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Current Affairs for Prelims 2021

May 2020 – Jan 2021

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Class - 1 Class - 2
Page no. Topic Page no. Topic
1 Sea Level rise 14 Stubble burning
2 Arctic Amplification 15 Biochar; Biomass cofiring
3 Aerosol Radiative Forcing 15 Smog; Green crackers
3 Mitigation vs Adaptation 16 GRAP vs NCAP; EPCA/CAQM
4 Emission Gap Report; UNEP 16 Thermal power plants
5 Climate Funds: GEF, AF, GCF 17 Fly ash
6 Methane; Nitrous Oxide 18 Clean Coal Technologies
7 Climate change over Indian Region 19 Ammonia; Indoor air pollution
7 CARE for SAR 20 Water
8 CCUS; Green-Ag; Decarbonizing Trans. 21 Municipal/Biomedical/E- wastes
9 Carbon pricing; Carbon trading 21 POPs / Forever chemicals
10 CoP-25; ISA; CDRI 22 Plastic; Bio-plastic; EPR
11 International conventions 23 Marine Plastic Pollution

Class - 3 Class - 4
Page no. Topic Page no. Topic
24 Eco-Sensitive Zones 37 Hydrogen; Fuel Cells
24 Protected Areas 38 Electric vehicles
25 Community Forest Rights 38 Real time market in electricity
25 Biosphere Reserves 39 Gas
26 Wetlands 40 Biodiversity Coldspots
27 Lichens 41 Renewable energy
28 Mangroves 42 ZBNF vs Organic farming
29 Blue Flag; Mass Extinction; IUCN 42 Sustainable Agriculture
30 IUCN status of animals 43 Hydro / Aqua / Aero ponics
31 Tiger 44 Climate Smart cities
32 Leopard; Lion; Cheetah; GIB; Vultures 45 EIA; NGT
33 Dolphin; Turtles; Locusts; Crocodiles 46 Disaster Management; Lightning
36 Hotspots 47 Styrene; Earthquakes
48 GLOF; Drought; Heat wave; Forest fires
49 Cyclones
51 ENSO; El-Nino; Modoki; La-Nina
51 IOD; Madden Julian Oscillation
53 Structure of Earth
53 Earth’s magnetic field
54 Auroras; VARs; SAA; Gravity Anomaly
55 Mt. Everest
56 Seabed

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Prelims 2021 Current Affairs Environment Index © All Inclusive IAS
All-Inclusive Current Affairs for Prelims 2021
Environment Class-1

Approx Sea level rise:

20 cm in 100 years Sea Level rise
Melting of Sea level Earth rotation Day length
Land ice Increase Slowdown Increase
Sea ice No effect No effect No effect

Causes of Sea level rise? Mark all correct (but not melting of sea-ice and icebergs)

Biggest contributor to sea level rise?

Melting of land ice Thermal expansion of water


Arctic: Ocean, surrounded by land Antarctica: Land, surrounded by ocean

Arctic: Covered by thin layer of ice Antarctica: Covered by thick layer of ice
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Arctic Amplification

What? Why?
Global temp rise → 1OC (Less Albedo due to less ice)
Arctic temp rise → 2OC ice melts → darker ocean exposed → more heat absorbed

Implications? (mark all correct) Polar bear, Weather, Climate, Coastal erosion, more rain, etc.

Oceans by size:
India’s research stations V
N.C. for Ocean Info Services V
N.C. for Polar & Ocean Research Arctic
N.C. for Coastal research
N.I. for Ocean Technology

Arctic Council: (not in Arctic)

▪ for cooperation on common arctic issues
▪ 1996 by Ottawa declaration; HQ: Norway
▪ 8 members: USA, Canada, Denmark, Iceland,
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia
▪ India, China, etc. are observers
Prelims 2014:
Consider the following countries:
1. Denmark
2. Japan
3. Russian Federation (Largest)
4. United Kingdom
5. United States of America
Which of these are member of ‘Arctic Council’?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 4 and 5 (d) 1, 3 and 5
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Aerosol Radiative Forcing
Radiative Forcing:
❑ Diff. b/w insolation absorbed and energy radiated by earth
❑ Positive: more absorption → warming
❑ Negative: more radiation → cooling

❑ solid/liquid particles suspended in air
❑ their behaviour depends on their size/etc
❑ Source: Natural (e.g. dust), Anthro (e.g. combustion)
❑ Affects: weather, visibility, health, etc.

National Carbonaceous Aerosols Programme:

❑ Launched in 2011 by MoEFCC
❑ To study effect of Aerosols on Climate change

Prelims 2019:
In the context of which of the following do some scientists
suggest the use of cirrus cloud thinning technique and the
injection of sulphate aerosol into stratosphere?
(a) Creating the artificial rains in some regions
(b) Reducing the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones
(c) Reducing the adverse effects of the solar wind on the earth
(d) Reducing the global warming

Mitigation vs Adaptation

Mitti Gate conditions

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Emission Gap:
Emission Gap Report difference between where GHG emissions
are predicted to be in 2030, and where
they should be for 2/1.5 OC target

India’s INDCs: (by 2030)

Emission Gap 1) Reduce emissions by 33-35%,
compared to 2005 level
2) Create additional 2.5-3 billion
tonne of carbon sink
3) Get 40% energy from
non-fossil fuel sources.
Intended Nationally Determined Contribution

Key findings:
❑ Top 4 emitters: China > USA > EU > India
❑ GHGs are rising at rate of 1.5% annually
❑ World needs to cut emissions 7.6%
annually till 2030, to achieve 1.5OC
No efforts INDC targets Needed for 2OC target by 2100
Emissions in 2030

Famous publications: Famous awards it gives:

UNEP ✓ Emissions Gap report ✓ SEED Award
✓ Adaptation Gap report ✓ Sasakawa Prize
✓ Making Peace with Nature ✓ Champions of Earth
❑ United Nations Environment
✓ Global Environment Outlook ✓ Young Champions of Earth
❑ 1972; HQ: Nairobi, Kenya
✓ Cooling emissions and policy
❑ 1988: UNEP & WMO est. IPCC Hosts Secretariat for:
synthesis report
✓ 1973 CITES
UN Environment Assembly:
Making Peace with Nature: ✓ 1979 CMS
❑ Governing body of UNEP 3 planetary emergencies: ✓ 1987 Montreal Protocol
❑ Has universal membership a) Climate change ✓ 1992 CBD
of all 193 members b) Biodiversity loss ✓ 2013 Minamata Convention
c) Pollution ✓ If u don’t know, mark correct

Bamako Convention: no import of

hazardous/radioactive waste into Africa

Carpathian Convention: to protect

Carpathian mountains (Europe's 3rd
longest mountain range)

Tehran Convention: to protect marine

environment of Caspian sea

Caspian Sea:
❑ world's largest inland water body
❑ Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Azerbaijan,
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Global Environment Facility Adaptation Fund Green Climate Fund
CoP-7 Marrakech (Morocco) CoP-16 Cancun (Mexico)
Convention Earth Summit, Rio (Brazil)
Under Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC) Under UNFCCC
Foundation 1992 2001 2010
HQ Washington DC, USA Washington DC, USA Incheon, South Korea
Trustee World Bank World Bank World Bank
To help developing countries meet
To help developing countries To help developing
Purpose/ the objectives of international
build resilience and adapt to countries reduce their
Focus area environmental conventions and
climate change GHG emissions.
❑ UNFCCC (also, 2 funds in 2001) Gets 2% of carbon credits Serves Paris agreement
→ Special Climate Change Fund under CDM of Kyoto protocol
→ Least Developed Countries Fund
Other info ❑ CBD
❑ Stockholm Conv. on POPs
❑ Minamata Conv. on Mercury

Prelims 2014: Prelims 2015:

With reference to ‘Global Environment Facility’, Which of the following statements
which of the following statements is/are correct? regarding ‘Green Climate Fund’ are correct?
(a) It serves as financial mechanism for ‘CBD’ and 1. It is intended to assist the developing
‘UNFCCC’ countries in adaptation and mitigation
(b) It undertakes scientific research on practices to counter climate change.
environmental issues at global level 2. It is founded under the aegis of UNEP,
(c) It is an agency under OECD to facilitate the OECD, Asian Development Bank and
transfer of technology and funds to World Bank.
underdeveloped countries with specific aim to Select the correct answer:
protect their environment (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(d) Both (a) and (b) (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Climate Change Performance Index: Global Climate Risk Index:

❑ Published by: ❑ by Germanwatch
→ Climate Action Network ❑ India at #7; Mozambique most affected
→ Germanwatch State of Global Climate report: by WMO
→ NewClimate Institute World Meteorological Organization:
❑ Published since 2005 (i.e. not started recently) ❑ 1950; Geneva (Switzerland)
❑ 1st, 2nd, 3rd - None; 4th – Sweden; 10th – India ❑ Specialized agency of UN (15)
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Three most important Green House Gases
❑ Colorless, Odourless gas
Lifetime 100 year GWP
❑ Simplest Hydrocarbon CH4
Methane ❑ Flammable, used as fuel CO2 50-200 years 1
❑ It has more Global warming Methane 12 years 25 (100)
potential than CO2 Nitrous Oxide 120 years 300

Sources: Sink:
Landfills, Fossil fuels, Soil, Agriculture, ❑ Atmosphere, Soil
Enteric fermentation, Permafrost melting, etc. ❑ Hydroxyl in air, Methanotrophs in soil
Methanogens: microbes that generate methane Methanotrophs: microbes that consume methane

Prelims 2008: Global Methane Initiative:

Consider the following ➢ Reduce emission, use as energy
1. Rice fields 2. Coal mining ➢ Formed in 2004, HQ Washington DC
3. Domestic animals 4. Wet lands ➢ Secretariat hosted by US EPA
Which of the above are sources of methane, ➢ India is founding partner since 2004
a major greenhouse gas? Methane hydrates:
(a) 1 and 4 only (b) 2 and 3 only ❑ Gas tapped in ice; 90% methane;
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 ❑ Found in many places, in Indian ocean also

Prelims 2019:
Which of the following statements are correct
about deposits of methane hydrate?
1. Global warming might trigger the release of
methane gas from these deposits
2. Large deposits of ‘methane hydrate’ are
found in Arctic Tundra & under seafloor
3. Methane in atmosphere oxidizes to carbon
dioxide after a decade or two.
Select the correct answer:
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

Prelims 2010:
Due to their extensive rice cultivation, some regions may be contributing to global warming.
To what possible reason / reasons is this attributable?
1. The anaerobic conditions associated with rice cultivation cause the emission of methane.
2. When nitrogen based fertilizers are used, nitrous oxide is emitted from the cultivated soil.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Sources: (many) Multiple applications like Problem:

Nitrous Oxide ❑ Most from agriculture ❑ Anaesthetic, pain relief ❑ GHG
laughing gas ❑ Also from lightning ❑ Engines, Rocket propellant ❑ Harms ozone

Global Carbon Project CO2 Budget / Methane Budget / N2O Budget

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Assessment of Climate Change over Indian Region
❑ Findings of the report:
❑ good points for Mains, not Prelims
❑ Impact of climate change:
❑ mark all correct
❑ Related concepts:
❑ Third pole; retreating glaciers; cryosphere;
Karakoram anomaly

Third pole:
→ Hindu Kush – Karakoram – Himalayan
→ Largest area of ice and snow other
than the two poles

→ Areas where water is in solid form
→ Ice in sea/river/lake; glaciers; permafrost, etc.

