February 2022
February 2022
February 2022
Window of
Kevin Smith
Consulting Editor/
Associate Publisher
David Briginshaw
Associate Editor
18 Impossible dream or achievable?
Richard Clinnick The Single European Rail Area remains out of reach
rclinnick@railjournal.co.uk 22 Rail drives Italy’s Covid-19 recovery
News Editor EU recovery funds sparking huge investment drive
David Burroughs
Production Manager
Sue Morant
sm@railjournal.co.uk Signalling
26 A train control revolution
Virtual coupling boosts Russian network capacity
Photo: Shutterstock/kuremo
European rail policy: frustration in Brussels at a lack of progress
Beijing North to Zhangjiakou however, risks ostracising
and Chongli, the destination smaller private players without
for the Olympic alpine events. the same resources as the state-
These passengers will be China may have taken the lead on owned railways. This should
travelling on what is purported high-speed line automation, but other not become the next battlefield
between new entrants and the
to be the world’s first
automatic high-speed line, countries and regions are busy incumbents.
which opened in December catching up. The momentum building
2019. They will also have access behind mainline automation is
to a 5G onboard UHD video exciting. The challenges are
streaming service, another significant but the rewards -
world-first, which is fed by to begin this summer. major technical challenges substantial modal shift to rail -
around 400 5G base stations In Japan, as well as suburban relate to effective obstacle will be worth the effort.
installed along the route. trains, JR East is working to detection and telecoms coverage.
China may have taken the introduce driverless trains at Indeed, Popov says telecoms
lead on high-speed line GoA 3 on the high-speed issues are likely to limit freight
automation, but other countries network, successfully performing rollouts in Russia to GoA 3. He
and regions are busy catching a demonstration on the Joetsu also says more work is needed
up. Shinkansen in November. The to establish standards. ks@railjournal.co.uk
This month’s edition includes railway says this proposition is Both Fitch and JR East say
three features on three separate potentially much simpler than societal challenges are the
and quite different mainline its suburban application other major obstacle. While
automation projects. We look at because these trains operate on driverless metros are broadly
AZD Praha’s continuing efforts a point-to-point network. It is accepted, convincing people
to develop driverless technology also building on existing that driverless mainline trains
in the Czech Republic (p30); systems such as ATC and are safe will be tricky.
East Japan Railway’s (JR East) Cosmos to develop GoA 3 and Industrial relations issues also
work to equip suburban trains GoA 4 capability. mean that it is very unlikely in
in Tokyo with ATO over Atacs Europe is adopting a similar some countries that drivers
(p32); and the development of approach, basing its mainline will be removed, at least in the
various ATO-related technologies ATO developments on ETCS. short-term.
by Transmashholding Mr Keir Fitch, head of unit, rail Yet the economic benefits of
subsidiary LocoTech-Signal for safety and interoperability at doing so in some areas mean
Russia (p26). the European Commission (EC), railways should prioritise this
LocoTech has conducted says the upcoming revision to pursuit. Taking away
extensive tests of virtual the Technical Specifications for the cost of the
coupling technology on freight Interoperability (TSI) to driver will
trains in eastern Russia, and accommodate GoA 2, expected improve the
has successfully limited safety this autumn, will enshrine the viability of
margins, reducing headways use of ETCS as the standard for some branch
from 4-5km to 2-3km. LocoTech mainline ATO deployment, lines,
says virtual coupling can offer and deliver a basis for potentially
an increase in capacity of 15% interoperability, a key objective helping to
and believes it could convoy for the EC. increase the
up to five trains using the As well as AZD Praha’s work service level
News | extra
Private funding
The first Chinese high-speed
line funded by a public-private
partnership (PPP) opened on
January 8 between Hangzhou,
Shaoxing and Taizhou. The
266.9km, 350km/h line runs
from Hangzhou, the capital of
east China’s Zhejiang province,
to Taizhou, via Shaoxing. There
are nine stations on the Yuan
44.90bn line. The new railway
connects with the Shanghai -
Kunming, Shanghai - Hangzhou,
Ningbo - Hangzhou, Hangzhou -
Huangshan and Hangzhou -
Shenzhen high-speed lines.
Journey times between Hangzhou The 176km Anqing - Jiujiang high-speed line, which opened on December 30, includes the new Bianyuzhou Yangtse
and Taizhou will be reduced river bridge near Jiujiang. Photo: Shutterstock/Chuyuss
from two hours to one. by the Fosun Group, which Group, which has a 51% stake Group and the government of
Construction began in 2016 comprises Zhejiang Wanfeng in the line, with the remaining the Zhejiang province. The
and was completed in June 2021. Auto Holding Group and funding from CR, Zhejiang concessionaire will operate the
The PPP consortium is led Zhejiang Geely Holding Communications Investment line for 30 years. IRJ
T HE director general of
Tanzania Railway Corporation
(TRC), Mr Masanja Kadogosa,
lines, with seven stations along
the route. The contract includes
construction of the single-track
Yapi Merkezi is already
constructing the 205km Dar es
Salaam - Morogoro and 348km
marked the start of work on a
new station at Tres Poniente
and the renovation of
and the acting chairman of line, signalling and Morogoro - Makutopora Vespucio and Ciudad Satélite
Turkish contractor Yapi Merkezi, electrification, and will be sections of the 1211km line, stations for the $US 1.55bn
Mr Erdem Arioglu, have completed in October 2025. which will run from Dar es project to upgrade the 61km
signed a $US 1.9bn contract to Overseeing the signing, the Salaam to Mwanza, and Santiago Alameda - Melipilla
build the 358km Makutupora - president of Tanzania, Ms expects to sign a contract for a line for commuter rail services.
Tabora section of the Tanzania Samia Suluhu Hassan, said the fourth 167km Tabora - Isaka
standard gauge railway (SGR). contract took the total section “very soon.” Electrical China
The Makutupora - Tabora investment in the SGR project testing on the Dar es Salaam - The China Media Group
section includes 294km of to Shillings 14.7 trillion ($US Morogoro section began in (CMG) has unveiled 5G
mainline and 74km of branch 6.38bn). May 2021.
Madrid - Galicia high-speed
IO Tinto has ordered four recharge the batteries along the the introduction of hydrogen-
line was completed in
FLXdrive battery-electric route to ensure the most fuel- powered trains for bulk freight.
November with operations
locomotives from Wabtec to efficient operation of the entire The six-month study will
commencing on the Pedralba
haul trains in the Pilbara region locomotive consist. explore the use of hydrogen-
de la Pradería - Ourense
of Western Australia, while WAIO has also ordered two powered technology used with
section, reducing journey
BHP subsidiary Western eight-axle battery EMD Joule mine trucks in South Africa
times between the Spanish
Australia Iron Ore (WAIO) has locomotives from Caterpillar and how this could be applied
capital and the region by an
ordered two FLXdrive battery subsidiary Progress Rail. The to heavy freight trains in
locomotives from Wabtec. locomotives have 14.5MWh of Queensland. Aurizon’s fleet
The standard-gauge line
Delivery for all six is due in battery capacity. The railway currently uses up to 200
allows AVE services to operate
2023. will test the battery locomotives’ million litres of diesel a year.
at 300km/h. However,
The 7MW units, which are performance and emissions The feasibility study will focus
250km/h class 130 and 730
entirely battery-powered, are reduction capabilities on its on the potential deployment of
Alvia gauge-changing trains
expected to reduce fuel costs iron-ore services from Pilbara Anglo American’s hydrogen
will also be used on the line,
and emissions by a double- mines to the Port Hedland power technology on Aurizon’s
operating from Ourense to A
digit percentage per train. The export facility. It says trials will Moura rail corridor that operates
Coruña, Ferrol, Lugo,
FLXdrive units will be formed support its plans to electrify its between Anglo American’s
Pontevedra and Vigo. Renfe
in the consist and will recharge iron-ore fleet of more than 180 Dawson metallurgical coal mine
is certifying the first gauge-
during the journey through locomotives. and Gladstone Port, and the
changing trains to operate at
regenerative braking. Wabtec’s In addition, Australia’s largest Mount Isa rail corridor that
330km/h, and these will
Trip Optimiser technology will rail freight company, Aurizon, operates between the North
reduce journey times
be fitted to the locomotives and mining giant Anglo West Minerals Province to
between Madrid and Galicia
and will determine the optimal American will work together Townsville Port, via Aurizon’s
by a further 20 minutes.
times to discharge and on a feasibility study to assess Stuart Terminal.
the first section of the 57km funding from a number of
standard-gauge Dakar TER sources including CFA Francs
line on December 27. 197bn from the Islamic
The initial part of the line is Development Bank (IDB), CFA
the 36km section from Dakar Francs 196.6bn from the French
city centre to Diamniadio, government and CFA Francs
which was due to open in the 120bn from the African
middle of 2019 but was Development Bank (ADB). The
delayed by Covid-19. The new
line is expected to carry
115,000 passengers per day.
Senegalese government has
invested CFA Francs 250bn.
The new line largely follows
Seter (a consortium of French the western section of the
National Railways (SNCF) and existing Dakar - Diourbel
Keolis) is operating the TER metre-gauge line, which has
under an operation and been upgraded as part of the
maintenance contract for five project.
years when it is expected that Four-car 72m-long 160km/h
a new state-owned operator Alstom Polyvalent bi-mode
Asenter will take over. trains operate on the line. They
Eventually the line will have capacity for 565 passengers
connect Dakar to the new in first and second class and
Blaise-Diagne International can operate in multiple. Trains
Airport (AIBD) with journeys operate between 05.00 and
taking 45 minutes. The second 22.00 daily with a 20-minute
phase is due to open in 2023. frequency, and a plan to
The CFA Francs 780bn ($US integrate rail with bus links is
134.16m) cost for the first currently under construction.
In brief
livestreaming audio technology December 2024. The four-car
on the 350km/h Beijing - EMUs will feature two
Zhangjiakou high-speed line double-deck driving vehicles
ahead of the start of the Winter and two single-deck
Olympics which take place
between February 4 and 20.
intermediate vehicles. The
five-car EMUs will feature an Enter with us into the
additional double-deck inter-
France mediate vehicle.
After French National Railways ● Alstom and German Rail
(SNCF) relaunched two daily
overnight services from Paris
(DB), in cooperation with the
states of Baden-Württemberg AGE of RAILWAYS
to Loudres and Briançon on and Bavaria, commenced “Lower your operational costs and allow your clients
December 12, the French passenger trials with a BEMU a comfortable and safe autonomous experience.”
government says it is hoping in Baden-Württemberg on
to expand the overnight offer January 24, with further trials
further in the coming years. due to start on February 5 in
Transport minister, Mr Jean- Bavaria. DB Regio will operate
Baptiste Djebbari, says the plan the trains with the tests Based on the proprietary and successful
is to offer journeys from continuing until the beginning technology ATO GoA2 in commercial operation
France to cities across continental of May. for 25+ years, @300+ vehicles
Europe as well domestic
Powerful detection of obstacles on track
locations, adding that a call Netherlands Artificial Intelligence involved in control,
for expression of interest in Hitachi and Intermodal
the continental services will be Telematics (IMT) have agreed perception and reaction
launched in early 2022. an exclusive long-term Endorses ERTMS / ETCS automatic train protection
partnership that will add LTE, 5G, WLAN communications employed
Germany IMT’s monitoring sensors to
DB Regio has ordered 17 high- (FRMCS ready)
Hitachi’s existing digital
capacity Alstom Coradia freight service portfolio.
