limited my C Aucnige.
testing to non-commerical software. Lives up lo its billing. No major hassles, headaches or disappoint men is here.
When copying Basic and Ml. programs,
1 found this option to work very well. D Poor.
With The Final Cartridge plugged This product has sonic problems. There are better on the market.
into the computer and activated, I no
ticed that the beginning address of each E failure.
file appears as it loads from the disk Many problems; Should be deep-sixed!
drive.Once the loading process finishes.



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Commodore is a erpj f radtmark ol Commodore Business

Commodore 128 owners will be happy Comp-U-Temp, and the corresponding data is displayed
to hear that the cartridge works with the in red.
Version 2.0 . There are many varied applications
C-128, but not so happy to hear chat it
locks the C-128 into C-64 mode. Unless for this system. A security guard, alerted
If You Log Data and
you require the C-128 mode for software by Comp-U-Temp's alarm, could pre
or programming, The Final Cartridge Monitor Temperatures, vent the loss of perishable goods in a
warehouse. Storage conditions of medi
Here's Your Tool cal or scientific specimens could be doc-
umenied by the automatic daia logger.
If you want to know ilie temperature, In addition to a real-time display of
get a thermometer. If you want to know all sensor locations and temperatures
the temperature in several different on the monitor screen, Comp-U-Temp
places, get several thermometers. And will log data to a floppy disk at regular
if you want to simultaneously keep track intenals. The period between disk
of temperatures in various locations, writes—data points—can be as short as
you'd better oil up your roller skates— 15 seconds or as long as four hours. As
or get Comp-U-Temp. many as 150 data points can be re
The Comp-U-Temp temperature-log corded in a single run.
ging system adapts the 6510 micropro My one complaint about the program
cessor heart of a C-64 to perform the is that it identifies data points only by
single-minded task of monitoring tem number. While the printout includes
peratures. Utilizing inexpensive elec the beginning time and the interval be
tronic sensors, Comp-U-Temp Version tween measurements, there is no simple
2.0 can keep track of temperatures in way to determine the instant a partic
as many as eight different locations. ular temperature was logged.
The Final Cartridge provides you
Each sensor, a weatherproof therm Comp-U-Temp will send data directly
with the enhancements of at least
istor thai changes its electrical charac- to an online primer (PETSCI1 only)
four other producta.
terisiics as temperatures rise and fall, is at specified intervals; or, you can re
offers enough features in C-64 mode to connected to a terminal strip on a small call and print or display previously re
lessen the impact of losing C-128 mode. interface module. The interface plugs corded data, which eliminates the need
A conventional review doesn't do The into the C-64's joystick port. Comp-U- to dedicate a printer to this specific
Final Cartridge justice because it isn't a Temp measures temperatures between application.
typical product, at least outside of the -15 and +180 degrees Fahrenheit, Not every Commodore owner will
European market. After ail, you get a with a precision of one degree. have use for this low-priced tempera
good ML monitor, emended Basic, pro The software allows each sensor to ture monitoring system, but those who
gram freezer and fast-load cartridge all be assigned a name, which is displayed do will be pleased with iis simplicity
in one neat little- package. Fun at this on the screen to eliminate any chance and ease of operation. (Applied Technol
price is a rarity. (H &P Computers, 154 Val of confusion when multiple locations ogies, Inc., Lyndon Way, Killery, ME 03904.
ley St., South Orange, NJ 07079. $44.95.) are monitored. Each sensor can also be C-64/S 119.95.)
—Tim Walsh assigned high and low limits. Any time —JOHN PREMACK
run staff the limits are exceeded, an alarm sounds Lexington, MA ■


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Sensational Prices!
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CP/M™ On Your C128! $159
Are you paying loo much (or diskettes? Try our tirsl
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All diskettes are double densily and worV in either lire you can rest ssutH tnal (he
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WHY SHOP rt'fectly to Commodore Computers


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Pow'r Pak Is a replacement power supply (1.5 amp) to set your outpul as H I? bemrj printed fl.ilab'E m [wrj widths If (0/ most
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155 on Sacvice card

Commodore Clinic
Find out how to minimizejoystick port wear and where
to get game paddles. Also, can you legally use others' listings
in your programs?

UPDATES Anyone handy with electronics can paddles are scarce is because so few pro
modify a standard Commodore cassette grams for Commodore computers can
recorder to use the Plus/4's connector, use them.

I've found a solution to Fred Tirrassine's and some Commodore-compatible cas

problem with DRAW in RUN'i third annual sette imiis from other vendors used to
Special Issue. In place of DRAW 1,-10, include both C-W and Plus/4 connec My kills art continunlly switching joy
- 20, you can use DRAW IJtDOT(0) - 10, tors. You can probably still get one from sticks, and the plugging and unplug
- 20. an overseas dealer, because the PlusM ging seems to put a lot of stress on the
—Jon Meilstrud was sold more widely abroad than in connectors. Is there a 12-inch cable with suit
Silver spring, md the U.S. able connectors that could he left plugged into
However, if you can afford it, you'll each port, then thejoysticks plugged into that?
Thanks for a clever solution to be much happier with a disk drive, since —J. VOGF.L
another of the bugs in the original it loads and saves programs much faster. Wouurn, MA
CM 28 ROMs. Tin? same basic technique The widely available 1541 disk drive
should lei you me negative relative plugs right into [he PlusM, with no al- Radio Shack sells a joystick exten
values in Locate, Paint, Box, Circle, leraiions, and it works with mosi othei der cable somewhat longer than
GShape and SSbape commands until recent Commodore computer models. you wan!, but adequate for your needs.
Commodore suns distributing their I use it to plug the oversized connector
updated ROMs. on Flexidraw's light pen into my C-128.
QI have a Prentice P-202T modem and
want to use it with my C-I28, hut I'm
Big Blue Reader jot- the C-128 and 1571 not SUM if it ttrill mirk. Where can I get the % I'm planning to buy it TV converter
disk drive changes files from MS-DOS to address of the manufacturer? box for my RCB/iomposite color mon
Commodore jormat, and vice versa. You can —AMEEN SHARffEF itor. Would it harm the monitor if I connected
create a fde with your favorite Commodore Detroit, mi this box or a VCR to it?
wordprocessor, convert it to MS-DOSformal — Rene del Valle
with Big Blue Reader and then print it out The P-202T isn't listed asa current QUEENS, NY
with a laser printer at work via WordStar model in the mosi recent infor
or another similar program. Big lilue Render mation I have for Prentice, but 1 expect ) No. Adding a tuner to your mon
costs S30, and it's available from Michael it can be connected to the C-128 via an itor shouldn't hurt it a bit. Many
Miller, S.O.G. W.A.I'. Software, Inc., 611 Boc RS-2S2 interlace and used at least with TV purists actually prefer to buy a tuner
caccio Ave., Venice, CA 90291. You can also other Type 202 modems. The address separately from the monitor itself, for
call him at 213-822-113H. lor Prentice Corp. isPO Box3544, Sun the same reasons audio fans buy sepa
—Macey Taylor nyvale, CA 94088, or you can phone rate components lor their sound sys
Tucson, AZ them at 4118-734-9810. tems. Just be sure the cables thai
connect the tuner to the monitor and
1 As usual, thanks, Macey. For those the computer to the tuner or monitor

who don't know her, Macey is ihr When can I hut a game paddle? I can let you continue using your computer

former head of my local Commodore only find joysticks. in both RGB and Composite modes.
user group, who recently moved too far —Douglas As for the VCR, mosi come with audio
away for me to easily seek her advice. MlLKR, \VI and composite video outputs that can
be directly connected to a monitor. This
If you can't locate a Commodore eliminates the need to buy a TV con
paddle, you can use any paddle verter box, because most VCRs already
HARDWARE compatible with the Atari 800 computer include an excellent TV tuner. My own
or 2600 game machine. Look lor one al C-128 is connected this way.
garage sales, if you can't find one new.

