The Apocrypha. (Pref. 1895) .
The Apocrypha. (Pref. 1895) .
The Apocrypha. (Pref. 1895) .
A. D. 1894
Minion 8vo
2. 3 S(c
Page Page
Baruch, with the Epistle of
Jeremiah 120
The Song of the Three Holy
ToBiT 38 Children 125
The Version of the Apocrypha wliicli is here presented to the Reader forms
the last portion of the Revision of the Authorised Version of 1611.
The present work, owing to various circumstances, has been somew'hat long
delayed. It will be found, however, to have been executed carefully and faith-
fully, though it was of necessity intrusted to small Committees formed out of the
two Companies of Revisers.
The Revision of the Authorised Version of the Apocrypha was included in the
arrangement between the Companies and the Representatives of the Presses of
Oxford and Cambridge, and was to be proceeded with as soon as the other and
greater portions of the work were concluded. No division of labour in regard to
the Apocrypha was formally made between the two Companies, but as it
appeared clearly desirable that there should be no unnecessary delay in the
revision, there was an understanding between the Companies that the New
Testament Company should commence tlie work as soon as the Revision of the
Authorised Version oi the Xew Testament was completed and published. For
this, preparation was made by the New Testament Company as their work was
drawing to its close, and in the following manner.
It was resolved (March 21, 1879) that, after the conclusion of the Revision of
the Authorised Version of the Xew Testament, the Company should be divided
into three Committees, to be called the London, Westminster, and Cambridge
Committees, for the purpose of beginning the Revision of the Apocrypha.
The London Committee was to consist of the following members: —
Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol (Dr. Ellicott), the Bishop of Salisbury (Dr.
Moberly), the Bishop of St. Andrews (Dr. Wordsworth), the Dean of Rochester
(Dr. Scott), the Dean of Lichfield (Dr. Bickersteth), the IVLaster of the Temple
(Dr. Vaughan), Rev. Principal Angus, and Rev. Prebendary Humphry. This
Committee was to take the Book of Ecclesiasticus.
The Westminster Committee was to consist of the following members :
The Archbishop of Dublin (Dr. Trench), the Dean of Westminster (Dr. Stanley),
the Archdeacon of Dublin (Dr. Lee), the Archdeacon of Oxford (Dr. Palmer),
Rev. Dr. Scrivener, Rev. Principal Brown, Rev. Principal Newth, and Rev. Dr.
Vance Smith. This Committee was to take the First Book of INIaccabees. The
Books of Tobit and Judith were afterwards, by special arrangement with the
Old Testament Company, undertaken by this Committee.
The Cambridge Committee was to consist of the following members : —
Bishop of Durham (Dr. Lightfoot), the Dean of Lincoln (jNIr. Blakesley), Rev.
Professor Ilort, Rev. Professor Kennedy, Rev. Professor Westcott, Rev. Dr.
Milligan, Rev. Dr. Moulton, and Rev. Dr. Roberts. This Committee was to take
the Book of Wisdom and the Second Book of Maccabees.
In connexion with the foregoing Besolution it was resolved at the final meeting
of the Company, on Thursday, November 11, 1880:
arrived at by simple majorities
— (1) that the decisions be
;(2) that the successive portions of the work
when printed be forwarded to the members of the other two Committees. A
third resolution was passed constituting the Rev. Dr. Troutbeck the General
Secretary of the three Committees, and, as such, responsible for the printing of
the portions of the work as they were finished; but the latter part of this
resolution was modified, and the whole of the printing was carried on at the
University Press, Oxford.
The London Committee, to which the Revision of tlie Authorised Version of
theBook of Ecclesiasticus was intrusted, commenced their labours on May 11,
1881, and completed their first revision of the Version on July 20, 1882, and their
second and final revision on May 25, 1883. The breaking up of the text of the
Version into parallelisms was undertaken at a later period. Of the members of
the Committee, two, the Bishops of Salisbury and St. Andrews, found themselves
unable through age and distance from London to attend the meetings. The ,
attendance of the remainder was such that there were rarely less tJian four
present. Whenever the number fell below this, all debateable points were
reserved for fuller meetings. Considerable attention was paid to the text but ;
the materials available for correcting it were but scanty. In regard to tlie
revision of the Version, especial care was taken to preserve the general tone of
the Authorised Version, and to maintain the somewhat greater freedom of ren-
dering which characterizes the translation of the Apocryjiha when compared with
the translation of the Old or of the New Testament.
The Westminster Committee completed their first revision of the First Book
of Maccabees on July 5, their second revision on November 3, 1881. Their first
revision of the Books of Judith and Tobit was comi>leted on July 6, their second
revision on October 11, 1882. With regard to the Greek text they derived great
assistance from Dr. Scrivener, but the number of places in which it was thought
right to abandon readings that seemed to be represented in the Authorised Vei--
sion was not large. The English Version was found to require much care. In
the First Book of JNFaccabees, for example, a well-known peculiarity of the writer
had been obliterated by the repeated introduction, with or without the use of
italics, of tlie words'
God and the Lord,' which never occur in the best Greek
text. Archbishop Trench worked with the Committee until they were close to
the end of the First Book of Maccabees. Dean Stanley also attended up to
about the same time Principal Brown did not take any part in the work.
ond revision between November 23, 1889 and November 21, 1891. The singular
difficulty and importance of the Book of Wisdom led the revisers to review the
version a third time. The whole revision of the two books was substantially
completed before the summer of 1892. A few questions were reserved for later
decision. These were considered by Dr. Hort in the summer of that year, and,
with the help of his notes, finally determined by Dr. Westcott and Dr. Moulton.
After the revision of the Old Testament had" been completed the Old Testa-
ment Company (July 9, 188-4) passed tlie following resolution :
'That the Dean of Peterborough (Dr. Perowne), Professor Lumby, Professor
Robertson Smith, Mr. Bensly, Mr. Cheyne, and the Secretary (Mr. Aldis
Wright) be a Committee to translate the remaining books of the Apocryi^ha,
That Dr. Field be invited to assist in the formation of the text.'
The Dean of Peterborough (Dr. Perowne), now Bishop of Worcester, and
Mr. (now Professor) Cheyne, found themselves unable to take part in the work,
and the Committee were deprived of the assistance of Dr. Field by his death in
April, 1885.
The Books of the Apocrypha which were left for them to revise were 1 and 2
Esdras, the additions to Esther, Bariich, the 8ong of the Tliree Holy Children,
the History of Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, and the Prayer of jManasses.
For the text of these portions, with the exception of 2 Esdras, they were
entirely dependent upon the inadequate materials already existing, and did not
therefore attempt any complete revision. But as the late Professor Bensly had
reconstructed the text of the Latin version of 2 Esdras from a full collation of
all the independent JMSS. at present known, the Committee fully availed them-
selves of the results which he generously placed at their disposal. They were
thus able to incorporate the missing fragment, vii. 36-105, which was edited by
Professor Bensly with elaborate care, and published by the Cambridge University
Press (1875), and to make use of many improved readings which he proposed to
adopt in his critical edition. It is satisfactory to know that this work has been
left in a sufficiently forward state to admit of its being easily completed.
In regard to the language of the Revised Version the Committee followed the
general principles which were observed by the Old Testament Revision Company.
In the case of Proi:)er Xames it has not been found possible to secure uni-
formity of plan in the work of the four Committees. In some Books these names
appear in their familiar Old Testament forms, after the Hebrew whilst in others,
the forms of the Authorised Version are usually retained, or are but slightly
altered, in accordance with the Greek. Lists of the Greek readings — or, in 2
Esdras, the Latin readings — adopted by the Committees will shortly be pub-
Such is a brief account of the circumstances under which the present work
was executed. The Revisers conclude with the hope and the belief that it will
be found helpful to the student, and acceptable to the general reader of the
January, 1895.
1 And 1 Josias held tlie passover in brethren, the sons of Aaron. For the
Jerusalem unto his Lord, and offered priests ottered the fat until night:
the passover the fourteenth day of the and the Levites prepared for them-
2 first month; having set the priests selves, and for the priests their bre-
according to their daily courses, be- thren, the sons of Aaron. The holy
ing arrayed in their vestments, in the singers also, the sons of Asaph, were
3 temple of the Lord. And he spake in their order, according to the ap-
unto the Levites, - the temple-servants pointment of David, to u-it, Asaph,
of Israel, that they should hallow Zacharias, and Eddinus, who * was
themselves imto the Lord, to set the of the king's retinue. Moreover the
holy ark of the Lord in the house that porters were at every gate none had
king Solomon the son of David had need to depart from his daily course
4 built: and said, Ye shall no more for their brethren the Levites pre-
have need to bear it upon your shoul- pared for them. Thus were the things
ders: now therefore serve the Lord that belonged to the sacrifices of the
your God, and minister unto his peo- Lord accomplished in that day, in
ple Israel, and prepare you after your holding the passover, and offering
5 fathers' houses and kindreds, accord- sacrifices upon the altar of the Lord,
ing to the writing of David king of according to the commandment of
Israel, and according to the magnifl- king Josias. So the children of Is-
cence of Solomon his son and stand-
: rael which were present at that time
ing in the holy place according to the held the passover, and the feast of
several divisions of the families of unleavened bread seven days. And
you the Levites, who minister in the such a passover was not held in Israel
presence of your brethren the children since the time of the prophet Samuel.
6 of Israel, offer the passover in order, Yea, all the kings of Israel held not
and make ready the sacrifices for such a i)assover as Josias, and the
yoiu' brethren, and keep the passover priests, and the Levites, and the Jews,
according to the commandment of held with all Israel that were present
the Lord, which was given unto Mo- in their dwelling place at Jerusalem.
7 ses. And unto the people which were In the eighteenth year of the reign of
present Josias gave thirty thousand Josias was this passover held. And
lambs and kids, antl three thousand the works of Josias were upright be-
calves: thesi' things were given of fore his Lord with a heart full of
the king's substance, according as he 24 godliness. Moreover the things that
promised, to the people, and to the came to pass in his days have been
8 priests and Levites. And Helkias,and written in times past, concerning those
Zacharias, and'' Esyelus, the rulers of that sinned, and did wickedly against
the temple, gave to the priests for the the Lord above every people and king-
passover two thousand ftHc? six hun- dom, and how they grieved him "ex-
dred slicep, a till thi't'c hundred calves. ceedingly, so that the words of the
9 And Jcconias, and Sain;ilas. and Xa- Lord were confirmed against Israel.
thanael his brotlicr, and Sabias, and 'JN'ow after all these acts of Josias
Ochielus, and Joram, captains over it came to pass, that Pharaoh the king
thousands, gave to the Levites for the of Egypt came to raise war at Carche-
passover five thousand sheep, and mish upon Euphrates and Josias
10 seven hundred calves. And when went out against him. But the king
these things were done, the priests of Egypt sent to him. saying. What
and Levites, having the unleavened have I to do with thee, O king of Ju-
bread, stood in comely order accord- daea? I am not sent out from the
lling to the kindreds, and according Lord God against thee for my war
to the several divisions by fathers' is upon Euphrates : and now the Lord
houses, before the people, to offer to is with me, yea, the Lord is with me
the Lord, as it is written in the book hasting me forward depart from me,
of Moses: and thus did tliei/m the 28 and be not against the Lord. How-
12 morning. And they roasted the pass- beit Josias did not turn back ' unto
over with fire, as appertaineth: and his chariot, but undertook to fight
the sacrifices they sod in the brasen with him, not regarding the words of
vessels and caldrons with a good sa- the prophet Jeremy spoken, by the
13 vour, and set them before all the peo- 29 mouth of the Lord: but joined battle
ple :'and afterward they prepared for with him in the plain of Megiddo, and
themselves, and for the priests their the princes came down against king
1. 47. I. ESDRAS. 2. 7.
3 1 away out of the host. Then gat he up his heart, he transgressed the laws of
upon his second chariot and being 49 the Lord, the God of Israel. More-
brought back to Jerusalem he died, over the governors of the people and
and was buried in the sepulchre of of the priests did many things wick-
32 his fathers. And in all Jewry they edly, "and passed all the pollutions
mourned for Josias and Jeremy the
; of all nations, and defiled the temple
prophet lamented for Josias, and the of the Lord, which was sanctified in
chief men with tlie women made la- 50 Jerusalem. And the God of their fa-
mentation for him, unto this day and thers sent by his messenger to call
this was given out for an ordinance to them back, because he had compas-
be done continually in all the nation of sion on them and on his dwelling place.
33 Israel. These things are written in 51 But they mocked his messengers;
the book of the histories of tiie kings and in the day when the Lord spake
of Judsea, and every one of the acts totto them, they scoffed at his pro-
that Josias did, and his glory, and his 52phets: so far forth, that he, being
understanding inth^ law of the Lord, wroth with his people for their great
and the things that he had done be- ungodliness, commanded to bring up
fore, and the thi-ngs now recited, are the kings of the Chaldeans against
reported in the book of the kings of 53 them who slew their young men with
stead of Josias his father, when he was 54 he delivered all into their hands. And
35 twenty and three years old. And he they took all the holy vessels of the
reigned in ^ Judah and in Jerusalem Lord, both great and small, with 'the
three months and then the king of
: vessels of the ark of the Lord, and the
Egypt deposed him from reigning in king's treasures, and carried them
30 Jerusalem. And he set a tax upon the 55 away unto Babylon. And they burnt
people of a hundred talents of silver the house of the Lord, and brake down
37 and one talent of gold. The king of the walls of Jerusalem, and burnt the
Egypt also made king Joakim his bro- 56 towers thereof with flre and as for
ther king of JuiUea and Jerusalem. her glorious things, they never ceased
38 And .liiakiin bound the niililcs: but till they had lirouglit them all to
Zaraki'S bis brother he apprehended, nought: and the jieople that were
and brought him up out of Egypt. not slain with the sword he carried
39 Five and twenty years old was * Joa- 57 unto Baliylon and they were ser-
kim when he began to reign in Juda-a vants unto him and to his children,
and Jerusalem and he did that which
; till the Persians reigned, to fulfil the
40 was evil in the sight of the Lord. And word of -the Lord by the mouth of
against him Nabuchodonosor the king 58 Jeremy: Until the land hath enjoyed
of Babylon came up, and bound him her sabbaths, the whole time of her
with a chain of brass, and carried him desolation shall she keep sabbath, to
4 1 unto Babylon. Nabuchodonosor also fulfil threescore and ten years.
took of the holy vessels of the Lord, 2 In the " first year of Cyrus king of the
and carried them away, and set them Persians, that the word of the Lord
42 up in his own teniiile at r.aliylon. But by the nioutli of Jeremy might be ac-
those things that are rejiortt'd of him, 2 complislu'd, the Lord stirred up the
and of hisuncleannessand impiety, are spirit of Cyrus king of the Persians,
written in the chronicles of the kings. and he made proclamation through
43 And Joakim his son reigned in his all his kingdom, and also by writing,
stead for when he was made king
: 3 .saying, Thus saith Cyrus king of the
44 he was "eighteen years old; and he Persians; The Lord of Israel, the
reigned three months and ten days in Most High Lord, hath made nie king
Jerusalem and did that which was
; 4 of the whole world, and ciiinnianded
evil before the Lord. me to build him a house at .lerusjilem
45 So after a year Nabuchodonosor sent 5 that is in Judsea. If therefore there
and caused him to be brought unto be any of you that are of bis people,
Babylon with the holy vessels of the let the Lord, even his Lord, be with
cattle, beside the other thiiif^s which city was troubling both
have been aiided liy vow lor tlie tem- 23 kings and cities: and that tlie .Jews
of the Lord wliicli is in Jerusalem.
jile were rebellious, and raised always
8 Then the chief of the families of wars therein of old time for the ;
Judali and of the tribe of Benjamin which cause even this city was laid
stood up; the priests also, and the 24 waste. Wherefore now we do declare
Levites, and all they whose spirit the unto thee, O lord the king, that if this
Lord had stirred to go up, to build city be builded again, and the walls
tlie house for the Lord which is in thereof set up anew, thou shalt from
9 Jerusalem. And they that dwelt round henceforth have no passage into Cffile-
about them helped them in all things 25 Syria and Phoenicia. Then the king
with silver and gold, with horses and wrote back again to Rathunuis the
cattle, and with very many gifts that storywriter, and Beeltethmus, and
were vowed of a great number whose Samellius the scribe, and to the rest
10 minds were stirred u|> thm'to. King that were in commission, and dwelt
Cyrus also brought forth the holy in Samaria and Syria and Phoenicia,
vessels of the Lord, which Nabueho- 26 after this manner I have read the
donosor had carried away from Jeru- epistle which ye have sent unto me :
salem, and had set up in his temple of therefore I commanded to make search,
11 idols. Now when Cyrus king of the and it hath been found that that city
Persians had brought them forth, he of old time hath made insurrection
delivered them to Mithradates his 27 against kings; and the men were
12 treasurer, and by him they were de- given to reljellion and war therein:
livered to ' Sanabassar the governor and that mighty kings and fierce were
13 of Judnea. And this was the number of in Jerusalem, who reigned and exacted
them A thousand golden cups, a thou-
: tribute in Coelesyria and Phoenicia.
sand cups of silver, censers of silver 28 Now therefore I have commanded
twenty nine, vials of gold thirty, and to hinder those men from Iniilding
of silver two thousand four hundred the city, and heed to be taken that
and ten, and other vessels a thousand. there be nothing done contrary to
14 So all the vessels of gold and of silver 29 this order; and that those wicked
were brought up, even five thousand doings proceed no further to the an-
15 four hundred threescore and nine, and 30 noyance of kings. Then king Artax-
were carried back by Sanabassar, to- erxes his letters being read, Ra-
gether with them of the captivity, thunuis, and Samellius the scribe, and
from Babylon to Jerusalem. the rest that were in commission
16 ^ But in the time of Artaxerxes king with them, removing in haste unto
of the Persians Belemus, and Mithra- Jerusalem with horsemen and a multi-
dates, and Tabellius, and ^ Rathunuis, tude of people in battle array, began
and Beeltethmus, and ^ Samellius the to hinder the builders and the build-
scribe, with the others that were in ing of the temple in Jerusalem ceased
commission with tlieni, dwelling in until the second year of the reign of
Samaria and other iilaces. wrote unto Darius king of the Persians.
him against tliem tliat dwelt in .ludaea 3 Now king Darius made a great feast
and .lenisalcm the letter following: unto all his subjects, and unto all that
17 To king Artaxerxes our lord, Thy were born in his house, and unto all
servants, Rathunuis the ^ story writer, the princes of ISIedia and of Persia,
and Samellius the scribe, and the rest 2 and to all the satrajis and captains and
of their council, and the judges that governors that were under him, from
18 are in Coelesyria and Phoenicia. Be India unto Ethiopia, in the hundred
it now known to our lord the king, 3 twenty and seven provinces. And
that the Jews that are come up from when they had eaten and drunken, and
you to us, being come unto Jerusalem, being satisfied were gone home, then
do build that rebellious and wicked Darius the king went into his bed-
city, and do repair the marketplaces chamber, and slept, and awaked out of
and the walls of it, and do lay the his sleep.