Stream EMUs for the Main-
Weser network. The order
● Netherlands Railways’ (NS) www.azd.cz
passenger numbers in 2021
comprises 13 four-car and four were 48% of the total carried
five-car trains which will member of Shift2Rail
in 2019 before the Covid-19
begin operating from pandemic. On average, NS and Europe’s Rail
Erdogan opens Turkey’s Konya - Karaman line when complete will support a
direct Metro-North service
T URKISH president, Mr Recep Erdogan, the Turkish economy Lira 63m a year through from the Bronx, Westchester
opened the 102km Konya - Karaman line at saved time and energy and reduced emissions. and Connecticut to Penn station
a ceremony in Konya on January 8, where he The line reduces Konya - Karaman journey and Manhattan’s west side.
was accompanied by minister of transport and times from 1h 20min to 40 minutes, and Ankara - More than 30.5km of new
infrastructure, Mr Adil Karaismailoglu, and Konya - Karaman journey times from 3h 10min and rehabilitated track will be
other ministers, deputies and officials. to 2h 40min. The planned extension to Adana is installed to create a largely
The 200km/h freight and passenger line cost expected to reduce Konya - Karaman - Adana four-track line instead of the
Lira 1.39bn ($US 102.4m) and is expected to save journey times to 2h 20min. current two-track system. Four
new fully-accessible stations
OnTRAC develops lidar-based system for autonomous vehicles will be constructed in the East
A The programme was developed with innovative deep learning Bronx at Co-Op City, Morris
partnership of three companies
by Thales, Ottawa-based lidar and artificial intelligence (AI) Park, Parkchester/Van Nest
has announced the successful
system designer and manufacturer algorithms for object detection, and Hunts Point while four
completion of the two-and-a-
Lumibird Canada, and the classification and tracking in a bridges will be overhauled. In
half-year Ontario Train Autonomy
Lassonde School of Engineering systems architecture that addresses addition, Metro-North’s New
Collaboration (OnTRAC)
at York University, a Toronto- the stringent safety needs and Rochelle Yard will be reconfigured,
project to develop, prototype,
based research team with performance requirements for four new and one reconfigured
and validate the feasibility and
extensive expertise in the 3D autonomous rail operation. interlockings will be introduced
functionality of a state-of-the-
modelling of railway The system will support the along with five new and two
art lidar-based sensor fusion
infrastructure. development of safe, autonomous upgraded substations. The
system. The technology is
Using the Opal 3D lidar product urban rail systems, making rail signalling, power and
designed to be integrated with
family, the project developed more efficient, cheaper to run, communication infrastructure
autonomous rail vehicles for
an integrated suite of different and capable of 24/7 functionality will also be modernised.
obstacle detection, classification
vision sensors including a while minimising accidents Services will operate on
and tracking (OCDT) in
novel, scalable, 3D lidar design, caused by human error. Amtrak’s existing Hell Gate
varying weather conditions.
Line, which will be rehabilitated
Dutch to expand main line ATO trials Agreement signed for Iran - Iraq link
A trial with automatic train
operation (ATO)
conducted in February 2020
activated the ATO system. For
the new trials, the driver will
activate the ATO remotely and
A N agreement has been
signed to build a 32km
rail link from Shalamcheh in
says a connection to the
Mediterranean Sea is another
motivation for building the
between Groningen the train will use a 5G Iran to Basra in Iraq. The line, pointing out that the line
and Buitenpost by ProRail, the communication system. estimated cost of the project is between Iraq and Syria
Province of Groningen and The new test runs will take $US 100-120m with requires reconstruction having
Arriva using a Stadler GTW place this summer mainly at construction expected to take been damaged during the
diesel train is to be expanded night between Groningen two years. conflict.
following the addition of station, De Vork shunting yard Mr Rostam Ghasemi, Iran’s Each country will have a
Netherlands Railways (NS) to in Groningen and minister for roads and urban 50% share in the investment.
the team. the NedTrain shunting yard development, says the line is Ghasemi says the private
The original trial conducted near Onnen. The cost of the important for passenger sector in Iran has already
with passengers had a driver new trials is estimated at transport and the relationship confirmed interest in investing
on board who manually e2.5m. between the two countries. He in the project.
Unused Talgo trains sold to Nigeria Tarancón - carried 611,000 passengers per
day, down from 1.3 million in
line to close?
more than a decade ago, but Sanwo-Olu, attended a
which never entered traffic, ceremony at Talgo’s Milwaukee Infrastructure manager Bane
will move to Nigeria where factory to mark the purchase of PAIN’s Ministry of Nor has agreed three
they will be used for commuter the two trains. He has suggested Transport (Mitma) has framework contracts with 23
services in Lagos. that the deal opens the door to presented the XCuenca plan, suppliers for infra-structure
The Spanish manufacturer future orders and job creation. which proposes the closure of work across the country’s
built two 14-car Talgo 8 trains The trains will operate on the 214km Tarancón - Cuenca - 4067km railway network. The
for Amtrak’s Hiawatha line the Red Line, which will Utiel section of the combined value of the three
between Milwaukee and Chicago. eventually link Marina and conventional non-electrified contracts is NKr 2.80bn ($US
The state of Wisconsin purchased Agbado with a branch to the Madrid - Cuenca - Valencia 320.6m).
them in 2009 but subsequently city’s airport. The first phase line.
defaulted on the contract three will operate from Oyingbo to Under the plan, regional Poland
years later after a decision was Agbado. Sanwo-Olu has trains will be replaced by Solidarity Transport Hub
made not to pay for the train’s pledged to improve transport buses and on-demand (STH) has launched a tender
maintenance. A lawsuit with in the Lagos region. The first transport, with rail in the to select up to 20 contractors to
Talgo followed, with the phase is due to open in the last province of Cuenca limited to provide contract engineering
manufacturer keeping the trains. quarter of 2022. services on the high-speed services for the construction of
line. The stretch would be new railway lines as part of
transformed into a cycle and the STH project. The contracts
greenway and valuable land in are worth a combined Zlotys
Cuenca will be made available 2.5bn ($US 613.5m).
for development.
Proponents argue that the Serbia
line is obsolete and that it is Serbia plans to rebuild and
not worth investing in modernise about 300km of
improvements. An average of railway in 2022 compared with
just 37 passengers used trains 450km in 2021. Railway
on the route in 2019, with Infrastructure Serbia (IZS) says
journeys between Madrid and work has begun to modernise
Cuenca taking 3h 15min, an the 108km Novi Sad - Subotica
hour longer than the section of the Novi Sad -
equivalent bus trip. Cuenca - Subotica - Kelebija line. The
Valencia trains take 4h 4min. modernisation of the 68.8km
However, these services were Jajinci - Mala Krsna line,
suspended in January after which forms part of the Pan-
storm Filomena damaged European railway Corridor X
infrastructure which Adif is through Serbia, is in the final
yet to repair. Madrid - Cuenca phase.
services are still in operation ● A DB Systemtechnik
Hitachi EMUs begin operating in Taiwan: Taiwan president, Mr but are susceptible to delays measuring train is conducting
Su Tseng-chang, launched the first of 50 12-car EMU3000 trains and cancellations. test runs on the newly-
built by Hitachi for Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) at upgraded 74.9 km Belgrade -
Taitung on December 26. The first three 150km/h 25kV 60Hz
Novi Sad line. The train made
EMUs entered traffic on December 29 2021 on the island’s East Reduced services its first test run on January 17.
Coast line, with two more to follow by this year’s Spring The government’s plan will Commercial operations will
Festival. The EMU3000s increase capacity by 40%. leave the province with just a commence on the line from
India - Myanmar line location approved
single station compared with March 15.
11 at present and is preparing
C ZECH infrastructure
manager SZŽ has
announced it will hold a
existing line between the
stations for suburban services
and improving capacity from
(TBM), with conventional
tunnelling methods also
expected to be used.
includes the renewal of
1813km of track.
The roughly 1000km line
preliminary market Prague towards Beroun, Plzen, The project is currently in runs from Retiro in Buenos
consultation event as it Nuremberg and Munich. the design phase, with Aires to Mendoza, near the
continues to develop plans for A “meet the buyer” preparation of the documentation Chilean border.
the Koruna 38bn ($US 1.76bn) videoconference in Czech is for the development permit The reopening of the line
Prague-Smíchov - Beroun line, scheduled for February 10, to due to be completed in 2023. is included in Argentina’s
which will run predominately be followed by a The documentation for the Railway Transport
underground. videoconference in English on construction permit is expected Modernisation Plan,
SZŽ says the project is one of February 11. to be prepared between 2024 overseen by Guerrera, and
the largest transport projects in The project will include the and 2026. Construction is will have a direct impact on
the country, and will create a construction of 25km-long expected to be completed the regional economies in
new double-track line to dual-bore tunnels at up to between 2027 and 2036, Mendoza, San Luis,
directly connect Prague- 130m deep. The majority of the although construction could Córdoba, Santa Fe and
Smíchov and Beroun stations, tunnelling will be completed begin in 2025 if a design and Buenos Aires.
releasing capacity on the with tunnel boring machines build contract is used.
The government has created a
working panel to coordinate
with transport authorities in
Laos on plans to build an
873km line linking Bangkok to
Vientiane. The panel will
provide data integration on
procurement and cross-border
Assystem has been appointed
The new lines will segregate Rhine-Ruhr Express to monitor and provide a
(RRX), long-distance and S-Bahn services through range of technical support
Düsseldorf. Photo: Deutsche Bahn AG / Wolfgang Klee activities for the development
of the e640m 67km
HE German federal interlockings and a new Cologne and Dortmund and
Ispartakule - Çerkezköy
government and German platform at Düsseldorf Main increase capacity at the busy
section of the Halkali -
Rail (DB) have signed a e400m Station, which will be barrier Düsseldorf node, creating
Kapikule line from Istanbul to
agreement to finance the free. More than 10km of noise capacity for an additional
the Bulgarian border.
expansion of the line between protection will be installed at 24,000 rail journeys per day. It
Düsseldorf-Reisholz and up to 6m high. DB experts will is part of a wider plan to
Wehrhahn station to six tracks also intensively monitor 4.4km expand infrastructure between United States
to segregate Rhine-Ruhr of track and will grind the Düsseldorf-Benrath and Brightline began operating test
Express (RRX), long-distance tracks if needed to further Duisburg to six tracks. trains on a 209km section
and S-Bahn services through reduce noise for nearby DB says it will provide an between West Palm Beach and
Düsseldorf. residents. update on when construction Cocoa on January 18, ahead of
The funding will also be The project will provide a will begin after planning the introduction of services on
used to install modern more reliable service between permission has been granted. the 378.6km Miami - Orlando
route. One round trip is
CN calls for divestment of line during CP-KCS merger expected to operate every day
this year. Brightline says
C ANADIAN National (CN)
says it will ask the Surface
Transportation Board (STB) to
and form Canadian Pacific
Kansas City (CPKC) in
September, and this was
as well as options for
Responding to CN, CP said
construction on its Orlando
extension is more than 70%
complete. Services will now
divest Kansas City Southern accepted by the STB in the proposal “is built on a start in early 2023 rather than
(KCS) lines from Kansas City November for consideration. series of factual errors or late 2022 as hoped.
to Springfield and East St The merger is now under misstatements,” arguing that ● Alabama governor, Ms Kay
Louis (known as the review. the line does not run parallel to Ivey, has announced plans for
Springfield line) as part of its CN claims that the CP’s line and questioning the a $US 231.6m programme of
response to the planned Springfield line is a direct existence of any direct infrastructure upgrades to
Canadian Pacific (CP) and KCS competitive alternative to CP’s connection between KCS and improve rail freight flows from
merger. route from Kansas City to CN in Springfield. the Port of Mobile. Class 1
CN said it will file its Chicago, and beyond to Detroit CP says that the lines will railway Norfolk Southern (NS)
response on February 28, the and eastern Canada. continue to grow as part of will provide more than 50% of
STB’s procedural schedule CN says it plans to invest at CPKC and reiterates its the funding as part of a public-
deadline. least $US 250m to improve commitment to not downgrade private partnership. IRJ
CP and KCS agreed to merge operating speeds and terminals any lines.