Can you tell me where I am get a 3railing that, you can build your own,
cassette cable for my l'liis/4? Jameco Electronics (phone 415-592- / own a C-6-1. 15-tl disk drk'e and
—John Christie 8097) offers a suitable paddle mecha Gemini IOX printer. M\- problem is
Chapki. Hill, NC nism, and Radio Shack has a suitable that the drive won't loud or run many pro
cord to connect it. grams unless the printer is on ifit's connected.
The PlusM needs a special tape However, before you try making your Since I don't always need the printer, I some
recorder, not just a special cable. own paddle, remember thai lite reason times disconnect it before turning on the sys-


tern. Will this connecting and disconnecting cartridge port when olf. If you aren't tridge will probably be far cheaper than
wear out the port prematurely, or will leaving mechanically inclined, just turn off your repairing it. Internally, Magic Desk was
the printer on all the lime overheat it and computer and unplug the cartridge one of Commodore's most complex car
wear it out prematurely? when you want to run programs incom tridges, containing four different ROM
—MILT WlGSMOEN patible with Fast Load. chips, plus logic to select among them,
SAUK VlLLAGL, IL You should iilsn deactivate Fast Load so repair would be difficult.
when you're using relative ("lies, because With so many cartridges and acces
A Tin.1 Failure of your disk drive to readers have found it unreliable. sories now available at low close-out
operate with (he printer off is pi ices, it would be a good idea to pick
probably due to the printer interface up a spare of any important item that
you're using. That feature was probably might eventually need repair.
added intentionally to keep you from PROGRAMMING
starting the system without the option
of using the printer. The same problem
may occur if the printer is turned on, i" I'm trying to write u program for the
but oui of paper or off-line for another C-6-l with a masked input routine in
reason. Since this bothers you, look in which I will enter a four-digit rode that
your printer interface manual—there shouldn't be visible as it's entered. Instead,
It's clear that 1 can't copy the listings
may be a way to disable its check for anX should appear in place ofeach character.
from a magazineprogram and then sell
printer readiness. How can I do this?
the program. However, can I take, say, a
Otherwise, just leave your printer on —Carlos Andkrson
magazine program that spruces up my menus
whenever the computer is on. It's in less Oak takk, n.
and include it in a program I want to submit
danger of overheating than your com
for publication! Should the author of the
puter and disk drive, and it uses very little Just replace lite usual Inpu! state
menu-sprucer get credit or a slice of my pay
power except when actually printing. ment with a (let loop along the
ment! Or ilo I just wan! to stay away from
lines of the one below:
the idea altogether?
100 NS = "" —J. C.ROVK
120 IFGS> = "«" ANDG$< = "9"THEX
NJ-N$ + G|:PRINT "X"; A The safest course is to submit the
130 IFl.F,N(N$)<4TMK.N 110 program to the same maga/ine
Qt have a C-6-1 and 15-11 disk, and I'd
14(1 N = VAl.(NS) that originally published the menu pro
like your opinion of the Ep\x Fast iMid
gram, and give the original author
eartriilge. It appears to load and save pro The loop includes checks to make sure
credit for what you used. The contract
grams five times faster or better, I've always only digits are accepted, and it waiis until
the author signed probably already al
believed ton selilomget somethingfor nothing, you've entered exactly four digits. The
lows for reprints, and if the editors like
so is there a trade-off someiohere? last line converts the completed siring
your program, they'll send any needed
—JIM BODEAUX into the equivalent number.
additional payment to him or her.l
Covimvion, LA

A Fust Load is a reputable product

that for 'he most part does what REPAIRS Do you have a problem or question about
it claims, and it's made a lot of friends
your Commodore computer? Commodore
by healing the 1541's debilitating case
Clinic cent help. Just send your question on
of slowness. The trade-ofi is incompat My Magic Dak I ft\pe and rile) car
a postcard to:
ibility with a small number of copy tridge from Commodore won't work, so
Jim Strasma
protected programs that refuse to run everything I have on Jile is inaccessible. Can
with the cartridge installed. However, the cartridge be repaired, or do I have, to Commodore Clinic
chances are you'll never encounter a pro PO Box 61(1(1
replace it?
Macomb, IL 61455
gram that wun'l work with Fast Load. —D. W. Hinz
If you're mechanically inclined, you WORTHINGTON, MN Queries are answered only through this
can solve this problem by adding an on( column, and, due to the volume of mail, only
off switch to the cartridge. The switch A If you can still find Magic Desk questions likeh to appeal to the majority of
should interrupt theEXKOM line on the available new, replacing your car our readers can be published.


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Alntumt mull fiv Ha f. MirLhanda* tautd ditalrm wiH b» npimfl «rtpUctd- Alrtm
■n mi*. Vti te not aflir nfurrdi iv (Mficiivi picducii ot (rr pindifcti ihil do ml prtorm
10-6 UldllCtOrilf. Wl .'l*i (» ■.■.irn-'tn lor (XMuCl ptrion-unct All nuf*. bttk gllirMlHt
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Mondty iii.ii Fiidiy - 10:00 A.M. 1c £ W P.M. AD. ■ UVCNIA MICHtiMI 461IQ

C. ru11 - ?C7 on Reader ik-mce card.


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SPECIALS _C commodore £ commodore

DISKS & ACCESS. Commodore Logo $25
3'A DS/DD I30IO1) $1.30 Accounts Rec S20 Educator 64 SFD 1001 (1 Meg)
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Xeiec Interlace SCALL $14995 $17995
MOUSE PAD... . $6 CodewrHer S20
Cwn taste ly
CASIO CZ101 - $250 Joy Sticks from $5 I Comrnodce Cori 4040 ...S CALL
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Includes Tyvek Sleeves & label kit Cicommodore 1520
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! 36 CIyO«l

RELEASES £ 33 Calltfliaorisr S M Si*0Mi 1 36 WOWKaw 3D



B»i!jTale S qeos m m ou moo Art&HT) 11600 MOO L BJ1TN1' U100

cwsctssiw !000 SJ100 Bsc 128 U6CQ An Galley 2 16 00 Cmcrjl Mjf. 2tO
W»W Tour God . 18 00 !<O0 Print Masttr 21.00 SU1 DBK ... , 15.00
Until Madness ,.- '800 CMplklM 36.00 ■B6 Tesm 09, . 12CO
Pwisus 1800 CMrMk W 24.0Q
Motais!JCO CiansW 1ZB 2100
On 24 DO
uiinu iv 36 00 Cobol 1J8 360) Card ware MM
UIwhk Wiam 24 X Sucei C Compllir S4/IJ8 36.00 H«W w«r« 8.00 (ions!one Haw 118.00
Bud's Tilt II Supt PucH 36 £O Piny wn 1.00 GtflyiOtfO - 3603
30 CO Kunpfgnnpt X 00
Vkrt nfitn il 900
SatXM 2100 i ■ !■:Ji- ■ i 24 EC
Riq ol Zillin 24 00
ftoad Wa MOO . 24.00
Many Titles
Braderbund Software- Slwd of Spiino
.-..-- -....,,. 24.00
n^_ ._ ^INDSCAPE PqOiK WrflK BF*fff*nner EACH 3600 Prmltfioo ... . SpKii 12503
DfHTaBr Ol Die tWI NEW 121 CO
Bop irtf Wrwito 1800 Skw Pa* 2 ('Mi 60.00 GnpfKs Lo EA ... . 15.00
Podnt Wmsr 1!ftTril9t/F1irvie' .. . EACH X 00 Csrrwn SanrMgo 21.00 S7KT
F* IBM) Pocket Wrii* WHdffPtuiner EACHS400 Kararaka . .,,.,..,,.. 1S00 ....T^T. Sp»BWt22.S0
SupBT SHI Hooksy NEW 21.00
Print sflop comp. 21.00 24.00
Hioh Ruler 1800
Inosor Spoftl - IB 00 SirMlSml ?400
1800 Pen* R4.00 vow fjnai cr»mp
IB 00 flume , IUD StmrwOmil 24.00
.IBM Ubnnh 21 00 Supor CyOn 24,00
Uildium IB OO 21.00 WtrW Qimm 24.00
DttaUgf. 123 13600
[ujtnet noun 18 00 . .2400
SwftcUc 128 W.00
VibrAmw 3 X 00
Al Dusnes DIM 34.00 Vtottterrm '.. 24.00
IS CO am SiCBaota NEW 2400
.. IBM PamwB4 38.00
Ulsc Studio 16.00
Liw ol the WiM
PSI 5 rrjjng Como
Partner 128
Sytoa Fofiara .....,,.,,.
n*irfta"o u^w SctOtl J2BCC fpi S-nil SpK* I2B.50
18 00
EowwyD*! liOO
Coma 18.00 Uewyoom
DW Art 1
MicroProse J»t 30.00
Up An 2 24 IXI Gunghlc . Sotdul tJOOO ... 24.00
1!8 ,. _... JSOOO
4000 f-is nao . 30.00
Susnunol 64 10 00 , 21.00
r*twei 24.00 ..BUD
JStiftiKifks WW (24.00
Piralm NEW 24.00 iMOSrtoaid 24.00
GEOS .Sp»CW»4.KI Top Gunnw 1800 MACr+6 24.00
GEOSFcrnpak 1 18.M VWW C»b ktaurait S«k* 22.60
Elite 1B.00
G£OS D9S* P»O; 21.0O 24.00
21 00
Wnw Vttt Efop 3000 mo
Pawn 2400
teen 24.CO Ftml Maslcr II M 130.00
Toumam»nt 1 12.00
Tilklng Tosdnr . . . 24 00
NEW30.C0 Trtoki Pi* 12.00
QuUotTNevn NEW 24 00 font Mutw 128 3600
NEW 2*00 Firoow Coax 12.00

Circle 207 on Reader Samoa cerd.