Retreat of glacier
Karakoram Anomaly

➢ Climate Adaptation & REsilience for South Asia Region

CARE for SAR ➢ World Bank project for South Asia
➢ Will work with RIMES and ADPC

RIMES for Asia and Africa: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC):
➢ Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early ➢ Est. in 1986; HQ Bangkok
Warning System ➢ To build disaster resilience in Asia and Pacific
➢ Formed in 2009 (efforts after 2004 tsunami)
➢ 9 founding members: Bangladesh, Cambodia,
➢ Operates from Thailand early warning center
China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines,
➢ Administrative Secretariat in Maldives
➢ Program Secretariat in Mongolia Sri Lanka, and Thailand

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Carbon Capture, Use, Storage

Prelims 2017: Ocean acidification:

❑ Decrease in pH of Oceans
In the context of mitigating the impending global
❑ Due to oceans absorbing CO2
warming due to anthropogenic emissions of ❑ Sea water is slightly basic (pH > 7)
carbon dioxide, which of the following can be the ❑ Acidification: shift towards 7
potential sites for carbon sequestration? ❑ Ocean absorbs 23% of annual CO2 emissions
1. Abandoned and uneconomic coal seams
2. Depleted oil and gas reservoirs
3. Subterranean deep saline formations
Select the correct answer:
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

Green-Ag 1. Madhya Pradesh: Chambal Landscape GHG emissions from

➢ launched in 2018 2. Mizoram: Dampa Landscape agriculture:
➢ by MoA&FW & FAO 3. Odisha: Similipal Landscape ❑ 39% from livestock
➢ In 5 states (not pan-India) 4. Rajasthan: Desert Nat. Park Landscape ❑ 37% from rice
➢ Funds from GEF 5. Uttarakhand: Corbett-Rajaji Landscape ❑ 12% meat

Decarbonizing Transport in Emerging Economies:

Decarbonizing Transport ✓ Currently in India, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Morocco
➢ It means reducing GHG ✓ In India, it was launched by NITI and ITF in June 2020.
emissions from transport sector. ➢ International Transport Forum is under OECD.
➢ Which of the following can help ➢ India is member of ITF since 2008.
in decarbonizing the transport NDC – Transport Initiative for Asia:
sector in India? (obvious like ✓ Decarbonise transport to help achieve NDCs
metro trains, electric vehicles, ✓ Supported by many organisations including ITF
carpooling, etc.) ✓ For India, China, Vietnam, for 2020-24 (NITI from India)
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Carbon pricing Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition:
Monetary value applied to carbon emissions. e.g. ❑ Launched in 2015 at COP-21 in Paris
❑ Green tax, Carbon tax, Clean Environment Cess ❑ Voluntary initiative of countries,
❑ Internal Carbon Pricing, Trading of Carbon Credits companies, NGOs, etc.
❑ Clean Development Mechanism of Kyoto protocol ❑ Secretariat administered by World Bank
❑ Sustainable Development Mechanism of Paris Ag. ❑ From India, DMRC & Indian Railways
Article 6 of Paris Ag: carbon trading mechanisms

Market for buying

Carbon trading and selling carbon

Current Emissions Target Emissions

Kyoto Protocol: Kyoto mechanisms CDM of Kyoto:

❑ 1st
legally binding treaty ❑ To help Annex-1 countries meet ❑ Annex-I countries can buy
to reduce GHG emissions their emission reduction targets CERs from projects in
❑ 1997: adopted in Kyoto 1) Clean Development Mechanism developing countries
2005: came into force 2) Joint Implementation ❑ 1 Certified Emission Reduction
❑ Commitment periods 3) Emissions trading =
1 tonne CO2
2008-12, 2013-20 ❑ 2% goes to Adaptation Fund

Prelims 2008: Prelims 2016:

Consider the following statements:
Terms in news Their origin
1. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in
respect of carbon credits is one of the 1. Annex-1 countries Cartagena Protocol
Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms. 2. Certified Emissions Reductions Nagoya Protocol
2. Under the CDM, the projects handled
pertain only to the Annex-I countries. 3. Clean Development Mechanism Kyoto Protocol
Which of the above statements are correct? Which of the above pairs are correctly matched?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

National CDM Authority: National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change:

❑ Est. in 2003, under EPA 1986 ❑ 2015; Central sector scheme; for vulnerable states/UTs
❑ Chairperson is Secretary MoEFCC ❑ NABARD is implementing agency (also for Kyoto's AF)
Apex Committee for Implementation of Paris Agreement (AIPA):
❑ Est. in 2020, under EPA 1986 ❑ Regulate Carbon markets;
❑ Chairperson is Secretary MoEFCC ❑ Achieve 2030 INDCs
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CoP-21 CoP-25
Paris agreement: ❑ 2019, in Madrid (Spain); Chile Presidency
❑ 2015/16; legally binding ❑ ‘Chile Madrid Time for Action’ document
❑ Limit global warming to ❑ ‘Gender Action Plan’ more women in climate decisions
2OC above pre-industrial ❑ ‘Santiago network’ for technical assistance on Loss & Damage
level Warsaw International Mechanism on L&D:
→ 2013, at CoP-19 in Warsaw, Poland
CoP-26 → Rich countries liable to developing countries
❑ Commitments made:
❑ November 2021 → by 2030, reduce GHG emission by 45% of 2010 levels
❑ Glasgow, UK → by 2050, attain carbon neutrality (CO2 emission = CO2 removal)
❑ CoP26 / CMP16 / CMA3
→ by 2100, limit temp rise to 1.5OC above pre-industrial level
CMA: CoP meeting for Paris Agreement
CoP: Conference of Parties of UNFCCC
CMP: CoP meeting for Kyoto Protocol

Prelims 2016:
International Solar Alliance Consider the following statements:
▪ founded at Paris in 2015; (1) ISA was launched at the United Nations
▪ HQ in Gurugram (Haryana) Climate Change Conference in 2015.
▪ cooperate on common challenges (2) The Alliance includes all the member
▪ mobilize $1 trillion investments by 2030 countries of the United Nations.
▪ membership now open to all UN members Which of the statements is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
▪ ISA CARES; World Solar Bank
▪ One Sun One World One Grid
▪ First World Solar Technology Summit
▪ Coalition for Sustainable Climate Action
▪ Awards: Diwakar, Visvesvaraya, Kalpana Chawla

Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

✓ Countries, agencies, etc. will share knowledge to build disaster-resilient infra.
✓ It was launched by India PM in September 2019 at UN Climate Action Summit in New York.
✓ Its interim Secretariat is at NDMA headquarters in New Delhi.
✓ It is the second major coalition launched by India (first being International Solar Alliance).
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Prelims 2021
1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
 Ramsar Convention  Convention on POPs
 For sustainable use of wetlands  aka Stockholm convention
 Only global Env. treaty that deals  POPs are organic pollutants
with a particular ecosystem.
that are resistant to
environmental degradation
th 1992
1972 (5 June) 1982  UN Conference on Environment and Development 2002 2012
 UN Conference on Human  Nairobi Declaration.  Earth Summit 2002  United Nations Conference on
 aka (Rio) Earth Summit
Environment.  To celebrate 10th anniversary of  UNFCCC : (Secretariat in Bonn, Germany)  aka Rio +10 Sustainable Development
 aka Stockholm Conference

Current Affairs
 First declaration of international Stockholm Conference. To reduce emission of GHGs. No limits, no  Johannesburg (South  aka Rio +20
 Envisaged creation of a special enforcement. Rather, provided for updates (Kyoto Africa)  Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
protection of environment.
 Formed UNEP commission for long term strategies. protocol).
 Declaration endorsed by UNEP in 1987  CBD : (Secretariat in Montreal, Canada)
three main goals- (1) Conservation of biodiversity;
(2) Sustainable use of it's components; (3) Fair and
equitable sharing of benefits. Followed by Cartagena
(2000) and Nagoya (2010) protocols.
 UNCCD : (Secretariat in Bonn, Germany)
It is the only internationally legally binding
framework to address desertification. CoP-14 was
held in 2019 in New Delhi.
 Agenda 21 : take actions at all three levels to

achieve certain goals by 2021. Later revised to 2030.

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1973 1983 1993 2003 2013
 CITES (Convention on  UN appoints World Commission on  Minamata convention on mercury
International Trade in Environment and Development  To protect humans and environment
Endangered species of Wild flora  Later known as Brundtland against mercury emissions.
and fauna)  Japanese city, Minamata, had faced
 aka Washington Convention Commission
severe mercury poisoning.
 To control or prevent  In 1987 it released the report 'Our
international commercial trade in Common Future'.  CoP-19 Warsaw (Poland)
Endangered species or products  Concept of 'Sustainable Development'  Warsaw International Mechanism for
derived from them. crystalized. Loss and Damage.
 Aim not to directly protect, but to  Rich countries liable for climate change

reduce economic incentive to impact being faced by poor countries.
poaching by closing international
1974 1984 1994 2004 2014
1975 1985 1995 2005 2015
 Vienna Convention for protection of  First CoP of UNFCCC held in Berlin, Germany  CoP-21 Paris (France)
ozone layer.  Paris Agreement
 Provided frameworks for reductions  Countries’ INDCs are not binding.
in chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). 
 Became basis for further international Loss & Damage included, but diluted.
action to protect ozone layer.

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1976 1986 1996 2006 2016
 Kigali amendment to Montreal protocol.

Prelims 2021
Kigali is in Rwanda
 After 1987, HFCs replaced CFCs. But
HFCs are powerful GHG.
 India has to phase out HFC by 85% by
2047 over the 2024-2026 level
 CoP-22/CMA-1 Marrakech (Morocco)

1977 1987 2007

 Brundtland report / Our Common Future 1997 2017
 Kyoto protocol signed under UNFCCC  CoP-23 Bonn (Germany), but chaired by
 Montreal Protocol on Ozone Depleting  World’s only legally binding treaty to reduce Fiji

Current Affairs
Substances GHG emissions  Talanoa dialogue: Pacific concept of
 1st universally ratified treaty in UN history.  1st commitment period: 2008-12 “Talanoa” - storytelling that leads to
 Phase out halogenated hydrocarbons that  2nd commitment period: 2013-20 consensus building. In CoP it was used
contain chlorine or bromine (substances for NDC stock-taking.
containing only fluorine don't harm ozone).  Gender Action plan adopted which
 All nations should not be treated equally as
strives for gender-responsive climate
some have contributed more to ozone
depletion. policy equal representation for women
 A nation's obligation to reduce emissions at global climate meet
should reflect its technological and financial
ability to do so.
1978 1988 2008 2018

 CoP-24 Katowice (Poland)
 Rotterdam convention
 Paris Ag. Work Programme was finalized.

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 To control international trade of certain
 Practical implementation guidelines to
hazardous chemicals
 Created ‘Prior Informed Consent’ procedure. track progress and ensure that climate
action is transparent.
1979 1999 2009 2019
1989  CoP-25/CMA-2 Madrid (Spain) under
 CMS - Convention of Migratory  Basel Convention on the Control of
Species Presidency of Chile.
Transboundary Movements of Hazardous  Adopted the “Chile Madrid Time for
 Cop-13 in Gandhinagar in
Wastes Action” document.
February 2020.  To reduce the movements of hazardous
---------------------------------------------------  Urged to enhance NDCs.
 Convention on Long-Range waste between nations (especially  Established Santiago Network for tech

Transboundary Air Pollution. developed to least developed) assistance to poor countries under WIM
 Focused on Europe.  Doesn't address movement of for Loss & Damage.
 India not member. radioactive waste.  Did not finalize rules on Carbon Markets.

1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

 Cartagena protocol on biosafety to CBD  Nagoya protocol
 For safe handling, transport and use of Living  fair and equitable sharing
Modified Organism of benefits arising out of
 Established Advance Informed Agreement the utilization of genetic
procedure resources
 Established Biosafety Clearing House

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Environment Class-2

Stubble burning

Why stubble burning increased?  Laws  Mechanization

Happy Seeder cuts and lifts paddy straw, sows Pusa decomposer capsules made by IARI.
wheat into the bare soil and deposits the straw Dissolved in water, and sprayed on fields.
over the sown area as mulch. Decomposes stubble.

Crop residue can be used for?