19 foundation of a temple. Nowif this 4 Then the three young men of the
city be builded and the walls thereof body-guard, that kejrt the king's per-
be finished, they will not only refuse 5 son, spake one to another Let every :
to give tribute, but will even stand up one of us say one thing which shall be
20 against kings. And forasmuch as the strongest and he whose sentence shall
things pertaining to the temple are seem wiser than the others, unto hijn
now in hand, we think it meet not to shall Darius the king give great gifts,
21 neglect such a matter, but to speak and great honours in token of victory:
unto our lord the king, to the intent 6 as, to be clothed in purple, to drink
that, if it be thy pleasure, search may in gold, and to sleep upon gold, and
be made in the books of thy fathers: a chariot with bridles of gold, and a
! and thou Shalt find in the chronicles headtire of flue linen, and a chain about
what is written concerning these 7 his neck and he shall sit next to
things, and shalt understand that that Darius because of his wisdom, and
4. 6. I. ESDRAS. 4. 27.
Sshcall be calledDarius his cousin. And wise for those that are no soldiers, and
then they wrote every one his sen- have not to do with wars, but use hus-
tence, and set to their seals, and laid bandry, when they have reaped again
tltc trritiiiii under Ivini; Darius his pil- that which they liail sown, they bring
91i)\v,au(l said. When the Icing is risen, it to tlie king, anil compel one another
some slial! give liini the writing; and 7 to pay tril)ute unto the king. And he
of whose side the king and the three is ' liut one man if he, command to
princes of Persia shall judge that his kill, they kill if he command to spare,
sentence is the wisest, to him shall the 8 they spare if he command to smite,
1 first wrote, Wine is the strongest. The desolate, they make desolate if he ;
est: but above all things Truth bear- if he connnand to plant, they plant.
eth away the victory. 10 So all his people and his armies obey
13 Now when the king was risen up, him furthermore he lieth down, he
they took the writing, and gave it unto eateth and drinketh, and taketh his
14 him, and so he read it: and sending 11 rest: and these keep watch round
forth he called all the princes of Per- about him, neither may any one de-
sia and of Media, and the satraps, and part, and do his own business, neither
the captains, and the governors, and 12 disobey they him ht aiiytli lug. () sirs,
15 the chief officers and sat him down in
; how should not the king be strongest,
the royal seat of judgement; and the seeing that in such sort he is obeyed?
16 writing was read before them. And And he held his peace.
he said, Call the young men, and they 13 Then the third, who had spoken of
shall e.\pl;iiu their own sentences. So women, and of truth, (this was Zoro-
17 tliey were called, and came in. And
14 babel) began to speak. () sirs, is not
they said unto them. Declare unto us the king great, and men are many, and
your mind concerning the things ye wine is strong? who is it then that
have written. ruleth them, or hath the lordship over
Then began the first, who had spoken 1 5 them ? are they not women ? Women
18 of the strength of wine, and said thus, have borne the king and all the people
O sirs, how exceeding strong is wine 16 that bear rule by sea and land. Even
it causeth all men to err that drink it of them came they and they nour- :
19 it maketh the mind of the king and of ished them up that planted the vine-
the fatherless child to be all one of yards, from whence the wine cometh.
the bondman and of the freeman, of 17 These also make garments for men;
20 the poor man and of the rich it turn- these bring glory unto men and with-
: ;
eth also every thought into jollity and 18 out women cannot men be. Yea, and
mirth, so that a man remembereth if men have gathered together gold
21 neither sorrow nor debt: and it mak- and silver and every other goodly
eth every heart rich, so that a man re- thing, 2 and see a woman which is
membereth neither king nor satrap; 19 comely in favour and beauty, they let
and it maketh to speak all things by all those things go, and gape after her,
22 talents: and when they are in their and even with open mouth fix their
cups, they forget their love both to eyes fast on her; and have all more
friends and brethren, and a little after desire unto her than unto gold or sil-
23 draw their swords: but when they ver, or any goodly thing whatsoever.
awake from their wine, they remem- 20 A man leaveth his own father that
24 her not what they have done. O sirs, brought him up, and his own coinitry.
is not wine the strongest, seeing that 21 and cleaveth unto his wife. Anil with
it enforceth to do thus ? And when he his wife he endeth his days, and re-
had so spoken, he held his peace. membereth neither father, nor mo-
4 Then the second, that had spoken of 22ther, nor country. By this also ye
the strength of the king, began to say, nuist know that women liave domin-
2 O sirs, do not men excel in strength, ion over you do ye not labour and :
that l)ear rule over the sea and land, toil, and give and bring all to women ?
3 and all thing.'5 in them? But yet is the 23 Yea, a man taketh his sword, and go-
king stronger and he is their lord, and
: eth forth to make outroads, and to rob
hath dominion over them and in what- ; and to steal, and to sail upon the sea
soever he commandeth them they 24 and upon rivers; and looketh upon
4 obey him. If he l)id them make war a lion, and walketh in the darkness
the one against the other, they do it: and when he hath stolen, spoiled, and
and if he send them out against the robbed, he bringeth it to his love.
enemies, they go, and overcome moini- 2.5 Wherefore a man loveth his wife bet-
5 tains, walls, and towers. They slay 20 ter than father or mother. Yea, many
and are slain, and transgress not the there be that have run out of their
king's connnandment if tliey get the: wits for women, and become bondmen
victory, they bring all to the king, as 27 for their sakes. Many also have per-
6 well the spoil, as all things else. Like- ished, have stumbled, and sinned, for
4. 45. I. ESDRAS. 4. 61.
28 women. And now do ye not believe temple, which the Edomites burned
me ? is not tlie king great in his wlien juda?a was made desolate by
power? do not all regions fear to 4() the Chaldeans. And now, O lord tlie
29 touch him? Yet did I see him and king, this is that which I require, and
Apame the king's coneubine, the which I desire of thee, and this is the
daughter of tlie illustrious Bartacus, princely liberality that shall proceed
sitting at the right hand of the king, from thee I pray therefore that thou
30 and taking the crown from the king's make good the vow, the performance
head, and setting it upon her own whereof thou hast vowed to the King
head; yea, she struck the king with of heaven with thine own mouth.
31 her left hand: and therewithal the 47 Then Darius the king stood up, and
king gaped and gazed upon her with kissed him, and wrote letters for him
open mouth if she laughed upon him,
: unto all the treasurers and governors
he laughed also but if she took any
: and captains and satraps, that they
displeasure at him, he was fain to flat- should safely bring on their way both
ter, that she ndght be reconciled to him, and all those that should go up
32 him again. O sirs, how can it be but 48 with him to build Jerusalem. He
women should be strong, seeing they wrote letters also unto all the gover-
do thus ? nors that were in Coelesyria and Phoe-
33 Then the king and the nobles looked nicia, and unto them in Libanus, that
one upon another so he began to
: they should bring cedar wood from
34 speak concerning truth. O sirs, are Libanus unto Jerusalem, and that
not women strong ? great is the earth, they should build the city with him.
high is the heaven, swift is the sun 49 Moreover he wrote for all the Jews
in his course, for he compasseth the that should go out of his reahn up into
heavens round about, and fetcheth his Jewry, concerning their freedom, that
course again to his own place in one no officer, no governor, no satrap, nor
35 day. Is he not great that maketh treasurer, should forcibly enter into
tliese things ? therefore great is truth, 50 their doors and that all the country
36 and stronger tlian all things. All tlie which they oceuiiied should be free to
eartli u|)on truth, and tlie
I'allftli them witliout tribute and that the ;
the king is unrighteous, women are given twenty talents to the building
unrighteous, all the children of men of the temple, until the time that it
are unrighteous, and unrighteous are 52 were built; and other ten talents
all such their works and there is no
; yearly, for burnt offerings to be pre-
truth in them in their unrigliteous-
; sented upon the altar every day, as
38 ness also they shall perish. But truth they had a commandment to offer
abideth, and is strong for ever; she 53 seventeen and that all they that
liveth and conquereth for evermore. should come from Babylonia to build
39 With her there is no accepting of the city should have their freedom, as
persons or rewards but she doeth tlie
; well tliey as tlieir posterity, and all
things that are just, (dkI rcfrdhuiii 54 the priests that came. He wrote also
from all unrighteous and wicked to yive theiii their charges, and the
things and all men do well like of her
; priests' vestments wherein they min-
40 works. Neither in her judgement is 55 ister ; and for the Levites he wrote
any unrighteousness and she is the ; that their charges should lie given
strength, and the kingdom, and the them until the day that the house
power, and the majesty, of all ages. were finished, and Jerusalem builded
41 Blessed he the (Jodc'iftrutli. Aiidwitli 5(3 up. And he conuiianded to give to
that he held liis tongue. And all tlie all that kept tlie city lands and wages.
people tlieu shouted, and said. Great 57 He sent away also all the vessels
is truth, and strong above all things. from Babylon, that Cyrus had set
42 Tlien said the king unto him. Ask apart and all that Cyrus had given
what thou wilt more than is appointed in commandment, the same charged
in writing, and we will give it thee, he also to be done, and sent unto
inasmuch as thou art found wisest Jerusalem.
and thou shalt sit next me, and shalt 58 Now when young man was gone
43 be called my cousin. Then said he forth, he up his face to heaven
unto the king, Kemember thy vow, toward Jerusalem, and praised the
wliieh thou didst vow to build Jerusa- 59 King of heaven, and said, From thee
lem, in the day when thou earnest to cometli victory, from thee cometli
44 thy kingdom, and to send away all wisdom, and thine is the glory, and
the vessels tliat were taken out of 60 I am thy servant. Blessed art thou,
Jerusalem, which Cyrus set apart, who hast given me wisdom and to :
62 and told it all his brethren. And they 16 four hundred thirty and two the sons :
praised tlie God of tlieir fathers, be- of " Annis, a hundred and one : the
cause he had given tlieni freedom and sons of Arom the sons of ™ Bassai, :
63 liberty to go up, and to build Jerusa- three hundred twenty and three the :
lem, and tlie temple which is called by sons of Arsiphuritli, a hundred and
his name and they feasted with in-
: 17 twelve the sons of Baiterus, three
struments of music and gladness thousand and five the sons of -' Betb- :
vants and maidservants, and tlieir and five they of Capliira and Berotli,
2 cattle. And Darius sent with them 20 seven hundred forty and tliree tbe :
a tliousand horsemen, till tliey had Chadiasai and Ammidioi, four hun-
brought them back to Jerusalem dred twenty and two they of -* Kira- :
'safely, and with musical instruments, nia and -"^Gabbe, six hundred twenty
3 tabrets and tlutes. And all their bre- 21 and one: tbey of -" Macalon, a hun-
thren played, and he made them go dred twenty and two they of 2' Beto- :
up togctlua- witli them. lion, tifty and two: the sons of ^^ Ni-
4 And tbese are tbe names of the men 22 phis, a hundred lifty and six the sons :
which went up, accijrding to their fam- of -' Calamolalns and ^o Onus, seven
ilies amongst their tribes, after their hundred twenty and five the sons of :
5 several divisions. The priests, tbe 2' Jerechn, ^^ three hundred forty and
sons of Pliinees, tbe sons of Aaron 23 five the sons of ^^ Sanaas, three
Jesus the son of Josedel<, the son of thousand three hundred and ^^ thirty.
Saraias, and Joakim the son of Zoro- 24 The priests the sons of ^^ Jeddu, the :
babel, tlie son of Salathiel, of tlie son of Jesus, among the sons of Sana-
house of David, of the lineage of sib, "nine hundred seventy and two :
6 Phares, of the tribe of Jiidah; who tbe sons of =' Emmeruth, ^' a thousand
spake wise sentences before Darius 25 fifty and two the sons of" Phassurus, :
the liing of Persia in the second year a thousand two hundred forty and se-
of Ills reign, in tiie month Nisan, which ven the sons of "' Charme, "' a tbon-
7 is tlie first montli. - And tliese are 26 sand and seventeen. Tbe Levites
they of Jewry that came up from the the sons of Jesus, and Kadmiel, and
captivity, where they dwelt as stran- Bannas, and Sudias, seventy and four.
gers, whom Nabuchodonosorthe king 27 The holy singers: the sons of Asaph,
of Babylon had carried away unto 28 a hundred " twenty and eiglit. Tlie
8 Babylon. And they returned unto porters the sons of *- Salnm, the sons
Jerusalem, and to the other parts of of *^ Atar, the sons of Tohnan, tbe
Jewry, every man to his own city, sons of ^^ Daculii. the sons of ^^ Ateta,
vvlio came with Zorobabel, with Jesus, the sons of ^" Sabi, in all a hundred
Nehemias, and ^ Zaraias, Kesaias, 29 thirty and nine. The temple-servants:
* Enenens, Mardocheus, Beelsarus, the sons of ^' Esau, the scnis of ^* Asi-
'' Aspharasus, Reelias, Roimns, and
plia, the sons of Tabaoth, the sons of
9 Baana, their leaders. Tbe nnmlier of *''
Keras, tlie sons of "" Sua, the sons of
tliem of the nation, and their leailers ^' Phaleas, the sons of Labana, the
the sons of " Phoros, two thousand a 30 sons of ^- Aggaba, the sons of " Acud,
hundredseventy and two: the sons of tlie sons of Uta, the sons of Ketab, the
* Sapliat, four liundred seventy and sons of ''^ Acpaba, tlie sons of Sul)ai, ""'
Bebai,six hundred twenty and three : sonsof "» Asur, the sons of Pharakim,
tlie sons of Astad, '^ a thousand three
' 32 the sons of ' Basaloth, the sons of
141inn(h('il twenty and two: the sons ^2 Meedda, the sons of Cutlia, tbe sons
of Adonikam, six liundred sixty and of "' Charea, the sons of ' Barcbus,
seven the sons of '^ Bagoi, two thou-
: the sons of 7« Serar, the sons of ^'^ Tho-
sand sixty and six:thesonsof "'Adinu,
se fliddel. Onhnr. S8 Reaiah.
67 6 9 Rezin.
15 four hundred fifty and four the sons :
61 (iitzzfim. 62 r:-ii. 63 J>(,.mih. flesrti. « m
of " Ater, of Kzekias, ninety and two 68 Mcniim. 67 \p/,hi.'i'm. 68 linkhuk-. Accordint;
ri.".\i\'uv^i, Anijth. ea JJakliplid. '» Uniliiir
the sons of Kilan and Azetas, three- Inl/i. 72 Mt'hkla. 73 llarsha. 74 Bwkos. '6 Sisei
score and seven llie sons of '* Azaru, : wa/i.
5. 47. I. ESDRAS. 5. 61.
1 .Ve- mei, the sons of ' Nasi, tlie sons of into the broad place before the first
33 Atiplia. The sons
of the servants of 48 porcli wliich is toward the east. Then
read- Solomon the sons of ' Assaphioth,
stood up Jesus the son of Josedek,
ing is, the sons of ^ Pharida, the sons of and his brethren the priests, and Zoro-
a Htumo-
* JeeH, the sons of ' Lozon, the sons babel the son of Salathiel, and his
phereth. of « Istiael, the sons of Saphuthi,
' brethren, and made ready the altar of
3 Pe- 34 the sons of » Agia, the sons of Pha-''
49 the God of Israel, to offer burnt sac-
ruda. rifices upon it, according as it is
* Jaalah.
careth, the sons of Sabie, tlie sons of
Sarothie, the sons of '" Masias, the expressly connnanded in the book of
B Dar-
kon. sons of Gas, the sons of Addus, the 50 Moses the man of (iod. And certain
» Gkldel. sons of Subas, the sons of Apherra, were gathered unto tliem out of the
1 She- the sons of Barodis, the sons of Sa- other nations of the land, and they
35 phat, the sons of Allon. All the tem- erected the altar upon its own place,
e Hat-
til. ple-servants, and the sons of the ser- because all the nations of tlie land
9 Poche- vants of Solomon, were three luindred were at enmity with them, and op-
reth-haz- pressed them and they offered sacri-
zebaim^ 36 seventy and two. These came up ;
Ezra ii. from " Thermeleth, and '^ Thelersas, fices according to the time, and burnt
13 Charaathalan leading them, and offerings to tlie Lord both morning
10 An-
other 37 Allar ;and they could not shew their 51 and evening. Also they held the feast
read- families, nor their stock, how tliey of tabernacles, as it is commanded in
jm, as. I
were of Israel the sons of " Dalan
: the law, and offered sacrifices daily,
11 Tel- the son of >» Ban, the sons of "' Neko- 52 as was meet and after that, the con-
tnelah. 38 dan, six hundred fifty and two. And tinual oblations, and tlie sacrifices of
12 reU
of the priests, they that usurped the the sabbatlis, and of the new moons,
13 Che- office of the priesthooil and were not and of all the consecrated feasts.
nth, found the sons of '• Obdia, the sons
53 And all they that had made any vow
of " Akkos, the sons of .laddus. who to God began to offer sacrifices to
K Dfla-
married Augia one of the daughters God from the new moon of the " se-
iah. An-
other of "' Zorzelleus, and was called after venth month, although the temple of
39 his name. And when the description 54 God was not yet built. And they
is, Afan.