From p. 14.

50 DATA 31,170,41,16,153,251,0,138,41,15,1
60 DATA 208,227,76,49,234,0,1,5,0,7,8,6,0,


841D Improved Plus/4 Perfect Typist

I was pleased to find a modification of the 128 PerfectTypist
program IO work with ihe I'lusM (trick S3CD, April 1987).
However, I tend to forget the Pokes, so I added several more
An ENTERTAINING and EDUCATIONAL package for the lines to make the computer do them for me, reload the pro-
grain and run it all automatically. Here are the extra lines:
entire family
Browse through the world and learn a wealth ot interesting 5 IFPESK(44)=22A>JDPEEK(5632}=0GOTO10
facts and figures at your finger tips 6 PRINT"{SHFT CLR(POKE44,22:POKE5632,0:NEW
Extensive use ol color graphics for superb visual displays
Nearly 1 megabyte ol textual data contained on S disks 7 PRINT"(2 CRSR DNS}DLOAD%CHRS<34)+"+4PER
Requires Commodore 128, 1 disk drive, joy stick FECT TYPIST"
(color monitor recommended) 8 PRINT"{4 CRSR DNS}RUN":POKE239,4
Send cash, check or money order to: 9 POKE1319,! 9:FORX=1320TO1322:POKEX,13:NEX
California Computing Specialists T:END
Dept. A
5102 Neptune, Newport Beach, CA 92663 The following an necessary substitutions for tlic data in
714-548-4144 lines 140 and 150 of 128 Perfect Typisi:
Calif, residents add 6% sales tax
140 DATA 19,24,101,20,24,101,21,141,252,19
,169,4 2,32,241,20,32,188,20,160
Circia 117 on Reade' Setvce card
150 DATA 2,185,185,20,32,241,20,136,16,247

—Eugene I. Rot hman. Brooklyn, ny

S41E Extra GEOS Characters

Although they're not mentioned in (he manual, several
additional characters arc available in GHOS by using the Coi.i-

modorc key with the following keys:

[ makes a J (curly lcfl bracket)

] makei a} (curly right bracket]

DISKDRIVE I makes a \ (baclulsuh)

@ makes an "" [accent mark}
• makes a "•'(tilde mark)
[ makes a | (vertical bar)

—Barry Solomon. Montoursville. PA

S41F GEOS Font Styles

APPLE II If you're having tumble changing GEOS fonl styles (such
as italic to hold), try this trick. Activate (he style menu, high
COMPATIBLE DRIVES light the Plain Test style and click once. Then repeat the
process, but this lime highlight the desired style. When you
JOYSTICKS....MOD EMS start typing, the new style will be displayed. If you change
TO ORDER CALL TOLL FREE from italic to bold without plain lext between, you'll get bold
1-800-283-6274 —William Leks, San Francisco, CA

We guarantee your satisfaction!

5420 New First File
»■-=■ -=—=-
After you have a number of files on a disk, you might lind
^3 PRODUCTS that you want to place the tile you use the most first in
|^ INTERNATIONAL the directory. When it's in thai position, you can load the file
589ZMAIN STREET/SPRINGFIELD. OB 97478/503 741-1322 after turning on your computer by entering LOAD"*",8—

86 R Lr N ■ SKPTKMIikk 1'J«7 lo 55 on Readar Service caf<J



without having to typo the filename. The program below

will let you swap the fiisi fill? in a directory with ;iny Other Me

on the disk. Try iliis program on a back-up disk first, to be
sure it's typed in correctly. Otherwise, you could losu every Mini-Pro Aialy*11"
CompirEt race dnityiLI tot [h< »&ph|ir. LrMlcd hand fjppei "Jlh
H 44 4*1

thing <»" the disk. iir^> ktWII i-niini hnhiiriK Unk\ Id • h-i '* riUhfl
aTjbfcs indala nwlL|[iLiUuirn. fompiclc'HELP" funciniU. and IPutt
;- +pt|nl u«- <••- :•>


nptclienaHft. full teftfiiKil pacliaf^ eanlalns Mini Pro An*-

o1^ <c ijtlt plua bPhnc jnuiliT*. mniiry [flst >n'!kTl ai1ju*lfi».
iractlonal ai)]UT.;rF5J multL "neli iblULm. mch Jl&l^. and flir«reen

_ Biluii. Ittli module lefiJTMCa UUl liKtUH rcUUiiJi
30 INPUT"NAME OF PROGRAM TO BE FIRST";!'? En ivLiiiLlnR nr1l"iLi|n Mid I ruin n n( i ULiiii Li 111 ly rrCH It ula k* \ht wri|?l 1111 nr
f(iniiiilii if mnx«-ln- rn«i i"' Ulblld I" (IfTire tin- lli«»t f\tffttt
40 PBINT"VALIDATING DISK":OPEN15,8,15,"V0" famuli nuMiiiir. rlruiiinMr.kiiy mi rtulhf win percenu^tl

50 PRINT"SWAPPING FILES":F1$=F$+".":P1$=P$ KBW for 1SB7 H[LL C'!'iWi. ANALV^ij CUATlb


60 PRINT#1 5, "C0:" + F1$ + " = 0:"-t-F$: PRINTS 1 5,"S

HEnd nfjr afuij-Mi lor Ihr uHgi:: pnJrsslonjl Cor.Eaint LV-Il
™irat TtnAfnif. Clu^*r fVLjIy^Js. and 1/ DjiiHiot SyiriH*.

70 PRINT#15,"C0:"-i-PlSt" = 0:" 5,"S ldt. fl••£.'.' M*xai*cy a i lj1)»1» Df Lotlny ol UAtO.

0:"+P$ llnnr.tJjjt
UU \ -r<kn
llJrjr*] Dill-
B0 PRINTS 15,"R0:" + P$*" = 0:"+P1$:PRINT#1 5, "R [Wtavi wmWi

90 CLOSE15:PRINT"{2 CRSR DNslALL DONE!" A flcUuie. hljlh perfflrmince Jwntwtll anol^la wllh ccmpldc t»jlll-
sciicdnlirv;. oRcllnU J"iii* CBuallyk tingle input tor iw^ [wni-. and
h dCCUfLlLV ' f Ti" 'I' "* I'lnM b i"^ !■ f I ^"-.11 r1 ~-t i v^-7 ji'l~"liiii|rf t\y\ FL

—Anthony Aguirhe, Havestown. pa

5421 C-64 Instr Function

<*4 A tilth [.yjHiall anaE>'U> uiiln£3l arparaie awl Bimcturt

pirdlcl Ihr s^rt art -ui|Kr

The C-128 bas a handy INSTR [unction for finding the .o*

Teimii mmriilniim.IT■Jin■■■ Mfl iaoocou / MOD w* !«"(■
t9 00Jntfm*|ion<LilrllvrTy / TO rrMtlenmiW S^t AJIj* 3 *TrV* *|if
position (if one string within another. The following subrou p<aid by ptfuonal flir*k l^ricf* abml- aif tat t**h or marry onlcr Dul
Add 34*i Servian, y—QUH», am] AMKX Ifvrs lubjfd ri ehanfir
tine will give the same results on ihc C-64:

CuN tadajf /<?r o OJpy d/ouT FREE CATALOG.'