Biomass co-firing; Biomass power plants
Biogas; Bio-CNG; Bio-fuel / Ethanol
Biochar / fertilizer; Mulching; etc…

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Biochar / Green Charcoal

Prelims 2020:
What is the use of biochar in farming?
1. Biochar can be used as a part of the growing medium
in vertical farming.
2. When biochar is a part of growing medium, it
promotes growth of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.
3. When biochar is a part of growing medium, it enables
❑ Made by heating stubble in absence of growing medium to retain water for longer time.
oxygen; Used as fertilizer Which of the above statements are correct?
❑ Improve land’s water-holding capacity (a) 1, 2 only (b) 2 only (c) 1, 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Dry Biomass → Pyrolysis → Biochar Wet biomass → Hydrothermal Carbonization → Hydrochar

Biomass co-firing ❑ Adding biomass as

fuel in coal fired
thermal power
❑ 5-10% of coal can
be replaced by


Photochemical smog Sulfurous smog

Los Angeles smog London smog
Oxidising smog Reducing smog
Reason: Reason:
Primary pollutants
Primary pollutants
react in sunlight to form
Secondary pollutants

Prelims 2013:
Photochemical smog is a resultant of the reaction among
(a) NO2, O3 and peroxyacetyl nitrate in presence of sunlight
(b) CO, O2 and peroxyacetyl nitrate in presence of sunlight
(c) CO, CO2 and NO2 at low temperature
(d) high concentration of NO2, O3 and CO in the evening


Green Crackers Safe Water Releaser (SWAS)
Safe Thermite Cracker (STAR)
❑ by CSIR-NEERI Safe Minimal Aluminium (SAFAL)
❑ have Logo and QR code
❑ Cost almost same as traditional crackers
❑ Less polluting: no/low PM2.5, lithium, arsenic, lead, barium
❑ Sivakasi in TN is famous for firecrackers (90%)
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National Environmental Petroleum & Explosives Indian Agricultural
Engineering Research Institute: Safety Organisation: Research Institute
❑ Under CSIR (MoS&T) ❑ Ministry of C&I (DPIIT) ❑ Under ICAR, MoA&FW
❑ Nagpur, 1958 ❑ HQ: Nagpur ❑ 1905: est. in Pusa, Bihar
❑ PM is ex-officio President of CSIR ❑ Regulates crackers, ❑ 1936: shifted to Delhi
explosives, etc.

AUM Photonic System: ❑ Air Unique-quality Monitoring ❑ Uses laser to monitor air quality
❑ Developed indigenously ❑ Can simultaneously quantify
various pollutants in real time

Prelims 2016:
In cities of our country, which among
following atmospheric gases are normally
considered in calculating value of Air Quality
1. Carbon dioxide 2. Carbon monoxide
3. Nitrogen dioxide 4. Sulfur dioxide
5. Methane
Select the correct answer:
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies (a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
7th Sept. 2020; by UN; to raise awareness, etc. (c) 1, 4 and 5 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Environmental Pollution ❑ Set up in 1998; under EPA 1986

EPCA / CAQM (Prevention & Control) ❑ Set up by MoEFCC; on SC order
Authority: ❑ For air pollution in NCR

CAQM in NCR & AR Ordinance 2021:

Sets up “Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR & adjoining areas”
❑ Replaced EPCA
❑ NCR and areas adjoining NCR in Haryana, UP, Punjab, Rajasthan
❑ Chair is ex-bureaucrat; around 21 members (from ministries, states, industry, farmers, etc)
❑ Not following Commission's order is punishable with ₹ 1 crore fine; 5 year jail (non-farmers)
❑ Its orders will prevail over orders of others (CPCB, State govt, etc.)
❑ Cases involving commission will go to NGT, not civil courts

Thermal Power Plants Air: PM, SOx, NOx, CO, Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, etc.

Prelims 2011: Prelims 2003:

Consider the following: Assertion:
1. Carbon dioxide Coal based power stations contribute to acid rain.
2. Oxides of Nitrogen Reason:
3. Oxides of Sulphur Oxides of carbon are emitted when coal burns
Which of the above are emissions from (a) Both are true; R is correct explanation of A
coal combustion at thermal power plants? (b) Both are true; R is not correct explanation of A
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) A is true but R is false
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) A is false but R is true
Water: Prelims 2013:
❑ Water consumption norms framed in 2015 Which one among the following industries is
❑ Water is used for cooling and ash disposal the maximum consumer of water in India?
❑ Coal power plants consume 70% of all (a) Engineering (b) Paper and pulp
freshwater withdrawn by industries (c) Textiles (d) Thermal power
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It is a by-product of coal burning.
It has pollutants like arsenic, lead, oxides of silica, aluminium, calcium.
Fly Ash Indian coal has high ash content (30-45%).
Only coal with less than 34% ash can be used by power plants? No

Within 300 km of powerplants: Fly ash utilization in India:

❑ Sell fly ash at Rs 1 per tonne Target: 100%
❑ Full transport cost borne by powerplant Actual: 78%
❑ Convert Clay-brick kilns to fly-ash brick plants
First state to have a fly-ash
Ash Track mobile app: utilization policy?
❑ links fly ash consumers & power plants Maharashtra (2016)

Prelims 2013: Prelims 2020:

Which of the following are Consider the following statements:
characteristics of Indian coal? 1. Coal ash contains arsenic, lead and mercury.
1. High ash content 2. Coal-fired power plants release sulphur dioxide
2. Low sulphur content and oxides of nitrogen into the environment.
3. Low ash fusion temperature 3. High ash content is observed in Indian coal.
Select the correct answer Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
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Clean Coal Technologies
Electrostatic precipitator
❑ First electrode gives charge to particles
❑ Second electrode arrests those particles

Coal washing
✓ More efficiency
✓ Less Ash / pollutants
X Reduces cost
Coal washing is not mandatory

Mostly uses lime

Selective Catalytic Reduction

❑ Uses catalyst
Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction
❑ Does not use catalyst

Both use Ammonia to

reduce NOx emissions

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❑ lighter than air; colourless; pungent smell
Ammonia ❑ Alkaline/basic (not acidic)
❑ Secreted by kidneys to neutralize excess acid
❑ Soluble in water; found in soil/air/water;
❑ BIS limit in drinking water: 0.5 mg/l
❑ Creates health problems (even death)
❑ Eutrophication; Dead zones
Uses: (many)
❑ To make Ammonium Nitrate (fertilizer)
❑ To make Formaldehyde
Indo-Gangetic Plain is global hot-spot of atmospheric
ammonia due to intense agricultural activities
Prelims 2019:
Consider the following statements:
1. Agricultural soils release nitrogen oxides into
2. Cattle release ammonia into environment.
3. Poultry industry release reactive nitrogen
compounds into environment.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1, 3 only (b) 2, 3 only (c) 2 only (d) 1, 2, 3
Haber–Bosch process:
to produce NH3 from Green Ammonia: NH3 made by renewable sources
nitrogen of air e.g. make Hydrogen from renewable sources of energy

Indoor Air Pollution

Generally more than outdoor air pollution
Sources: cooking; paint; bacteria; mud floor; radon, etc

❑ Retrofit of AC to improve Indoor Air Quality for Safety
and Efficiency
❑ By Ministry of Power (EESL & USAID)

Radon Gas:
❑ Colorless / Odourless / Noble / Radioactive
❑ From decay of Uranium/Thorium/Radium
❑ Enters buildings through ground cracks, water, etc.
❑ Denser than air; accumulates in basements.
❑ Causes cancer
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India’s annual per capita water availability:
❑ 2001 : 1,820
❑ 2011 : 1,545 (water stressed)
❑ 2025 : 1,341 (expected)

❑ India extracts 253 bcm of

groundwater every year
(25% of global)
❑ 80% of rural & 50% of
urban water needs are
met by groundwater
❑ 90% of groundwater is
used for irrigation

Central Ground Water Authority:

CGWA guidelines 2020 for groundwater extraction:
❑ Statutory body; EPA 1986
❑ No Objection Certificate: ❑ Under Ministry of Jal Shakti
▪ Mandatory for bulk water withdrawal
▪ In over-exploited areas, only MSMEs will get NOC Atal Bhujal Yojana:
❑ Jal Shakti Ministry
▪ Penalty of up to ₹ 10 lakh
❑ Central sector scheme
❑ Exemptions: ❑ for groundwater management
▪ Agriculture; MSME up to 10 cubic m/day; ❑ for seven states
Individuals; Rural drinking water supply schemes; ❑ 50% funds from World Bank
Armed forces ❑ duration 2020-2025
❑ Charges
▪ based on amount of extraction.

Zero Liquid Discharge

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Prelims 2019:
As per Solid Waste Management Rules,
2016, which of the following
statements is correct? Municipal Solid Waste
(a) Waste generator has to segregate
waste into five categories.
(b) The Rules are applicable to notified
urban local bodies, notified towns
and all industrial township only.
(c) The Rules provide for exact and
elaborate criteria for the
identification of sites for landfills
and waste processing facilities.
(d) It is mandatory on the part of
waste generator that the waste
generated in one district cannot be
moved to another district.

Biomedical waste E-waste

Biomedical Waste Management Rules 2016: Global e-waste Monitor report:
▪ On-site pre-treatment, segregation, safe ❑ UNEP & International Telecommunication Union
storage ITU is specialized agency of UN, 1865, Geneva
▪ Segregate into 4 categories: human, ❑ Top e-waste generators: USA > China > India
animal, soiled, biotech
E-waste Mannagement Rules 2016:
▪ Transport to common biomedical waste
treatment facility ❑ applies to all stakeholders
▪ Regular training and immunization of ❑ PRO / EPR authorization by CPCB
healthcare workers. ❑ Covers more than 20 products, even CFLs
❑ Introduced interest-bearing Deposit Refund Scheme
❑ Reduction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) testing
POPs / Forever chemicals cost borne by Producer if test fails (else govt)
❑ Organic pollutants resistant to India’s first e-waste clinic in? Bhopal, MP
environmental degradation
❑ They bio-accumulate in living organisms
❑ They cover long distance in environment Cabinet ratified 7 PoPs:
❑ Restricted by Stockholm Convention 2001 ❑ Already in Convention; MEA/MoEFCC in future
Ratified by India in 2006 1) Chlordecone
2) Hexabromobiphenyl
The original dirty dozen: 3) Hexabromodiphenyl ether and
DDT; Dioxins; Furans; PCBs; Heptachlor; Heptabromodiphenylether (octa-BDE)
Hexachlorobenzene; Aldrin; Chlordane; 4) Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and
Dieldrin; Endrin; Mirex; Toxaphene Pentabromodiphenyl ether (penta-BDE)
(Some are Organochlorine pesticides) 5) Pentachlorobenzene
6) Hexabromocyclododecane
Now 35: Dicofol; PFAO (added in 2018)
7) Hexachlorobutadiene
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Single-use plastic:
❑ Plastic intended to be used only once
❑ Can be recyclable or non-recyclable
❑ Maharashtra was the first state to ban single-use plastic.

Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016

(amended in 2018):
▪ Minimum 50 micron thickness for plastic carry bags
▪ EPR applicable
▪ Phase out multi-layer plastic
▪ In villages, responsibility of Gram Sabhas

▪ Plastic made from biomass like
vegetable oil, corn starch, wood chips,
food waste, etc. [Conventional plastic
is made from petroleum]
▪ Some bioplastics are biodegradable,
some are not biodegradable.
▪ Drop-in bioplastic: Non-biodegradable
▪ Producing Bioplastics is energy
intensive and expensive.