16 To- of the kindred of these men was gave money unto the masons and car-
biah. An- sought in the register, and was not 55penters; and meat and drink, and
found, they were removed from exe- cars unto them of Sidon and Tyre,
is, Bae- 40 outing the office of the inMesthood for : that they should bring cedar trees
nan. unto them said Nehemias and Attha- from Libaiius, and convey them in
18 JVe.
they should not be partakers
rias, that floats to the haven of Joppa, accord-
17 ffafta- of the holy things, till there arose ing to the commandment which was
m/?. or up a high priest wearing =" Urim and written for them by Cyrus king of the
41Thummim. So all they of Israel, 56 Persians. And in the second year
18 Ha/fc- from twelve years old mid upirard, after his coming to the temple of God
beside menservants and womenser- at Jerusalem, in the second month,
19 Bar-
vants, were in tuimher forty and two began Zorobaliel the son of Salathiel,
Another thousand three hundred and sixty. and Jesus the son of Josedek, and
reading 42 Their menservants and handmaids their brethren, and the priests the
is, Pftae-
zelilfEiui. were seven thousand three hundred Levites, and all they that were come
20 Gr. thirty and seven the minstrels and
: unto Jerusalem out of the captivity :
the singers, two hundred forty and five : 57 and they laid the foundation of the
tation 43 four hundred thirty and five camels, temple of God on the new moon of the
and seven ^^ thousand tliirty and six second montli, in the second year
21 An-
horses, two luuidred forty and five after they were come to Jewry and
other mules, five thousand five hundred 58 Jerusalem. -' And they appointed the
reading twenty and five beasts of burden. Levites from twenty years old over
dieil. 44 And certain of the chief men of their the works of the Lord. Then stood up
families, when they came to the tem- Jesus, and his sons and brethren, and
ple of God that is in Jerusalem, vow- Kadmiel his brother, and the sons of
ed to set up the house again in its Jesiis, Emadabun. and the sons of
own place according to tlieir ability, Joda the son of Iliadun, smd their
45 and to give into the holy treasury of sous and brethren, all the Levites,
the works a thousand pounds of gold, with one accord setters forward of
five thousand of silver, and a hundred the Inisiness, labouring to advance the
40 priestly vestments. And the priests works in the house of God. So the
and the Levites and they that were builders bnilded the temple of the
of the people dwelt in Jerusalem and 59 Lord. And the jiriests stood arrayed
the country the holy singers also and
; in their vestments witli musical in-
the porters and all Israel in their struments and trumpets, and the Le-
villages. vites the sons of Asaph with their
47 But when the seventh month was at 60 cymbals, singing songs of thanksgiv-
hand, and when the children of Israel ing, and praising the Lord, after the
were every man in his own place, they 61 order of David king of Israel. And
came all together with one consent they sang aloud, praising the Lord
6. 4. I. ESDRAS. ]. 21.
trumpets, and shouted with a loud were not hindered from building, un-
voice, singing songs of thanksgiving til such time as communication was
unto the Lord for the rearing up of made unto Darius concerning them,
63 the house of the Lord. ' Also of the and his answer signified.
priests the Levites, and of the heads 7 The copy of the letter which Sisinnes,
of their families, the ancients who governor of Syria and Phoenicia, and
had seen the former house came to Sathrabuzanes, with their compan-
the building of this with lamentation ions, the rulers in Syria and Phoeni-
64 and great weeping. But many with cia, wrote and sent unto Darius To ;
trumpets and joy shouted with loud 8 king Darius, greeting Let all things
65 voice, insomuch that the people heard be known unto our lord the king, that
not the trumpets for the weeping of being come into the country of Judaea,
the people for the multitude sounded
: and entered into the city of Jerusa-
marvellously, so that it was heard lem, we found in the city of Jerusa-
afar off. lem the elders of the Jews that were
66 2 Wherefore when the enemies of the 9 of the captivity building a house unto
tribe of Judah and Ben.iamin heard it, the Lord, great roid new, of hewn and
they came to know what that 7ioise of costly stones, with timber laid in the
67 trumpets should mean. And they 10 walls. And those works are done
perceived that they that were of the with great speed, and the work goeth
captivity did build the temple unto on iirospurously in their hands, and
68 the Lord, the God of Israel. So they with all glory and diligence is it ac-
went to Zorobal)el and Jesus, and to 11 complislied. Then asked we these el-
the chief men of the families, and said ders, saying, By whose connnandment
unto them. We will build together build ye this house, and lay the foun-
69 with you. For we likewise, as ye, do 12 dations of these works? TluTct'ore,
obey your Lord, and do sacrifice unto to the intent tliat we might give know-
him from the days of ^ Asbasareth the ledge unto thee by writing who were
king of the Assyrians, who brought the chief doers, we questioned them,
70 us hither. Then Zorobabel and Jesus and we required of them the names
and the chief men of the families of 13 in writing of their principal men. So
Israel said inito them, It is not *for they gave us this answer. We
are the
you to Iniild the house unto the Lord servants of the Lord which made
71 our (lod. We ourselves alone will 14 heaven and earth. And as for this
build unto the Lord of Israel, accord- house, it was builded many years ago
ing as Cyrus the king of the Persians by a king of Israel great and strong,
72 hath commanded us. But the heathen 1.5 and was finished. But when our fa-
of the land lying heavy upon the in- thers silmed against the Lord of Isra-
habitants of Jiula^a, and "holding el which is in heaven, and in-ovoked
them strait, hindered their building; him unto wrath, he gave them over
73 and " by their secret plots, and popu- into the hands of Nabuchodonosor
lar persuasions and commotions, they king of Babylon, king of the Chalde-
hindered the finishing of the building 16 ans and they pulled down the house,
letsearcli-be inarte among the royal ordained that according unto these
archives of our lord the king that are things it 1)6 done with diligence.
22 in Babylon anil if it l)e found that the
7 Then * Sisinnes the governor of Ccele-
building of the house of the Lord syria and riio'uicia, and Sathrabu-
which is in Jerusalem hath been done zanes, with their companions, follow-
witli tlie consent of king Cyrus, and it ing the conimandments of king Darius,
seem guild unto our lurd tlie king, let 2 did very rjircfiilly oversee the holy
him signify unto us tliereof. works, assisting the elders of the Jews
23 '
Then connnanded l^ing Darius to 3 and rulers of the temple. And so the
seek among the archives that were laid holy works prospered, while Aggaeus
up at Babylon and so at Ecbatana
: and Zacharias the prophets prophe-
the palace, which is in the country of 4 sied. And they finished these things
Media, there was found a - roll wherein by the commandment of the Lord, the
24 these things were recorded. In the God of Israel, and with the consent of
is, iilace. first year of the reign of Cyrus king Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes. kings
Cyrus commanded to build up the 5 of the Persians. Ami thus was ''the
house of the Lord which is in Jerusa- liouse finished liy the three and twen-
lem, where they do sacrifice with con- tieth day of the month Adar, in the
25 tinual fire whose height shall be sixty
: 6 sixth year of king Darius. And the
cubits, and the breadth sixty cul)its, children of Israel, the priests, and the
with three rows of hewn stones, and Levites, and the other that were of
one row of new wood of that country the captivity, that were added unto
and the exi)enses tliereof to be given them, did according to the things
2(J out of the house of Iving Cyrus :and 7 written in the book of Moses. And to
that the holy vessels of the house of the dedication of the temple of the Lord
the Lord, both of gold and silver, that they offered a hundred bullocks, two
Nabucliodon(.)siir took out of the house hundred rams, four luindrcil lamlts;
at Jerusali'ui, and carried away to Ba- 8(1)1(1 twelve lie-go;its for the sin of all
bylon, sliould be restored to tlie house Israel, according tt) the nunilierof the
at Jerusalem, and be set in the place twelve princes of the tribes of Israel.
27 where they were before. And also he 9 The priests also and the Levites stood
commanded that Sisinnes the gover- arrayed in tlieir vestments, according
nor of Syria and Pha3nieia,and Sathra- to their kindreds, for the services of
buzanes, and tlieir companions, and the Lord, the God of Israel, according
those whicli were appointed rulers in to the book of Moses and the porters
and that they look diligently to help sanctified. For the Levites were all
those that be of the captivity of Judaea, 12 sanctified together, and they offered
till the house of the Lord be finished: the passover for all them of the cap-
29and that out of the tribute of Coele- tivity, and for their brethren the
syria and Phoenicia a portion be care- 13 priests, and for themselves. And the
fully given these men for the sacrifices children of Israel that came out of the
of the Lord, t/mt is, to Zorobaliel the captivity did eat, even all they that
governor, for bullocks, and rams, and had separated themselves from the
oO Iambs; and also corn, salt, wine, and abominations of the heathen of the
oil, and that continually every year 14 land, and sought the Lord. And they
without f urtlier question, according as kept the feast of unleavened bread
the priests that be in Jerusalem shall seven days, making merry before the
31 signify to be daily spent: that drink 15 Lord, for that he had turned the
offerings may lie made to the Most counsel of the king of Assyria toward
High God for the king and for his them, to strengthen their hands in the
children, and that they may pray for works of the Lord, the God of Israel.
32 their lives. And that commandment 8 ^.'^nd after these things, when Artax-
be given that whosoever shall trans- erxes the king of the Persians reigned,
3 An- gress, yea, or neglect anything ^ herein came Esdras the son of Azaraias, the
reading written, out of his own house shall a son of Zechrias, the son of Helkias, the
is,afore tree be taken, and he thereon be hang- 2 son of Salem, the son of Sadduk, the
ed, and all his goods seized for the son of Ahitob, the son of Amarias, the
33 king. The Lord therefore, whose name son of Ozias, the son of Memeroth,
is there called upon, utterly destroy the son of Zaraias, the son of Savias,
every king and nation, that shall the son of Boccas, the son ©f Abisue,
stretch out his hand to hinder or en- the son of Phinees, the son of Eleazar,
damage that house of the Lord in 3 the son of Aaron the chief priest. This
34 Jerusalem. I Darius the king have Esdras went up from Babylon, as be-
8. 19. I. ESDRAS. 8. 38.
ing a ready scribe in the law of Moses, Most High God shall send for, they
tliat was given by tbe God of Israel. should give it him with all diligence,
4 And tlie king did liini lionour: for lie 20 to the sum of a hundred talents of
found grace in bis sight in all his re- silver, likewise also of wheat even to
5 qnests. There went up with him also a hundred • measures, and a hundred
certain of the children of Israel, and firkins of wine, and salt in abun-''
of the priests, and Levites, and holy 21 dance. Let all tilings be performed
singers, and porters, and ' temple- after the law of GcmI diligently unto
6 servants, unto Jerusalem, in the se- the Most High iini], tliat wratli eoine
ventli year of the reign of Artaxerxes, not upon the kingdom of the king and
in the iifth montli, this was the king's 22 his sons. I command you also, that
seventh year for they went from
; no tax, nor any other imposition, be
Babylon on the new moon of tbe first laid on any of the priests, or Levites,
month, and came to Jerusalem, ac- or holy singers, or iiorters, or temple-
cording to tlie prosperous journey servants, or any that have employ-
which the Lord gave them -for his ment in this temple, and that no man
7 sake. For Esdras had very great have authority to imiiose anything
skill, so that he omitted nothing of 23 upon them. And thou, Esdras, ac-
the law and commandments of the cording to the wisdom of God ordain
Lord, but taught all Israel the ordi- judges and justices, that they may
nances and judgements. judge in all Syria and Phcenicia all
8 Now connnission, which was
the tliose that know the law of thy God ;
written from Artaxerxes the king, and those that know it not thou shalt
came toEsdras the priest and reader 24 teach. And whosoever shall trans-
of the law of the Lord, whereof this gress the law of thy God, and of the
9 that followeth is a copy King Artax-
; king, shall be punished diligently,
erxes unto Esdras the priest and whether it be by death, or other pun-
reader of tbe law of the Lord, greet- ishment, by penalty of money, or by
10 ing: Having determined to deal gra- " imi)risonment.
ciously, I have given order, that such 25 Tlien said Esdras the scribe, Blessed
of the nation of tlie Jews, and of the be the only Lord, tlie God of my
priests and Levites, ^ and of those fathers, who hath put these things
within our realm, as are willing and into tbe heart of the king, to glorify
desirous, should go with tiiee nnto 26 his house that is in Jerusalem: and
11 Jerusalem. As many therefore as hath honoured me in the sight of the
have a mind thereunto, let them de- king, and his counsellors, and all his
part with thee, as it hath seemed good 27 friends and nobles. Therefore was I
both to me and my seven friends tlie encouraged by the help of the Lord
12 counsellors that they may look unto
; my God, and gathered together out of
the affairs of Judsea and Jerusalem, 28 Israel men to go np with me. And
agreeably to that which is in the law these are the chief according to their
13 of the I^ord, and carry the gifts unto families and the several divisions
the Lord of Israel to Jerusalem, which thereof, that went up with me from
I and my friends have vowed and ; Babylon in the reign of king Artax-
tliat all the gold and silver that can 29 erxes of the sons of Pliinees, Gerson
: :
14 for the Lord in Jerusalem, with that sons of David, ' Attus * the son of Se-
also which is given of the people for 30 chenias of the sons of Phoros, Zaclia-
the temple of the Lord their God that rias; and with him were counted a
is at .lerusalem, be collected even 31 hundred and fifty men: of the sons of
the gold and silver for bullocks, rams, Phaatli I\Ioab, Eliaonias the son of
and lambs, and things thereunto ap- Zaraias, and with him two hundred
15 pertaining; to the end that they may 32 men: ""of the sons of Zathoes, Se-
offer sacrifices nnto the Lord upon chenias tbe son of .lezelus, and with
tlie altar of the Lord their God, which him " three hundred men of tbe sons :
form, according to the will of thy God. of '- Gotholias, and with him seventy
17 And tlie holy vessels of the Lord, 34 men of the sons of Saphatias, ^' Za-
which are given thee for the use of raias son of Michael, and with him
the temple of thy God, which is in 35 threescore and ten men of the sons :
19 out of the king's treasury. And I king son of Josaphias, and with him a
Artaxerxes liave also commanded the 37 hundred and threescore men: of the
keepers of the treasures in Syria and sous of Babi, Zacharias son of Bebai,
Phoenicia, that whatsoever Esdras the and with him twenty and eight men
priest and reader of the law of the 38 of the sons of '" Astath, Joannes son
8. 58. I. ESDRAS. 8. 72.
40 ias, and with them seventy men: of liver themto the chiefs of the priests (uiilthe
3 Bigvai. the sons of " Bago, Uthi the son of and Levites, and to the principal men aitver
ami the
Istalcurns, and with him seventy men. of the families of Israel, in Jerusalem, gold ifc.
41 And I gathered them together to in the chambers of the house of our
the river called Tlieras and there
; 60 Lord. So the priests and the Levites,
we pitched our tents three days, and who received the silver and the gold
42 I surveyed them. But wlien I had and the vessels which were in Jerusa-
found there none of the priests and lem, brought them into the temple of
4."} Levites, thensent I unto Eleazar, and the Lord.
* Ariel. 44 * Iduel,and -Maasnias,and Elnathan, 61 And from the river Theras we de-
6 Jarib. and Samaias, and ^ Joribus, Nathan, parted the twelfth day of the first
Ennatan, Zacharias, and Mosolla- month, until we came to Jerusalem,
mus, principal men and men of under- by the mighty hand of our Lord
45 standing. And I bade them that they which was upon us and the Lord :
should go unto " Loddeus the captain, delivered us from assault by the
who was in the place of ^ the trea- way, from every enemy, and so we
46 sury and commanded them that they
: 62 came to Jerusalem. And when we
should speak unto Loddeus. and to had been there three days, the silver
his bretliren, and to the treasurers in and gold was weighed and delivered
that place, to send us such men as in the house of our Lord on the fourth
might execute the priests' office in day unto '^ ]Marmoth the priest the
47 the house of our Lord. And by the 63 son of LTrias. And with him was
,mighty hand of our Lord they brought Eleazar the son of Phinees, and with
8 An- unto us " men of understanding of the them were Josabdus the son of Jesus
reading sons of Mooli the son of Levi, the son
and i» jSIoeth the son of Sabannus, the
is, of Israel, '" Asebebias, and his sons, Levites: all was delivered them by
man. who 64 numlier and weight. And all the
9 Afahli.
and his brethren, were eighteen,
10 5Ae- 48 and '^ Asebias, and Annuus, and Osa- weight of them was written up the
rebiah. ias his brother, of the sons of Cha- 65 same hour. Moreover they that were
nuneus, and their sons were twenty come out of the captivity offered sac-
49 men and of the temple-servants whom
; rifices unto the Lord, the God of
David and the principal men had ap- Israel, even twelve bullocks for all
pointed for the service of the Levites, Israel, fourscore and sixteen rams,
two hundred and twenty temple-ser- 66 threescore and twelve lambs, goats
vants, the catalogue of all their names for a peace offering, twelve all of ;
50 was shewed. And there I vowed a 67 them a sacrifice to the Lord. And
fast for the young men before our they delivered the king's command-
Lord, to desire of him a prosperous ments unto the king's stewards, and
journey both for us and for our chil- to the governors of Ccelesyria and
dren and cattle that were with us Phoenicia; and they honoured the
51 for 1 was ashamed to ask of the king people and the temple of the Lord.
footmen, and horsemen, and conduct 68 Now when these things were done,
for safeguard against our adversa- the principal men came unto me, and
52 ries. For we had said unto the king, 69 said. The nation of Israel, and the
that the i)ower of our Lord would be princes, and tlie priests and the Le-
with them that seek him, to support vites, have not put away from, them
53 them in all ways. And again we be- the strange people of the land, '' nor
sought our Lord as touching these the unclcainiesscs of the Gentiles, to
things, and found him favourable wit, of the Canaanites, Hittites, Phere-
54 }into vs. Then I separated twelve zites, Jebusites, and the Moabites,
12 .S/^e-
of the chiefs of the priests, '^ Ese- 70 Egyptians, and Edomites. For both
Hnshn- rebias, and Assaniias, and ten men they and their sons have married with
biah. 55 of their brethren with them and I : their daughters, and the holy seed is
weighed them the silver, and the gold, mixed with the strange people of the
and the holy vessels of the house of land and from the beginning of this
our Lord, which the king, and his matter the rulers and the nobles have
counsellors, and the nobles, and all 71 been partakers of this iniquity. And
56 Israel, had given. And when I had as soon as I had heard these things,
weighed it, I delivered unto them six I rent my clothes, and my holy gar-
hundred and fifty talents of silver, and ment, and plucked the hair from off
silver vessels of a hundred talents, my head and beard, and sat me down
57 and a hundred talents of gold, and 72 sad and full of heaviness. So all they
twenty golden vessels, and twelve that were moved at the word of the
vessels of brass, even of fine brass, Lord, the God of Israel, assembled
58 glittering like gold. And I said unto unto me, whilst I mourned for the
them, Both ye are holy unto the Lord, iniquity but I sat still full of heavl-
8. 91. I. ESDRAS. 9. 14.