T HE first 5.5km section of light railway 25 at-grade and seven underground stations The project will cost Dong
opened on January 1 in Lusail, a new city along four lines with a connection with the Doha 47.9 trillion ($US 2.1bn) and
located north of Doha, the capital of Qatar. The Metro and will be catenary-free above ground. will be funded through
section runs underground from Legtaifiya, Services are provided by 28 five-section low- Official Development
where it interchanges with the Doha Metro, to floor Citadis X05 new generation LRVs with Assistance (ODA) funds and
Energy City South, with stops at Marina, Marina capacity for 209 passengers. Passenger by the city. The line is
Promenade, Yacht Club and Esplanade. information and security systems are provided scheduled to be completed in
The full 34km network will eventually serve both on the vehicles and at the stations. 2026.
Keolis confirms buyer for German rail activities being financed by Russia, and
the trains will be used on the
K EOLIS confirmed on
December 23 that it has
sold its German rail activities
well as the province of
Overjissel in the Netherlands.
Team Treunand will become
operations and 900 employees.
Meanwhile, temporary
timetables have been
Roca, Sarmiento and San
Martin lines, some of the
busiest in the country. The
to Team Treuhand, part of the the new shareholder of Keolis’ introduced following the EMUs will be delivered over a
Noerr Group. German activities, which appointment of three operators four-year period starting 27
The French National Railways comprise four contracts in - DB Regio, National Express months after the contract
(SNCF) subsidiary signed an North Rhine-Westphalia and Vias Rail - by NWL, VRR comes into force.
agreement to transfer operated under the Eurobahn and Rhineland Regional The trains will be based on
ownership on December 15 brand: Maas-Rhine-Lippe, the Transport Association (NVR) TMH’s Ivolga 1520mm-gauge
with Westphalia-Lippe Local Hellweg, the Teutoburger to replace Abellio in the North EMU platform developed and
Transport (NWL), Rhine-Ruhr Wald, and Ostwestfalen-Lippe. Rhine region until December manufactured in Tver, Russia.
Transport Association (VRR) Team Treunand will operate 2023. VRR also confirmed that The EMU for Argentina is a
and Lower Saxony Transport the services under its SG it has acquired depots in stainless steel train with a
Authority (LNVG), which all Eurobahn subsidiary. The Duisburg and Hagen as well as maximum speed of 120km/h,
oversee railway activities in existing management team will other relevant property from with capacity for up to 2000
North-Rhine Westphalia as remain in place overseeing the Abellio portfolio. passengers.
S J has awarded Bombardier order is part of SJ’s SKr 12bn FirstGroup has issued a tender
Schleswig-Holstein Local
Transportation Sweden, investment in new trains and for up to 30 bi-mode
Transport Association (NAH-SH)
now a subsidiary of Alstom, a refurbishment of existing locomotives for TransPennine
has now awarded the contract
contract to supply 25 250km/h rolling stock. Express (TPE), with an option
for the Lot 1 North network to
trains, which will be the fastest The new trains will have for a further five units for
Nordbahn. The contract runs
in Sweden. The trains will space for bicycles and luggage, Great Western Railway
from December 2023 to
provide domestic inter-city and a bistro serving hot food (GWR). According to the
December 2035.
services and cross-border and seating areas. The trains tender, the TPE order will be a
• Stadler has acquired
services to Denmark and will be equipped with a minimum of 15 locomotives.
German signalling company
Norway. They are expected to
enter service in 2026.
battery reserve that will allow
the train to move in the event Czech Republic BBR Verkehrstechnik (BBR),
further expanding its in-house
The SKr 7bn ($US 767.1m) of a loss of power. Czech Railways (CD) has
signalling capabilities. From
awarded Škoda a Koruna 5bn
January 1, Stadler pooled its
($US 225.4m) contract to deliver
Trenitalia awarded €1.19bn contract a further 31 three-car RegioPanter
signalling expertise from seven
locations in Germany and
extension, orders new Hitachi fleet EMUs, which will be delivered in
2024. The new trains will operate
Switzerland into a new
Europe’s railways are experiencing a moment of unprecedented political goodwill as the European Union (EU)
seeks to encourage modal shift to reduce transport emissions. However, frustration is building within the EU
that the sector’s conservative tendencies and desire to protect the status quo will stand in the way of
delivering these ambitious targets, as Kevin Smith explains.
HE Connecting Europe Express packages and billions of euros of support delivery of these targets. These
(CEE) was undoubtedly the taxpayers’ money, limited progress has include long-promised revisions to the
highlight of the European Year been made, much to the frustration of TEN-T Regulation, which governs the
of Rail and proved a fantastic some in Brussels who have voiced their development of the continent’s key
advertisement for rail transport. The concerns to IRJ. cross-border transport corridors and is
train travelled 20,000km through 26 Rail’s ability to carry a large number the centrepiece of plans to develop an
European Union (EU) member states of people and goods relatively quickly interoperable rail network (see panel).
over 36 days in the early autumn (IRJ over long distances with minimal The Action Plan on Long Distance and
November 2021, p16) and was met by impact on the environment means it Cross-Border Rail also outlines further
various national dignitaries and local remains central to the EU’s plans to actions to help the EU reach the
people keen to celebrate rail’s role in decarbonise transport. This is a key Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
their respective countries. objective of the Green Deal to deliver objectives, and has been well received
Rail generally has a good reputation carbon neutrality by 2050, and the Fit by the industry (IRJ January 2022, p19).
as a green transport mode. But the CEE for 55 programme to cut EU greenhouse It includes the launch of at least 15
provided a useful reminder of the gas emissions by 55% by 2030. Closely cross-border pilot services by 2030.
mode’s flaws. This was especially aligned with these objectives is the Several encouraging developments
valuable to the Brussels administrators Sustainable and Smart Mobility are similarly on the horizon in 2022. A
who stepped out of their bubbles to ride Strategy, announced by the European special event witll take place this month
the train. They could clearly see that the Commission (EC) in December 2020, to launch Europe’s Rail, the successor to
utopia of a Single European Rail Area is which includes several enviable targets the Shift2Rail joint research
still a long way off. for modal shift to rail, such as doubling undertaking, which was approved by
Europe’s railway remains a high-speed traffic by 2030 and tripling the EU Council in November. Many of
patchwork of national systems, keenly it by 2050, and doubling rail freight the railway technologies produced as
protected by the state incumbents. The traffic by 2050. part of the first iteration of the research
EU wants to change this by introducing A flurry of policy proposals and initiative are eagerly awaiting updates
an interoperable network and an open announcements from the EC at the to the Technical Specifications for
market for operation. However, despite conclusion of the Year of Rail are Interoperability, likely to be issued in
various policies, including four railway intended to provide the framework to November. This includes technologies
18 IRJ February 2022
related to main line automation (p4). progress, the Sustainable and Smart European Union Agency for Railways
France has also vowed to prioritise Mobility Strategy’s modal shift targets (ERA) to become a one-stop shop for
transport and specifically emissions seem hopelessly out of reach. railway vehicle authorisations and
reduction and modal shift during its “The European Year of Rail showed ERTMS trackside authorisations under
presidency of the European Council in that we are far away from a Single the technical pillar is one: ERA has
the first half of 2022, although this work European Railway Area,” Ms Barbara authorised more than 30,000 vehicles,
is likely to be disrupted by the French Thaler, an Austrian MEP and member more than 60 safety certificates and two
presidential election in April. of the Transport Committee at the ETCS trackside approval applications
Of course, policy announcements and European Parliament told IRJ. “The since June 2019. Critically, the vehicle
political postering are only worthwhile objective which should unite us is to authorisations are proving considerably
if there is cash available to improve the break the chains of national rules, faster and cheaper than the previous
situation. But the EU is putting its which keep railways essentially locked €300,000 estimated cost of authorising a
new locomotive in some European
countries, a process that could take up
to a year or more.
Progress with instituting the reforms
The European Year of Rail showed that we are far away introduced under the package’s marker
from a Single European Railway Area. The objective pillar is, however, slow.
The EU believes that opening the
which should unite us is to break the chains of national market to competition is the best way to
raise the standard of passenger rail
rules, which keep railways essentially locked in in their services and to optimise the offer to the
customer. This has largely proven to be
home countries. Barbara Thaler correct in areas where this has
happened - Germany’s regional
concessions market springs to mind,
although this is far from perfect, as
money where its mouth is. Even in in their home countries.” Abellio and Keolis have found in recent
challenging economic times there are The Fourth Railway Package is months (p16). Italian high-speed open-
unprecedented sums now available to effectively the fourth attempt to break access operator NTV is also credited for
support member states to deliver many these chains. There have been some helping to grow the overall market in
of Europe’s key rail projects and initiatives. successes. The expansion of the the country and there are similar hopes
Of the €30bn in funding available in
the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF),
Commission policy proposals aim to boost modal shift
€23bn is earmarked for transport,
including €10bn for cross-border rail N December 14, the EC All 424 major cities along the TEN-T
schemes. Rail is potentially a major announced its proposals for network must also develop Sustainable
beneficiary of grants available from the revising the TEN-T Urban Mobility Plans to promote zero-
€284bn European Regional Regulation. The EC says these updates emission mobility and to increase and
Development Fund (ERDF) and will address missing links and improve public transport and
Cohesion Fund (CF). The €723.8bn modernise the network, including infrastructure for walking and cycling.