Extended Producers Responsibility Benefits of EPR:

Producer is responsible for disposal of post-consumer product ▪ Can lower cost of products
(components come back to
▪ Help in efficient recovery of
metals (rare-earths!)
▪ May reduce use of toxic
▪ Can lower ecological impact
(works on circular economy)
Plastic credit model, Producer Responsibility Organizations, Circular economy aims at
Fee-based mechanism are related to? continual use of resources &
Draft EPR framework under PWMR 2016 eliminating waste
Prelims 2019:
In India, ‘Extended Producer Responsibility' was introduced
as an important feature in which of the following?
(a) Bio-medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998
(b) Recycled Plastic (Manufacturing & Usage) Rules, 1999
(c) E-Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011
(d) Food Safety and Standard Regulations, 2011

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Marine Plastic Pollution
Marine Plastic Pollution: 1972 London Convention, 1996 Protocol to London
❑ It is 80% of all marine debris. Convention, and MARPOL are related to Marine Pollution
❑ Microplastic: smaller than 5mm
❑ Nanoplastic: smaller than 100nm MARPOL: International Convention for Prevention of
❑ Source: disintegration of plastic, Pollution from Ships
intentional addition to cosmetics, ✓ Adopted at IMO in 1973 (in force 1983)
toothpaste, clothing, etc. ✓ Ratified by all major countries like US, Russia, India,
❑ In 2018, India said we are banning China, EU, etc.
microplastics, but the ban will be Un-plastic Collective (UPC):
implemented after two years. Till ✓ Initiative of CII, UNEP, WWF-India.
now it has not been implemented. ✓ Aim is to eliminate unnecessary use of plastic and
reuse plastic though circular economy.
“Breaking the Plastic Wave” report: Close the Plastic Tap programme:
❑ By Pew Trust and System IQ ✓ By IUCN to tackle plastic pollution at its source
❑ Just remember it’s not UNEP, etc. ✓ India is not its part.

Global Partnership on Marine Litter:

✓ It was launched in 2012 at Rio+20
✓ UNEP provides secretariat services

Great Pacific Garbage Patch:

✓ aka Pacific Trash vortex
✓ collection of marine debris
✓ almost entirely of microplastics.
✓ It is not visible from space.
Prelims 2019:
Why is there a great concern about microbeads that are released into environment?
(a) They are considered harmful to marine ecosystem
(b) They are considered to cause skin cancer in children
(c) They are small enough to absorbed by crop plants in irrigated fields
(d) They are often found to be used as food adulterants

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Environment Class-3

Eco-Sensitive Zones
National Park/ ➢ Acts 'shock absorbers' to Protected Areas.
Wildlife Sanctuary ➢ Only up to 10 km around PA? No
➢ ‘Corridors’ to prevent biodiversity fragmentation
State govt. ➢ Notified by MoEFCC under EPA, 1986
➢ EPA 1986 does not mention the word “Eco-
Sensitive Zones”.
NP/WS notified by → State → WPA 1972 ➢ "Wildlife Conservation Strategy 2002" envisaged
ESZ notified by → Centre → EPA 1986 10 km EFZ around protected areas. (F = Fragile)
Prelims 2014: ❑ Prohibited: Commercial mining
With reference to ‘Eco-Sensitive Zones’, which of ❑ Regulated: hotels and resorts
the following statements is/are correct? ❑ Permitted: Ongoing agricultural practices
1. Eco-Sensitive Zones are the areas that are Prelims 2016:
declared under Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. ‘Gadgil Committee Report’ and
2. The purpose of the declaration of Eco-Sensitive ‘Kasturirangan Committee Report’,
Zones is to prohibit all kinds of human sometimes seen in news, are related to
activities in those zones except agriculture. (a) constitutional reforms
Select the correct answer using code given below. (b) Ganga Action Plan 2010 64% Gadgil
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) linking of rivers 2012 37% Kasturi
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) protection of Western Ghats

Protected Areas National Park Wildlife Sanctuary

WPA 1972 To protect To protect wildlife or
India has a network of Purpose ecologically its environment
important area
982 Protected Areas including
Human Not permitted Restricted activities
106 National Parks, activity allowed
566 Wildlife Sanctuaries, Notified by State govt State govt
97 Conservation Reserves, Boundary NBWL NBWL
214 Community Reserves change recommendation recommendation
covering a total of 1,71,921 km2 Oldest 1936 1936 Vedanthangal
of geographical area of the country Hailey/Corbett Lake Bird Sanct. (TN)
which is approximately 5.03% Maximum in MP (11) A&N Islands (96)

Conservation Community
Marine Protected Areas: Reserve Reserve
❑ Not specifically mentioned in WPA Buffer zone / Buffer zone /
❑ Est. as NP or WS or Cons. Reserve migration corridor migration corridor
❑ 129 = 25 South; 100 A&N; 4 Laksh. Land ownership Only government Private also
Can be used for Can be used for
Human activity subsistence by subsistence by
Critical Wildlife Habitat: communities communities
❑ Within NP and WS Notified by State govt State govt
2005 (WPA 2007 (WPA
❑ No human settlement & usage Since amended in 2002) amended in 2002)
❑ Notified by MoEFCC under FRA 2006 Maximum in J&K (32) Nagaland (114)

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Community Forest Rights
FRA 2006: recognizes the rights Prelims 2018:
MoTA: issues guidelines Consider the following statements:
Gram Sabha: initiates process 1. The definition of "Critical Wildlife
Individual rights e.g. Self-cultivation, Habitation Habitat" is incorporated in the Forest
Community rights e.g. Grazing, Fishing, Habitat rights Rights Act, 2006.
Note: hunting, trapping of animals not allowed 2. For the first time in India, Baigas have
been given Habitat Rights. MoTA
Prelims 2013: 3. Union Ministry of Environment, Forest
Under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional and Climate Change officially decides
Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, and declares Habitat Rights for
2006 who shall be the authority to initiate the Primitive and Vulnerable Tribal
process for determining the nature and extent of Groups in any part of India
individual or community forest rights or both? Which of the statements given above
(a) State Forest Department is/are correct?
(b) District Collector/ Deputy Commissioner (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) Tahsildar/ BDO/ Mandal Revenue Officer (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) Gram Sabha

3 main zones of BR:

Biosphere Reserve
Core: protected area; no external human pressure Prelims 2004:
Buffer: tourism, fishing, grazing, etc List-1 List-II
Transition: zone of cooperation; usually not delimited
A. Simlipal 1. Sikkim
B. Dihang Dibang 2. Uttaranchal
C. Nokrek 3. Arunachal P.
D. Kanchenjunga 4. Odisha
5. Meghalaya

Man and Biosphere

❑ 1971; UNESCO
❑ 714 Biosphere Res.
Largest Newest (2011) Smallest ❑ 129 countries
❑ 12 from India

Prelims 2005:
Which one of the following is not a BR?
(a) Agasthyamali (b) Nallamalai
(c) Nilgiri (d) Panchmarhi
Prelims 2008:
Out of all the BRs in India, four have been recognized
Oldest (1986) on the World Network by UNESCO. Which one of the
following is not one of them?
(a) Gulf of Mannar (b) Kanchenjunga
(c) Nanda Devi (d) Sunderbans

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Prelims 2010: Prelims 2011:
Consider the following statements: Which one of the following is
1. The boundaries of a National Park are defined by legislation. not a site for in-situ method
2. A Biosphere Reserve is declared to conserve a few specific of conservation of flora?
species of flora and fauna. (a) Biosphere Reserve
3. In Wildlife Sanctuary, limited biotic interference is permitted (b) Botanical Garden
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (c) National Park
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Wildlife Sanctuary

Prelims 2012: Prelims 2014:

In which one among the following categories of The most important strategy for the
protected areas in India are local people not conservation of biodiversity together with
allowed to collect and use the biomass? traditional human life is the establishment of
(a) Biosphere Reserves (b) National Parks
(a) Biosphere reserves (b) Botanical gardens
(c) Wetlands declared under Ramsar Convention
(d) Wildlife Sanctuaries (c) National Parks (d) Wildlife Sanctuaries

No Ramsar sites in: No. Ramsar site State

Wetlands 16 Kolleru Lake Andhra P.
Chhattisgarh 8 Deepor Beel Assam
Telangana 12 Kabartal Wetland Bihar
Convention on Wetlands:
Karnataka 19 Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary Gujarat
Goa ❑ aka Ramsar Convention 6 Chandertal Wetland HP
Sikkim ❑ 1971; Ramsar, Iran 25 Pong Dam Lake HP
Arunachal ❑ only global environmental treaty 26 Renuka Wetland HP
Meghalaya 11 Hokera Wetland J&K
Nagaland for a particular ecosystem
Mizoram ❑ Wise use? Sustainable use 36 Surinsar-Mansar Lakes J&K
39 Tsomoriri Lake J&K
42 Wular Lake J&K
2 Asthamudi Wetland Kerala
34 Sasthamkotta Lake Kerala
41 Vembanad Kol Wetland Kerala
38 Tso Kar Wetland Complex Ladakh
18 Lonar Lake Maharashtra
20 Nandur Madhameshwar Maharashtra
17 Loktak Lake Manipur
5 Bhoj Wetlands MP
Asia's largest 4 Bhitarkanika Mangroves Odisha
brackish water 7 Chilka Lake Odisha
lagoon 3 Beas Conservation Reserve Punjab
Oldest (1981) 10 Harike Lake Punjab
- Chilika lake, Odisha 13 Kanjli Lake Punjab
- Keoladeo NP, Rajasthan 15 Keshopur-Miani Punjab
Smallest Renuka, HP 21 Nangal Wildlife Sanctuary Punjab
27 Ropar Lake Punjab
Largest Sunderban 14 Keoladeo Ghana NP Rajasthan
31 Sambhar Lake Rajasthan
24 Point Calimere Tamil Nadu
28 Rudrasagar Lake Tripura
22 Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary UP
23 Parvati Agra Bird Sanctuary UP
29 Saman Bird Sanctuary UP
Montreux record: (serious threat) 30 Samaspur Bird Sanctuary UP
32 Sandi Bird Sanctuary UP
1990 Keoladeo NP, Rajasthan 33 Sarsai Nawar Jheel UP
1993 Loktak Lake, Manipur 37 Sur Sarovar UP
40 Upper Ganga River UP
1993-2002 Chilika Lake 1 Asan Conservation Reserve Uttarakhand
9 East Kolkata Wetlands WB
Prelims 2018: 35 Sunderbans Wetland WB
Which one of the following is an artificial lake? Sukhna Lake:
(a) Kodaikanal (TN) (b) Kolleru (Andhra P.) ❑ Chandigarh; Manmade lake (1958);
(c) Nainital (Uttarakhand) (d) Renuka (HP) ❑ Notified Wetland? Yes Ramsar site? No
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Prelims 2010: Prelims 2019:
India is a party to the Ramsar Convention and has Consider the following statements:
declared many areas as Ramsar sites. Which of the 1. Under Ramsar convention, it is mandatory
following statements best describes as to how we on the part of the Government on India to
should maintain these sites in the context of this protect and conserve all the wetlands in the
convention? territory of India
(a) Keep all the sites completely inaccessible to man 2. The Wetlands (Conservation and
so that they will not be exploited. Management) Rules, 2010 were framed by
(b) Conserve all sites through ecosystem approach the Government of India based on the
and permit tourism and recreation only. recommendations of Ramsar convention.
(c) Conserve all sites through ecosystem approach 3. The Wetlands (Conservation and
for a period without any exploitation, with Management) Rules, 2010 also encompass
specific criteria and specific period for each site, the drainage area or catchment regions of
and then allow sustainable use of them by future the wetlands as determined by the
generations. authority.
(d) Conserve all the sites through ecosystem Which of the above statements is/are correct?
approach and allow their simultaneous (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
sustainable use. (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

Peatlands ❖ 2016 Global Peatlands Initiative; at CoP-22 Marrakech

❖ covers 3% of global land surface ❖ 2018 Brazzaville Declaration on Peatlands; by Congo and
❖ largest natural terrestrial carbon store Indonesia; To prevent degradation of Congo’s peatlands
❖ drained peatlands release huge (world’s largest tropical peatlands).
amounts of GHGs ❖ 2019 Global resolution on peatlands at 4th UNEP Assembly

Lonar Lake Loktak lake Manipur

World’s largest crater in basaltic rock. ❑ Largest freshwater lake in NE India.
Formed by meteorite impact 50,000 years ago ❑ Phumdis (small islands) float on it.
Recently turned pink due to Haloarchaea ❑ Has Keibul Lamjao NP (the only floating NP
It is a National Geological Heritage Monument Site in the world)
(declared by Geological Survey of India, total 34)