73 iiess until the evening sacrifice. Tlien great weeping among the multitude.
up from tlie fast witli my clotlies
rising 92 Then Jechonias the son of Jeelus, one
andmy lioly garment rent, and bowing of the sons of Israel, called out, and
my Ivnees, and stretcliing fortli my said, O Esdras, we have sinned against
74 liands unto tlie Lord, I said, O Lord, I the Lord God, we have married
am asliamed and confoiuided before strange women of the heathen of the
75tliy face; for our sins are multiplied 93 land, and now is all Israel ^ aloft. Let
above our heads, and our errors have us make an oath unto the Lord herein,
76 reached up unto heaven, ever since that we will put away all our wives,
the time of our fathers and we are in
which irr luin- taken of the strangers,
77 great sin, even unto this day. And for 94 witli their cliildren, like as seemeth
our sins and our fathers' we with our good unto thee, and to as many as do
brethren and our kings and our priests 95 obey the law of the Lord. Arise, and
were given up unto the Icings of the put in execution for to thee doth this
earth, to the sword, and to captivity, matter appertain, and we will be with
and for a prey with shame, unto this 96 thee to do valiantly. So Esdras arose,
78 day. And now in some measure hath and took an oath of the chief of the
mercy been shewed unto us from tliee, priests and Levites of all Israel to do
O Lord, tliat there should be left us a after these things and so they sware.
root and a name in the place of thy 9 * Then Esdras rising from the court
79 sanctuary and to discover unto us a
; of the temple went to the chamber of
light in the house of the Lord our God, 2 Jonas the son of Eliasib, and lodged
and to give us food in the time of our there, and did eat no bread nor drink
80 servitude. Yea, when we were in water, mourning for the great iniqui-
bondage, we were not forsalcen of our 3 ties of the multitude. And there was
Lord but lie made us gracious before
; made proclamation in all Jewry and
the kings of Persia, so that they gave Jerusalem to all them that were, of
81 us food, and glorified the temple of our the captivity, that they should be
Lord, and raised up the desolate Sion, 4 gathered together at Jerusalem and :
to give us a sure abiding in Jewry and that whosoever met not there within
82 Jerusalem. And now, Lord, what two or three days, according as the
shall we say, having these things ? for elders that bare rule appointed, their
we have transgressed thy command- cattle should be seized to the use of
ments, which thou gavest by the hand the temide, and himself cast out from
of thy servants the prophets, saying, the nuiltitude of them that were of the
8.3 That the land vvliich ye enter into to captivity.
possess as a heritage, is a land pol- 5 And in three days were all they of the
luted with the i)ollutions of the stran- tribe of Judali and Benjamin gathered
gers of the land, and they have filled together at .lerusalem: this was the
84 it with their uncleanness. Therefore nintli montli, on the twentieth day of
now shall ye not join your daughters 6 the month. And all the multitude sat
unto their sons, neither shall ye take together trembling in the broad place
85 their daughters unto your sons. Nei- before the temple because of the pre-
ther shall ye seek to have peace with 7 sent foul weather. So Esdras arose
them for ever, that ye may be strong, up, and said unto them. Ye have trans-
and eat the good things of the land, gressed the law and married strange
and that ye may leave it for an inherit- wives, thrrehij to increase the sins of
ance unto your children for evermore. 8 Israel. And now make confession and
86 And all that is befallen is done unto us give glory unto the Lord, the God of
for our wicked works and great sins :9 our fathers, and do his will, and sepa-
for thou, Lord, didst make our sins rate yourselves from the heathen of
87 light, and didst give tmto us such a tlic land. and from the .strange women.
root hut we have turned back again 10 Then cried tlic wliolc multitude, and
to tninsgress thy law, in mingling said with a loud voice, Like as thou
ourselves with the uncleanness of 11 hast spoken, so will we do. But for-
88 the heathen of the land. Thou wast
' asmuch as the multitude is great, and
not angry with us to destroy us, till it is foul weather, so that we cannot
thou hadst left us neither root, seed, stand without, and this is not a work
89 nor name. () Lord of Israel, thou art of one day or two, seeing our sin in
true for we are left a root this day. 12 these things is spread far: therefore
90 Behold, now are we before thee in our let the rulers of the multitude stay,
iniquities, for we cannot stand any and let all them of our habitations
longer before thee by reason of these that have strange wives come at the
things. 13 time appointed, and with them the
91 2 And as Ksdras in his iirayer made rulers and judges of every place, till
his confession, w('c|iin,n', and lyinjj: Hat we turn away the wrath of the Lord
upon the groinul l>efor(' tlie temple, 14 from us for this matter. Then Jona-
there gathered unto him from Jerusa- than the son of Azael and = Ezekias
lem a very great tlirong of men and the son of Thocanus accordingly took
women and children for there was
: the matter upon them and Mosolla-
9. 37. I. ESDRAS. 9. 55.
inus and Levis and Salibateus were priests and Levites, and they that
15 assessors to them. And they that were of Israel, dwelt in Jerusalem,
were of the captivity diti according to and in the country, on the new moon
all these things. of the seventh month, and the children
l(i And Esdras the priest chose unto of Israel in their habitations.
him principal men of their families, 38 33 And the whole multitude were ga-
all by name and on the new moon of
thered together with one accord into
the tenth month they were shut in the broad place before the porch of
17 together to examine the matter. So 39 the temple toward the east and they :
their cause that held strange wives said unto Esdras the priest and read-
was brought to an end by the new er, Bring the law of Moses, that was
18 moon of the first month. And of the given of the Lord, the God of Israel.
priests that were come together, and 10 So Esdras the chief priest brought the
had strange wives, there were found law unto the whole multitude both of
I'Jof the sons of Jesus the son of Jose- men and women, and to all the priests,
1 Maasc- dek, and his brethren Mathelas, to hear the law on the new moon of
iak. and Eleazar, and - Joribus, and ^ Jo- 41 the seventh month. And he read in
2 Jarib.
20adanus. And they gave their hands the broad place before the porch of
3 Geda- the temple from morning unto mid-
tiali. to put away their wives, and to offer
rams to make reconcilement for their day, before both- men and women
21 error. And of the sons of Emmer; and all the multitude gave heed unto =''
* Harim. Ananias, and Zabdeus, and 'Manes, 42 the law. And Esdras the priest and
6 Jehiel. and 1 Sameus, and = Iliereel, and "Aza- reader of the law stood up upon the
6 Uzzkih. 22 rias. And of the sons of ' Phaisur pulpit of wood, which was made for
7 I'ash-
Elionas, Massias, Ismael,and Nathan- 43 that 2Jnrpose. And there stood up by
23 ael, and Ocidelus,
* and " Saloas. And him Mattathias, Sammus, Ananias,
8 Jaza-
bad. of the Levites Jozabdus.^ind Semeis,
Azarias, Urias, =' Ezekias, ^ Baalsa-
and '" Colius, called " Cali-
who was 44 mus, upon the right hand : and upon
tas, and '^ Patheus, and Judas, and his left Phaldeus, Misael, Mel-
hand, =*
10 Kela-
iak. 24 Jonas. Of the holy singers '^ Eliasi- ; chias, ^''Lothasubus, Nabarias, Zacha-
1 Ax-Zi- 25 bus, Bacchurus. Of the porters Sal- ; 45 rias. Then took Esdras the book of
1a. 2(3 lunuis, and " Tolbanes. Of Israel, of the law before the multitude, and sat
12 />(.-
the sons of ^^ Phoros Hiermas, and
^'^ honourably in the first place before
13 i'/iVi-
1' leddias, and Melchias, and '* Mae- 46 all. --^nd when he opened the law,
lus, and Plleazar, and '' Asibias, and they stood all straight up. So Esdras
27 r.aiiiieas. Of the sons of Ela; Mat- blessed tin' Lord (iod Most High, the
thanias, Zacharias, and "Jezrielus, 47 God of hosts, Almighty. And all the
16 ffa- and Oabdius, and Hieremoth, and people answered. Amen and lifting ;
IHIUA. 28 2''Aedias. And of the sons of -'Za- up their hands they fell to the ground,
17 rs- moth; " Eliadas, '^ Eliasimus, -^ Otho- 48 and worshipped the Lord. Also Je-
Anutlier nias, Jarimoth, and -^Sabathus, and sus, Annus, Sarabias, ladinus, Jacu-
readiiii? 2',)-"'Zardeus. Of the sons of Bebai ; Jo- bus, Sabateus, ^" Auteas, Maiannas,
annes, and Ananias, and -" Jozabdus, and Calitas, Azarias, and .lozabdus,
18 .)/,--
jumin. 30 and " Ematheis. Of the sons of and Ananias, Phalias, the Levites,
19 .!/«(-
28 Mani ;
=» Olamus,'" Mamuchus,^! Je- taught the law of the Lord, *' and read
chijiih. deus, Jasubus, and °=Jasaelus, and to the multitude the law of the Lord,
20 Ahdi.
31 Hieremoth. And of the sons of Addi making them withal to mulerstand it.
2 1 Z<(?'K.
2 2 /?/io-
Naathus, and .AToossias, Laccunus, 49 Then said Attharates unto Esdras
eitai. and Naidus, and .Matthaiiias, and Ses- the chief priest and reader, and to the
2 3 J/,,^ 32 thel. Balnuus, and .Manasseas. And Levites that taught the multitude,
2 4 ;?„.
of the sons of Annas Elionas, and ; 50 even to all. This day is holy unto the
bar/. A seas, and Melchias, and Sabbeus, Lord (now they all wept when they
2 6,j2/za. 33 and Simon Chosameus. And of the 51 heard the law :) go then, and eat the
28 Z«6- sons of Asom ^^ INIaltanneus, and
; fat, and drink the sweet, and send
^ Mattathias, and * Sabanneus, Eli- portions to them that have nothing;
27 Ath-
dfU. phalat, and Manasses, and Semei. 52 for the day is holy unto the Lord and :
28 Ban;'. 3-1 And of the sons of Baani Jeremias, ; be not sorrowful; for the Lord will
29 J/,.. Momdis, Ismaerus, Juel, Mamdai,and 53 bring you to honour. So the Levites
shidlam. published all things to the people,
Pedias, and Anos, Carabasion, and
3 .Vui-
Uich. Enasibus, and Mamnitanemus, Elia- saying, This day is holy be not sor- ;
31 /WO- sis, Bannus, Eliali, Someis, Selemias, 54 rowful. Then went they their way,
Nathanias and of the sons of Ezora
: every one to eat and drink, and make
3 2 SAeai.
Sesis, Ezril, Azaelus, Samatus, Zam- merry, and to give portions to them
3 3 .1/a(-
35 bri, Josephus. And of the sons of that had nothing, and to make great
3 4 3^I^ Nooma; Mazitias, Zabadeas, Edos, 55 cheer because they *^ unclcrstooii the
tattali. 36 Juel, Banaias. All these had taken words wherein they were instructed,
strange wives, and they put them and for the which they had been as-
37 away with their children. And the sembled.
1 The second book of the prophet had been better for us to have served
Esrtras, the sou of Saraias, the son of the Egyptians, than to die In this
Azaraias, the son of Helkias, the son 19 wilderness. I had pity upon your
of Salenias, the son of Sadoc, the son mournings, and gave you manna for
2 of Ahitob, the son of Achias, the son 20 food ye
did eat angels' bread. When
of rhhiees, the son of Heh, the son of ye were thirsty, did I not cleave the
Amarias, the son of Aziei, the son of rock, and waters flowed out to your
Marhuoth, the son of Aina, the son of fill ? for the heat I covered you with
Ozias, the son of Borith, the son of 21 the leaves of the trees. 1 divided
Abissei, the son of Fhinees, the son of among you fruitful lands 1 cast out
3 Eleazar, the son of Aaron, of the the Canaanites, the Pherezites, and
tribe of Levi whicli was captive in
; the Philistines, before you what shall
the land of the Medes, in the reign of I yet do more for you ? saith the Ivord.
Artaxerxes king of tlie Persians. 22 Thus saith the Lord Almighty, When
4 And the word of the Lord came unto ye were in the wilderness, at the bitter
5 me, saying. Go thy way, and shew my river, being athirst, and blaspheming
people their sinful deeds, and their 23 my name, I gave you not fire for your
chiklrt'U tlicir wickedness which tliey Idaspliemies, but cast a tree in the
liavedDUf uKahist nie; that they may water, and made the river sweet.
6 tell tlieireliildrcn's children because
: 24 Wliat sliall I do unto thee, O Jacob?
the sins of their fathers are increased thou, Judah, wouldest not obey me
in them for they have forgotten me,
: I will turn me to other nations, and
and have done sacrifice unto strange unto them will I give my name, that
7 gods. Did not I brhig them out of 25 they may keep my statutes. Seeing
the land of Egypt, out of the house of ye have forsaken me, I also will for-
bondage ? b\it they have provoked me sake you when ye ask me to be mer-
unto wrath, and desiiiseil my counsels. ciful unto you, I will have no mercy
8 Sliake thou then llie hair of thy head, 26 upon you. Whensoever ye shall call
and cast all evils upon them, for they upon me, I will not hear you for ye :
have not been obedient imto my law, have defiled your hands with blood,
9 but it is a rebellious people. How and your feet are swift to commit
long shall I forbear them, unto whom 27 manslaughter. Ye have not as it were
101 have done so much good? Many forsaken me, but your own selves,
kings have I overthrown for their saith the Lord.
sakes Pharaoh with his servants and
28 Thus saith the Lord Almighty, Have
1 all his host have I smitten down. All I not prayed you as a father his sons,
the nations liave I destroyed before as a mother her daughters, and a nurse
them, and in the east I have scattered 29 her young babes, that ye would be ray
the peopje of two provinces, even of l)eople, and I should Ite your God that ;
Tyre and Sidon, and have slain all ye would be my children, and I should
12 their adversaries. Speak thou there- 30 "be your father? I gatliered you to-
fore unto them, saving, gether, as a hen (/((tit erelh her chick-
1.3 Thus saith the Lord, Of a truth I ens under her wings but now, what:
brought you through the sea, and shall I do imto you ? I will cast you
where tliere was no path I made for 31 out from my presence. When ye of-
you highways I gave you Moses for a
fer oblations unto me, I will turn my
14 leader, and Aaron for a priest. I gave face from you for yom- solemn feast
you light in a pillar of Are, and great days, your new moons, and your cir-
wonders have I done among you yet ;
ciuucisions of the flesh, have I reject-
have ye forgotten me, saith the Lord. 32 ed. I sent unto you my servants the
15 Tims saith the Lord Almighty, The prophets, whom ye have taken and
quails were for a token to you; I gave slain, and torn their bodies in pieces,
you a camp for your safeguard, never- whose lilood I will require of your
lOtheless ye murmured there: and ye 'hn)uls, saith the Lord.
triumphed not in my name for the 33 Thus saith the T>ord Almighty, Your
destruction of your enemies, but ever house is desolate, I will cast you out
17 to this day do ye yet murmur. Where 34 as the wind doth stubble. And your
are the benefits that I have done for children sliall not be fruitful for they ;
you? when ye were hungry and thirsty have neglected my commandment un- '
in the wilderness, did ye not cry unto to you, and done that which is evil be-
18 me, saying. Why hast thou brought 35 fore me. Y'our houses will I give to
us into this wilderness to kill us? it a people that shall come which not ;
2. 14. 11. ESDRAS. 2. 35.
having heard of me
yet believe nie evil, and created the good : for I live,
tliey to wlioni I have sliewed no signs saith the Lord.
sliall do tliat whieli I liave coinniand- 15 Mother, embrace thy children; Twill
36 ed. They have seen no prophets, yet bring them out with gladness like a
they shall call their former estate to dove; stablish tlieir feet; for 1 have
37 remembrance. I take to witness the 16 chosen thee, .saith the Lord. And
grace of the people that shall come, those that be dead will I raise up
whose little ones rejoice with glad- again from their places, and bring
ness and though they see me not
them out of the tond)S for I ^ have
with bodily eyes, yet in spirit they 17 known my name in them. Fear not,
shall believe the thing that I say. thou mother of the chihlren: for I
38 And now, O father, behold with have chosen thee, saith the Lord.
glory and see the people that come
18 For thy help will I send my servants
39 from the east: unto whom I will give Esaias and Jeremy, after whose coun-
for leaders, Abraham, Isaac, and sel I have sanctified and prepared for
Jacob, Oseas, Amos, and Micheas, thee twelve trees laden with divers
40 Joel, Abdias, and Jonas, Nahum, and 19 fruits, and as many fountains flow-
Abacuc, Sophonias, Agggeus, Zachary, ing with milk and honey, and seven
and Malachy, which is called also the mighty mountains, whereupon there
angel of the Lord. grow roses and lilies, whereby I will
2 Thus saith the Lord, I brought this 20 fill thy children with joy. Do right to
people out of bondage, and I gave the widow, judge the fatherless, give
them my connimndnicnts by my ser- to the poor, defend the orphan, clothe
vants the proi>liets w liom they would
21 the naked, heal the broken and the
not hear, but set my counsels at weak, laugh not a lame man to scorn,
2 nought. The mother that bare them defend the maimed, and let the blind
saitli unto them. Go your way, O my man come unto the sight of my glory.
children for I am a widow and for-
; 22 Keep the old and young within thy
3 saken. I brought you up with glad- 23 walls. Wheresoever thou findest the
ness, and with sorrow and heaviness dead, set a sign upon them and com-
have I lost you 'for ye have sinned
: mit them to tlie grave, and I will
before the Lord God, and done that give thee the first place in my resur-
4 which is evil before me. But what 24 rection. Abide still, O my people, and
shall I now do unto you? for I am a take thy rest, for thy quietness shall
widow and forsaken go your way, O : 25 come. Nourish thy children, O thou
my children, and ask mercy of the good nurse, and stablish their feet.
