Payment Information: Vasile A Lupu

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For bill enquiries please call:

03457 919 155

8am-8pm Monday to Friday
8am-4pm on Saturday
10am-4pm on Sunday

Account date
MR VASILE A LUPU 16th April 2021

Supply address

Account number Period of charge

162158844 6th November 2020 - 25th March 2021

Your Bill Amount...

Water charge £102.92

Sewerage charge £116.52

Total bill amount £219.44

Payment Information
What next? Please pay your bill by 1 May 2021.

You are on our Standard water and sewerage tariff.

Your water and sewerage bill is made up of charges for volume used in cubic metres (m³) and daily standing
charges for the bill period. Sewerage volume is calculated as a percentage of the water you have used.

You can see this in the details below.

Period of Charge: 6th November 2020 - 25th March 2021

Your water meter: 11M748221G
Your water meter size: 15mm

Part 1: 6th November 2020 - 25th March 2021 - on our Standard tariff

Estimated meter read 6th Nov 2020 581

Customer meter read 25th Mar 2021 641
Volume used 60 m³

Volume Used Volume Cost per m3 Charge

Water 60m³ 153.00p £91.80
Sewerage - 90 % of water 54.00m³ 155.41p £83.92

Standing charge Period Cost per day Charge

Water 140 days 7.94p £11.12
Sewerage - Foul & Surface 140 days 23.28p £32.60

Total charges £219.44

Website Post
For lots of information, help, advice or if you'd like us to Write to us at Anglian Water, Customer Services, PO
'call you back' go to Box 4994, Lancing, BN1 19AL or fax us on 01522
341321. Please quote your account number.
You can also keep up to date with what's going on by
signing up to our 'In your area' alert service. Watercare
Need bills in braille or large print? Need a constant
If the surface water from your property doesn't go into supply of water for medical reasons? Want to secure
our sewer system check to see if you can reduce your your details with a password? For more information, or
bill at to register, go online or call 03457 919 155.
E-mail Contact us via our online form. Code of practice and charges scheme
Phone Our code of practice and charges scheme is on our
website or you can call 03457 919 155. In these
Lines are open from 8-8 Mon to Fri and 9-1 on Sat documents you will find lots of information you may
unless otherwise stated. need including details about meters and our charging
Bill and customer service queries policies.
Call us on 03457 919 155 or request a call back on Got a problem?
our website. To tell us you've paid call 0800 032 6237 Call us on 03457 919 155 and our Customer Care
and self serve. Team will do everything they can to resolve your query.
Supply problems or emergencies If you followed our complaints process but are still
unhappy, the Consumer Council for Water offers free
Water or sewerage, supply or quality query call 03457
independent advice. Visit their website
145 145 or request a call back on our website. Lines
or call on 0300 034 2222 or write to them at 1st Floor,
are open 24 hours a day.
Victoria Square House,Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2
Spotted a leak 0800 771 881 Lines are open 24 hours 4AJ.
a day. Privacy Information
Speech or hearing difficulties You can be safe in the knowledge that we always follow
Call our minicom service on 0800 917 5901. the Data Protection Act 2018, which reflects and
supplements the General Data Protection Regulation,
Check an employees identity for any personal information we collect, hold and use. If
Beware of bogus callers 0800 145 145. Lines are open you want to know more about what we do with people's
24 hours a day. information, including how to exercise your data
protection rights and how we share information with
Home or telephone banking Credit Reference Agencies, please read our Privacy
You'll need: our bank account number 90011916, Sort Notice on our website or
code 20-43-71 and your Anglian Water account call us on 03457 919 155. You can also get further
number. information on your data protection rights and our
obligations under the Act by visiting the Information
Problems paying your bill Commissioner's website or by calling
If you are having problems paying, call our helpline on them on 0303 123 1113.
0800 169 3630. We'll work with you to come up with a
payment plan.
Moving home?
Let us know online or by calling on
03457 919 155.

These charges are due to Anglian Water Services Ltd.

Registered Office: Lancaster House, Lancaster Way,
Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, Cambs. PE29 6XU
Registered in England 2366656
VAT Reg. No: 514060002

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