Recovery and Resilience Facility, increasing the minimum line speed on The EC also announced several
established to support economic the majority of the core network to at proposed revisions to the European
recovery from Covid-19, is also set to least 160km/h by 2040. Urban Mobility Framework, which sets
provide a major windfall for rail The proposal calls for more out guidance on how cities can cut
projects, estimated at €58.2bn by the transhipment terminals, improved emissions and improve mobility. The
European Rail Industry Association handling capacity at freight terminals, plan prioritises zero-emission solutions
(Unife) although contributions do vary reduced waiting times at rail border for urban fleets, including taxis and
by country; as one of the largest overall crossings, longer trains to shift more ride-hailing services, the last mile of
beneficiaries of the fund, Italy has freight onto cleaner transport modes, urban deliveries, and the construction
committed a staggering €29.5bn to rail and the option for lorries to be and modernisation of multimodal
projects, including the rollout of ETCS transported by train. It also creates hubs, as well as new digital solutions
on main lines (p22). The European nine “European Transport Corridors” and services. The proposal maps out
Investment Bank also launched its that integrate rail, road, and the funding options for local and
Green Rail Investment Platform on waterways. regional authorities. The commission
December 16, which is designed to fast- The proposal sets a new will propose a recommendation to EU
track rail investment. intermediary deadline of 2040 to member states to develop national
Politically speaking rail has arguably advance the completion of major parts plans that will support cities to
never had it so good. The EU is of the core network ahead of the 2050 implement their mobility plans.
seemingly doing its utmost to deadline that applies to the wider, In addition, the EC launched a
encourage member states to develop comprehensive network. There are consultation to alter the state aid rules
their railways as the centrepiece of calls for new high-speed rail for rail on December 23 (p8) and on
sustainable transport networks. Yet
connections, including between Porto optimum strategies for greening and
there is growing frustration that the
and Vigo, and Budapest and Bucharest, digitising transport networks,
sector is failing to grasp these
to be completed by 2040. including rail, last month.
opportunities. At the current rate of
IRJ February 2022 19
Europe | policy
FlixTrain told IRJ that it was quoted
Table 1: Recovery and Resilience Plan allocation by EU country more than €20/km for the routes it
Country Recovery and Resilience Sustainable mobility Rail’s share (€m) proposed. These included links from
Plan total (€m) grants/loans share (€m) Paris Austerlitz to Bordeaux St-Jean via
Austria 3500 846.6 543 Les Aubrais-Orléans and Angoulême,
Paris Bercy - Limoges - Toulouse
Belgium 5900 920 528
Matabiau, and an overnight service
Bulgaria (requested) 6600 611 between Paris Bercy and Nice Ville via
Croatia 6300 728 309 Marseille Blancarde. On Paris Bercy -
Czech Republic 7000 1100 943
Dijon - Lyon Perrache, as well as the
French section of the Paris Nord -
Estonia 963.3 96 91 Brussels Nord route, the cost was more
Finland 2100 85 than e30/km.
France 39,400 7000 5000 FlixTrain was set to go head-to-head
with French National Railways (SNCF)
Germany 25,600 2500 682
on these routes. Yet it would have been
Greece 17,800/12,700 235 far from a fair and open competition.
Hungary (requested) 7200 1500 SNCF is the public service obligation
(PSO) operator in France, meaning the
Ireland 989 164 164
cost of the access fees for any route
Italy 68,900/122,600 32,100 29,400 deemed PSO are refunded by the
Latvia 1800 295 237.5 taxpayer. SNCF is also the infrastructure
Lithuania 2200 341 73.5
manager, the recipient of the track access
fees, meaning there is no incentive to
Poland (requested) 23,900/12,100 4500
run these services commercially itself or
Portugal 13,900/2700 967 853 to encourage others to do so.
Romania 14,200/14,900 6000 5000
Slovakia 6300 712 610 Rolling stock
Slovenia 1800/1300 311 292 New entrants also face the challenge
Spain 69,500 13,200 6400 of securing access to certified rolling
stock. AllRail, which represents
Sweden (requested) 3200 148
European new entrants, accuses SNCF
Total 495,352.30 58,205 of silently scrapping some older high-
speed trains over allowing access to
for Spain as new entrants begin to According to figures presented by prospective competitors. Without state
compete with Renfe. EC’s seventh Rail Market Monitoring guarantees, new entrants are also
Following various requests for delays (RMM) report published in January unable to gain the same favourable
from member states, the EC set a 2021, the average cost for track access financing agreements for new trains as
deadline of 2023 for the start of charges for EU countries in 2018 was the incumbents. Austria’s Westbahn
competitive tenders for public service typically just a few euros: in Germany it chose to sell its original fleet of trains in
obligation contracts as outlined in the is €0.67/km on suburban and regional 2019 to buy a new fleet under much
Fourth Railway Package. However, trains and €1.12/km on conventional improved terms.
with the deadline looming, several long-distance. This appears entirely In Germany, FlixTrain is reportedly
countries have backloaded contract reasonable. However, these costs do not paying €12/km after mark ups. And
awards to operate core networks to include markups, which in some despite some attempts by the private
state incumbents without inviting member states are substantially operator and its predecessors to break
others to bid. The Belgian government inflating the figure an operator might German Rail’s (DB) hegemony, DB still
plans to award Belgian National end up paying. Markups are calculated retains a 99% long-distance market
Railways (SNCB) a 10-year direct award from anything impacting the share. As well as the cost of operation,
contract to operate national services competitiveness of the service. This prospective new entrants face an
effectively preventing competitors from ranges from the speed of and type of arduous battle over securing suitable
entering the market until 2032. train, the level of connectivity, and the paths for their trains, a costly process
Netherlands Railways (NS) is also distance and time of day the service will that can take years to complete,
expected to be directly awarded a operate at, to the service’s priority and potentially putting all but the most
15-year concession to operate the purpose, and whether it is an urban or determined off.
country’s core network from 2024 after inter-urban service. Like SNCF, Italian State Railways (FS)
the government deemed tendering the FlixTrain halted plans to introduce and Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB),
operation “as too risky and complex.” five inter-city services in France DB remains an integrated railway. The
Italy has awarded similar lengthy indefinitely in April 2020, citing high same company competing with
regional contracts to Trenitalia. access fees as the reason for the U-turn. FlixTrain in the long-distance market is
In other areas, the ludicrously high While figures from RMM show that collecting the access charges and
cost of accessing infrastructure is suburban and regional services are allocating paths.
pricing prospective open-access charged €2.84/km, conventional long The new German government has
competitors to the state incumbent out distance €3.27/km and high-speed vowed to address the situation and
of the market. ¬ €4.77/km in France before mark-ups, proposes an internal restructuring,
20 IRJ February 2022
including the establishment of a new timely deliveries at risk. Money is While discussions on rail policies
infrastructure division, a move available to develop terminals and seemingly go round in circles resulting
welcomed by Mofair, which represents improve the efficiency of transferring in ambitious targets being pushed or
new entrants in the German market. Mofair freight to rail. But the potential of these scaled back, the road sector is on the
prefers marginal access fee costs and investments, and achieving the EC’s cusp of totally reinventing itself within
the transfer of the railway infrastructure goals for modal shift, will not be the next 15 years. The first automated
responsibility to a separate limited realised until these regulatory electric vehicles (EV) are likely to hit
company. DB Energy would be constraints are eradicated. Europe’s roads by 2030 and there
unbundled from this company while appears to be huge momentum behind
DB itself would focus solely on the development of EVs. Unfortunately,
commercial activities. Mofair says it has Reason for optimism as it stands, Europe’s railways will
aligned its demands with the coalition The Action Plan does provide reason probably still be squabbling over rolling
agreement. Whether the government for optimism. It seeks to assist out ERTMS on the core network at the
has the stomach to follow through with regulatory bodies and operators to end of this decade. There would be little
this pledge remains to be seen. overcome the key obstacles to operating surprise if the revised 2040 delivery
In Austria, the track access cost is more cross-border services. A tender target is missed.
more modest at €4/km. However, due calling for a request for proposals for Things clearly need to change if rail
to markups this cost doubles for cross- the inaugural pilot on the Munich - traffic is to grow to the level required
border traffic. Cross-border journeys Verona corridor was launched on by the EU. But there is still time to turn
account for just 7% of total January 19 and lists 15 issues for which the situation around.
passenger-km in the EU. Higher costs the pilot should seek solutions to For market access, Sweden could
and the need for operators to comply provide the conditions for seamless provide a model for other countries to
with varying and often arduous operation. Most of these relate to follow. Here the mark ups on track
national rules limits the incentive to discrepancies in national rules between access are less severe and there is an
introduce such services even where member states. These include installing amendable process for securing slots, as
there is a market. a common language requirement for the reflected in FlixTrain’s relatively swift
These are proving particularly route, upgrading infrastructure where establishment of a service between
restrictive to the development of rail necessary to support longer freight Stockholm and Gothenburg/Malmö in
freight services on the continent; while trains, and aligning safety standards. 2020. Encouragingly a study of the
it is acceptable to run a 740m-long One suggestion pushed by MEPs is to Swedish market by the Swedish
freight train in Germany, this is not allow EU governance to oversee the National Road and Transport Research
possible when this train wants to cross TEN-T corridors. However, member Institute estimates that an average
the border into Austria. Equally a states and their railways have fiercely charge of e2/km would be sufficient to
European lorry driver may only speak resisted, helping to preserve the status cover the cost of maintaining rail
Mandarin, but a train driver must be quo. Sources in the EU have described infrastructure.
fluent in the language of the country in the situation as trench warfare. They Similar conclusions might be found in
which their train is operating, resulting say any resolution is met with a flurry studies of other European networks.
in stops at borders to change drivers, of requests for exemptions from various This raises the proposition of finding a
potentially jeopardising path allocation. states. The fact that a Fifth Railway happy medium: of setting fees at a level
Sources suggest that major European Package is likely, with work reportedly that covers the cost of maintenance and
shippers are keen to use rail, but these beginning on this process, emphasises future investment while remaining
limitations mean that the available the challenges that remain. commercially attractive to prospective
service is too unpredictable, putting The situation looks even more operators. However, this is only
relationships with customers expecting troubling when compared with road. possible if there is a definitive split
between infrastructure and operations.
The EU also arguably needs to look at
itself and forcefully impose the rules
and regulations to which the member
states have signed up, including the
Fourth Railway Package. To do so will
require strong leadership at the
commission. Unfortunately, the last few
transport commissioners have lacked
the gusto to take on the big railways.
But if they choose to go down the rabbit
hole and really enforce the regulations
and hand out meaningful fines and
even restrictions on operation, the
chances are that a DB or an SNCF will
relent. If one falls into line, the others
are likely to follow.