5 Lord. As for me, O father, I call upon 26 As for the servants whom I have given
thee for a witness over the motlier of thee, there shall not one of them per-
these children, because they would not ish ; for I them from
will rerpiire
6 keep my
covenant, that thou bring 27 among thy niunber. Be not careful
them to confusion, and their mother to overmuch for : when the day of tribu-
a spoil, that there may be no offspring lation and anguish cometh, others
7 of them. Let them be scattered shall weep and be sorr()wful, but thou
abroad among the heathen, let their Shalt be merry and have abundance.
names be blotted out of the earth 28 The nations shall envy tliee, l)ut they
for they have despised my ' covenant. shall be able to do nothing against
8 Woe unto thee, Assur, thou that hid- 29 thee, saith the Lord. ISIy hands shall
est the unrighteous with thee O ! cover thee, so that thy children see
thou wicked nation, remember what 30 not Miell. Be joyful, 6 thou mother,
I did unto Sodom and Gomorrah with thy children for I will deliver
9 whose land lieth in clods of pitch and 31 thee, saith the Lord. Remember thy
heaps of ashes even so also will I do
: children that sleep, for I shall bring
unto them that have not hearkened them out of the secret places of the
unto me, saith the Lord Almighty. earth, and shew mercy unto them
10 Thus saith the Lord unto Esdras, for I am merciful, saith the Lord Al-
Tell my people that I will give them 32 mighty. Embrace thy children until
the kingdom of Jerusalem, which I I come, and proclaim mercy unto
11 would have given unto Israel. Their them for my wells run over,
: and my
glory also will I take unto me, and grace shall not fail.
give these the everlasting tabernacles, 33 I Esdras received a charge from the
12 which I had prepared for them. They Lord upon the mount Horeb, that I
shall have the tree of life for an oint- should go unto Israel; but when I
ment of sweet savour they shall ; came unto them, they would none of
13 neither labour, nor be weary. ^ Ask, me, and rejected the commandment
and ye shall receive: pray for few 34 of the Lord. And therefore I say
days unto you, that they may be unto you, O ye nations, that hear and
shortened the kingdom is already
: understand, look for your shepherd,
14 prepared for you watch. Take hea-
: he shall give you everlasting rest for ;
ven and earth to witness, take them he is nigh at hand, that shall come in
to witness; for I have given up the 35 the end of the world. Be ready to
3. 5. 11. ESDRAS. 3. 23.
the rewards of the kingrlom, for the the breath of life, and he was made
everhistiiig light shall shine upon you 6 living before thee. And thou leddest
36 for evermore. Flee the shadow of him into paradise, which thy right
this world, receive the joyfulness of hand did plant, before ever the earth
your glory I :call to witness my 7 came forward. And unto him thou
37 saviour openly. O receive that which gavest thy one commandment which :
38 Arise up and stand, and behold the of him nations and tribes, peoples and
number of those that be sealed in the 8 kindreds, out of number. And every
39 feast of the Lord they that withdrew
; nation walked after their own will,
them from the shadow of the world and did ungodly things before thee,
have received glorious garments of and despised thycommundmoits. and
40 the Lord. ' Look upon thy number, 9 thou didst not forbid them. Never-
O Sion, and make up the reckoning theless again in process of time thou
of those of thine that are clothed in broughtest the flood upon those that
white, which have fultilled the law of dwelt in the world, and destroyedst
41 the Lord. The number of thy chil- 10 them. And it came to pass that the
dren, whom thou longedst for, is ful- same hap befell them like as death
the mortal clothing, and put on the est an everlasting covenant with him,
innnortal, and have confessed the ])romising him that thou wouldest
name of (!od now are they rrowued,
: l(i never forsake his seed. And unto
4(iand receive palms. Then said I unto him thou gavest Isaac, and unto Isaac
the angel. What young man is he that thou gavest Jacob and Esau. And
setteth crowns upon them, and giveth thou didst set apart Jacob for thyself,
47 them palms in their hands? So he but didst put by Esau and Jacob be-
auswcriMJ and said unto me. It is the 17 came a great nndtitude. And it came
Son iif (loil, whom they have confess- to pass, that when thou leddest his
ed in the world. Then began I great- seed out of Egyjit, thou broughtest
ly to conunend them that stood so 18 them up to the movint Sinai. Thou
48 stiffly for the name of the Lord. Then bowedst the heavens also, and didst
the angel said mito me, Go thy way, shake the earth, and movedst the
earth, and that thyself alone, and law was in the heart of the people
.5 eonnnandedst the - dust, and it ^gave along with the " wickedness of the
thee Adam, a I'ody without a soul? I'oot so the good departed away, and
yet it was tlie workmanship of thine that which was wicked abode still.
hands, and thou didst breathe into him 23 So the times passed away, and the
4. 6. II. ESDRAS. 4. 22.
years were brouglit to an end tlien : that thou shouldest ask me of such
cliiist thou raise thee up a servant, things?
24 called David, whom thou command- 7 And he said unto me. If I had asked
edst to build a city unto thy name, thee, saying, How many dwellings are
and to offer oblations unto thee there- there in the heart of the sea ? or how
25 in of thine own. When this was done many springs are there at the foun-
many years, then they that inhabited tain head of the deep ? or how many
26 the city did evil, in all things doing 2 ways are above the firmament? or
even as Adam and all his generations which are the outgoings ^ of hell ? or
had done for they also bare a wicked
; ' 8 which are the paths of i)aradise? per-
27 heart: and so thou gavest thy city adventure thou wouldest say unto me,
over into the hands of thine enemies. I never went down into the deep, nor
28 And I said then in mine heart, Are as yet into hell, neither did 1 ever
their deeds any better that inhabit 9 climb up into heaven. Nevertheless
Babylon ? and hath she therefore do- now have I asked thee but only of the
29 minion over Sion ? For it came to pass fire and wind, and of the day, things
I came hither, that I saw also wherethrough thou hast passed, and
impieties without number, and my without which thou canst not be, and
soul saw many evil-doers in this thir- yet hast thou given me no answer of
tieth year, so that my heart failed me. them.
30 For I have seen how thou sufferest 10 He said moreover unto me. Thine
them sinning, and hast spared the un- own things, that are grown up with
godly doers, and hast destroyed thy 11 thee, canst thou not know how then
people, and hast preserved thine ene- can thy vessel (•oinprehend the way of
31 mies and thou hast not signified unto
; the Most High ? and how can he that
any - how thy way may be compre- is already worn out with the corrupted
hended. Are the deeds of Babylon world understand incorrnption ?
32 better than those of Sion ? Or is there 12 'And when I heard these things I
any other nation that knoweth thee fell upon my face, and said unto him.
beside Israel ? or what tribes have so It were better that we were not here at
believed thy covenants as these tribes all, than that we should come hither
33 r/ Jacob? And yet their reward and live in the midst of ungodliness,
appeareth not, and their labour hath and suffer, and not know wherefore.
no fruit for I have gone hither and
: 13 He answered me, and said, *The
thither through the nations, and I see woods of the trees of the field went
that they abound in wealth, imd think 14 forth, and took counsel together, and
34 not upon thy commandments. Weigh said, Come, let us go and make war
thou therefore our iniijuities now in against the sea, that it may depart
the balance, and theirs also that dwell away before us, and thai we may
in the world and so shall it be found 15 make us more woods.
; The waves of
35 which way the scale inclineth. Or the sea also in like manner took coun-
when was it that they which dwell sel together, and said. Come, let us
upon the earth have not sinned in thy go up and subdue the wood of the
sight? or what nation hath so kei)t plain, that there also we may make us
3G thy commandments ? Thou shalt find l(j another country. The counsel of the
that men irho iiinii be reckoned by wood was in vain, for the fire came
name have kept thy precepts; but 17 and consumed it: likewise also the
nations thou shalt not find. counsel of the waves of the sea, for
4 And the angel that was sent unto the sand stood up and stopped them.
me, whose name was Uriel, gave me 18 If thou wert judge now betwixt these
2 an answer, and said to me, Thy heart two, whom wouldest thou justify, or
hath utterly failed thee in m/drditifj whom condemn ?
this world, and tliinkest thou t<^ com- 19 I answered and said. It is a foolish
prehend the way of the Most High ? counsel that they both have taken, for
3 Then said I, Yea, my Lord. the ground is given unto the wood,
And he answered me, and said, I am and the place of the sea is given to
sent to shew thee three ways, and to bear his waves.
set forth three similitudes before 20 Then answered he me, and said. Thou
4 thee whereof if thou canst declare
hast given a right judgement, and
me one, 1 also will shew thee the way why judgest thou not in thine own
that thou desirest to see, and I will 21 case ? For like as the ground is given
teach thee wherefore the heart is unto the wood, and the sea to his
1 wicked.
waves, even so they that dwell upon
5 And I said, Say on, my Lord. the earth may understand nothing
said he unto me, Go to, weigh but that which is upon the earth: and
a weight of fire, or measure me a he onh/ that direlli'tli above the hea-
measure of wind, or call me again
3 vens may vnderstand the things that
the day that is past. are above the height of the heavens.
6 Then answered I and said, Who of 22 Then answered I and said, I beseech
the sons of men is able to do this, thee, O Lord, ' wherefore is the power
17 c
4. 39. 11. ESDRAS. 5. 4.
25 cy. What will he then do for his vaileth maketh haste to escape the
name whereby we are called? Of anguish of the travail: even so do
these things have I asked. these places haste to deliver those
26 Then answered he me, and said. If things that are conunitted unto them
thou be (ilii-i, Www shalt see, and if 43 from the beginning. Then shall it be
thou livest long, thou shalt marvel
- shewed thee concerning those things
for the world hasteth fast to pass which thou desirest to see.
27 away. For it is not able to bear the 44 Then answered I and said. If I have
things that are promised to the right- found favour in thy sight, and if it be
eous in the times to come: for this liossihle, and if I be meet therefore,
world is full of sadness and infirmi- 45 shew me this also, whether there be
28 ties. For the evil "whereof thou more to come than is past, or whether
askest me is sown, but the gathering 46 the more part is gone over us. For
29 thereof is not yet come. If therefore what is gone I know, but what is for
that which is sown be not reaped, and to come I know not.
if the place where the evil is sown 47 And he said unto me, Stand up upon
pass not away, there cannot come the the right side, and I shall expound
30 tield where the good is sown. For a the similitude unto thee.
grain of evil seed was sown in the 48 vSo I stood, and saw, and, behold, a
heart of Adam from the beginning, hot burning oven jiassed Ijy before
and how much wickedness hath it me and it happened, that when the
brought unto this time! and flame was gone by I looked, and, be-
how nuieh shall it yet bring forth 4!) hold, the smoke remained still. After
until the * time of threshing come this there passed by before me a
31 Ponder now by thyself, how great watery cloud, and sent down much
fruit of wickedness a grain of evil rain with a storm and when the
32 seed hath brought forth. When the stormy rain was iiast, the drops re-
ears which are without number shall mained therein still.
be sown, how great a floor shall they 50 Then said he unto me. Consider with
fill! thyself as the rain is more than the
33 Then I answered and said, ^How drops, and as the fire is greater than
long? and when shall these things the smoke, so the quantity which is
come to pass? wherefore are our past did more exceed but the drops
that bearest rule, yet even we all ar«j shalt see tli:it wiiich is after the third
30 full of imi)iety and for our sakes
: khif/dovi to be troubled and the snn
peradventure it is that the • threshing shall suddenly shine forth in the night.
5. 24. 11. ESDRAS. 5. 41.
5 and the moon in the day and blood : thee one country and of all the
^ :
shall drop out of wood, and the stone flowers of the world thou hast chosen
shall give his voice, and the peoples thee one lily and of all the depths of
look not for, and the fowls shall take fowls that are created thou hast named
7 their flight away together: and the thee one dove and of all the cattle that
Sodomitish sea shall cast out flsh, and are made thou hast provided tliee one
make a noise in the night, which many 27 sheep and among all the multitudes
beasts shall change their places, and why hast thou given tliis one people
women shall bring forth monsters over unto many, and * hast dishon-
9 and salt waters shall be found* in the oured the one root above others, and
sweet, and all friends shall destroy hast scattered thine only one among
one another then shall wit hide itself,
; 29 many? And they which did gainsay
and understanding witlulraw itself thy promises have trodden them down
10 into its chamber; and it shall be 30 that believed thy covenants. If thou
sought of many, and shall not be . dost so much hate thy iieople, they
found and unrighteousness and in-
: should be punished with thine own
continency shall be multiplied upon I
Hearth. One land also shall ask an- : 31 Now when I had spoken these words,
other, and say. Is righteousness, is the angel that came to me the night
a man that doeth righteousness, gone 32 afore was sent unto me, and said unto
through thee ? And it shall say. No. me. Hear me, and I will instruct thee
12 And it shall come to pass at that time hearken unto me, and I shall tell thee
that men shall hope, but shall not more.
obtain they shall labour, but their
: 33 And I said. Speak on, my Lord. Then
13 ways shall not prosper. To shew thee said he unto me, Thou art sore trou-
such tokens I have leave and if thou ; bled In mind for Israel's sake lovest :
wilt i)ray again, and weep as now, thou that people better than he that
and fast seven days, thou shalt hear made them ?
yet greater things than these. 34 And I said. No, Lord but of very :
tremliling went through my body, and ment me every hour, while I labour to
my mind was troubled, so that it comprehend the way of the >Iost High,
1.5 fainted. So the angel that was come and to seek out part of his judgement.
to talk with me held me, comforted 35 And he said unto me. Thou canst
16 me, and set me up upon my feet. And not. And I said. Wherefore, Lord, or
in the second night it came to pass, whereunto was I born ? or why was
that - Phaltiel the captain of the peo- not my mother's womb then my grave,
plecame unto me, saying, .Where hast that I might not have seen the tra-
thou been? and why is thy counte- vail of Jacob, and the wearisome toil
17 nance sad? or knowest thou not that of the stock of Israel?
Israel is committed unto thee in the |
36 And he said unto me, Number me
18 land of their captivity? Up then, and them that are not yet come, gather me
eat some bread, and forsake ns not, together the drops that are scattered
as the shepherd that leareth his flock abroad, make me thg flowers green
19 in the hands of cruel wolves. Then '
my heart were very grievous unto me then speak of these things whereof
22 again, and my soul recovered the thou askest me ?
spirit of understanding, and I began 40 Then said he unto me. Like as thou
to speak words before the Most High canst do none of these things that
23 again, and said, Lord that bearest I have spoken of, even so canst thou
rule, of all the woods of the earth, not find out my judgement, or the end
and of all the trees thereof, thou hast of the love that I have promised unto
24 chosen thee one vine and of all the : my people.
lands of the world thou hast chosen 41 And I said, But, lo, O Lord, thou hast
5. 56. II. ESDRAS. 6. m.
made the promise unto them that be 6 And he said unto me, In the begin-
in the end and wliat shall they do
: ning, when the earth was made, before
that have been before us, or we that the outgoings of the world were fixed,
be now, or they that shall come after or ever the gatherings of the winds
us? 2 blew, before the voices of the thunder
42 And he said unto me, I will liken my sounded and before the flashes of the
judgement unto a riut;: like as there lightning shone, or ever the founda-
no slackness of tlicm that be last,
is 3 tions of paradise were laid, before the
even so tliere is no swiftness of them fair flowers were seen, or ever the
that be first. powers of the eartliquake were estab-
43 So I answered and said, Couldest lished, before the innumerable hosts
thou not make them to he at once tliat 4 of angels were gathered together, or
have been made, and that be now, and ever the heights of the air were lifted
that are for to come that thou might-
; up, before the measures of the firma-
est shew thy judgement the sooner ? ment were named, or ever the foot-
44 Then answered he me, and said, The 5 stool of Sion > was established, and
creature may not liaste above the ere the present years w^ere sought out,
creator neither may tlie world hold
; and or ever the imaginations of tiiem
them at once that shall be created that now sin were estranged, before
therein. they were sealed that have gathered
45 And 1 said. How hast thou said unto 6 faith for a treasure then did I con-
thy servant, that 'thou wilt surely sider these things, and they all were
make alive at once the creature that made through me alone, and through
thou hast created ? - If therefore they none other as by me also they shall
shall be alive at once, and the crea- be ended, and by none other.
ture shall sustain them even so it
: 7 Then answered I and said. What
might now also support them to be shall be the parting asunder of the
present at once. times? or when shall be the end of
4G And he said unto me. Ask the womb the first, and the beginning of it that
of a woman, and say unto her. If thou followeth?
bringest forth ten children, why dticst 8 And he said unto me. From ^ Abra-
thou it at several times? pray lier ham unto * Abraham, inasmuch as Ja-
therefore to bring forth ten children cob and Esau were born of him, for
at once. Jacob's hand held the heel of Esau
47 And I said. She cannot: but must do 9 from the beginning. For Esau is the
it by distance of time. end of this world, and .Jacob is the
4<S Then said he unto me. Even so have 10 beginning of it tliat followeth. The ''•
49 times. For like as a young child may the heel and the hand seek thou
not bring forth, neither she that is nought else, Esdras.
grown old hrimi I'mili any more, even 11 I answered then and said, O Lord
so have I disposed tlie world which I that bearest rule, if I have found
created. 12 favour in thy sight, I beseech thee,
,50 And I asked, and said. Seeing thou sliew thy servant the end of thy to-
now shewed me the way, I will
hast kens, whereof thou shewedst me part
speak before thee Is our mother, of
: the last night.
whom thou hast told me, still young? l.'i So he answered and said unto me,
or doth she now draw nigh unto age? Stand up upon thy feet, and tliou shalt
51 lie answered me, and said, Ask a 14 hear a mighty sounding voice; and
woman that ]jeareth children, and she if the place whereon thou standest be
52 shall tell thee. Say unto her. Where- 1 greatly moved, when it si)eaketh be
fore are not they whom thou hast now not thou afraid for the word is of the
brouglit forth like those that were be- end, and the foundations of the earth
5;i fore, l>nt less of stature ? And she also 1() shall understaiKl, that the s])eech is
sliall answer thee, Tliey that be born of them: tliey sliall tremble and be
in tlie strength of youtli are of one moved for they know
: that tlieir end
fasliion, and they that are Itorn in the must be changed.
time of age, when tlie womb
faileth, 17 And it happened, that when I had
54 are otherwise. Consider therefore heard it I stood up uiJon iny feet, and
thou also, how that ye are less of stat- hearkened, and, behold, there was a
ure than those that were before you. voice that spake, and the soimd of it
55 And so are they tliat come after you was like the sound of many waters.
less tlian ye, asbom of the creature 18 And it said. Behold, the days come,
wliieli now
liegiuneth to l>e old, and and it shall lie that when I draw nigh
strengtli of youth.
is ))ast tlie to visit them that dwell upon the
56 Then said I, Lord, I beseech thee, if 19 earth, and wlien I shall make inquisi-
I have found favour in thy sight, shew tion of them that have done hurt un-
thy servant by whom
thou visitest justly with their unrighteousness, and
thy creature. when the affliction of Sion shall be
6. 39. II. ESDRAS. 6. 56.
away, then will I shew tliese tokens : sound of man's voice was not yet*.
the books shall be opened before the 40 Then comniandedst thou a ray of light
firmament, and all shall see toj;ether: to be brought forth of thy treasures,
21 and the children of a year old shall that then thy works might ai)pear.
speak with their voices, the women 41 Upon the second day again thou
with child shall bring forth untimely madest the spirit of the firmament
children at three or four months, and and comniandedst it to part asunder,
22 they shall live, and dance. And sud- and to make a division betwixt the
denly shall the sown places appear waters, that the one i)art might go up,
unsown, the full storehouses shall 42 and tlu' other rcinaiu lirneatli. Tpon
23 suddenly be found empty and the:
the third day tliou didst cMininiand that
trumpet shall give a sound, which the waters should be gathereil together
when every man heareth, they shall in the seventh part of the earth six :
24 be suddenly afraid. At that time shall parts didst thou dry up, and keep
friends make war one against anotlier them, to the intent that of these some
like fucinics, and tlie earlli shall stand being both planted and tilled might
in fear with tliose tliat dwell tlierein, 43 serve before thee. For as soon as
trte springs of the fountains shall stand thy word went forth the work was
still, so that for three hours they shall 44 done. For immediately there came
25 not run. And it shall l>e that whoso- forth great and innumerable fruit, and
ever remaineth after all these things manifold pleasures for the taste, and
that I have told thee of, he shall be flowers of inimitable eolour,and odours
saved, and shall see my salvation, and of most exquisite smell and this was
26 the end of my world. And they shall 45 done the third day. Upon the fourth
see the men that have been taken up, day thou comniandedst tliat the sun
who have not tasted death from their should shine, and the moon give her
birth and the heart of the inhabitants
: light, and the stars should be in their
shall be changed, and turned into an- 46 order: and gavest tliein a charge to
27 other meaning. For evil shall be blot- do service unto man, tliat was to
ted out, and deceit shall be fiuenched 47 l)e made. Upon the fifth day thou
28 and faith shall flourish, and corruption saidst unto the seventh part, where
shall be overcome, and the truth, the water was gathered together, that
which hath been so long without it should bring forth living creatures,
fruit, shall be declared. fowls and fishes and so it came to
29 And when he talked with me, behold, 48 pass, that the dumb water and with-
by little and little the place whereon I out life brought forth living things as
30 stood > rocked to and fro. And he said It was bidden, that tlie peoples might
unto me. These things came I to therefore praise thy wondrous works.