Minerals, water, shelter Lichens Prelims 2014:

Fungi Algae Lichens, which are capable
Food from photosynthesis of initiating ecological
succession even on a bare
✓ Lichens are not plants. rock, are actually a
✓ Can grow on rocks and plants (epiphytes) symbiotic association of
✓ Slow growing, can live for centuries. (a) algae and bacteria
✓ They are bioindicators of air quality. (b) algae and fungi
✓ Don’t grow in cities due to SO2 pollution (c) bacteria and fungi
✓ India’s first lichen park: Uttarakhand (d) fungi and mosses
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❖ 40% in India, 60% in Bangladesh
❖ largest mangrove forest in world
❖ At confluence of Ganga,
Brahmaputra, Meghna
❖ World Heritage site 1987
❖ Ramsar site 2019
❖ Name from Sundari tree

✓ Halophyte (salt-tolerant)
✓ grows in coastal saline or brackish water (intertidal zones)
✓ found in all coastal states of India
✓ 42% in WB; 23% Gujarat; 12% A&N
✓ 0.15% of India; increased between 2017-19 (FSI)

Prelims 2015: Prelims 2011:

Which one of the following regions of India The 2004 Tsunami made people realize that
has a combination of mangrove forest, mangroves can serve as a reliable safety hedge
evergreen forest and deciduous forest? against coastal calamities. How do mangroves
(a) North Coastal Andhra Pradesh function as a safety hedge?
(b) South-West Bengal (a) The mangrove swamps separate the human
(c) Southern Saurashtra settlements from the sea by a wide zone in
(d) Andaman and Nicobar Islands which people neither live nor venture out
(b) The mangroves provide both food and
Prelims 1996: medicines which people are in need of after
Assertion (A): Mangroves are very specialised any natural disaster
forest eco-systems of tropical and sub- (c) The mangrove trees are tall with dense
tropical regions bordering certain sea coasts. canopies and serve as an excellent shelter
Reason (R): They stabilise shoreline and act as during a cyclone or tsunami
bulwark against encroachments by the sea. (d) The mangrove trees do not get uprooted by
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct storms and tides because of their extensive
explanation of A roots.

Adaptations in mangroves: Leaves:

Pneumatophores: ❖ Thick and leathery to
❖ Breathing roots, to take in oxygen conserve water
❖ Glands to secret salt


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First state to declare a Prelims 2016:
state Mangrove tree? Recently, for the first time in our country,
Maharashtra which of the following States has declared a
White Chippi / particular butterfly as ‘State Butterfly’?
Sonneratia alba / (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Himachal Pradesh
Mangrove apple (c) Karnataka (d) Maharashtra

Blue Flag Mass Extinction

Prelims 2018:
The term “6th mass extinction/6th extinction" is
often mentioned in the news in the context of
(a) Widespread monoculture practices in
agriculture & large-scale commercial farming
with indiscriminate use of chemicals in many
parts of world that may result in loss of good
native ecosystems.
(b) Fears of a possible collision of a meteorite with
the Earth in the near future in the manner it
happened 65 million years ago that caused the
mass extinction of many species including
those of dinosaurs
(c) Large scale cultivation of genetically modified
Blue Flag Programme:
crops in many parts of the world and
❑ Launched in 1985 in France;
promoting their cultivation in other parts of
❑ By FEE (NGO, 1981, Denmark) the world which may cause the disappearance
❑ Most blue flag beaches are in Spain. of good native crop plants and the loss of food
❑ Criteria: safety, facilities, cleanliness, etc. biodiversity.
FEE: Foundation for Environmental Education (d) Mankind's over-exploitation/misuse of natural
BEAMS: resources, fragmentation/loss of natural
❑ Beach Env. & Aesthetics Mgmt Services habitats, destruction of ecosystems, pollution
❑ By MoEFCC; for clean beaches and global climate change.

IUCN Prelims 2015:

❑ 1948; HQ: Gland, Switzerland With reference to IUCN and Convention on
❑ It has observer status at UN International Trade in Endangered Species of
❑ It is not a specialized agency of UN. Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which of the following
statements is/are correct?
Prelims 2011: 1. IUCN is an organ of the United Nations and CITES
The “Red Data Book’’ published by IUCN is an international agreement between
contains list of? governments.
1. Endemic plant and animal species 2. IUCN runs thousands of field projects around the
present in biodiversity hotspots. world to better manage natural environments.
2. Threatened plant and animal species. 3. CITES is legally binding on the States that have
3. Protected sites for conservation of joined it, but this Convention does not take the
nature and natural resources in place of national laws.
various countries. Select the correct answer
Select the correct answer (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(a) 1,3 (b) 2 only (c) 2, 3 (d) 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

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Dodo; Tasmanian Tiger; Golden Toad;
1681; Tasmanian Wolf; 1989;
Extinct Mauritius;
Costa Rica

Extinct in wild Golden Skiffia Wyoming Toad

Asiatic Cheetah (Iran) Great Jerdon’s courser

Gharial Blue Indian
Throat Sri Lankamalleswar
Bustard WS (A.P.)

Critically Endangered
Hump-backed Mahseer
Tor remadevii; tiger of water Elongated Tortoise
Found only in Kaveri basin (Sal Forest Tortoise)
Has orange fins Himalayan Quail;
Western Himalayas
Pangolin (scaly ant-eater)
Tiger Red Panda
Sikkim st. an.
Ganges Dolphin

Jh. / Krl / Krnt
Gujarat st. an. Nilgiri
Tahr Dhole Lion-tailed macaque
TN st. an. wild dog Western ghats

Fishing cat
WB st. an. Polar
Bear Black Bear
African Cheetah
Indian Star Tortoise
Snow Leopard
Vulnerable HP st. an.
Indian Rhino
Assam st. an. Gaur
70% in Kaziranga (Indian Bison)
Largest bovine
Bihar, Goa st. an.

Dugong / Sea Cow

A&N st. an. Narcondam
Only veg marine mammal Hornbill

Near Threatened
Hilsa (Food fish)
Least Concern Bangladesh 70%
Amur Falcon Critically Endangered in India
Delhi st. an. Caracal Brown Bear

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Tiger By NTCA and WII
Tiger Every 4 years since 2006
M-STrIPES → mobile app
1411 → 1706 → 2226 → 2967
CaTRAT → AI software
Methods to estimate tiger numbers:
Census Madhya Pradesh most tigers
most increase stripes
TR with most tigers: Corbett
TR with highest density: Corbett scat samples
TR without tiger: Buxa, WB pug marks
Dampa, Mizoram
Palamu, Jharkhand
Tiger reserves:
❑ 51 Megamalai TraMCA:
❑ 52 Ramgarh Vishdhari Transboundary Manas
❑ 2/3rd tigers Conservation Area
❑ No TR in: - Manas NP of Assam
J&K; HP; - Royal Manas NP of Bhutan Kazi-106F
Punjab; Haryana; Golden / Tabby / Strawberry tiger
Gujarat; Goa; Genetic defect; interbreeding
Sikkim; Meghalaya;
Tripura; Nagaland;

WPA 1972 amended in 2006 to
convert "Project Tiger“ (1973)
into a statutory authority
❖ GTI Global Tiger Initiative
❖ GTRP Global Tiger Recovery Program
❖ TX2 Tiger times two (3200→7000 by 2022)
❖ CATS Conservation Assured Tiger Standards
❖ GTF Global Tiger Forum at Delhi (est. 1993)
❖ GSLEP Global Snow Leopard & Ecosystem
Protection Program at Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Secure 20 by 2020: secure at least 20 snow
leopard landscapes by 2020

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Prelims 2012: Prelims 2017:
Consider the following protected areas: Recently there was a proposal to translocate
1. Bandipur 2. Bhitarkanika some of the lions from their natural habitat in
3. Manas 4. Sunderbans Gujarat to which one of the following sites?
Which of the above are declared Tiger (a) Corbett National Park
Reserves? (b) Kuno Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1, 3 and 4 only (c) Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) Sariska National Park

Leopard Snow Leopard

The only big cat
Most in MP that does not roar
1st state to launch
project leopard?
Rajasthan in 2017 SECURE Himalayas:
- 2017 - 2023; UNDP / MoEFCC. Funded by GEF
- Focus on livelihoods, ecosystem, snow leopard
- First conservation centre? Will be in Uttarakhand

Asiatic Lion Cheetah

Only in Gir NP? No
Only in Gujarat? Yes
Smaller than African

Fastest land animal Reintroduction:

1947: last killed in Chhattisgarh NTCA has permitted
1952: declared extinct in India South Africa → Kuno NP

Vultures Nature’s Clean-Up Crew

Great Indian Bustard
Vulture Action Plan:
by MoEFCC 2020-25

CR – Red, White, Billed, Indian

EN – Egyptian
VU – Andean
NT – Himalayan
LC – Eurasian
❑ Once frontrunner to be National bird
❑ Only 150 remains; Only in India? No
Prelims 2012:
❑ Rajasthan: State Bird; Project Godawan Vultures which used to be very common in Indian
❑ Mascot of CMS CoP13 countryside some years ago are rarely seen nowadays.
❑ Reasons for decline: This is attributed to
→ Agri pesticides (feeds on food grains) (a) destruction of their nesting sites by invasive species
→ No grasslands (attacked by dogs) (b) drug used by cattle owners for treating diseased cattle
→ Power lines (poor vision) (c) scarcity of food available to them Diclofenac
❑ Heavy, but flies (d) a widespread, persistent, fatal disease among them
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South Asian River Dolphin
Practically blind; uses echolocation

Indus Dolphin; Indus and Beas
National mammal of Pakistan

Ganges Dolphin; Ganga, Brahmaputra
National aquatic animal of India

Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary:

Prelims 2014: ❑ Since 1991; in Bihar
Other than poaching, what are the possible reasons for ❑ 1st Dolphin observatory
the decline in the population of Ganges River Dolphins?
1. Construction of dams and barrages on rivers Prelims 2015:
2. Increase in the population of crocodiles in rivers Which one of the following is the
3. Getting trapped in fishing nets accidentally national aquatic animal of India?
4. Use of synthetic fertilizers and other agricultural (a) Saltwater crocodile
chemicals in crop-fields in the vicinity of rivers (b) Olive ridley turtle
Select the correct answer using the code given below (c) Gangetic dolphin declared in 2010
(a) 1,2 only (b) 2,3 only (c) 1,3,4 only (d) 1,2,3,4 (d) Gharial

Turtles Locusts

❑ 90 days lifespan
Olive Ridley Sea Turtles: Vulnerable ❑ Short horned grasshoppers
❑ 2nd smallest and most abundant of all sea turtles. ❑ Travel in day; rest in night
Kemp's Ridley turtle is the smallest sea turtle ❑ Feeds on variety of crops
❑ Gahirmatha marine sanctuary in Odisha is world’s ❑ Lay eggs in damp soil in bare ground
largest nesting beach for Olive Ridley turtle. ❑ Biphasic: two different forms
❑ Pesticides are used to control locusts.
Operation Save Kurma?
❑ Locust Warning Organisation:
❑ Against trafficking in turtles → Est. in 1939; MoA&FW
❑ By WCCB (2006; WPA 1972; MoEFCC) → Responsible to control locusts.

Crocodiles in India:
Saltwater crocodile - eastern coast
Mugger crocodile - in lakes & rivers
Gharial - river areas
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Regulating trade of Exotic species:
❑ Exotic: of a distant foreign country [another name for invasive alien species]
❑ Exotic live species: animal or plant moved from original range to new, mostly by people.
❑ All exotic live species shall be declared by owner to Chief Wildlife Warden of the state/UT.
❑ All process to be done through Parivesh portal (MoEFCC portal for environment clearances)
❑ Which ones? Those in CITES but not in WPA 1972.