The European Year of Rail offered
much to celebrate. It also provided a
timely reminder of the challenges facing
Flixtrain has often cited high track access charges as a barrier to introducing inter-city services, modal shift to rail in 2021 and in the
especially in France. Photo: Shutterstock/Tommy Alven years ahead. IRJ
IRJ February 2022 21
Europe | Italy
HE Covid-19 pandemic hit the and Recovery Assistance for Cohesion country to achieve the territorial
Italian economy harder than and the Territories of Europe (React-EU). cohesion objectives.
many of its European neighbours, To receive the funding, the EU Italy will invest €32.1bn in
with Italy’s GDP dropping 8.9% member states must present a reform sustainable transport, mostly through
compared with the average European and investment package, the National Mission 3, to integrate more regions
Union (EU) decrease of 6.2%. The Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), into the high-speed rail network,
country is still suffering one of the which meets six missions: complete the rail freight corridors, and
worst death tolls in Europe. 1. digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, boost sustainable local transport
In response to the economic carnage culture and tourism through the extension of cycle lanes,
reaped by the pandemic, the EU launched 2. green revolution and ecological metros, light rail and zero-emission
the Next Generation EU (NGEU) transition buses. This includes the construction of
programme of reforms and investments 3. infrastructure for sustainable mobility electric charging stations across the
which aims to encourage economic 4. education and research country and hydrogen refuelling points
recovery while speeding up an 5. cohesion and inclusion, and for road and rail transport. Out of the
environmental and digital transition, 6. health. sustainable mobility funding, rail
improving on-the-job training for Italy’s allocation from the RRF is related investments amount to €29.4bn.
workers with a view of reducing €191.5bn, which must be invested Mission three is divided into two
territorial, generational and gender between 2021 and 2026. The funding is components. The first component aims
gaps. Italy is the first recipient of the made up of €68.9bn in grants and to develop the Italian rail network by
NGEU’s two principal levers: the €122.6bn as loans with 40% of the total completing the main high-speed and
Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) set to be invested in the south of the high-capacity lines both in the north
and the south of the country, functional lots of the Salerno - Reggio completion of the Scandinavia -
completing the TEN-T core network Calabria high-speed line) Mediterranean freight corridor,
corridors and integrating them with the • high-speed lines in northern Italy facilitating connections with the
regional rail network, enhancing the connecting to Europe (completion of important port of Gioia Tauro and
safety and efficiency of the entire rail Milan - Venice and the Terzo Valico anchor Puglia and Calabria into the
network, and strengthening connections project north of Genoa) existing high-speed network between
to key towns and cities, including • lateral cross-country connections Naples and Milan/Venice/Turin.
modernising several major stations. (Rome - Pescara and Orte - Falconara) Work to improve rail freight and
The second component sets a number • implementation of ERTMS on the passenger rail links to the south include
of reforms to make intermodality and entire network the completion of the Naples - Bari
integrated logistics more competitive • strengthening of key metropolitan high-speed/high-capacity line, which is
and to simplify the implementation of and national junctions divided into several sub-projects:
projects in Italian ports through the • upgrading regional lines to national • construction of a 15.5km alternative
updating of port planning and the technical standards to the current Naples - Cancello line,
competitive allocation of concessions. • upgrading and electrifying lines in passing through Naples Afragola high-
southern Italy, and speed station
• improving stations in southern Italy. • track-doubling and line speed
Investment projects Specifically, the plan envisages a increases on the historic 46km section
The plan aims to support the modal €3.6bn investment on the Brescia - between Cancello, Frasso Telesino and
shift from road, which accounts for the Verona - Padua line and a €3.97bn Vitulano, with Frasso Telesino - Telese
greatest share of transport’s greenhouse investment on the Liguria - Alps line, to be completed in 2025 while Telese -
gas emissions. The investments in rail together with an enhanced key Vitulano will be completed in 2026; 25
include multiple individual projects, connection to the new Brenner base level crossings will also be removed
which are combined into eight tunnel. The RRF will add €3bn to the • track-doubling around 47km of the
programmes: €10bn that Italy intends to devote to Apice - Orsara line, 80% of which is in
• high-speed freight and passenger strengthening stations and key national tunnels, with the construction of the
connections to southern Italy (Naples - links. new Hirpinia station, and
Bari, Palermo - Catania - Messina in A €4.8bn investment on the Naples - • track-doubling a section of the Orsara -
Sicily and the realisation of the first Bari/Palermo axis will also allow the Bovino line.
Europe | Italy
There are also plans to upgrade RFI also issued a tender worth Iberian Peninsula with the Ukrainian
Naples and Bari stations, including the €757.48m for civil works to replace border.
installation of modern traffic management level crossings in 14 regions across the The first functional lot, Brescia - Verona
systems such as computer-based country last month. The works are East, excluding Verona west junction,
interlocking (ACC) and multi-station worth €715.58m, the executive design involves the construction of a new
computer-based interlocking (ACCM). €41.9m and the safety charges €34.2m. 47.6km high-speed/high-capacity line
The Naples - Benevento - Apice line The tender includes 23 lots in Piedmont, in the Lombardy and Veneto regions.
will be upgraded to support 22.5-tonne Liguria, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia The second lot involves quadrupling
axleloads and to support 750m-long Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, the 10.7km line from Brescia station to
trains transporting lorry trailers. Marche, Campania, Apulia, Molise, Brescia east junction by 2026 in the
Capacity will also be increased from Calabria and Sicily. The most expensive municipalities of Brescia, Rezzato and
four trains per hour per direction to 10 lots are in Sicily, with one valued at Mazzano to improve both the high-
trains per hour per direction. €72.6m and another at €66.8m. speed and conventional lines.
The PNRR envisages installing
ERTMS Level 2 on approximately
3400km of line at a cost of €3bn, Italian Rail Network is already pushing ahead with the
including 1377km in 2022-2024 and
another 2023km in 2025-26. The work PNRR projects as it aims to equip the entire 16,800km
foresees the decommissioning of Italy’s main line network with ERTMS by 2036.
existing legacy SCMT signalling system
and the progressive equipping of 5000
vehicles with ERTMS.
Italian Rail Network (RFI) is already
pushing ahead with the PNRR projects
as it aims to equip the entire 16,800km As part of the plans to complete high- The plan also envisages reforms and
main line network with ERTMS by speed lines in the north to improve investments to boost regional lines. The
2036. In January, RFI issued a tender connections with neighbouring regions will be provided with financial
worth €2.77bn to install ETCS Level 2 countries, Italy will continue with incentives to invite tenders for public
equipment on 3400km of mainline construction of the Brescia - Verona line service contracts to operate regional
railway infrastructure by 2026. The to extend the high-speed/high-capacity lines. Some €3bn will be invested in
contract is divided into four lots worth system along the horizontal Turin - regional railways in the south, notably
€1.3bn (Centro Nord), €900m (Centro Venice axis as part of the TEN-T in stations and electrification.
Sud), €323m (Centro), and €251m (Sud). Mediterranean Corridor that connects the Complementary investments will also
be made in zero-emission traction
including electrification and hydrogen,
including purchasing trains and
installing nine hydrogen refuelling
RFI and the Italian government are
currently finalising the 2022-26 Planning
Agreement, which includes e109.2bn in
funding from various sources including
the recovery, complementary, national
and EU funds. Another €54.5bn is
needed to fund the entire plan.
Minister of infrastructure and sustainable
mobility, Mr Enrico Giovannini,
presented the “Strategic paper on
railway mobility” in December, a list of
feasibility studies for 52 new interventions.
This includes 31 feasibility designs that
have already been started after being
included in the PNRR.
Italy’s allocation to the rail sector
from the NGEU is comparatively much
higher than neighbouring EU countries -
Germany is allocating just €682m and
France €5bn (p18). This funding should
go a long way to completing its
infrastructure contributions to the
Single European Railway Area and
The funding includes support for the construction of high-speed lines in northern Italy, including achieve its objectives of promoting
the under-construction Terzo Valico project north of Genoa. Photo: Webuild modal shift. IRJ
24 IRJ February 2022
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IRJ February 2022 25
Signalling | Russia
A Train Control
Technology developed by LocoTech-Signal is helping to revolutionise train operation in Russia.
Andrey Romanchikov, managing director for Intelligent Control Systems Development at TMH and CEO of
LocoTech-Signal, explains the company’s activities to Kevin Smith.
HE ability of automatic and 4 (GoA 4) in commercial service on the The technologies at the heart of
semi-automatic trains to run Moscow Central Circle network later virtual coupling are supplied by TMH
closer together and unlock line this year following more than 7000km subsidiary AVP Technology, part of
capacity is prompting railways and of tests at GoA 3 (p12). TMH also LocoTech-Signal. For Mr Andrey
research institutes around the world to announced at the end of December that Romanchikov, managing director,
explore technologies and processes that 630 3ES5K locomotives built for the intelligent control systems
replace tasks traditionally undertaken Russian market are now equipped with development, at TMH and CEO of
by the driver. virtual coupling technology, which LocoTech-Signal, the company’s work is
Russia is no exception and in many could facilitate future convoying of indicative of a growing trend: for trains
areas is leading the charge. Russian freight trains in Russia, potentially and locomotives to become smart assets
Railways (RZD) is planning to operate reducing existing headways from 4-5km that respond autonomously to the
Lastochka EMUs using automatic train to 2-3km, offering a dramatic increase conditions around them rather than
operation (ATO) at Grade of Automation in line capacity. relying on a driver to react to prompts
provided by traditional lineside or cab working to traffic schedules with an conducted extensive tests of the virtual
signalling. accuracy of up to 1 minute, improving coupling technology, concluding a four-
LocoTech-Signal was founded in the efficiency of network operation. In year testing cycle in spring 2020. Tests
2017 but TMH’s work on automation addition, it is configured to respond in Russia’s Eastern Range where more
goes back more than 20 years and operate in various weather than 100 train pairs operate per day
according to Romanchikov. TMH’s conditions which can impact increased the capacity of the section by
ATO solution offers precise and performance, and is certified to function 15%. He says these tests showed that it
tailored driving and braking curves at up -50oC. could be possible to convoy up to five
depending on operating conditions, Earlier generations of TMH’s ATO trains using the virtual coupling system
infrastructure limitations, as well as the system offer semi-automatic operation and that the P2P communication
performance characteristics of the train. on open main lines, with drivers network can work reliably up to a
Depending on application conditions, responsible for controlling deceleration distance of 8km between trains.
the technology can function as a driver and acceleration in station areas. “In Russia, like in many other
advisory system (DAS) or ATO. The Romanchikov says this remains the countries, investing in new tracks to
system provides an optimal driving greatest source of disruption and increase capacity is very expensive,” he
strategy and in ATO mode controls unpredictability to operation. He says. “This is why RZD has started to
acceleration and braking of the reveals that a pilot is due to commence invest in this technology. They really
locomotive to optimise performance, this year under which locomotives will believe in what we’re doing.”
effectively reducing the role of the enter and leave stations autonomously,
driver to an “algorithm” which effectively the development of ATO at
monitors the system. GoA 2. Standard technology
This equipment is already fitted to As well as supporting operation, The technology is now installed as
more than 6000 locomotives operating TMH’s driving optimisation and ATO standard on all new 3ES5K units, with
across Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, solutions are the foundation of virtual 136 of these locomotives built in 2021.