1000 XA=LEN(A$):XB=LEN(B$):XX=0:SP=1:REM S Circle 74 on Reader Servrce card.
= BS THEN XX=XE:XE=XA I Saved Time & Money
with Physical Exam"
Variables AS and US arc the long string and [lie substring
you want to find, respectively. The position of the first letter I use a data base to 1541 Physical Exam Samp]* Screen
keep records for our
match is returned in variable XX. A value ofO means that no club. Last week I
match was found. Be Sure not to use the variables in the ^xptrienced read
subroutine—XA, Xli, ICE, XX and SI'—in other parts of your :rrors. Luckily I have
a 1541 Plmicnl Fxnm
program. You mighl n<-'t strange results. program. The align
ment lest confirmed
—Don Jarvis, Miami, FL what I had suspected
my drive was oul of
alignment. 1 am happy
to report that I aligned
54SS Prime Numbers my drive MYSEI.F. I
avoided the wait for
This shon and relatively fast program determines if a num- repair ;ind paid a frac
tion of Ihc cost.
beris prime. Numbers up to 10000 will take only afew seconds;
larger numbers will lake up lo a minute (9990973 takes about R includes: • True digital alignment disk
■II) seconds on a C-64). The program should work on any with offsel tracks. • Mechanical Stop Test •
Commodore computer, Speed Tesl • Illustrated mnnuul with instructions
for performing alignment, adjusting speed and
10 REM PRIME BRIAN DUCHESNEAU stop position. • Hard copy mode to print test
20 PRINT"(SHFT CLR}" results for future reference.
EN END $39.95 + s & h per program Please specify drive
40 IF X/2=INT(X/2)THENPRINT"{CRSR DNJCOMPO 1541, 1571, 8050, 8250, 4040, SFD 1001

50 FORY=3TOZSTEP2:D=X/Y:I=INT(D}:S=D-I Ofdsr Toll Fr&*
70 IF S=0THENPRINT"tCRSR DM] COMPOSITE":G0 Cardinal Software
TO30 - ^3 ■ ^r+
14840 Build America Dr.
80 PRINT"{CRSR DN) PRIME":GOTO30 Woodbridge, VA 2219!
Info: (703) 491-6494
—Brian Duchesneau, St. Albans, VT *■

Circle 192 on RoaUer Sorvice caid. SKI' I VMMM 1987 -RUN 87


5423 Simple C-64 Sprite Editor line above the Ready prompt and type in RUN 100. The
program will scan the screen and prim the sprite in actual
I've written a very simple sprite editor for the C-64:
sizetoihc right ofthe grid. Then you can change it [fnecessary.
0 REM SPRITE DESIGNER-CHRIS BUTLER When your sprite is the way you like it, move the cursor
10 PRINT"{SHFT CLR}";:POKE650, 1 28 above the word READY again and type in RUN 200. This will
20 FOR T=1T021:F0RQ=1TO24:PRINT".";:NEXT:P create Data -statements for the sprite. After they're printed
RINT:NEXT to the screen, just add line numbers and press return for
30 V=53248:POKEV+21,4:POKEV+41 ,1 each line.
40 POKEV-f4,255:POKEV+5,200 —Chris Butler. Nova Scotia, Canada
50 POKE2042,1 3:END
1 Q=0:C=8:FORY=0TO21:FORX=1TO24 S424 Compact C-64 Menus
Here's an alternative to vertically oriented menus. My rou
120 C=C-1 :IFP = 42THENQ=Q+2[UP ARROW}C
tine uses two lines at the top of the screen to display a profes
1 3 0 IFC=0THENC=8:G=G+1 :POKE8 31+G,Q:Q=0
sional-looking menu with eight options. To make your choice,
press the cursor-right key until the desired option is high
200 PRINT"{SHFT CLR}{2 CRSR DNs)":K=0:FORT lighted and then press return. If you use other titles for the
=0TO63:IFK=0THENPRINT"{S SPACEsJDATA " menu, be sure they're eight characters long.

210 PRINTRIGHT$(STR$(1000+PEEK(832+T)},3)"
20 POKE532B0,2:POKE53281,0
220 K = K + 1 :IFK = 8THENK = 0:PRINT"{CRSR 30 S=8:DIMM$(S):SPS=" ":HLS="(CTRL 2)"
230 NEXT:POKE53248+21,0:END
To use the program, run it, and the blank sprite will be 50 FOR I=1TOS:M$(I)="OPTION "+CHR${64+1):N
primed on the screen. Now fill In the sprite, using the * EXT:GOTO90
characier for dots you want on, and any other for dots off. 60 GET AS:IFA$="(CRSR RT!"GOTO90
When the sprite is finished, move the cursor to the blank 70 IFA$<>CHR$(13}GOTO60

Copy Worldwide Short-wave Radio

Signals on Your Computer
Remember the fun of tuning in all those foreign broad Morse code and all speeds/shifts of radioteletype- It
cast stations on the short-wave radio? Remember those comes with a cable to connect to your radio's speaker/
mysterious sounding coded tone signals that baffled earphone jack, demo cassette, and an excellent manual
you? Well, most of those beeps & squeals are really that contains u wealth of information on how to get the
digital datii transmissions using radioteletype or Morse most out of short-wave digital DXing, even if you're
code. The signals are coming in from weather stations, brand new at it.
news services, ships & ham radio operators all over the
world. Our short-wave listener cartridge, the "SWL", For about the price of another "Pac-Zapper" game, you
will bring that data from your radio right to the video can tie your Commodore 64, 12S or VIC-20 into the
screen. You'll see the actual text as it's being exciting world of digital communications
sent from those far awav transmitters. with the Mierolog SWL. 564. Postpaid, U.S.
The "SWL" contains the program in HOM 20270 Goldenrod Lane
as well as radio interface circuit to copy Germantown, Maryland 20874
Telephone: 301-428-3227


88 RUN- SKI'IKMHO 1987 Circle 91 on Reader Service card.


80 PRINT"(CTRL 2)";:0NXG0T0130,130,130,130 70 INPUT"YOU BE RECEIVING (DECIMAL)";C

:GOTO120 I
—Joseph R. Charnetski, Dallas, PA 140 PRrNT"THE TOTAL INTEREST WAS"L

S425 Watching IRA Grow —DAVID Adams, PORTAGE, IN

This short program shows you how your IRA account can
grow, It's only an estimate, because interest rates vary over the 8426 C-128 Checksum List
years. Also, the program uses simple interest added once a If you submit your Magic trick program listings to RUN in
year, rather than compound interest, so your IRA will proba hard copy only, it'll help the staff type in the listings if you
bly earn more than the program indicates. use the following program to print out checksums:


T 40 KEY7,"{15 SHFT INSTs}PRINT#4,L$"+CHR$(3

Commodore Compatible
Disk Drive Disk Drive
Completely compatible with
the C128. AND compatible Faster, Quieter, More
with the 1571! Yet smaller Compact and More
and more reliable. Reliable Than the
List Price; $349
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Guaranteed 100% Compatibility Advanced Direct
II even enhances GEOS! Drive Technology
6 am to 6 pm Full One-Year Warranty Comes Ready lo Run and Works

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Cards Accepted 6 days a week Satisfaction Guaranteed

64,64C, VIC 20. Plus 4, C120 (id
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1-800-356-5178 1-800-356-5178
Emerald Components International
== $ Emerald Components International
Dept. R. P.O. Box 1441. Eugene. OR 97440
sri. =. 2 DeP'- R.P0-Bo* 14*1. Eugene, OR 97440
customer service: 503/683-1154 — — Customer Service: 503/683-1154.