❑ 'Tettilobus trishula’/‘Shivas pygmy trishula’? New species of grasshopper in Eravikulam NP Kerala
❑ Dehing Patkai: Now a NP; Amazon of East; Dehing river, Patkai hill; Oldest refinery of Asia in
Digboi is located near the sanctuary.
❑ Money Laundering and the Illegal Wildlife Trade Report released by FATF
❑ Nandankanan Zoological Park: Bhubaneswar; first zoo with a white tiger safari; first zoo in the
World to breed White tiger and Melanistic tiger; the only conservation breeding centre of Indian
Pangolins in the world.
❑ Management Effectiveness Evaluation: report released by MoEFCC; evaluates how well a NP/WS is
being managed. Highest score by Tirthan WS and Great Himalayan NP of HP. Turtle WLS, UP and
Khaparwas WLS, Haryana ranked at the bottom.
❑ Protected Special Agriculture Zone: created by TN in Cauvery delta region; mainly to protect agri
and prevent oil & gas projects. Spread over 8 districts; rice bowl of TN
❑ Natural Conservation Zone: mainly for NCR region; no construction allowed, except on 0.5% area
for parks; MoEFCC is nodal ministry
❑ Black panther: Melanistic leopard / jaguar / any big cat; Reason: Melanin pigment
❑ Krishna Peacock, Indian Jezebel, Orange Oakleaf are? Butterflies
❑ White grub; Charru mussel; Woolly whitefly are? Invasive species
❑ Noctiluca scintillans: aka sea sparkle; marine species of dinoflagellate; shows Bioluminescence
❑ Bioluminescence: production and emission of light by a living organism.
❑ Pinanga andamanensis: CR; palm variety found only in Mount Harrier NP in A&N is.
❑ Himalayan trillium: EN; aka Nagchatri; medicinal properties; one of the most traded plants
❑ Brahma Kamal: blooms after sunset; sate flower of Uttarakhand
❑ Nagar Van Scheme: develop Urban forests in 200 cities; funds from CAMPA
❑ Green Highway → trees along highways
❑ Green Corridor → no red lights in traffic (medical)
❑ Green Energy Corridor → integrate renewable energy with grid

Brahma Kamal Himalayan trillium

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Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 (SPB 2011-2020):
▪ Adopted at CoP-10 of CBD in 2010 at Nagoya Japan.
▪ It has 20 targets under 5 goals, known as Aichi Biodiversity Targets (ABTs).
▪ Designated 2020 as “Super year for biodiversity” as ABTs end in 2020.
State of World's Forests report by UNEP and FAO Some reports given in World’s Forest report:
(FAO: 1945, Rome). Facts for Prelims: 1. State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food
✓ 31% : of global land area is under forests and Agriculture:
✓ 93% : natural, 7% manmade ✓ FAO
✓ 34% : are primary forests (no human activity) 2. Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity
✓ 18% : are in protected areas (Aichi target 17%) and Ecosystem Services:
✓ Deforestation rate today is less than 1990s. ✓ IPBES
✓ Agriculture is main reason for deforestation. 3. Global Biodiversity Outlook:
✓ Most gain in Asia, most loss in Africa ✓ CBD

Living Planet Report has Below The Canopy Report has

Living Planet Index Forest Specialist Index
It's about global biodiversity It's about wildlife that lives ‘only’ in forests
Forest wildlife population fell 53% since 1970
Both are released by WWF – international NGO; est. in 1961 ; HQ in Gland, Switzerland

Central Zoo Authority: Bhopal Indian Institute of Forest Management

Dehradun Wildlife Institute of India
✓ Formed in 1992 under WPA, 1972 Chennai CPR Environmental Education Centre
✓ MoEF&CC minister is its chairperson Bengaluru Indian Plywood Industries Research &
✓ It sets criteria & gives recognition to zoos Training Institute
✓ No zoo can be operated without Ahmedabad Centre for Environment Education
Coimbatore Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and
recognition from CZA. Natural History
✓ India has 149 recognized zoos. Jabalpur Tropical Forestry Research Institute

National Board for

✓ Headed by PM
✓ Statutory body WPA
✓ Change in boundary
of NP/WS needs its

Initiatives to restore
degraded lands:
2011 - 2020 2021 - 2030 ❑ 20x20 :
❑ UND on Biodiversity ❑ UND on Ecosystem Restoration Latin America;
❑ UND for Deserts and fight ❑ UND of Ocean Science for 20 mha by 2020
against Desertification Sustainable Development ❑ AFR100 :
100 mha by 2030

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Prelims 2009: Prelims 2010:

Consider the following regions: Consider the following statements:
1. Eastern Himalayas 1. Biodiversity hotspots are located only in tropical
2. Eastern Mediterranean region regions.
3. North-Western Australia 2. India has four biodiversity hotspots i.e., Eastern
Which of the above is/are Himalayas, Western Himalayas, Western Ghats and
Biodiversity Hotspots? Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only Which of the statements given above are correct?
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 & 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Prelims 2011: Biodiversity Hotspots:

Three of the following criteria have contributed to the Concept by Norman Myers. Criteria:
recognition of Western Ghats, Sri Lanka and Indo Burma ❑ contain at least 1,500 species of
regions as hotspots of biodiversity: vascular plants as endemics
1. Species richness 2. Vegetation density 3. Endemism ❑ lost at least 75% of its primary
4. Ethno-botanical importance 5. Threat perception vegetation
6. Adaption of flora & fauna to warm & humid conditions ❑ 36 globally; four in India:
Which three of above are correct criteria in this context? Himalayas, Indo-Burma, Western
(a) 1, 2, 6 (b) 2, 4, 6 (c) 1, 3, 5 (d) 3, 4, 6 Ghats, Sundaland

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Environment Class-4

Steam reforming?
❑ Natural gas + Steam ➔ Hydrogen + CO/CO2
❑ Grey H2 (CO2 released); Blue H2 (CO2 captured)
❑ 90% of world’s Hydrogen is produced by this process

Prelims 2015:
With reference to 'fuel cells' in which hydrogen-
rich fuel & oxygen are used to generate
H2 gas O2 gas electricity, consider the following statements.
1. If pure hydrogen is used as a fuel, the fuel
cell emits heat and water as by-products.
2. Fuel cells can be used for powering buildings
and not for small devices like laptop
3. Fuel cells produce electricity in the form of
Alternating Current (AC).
Water Which of the above statements are correct?
Heat (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
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Mix with CNG
Hydrogen fuel
Fuel cell
Prelims 2019:
In the context of proposals to the use of hydrogen-
enriched CNG (H-CNG) as fuel for buses in public
transport, consider the following statements :
1. The main advantage of the use of H-CNG is the
elimination of carbon monoxide emissions.
❑ H-CNG: Hydrogen added to CNG 2. H-CNG as fuel reduces carbon dioxide and
❑ Engine modification not required. hydrocarbon emissions.
❑ Improves fuel efficiency (5%). 3. Hydrogen up to one-fifth by volume can be blended
❑ Efficiency increases with load, hence with CNG as fuel for buses.
good for buses. 4. H-CNG makes the fuel less expensive than CNG
❑ Reduces pollution: CO2, CO, NOx, etc. Which of the statements given above is / are correct?
❑ Issues: expensive, handling, production (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Electric vehicles Advantages:

❑ Running cost (Rs 1/km vs Rs 8/km)
FAME (2015, 2019): ❑ Eco-friendly
❑ Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles
❑ Scheme by Ministry of Heavy Industries; Disadvantages:
❑ to promote electric vehicles. ❑ Initial cost (30-40% due to battery)
❑ Part of National Electric Mobility Mission Plan ❑ Range limitation (200-500km)
State EV Policy: ❑ Raw material import dependence
Karnataka was the first state to have an EV policy (2017) e.g. Lithium

India Gas Exchange:

Real Time Market in Electricity ❑ Subsidiary of IEX
Energy Exchange: ❑ for trade in imported LNG.
Just like a company’s shares are traded on BSE/NSE Green Term Ahead Market:
Electricity/REC/ESCs are traded on IEX/PXIL ❑ for short-term trade in Renewable energy
India Energy Exchange / Power Exchange India Ltd.
Earlier: day-ahead, week-ahead Renewable Energy Certificate
Now: Just one hour ahead also
Energy Saving Certificate

Energy savings:
Energy savings:

Target : 5,000 units ₹ Target : 5,000 units
Actual : 4,700 units
Actual : 5,800 units

Energy Transition:
➢ Petrol to electric, coal to nuclear, etc. Renewable Purchase Obligation:
➢ Energy Transition Index by? WEF It is necessary for Discoms to meet certain
➢ Fostering Effective Energy Transition initiative? WEF part of energy need from Renewable sources.
Energy Intensity: Renewable Energy Certificates:
➢ Energy used to produce one unit of GDP Purchase certificates instead of purchasing
➢ Low EI can indicate labor intensive economy. renewable power
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Natural Gas:
❑ 6% of energy mix
❑ Domestic:Import - 50:50
India imports LNG from:
❑ Qatar (most), Nigeria, etc.
❑ Also USA, Russia, Australia
LNG import terminals:
❑ Gujarat: Dahej and Hazira
❑ Maharashtra: Dabhol
❑ Kerala: Kochi
Domestically produced natural gas price: PM Urja Ganga: piped gas for eastern India
❑ Revised by Govt every six months Sustainable Alternative Towards
❑ Average from US, UK, Russia, Canada Affordable Transportation:
National Gas grid: connect existing gas pipelines ❑ Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
City Gas Distribution: piped gas supply within cities ❑ Use of compressed Bio-gas in vehicles

Prelims 2005: Prelims 2019:

❑ Assertion: Main constituent of liquified Consider the following statements:
petroleum gas is methane. 1. Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory
❑ Reason: Methane can be used directly for Board (PNGRB) is the first regulatory
burning in homes and factories where it can body set up by the Govt. of India.
be supplied through pipelines. 2. One of the tasks of PNGRB is to ensure
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct competitive markets for gas.
explanation of A 3. Appeals against decisions of PNGRB go
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct before Appellate Tribunal of Electricity.
explanation of A Which of the above statements are correct?
(c) A is true but R is false (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(d) A is false but R is true (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

Natural gas = LNG = CNG = PNG = Methane

Petroleum gas = LPG = Propane

+ Butane

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Prelims 2014:
With reference to two non-conventional
energy sources called 'coalbed methane’ &
When something is extracted 'shale gas', consider the following:
from earth, it's never really ‘pure’ 1. Coalbed methane is the pure methane
gas extracted from coal seams, while
shale gas is a mixture of propane and
butane only that can be extracted from
fine-grained sedimentary rocks.
2. In India abundant coalbed methane
sources exist, but so far no shale gas
sources have been found.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Prelims 2014:
In India, cluster bean (Guar) is traditionally
used as vegetable or animal feed, but
recently its cultivation has assumed
significance. Which of the following
statements is correct in this context?
(a) The oil extracted from seeds is used in
manufacture of biodegradable plastics
(b) The gum made from its seeds is used
in the extraction of shale gas
(c) The leaf extract of this plant has the
properties of anti-histamines
(d) It is a source of high quality biodiesel

Ministry of Biodiversity Coldspots

Survey of India 1767 Dehradun ❑ areas with high biodiversity, but low
Science & Tech
threat value
Geological Ministry of ❑ e.g. Amazon rainforests, Boreal forests
1851 Kolkata
Survey of India Mines ❑ threatened species thrive here
Archaeological Ministry of Sustainable ocean economy for 2050:
1861 Delhi
Survey of India Culture report by World Resource Institute

Indian Monsoon Index and Indian Rain Index: Sustainable Renewables Risk
Rainfall performance indicator, launched by NCDEX. Mitigation Initiative:
Data will be provided by SkyMet, not IMD. ❑ Previously known as Solar Risk
❑ BSE/NSE: exchange for shares Mitigation Initiative
❑ NCDEX: exchange for commodities ❑ By World Bank, ISA, and few others
❑ Sensex: index of top 30 companies of BSE ❑ To help countries with funding for
❑ Nifty: index of top 50 companies of NSE renewable energy

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Electricity Renewable energy 2015 Paris: 175 GW by 2022 (100 Solar)
136 GW; 3rd largest globally; 36% 2019 UN: 450 GW by 2030 (280 Solar)

Total capacity:

48% Private
27% States
25% Centre
3.8 lakh MW
(as on 15-07-2021)

02% Nuclear
12% Hydro
25% RES
61% Thermal
(Coal 52%, Gas 6%)
3.8 lakh MW total 47 GW 40 GW 40 GW 10 GW 5 GW
Large hydro Wind Solar Bioenergy Small hydro

Solar energy

Solar tree PM-KUSUM

Combines multiple
renewable energy sources
More reliable; Less fluctuations

2019; Solar power to farms

Min. of New & Renewable Energy

Floating Solar

Does not waste land;

But is costlier
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ZBNF vs Organic farming
Zero-Budget Natural Farming. Organic Farming. Conventional Farming.
Yoga. Ayurveda. Allopathy.