and Russian Railways (RZD) is now
engaged in a programme to fit the
technology to 500-600 locomotives
every year. Romanchikov says the
system is helping to reduce fuel and In Russia, like in many other countries, investing in new
energy consumption by 8% and
tracks to increase capacity is very expensive. This is why
RZD has started to invest in this technology. They really
believe in what we’re doing. Andrey Romanchikov
coupling. At its heart lies a deep Another 500 existing units have been
integration between ATO and the Train retrofitted with the technology and
Control Management System (TCMS) as Romanchikov expects a steady
well as point-to-point communications retrofitting of the RZD fleet over the
system between two virtually coupled coming years with significant potential
trains. The two trains communicate to increase the capacity of westbound
location data, running parameters and traffic from Siberia to ports and
their respective masses in real-time with industrial facilities in the west. He
the allowable distance between the two foresees no interoperability issues with
trains calculated according to the locomotives built by other manufacturers,
specific operating situation, the train’s stating that TMH is working with Wabtec
speed and mass, track characteristics and Alstom’s plants in Kazakhstan on
and other factors impacting braking using several products on their
distance. The trailing locomotive locomotives. “It does not depend on
automatically responds to the driving TMH,” he says. “We are talking about
actions of the lead unit, meaning it is TMH because this is part of TMH’s
possible to operate at reduced strategy, but it should be adapted for
headways because the safety margin is other locomotives, and interface with
less. Crucially, no additional wayside their braking and control systems.”
infrastructure is required, only the Romanchikov says further
upgraded ATO, ATP and TCMS developments of ATO include
software, and the radio-communication providing diagnostics information for
module. The P2P network uses Russia’s the locomotive and infrastructure. Data
existing 160MHz train-to-train from the locomotive’s systems and
communications frequency to exchange components are sent to centralised
information between the locomotives. servers for processing. “Our idea and
Romanchikov says TMH has the idea of our customers is to use this
Signalling | Russia
data to support more efficient
JRU (Juridical Recording Unit) Wireless modem
maintenance,” Romanchikov says. “If between locomotives
you know in advance what exactly is Processing unit TCMS desk with driver’s
happening with the train, you can make information interface
160 МГЦ
your maintenance plans a lot more CAN250 RS485
The next step in the virtual coupling
and ATO story is evolving the train-to- CAN
train communication capability to such
an extent that traditional track circuits
and axle counters become redundant.
Indeed, LocoTech-Signal is developing
its CTRL@LOCK 400 computer-based
interlocking system to control points, Wireless communication Data connection and TCMS (Train Control and
signals, and other objects necessary for modem POPС GSM transition block Management System)
inside of Virtual
safe railway operation and effective Coupling system
infrastructure monitoring. Romanchikov
says there are numerous challenges in The architecture of the system installed onboard the locomotive.
this regard, not least calculating the area in real-time, remotely control track or electrification infrastructure,
precise position of the train as safely as rolling stock and analyse signals and and to target maintenance and repair
possible. Functions such as operating point positions. activities. Thirdly, he says it could
switches could be controlled by the Romanchikov says tests of the facilitate remote control for shunting
train but this will require significant obstacle detection capability on EMUs locomotives, another field where
work to prove that operation is safe. have already proven reliable at 600m on LocoTech-Signal is active. “One
Romanchikov is optimistic that this straight line sections, more than three operator could control up to five
work will produce results and times more effective than a driver on a operating locomotives using machine
potentially a revolution in railway clear day. Tests on a shunting vision,” he says
operation, offering 2024 as a realistic locomotive have similarly been proven Again, Romanchikov reveals that
date for a pilot project. He adds that as at up to 100m in curves. several pilots with this technology are
well as Russia, LocoTech-Signal could underway, including with private
potentially target the other markets and Russian infrastructure owner
areas where lineside equipment has Machine learning Cherepovets Steel Mill, which is held by
proven vulnerable to theft and vandalism. Machine learning techniques are the PAO Severstal, one of the world’s
Computer vision technology is set to foundation of computer vision. By largest steel companies. Tests of the
play a key part in this transition by learning to recognise objects and remote-control technology are also
enabling trains to respond quickly to anomalies they gradually offer an taking place with TMH’s latest shunting
distant objects and anomalous appropriate response to different locomotives while CTRL@Vision is
situations up the track, which may scenarios, learning to ignore some and being rolled out on the Kazan metro to
cause a safety issue and disrupt alter the train’s behaviour to others. As support the introduction of a driverless
operation. LocoTech-Signal’s CTRL@ well as safety applications for rolling network but without the traditional
Vision 100 system comprises various stock operation, Romanchikov says features such as platform screen doors.
sensors, radar and lidar technologies computer vision is also set to assist Romanchikov says the biggest
and thermal viewers and is used to railways to monitor infrastructure, challenge facing main line deployment
detect obstacles, monitor the surrounding helping to effectively identify defects to at this point is securing the sophisticated
The system allows trains to operate closer together compared with using conventional signalling.
28 IRJ February 2022
and expensive camera equipment we will reach a situation where each enthused and inspired to work on the
although the costs are falling each year. locomotive produced by TMH will be company’s projects.
It is also not an off the shelf product equipped with lidar, cameras and radar. Likewise, LocoTech-Signal continues
that can be brought over from other It will be like a modern car which is not to invest in research and development
industries, further complicating the possible to buy now without this projects that will continue to push the
situation. “Your success here depends equipment installed.” company forward. “If we see a request
on how much you teach your software As for any company working at the from a customer or if we feel a certain
based on real railway data,” he says. cutting edge of technology, LocoTech- project could provide more efficiency to
a customer, we will invest in this
technology, in new teams, and in new
labs,” Romanchikov says.
My prediction is that in a few years we will reach a He adds that a new initiative is
engaging start-up companies to work
situation where each locomotive produced by TMH will with LocoTech-Signal similar to other
be equipped with lidar, cameras and radar. It will be like programmes undertaken by railways
and suppliers around the world. A new
a modern car which is not possible to buy now without company, TMH Advance Technology
Center, has been founded within TMH
this equipment installed. Andrey Romanchikov to nurture the ideas from these start-
ups, which can vary from ideas
produced by one or two entrepreneurs
“This is why we started on this several Signal faces a challenge with securing to solutions presented by already
years ago. We gave our IT companies and nurturing talent to deliver the level established firms. Indeed, Romanchikov
access to the real railway data and they of innovation it requires. Romanchikov and LocoTech-Signal intend to explore
used our software. We have a good describes people as the company’s most all avenues to achieve their vision for
relationship with our customers. We important investment, but its difficulties autonomous railway operation. They
also work at TMH plants where tracks are not unlike major tech firms such as have made admirable progress, which
are installed so we can simulate Google. He says the company is is already producing efficiency savings
different situations. populated with professionals with an for Russian railways, with more
“My prediction is that in a few years average age of 25 to 26 who are expected in the coming years. IRJ
IRJ February 2022 29
Signalling | ATO
ATO has the potential to transform regional rail in the Czech Republic, potentially saving some lines from
closure. Richard Clinnick meets AZD Praha officials to find out more.
HE operation of autonomous Only when consent was issued did the autonomously on-board staff should be
passenger trains in the Czech train continue its journey. able to help passengers board and
Republic came a step close to AZD has been involved in Shift2Rail’s disembark from trains, be available to
reality in December following a public development of Automatic Train sell tickets and provide general
demonstration of a driverless train by Operation (ATO). ATO at Grade of assistance. Yet, if required, they could
AZD Praha on its 38km Plum Railway Automation 2 (GoA 2) was tested in still undertake safety-critical duties.
between Cízkovice and Most. 2020 at three locations in Europe with AZD suggests that this method of
The Czech signalling developer and Shift2Rail partners, and prior to the operation could also reduce costs and
supplier bought the railway - given its pandemic there were plans to test ATO increase efficiency. Chrdle tells IRJ that
name due to the fruit trees that once at GoA 3 and 4 ahead of a presentation the railway’s competitive edge in the
grew beside it - in 2016 to undertake of the project at InnoTrans, which was Czech Republic’s regions is not great,
research and development of new due to be held in September 2020. This with buses replacing services on some
technology without interrupting was cancelled due to the outbreak of lines. He highlights a situation where
commercial services on the main line Covid-19, and these tests finally took buses replaced trains on 12 lines in the
(IRJ June 2020). place in December. Central-Bohemian region before
Those on board the train, and at the AZD’s long-term aim is to demonstrate Christmas. He argues that introducing
lineside, were able to witness the single- the safety of autonomous operation, automatic operation would eliminate
car DMU stop at a crossing that had which it says can be used on branch this scenario.
been blocked by a broken car without lines and regional routes. It says deploying “Considerable attention is also paid
any intervention from onboard staff. the technology will reduce cancellations to the issue of ensuring safe interaction
As the DMU approached the crossing, on these railways as well as boost the of automated railways with road
the lidar laser systems fitted to the train industry’s environmental credentials. transport,” Chrdle says. This includes
detected the broken car. The train AZD CEO, Mr Zdenek Chrdle, says using the cooperative ITS systems and
automatically blew its horn, but, that the company “definitely does not the results of the C-Roads project,
because the car did not move, the DMU want to work with a black-and-white which allows road vehicles to
stopped without any driver vision of replacing drivers, but with a communicate with each other and
intervention. The train did not depart modern vision of operation, where infrastructure, including railway
and instead waited for consent from the professional staff are still required to infrastructure such as level crossings.
dispatcher in the centre in Lovosice carry out a number of key tasks.” The C-Roads project is Europe-wide
who was able to check the situation Speaking to IRJ on January 17, he and seeks to develop an intelligent
remotely via cameras fitted to the train. suggested that while trains can operate system that will improve road safety by
30 IRJ February 2022
using data from road vehicles allowing telecommunications as a new project. Vladimir Kampík, says that the
them to communicate with each other “We will install the electronic company’s strategy is to support the
and surrounding infrastructure. interlocking as our standard product, infrastructure manager as much as
Legislation is hindering the transition and we installed our trackside part of possible. There needs to be an increased
to a fully automated railway, according ETCS and prepared technology for level level of ETCS equipment installed at
to Chrdle. The Czech government crossings,” he says. Diagnostic systems trackside, which should be the
wants to introduce ETCS, including on will be installed to support not only the responsibility of the infrastructure
regional lines, but he says not every operation of the train but to also manager he says. Most of that
operator has the resources to introduce provide updates on the condition of the technology installed is Level 2 says
the technology on its fleet. “Unless we, track via sensors, which Mr Antonín Divis and this means that once that is
or somebody, does something, then the Divis, AZD deputy director for R&D, installed it is very easy to install ATO.
regional lines will be closed,” he says will offer a higher level of safety. As part of the planned testing
suggests. Initially the aim is to use technology programme on its own railway, AZD is
AZD claims it can solve not only already available on the market, but working on a strategy that would also
technical challenges but also legislative Divis says AZD plans to develop its include the wider use of GoA 3 and
issues, both at a national level and in own control and diagnostic support even GoA 4. However this remains in
cooperation with European partners systems that retrieve the data, and the developmental stage, but any
and institutions. Relationships already convert it to usable information. demonstration will include operations
exist with members of the Unisig Chrdle says that while AZD may own between eight stations.