GrcJe 11 on Raadw Service can) Ode 156 on Reaow Swwco caia SRPTHMBF.R IBBT -RUN B9

50 KEY A,"CL0SE4:0PEN4,4:L$="+CHRS(34)+CHR$ Magic is the original column of reader-submitted hints and lip\.
{34)+CHRS(13)+"63999 :"+CHRS(13)+CHR$(1 F/ich month "-'I' praait brief useful computer "trick.-," to help you get
17) the most out ofyour Commodore system—whether you're a beginning
60 KEY8,"L$="+CHR$(34)+CHR$(34)+":CLOSE4"+ or advanced amputerist, a C-64 or C-128 owner. Magic is aforum
CHR$(13)+"63999"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(147) Iqt RUN'j imaginative and inventive readers to share their program
ming tips, brief software or hardumre modifications, shortcuts or items
ofgeneral interest. Ifyou have an idea to mike computing easier, f/isler,
My program generates checksums for lines starting with 10
more exciting and enjoyable, send it to:
and incremented by 10.
Once you have your trick debugged, renumber it. To use Magic
the checksum generator, Brat load and run the 12S Perfect RUN Magazine
Typist program. Then load and run the checksum generator no Elm St.
program, and finally load your trick. Turn your printer on Peterborough, NH 03458
anil align the paper, then press F4 to open a file to the printer. RUN pays $10 to $'10 for each trick published in the column. A
Now press Fl, F3, P5 and F7 in that order. This will send the payment of SSI) and a Magic Contributor T-shirt u awardedfor the
first line and the checksum to the printer. Trick of the Month. To be eligible, the Trick of the Month must he for
Repeal the sequence until you get an error. This will Indi the C64 or the C-64 and C-128, not for the C-128 alow.
cate that all lilies are done. Then, press the K8 key to close the If you'd tike u copy of the Intest edition o/RL'Ni Magic Trick
primer tile. Finally, add the checksums to the trick. Writer's Guide, send jwiff request with a self-addressed, stamped, Inui-
—Larry Pankey. Dana Point, CA ■ nOS>sitt envelope; you 'II receive a copy in turn or three weeks,

RUN it right: C-S4

Let the cursor remember and retrace every step
in the creation of your animated messages.

Not only does this little program, QuickDoc, provide a you make the program loo long, there'll he interference to
quick and easy way to type in and save short messages, bill the text you enter. Safe changes include the screen color
you can animate them, too. Poke in line 50, the border color Pokes in lines 1(1 and 25,
You can enter text, graphics, color changes, cursor moves, the cursor character {CS) in line 50 and the priming speed
even inserts and deletes from the keyboard, and save them (currently 52) in line 20.
all as part ol the program. Just enter RUN 25 and Stan typing. The Dimension statement, in line 25 provides room for
Change colors, type over old text, make frames or boxes in 10,000 characters of information. You can Increase this
Reverse mode, move text around, use Commodore-key graph amount if you need to write a longer document.
ics. Press F7 when you're finished, and watch the action. In addition to leaving notes for others, you might want lo
Then, when you're ready to save your document, press the use QuickDoc for on-disk documentation of your programs,
run-stop key and give QuickDoc a new descriptive filename. lores graphics art, tutorials, disk letters, an on-screen home-
When your friend or relative loads and runs that version of message board, or any number of other purposes. Your
QuickDoc, your message will be printed to the screen, one imagination is the limit! Experiment and have a good
Character at a time, just as you entered it. lime—that's what home computers are all about, right? IS
Be careful when making changes to QuickDoc, though. If —markjokrckr. Springfield, or

Listing 1. Quick Doc program.

10 POKE53280.11:GOSUB50 ;REM*96 50 POKE53281 ,11 :A$ = "{CRSR LF} {StIFT SPACEK

15 :REM*90 55 POKE252,{1/256) POKE2 51,(I-(PEEK(252)*2
25 POKE53280,12:POKE45,160:POKE46,9:CLR:GO 56)) :REM*237
SUB50:DIMA(2000t :REM*159 60 POKE46,PEEK(252):POKE4 5,PEEK(251):RUN
30 GETB$:IFB$=""THEN30 :REM*84 :REM*38
40 IFB$="{FUNCT 7)"THEN55 :REM*1B8 :REM*191
45 GOTO30 :REM*241

whh Commodore User Port expansion. ONLY $39.95+S3 S&H

Promotion!!! Now you can connect and communicate with any ol the popular
RS-232 peripherals using your Commodore User Port. This
superb expander opens a whole new world to your Commodore
The Best Commodore Direct-Connect computer's capabilities. You can now connect to printers,

Modem for ONLY $99.95. modems and any other RS-232 device. II you already have
something that connects to the User Port, don't worry
Now that you're able to do all those stand alone applications with because the port is duplicated on
the outside edge of the interface.
your Commodore, like word processing, spread sheet analysis,
Simply plug it in and turn on the
etc., you are probably thinking "It would sure be nice if I could ex device you want to communicate
pand the information I have access to." Everything from Electronic with. Comes complete with sample
Mail (E-mail) to stock quotes and huge databases of every imag driver program listings. Compatible
with all Commodore home com
inable type is now on-line just waiting lor you to dial up. All you
puters wilh a user port. 1-year war-
need Is a telephone line and a modem connected to your Com raniy. Order H5232.
modore which allows you to download this Information.
Which modem Is beat (or you?" Lets first say that almost all
modems (and services) are set up to communicate in one ol two
AprOSpand"64 Gives your Commodore 64 or 128
full eipandabilitylThis superbly designed expansion module plugs
speBds; 300 and 1200 Baud. If you look around you will find that into the expansion port & gives you 4 switchable (singly or in any
there is a flood of 300 baud modems on the market and combination) expansion connectors —plus fuse proleclion—plus
sometimes at very low prices. The reason is simple, they are be a reset butlon! Before you buy an expander, be sure that it has a
ing dumped because most computer users prefer 1200 Baud.
fuse to protect your computer and that you can aclivale your car
tridges in any combination allowed by the cartridges.
(1200 Baud is about 4 times as fast which means you spend less
time and money getting the data you want and more time using it.)
Virtually everyone who has a 300 would rather have a 1200. You
will also notice a few very cheap 1200s on the market at "too
good to be true prices". They are. Most are cheaply built foreign
copies of American designs. The service and support you receive
is minimaMo-nonexistent for these models.
Recently we re-evaluated our modem line and discovered that
the best price/performance tradeoff lor our Commodore Order It 5064
customers would be a straightforward, easy-to-use unit with no
NOW ONLY $29.95 + $3 S&H
complicated switch settings or indicators, but one that |ust did
what our customers wanted without complications. To our sur "EXTENDER-64" — 10" Ribbon cable extender for your
prise (and contrary to popular belief), we found that we could build Commodore cartridge port.

the unit In the USA with better reliability and performance levels Order #5065 $19.95 + $3 S&H
than anywhere else. We found that because of a significant in NEW! "USER EXTENDER" - 10" Ribbon cable
crease in reliability that American components and manufacturing extender (or your Commodore USER port.
give us, we now have Ihe best fail-safe product possible. An Order #5250 $21.95 + $3S&H
unreliable product Is not worth the price, however low. Get a
modem that will satisfy your present AND future needs by going Commodore Interfaces and Cables
directly to the American built Aprotek 12C! Cardprint G-WIZ Printer Interlace #1108 S46.95
What do you get for $99.95? Everything! You don't need to Commodore Serial Extension Cables SCall
worry about cables, compatibility or anything else! We don't just Amiga Printer Cable (6 ft) #3040-6MF $12.95
Amiga Printer Cable (10(1) #3040-1OMF S16.9S
sell hardware, we sell solutions. The Aprotek 12C plugs directly Commodore 6 Pin Serial Cable (5 ft] #3006-5MM $ 7.95
Into your Commodore Vlc-20, Commodore 6 Pin Serial Cable (8 ft) #3006-8MM S 9.95
C-64, C-64C or C-128 User port. Shipping pw abova Hams: S3. Cont. US SB. CAN .PftHI.AK ,APO,UPS Blue
The 12C Is a lull feature, 300 and
1200 Baud modem with Auto PRINTERS SEIKOSHA Price & Shipping
Answer, Auto Dial, Touch-Tone or SP-180AI Order #2050 SI 54.95 + 110.00
SP-1000VC(C-64) Order #2200..... Si 83.95 + S10.00
rotary dialing, has status indica
SP-1000AS Serial Order #2500 S184.95+ S10.00
tions on screen to let you know SP-1200AI (EPSON/IBM) Order »2600 S199.95 + S10.00
what is happening all the time. The MP-1300AI 300 CPS Order #2700 S389.95 + S12.CQ
MP-1300 Color Kil Order 12705 S 99.95 + S 5.00
12C comes complete with "COMM TERM 64" a complote com
TTXpress Portable Printer #2040 S99.95 + $7.00
munications and terminal program and has a built in speaker so
2.2 lbs. ■ Size 11"X4l4"x1W • Internal Batteries • fl'/i" wlfle thermal
that you can hear it dial and connect. Just plug it into your com paper • 40. 80, or 160 characters/ lire • 40 ctiaracters/second • 20' roll
puter and standard phone jack with the supplied cable. (No addi paper • Centronics Parallel Intertace • 7X9 punt font uWdoconders • internal
tional power supply required.) Also included is a free trial offer Butler • Emphasized and Underline modes

subscription to CompuServe, the complete user database. ORDER INFORMATION California residents add 6% tax. All prices
are cash prices—VISA and MC add 3% to total. We ship the next
STILL NOT SURE? Aproteks' reputation as a first rate business day on money orders, cashier's checks, and charge cards
peripherals supplier and our 5 year warranty on the 12C plus our A 14-day clearing period is required lor checks. Prices and availability
2 week satisfaction or your money back guarantee tells you that subject to change —CALL Available at Selected Dealers. Dealer
inquiries inviied.
we support our products.
Do you have more than one computer or do you plan to get For information call 805/987-2454 (8-5 PST)
another computer? Call or write for other models. TO ORDER CALL TOLL FREE