31 shew thee ^this night. If therefore 49 Tlien didst thou preserve two living
thou wilt pray yet again, and fast seven creatures, the one thou calledst ^ Be-
days more, I shall yet ^ tell thee great- hemoth, and the other thou calledst
32 er things than these. For thy voice 50 ^ Leviathan and thou didst separate
hath surely been heard before the Most the one from the other: for the seventh
High for the ^Mighty hath seen thy
: part, namely, wlierc tlie water was ga-
righteous dealing, he hath seen afore- thered togetlifi-, iiiiiilit not hold them
time also thy chastity, which thou 51 both. LTnto M'.elieiiioth thou gavest
33 hast had ever since thy youth. And one part, which was dried up on the
therefore hath he sent me to shew third day, that he should dwell in the
thee all these things, and to sity unto same, ^ wherein are a thousand hills
thee, Be of good comfort, and fear not. 52 but unto " Leviathan thou gavest the
34 And be not hasty in regard o/the for- seventh part, namely, the moist and ;
mer times, to think vain things, that thou hast kept them to be devoured
thou mayest not hasten In the latter 53 of whom thou wilt, and when. But
times. upon the sixth day tliou gavest com-
35 And it came to pass after this, that mandment unto the earth, that it
I wept again, and fasted seven days should bring forth before thee cattle,
in like manner, that I might fulfil 54 beasts, and creeping things and over :
the three weeks which he told me. these Adam, whom thou ordainedst
36 And in the eighth night was my heart lord over all the works that thou hast
vexed within me again, and I began made of him come we all, the people
37 to speak before the Most High. For 55 whom thou hast chosen. All this have
my spirit was greatly set on fire, and I spoken before thee, O Lord, because
38 my soul was in distress. And I said, thou hast said that for our sakes thou
O Lord, of a truth thou spakest at 56 madest ' this world. As for the other
the beginning of the creation, ui)on nations, which also come of Adam,
the first day, and saidst thus Let ; thou hast said that they are nothing,
heaven and earth be made and thy ; and are like unto spittle and thou :
39 word perfected the work. And then hast likened the abundance of them
7. 18. IL ESDRAS. 7. [38.]
unto a drop that falleth from a vessel. wickedly " have suffered
the sti-ait
57 And now, O Lord, behold, these na- things, and yet shall not see the wide.
tions, which are reputed as nothiu;^, 19 Ami he said unto me, Thou art not
58 be lords over us, and devour us. But a judge above God, neither hast thou
we thy people, whom thou hast called understanding above the Most High.
thy firstborn, thy only begotten, and 20 Yea, rather let many that now be
thy fervent lover, are given into their perish, tlian that the law of God which
59 hands. If the world now be niaile lor 21 is set before them be despised. For
our sakes, why do we not possess for God straitly commanded such as
an inheritance our world? how long came, even as they came, what they
shall this endure ? should do to live, and what they
7 And when I had made an end of should observe to avoid punishment.
speaking these words, there was sent 22 Nevertheless they were not obedient
unto me the angel which had been unto him but spake against him, and
2 sent unto me the nights afore and he : imagined for themselves vain things;
said unto me, Up, Esdras, and hear 23 and framed cunning devices of wick-
the words that I am come to tell thee. edness and said moreover of the Most
3 And I said. Speak on, my Lord. Then High, that he is not; and knew not
said he unto me, There is a sea set in 24 his ways but they despised his law,
» So the a wide place, that it might be ' broad and denied his covenants theyliave ;
4 and vast. But the entrance thereof not been faithful to his statutes, and
versions. shall be set in a narrow place so as to 25 have not performed his works. There-
The 5 be like a river whoso then should
; fore, Esdras, for the empty are empty
MSS. desire to go into the sea to look upon things, and for the full are the fidl
have it, or to rule it, if he went not through 2() things. For behold, the time shall
deep. come, and it shall be, when these
the narrow, how could he come into
6 the broad ? Another thing also There : tokens, of which I told thee before,
Is a city bnilded and set in a plain shall come to i)ass, that the bride
country, and full of all good things sliall .appear, even the city coming
7 but the entrance thereof is narrow, fortli, and slie shall be seen, that now is
and is set in a dangerous place to fall, 27 withdrawn from the earth. And who-
having a fire on the right hand, and on soever is delivered from the foresaid
8 the left a deep water and there is one
: evils, the same shall see my wonders.
only path between them both, even be- 28 For my son Jesus shall be revealed
tween the fire and the water, so smalt with those that be with him, and shall
that there could but one man go there rejoice them that remain f<inr hundred
9 at once. If this city now be given unto 29 years. After tliesc years shall my son
a man for an inheritance, if the heir Clu'ist die, and all that have tlie breath
pass not the danger set before him, 30 of * life. And the world shall be turned
how shall he receive his inheritance? into the old silence seven days, like as
10 And I said, It is so. Lord. Then said in the first beginning so that no man
he unto me, Even so also is Israel's .31 sliall remain. And after seven days
11 portion. Because for their sakes I the world, that yet awaketh not, shall
made the world and when Adam : be raised up, and that shall die that
transgressed my statutes, then was 32 is corruptible. And the earth shall
12 decreed that now is done. Then restore those that are asleep in her,
were the entrances of this world made and so shall the dust those that dwell
narrow, and sorrowful and toilsome : therein in silence, and the secret •'
they are but tew and evil, full of per- lilaces shall deliver those souls that
13 ils, and charged with great toils. For 33 were conunitted unto them. And the
the entrances of the greater world Most High shall be revealed upon the
are wide and sure, and bring forth seat of judgement ", and compassion
14 fruit of immortality. If then they shall pass away, and longsuffering
that live enter not these strait and 34 shall be withdrawn: but judgement
vain things, they can never receive only shall remain, truth shall stand,
15 those that are laid up for them. Now 35 and faith shall wax strong: and the
therefore why disquietest thou thy- work shall follow, and the reward
self, seeing thou art but a corruptible shall be shewed, and good deeds shall
man ? and why art thou moved, where- awake, and wicked deeds shall not
16 as thou art but mortal? and why [3()] sleep." And the » pit of torment
hast thou not considered in thy mind shall appear, and over against it shall
that which is to come, rather than be the place of rest: and the furnace
17 that which is present? Then iiiiswcr- of -'hell shall be shewed, and over
ed I and said, O Lord that be:irest against it the p;vradise of delight.
iiile, lo, thou hast ordained in thy law, [;i7f And then shall the Most High say
tliat the righteous should inherit to the nations that are raised from
these things, but that the ungodly the dead. See ye and understand
18 should i)erish. The righteous tlicre-
' whom ye have denied, or whom ye
fore shall suffer strait things, and liope have not served, or whose command-
for wide : liut they that have done [38] ments ye have despised. Look on
7. [58.] II. ESDRAS. 7. [75.]
= winter, neither frost, nor cold, nor few that shall be saved, inasmuch as
[42] hail, nor rain, nor dew, neitlier these are they that have made my
noon, nor night, nor dawn, neitlier glory now to prevail, and of whom
shining, nor brightness, nor light, save [61] my name is now named. And I
only the splendour of the glory of the will not grieve over the multitude of
Most High, whereby all shall see the them that perish for these are they
[43] things that are set before them for : that are now like unto vapour, and
it shall endure as it were a week of are become as tlame and smoke they ;
[44] years. This is my judgement and are set on fire and burn hotly, and
the ordinance thereof but to thee ;
are quenched.
only have I shewed these things. [62] And I answered and said, O thou
[45] And I answered, I said even then, earth, wherefore hast thou brought
O Lord, and I say now Blessed are : forth, if the mind is made out of dust,
they that be now alive and keep the [63] like as all other created things ? For
[46] statutes ordained of thee. But as it were better that the dust itself had
touching them for whom my prayer been unborn, so that the mind might
was made, what slialt I say? for who [64] not have been made therefrom. But
is there of them that be alive that now the mind groweth with us, and
hath not sinned, and who of the sons by reason of this we are tormented,
of men that hath not transgressed [65] because we perish and know it. Let
[47] thy covenant? And now 1 see, that the race of men lament and the beasts
the world to come shall bring delight of the field be glad let all that are
to few, but torments unto many. born lament, but let the fourfooted
[48] For an evil heart hath grown up in [66] beasts and the cattle rejoice. For
us, which hath led us astray from it is far better with them than with
these statutes, and hath brought us US; for they look not for judgement,
into corruption and into the ways of neither do they know of tornients or
death, hath shewed us the paths of of salvation promised unto them after
perdition and removed us far from [67] death. For what doth it profit us,
life; and that, not a few only, but that we shall be preserved alive, but
well nigh all that have been created. [68] yet be afflicted with torment? Forall
[49] And he answered me, and said. that are born are ^ defiled with Iniqui-
Hearken unto me, and I will instruct ties, and are full of sins and laden with
thee; and I will admonish thee yet [()9] offences and if after death we were
found grace in thy sight, O Lord, shew thought which was fashioned together
this also unto thy servant, whether with them, that it might not lead
after death, even now when every one them astray from life into death.
of us giveth up his soul, we shall be [93] The second order, because they see
kept in rest until those times come, in the perplexity in which the souls of
which thou shalt renew the creation, the ungodly wander, and the punish-
or whether we shall be tormented [94] ment that awaiteth them. The third
forthwith. order, they see the witness which he
[76] And he answered me, and said, I that fashioned them beareth con-
will shew thee this also; but join not cerning them, that while they lived
thyself with them that are scorn- they kept the law which was given
ers, nor number thyself with them [95] them in trust. The fourth order,
[77] that are tormented. For thou hast they understand the rest which, being
a treasure of (jood works laid up with gathered in their chambers, they now
the Most High, but it shall not be enjoy with great quietness, guarded
shewed thee until the last times. by angels, and the glory that awaiteth
[78] For concerning death the teaching [96] them in the last days. The fifth or-
is : When the determinate sentence der,they rejoice, secinf/ how they have
hath gone forth from the Most High now escaped from that which is cor-
that a man should die, as the spirit ruptible, and how they shall inherit
leaveth the body to return again to that which is to come, while they see
him who gave it, it adoreth the glory moreover the straitness and the * pain-
[79] of the Most High first of all. And fulness from which they have been de-
if it be one of those that have been livered, and the large room which they
scorners and have not kept the way shall receive with joy and immor-
of the Most High, and that have de- [97] tality. The sixth order, when it is
spised his law, and that hate them that shewed unto them how their face shall
[80] fear ' God, these spirits shall not shine as the sun, and how they shall
enter into habitations, but shall wan- be made like unto the light of the
der and be in torments forthwith, ever stars, being henceforth incorruptible.
grieving and sad, in seven ways. [98] The seventh order, which is greater
[81] The first way, because they have than all the aforesaid orders, because
despised the law of the Most High. they shall rejoice with confidence, and
[82] The second way, because they can- because they shall be bold without
not now make a good returning that confusion, and shall be glad without
[83] they may live. The third way, they fear, for they hasten to behold the
shall see the rewani laid up for them face of him whom in their lifetime
that have believed the covenants of they served, and from whom they
[84] the Most High. The fourth way, shall receive ffieir reward in glory.
they shall consider the torment laid [99] This is the order of the souls of the
lip for themselves in the last days. just, as from henceforth Ms announ-
[85] The fifth way, they shall see the ced unto them, and aforesaid are the
dwelling i)laces of the others guarded ways of torture which they that would
[86] by angels, with great quietness. The not give heed shall suffer from hence-
sixth way, they shall see ^ how forth- [100] forth. And I answered and said,
with some of them shall pass into Shall time therefore be given unto the
[87] torment. The seventh way, which souls after they are separated from
is " more grievous than all the afore- the bodies, that they may see that
said ways, because they shall pine whereof thou hast spoken unto me?
away in confusion and be consumed [101] And he said, Their freedom shall
with * shame, and shall be withered be for seven days, that for seven days
up by fears, seeing the glory of the they may see the things whereof thou
Most High before whom they have hast been told, and afterwards they
sinned whilst living, and before whom shall be gathered together in their
they shall be judged in the last times. [102] hal)itations. And I answered and
[88] Now this is the order of those who said. If I have found favour in thy
have kept the ways of the Most High, sight, shew further unto me thy ser-
when they shall be separated from the vant whether in the day of judgement
[89] corruptible vessel. In the time *that the just will be able to intercede for
they dwelt therein they painfully the ungodly or to intreat the Most
served the Most High, and were in [103] High for them, whether fathers for
jeopardy every hour, that they might children, or children for parents, or
keep the law of the lawgiver perfectly. brethren for brethren, or kinsfolk for
[90] Wherefore this is the teaching con- their next of kin, or ^ friends for them
[91] cerning them First of all they shall
: [104] that are most dear. And he an-
see with great joy the glory of him swered me, and said. Since thou hast
who taketh them up, for they shall found favour in my sight, I will shew
[92] have rest in seven orders. The first thee this also The day of judgement
order, because they have striven with is "a day of decision, and displayeth
great labour to overcome the evil unto all the seal of truth ; even as now
7. 53. II. ESDRAS. 8. 4.
a father sendeth not his son, or a son eth without decay, wherein is abun-
his father, or a master his slave, or a dance and healing, but we shall not
friend him that is most dear, that in
' 54 enter into it, for we have walked in
his stead he may - be sicls, or sleep, or 55 unpleasant places ? And that the
[105] eat, or be healed: so never shall faces of them which have used absti-
any one pray for another ' in that day, nence shall shine above the stars,
neither shall one lay a burden on an- whereas our faces shall be blacker
other, for then shall all bear every 56 than darkness? For while we lived
one his own righteousness or unright- and committed iniquity, we considered
eousness. not what we should have to suffer
36 And I answered and said. do How after death.
we now find that first Abraham pray- 57 Then he answered and said. This is
ed for the people of Sodom, and Moses the *condition of the battle, which
for the fathers that sinned in the wil- man that is born upon the earth shall
37 derness and Joslnia after him for
58 fight that, if he be overcome, he shall
38 Israel in tlie days of ^Achar: and suffer as thou hast said but if he get :
now, when comiptiDU is grown up, shall not be such heaviness in their
and unriglitt'iiusiifss iiicrcasiMl, tlie destruction, as there shall be joy over
righteous have prayed for tlie ungodly, them that are persuaded to salva-
wherefore shall not be so then also?
it tion.
42 He answered me, and said. This pre- 62 I answered then and said, I know,
sent world is not the end; the full Lord, that the Most High is now
glory abideth not therein therefore
called merciful, in that he hath
have they who were able prayed for upon them which are not yet come
43 the weak. But the day of judgement 63 into the world and compassionate,
shall be the end of this time, "and the in that he hath compassion upon
beginning of the immortality for to 64 those that turn to his law and long- ;
which have led a pure life, whereas 3 of the present world. There be many
we have walked in the most wicked created, but few shall be saved.
53 ways of all? And that there shall be 4 And I answered and said, Swallow
shewed a paradise, whose fruit endur- down understanding then, O my soul.
8. 22. II. ESDRAS. 8. 4.3.
5 and let viy heart devour wisdom. For 23 fearful whose look drieth up the
thou 'art come hither without thy depths, and whose indignation mak-
will, and departest when thou would- etli the mountains to melt away, and
est not: for there is given thee no 24 whose truth beareth witness hear, :
longer space than only to live a short Lord, the prayer of thy servant, and
6 time. O Lord, that art over us, suffer give ear to the petition of thy handy-
thy servant, that we may pray before 25 work attend unto my words, for so
thee, and give us seed unto our heart, long as Hive I will speak, and so long
and culture to our luiderstanding, that as have understanding I will answer.
there may come fruit of it, whereby 26 O look not upon the sins of thy people
every one shall live that is corrupt, but on them tiiat have served thee in
who beareth the - likeness of a man. 27 truth. Eeganl not the doings of them
7 For thou art alone, and we all one that deal wickedly, but of tlu'ui that
workmanship of thine hands, like as have kept thy covenants in aflliction.