Organic inputs from farm itself Organic inputs from outside Chemical inputs from outside
❑ Low cost ❑ Less soil erosion (more SOM) ❑ High yield
Benefits ❑ No debt trap ❑ Less nitrate pollution ❑ Off-season also
❑ Same as Organic f. ❑ Less pesticides ❑ Pest control

❑ Yield: Low yield/acre, especially in first few years ❑ Pesticides

Issues ❑ Weather dependent; No off-season crops ❑ Eutrophication
❑ Risks of fluctuations in output, food shortages, inflation

Sustainable Agriculture

Crop rotation Conservation Agriculture Planting cover crops

❑ On same land, grow different ❑ Minimum tillage ❑ Crop grown to protect
crops in different season/year ❑ Maintain permanent Soil cover (cover) soil, rather than for
❑ Maintains nutrients, prevents ❑ Diversification of plant species purpose of being harvested
Integrated Pest Management Permaculture Vermicomposting:
❑ Using natural enemies, using ❑ Permanent agriculture ❑ Using earthworms to
beneficial microbes, crop ❑ Replicating natural ecosystem's convert organic waste
rotation, etc. stability in agriculture into manure
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Prelims 1999: Prelims 2020:
Which one of the following agricultural In the context of India, which of the following is/are
practices is eco-friendly? considered to be practices of eco-friendly agriculture?
(a) Organic farming 1. Crop diversification 2. Legume intensification
(b) Shifting cultivation 3. Tensiometer use 4. Vertical farming
(c) Cultivation of high yielding varieties Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(d) Growing plants in glass-houses (a) 1,2,3 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 1,2,3,4
Prelims 2017: Prelims 2012:
Which of the following practices can help in Consider the following agricultural practices:
water conservation in agriculture? 1. Contour bunding
1. Reduced or zero tillage of the land 2. Relay cropping
2. Applying gypsum before irrigating field 3. Zero tillage
3. Allowing crop residue to remain in field In the context of global climate change, which of the
Select the correct answer: above helps in carbon sequestration in the soil?
(a) 1,2 (b) 3 (c) 1,3 (d) 1,2,3 (a) 1,2 (b) 3 (c) 1,2,3 (d) None of the above
Prelims 2018: Prelims 2020:
With reference to the circumstances in Indian agriculture, the What are the advantages of zero tillage in
concept of “Conservation Agriculture” assumes significance. agriculture?
Which of the following fall under the Conservation 1. Sowing of wheat is possible without
Agriculture? burning residue of previous crop.
1. Avoiding the monoculture practices 2. Without the need for nursery of rice
2. Adopting minimum tillage saplings, direct planting of paddy seeds
3. Avoiding the cultivation of plantation crops in wet soil is possible.
4. Using crop residues to cover soil surface 3. Carbon sequestration in soil is possible
5. Adopting spatial & temporal crop sequencing/rotation Select the correct answer:
Select the correct answer: (a) 1,2 (b) 2,3
(a) 1,3,4 (b) 2,3,4,5 (c) 2,4,5 (d) 1,2,3,5 (c) 3 (d) 1,2,3

Vertical farming Hydro/Aqua/Aero ponics

General Benefits: Aquaman
❑ 90% less water rides on fish
❑ Less space
❑ Faster growth
❑ Controlled environment
❑ No weeds
❑ Technical know-how
❑ Capital intensive

Hydroponics. Aquaponics.

Aeroponics. Rice-fish farming.

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Climate Smart Cities

Climate Smart Cities Prelims 2018:

Assessment Framework 2.0 With reference to the 'Global Alliance for Climate Smart
❑ by MoHUA; Sept. 2020 Agriculture (GACSA)', which of the following statements are
❑ 5 categories: correct?
Green buildings; 1. GACSA is outcome of Climate Summit held in Paris in 2015
Green cover; 2. Membership of GACSA doesn’t create any binding obligations
Transport; 3. India was instrumental in the creation of GACSA
Water mgmt; Select the correct answer using the code given
Waste mgmt (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

BEE Bureau of Energy EESL Energy Efficiency

Efficiency Services Limited
Statutory body; Energy Joint Venture of PSUs
Conservation Act, 2001
2002 2009
Ministry of Power Ministry of Power
Frame national policies for To facilitate energy
energy efficiency efficiency projects ❑ Make lots of chilled water at one location
Bee Star label; Works on sustainable ❑ Supply it to various buildings by pipes
ECBC for buildings business models ❑ Buildings won’t need own air conditioning

Energy By BEE mandatory for

Conservation For commercial certain new
Building Code buildings commercial buildings
By Min. of Power New Indian Way for
For residential Affordable &
buildings Sustainable Homes
By TERI & MNRE Green Rating for
GRIHA Rating tool Integrated Habitat
By US Green Leadership in Energy
Building Council. and Environmental
Similar to GRIHA, Design
but at global level

Urban Heat Island

Urban area warmer
than surrounding areas

The temperature
difference is usually
larger at night than
during the day, and is
most apparent when
winds are weak.

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Environment Impact Assessment (EIA):
❖ evaluating the likely environmental impacts of
a proposed project.
❖ EIA notification is made by MoEF&CC under
EPA, 1986. Current notification is of 2006.
Categories of projects:
❑ Category A : EIA mandatory, so no screening.
❑ Category B : screening classifies projects as:
▪ Category B1 projects: EIA required
▪ Category B2 projects: EIA not required

Who gives
Environmental Category A projects: Category B projects:
clearance? Expert Appraisal Committee → MoEFCC State EAC → State EIA Authority

Prelims 2018: Prelims 2012:
How is NGT different from CPCB The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 was
1. NGT has been established by an Act enacted in consonance with which of the
whereas CPCB has been created by an following provisions of the Constitution of India?
executive order of the Government. 1. Right to healthy environment, construed as a
2. NGT provides environmental justice and part of Right to life under Article 21
helps reduce the burden of litigation in 2. Provision of grants for raising level of
the higher courts whereas CPCB promotes administration in Scheduled Areas for
cleanliness of streams and wells, and aims welfare of Scheduled Tribes u/a 275(1)
to improve the quality of air in the 3. Powers and functions of Gram Sabha as
country. mentioned under Article 243 (A)
Which of the above statements is/are correct: Select correct answer using codes given below:
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

❑ Statutory body; NGT Act 2010

❑ Chairperson:
❑ India 1st to set up env tribunal? No Aus/NZ
serving/retd. SC Judge or HC CJ
❑ Civil cases? Yes; Criminal cases? No
❑ Natural justice; ❑ 10-20 Judicial members:
Not bound by Code of Civil Procedure 1908 serving/retd. SC Judge / HC CJ / HC Judge
❑ Delhi (Principal) ❑ 10-20 Expert members
Pune, Kolkata, Bhopal, Chennai ❑ 5 year term; no reappointment
❑ Decision can be challenged 'only' in SC? No

✓Water Act 1974; ✓Water Cess Act 1977; ✓Air Act 1981;
Laws under NGT ✓Forest (Conservation) Act 1980; ✓Environment (Protection) Act 1986;
✓Public Liability Insurance Act 1991; ✓Biological Diversity Act 2002
WPA 1972? No

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Disaster Management
Who notifies a disaster? MHA National Disaster Response Fund:
Which law was used to impose lockdown
✓ It is defined in Disaster Management Act, 2005
and other orders like quarantine?
✓ Disaster Management Act, 2005 ✓ It gets money from cess, budgetary allocations,
✓ Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 and voluntary contributions. 
✓ It is placed in the 'Public Account' of Union Govt.
Disaster Management Act, 2005 ✓ It is audited by CAG. 
❑ At National, State, District level it provides ✓ It supplements SDRF of a State.
for Authority (PM/CM/DM), Fund, ✓ Disasters: Cold wave? Yes. Heat wave? No.
Mitigation Fund.
✓ Cyclone, drought, earthquake, fire, flood,
❑ National Executive Committee headed by
tsunami, hailstorm, landslide, avalanche,
Home secretary (not Health secretary) .
cloudburst, pest attack, frost and cold waves.
Epidemic Disease Act, 1897
To tackle Bubonic plague in Bombay
Doesn’t define dangerous epidemic disease Global Assessment Report on DRR
❑ published biennially by the UN Office for
Strict vs Absolute Liability: Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
If company’s equipment/chemical caused
harm to people, then is the company liable? UNDDR:
❑ 1999 ; HQ Geneva, Switzerland
Strict liability: Yes, but with exceptions
❑ part of UN Secretariat
(Act of God, Act of Stranger, etc) (old concept)

Absolute liability: Yes, no exceptions Sendai framework for DRR:

(since 1986 Oleum case) ❑ For 15 years 2015-2030
Today there are many methods / technologies ❑ It is successor to Hyogo Framework for Action
/ procedures for company to protect its 2005-2015
National Institute of Disaster Management:
India Meteorological Department: ❑ Statutory body; Disaster Management Act, 2005
❑ 1875; HQ Delhi ❑ under Ministry of Home Affairs
❑ Ministry of Earth Sciences


How lightning is formed:

➢ Winds inside the cloud are very turbulent.
➢ Updraft carries water droplets up the cloud.
➢ Downdraft push ice to bottom part of cloud.
➢ The process triggers release of electrons.
➢ Top of cloud forms positive charge.
➢ Bottom of cloud forms negative charge.
➢ Lightning occurs within the cloud, between
clouds, between cloud and earth.

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✓ Stored as liquid, evaporates easily.
✓ It is a ‘hazardous chemical’ under Hazardous
Chemical Rules 1989. (multiple ill effects)
✓ Used to make Polystyrene
✓ Polystyrene is used in disposable cups, home
appliances, automobiles, electronics, etc.

P wave
➢ All natural earthquakes
take place in the
S wave
➢ Waves are faster in
denser material.
➢ Body waves: move through the body. P-waves travel
through solid liquid gas. S-waves travel only through
Love wave solid.
➢ Surface waves: move along the surface. They are
generated when body waves interact with surface
rocks. Most destructive.

Rayleigh wave

❑ Earthquakes can be predicted

few hours before. No
❑ Warning can be sent seconds
before an earthquake strikes?
Yes (P vs S)
❑ Google is turning Android
phones into Earthquake
❑ Benefit: Elevators, gas
pipelines can be shut off
Mercalli - intensity - observed effects of earthquake
Richter - magnitude - seismic waves or energy released energy

If confused in exam, just recall two things:

1. Which scale is mentioned in news? Richter
2. When is it mentioned? Within 5 minutes of earthquake.
Within 5 minutes, we can measure magnitude (i.e. Energy,
not intensity or destruction)
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Glacial till:
Glacial Lake Outburst Floods sediment deposited by glacier (can form moraine)
material left behind by a moving glacier (soil, rock)

Prelims 2014.
➢ Meteorological drought: less rain
➢ Hydrological drought: less water in dams
➢ Agricultural drought: low soil moisture
➢ Ecological drought: low ecosystem
Flash drought:
If no rain happens, and temperature also rises
abnormally, soil will lose moisture fast, leading to
sudden drought, called as Flash drought. Biggest
impact seen on Agriculture.