consortium including Alstom, CAF, its own lines, the connections with main
Siemens and with Thales and Kontron lines remain state-owned and so
who all attended the public demonstration cooperation with SZ, the national Future of automation
in December, as well as Czech research infrastructure manager, is required to AZD believes that there is the
centres including the Czech Technical expand the reach of these autonomous opportunity to develop automation by
University in Prague, the University of technologies. Discussions began on prioritising certain areas for development
West Bohemia in Pilsen, Brno University January 13 regarding the possibility of at differing GoA depending on
of Technology and the University of the autonomous operation. demand. For example, Divis says short
Zilina. “Our intention is that for the next two branch lines are ideal for full
years we will test systems on our line, automation due to the low passenger
and that in 2025 the autonomously- numbers. On some corridors on the
More testing operated train will be able to operate main network he expects the driver to
Testing of the automated technology amongst other trains operating either remain, with GoA 2 or 3 preferred.
is moving to a second line acquired by through manual or autonomous Chrdle makes the case that autonomous
AZD, the 22km Kopidlno - Dolní operation,” he says. operation will reduce the need for
Bousov line. This is currently being Divis says various degrees of personnel, increase safety, possibly
upgraded ready for the testing to begin. automation have been in use in the increase the number of trains and
Chrdle expects autonomous operation Czech Republic since the 1980s, but it is improve punctuality. “This is why we
to begin within two to three years once only based on static data and data are doing this,” Chrdle says. “We are
legislative hurdles have been cleared. working independently on every train. trying to influence the future to avoid
Until then AZD will use its own The initial challenge for AZD is to closures.”
infrastructure to prove the safety, develop the infrastructure that allows Chrdle argues that automation is not
reliability and efficiency of the technology. existing systems to send dynamic data just an opportunity for railways in the
He says work is underway to install of the location of every train to trace the Czech Republic but every country in
the communication part of the system journey profile. Europe. He advocates a switch from
on the line based on GSM-R and 5G AZD European affairs director, Mr speaking about the solutions to putting
plans in place, He also believes that the
European Union should increase the
pressure on the Czech government to
act due to the benefits on offer.
Unfortunately, he says the government
is not yet moving in the same direction
as the EU.
The delayed trial is the latest step in a
journey that could eventually
revolutionise Czech railway. But Chrdle
is adamant there needs to be support
from politicians and authorities to
expand this opportunity more widely.
The technology is available, and work is
continuing to take it to the next level.
“The challenge is whether there is
real support, and not only spoken
support for the railway operation as an
ecological mode of transport?” Chrdle
The single-car DMU stopped at a crossing that had been blocked by a broken car, which was asks. “There must be the political will to
detected by the onboard lidar laser systems. Photo: AZD do this.” IRJ
IRJ February 2022 31
Signalling | train control
Changes to the way people are working, the ability to recruit staff and the need for a reliable service to
remain competitive is leading East Japan Railway to pursue technological advances in train control. Richard
Clinnick reports.
AST Japan Railway (JR East) is the Senseki Line between Aobadori and a decade ago, the Senseki Line had
facing several issues that need Higashi-Shiogama on the east coast of more than 200 trains per day operating
addressing in the medium to long Japan, there are plans to introduce the at five-minute headways. Each train
term, including depopulation, changes system on two busy commuter lines in uses a tachometer generator to detect its
to the way people are working, a Tokyo by 2031. own speed, which it subsequently uses
decline in the number of passengers The radio-based train control system to calculate the distance it has travelled
travelling and a drop in the number of
people wishing to work on the railway.
The Covid-19 pandemic has not helped
matters either. Business decisions have Four years after the introduction of Atacs in Sendai,
to be made regarding the railway of the
future, and technology appears to be JR East was reporting reliability figures of 99.9999%,
the solution.
The railway says that it must make with no recognition errors in either refreshing a train’s
the most of state-of-the-art technology location or switching between Atacs and Automatic
such as automation, radio transmission
and train control. There is a desire to Train Protection.
harmonise the operation system and
train control to offer a high-performance
service for passengers. Not only that,
but these solutions can also address has similar functions to those of to that point. This enables the train to
other issues facing JR East, including communications-based train control identify its exact location. Train distance
staffing and costs associated with the (CBTC) and the European Train Control control is based on a moving block
current infrastructure. System (ETCS) Level 3. However, there signalling system whereby each train is
Just over a decade after JR East is no requirement for track circuits with constantly transmitting its exact
introduced Advanced Train Atacs. Instead trains recognise their location information by radio to
Administration and Communication own position. simplified ground facilities.
System (Atacs) on an 18km section of When Atacs was launched more than Those ground facilities use this
32 IRJ February 2022
information to create a Limit of
Movement Authority (LMA) for a train
at the point of the specified safety
margin from the rear of the preceding
train. The LMA of a following train
moves forward according to the
movement of the preceding trains. Any
following train will then calculate the
speed profile based on LMA data
transmitted from the ground facilities.
When the speed is greater than that
permitted, the train is automatically
Complementary functions feature on
the core Atacs technology. These
include an interlocking function
whereby the route is controlled by
computerised interlocking equipment.
A train protection function uses
emergency signals from level crossings
and station platforms to transmit
messages to trains by radio to enable
automatic braking. A fixed location
speed limit function is also included for The Saikyo Line in Tokyo was the second to be equipped with Atacs in 2017. Photo: JR East
when speed checking and automatic impressive. Four years after its the ATO system operating over existing
brake control is implemented according introduction in Sendai, JR East was ATC signalling, regulating speeds
to the speed limits in fixed locations reporting reliability figures of 99.9999%, between stations. Drivers remain
such as curves. Furthermore, the train with no recognition errors in either onboard the trains, opening and closing
speeds can be adjusted depending on refreshing a train’s location or switching doors and activating the ATO system.
circumstances such as poor weather. between Atacs and Automatic Train When this was launched, JR East said
One of the key features of Atacs is its Protection (ATP). experience gained from operation at
ability to create shorter headways, Grade of Automation 2 (GoA 2) would
therefore enabling more trains to inform future work to transition to
operate on one line without expensive Facilitating ATO driverless operation.
and invasive track enhancements. The Wider introduction of Atacs is In July last year, JR East launched the
introduction of Atacs also reduces, or designed to facilitate JR East’s Centre of Excellence for the Next
eliminates, the need for cabling, lineside expansion of automatic train operation Generation Mobility Systems project. In
signals and track circuits. The benefit (ATO), including a pilot launched on a this the railway confirms its aim to
here is the reduction, or in many cases 29.7km section of the Joban Line improve the stability of train operation
elimination, of maintenance costs between Ayase and Toride in March and attain flexible operation according
associated with lineside infrastructure. 2021. The equipment is fitted to series to passenger demand. JR East will
The system’s performance is E33 EMUs that operate on the line with achieve this through harmonising
IRJ February 2022 33
Signalling | train control
Atacs, ATO and Autonomous currently in the process of considering 2min 20s and 1.1 million passengers per
Decentralised Transport Operation the hardware and technical specifications day were using the railway before the
Control System (ATOS) and continue its that will be required, and then it will pandemic. Meanwhile, on the 59.1km
work to achieve driverless operation. prepare to select manufacturers. 90km/h Keihin-Tohoku - Negishi line,
Furthermore, the launch of this Hitachi is the existing supplier of the 200m-long E233 EMUs are formed
programme allows JR East to further Atacs and ATOS control centre of 10 vehicles. Like the Yamanote-loop
promote innovation on the Tokyo equipment, transponders and radio Line, the headway is also 2min 20s. In
metropolitan area rail network as part base stations, while Mitsubishi Electric 2015, this line had a daily ridership of
of an ambition to improve its provides the on-board equipment. more than 2.97 million passengers.
sustainable development goal (SDG) The system will operate alongside Despite the use of Atacs elsewhere, JR
credentials and to help achieve a ATOS to achieve efficient train East told IRJ in December that there are
“work-style reform” for employees operation, including delay recovery and challenges that must be addressed.
through technological innovation. energy-saving methods. JR East also Access to the railway is crucial, but
Using Atacs to control the trains will aims to promote the development of must be planned carefully. Currently
help JR East conserve energy as suitable technology to enable Grade of any testing or large construction that JR
operation will become more consistent Automation 3 (GoA 3) driverless East requires is conducted on the main
due to the elimination of human error. operation in the future. However, the network rather than any test facility
This will also protect the components railway admits that will require the during a three-hour window each night
on the trains, which combined with the construction of a system that can when commercial services are not
lack of lineside equipment will help respond immediately even in the event operating. The alternative is suspending
reduce costs through the lack of repeat of disruption. the high-density timetable.
maintenance. JR East also plans to make the most of The railway also plans to install the
the function that can predict and update new software on as many vehicles as it
timetables in case of disruption. By can in a short period of time. There are
Further Atacs deployment doing this, it will enable the creation of concerns regarding the large amount of
JR East announced in early December a system that can operate efficiently data being sent from on board the trains
2021 that Atacs and high performance along the entire line, implementing to the ground devices in a timely
ATO will be deployed next on the delay recovery and introducing energy- manner that can enable the checking of
Yamanote-loop Line and the Keihin- saving operation by train group control. the software’s condition.
Tohoku-Negishi Line sometime between The 50 120km/h E235 dc EMUs In an ever-changing industry, the
2028 and 2031. Preparations for the operating on the 34.5km 90km/h development of Atacs and its
introduction of ATO and driver-only Yamanote-loop Line are 220m-long and implementation could well be the
operation (DOO) will take place formed of 11 vehicles. These date from answer to a number of issues affecting
between 2025 and 2030. JR says it is 2015. Current headways on the line are railways, and not just capacity. IRJ
Two more Tokyo suburban lines will be equipped with ATO over Atacs by 2030. One is the Yamanote-loop Line, which uses 220m-long trains
operating at headways of just over two minutes. Photo: JR East
34 IRJ February 2022
Braking | adhesion
Ben Altman and Sharon Odetunde with Britain’s Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), explain how
research into low rail adhesion during the autumn is leading to new approaches to solving this serious age-
old problem.
ONTAMINATION of the can lead to wrong-side track circuit wheelsets and track and affect train
railhead and wheelsets is caused failures. drivers’ morale and confidence when
by a vast array of biological, The Rail Accident Investigation they fail to bring a train to a halt.
chemical and physical factors, some of Branch (RAIB) identified low adhesion While the rail industry has devoted a
which cannot be easily monitored or as a major contributory factor to a significant amount of research to better
controlled. While railways are recent accident when two DMUs understand the causes of low adhesion
predominately affected by low adhesion collided at a junction near Salisbury, and suitable mitigations, there remain
during the autumn, they can encounter Britain, on October 31 2021 injuring one gaps in knowledge to be able to
low adhesion issues throughout the rest of the drivers and 13 passengers. overcome the adhesion challenge. The
of the year, for instance as a result of Railways spend significant sums to Adhesion Research (Adere) programme
moisture, diesel fuel or grease. manage low adhesion issues in many was initiated by RSSB to contribute to
Low adhesion conditions can result in countries. According to the Rail Safety the development and demonstration of
safety incidents such as signals passed and Standards Board (RSSB), low new knowledge and solutions required
at danger (Spad) and station overruns. adhesion is estimated to cost the British to achieve adhesion conditions
Contamination can also electrically rail industry and wider society around unaffected by and independent of the
insulate the connection between the £355m each autumn. The impact of low weather and climate.
wheel and track, and if track circuits are adhesion has immediate negative effects The combination of optimised Wheel
used to detect the presence of trains this for customers, can lead to damage of Slide Protection (WSP) systems and
IRJ February 2022 35
Braking | adhesion
sanders are vital assets in braking under
low adhesion conditions. RSSB has
commissioned numerous research
initiatives to enhance sander technology.