The bottom line: 1 {800) 962-5800 - USA

Aprotek 12C (Commodore)order #12C only S 99.95 1 (800) 962-3800 - Calif '
__= Or send order lo1 Dept. RN
Aprotek 12AM (AMIGA) #12AM only $11 9.95
Aprotek 12R(RS-232,Hayea compatible) fM2R..only $11 9.95 1071 'A Avenida Acaso
Camarillo. CA 93010
Shlpping-ContUS.-S5., UPS Blue, Can. AK. HI. APO = $10.
Circle 79 on Rootlet Service card
RUN Listings

']'<• simplify typing RUN't C64 and C-128 program listings, we

include checksum numbers, These follow a REM statement at ihe
' HV. .". . -\ end of e:ich lint- leg.. :KEM*12S] and necessitate your using RUN't
Perfect Typist programs, listed below.
Type in f>4 Perfect Typist (Listing 1) for 64 programs, or 12H
Capture Video Images: only $129. 95
Perfect Typist [Listing 2) for 128-mode programs, and save il toeithei
Now you can easily and inexpensively acquire images tape or disk before running. When you want to type in a G4- or a
Irom any slandard video source - videotape, camera, disk - 128-mode program, first load and run the appropriate PerfectTypisi
for display on your Commodore 64 or 12a. listing. Jot duivii the two SVS numbers that appear on your screen,
Capture lime is less than six seconds. They are the SVS numbers that you type in for deactivating and
ComputerEyes has everything you need: reactivating the checksum program.
Interface hardware complete easy-to-use software support After Perfect Typist has been loaded and run, start typing in [he
on disk, owner's manual, and optional enhancement program listing fmmRUN. After you press the return key to ]og in each
soltware And its compatible with virtually all popular line, a 1-. 2- or 9-digfc numher will appear below the line at the left
graphics programs. Think ol the possibilities!
margin, This is the checksum number, ranyinn from (I to 255.
CompulerEyes is backed by a one year warranty and the
II this matches the cheduum printed in ihe listing after the :REM*,
success of over 10,000 systems sold Satisfaction
you have typed thai line correctly. Then type the next program line
guaranteed or return it within ten days for lull refund.
Also available Demo Disk, S3, CompulerEyes with over the previous line's checksum value. It the checksum number!
quality b'w video camera, $399 95 complete. do nut agree, analyze the line on screen for errors or omissions.
See your dealer or order direct. For more Make the needed i hanges and press the return key again to log them
information call 617-329-5400 in. A new checksum will appear in place fit the old one. Compare
To order call 800-346-0090 this to the magazine's number and then proceed to the nest line.
or mail your order Io D-g it al Vision. Inc When you've finished typing in your program, disable Perfect
66 Easts"! Ave raj o. Daonam MA 02026
VISA. M.'C. or COD accoploO
Typtsi by typing In the appropriate SVS number For either 61 or
S&H. $4 for Campule'Eyes. S9for ISH mode, and press the ret un: key. Now you can .save your program
Camera System Mass rusidonls
»s usual, hut before attempting to run It, turn the computer (iff and
add 5% sales ta*
back on to completely dear oui the Perfect Typist program.
You may save an incomplete any time and continue ii
Circle 128 on Reader Service card. later. To do SO, reload and run the Perfect Typist program, then
load the program you were working on, list it, and continue from
where you left off.
The 1'28 Perfect Typist will work in either 40 or 80 columns. Also,
1541/1571 Drive Alignment it let* you use the C-128's automatic litic-numbering. If Auto is on.
the Checksum will be printed below the line you just entered, and
1541/1571 Drive Alignment reports the alignment condition ol the C-128 will place the next line number below the checksum.
Ihe disk drive as you perform adjustments. On scresn help is
All listings in RUN have been translated •■<> that the graphics and
available while the program is running Includes features for speed
control characters are designated as understandable key
adjustment and stop adjustment Complete instruction manual on
aligning both 1541 and 1571 drives Even includes instructions on combinations. Follow instruct ions inside curly brackets. For example,
how to load alignment program when nothing elsewill load! Works {SHIFT l.( means you should hold down the shift key and press the
OntheC04. SX64.C128 in 64 or 128 modo. 1541,1571 in either 1541 1. key. What you see on your screen will look quite different from
ar 1571 mode' AutOboolS to all modes. Second disk drive fully whal is designated inside the brackets. Another example is {'12
supported Program disk, calibration disk and instruction manual SPACEs}, which instructs you to press the space bar Hi! times, [jj]
only $34.95'

Si/per Disk Utilities

Super DJik Utilities is the ultimate utilities disk for the 1571 disk
drive and C128 computer An 80 column monitor is required. SOU Listing 1. 64 Perfect Typist program.
will copy whole disks (with 1 or 2 drives!, perform many CP/M and
MS-DOS utility functions, edit any track or sector, trace tiles, copy
files, rename a disk, rename a file, change disk lormnt (without 1 REM 64 PERFECT TYPIST
affecting data), scratch or unscratcti tiles, lock or unlock files, 2 REM BY: JAMES E BORDEN
erase a track or a whole disk, create auto-boot,
10 POKE56,PEEK(56)-1:POKE52,PEEK{56):CLR
assemble/disassemble drive RAM or ROM, analyze oisk format,
format in MFM. CPM+. 1541, or 1571 format, reads CPM*
20 PG=PEEK(56):ML=PG*256+60
directories, contains a 1571 drive monilor, fully supports a second 30 FORX^ML TO ML+154:READD:T=T+D:POKEX,D:N
1571 drive, performs direct DOS commands and much, much EXT
more! Options window displays all choices available at any given 40 IFT<>16251 THEN PRINT"ERROR IN DATA..."
time. Many utilities also work on Ihe 1541 drive. No need lor :END
numerous utility disks1 SDU does it an1 Only S39.951
Free shipping A handllngl No surcharge for credit card ordersl PG
Immediale shipping! Illinois residents add 8% sales tfl« Order
80 POKE ML+141,PG
89 PRINT"(SHFT CLR}[CRSR RT}****•*♦•****••

Free Spirit Software, Inc.