8 thou hast said. Forasmuch as thou 28 Think not upon those that have walk-
quickenest the body that is fashioned ed feignedly before thee but remem-
now in the womb, and givest it mem- ber them which have willingly known
bers, thy creature is preserved in Are 29 thy fear. Let it not be thy will to
and water, and nine months doth destroy them which have lived like
thy workmanship endure thy creature cattle but look ui)ou them that have
9 which is created in her. But that 30 "clearly taught thy law. Take thou
which keepeth and that which is kept no indignation at them which are
shall both be kept ^ by thy keeping deemed worse than beasts but love
and when the womb giveth up again them that have alway put their trust
10 that which hath grown in it, thou 3 1 in thy glory. For we and our fathers
hast commanded that out of the parts have " passed our lives in * ways that
of the body, that is to say, out of the bring death but thou because of us
breasts, be given milk, which is the 32 sinners ^art called merciful. For if
11 fruit of the breasts, that the thing thou hast a desire to have mercy upon
which is fashioned may be nourished us, then shalt thou lie called merciful,
for a time, and afterwards thou shalt to us, namely, that have no works of
12 order it in thy mercy. Yea. thou 33 righteousness. For the just, which
hast brought it up in thy righteous- have many good works laid up with
ness, and nurtured it in thy law, and thee, shall for their own deeds receive
1.3 corrected it witli thy judgement. And 34 reward. For what is man, that thou
thou shalt mortify it as thy creature, shouldest take displeasure at him ? or
1 and rpiicken it as thy work. If there- what is a corruptible race, that thou
fore thou Shalt ' lightly and suddenly 35 shouldest be so bitter toward it ? For
destroy him which with so great la- in truth there is no man among them
bour was fashioned by thy command- that be born, but he hath dealt wick-
ment, to what purpose was he made ? edly; and among them '" tliat have
15 Now therefore I will speak; touching lived there is none which hath not
man in general, thou knowest best; 36 done amiss. For in this, O Lord, thy
but touching thy people will I speak, righteousness and thy goodness shall
16 for whose sake I am sorry; and for be declared, if thou be merciful unto
thine inheritance, for whose cause I them which have no store of good
mourn and for Israel, for whom I
; works.
am heavy and for the seed of Jacob,
; Then answered he me, and said,
17 for wiiose sake I am troubled there-
; Some things hast thou spoken aright,
fore will I begin to pray before thee and according unto thy words so shall
for myself and for them: for I see it come to pass. For indeed I will
the fails of us that dwell in the land not think on the fashiom'ng of them
IS I)ut I have heard the swiftness of the which have sinned, or their death,
lOjudgement which is to come. There- their judgement, or their destruction:
fore hear my voice, and imderstand but 1 will rejoin' (iver tlic fi';iiiiing of
my saying, and I will speak before the righteous, their pilgi-iniage also,
thee. and the salvation, and the reward, that
The beginning of the words of Es- 40 they shall have. Like therefore as I
dr;is, before he was taken up. And 41 have spoken, so shall it be. For as
he said, the husbandman soweth much seed
20 O Lord, thou that * abidest for ever, upon the ground, and plantetii many
whose eyes are exalted, and whose trees, and yet not all that is sown
21 chaml)ers are in the air whose throne
; shall " come up in due season, neither
is inestimable ;whose glory may not shall all that is planted take root
be comi)rehended before whom tiie
; even so they that are sown in the
hosts of angels stand with trembling, world shall not all be saved.
22 ''at whose bidding they are changed 42 I answered then and said. If I have
to wind and Are whose word is sure,
; found favour, let me speak before
and sayings constant; whose ordi- 43 thee. Forasmuch as the husband-
nance is strong, and commandment man's seed, if it come not up, seeing
8. 63. II. ESDRAS. 9. 19.
that it hath not received thy rain in at what time, thou hast not shewed
(hie season, or if it be corrupted me.
» So the through too much rain, ' so perish- 9 And he answered me, and said. Mea-
printod sure thou diligently within thyself:
44eth; Ulvewise man, which is formed
text. The with thy hands, and is called thine and when thou seest that a certain
own image, because he is made like part of the signs are past, which have
MSS. lire
corrupt. iitito thee, for whose sake thou 2 been told thee beforehand, then shalt
formed all things, even him hast thou thou understand, that it is the very
made like unto the hnshandman's time, wherein the Most High will visit
45 seed. Be not wroth with us, but spare the world which was niatle by him.
thy i)eople, and have mercy upon thine 3 And when there shall be seen in the
inheritance for thou hast mercy upon
world earthquakes, disquietude of
thineown creation. peoples, devices of nations, wavering
4(5 Then answered he me, and said. 4 of leaders, disquietude of princes, then
Things present are for them that now Shalt thou understand, that the Most
be, and things tocome for such as High spake of these things from the
47 For thou comest
shall be hereafter. days that were aforetime from the
far short that thou shouldest be able 5 beginning. For like as of all that is
to love my creature more than I. But made in the world, the beginning * is
thou hast brought thyself full nigh 6 evident, and the end manifest so also ;
unto tile unrighteous. Let this never are the times of the Most High the :
48 ^)e. Yet in this slialt thou be adnii- beginnings are manifest in wonders
49 rable before the Most High in that ;
and mighty works, and the end in
thou hast humbled thyself, as it be- 7 effects and signs. And every one that
cometh thee, and hast not judged thy- shall be saved, and shall be able to
self irorthy to Oe nmongthe righteous, escape by his works, or by faith,
50 so as to be much glorified. For many 8 whereby he hath believed, shall be
grievous miseries shall befall them preserved from the said perils, and
tliat in the last times dwell in the shall see my salvation in my land, and
world, because they have walked in within my borders, wliicli I have sanc-
51 great pride. But understand thou for 9tifledforinefroiiitlu' l)e,i;inniug. Then
thyself, and of such as be like thee shall they be amazed, wliicli now have
52 seek out the glory. For unto you is abused my ways and they that have
paradise opened, the tree of life is cast them away despitefully shall
planted, the time to come is prepared, 10 dwell in torments. For as many as in
plenteousness is made ready, a city is their life have received benefits, and
a The builded, and rest is -allowed, goodness 1 yet have not known me and as many ;
is perfected, wisdom being perfect as have scorned my law, while they
estab- 53 aforehand. The root of evil is sealed had yet liberty, and, wlien as yet place
Ihhed. up from you, weakness is done away of repentance was open unto them,
» After from you, and ^ [death] is hidden hell ;
12 understood not, but despised ^it; the
the chief
Oriental and corruption are tied into forgetful- same must know ^ it after death by
versions. 54 ness sorrows are passed away, and
: 13 torment. And therefore be thou no
in the end is shewed the treasure of longer curious how the ungodly shall
55 immortality. Therefore ask thou no be punished but inquire how the
more questions concerning the multi- righteous shall be saved, ' they whose
5t) tude of them that perish. For when the world is, and for whom the world
they had received liberty, they de- ^ , icas created.
spised the Most High, thought scorn |k And I answered and said, I have
of his law, and forsook his ways. said before, and now do speak, and
57 Moreover they have trodden down his will speak it also hereafter, tliat there
58 righteous, and said in their heart, that be more of them which iierish, than
there is no God yea, and that know-
16 of them which shall be saved like as :
59 ing they must die. For as the things a wave is greater than a drop.
aforesaid shall receive you, so thirst 17 And he answered me, saying. Like as
and pain which are prepared ahull re- the field is, so is also the seed and as ;
ceive them: for the Most High willed the flowers be, such are the colours
not that men should come to nought also and such as the work is, such
60 but they which be created have them- also is the ' judgement thereon and as ;
selves defiled the name of him that is the husbandman, so is his threshing-
made them, and were unthankful unto floor also. For there was a time in
61 him which prepared life for them. And 18 the world, even then when I was pre-
therefore is my iudgement now at paring for them that now live, before
62 hand, which I have not shewed unto the world was made for them to dwell
all men, but unto thee, and a few like in and then no man spake against
63 Then answered I and said. Behold, they which are created in this world
O Lord, now hast thou shewed me that is prepared, both * with a table
the multitude of the wonders, which that faileth not, and a law which is
thou wilt do in the last times: but unsearchable, are corrupted in their
9. 38. II. ESDRAS. 10. 13.
the flowers, and did eat of the herbs 40 unto the Mighty. And I nourished
of the field, and the meat of the same 47 him with great travail. So when he
27 satisfied me. And it came to pass grew up, and I came to take him a
after seven days that I lay upon the 10 wife, I made a feast day. And it so
grass, and my heart was vexed again, came to pass, that when my son was
28 like as before and my mouth was
: entered into his wedding chamber, he
opened, and I began to speak before 2 fell down, and died. Then we all
29 the Most High, and said, O Lord, thou overthrew the lights, and all my
didst shew thyself among us, unto 2 neighbours rose up to comfort me
our fathei's in the wilderness, when and I remained quiet unto the second
they went forth out of Egypt, and 3 day at night. And it came to pass,
when they came into the wilderness, when they had all left off to comfort
where no man treadeth and that bear- me, to the end I might be quiet, then
30 eth no fruit and thou didst say. Hear
; rose I up by night, and fled, and came
me, thou Israel and mark my words,
; hither into lliis field, as thou seest.
310 seed of Jacob. For, behold, I sow 4 And I do now purpose not to return
my law in you, and it shall bring forth into the city, but here to stay, and
fruit in you, and ye shall be glorified neither to eat nor drink, but continu-
32 in it for ever. But our fathers, which ally to mourn and to fast until I die.
received the law, kept it not, and ob- 5 Then left I the meditations wherein
served not the statutes and the fruit
: I was, and answered her in anger,
of the law did not perish, neither could 6 and said. Thou foolish woman al)ove
33 it, for it was thine yet they that re-
; all other, seest thou not our mourning,
ceived it perished, because they kept and what hath happened unto us?
not the thing that was sown in them. 7 how that Sion the mother of us all is
34 And, lo, it is a custom, that when the full of sorrow, and much humbled.
ground hath received seed, or the sea 8* It is right now to moin-n very sore,
a ship, or any vessel meat or drink, seeing we all mourn, and to be sorrow-
and when it cometh to pass that that ful, seeing we are all in sorrow, but
35 which is sown, or that which is launch- 9 thou sorrowest for one son. For ask
ed, or the things which have been the earth, and she shall tell thee, that
received, should come to an end, these it is she which ought to mourn for so
come to an end, but the receptacles 10 many that grow upon her. For out
remain yet with us it hath not hap-
: of her all had their beginnings, and
36 pened so. For we that have received others shall come and, behold, they
the law shall perish by sin, and our walk almost all into destruction, and
37 heart also which received it. Not- the multitude of them is utterly rooted
withstanding the law perisheth not, 1 out. Who then should make more
but remaineth in its honour. mourning, ^she, that hath lost so
38 And when I spake these things in great a multitude, or thou, which art
my heart, I looked about me with 12 grieved but for one ? But if thou say-
mine eyes, and upon the right side I est unto me. My lamentation is not
saw a woman, and, behold, she mourn- like the earth's, for I have lost the
ed and wept with a loud voice, and fruit of my womb, which I brought
was much grieved in mind, and her forth with pains, and bare with sor-
clothes were rent, and she had ashes 13 rows: but it is with the earth after
10. 29. II. ESDRAS. 10. 50.
the manner of the earth the multi- ; words, behold, the angel who had
tude present in it is gone, as it came come unto me at tlie first came unto
14 then say 1 untotliee, Like as thou hast ;50 me, and he looked upon me and, lo,:
brouglit forth with sorrow; even so I lay as one that had been dead, and
the eartli also hath given her fruit, mine understanding was taken from
namely, man, ever since the beginning me and he took me by the right
15 unto him that made her. Now there- hand, and comforted me, and set me
fore keep thy sorrow to thyself, and 31 upon my feet, and said unto me, What
bear witli a good courage tlie adversi- aileth thee? and why art thou so dis-
ties whicli have In-fallen thee. For if
16 quieted? and why is thine under-
thou shalt acknowknlge tlie decree of standing troubled, and the thoughts
God to be just, thou shalt both re- 32 of thine heart? And I said, Because
ceive thy son in time, and shalt be thou hast forsaken me yet I did ac-:
17 praised among women. Go thy way cording to thy w'ords, and went into
then into the city to thine husband. the field, and, lo, I have seen, and yet
18 And she said unto me, That will I see, that which I am not able to ex-
not do I will not go into the city, but
: 33 press. And he said unto me. Stand
here will I die. up like a man, and I will advise tliee.
19 So I proceeded to speak further nn- 34 Then said I, Speak on, my Lord only ;
20 to her, and said. Do not so, but suffer forsake me not, lest I die frustrate
thyself to be prevailed on by reason 35 of my hope. For I have seen that I
of the adversities of Sion and be com-
; knew not, and hear that I do not
forted by reason of tlie sorrow of 36 know. Or is my sense deceived, or
21 Jerusalem. For thou seest that our 37 my soul in a dream? Now therefore
sanctuary is laid waste, our altar Ibeseech thee to shew thy servant
broken down, our temple destroyed concerning this trance.
22 our psaltery is brought low, our song 38 And he answered me, and said, Hear
is put to silence, our rejoicing is at me, and I shall inform thee, and tell
an end; the light of our candlestick thee concerning the things whereof
is put out, the ark of our covenant is thou art afraid: for the Most High
spoiled, our holy things are defiled, hath revealed many secret things un-
and the name that is called upon us 39 to tliee. He hath seen that thy way
is profaned our freemen are despite-
; is right for that thou sorrowest con-
fully treated, our priests are burnt, tinually for thy people, and makest
our Levites are gone into captivity, 40 great lamentation for Sion. This
our virgins are defiled, and our wives therefore is the meaning of the vision.
ravished our righteous men carried
; 41 The woman which appeared unto
away, our little ones betrayed, our thee a little while ago, whom thou
young men are brought into bondage, sawest mourning, and begannest to
and our strong men are become weak 42 comfort her but now seest thou the
23 and, what is more than all, the seal of likeness of the woman no more, but
Sion — for she hath now lost the seal there appeared unto tliee a city in
of her honour, and is delivered into 43 building: and whereas she told thee
24 the hands of them that hate us. Thou of the death of her son, this is the so-
therefore shake off thy great heavi- 44 lution This woman, whom thou saw-
ness, and put away from thee the est, is - Sion, - whom thou now seest
multitude of sorrows, that the Mighty 45 as a city builded and whereas she
may be merciful unto thee again, and said unto thee, that she hath been
the Most High may give thee rest, thirty years barren, it is, because
even ease from thy travails. there were three - thousand years in
25 And it came to pass, while I was the world wherein there was no offer-
talking with her, behold, her face 46 ing as yet offered in her. And it came
upon a sudden shined exceedingly, to iiass after three - thousand years
and her countenance glistered like that Solomon builded the city, and
lightning, so that I was sore afraid ottered offerings then it was that the
27 eartli shook at the noise. And I 48 in Jerusalem. And wluTcas she said
looked, and, behold, the woman ap- unto thee. My son coiiiiiiL; into his
peared unto me no more, but there marriage chamber died, and tliat mis-
was a city builded, and a place shewed fortune befell her: this was the de-
itself from large foundations then : struction that came to Jerusalem.
was I afraid, and cried with a loud 49 And, behold, thou sawest her like-
28 voice, and said. Where is Uriel the ness, how she mourned for her son,
angel, who came unto me at the first? and thou begannest to comfort her
for he hath caused me to fall into this for what hath befallen her; ^ these
great trance, and mine end is turned were the things to be opened unto
into corruption, and my prayer to re- 50 thee. For now the Most High, seeing
29 buke. And as I was speaking these that thou art grieved unfeignedly,
11. 14. II. ESDRAS. 11. 37.
and sufferest from thy whole heart pened, that when reigned, the end
for her, hath shewed thee the bright- of it came also, so that it appeared no
ness of her glory, and the comeliness 15 more, like as the first. And, lo, there
51 of her beauty: and therefore I liade 16 came a voice unto it, and said. Hear
thee remain in tlie field where no thou that hast borne rule over the
52 house was bnilded for I knew that
: earth all this time this I proclaim
the Most High would shew this unto unto thee, before thou shalt appear
53 thee. Therefore I commanded thee 17 no more. There shall none after thee
to come into the field, where no foun- attain unto thy time, neither unto the
54 dation of any building was. For iu the 18 half thereof. Tlieii arose the third,
place wherein the city of the Most and had the rule as the others before,
High was to be sliewed, the work of 19 and it also appeared no more. So
55 no man's building could stand. There- went it with all the wings one after
fore fear thou not, nor let thine heart another, as that every one ba"re rule,
be affrighted, but go thy way in, and 20 and then appeared no more. And I
see the beauty and greatness of the beheld, and, lo, in i)rocess of time the
building, as much as thine eyes be °
wings that followed were set up upon
56 able to see and then shaltthou hear
: the * riglit side, tliat they might rule
as much as thine ears may compre- also ami some of them ruled, but
57 hend. For thou art lilessed above within a while tliey appeared no more
many, and with the Most High art 21 some also of them were set up, but
58 called by name, like as but few. But 22 ruled not. After this I beheld, and, lo,
to-morrow at nigiit thou shalt remain the twelve wings appeared no more,
59 here; and so shall the Most High 23 nor two of the little wings: and there
shew tliee those visions in dreams, of was no more left upon the eagle's
wliat tlu' Most Iligli will lio unto tlicni body, but the three heads that rested,
that dwell upon earth in the last days. 24 and six little wings. And I beheld,
So I slept that nigiit and another, like and, lo, two little wings divided them-
as he commanded me. selves from the six, and remained un-
11 And it came to pass the second night der the head that was upon the right
that saw a dream, and, behold, there
I side but four remained in their place.
came up from the sea an eagle, which 25 And I beheld, and, lo, these = under
had twelve featheretl wings, and three wings tliought to set up themselves,
2 heads. And I saw, and, behold, she 26 and to have the rule. And I beheld,
spread her wings over all the earth, and, lo, there was one set up, but
and all the winds of heaven blew on within a while it appeared no more.
her, land the clouds were gathered 27 A second also, and it was sooner away
3 together against lier. And I beheld, 28 than the first. And 1 beheld, and, lo,
antl out of her wings there grew otlicr the two that remained thought also in
wings over against them; and they 29 themselves to reign: and while they
4 became little wings and small. But so thought, behold, there awaked one
her heads were at rest the head in
: of the heads that were at rest, namely,
the midst was greater than the other if that was in the midst for that was
5 heads, yet rested it with them. More- greater than the two otJicr heads.
over I beheld, and, lo, the eagle flew 30 And I beheld how that it joined the
with her wings, to reign over the earth, 31 two ofhrr heads with it. And. liehold,
and over them that dwell therein. the head was turned with them that
6 And I lieheld how that all things were with it. and did eat up the two
under heaven were subject unto her, 2 under wings that thought to have
and no man spake against her, no, not 32 reigned. But this head held the whole
7 one creature upon earth. And I be- earth in possession, and bare rule
held, and, lo, the eagle rose upon her over those that dwell therein with
talons, and uttered her voice to her much oppression and it had the gov-
8 wings, saying. Watch not all at once ernance of the world more than all
sleep every one in his own place, and 33 the wings that had been. And after
9 watch by course but let the heads be
: this I beheld, and, lo, the head also
10 preserved for the last. And I beheld, that was in the midst suddenly ap-
and, lo, the voice went not out of her peared no more, like as the wings.
heads, but from the midst of her body. 34 But there remained the two heads,
11 And I numbered - her wings that were which also in like sort reigned over
over against the other, and, behold, the earth, and over those tiiat dwell
12 there were eight of them. And I be- 35 therein. And I beheld, and, lo, tlie
held, and, lo, on the right side there head upon the right side devoured it
arose one wing, and reigned over all that was upon the left side.
