Winter Wonderland or Woe?: Winter Weather Forces Schools To Close

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Param Historical Study

England 2009

Wonderland or woe?
Winter weather forces schools to

Saved on 13/02/2022 at 3:25:36 AM 1

Param Historical Study England

On Monday February 2nd 2009 the South

East of England was hit by snow. I know
this is not unusual in many parts of the School closures
world, but it was interesting to watch the
whole region grind to a virtual standstill. At The dramatic change in the weather has
the time of writing this article the major meant that a number of areas are
London airports of Heathrow, Gatwick and experiencing transport problems. This
London City were all closed. Stansted means that many schools across the country
airport had been closed but has just had one have been closed.
runway reopened. Travel chaos has ensued,
the M25 is closed in many places and many
schools throughout the country have been

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Param Historical Study England

County Closed
This table shows the number of schools
South East reported closed. It is interesting to note that
Essex 250+ although the snow is no heavier in the
Hertfordshire 100+ South East of England, one of the eastern
Middlesex 80+ counties has reported more than 250 of its
Sussex 50+ schools are closed.
Greater Manchester 100
Lancashire 70
Cumbria 34 This gave the children lots time to play in
Durham 70 the snow, snowballing, making snowmen
Northumberland 33 and snow angels. The snow gave an added
Yorkshire 1 dimension, producing some very

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Param Historical Study England

picturesque scenes, many captured on website. The United Kingdom government did
camera. not offer similar advice to its citizens. The advice
from the United States is to prepare for a winter
storm by doing the following:

The United States government offered lots of

1. Before winter approaches,
advice about preparing for lots of snow. This
add the following supplies to
advice and more details can be found in
your emergency kit:
community centres or on their website at
 Rock salt or more There are a environmentally safe products to melt ice
number of free publications that can be ordered on walkways.
from their website and are free for US citizens.  Sand to improve
These are sent within six weeks on being traction.
ordered, or can be downloaded direct from their

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Param Historical Study England

 Snow shovels and 2. Make a Family

other snow removal equipment. Communications Plan. Minimize travel.
 Sufficient heating If travel is necessary, keep a disaster
fuel. You may become isolated in your supplies kit in your vehicle.
home and regular fuel sources may be cut 3. Bring pets/companion
off. Store a good supply of dry, seasoned animals inside during winter weather.
wood for your fireplace or wood-burning Move other animals or livestock to
stove. sheltered areas with non-frozen drinking
 Adequate clothing water.
and blankets to keep you warm.

Temperatures recorded at one weather station in Ros-on-Wye during the week read:

Maximum Minimum

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Param Historical Study England

2nd Feb 3 -1
3rd Feb 5 -3
4th Feb 5 -3
5th Feb 2 -1
6th Feb 2 -1
7th Feb 5 -3
8th Feb 4 -2

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