Heat Waves Plains Coastal Hills

Precondition 40 37 30
❑ Heat Wave is a notified disaster under Heat wave Normal + 4.5 Normal + 4.5 Normal + 4.5
Disaster Management Act, 2005? No or 45
❑ Heat wave is included in the list of 12 Severe Heat Normal + 6.4 Normal + 6.4 Normal + 6.4
disasters eligible for relief under National/ wave or 47
State Disaster Response Funds? No * All figures indicate maximum temperature

Forest Fires
Causes: lightning, rockfall sparks, cigarette, camp fire,
electric cables, shifting cultivation, mafia, etc.
Impacts: air, water, wildlife, livelihood, loss of carbon sink;
increase tropospheric ozone; damage stratospheric ozone
Benefits of light forest fire:
✓ Return nutrients to soil, that were stored in dead trees
✓ Eliminates invasive weeds, insects, diseases
✓ Clears forest floor for new seeds to germinate
✓ Some trees need light fire to flower e.g. Banksia
✓ Controlled fires can prevent natural fires 21% of India's forest area is prone to fire
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Cyclones Temperate cyclone Tropical cyclone Trick to remember
Move west to east → Move east to west  Cyclones come from Bay of
(Westerlies) (Easterlies) Bengal to Odisha
Name Region Affects larger area Affect less area Mostly only Odisha is in news
Cyclone Indian Ocean Lower wind speed Higher wind speed Very high winds in news
Hurricane Atlantic Ocean Can form on sea as Forms on sea, Most news comes only till it
Typhoon Japan, China well as land dissipates on land reaches coast
Willy Willies Australia Formed due to fronts Frontal system absent Never saw this in news
Usually lasts 14 days Usually lasts 7 days News only for 3-4 days

Conditions favorable for the formation and intensification of tropical cyclones:

1. Large sea surface with temperature higher than 27° C
❑ For low pressure area to form
2. Small variations in the vertical wind speed
❑ Air rises; moisture in air condenses; releases latent heat; this energy intensifies cyclone
3. Presence of the Coriolis force enough to create a cyclonic vortex
❑ At the equator, the Coriolis force is zero.
❑ Low pressure gets filled instead of getting intensified.
4. A pre-existing weak low-pressure area or low-level-cyclonic circulation
❑ Many Bay of Bengal cyclones are remains of typhoons
5. Upper divergence above the sea level system

Why more cyclones recently in Arabian sea? Naming of cyclones in Indian Ocean:
Main reason is global warming, but exactly how, ✓ Chosen from list of 169 names
is under research, multiple theories, not for prelims (13 countries submit 13 names each)
✓ Mechanism by WMO and UN-ESCAP
Why more cyclones in Bay of Bengal than Arabian sea? ✓ IMD as RSMC names cyclones in
1. Higher sea surface temperature Indian Ocean
2. Many Bay of Bengal cyclones are remains of typhoons RSMC: Regional Specialised
Meteorological Centres
Medicanes? Mediterranean Hurricanes; colder; smaller

Coriolis effect

Coriolis effect
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Prelims 2010:
What causes wind to deflect towards
left in the Southern Hemisphere?
(a) Temperature
(b) Magnetic field
(c) Rotation of earth
(d) Pressure
Prelims 2002:
(A): Surface winds spiral inwards upon
the centre of cyclone
(R): Air descends in the centre of cyclone
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT a
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) (d) A is false but R is true
Prelims 2015:
In the South Atlantic and South Eastern
Pacific regions in tropical latitudes, cyclone
does not originate. What is the reason?
(a) Sea Surface temperatures are low
(b) ITCZ seldom occurs
(c) Coriolis force is too weak
(d) Absence of land in those regions

Prelims 2020:
Consider the following statements:
1. Jet streams occur in Northern Hemisphere only
2. Only some cyclones develop an eye
3. The temperature inside the eye of a cyclone is nearly 10OC
lesser than that of the surroundings
Which of the above statements is/are correct:
(a) 1 only (b) 2, 3 only (c) 2 only (d) 1, 3 only

Fujiwhara effect: two nearby

cyclonic vortices move around
each other. They may merge,
or move away on their own
paths after some time.

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ENSO ; El-Nino ; El-Nino Modoki; La-Nina

La Nina : normal situation gets intensified

El Nino : normal situation gets weakened

Nina is a good girl, she strengthens monsoon

Nino is a bad boy, he weakens monsoon
Modoki is both good and bad.
➢ It decreases cyclones in Bay of Bengal,
➢ but increases cyclones in Arabian sea (& hurricanes)

Indian Ocean Dipole

Positive IOD Negative IOD

Arabian warmer; BoB cooler Arabian cooler; BoB warmer
❑ More rain in India ❑ Less rain in India
❑ Less rain in Australia ❑ More rain in Australia

❑ Eastern moving system of wind, cloud and pressure

❑ Brings rain as it circles around the equator.
Madden Julian Oscillation ❑ Recurs every 30 to 60 days.
❑ Affects weather activities across the globe.

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Prelims 2002: Prelims 2010:
For short-term climate prediction, which A new type of El Nino called El Nino Modoki
one of the following events, detected in appeared in the news. In this context, consider the
the last decade, is associated with following statements:
occasional weak monsoon rains in the 1. Normal El Nino forms in the Central Pacific
India subcontinent? ocean whereas El Nino Modoki forms in Eastern
(a) La Nina Pacific ocean.
(b) Movement of jet streams 2. Normal El Nino results in diminished hurricanes
(c) El Nino and southern oscillations in the Atlantic ocean but El Nino Modoki results
(d) Greenhouse effect on global level in a greater number of hurricanes with greater
Prelims 2011: Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
La Nina is suspected to have caused recent (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
floods in Australia. How is La Nina (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
different from El Nino?
1. La Nina is characterised by an usually Prelims 2017:
cold ocean temperature in equatorial With reference to ‘Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)’
Indian Ocean whereas El Nino is sometimes seen in news while forecasting Indian
characterised by unusually warm monsoon, which of the following statements is/are
ocean temperature in the equatorial correct?
Pacific Ocean. 1. IOD phenomenon is characterised by a
2. El Nino has an adverse effect on the difference in sea surface temperature between
south-west monsoon of India but La tropical Western Indian Ocean and tropical
Nina has no effect on monsoon Eastern Pacific Ocean.
climate. 2. An IOD phenomenon can influence an El Nino’s
Which of the statements given above impact on the monsoon.
is/are correct? Select the correct answer:
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) Both 1 & 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2


Inter-decadal Pacific Oscillation Boreal summer intra seasonal

➢ Positive: warmer tropical pacific, cooler northern pacific oscillation: movement of heat from
➢ Negative: cooler tropical pacific, warmer northern pacific Indian Ocean to western Pacific
➢ Pattern oscillates every 15-30 years. Ocean roughly every 10-50 days
Latest research: positive phase weakens Indian monsoon. during monsoon (June-September)

Urban Flooding
➢ CFLOWS-Chennai and IFLOWS-Mumbai are flood warning apps.
➢ Reasons for urban flooding (obvious). Guidelines, etc. not for exam.

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Prelims 2009:
In the structure of Earth, below the
Structure of Earth
mantle, the core is mainly made up
of which of the following?
(a) Aluminium (b) Chromium
(c) Iron (d) Silicon
Crust and some upper mantle Conrad discontinuity
Thickness varies 10-200 km Moho discontinuity
Repetti discontinuity
Asthenosphere: 2900 km Gutenburg discontinuity
Up to 400 km; Upper portion of mantle Lehmann discontinuity
Main source of magma 5100 km

Mostly made of nickel & iron (nife) 6400 km
Why layers?
❑ Formation of earth; High temperature 70 km : thickness of Continental crust at Himalayas
❑ Material separated as per to density 30 km : thickness of Continental crust at plains
❑ Heavy sank; lighter rose 05 km : thickness of oceanic crust
❑ Crust cooled and solidified

Earth is perfect sphere?

No, its ellipsoid
Earth’s Magnetic Field
Earth's magnetic field:
❑ Reason: iron in core; earth rotates
❑ Protects us from harmful radiation
❑ If larger core → stronger MF
❑ If faster rotation → stronger MF
❑ Reversed every few lakh years
❑ Magnetic axis makes 11O angle with
Geographic axis
❑ Magnetic equator passes through
Equator is 21 km far than poles Thumba, Kerala

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❑ Region where earth’s magnetic field dominates
❑ Its shape is influenced by Solar wind
❑ 6-10 times of earth's radius on sun side
❑ 1000 times of earth's radius on night side
❑ Magnetopause: outer boundary of earth's

Auroras; VARs; SAA

Van Allen Radiation belt: Auroras:
✓ High energy particles trapped by earth’s MF
Formed at poles due to disturbances in
✓ Two such belts (inner and outer)
earth's magnetosphere caused by solar wind.
✓ Extends from 600 km to 60,000 km.
✓ Acts as a protective layer around earth. Polar lights (aurora polaris)
Northern lights (aurora borealis)
Southern lights (aurora australis)

South Atlantic Anomaly:

➢ Over South America & southern Atlantic Ocean.
➢ Here earth's magnetic field is relatively weak.
➢ Here inner VAR belt comes down to just 200 km.
➢ Adversely affects people living under this area? No
➢ Adversely affects satellites passing through? Yes

Gravity Anomaly
What: difference b/w actual and expected gravity at a place
Reason: uneven distribution of mass in earth
Gravity comes from mass.
Mass is not uniformly distributed.


✓ 2002-17 and 2018
✓ NASA and Germany
✓ Tom & Jerry are the nicknames of two satellites.
✓ To make gravity map, to track water movement.
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aka Chomolungma, Sagarmatha
Mt. Everest named after George Everest (Surveyor General of India 1830-43)

Great Trigonometrical Survey: (1802-71)

❑ Started in 1802 by William Lambton
❑ To survey entire Indian subcontinent
❑ Demarcated British territories in India
❑ Measured height of Everest, K2, Kanchenjunga

Tallest from Furthest from Highest altitude

base to peak Earth’s Centre above sea level

Ocean Panthalassa; Continent Pangaea

200 mya: Pangea broke; India started moving north

140 mya: India at 50OS
60 mya: outpouring of lava; Deccan traps formed
40 mya: India collided with Asia

Q. Which sea separated India from Asia? Tethys Sea

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Seabed 2030 Project:
❑ to make detailed map of ocean floor by 2030;
❑ by Nippon & GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of Oceans)
❑ GEBCO operates under UNESCO’s International Hydrographic Organization & Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission
Continental Shelf: extended margin of Mid-Oceanic Ridges: two Continental Slope:
continent occupied by seas; average mountain chains connects continental shelf
width 80km; largest is Siberian shelf in separated by a large and ocean basin; depth
Arctic ocean (1,500 km); depth 30m to depression; Iceland is part 200-3000m; its boundary
600m; source of fossil fuels; ends at of mid- Atlantic Ridge indicates end of continents
shelf break

Guyot: flat topped


Seamount: mountain with Deep sea plain: flattest Oceanic Deeps or Trenches: deepest
pointed summit that does and smoothest regions of part of ocean; 3-5km deeper than
not reach surface; the world; 3-6 km deep; surrounding; occur at base of
Emperor seamount is covered with fine continental slopes; associated with
extension of Hawaiian sediments like clay and active volcanoes & earthquakes; most
islands silt in Pacific
Digital Ocean:
Deep Ocean Mission: ❑ web portal for all ocean Samudrayaan:
❑ Explore oceans for minerals, energy, related data MoES project to
biodiversity, etc. ❑ By Indian National Centre for send humans to
❑ Involves multiple agencies like MoES, ISRO, Ocean Information Services 6km deep ocean
DRDO, National Biodiversity Authority (MoES)

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