538 S. Edgewood 90 SYS ML:PRINT "(CRSR RT}** 64 PERFECT TY
La Grange. IL 60525
[312) 352-7323
}SYS"ML+30"=OFF **"

92 RUN ■ SEPTEMBER l'JH7 ClrclB 144 on Reader Semco card.

Authorized Commodore Service Center
Triangulation: Horizontal & Vertical Curves, C44...M3.M C-iao...*5.«
STATIONING and PRINTOUT for both curves, ■«41 Mgn onM (2S.M *1S7t Mion only).. .MM
Misc., Volumes in Cu. Ft., Cu. Yds. & Gals. ■ IMI (Reppir). . I45.M -1571 Ftepfir). . 4S.0S
a*M tW.tS C8M PrinWn (a*)
SURVEYOR II • "Not dWudino hMd (MpP*r motor* or Kxndfe mow
Traverse Closure: Average End Volume; Single End Area wo am service Epson, Star, NEC, IBM, Zenith & COMPAQ
By Compass Rule 8 Coordinate Method Discounts lor Dealers and Schools
Dist, Bel, Coord, w/bearings; Angle Bel, Bearings: Etc. CALL 3O5-7S5-24M SPECIALS
R&R HISSA 9500 S.W. 51 TERR, MIAMI, FL 33165
C12B or C64 S24.95; PC $29.95: Postpaid; Fla. Res. Add 5% Tax
Graphics Card required (or PC; 'Printer required tor Surveyor II
Pompano Bwcfi. . , , tf^
IncKidw Documentation


Yes We Accept
HICAGOLAND D«.: August S3, 1987 Sam-ion,
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Designed lor Service, sales/mktg, repair shops eTc...
,-. r i-^ :■■■■■! p r nt Customized Invoices & Records. Gorgon-Pearl Diver-Gorgons Revenge Ultra Lite-Mily Kwik-
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Complele Private Accountant-most programs employ Mity Kwik
Full Color ■ Slores 500 Rocorfls/DisJi on 1S71 Drrve.
Track SalD3 or Job Stnius, Esllmalas, Dopl. Codes, elc... loader-minimum 3 Games or Utilities per disc or cartridge.
Search, Cross-search, Sort, Mailing labsls, Graphs, much more,., $32.50 ea. (Fl. res. add 5% sales tax) Shipping S handling $2.50.
BO Columm ■ Back.Up-Able ■ Full Documentation
■ SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER ■ VISA/M.C. Send check or money order to:
Two Free Programs Included |CW Memo & ::;■■ Budget) :i', ■
Same-oay FREE snog. MCWISA or COD I pie ass no checks.)
Call orders only ■ 21 hours - 1-800-S37-LABS 5625 Taylor Rd., Naples, FL 33942
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CW DATA-LABS, 1G32 Napfle Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111


FINEST PUBLIC DOMAIN PROGRAMS Take advantage of the authors' 10+ years of programming
DOCUMENT and MARKET your own programs in your spare
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JLH CO. both the experienced and the novice programmer!
10 day money back guarantee send $5.00 to:
SEND JUST A SASE TO: TOPEKA, KS 66667 ECIS, PO Box 21783, St. Louis, Mo. 63109


Micro Detective, The Intelligent Debugger, is ready to help you. The NawI Lotto Picker™ Plui lets you stare winning Lolto
AUTOMATIC ERROR DETECTION will find, highlight, and explain almost & pick 3/4 numbers 5 choose 1 or 3 statistical modes
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special routines to handle complex errors. The PROFESSIONAL TRACE your winning million $ numbers! Ail US & Canadian

will list each line as program runs, Trace can start at any time (with CTRL- garnos included Never Obsolete' ftjr Commodore S4
& 128 (no Amiga> Sorry, mail ordora only. To orOor
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send 134.95 lo:
Trace commands such as: TRACE 10-50 or TRACE WHEN X = 5. Plus 30
QE FUDGE SERVICES. INC. 170 Broadway. Suite
Utility Commands. Available row (or Commodore 64 BASIC (soon (or 128).
201.R Now York. N.V. 10038. WRITE (of FREE cat-
Send check or money order lor S49.95 (CA residents add 6% tax) to:
aloe inquiries/Dealers 1-718-317-1981
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Qz. commodore
PLUS 4, VIC 20 OWNERS plus/4 AND

FSD-1 drive Is still available for you. Perfect, reliable,
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ONLY S139 + S12 (S&H). Immediate delivery. Games, (logic, puz2les, battle) educational, (math, geography,
CALL NOW: 1-800-356-5178 vocabulary), finance & statistics and trivia. Write for catalog.'
Cardinal Sollnii MUG Build Amitfal Dr.. Woo<!btid|t. VA 22 I?I (1031 491-6*9*


Automatically convert Print
Muster graphics lo Print
shop graphics • Or ton
PRINT"(CRSR rt}*********************** verl print Shop graphics lo
Print Muster graphics •

Supports 1 or 2 di.iV drives
110 DATA 173,005 ,003,201, 003,208 ,001,096 1541/ 1571 •Sl<>.95 ■*■ S & 11
120 DATA 141,105 ,003,173, 004,003 ,141,104
130 DATA 003,162 ,103,160, 003,142 ,004,003 Converter 800-762-5645
1 40 DATA 140,005 ,003,096, 234,234 ,173,104 Cardinal Software 14840 Build America

150 DATA 003,141 ,004,003, 173,105 ,003,141 Print Shop Dr.. Wrradbrtdgc. VA X2ISI gm rxr
lulu (70S) 491 5494 ^
160 DATA 005,003 ,096,032, 124,165 ,132,011 J"!ir.l Shop u * c Pnnl M*i1ct tti JJr.jon "A'nsld. Inc.

170 DATA 162 ,142,240, 003,142 ,241,003

180 DATA 189 ,002,240, 051,201 ,032,208
190 DATA 004,164 ,212,240, 040,201 ,034,208 Wn oie Ilia olflosl and largest Aulr«ni/od COMMODORE Sarv.ce Canlor In (ho country. Wo
have 12 factory tuilnod technicians arnl repair and return your Cornmodoro equipment lo you
200 DATA 008,072 ,165,212, 073,001 ,133, 212 wiltim 3-4 flaya Our piices are very low. Fw oiamplo. 0 Commodore 64 raaair is S39.95
210 DATA 104,072 ,238,241, 003,173 ,241, 003 including all parts and labor.
JUST HELEASEO .New ROMS lor C128 and 1541 disk drive which « an atooluis
220 DATA 041,007 ,168,104, 024,072 ,024, 104 musl fw svery Commodore user (C128 ROMS, set of 3. $39 95 plus postage).
230 DATA 016,001 ,056,042, 136,016 ,246,.109 Ask about our "COMMODORE DIAGNOST1CIAM" for repairing your own oompulertpenphetal
(Save S and down lima).
240 DATA 240,003 ,141,240, 003,232 ,208,200 SPECIAL.. . .SPECIAL SPECIAL. .. .Heavy Duty Power Supply (or tne Commodore
250 DATA 173 240 ,003,024, 101,020 ,024,101 Hi—$27.95 plus postage

260 DATA 021 141 ,240,003, 169,042 ,032,210 KA5ARA MICROSYSTEMS. INC.
33 Murray HiH Onva. Epnng Vallsy, NY 10977
270 DATA 255 169 ,000,174, 240,003 ,032,205 TOLL FREE 1-8006«-763<(ouls>do NY) 914-356-3131
280 DATA 189 162 ,003,189, 211,003 ,032,210 SEND FOH COMPLETE PAHTS/Senv ICE CATAIOG

290 DATA 255 202 ,016,247, 164,011 ,096,145

300 DATA 013,032 ,032

Listing 2. 128 Perfect Typiat program. lor the C-E4/128
28 Body Arens—325 Sympioms—a60 Dlscnscs
Performs diagnosis, XREF. diseases oy symptom,
1 REM 40/80 COL C128 PERFECT TYPIST XREF syrnploms by disease, search fl on-line help lo'l
2 REM BY: JAMES B BORDEN Send 129 95 . S2 00 'or postage and handling lo
DMC SOFTWARE. Rl. 1 Box 364. Clinton. LA 7D722
dealer inquiries welcome
25 A$="":IFPEEK(215) THENA$="f20 SPACES}"
30 PRINT"{SHFT CLR)"A$" ***♦**********♦+**
40 PRINTAS" ** 128 PERFECT TYPIST IS NOW A Rlbboni - Prim Each Blick Colo' Plbbona - Price Each Block Cokv

CTIVE **" 3.96 4.96 Eoaon LX 80:90 3.60 4 26

Epson MX/FXiRX'80,'85 3 76 4.25
50 PRINTAI" **(2 SPACEs)SYS 5120=ON{7 SPAC Commodom MPS 801
Commcdore MPS flO2.
4 75
6 76 Qkidaia 92 1.75 2.20
Es)SYS 5150=OFF{2 SPACEs)**" Commodore MPS 803 4 95 595 Shikostia SP 800 1000 5 26 6 60
60 PRINTAS" ******•*****»***************+* Commodore MPS 1000 3 60 4.25 Siar SG10 1.75 2.20
Commodore MPS 1525 5 50 Star NX10 5 00 6 00

I-SI«liUiboni(HwiTrini!tf Ribbontl- Cah far Price & Availability M™rnjni oidtm !25 00. Sh-P0"i9
70 DATA 173,5,3,201,20,208,1,96,141,45,20, S handling and C 0 D are added to ifwo tff FOB Manisno. IL Illinois residents add 6 25% (a-.
173,4,3,141,44,20,162,43,1 60,20 RENCO COMPUTER PRINTER SUPPLIES

80 DATA 142,4,3,140,5,3,96,234,234,173,44, PO 8li 346. BindleY. 11 60915 USA ■ 1-800-522 692? -915 408-808!

90 DATA 32,13,67,140,255,19,162,0,142,252,
19,142,253,19,142,254,19,189,0,2 LEARN TO PROGRAM IN BASIC
100 DATA 201,32,240,8,201,48,144,7,201,58, 11 you ara Interested (n learning to wnle PROFESSIONAL quality programs written u\
176,3,232,208,238,189,0,2,240,54 BASIC tor [fie C-6d. The Profetior is the answer Even the be&innor wilt b& writing
top quality software after camprotmg the course. Tha Professor also has Iwo mcxfules
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List of Advertisers
Advertising Sales:

COMING East Coast Sales: Sieve Robbins; Ken Ill.ikriii.iti.

