Essential Onboarding Checklists: Ebook
Essential Onboarding Checklists: Ebook
Essential Onboarding Checklists: Ebook
Tools for aligning your
new hire experience
Pre-boarding checklist 04
departments are involved
in onboarding in the
majority of companies*
Prepare documentation
Set up calendars
Arrange facility tour and
Explain why the role was
Review office layout and
building acccess created/why this hire was made building access
Set up computer, email,
Outline company mission
Go over how to work coffee
any work accounts they and values machine, dishwasher,
need (chat, apps, etc.) photocopier and any other
Review job description and
essential equipment
Assist with benefits log-in responsibilities
Discuss what people usually do
Assist with payroll log-in, set up
Create a 90-day plan
for lunch, coffee breaks, etc.
direct deposit
Introduce new hire to other
Go on a quick tour of the
Verify work eligibility department leads
neighborhood – point out the
Have employee fill out W-4
Go over company structure nearest pharmacy, bank, post
and organizational chart office, coffee shop, supermarket,
Have employee sign NDA, park, etc.
inventions agreement and any
Set expectations and
other legal documents communication preferences
Talk about office social activities
like happy hour, trivia night and
Give access to employee volunteer work
Workplace buddy
Workplace buddy
Plan regular check-ins and
social events
Here are just a few of the ways cutting-edge employers are making
onboarding interactive and fun:
Ask new hires to think of ways their team and manager could
improve the onboarding experience and present their suggestions
to the team
Throw a “100th day” party for all employees who have been at
the company for 100 days or fewer
Request some fun info from new hires such as their favorite drink,
food they’d like to eat on their birthday, dream vacation spot or
whether they believe in ghosts or aliens