Oct. 2018, MS P2
Oct. 2018, MS P2
Oct. 2018, MS P2
ENGLISH 1111/02
Paper 2 October 2018
Maximum Mark: 50
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
IB18 10_1111_02/2RP
© UCLES 2018 [Turn over
1111/02 Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint – Mark Scheme October 2018
Section A: Reading
moving home
travelling/ voyage/ migration
a boat trip
going on a journey
2 Which one word in the first paragraph suggests that the boat passengers 1
may feel seasick?
Ri [9Ri1]
5 What does the text tell you about Faith and the snake? 2
Tick () two boxes.
7 ‘Behind her, raised voices competed with the keening of the gulls and the 1
phud-phud-phud of the boat’s great paddles.’ (lines 17–18).
9 Explain in your own words why Myrtle is concerned about her husband’s 1
‘papers and projects’ (line 29).
(She’s worried) they’re going to get damaged / wet / because of the (bad)
She thinks they’re important / the work of an important man.
10 What does the writer suggest about Uncle Miles by comparing him to ‘a 1
puppy on a rug’? (lines 31–32).
He is carefree.
14 Choose two examples from the text where the writer uses the islands to 4
create atmosphere. For each example, describe the effect this has on the
look like (broken) teeth
Section B: Writing
Notes to markers
If the response is not in the form of a letter, this should be reflected in the Text structure
section but do not automatically give 0 – reward other criteria appropriately
Spelling (Ws) 3
[Total 25]
Content and relevant ideas are developed Paragraphs/sections are evident and help to
with a clear awareness of audience. structure the text.
There are basic ideas with a little Paragraphs/sections may be used, but not
development, and the beginnings of consistently, accurately or appropriately.
awareness of audience.
Some sentence features are used to clarify Polysyllabic and ambitious and more
and emphasise meaning. complex, lower frequency words are used
Grammar and punctuation are mostly
Limited or partially effective use of complex Spelling is generally accurate over a
sentence structures. reasonable range of words.
Mostly simple compound structures based Some polysyllabic and more difficult words in
on a variety of connectives. frequent use are spelled correctly.
No creditable response. No creditable response.
0 0