This has resulted in the development of
double variable rate sanders (DVRS)
which deliver sand at variable rates
depending on train speed so that sand
delivery is optimised at both high and
low speeds, resulting in more consistent
and improved braking in low adhesion.
A three-month programme of full-
scale testing at Network Rail’s Rail
Innovation Development Centre (RIDC)
in Melton Mowbray was undertaken
using two Great Western Railway
(GWR) class 387 EMUs. The track
testing generated a robust dataset from
over 220 test runs covering various
configurations of sanders, test speeds
and train formations. The project
brought together numerous
organisations across industry, including
Knorr-Bremse, Ricardo Rail and DB
DVSR results
The programme demonstrated that
on a four-car train, DVRS can halve
stopping distances under low adhesion
conditions compared with single fixed-
rate sanders, delivering 6%g braking A three-month programme of full-scale testing of the double variable rate sanders using two
GWR class 387 EMUs was undertaken at Network Rail’s Rail Innovation Development Centre.
performance in very low adhesion
conditions, which is a significant step The response from drivers was on the topic of leaf contamination in the
forward for both train operation and overwhelmingly positive. “This is wheel-rail contact patch. Understanding
timetable planning. brilliant, absolutely brilliant, a marked how leaves break down and bond to the
To demonstrate the in-service braking improvement in stopping,” says Mr railhead is key when developing
benefits of DVRS, two West Midlands John McDermott, train driver and mitigations to combat the problem of
Trains class 323 EMUs were fitted and instructor with West Midland Trains. leaves on rails. Both Japanese and
trialled on the Birmingham cross-city line. The in-service pilot also demonstrated British railways experience challenges
Unlocking the benefits of DVRS is that retrofitting DVRS is feasible and relating to leaf contamination, and a
dependent on train driving practice practical; and confirmed that DVRS collaborative project was carried out
making use of the available equipment delivers adhesion conditions to support that involved the chemical and material
by using a level of brake demand (step seasonally agnostic, consistent braking analysis of a range of common leaves.
2 or equivalent) that triggers sanding. performance, regardless of underlying The aim was to identify the substances
The trials were supported by DVRS railhead conditions. The entire class 323 that cause low adhesion when crushed
driver familiarisation runs, to provide fleet is now being retrofitted with DVRS in the contact patch and consider ways
drivers with experience of the low and other fleets are currently under to mitigate their effects. Key components
adhesion braking benefits that review for potential fitment. that cause low adhesion were identified
enhanced sanders provide. Fundamental science and modelling in the leaf samples and mitigations
are other key areas in the Adhere proposed, including continuous drag
programme, and areas where braking. This fundamental research has
international collaboration has led to laid the foundation for further research
real benefits. into the biochemistry of leaves, bonding
The World Congress on Rail Research mechanisms and the development of
(WCRR) founding members have chemical mitigations.
shared knowledge and international The ability to simulate train braking,
best practice on optimised braking and particularly in low adhesion conditions,
low adhesion research for many years. is a valuable tool for train manufacturers
A notable collaboration in this area has and operators as it provides a cost-
been between Britain and Japan, effective way to optimise systems and
involving technical visits, doctoral investigate future enhancements.
training and secondments. WCRR 2022, which will be held in
The AB Hoses variable rate sander system A highlight of this collaboration has Birmingham on June 5-10, will showcase
installed on a WMT class 323 EMU. been between JR East, RTRI and RSSB an innovate train braking model called
36 IRJ February 2022
manufacturers and operators has been
vital to produce a tool that the industry
can have confidence in. Delegates at
WCRR 2022 will be able participate in
an interactive demonstration at the
University of Huddersfield’s stand in
the UK Pavilion.
Continuing optimisation of the
wheel-rail interface and the
achievement of reliable braking are
Image: RSSB
challenges faced by railway networks
around the world. WCRR 2022 will
showcase world leading research in the
areas of train braking and low adhesion
Range of stopping distances in metres from 88km/h to 0km/h for unsanded, single fixed rate mitigations. The programme will
sander (SFRS), single variable rate sander (SVRS) and double variable rate sanders (DVRS) , with
feature four sessions on these topics
braking duration in seconds in brackets.
with 11 papers from organisations
Low Adhesion Braking Dynamic sub-systems. This makes the model around the world including the Chinese
Optimisation for Rolling stock (Labrador) unique, as it is possible to build Academy of Railway Sciences (Cars),
developed by the University of representations of a wide variety of Wabtec, Alstom, and Italian Rail
Huddersfield through its strategic trains from older vehicles to future Network (RFI). These papers will cover
research partnership with RSSB. The designs, enabling the capabilities of research on train braking challenges for
model has been developed to simulate new rolling stock to also be tested. high-speed rail, novel machine learning
train braking in both normal and low The model has been validated using techniques to estimate low adhesion,
adhesion conditions. It can be used by data gathered from the DVRS site trials, and freight specific challenges at the
operators and train manufacturers to and it has recently been enhanced to wheel-rail interface. IRJ
optimise braking systems, simulate the include a range of options for adhesion
WCRR 2022 will be held in Birmingham,
effect of different sander configurations, profiles covering different
Britain, on June 6-10 under the theme,
and improve wheel slide protection contamination types.
Reshaping our railways post-pandemic:
systems. International collaboration with
research with an impact. To register to
Labrador has been developed from a Virtual Vehicle in Austria and support
attend, visit www.wcrr2022.co.uk
series of modules representing braking from a range of European train
IRJ February 2022 37
Braking and adhesion | brake design
ITIES continue to exert an factors such as load measuring tolerances punctuality where the gaps between
almost magnetic attraction on must also be considered. But while long services are already very short, and
people around the world. Today, headways between trains are crucial to thus use the existing infrastructure
just over half of the global population maximise safety, they also limit the more efficiently. Together with the
lives in urban centres. According to the extent to which capacity can be utilised installation of ETCS, this suggests that
United Nations World Urbanisation efficiently. What if leading-edge braking capacities could be increased
Prospect, this figure is set to rise to technology could reduce train headways significantly, especially in closed
around two thirds by 2050. In absolute without compromising safety, and networks and under ideal conditions.
terms, this equates to an additional 2.5 contribute to more frequent services But how precisely does RBD work?
billion city dwellers. Because road and significantly more stable timetables? The braking architecture employs
networks are unlikely to be able to cope Knorr-Bremse’s Reproducible Braking sensors installed in every vehicle on a
with such an increase in population, rail Distance (RBD) project aims to develop train, so that the actual effect of the
is set to become the backbone of quick precisely such a technology. As a world deployed braking power is
and reliable public transport. This first, a team of Knorr-Bremse engineers communicated to the brake control
means we must either build new lines is working to integrate three separate system in real time. The DCC then
or use existing rail networks more elements: instantly adjusts the deceleration force
efficiently. • a new deceleration control system (DCC) to the required level.
Currently, relatively long distances • a new wheel slide protection system This means we can achieve optimal
must be maintained between trains, with called WheelGrip Adapt, and deceleration for the current track
the absolute values of these headways • a smart sanding system designed to gradient at any given point in time,
varying from metro to commuter and take effect along the entire train by regardless of vehicle load and friction
high-speed traffic due to the speed of avoiding excessive use of sand. material performance and, as a result,
these trains. Their purpose, however, is Combining these technologies will substantially reduce the variation in
to ensure trains can always stop safely allow us to significantly reduce the maximum braking distances. As a
even under the most adverse conditions. variation of braking distances. In turn, result, the residual risk of a train failing
Environmental conditions are a key this will enable us to reduce distances to stop safely on a given, clearly defined
factor: is the surface of the rails wet or between trains, achieve further section of track is significantly lower.
dry and is it clean or dirty? Other operational stabilisation and improve Currently, RBD engineers are
working on integrating the DCC with a metro lines, for example, subsequent technologies are already proving their
new wheel slide protection system. trains can experience a direct knock-on worth today. For example, we have
While previous wheel slide protection delay if boarding and alighting takes begun installing the smart sanding
systems were only optimised for a just a few seconds longer than scheduled. system in some projects and we expect
single, fixed control range, the new If some of the time saved by RBD is that the combined DCC deceleration
WheelGrip Adapt wheel slide used to increase capacity and the rest is control system and adaptive wheel slide
protection algorithm features an used to build additional recovery time protection system will be ready for
alternative control range that the system into the timetable, the next train on the volume production in 2023. Moreover,
can switch to when conditions require. line will no longer be affected if the one the technical and commercial benefits of
This enables significantly higher brake in front takes slightly longer than a full RBD system are currently
force transmission under track scheduled to depart the station. undergoing virtual testing in
conditions in which, until now, almost cooperation with a large urban rail
no brake force could be transmitted. operator, with promising early results.
The third RBD element is a situation- Automatic operation As well as having to meet the
specific sanding management system RBD will also support Automatic technological challenges within a
that for the first time is designed to take Train Operation (ATO), which Knorr- specific timeframe, we understand that
effect along the entire train. These Bremse is already helping to realise. On the market launch of RBD will also
systems increase wheel-to-rail adhesion an ATO train, a braking system fitted depend on obtaining regulatory
in adverse conditions by blowing the with RBD could take over functions that approval. Manufacturers, infrastructure
optimal amount of sand between wheel could previously only have been operators, fleet operators and transport
and rail. The aim is to develop a system performed by highly skilled drivers authorities must engage in a close
that is distributed across several drawing on their wealth of experience dialogue to pave the way for the overall
wheelsets and is adapted to local to anticipate unexpected situations such system by agreeing on systemwide
variables such as dirt on the tracks, as the track suddenly becoming wet. interfaces and responsibilities.
sand consumption, installation space Moreover, short onboard response We believe that the RBD system
and life cycle costs. This functionality times remove the need to carry out approach fits neatly within the wider
increases the brake force transmitted control operations via slower off-train context of policy initiatives such as the
between wheel and rail, thereby ATO and control systems. As well as European Union’s Green Deal and
reducing braking distances under not always being able to respond fast Germany’s Rail Pact. Both aim to
adverse track conditions. enough to sudden situations, these off- strengthen the rail sector as an eco-
The benefits of enhanced braking train systems also require costly friendly means of transport by
distance reliability extend beyond investments such as additional balises increasing passenger numbers and
transport capacity. With RBD, it will along the track. promoting modal shift in support of the
also be possible to significantly increase Although RBD is still a major R&D transition to genuinely sustainable
timetable stability. On high-frequency project at Knorr-Bremse, the individual urbanisation. IRJ
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Summit 2022 Britain. 8 RSSB, London, Britain. www.railwaysconference.com
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