Nancy Potter-Tliompson (603) 924-7138 or (800) 4414403;

ATTRACTIONS West Coasl Sates: Giorgio Saluli (415) 328-3470

Render Service Page Reader Service ftige

Databases 8 Abacus Software 45 48 Palech Software 89

7 Access Software CIV 93 Professional Software, Inc CO

Probably the mosl popular
188 ActionSofi IB, IB 74 Prof. Jones 87
product iviiy application after
79 Aprolek Bl 223 Pro-Tcch-Tronici 72.73
word processing is database 220 Quinwpt 70
134 Berkeley So flu orki 1
management. Database pro 147 RK Production! 70
73 Briv,nll SO
grams are powerful tools that ■ C.O.M.B 75 RUN
let you store, manipulate and 117 California Computing Specialists So Class Ads 93,94,95

print out collections of informa 192 Cardinal Software 87 Limited Edition 49

tion, from household invento &4 CompuServe .27 ReBUN" Productivity Pak HI Ad 65
15 Computer Direct 46.47 ReRUN Subscription Ad BS
ries to recipe files to Christmas
274 Computer Friends 6 RUN Special Issue Ad 79
card lists. In our October issue,
" Crown CiliI inn Coven G • S&5 Wholesalers 34,35
we'll take a look at the best
ED tJala Et»l USA, [|U CItl 102 Soft-Byte 70
database programs available 128 Digital Vision 92" 254 Software Discounter* of America 71
for theC-64 and C-128. 11.156 Emerald Coin poncnts 89 34 Sonus 67
144 Free Spirit Software 92 25 Strategic Simulations, Inc. 25
New Arrivalb- • GE Information Services 21 26 SubLogicCorp 25
Coiiunodore has recently re 3.r> JnConTrol. Inc 59 194 Superior Micro Systems ..6
15j Tenex Computer txprcss 81
leased two important products • Lyco Computer W.55
68 Micro Prole Software IS 146 Timeworks, Inc. 2.3
for the home computer market.
207 Microcomputer Service) 84,85 209 Tussey Computer 10,11
The 12811 computer, which has 217 Tusscy Computer 31
91 Micralog Corp 88
been popular in Europe, is now 43 Unison World 9
51 MiVjotronics 80
available to U.S. users. It offers 76 Uptime 7
• Mindscape, Inc. 13
hardware and software compati 98 Montgomery Grant 51 187 Utilities Unlimited S3
bility with the existing C-128, 55 NAP1 86 • Value-Soft 69
plus a built-in disk drive, a de 60 Omnitronix Bl 96 Xetcclnc 62
tachable keyboard and other
new features. Also making its tor lunher Information from our advertisers, circle Ilic cormponitinK Reader Service number cm ihc
debut is the 3&inch 1581 disk Reader Service c&nL
drive, which oilers even more
•Tliis advertiser preftrl lobe contacted directly.
storage capacity and speed than
the 1571. This index is provided as an additional service. The publisher does not assume any liability for errors or omissions.

Type-In Thought
First ihere was food process
ing and then there was word
processing. Now comes thought
processing, a new computer ap
plication that automatically As a service to its readers, RUN «i 11 periodically publish the names of companies who are having difficulties
helps you organize ideas into meeting their customer obligations or who have gone out of business. Readers ire advised to contact RUN
outline form. Next month, we'll before dealing with this company: While House Computer. If you have any questions or concerns about
advertisers in RU.\. please contact: Barbara Hariii, Customer Service
offer a thought processing pro
RUN Magazine
gram for you to type in and use 80 Elm St.
in writing reports and letters, Peterborough, NH 0S458
preparing speeches and gener 601-924-9471

ally organizing your thoughts

before putting them on paper.

In Addition
HUN U I HJhlieiltafi of CW CnM»™lt«ii.MftKibon»nh. . dlvinon of IDC rj.mmuniciuoni. the -urldi lugcu publiihn of computer rcliwl
The October issue will also inlirtmilion OXi Ismmunicn 10m publuhri "■'• SO comput.i in lh.1. !« mijnr aniflirm louncn million |-"plr ™c .it
feature several type-in utility .nd iriirrniiioiul CMtlimnr nr*. IBO GtinKiiurwHttni inihtuir llgdl AKCKV11N\S OmpumvU Adrian*. II Him*., ASIA S^.an Omft
j 111"uf .1 li'J'i"'»Jit I1*- LliJiid, iLIfrHj/"!" Afdrtidrrid, At'S I Jl] A 3* t.'iumfMttr'b'ttt
programs, as well as product re J, 1>JNMAHK"J {bmp\rim**tii ttmwvirk, PC WirW Ittinmtiri, MNt^ND'h
views, tips on Commodore com I TrEn^n-y, I'MIC-F S Stun* unJ I'smpu'Jt *£*. H U N CiABVS &*p»lt*i**W
a ist>iA5 r*,!***,!. BRAIL'S fr^ &u>*f*v WmUf. i*»pi* if<b*<f>uvi Atattl). imlvs Camp*im«wtd tut*, japavs
puting and our regular monthly r^f^Jm^-JJJata* Ml VIUJ>(--V»Jff»*lrt''^'lKD ^/un^ lilt NITHERUL%IIS" (-mfuimj-U\riViCanJi.PC tonUStrtpljni fOEVtZEMMmi
columns. C^£iwwl/SzWfliiO«UVAV*GMji^
U«U SALllt ARAJIIAS Arnti^ Ompw f&m bOLTH KORl^ I fJKfmuc T.mrrfs^puirfLtnLl. PC Mwrtf. SPAIN'S &^p*ifm.»rff Cpc^L ™"™
WirTU. .
*"■>. UNITTD KINGDOM1* tbaputer Mm, MC U-%i /cl TW"Ji W.1 ^jh/js HotW. /jfm UK umted sTAtW A-n^jWifH. Bjii*>
.v»'i ama.K. Omm M. amu n Vmu-', iTJiciJrjJ jV'hTti, A^rfmrf G-T*puJrff Hr"r*. ^l> ^Ik". f[X.H /^iH-rffmrii, mt'"i"i ■
Of U, PL WbrU. I
f*—ftitmt-xkr, PC »'ilt. Hun. l*flj*m*twi /. ftT I

86 RUN- SKI'IKMliKK l'.W7

EXPRESS RAIDCR " Bandits hdiv-eiA-d Ihi'
Old City Express. Rescue the piiswngtWi im Ihc
KAIi.M'i: CIIAMI'" - I'utiin your black In-lt <kil! ir.iin, nnJ rvCiipluri! Ihelool! Hot Qimmadtw
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OrnimodoroM I2H" .ind Apple II1 series, battle TOiiTwny Ihruugh Ihe rWe Maldiion vour
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rebel (uiwsl Armed with only a machine gun and KUNG-FU MASTER' * - Battle the cvD forces
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IKARI WARRIORS"' ■ Fk-hinJ i-iwmv liiws.
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d i thl i h rill
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-< sccrei H^htiT pl.nn1 stolen by hoalile renogados.
Lm1 your AipntelJCdlcd a^aull \ ctllch? lo Hri'.ik
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