13 the earth and so it was, that when it
; 36 Then I heard a voice, which said
reigned, the end of it came, and it unto nie. Look before
thee, and con-
appeared not, so that the place there- 37 sider thing that thou seest. And
of appeared no more: and the next I beheld, and, lo, as it were a lion
following rose up, and reigned, and it roused out of the wood roaring and I :
14 bare rule a great time; and it hap- heard how that he sent out a man's
12. 9. II. ESDRAS. 12. 31.
voice unto tlie eagle, and spake, say- 10 And he said unto me, This is the in-
38ing, Hear thou, I will talk with thee, terpretation of this vision which thou
and the ilost High shall say unto 1 sawest The eagle, whom thou sawest
39 thee, Ait not thou it that lemainest come up from the sea, is tlie fourth
of the tour beasts, I made towhom kingdom which appeared in vision to
reign in my
world, that the end of 1 thy brother Daniel. But it was not ex-
my times might come through them? pounded unto him, as 1 now expound
40 And the fourth came, and overcame it unto thee or have expounded it.
all the beasts that were past, and held 13 Behold, the days come, that there shall
the world in governance with great rise up a kingdom upon earth, and it
trenil)ling, and the whole compass of shall be feared above all the kingdoms
the earth with grievous oppression 14 that were before it.|. In the same shall
and so long time dwelt he upon the twelve kings reign, one after another
41 earth with deceit. And thou hast 15 whereof the second shall begin to
judged the earth, but not with truth. reign, and shall have a longer time
42 For thou hast afflicted the rteek, thou 16 than any of the twelve. This is the
hast hurt the peaceable, thou hast interpretation of the twelve wings,
hated them that speak truth, thou 17 which thou sawest. And whereas
hast loved liars, and destroyed the thou lieardest a voice which spake,
dwellings of them that brought forth not going out from tlie heads, but
fruit, and hast cast down the walls of from the midst of the body thereof,
43 such as did thee no harm. Therefore 18 this is the interpretation That - after
is thy insolent dealing come up unto the time of that kingdom there shall
the Most High, and thy pride unto the arise no small contentions, and it shall
44 INlighty. The Most High also hath stand in peril of falling: nevertheless
looked upon his times, and, behold, it shall not then fall, but shall be re-
they are ended, and his ages are ful- 19 stored again to its first estate. And
45 filled. And therefore appear no more, whereas thou sawest the eight under
thou eagle, nor thy horrible wings, wings sticking to her wings, this is
nor thy evil little wings, nor thy cruel 20 the interpretation: That in it there
heads, nor thy hurtful talons, nor all shall arise eight kings, whose times
46 thy vain body that all the earth may
: shall be but small, and their years
be refreshed, and be eased, being de- 21 swift. And two of them shall perish,
livered from thy violence, and that when the middle time approaclieth
she may hope for the judgement and four shall be kept for a w'liile until
mercy of him that made her. the time of the ending thereof shall
12 And it came to pass, whiles the lion approach but two shall be kept unto
spake these words unto the eagle, I 22 the end. And whereas thou sawest
2 beheld, and, lo, the heail that remain- three heads resting, this is the inter-
ed appeared no more, and the two '
23 pretation In the last days thereof
wings which went over unto it arose shall the ISIost High raise up three
and set themselves up to reign, and " kingdoms, and renew many things
their kingdom was small, and full of therein, and they shall bear rule over
3 uproar. And
beheld, and, lo, they
I 24 the earth, and over those that dwell
appeared no more, and the whole body therein, with much oppression, above
of the eagle was burnt, so that the all those that were before them:
earth was in great fear: then awaked therefore are they called the heads
I by reason of great ecstasy of mind, 25 of the eagle. P'or these are they
and from great fear, and said unto that shall accomplish her wickedness,
4 my spirit, Lo, this hast thou done unto and that shall finish her last end.
nie, in that thou searchest out the 26 And whereas thou sawest that the
5 ways of the ;\Iost High. Lo, I am great head appeared no more, it sif/-
yet weary in my mind, and very weak nipeth that one of them shall die
in my spirit; nor is there tlie least upon his bed, and yet with pain.
strength in me, for the great fear 27 But for the two that remained, the
wherewith I was affrighted this night. 28 sword shall devour them. For the
6 Therefore will I now beseech the sword of the one shall devour him that
Most High, that he will strengthen was with him but he also shall fall
7 me unto the end. And I said, O Lord 29 by the sword in the last days. And
that bearest rule, if I have found fa- whereas thou sawest two under wings
vour in thy sight, and if I am justified passing * over unto the head that is
with thee above many others, and if on the right side, this is the interpre-
my prayer indeed be come up before 30 tation These are they, whom the
32 which thou hast heard ; this is the 51 said unto them but I sat in the field
anointed one, whom the Most High seven days, as the amjel commanded
hath kept unto the end ' [of days, me and in those days I did eat only
who sluill spring up out of the seed of the flowers of the field, and had my
of David, and he shall come and meat of the herbs.
speak] unto them and reprove them 13 And it came to pass after seven days,
for their wickedness and their un- 2 I dreamed a dream by night and, lo, :
righteousness, and shall - heap up there arose a wind from the sea, that
before them their contemptuous deal- 3 it moved all the waves thereof. And
33 ings. For at the first he shall set I beheld, and, lo, '[this wind caused
them alive in his judgement, and when to come up from the midst of the sea
he hath reproved them, he shall de- as it were the likeness of a man, and
34 stroy them. For the rest of my people I beheld, and, lo,] that man ' flew with
shall he deliver with mercy, those that the clouds of heaven and when he :
city, they gathered them all together, how that he sent out of his mouth as
from the least unto the greatest, and it had been a flood of fire, and out of
came unto me. and spake to me, say- his lips a flaming breath, and out of
41 ing, What have we offended thee ? and his tongue he cast forth sparks ' of
what evil have we done against thee, 1 the storm. And these were all min-
that thou hast utterly forsaken us, gled together; the flood of fire, the
42 and sittest in this place ? For of all the flaming breath, and the great storm
pro))hets thou only art left us, as a and fell upon tlie assault of the multi-
cluster of the vintage, and as a lamp tude which was prepared to fight, and
in a dark place, and as a haven for a burned them up every one, so that
43 ship saved from the tempest. Are not ui)on a sudden of an iniuunerable
the evils which are come to us sufli- multitude nothing was to be per-
44 cient ? If thou shalt forsake us, how ceived, but only dust of ashes and
nnich better had it been for us, if we smell of smoke when I saw this I
also had been consumed in the burn- 1 2 was amazed. Afterward I beheld the
45 ing of Siou For we are not better
! same man come down from the moun-
than they that died there. And they tain, and call unto him another multi-
wept with a loud voice. And I an- 13 tude which was peaceable. And there
46 swered them, and said. Be of good came * much peoi)le luito him, whereof
comfort, O Israel and be not sorrow-
; some were glad, some were sorry,
47 ful, thou house of .Jacob for the Most
: some of them were bound, and other
High hath you in remembrance, and some brought of them that were of-
the Mighty hath not forgotten you fered : then through great fear I
48* for ever. As for me, I have not for- awaked, and prayed unto the Most
saken you, neither am I departed 14 High, and said. Thou hast shewed
from you :but am come into this thy servant these wonders from the
place, to pray for the desolation of beginning, and hast counted me
Sion, and that I might seek mercy for worthy that thou shouldest receive
the low estate of your sanctuary. 15 my prayer and now shew me more-
49 And now go your way every man to over the interpretation of this dream.
his own house, and after these days l(i For as I conceive in mine under-
50 will I come unto you. So the people standing, woe unto them that shall
went their way into the city, like as I be left in those days and much more
13. 37. II. ESDRAS. 13. 57.
17 woe unto them that are not left for ! 38 pest; and shall taunt them to their
they that were not left shall be In face with their evil thoughts, and the
18 heaviness, understanding the things torments wlierewith they shall be tor-
that are laid up in the latter days, but mented, wliich are likened unto a
19 not attaining unto them. But woe unto flame and he shall destroy them with-
them also that are left, for this cause out laljour by the law, which is liken-
for they shall see great perils and 39 ed unto fire. And whereas thou saw-
many necessities, like as these dreams est that he gathered untohim another
20 declare. Yet is it Mjetter for one to 40 multitude that was peaceable these ;
be in peril and to come into -these are the ten tribes, wliich were led
things, than to pass away as a cloud away out of their own land in the time
out of the world, and not to see the Osea the king, whom Salmanasar
things that - shall happen in the last the king of the Assyrians led away
days. captive, and he carried them beyond
And he answered unto me, and said, the Kiver, and they were carried into
21 The interpretation of the vision shall 41 another land. But they took this
I tell thee, and I will also open unto counsel among themselves, tiiat they
thee the things whereof thou hast would leave the multitude of the liea-
22 made mention. Whereas thou hast then, and go forth into a further
spoken of them that are behind,
left country, where never mankind dwelt,
23 this is the interpretation: He that 42 that they might there keep their stat-
shall -endure the peril in that time utes, which they had not kept in
sliall keep them that be fallen into 43 their own land. And they entered
danger, even such as have works, and by the narrow passages of the river
.24 faitli toward the Ahnighty. Know 44 Euphrates. For the Most High tlien
therefore, that they which be left be- wrought signs for them, and stayed
hind are more blessed than they that the springs of the liiver, till they were
25 be dead. These are the interpreta- 45 passed over. For through that coun-
tions of the vision Whereas thou saw-
: try there was a great way to go, name-
est a man coming up from the midst ly, of a year and a half and the same
2(5 of tlie sea, the same is he whom the 46 region is called ' Arzareth. Then
Most Higli hath kept a great season, dwelt they there until tlie latter time
which by his own self shall deliver his and now when they begin to come
creature and he shall order them
: 47 again, the Most Higli stayeth the
27 that are left behind. And whereas springs of the Kiver again, that they
thou sawest, that out of his mouth may go througli therefore sawest
there came wind, and fire, and storm ; thou the multitude gathered together
28 and whereas he held neither spear, 48 with peace. But those that be left
nor any instrument of war, but de- behind of thy i)eople are they that are
stroyed the assault of that multitude 49 found within my holy border. It shall
which came to fight against him this ; be therefore when he shall destroy the
29 is the interpretation Behold, the days
: multitude of the nations that are
come, when the Most High will begin gathered together, he shall defend the
to deliver them that are upon the 50 people that remain. And then shall
30 earth. And there shall come astonish- he shew them very many wonders.
ment of mind upon them that dwell on 5 1 Then said I, O Lord that bearest rule,
31 the earth. And one shall think to war shew me this wherefore I have seen
against another, city against city, the man coming up from the midst of
place against place, people against 52 the sea. And he said unto me. Like
people, and kingdom against kingdom. as one can neither seek out nor know
32 And It shall be, when these things what is in the deep of the sea, even so
shall come to pass, and the signs shall can no man upon earth see my Son,
happen which I sliewed thee before, or tliose that be with him, but in the
then shall my Son be revealed, whom 53 time of ^ his day. This is the inter-
33 thou sawest as a man ascending. And pretation of the dream which thou
it shall be, when all the nations hear sawest, and for this thou only art en-
his voice, every man shall leave his 54 lightened herein. For thou hast for-
own land and the battle they have one saken thine own irays, and applied thy
34 against another. And an innumerable diligence unto mine, and hast sought
nuiltitude shall be gathered together, 55 out my law. Thy life hast thou or-
as thou sawest, desiring to come, an(l dered in wisdom, and hast called un-
35 to fight against him. But he shall 56 derstanding thy mother. And there-
stand upon the top of the moiuit Sion. fore have I shewed thee this; for there
36 And Sion shall come, and shall be is a reward laid up with the Most
shewed to all men, being prepared High and it shall be, after other
and l)uilded, like as thou sawest the three days I will speak other things
37 mountain graven without hands. And unto tliee, and declare unto thee
this ray Son shall rebuke the nations 57 mighty and wondrous things. Then
which are come for their wickedness, went 1 forth and passed into the field,
with pi agues th&t are like unto a tem- giving praise and thanks greatly unto
33 D
14. 21. II. ESDRAS. 14. 42.
the Most High because of his wonders, 22 But if I have found favour before thee,
58 which lie did from time to time and ; send the Holy Spirit into me, and 1
because he governeth the time, and shall write all that bath been done in
such tilings as fall in their seasons. the world since the beginning, even
And there I sat three days'. the things that were written in thy
14 And it came to pass upon the third law, that men may be able to find the
day, I sat under an oak, and, behold, path, and that they which would live
there came a voice out of a bush over 23 in the latter days may live. And he
against me, and said, Esdras, Esdras. answered me and said. (Jo thy way,
2 And I said. Here am I, Lord. And I gather the peoi)l(' togetlier, and say
3 stood up upon my feet. Then said he unto them, that they seek thee not
unto me, In the bush I did manifestly 24 for forty days. But look thou prepare
reveal myself, and talked with Moses, thee many tablets, and take with thee
when my people were in bondage in Sarea, Dabria, Selemia, Ethanus, and
4 Egypt: and I sent him, and 'he led Asiel, these five, which are ready to
my people out of Egypt and I brought
; 25 write swiftly and come hither, and I
thou Shalt be taken away from men, ning were strangers in Egypt, and
and from henceforth thou shalt re- 30 they were delivered from thence, and
main with my Son, and with such as received the law of life, which they
be like thee, until the times be ended. kept not, which ye also have trans-
10 For the world hath lost its youth, and 31 gressed after them. Then was "the
1 the times begin to wax old. - For the land, even the land of Sion, given you
world is divided into twelve parts, and for a possession: but ye yourselves,
ten parts of it are gone already, = even and your fathers, have done unright-
12 the half of the tenth part: and there eousness, and have not kejit the ways
remain of it two parts after the middle which the Most High commanded
13 of the tenth part. Now therefore set 32 you. And forasmuch as he is a right-
thine house in order, and reprove thy eous judge, he took from you for a
people, comfort the lowly among while the thing that he had given you.
them, * and instruct such of them as 33 And now ye are here, and your bre-
be wise, and now renounce the life 34 thren are among you. Therefore if so
14 that is corruptible, and let go from lie that ye will rule over your own un-
thee mortal thoughts, cast away from derstanding, and instruct your hearts,
thee the burdens of man, put off now ye shall l)e kept alive, and after death
15 thy weak nature, and lay aside the 35 ye shall obtain mercy. For after death
thoughts that are most grievous unto shall the judgement come, when we
thee, and haste thee to remove from shall live again: and then shall the
16 these times. For yet worse evils than names of the righteous be manifest,
those which thoii hast seen happen and the works of the ungodly shall be
17 shall be done hereafter. For look, 36 declared. Let no man therefore come
how much the world shall be weaker unto me now, nor seek after me these
through age, so much the more shall 37 forty days. So I took the five men, as
evils increase upon them that dwell he commanded me, and we went forth
18 therein. For the truth shall withdraw into the field, and remained there.
itself further off, and leasing be hard 38 And it came to pass on the morrow
at hand: for now hasteth •''the eagle that, lo, a voice called me, saying, Es-
to come, which thou sawest in vision. dras, (>]mmi thy moutli.and drink that I
19 Then answered I and said, I will 39 give tlie('ti)(lrii\k. Tlieii opened I my
20 sjieak before thee, O Lord. Behold, I mouth, and, lieliold,tliere was reached
will go. as thou hast commanded me, • unto me a full cup, which was full
and reprove the people that now be as it were with water, but the colour
but they that shall be born afterward, 40 of it was like fire. And I took it,
who shall admonish them? for tlie and drank: and when I bad drunk of
world is set in darkness, and they that it, my heart uttered understanding,
21 dwell therein are without light. For and wisdom grew in my breast, for
thy law is burnt, therefore no man 41 my spirit retained its memory: and
knoweth the things that are done of my mouth was opened, and shut no
thee, or the works that shall be done. 42 more. The Most High gave under-
15. 16. II. ESDRAS. 15. .34.
staiuling unto the five men, anil they other, they shall not regard their king
w rote by course the things that were nor the chief of their grrat ones, in
told them, in ' cliaraeters wliich tliey 17 their might. For a man sliall desire
knew not, and tliey sat forty days: to go into a city, and shall not be able.
now they wrote in tlie day-time, and 18 For because of their pride the cities
43 at night tliey ate bread. As for me, shall lie troubled, the houses shall be
I spake in the day, and by night I destroyetl, and men shall be afraid.
44 held not my tongue. So in forty days 19 Aman shall have no pity upon his
were written - foursrore and fourteen neighbour, but slial! make an assault
45 liooks. And it came to pass, when on their houses witli the sword, and
the forty days were fuUilled, tiiat the spoil their gootls, liecause of tlie lack
Most High spake unto me, saying. The of liread, and for great tribulation.
that thou hast written publish
first 20 Behold, saith God, I call together all
openly, and let the worthy and uii- the kings of the earth, to stir up them
4() worthy read it: but keep the seventy that are from the rising of the sun,
last, that thou niayest deliver them from the south, from the east, and
to such as be wise among thy people Libanus to turn tliemselves one
47 for in them is the spring of under- against another, and repay the things
standing, the fountain of wisdom, and 21 that they have done to them. Like
4 8 the stream of knowledge. And I did so. as they do yet this day unto my cho-
sen. so will I do also, and recompense
15 Behold, speak thou in the ears of my in their bosom. Thus saith the Lord
people the words of prophecy, which 22 God ]My riglit hand shall not spare
I will put in thy month, saith the the sinners, and my sword shall not
2 Lord and cause thou them to be
: cease over them that shed innocent
written in paper for they are faithful
: 23 blood upon the earth. And a fire is
3 and true. Fear not their imaginations gone forth from his wrath, and hath
against thee, let not the unbelief of consumed the foundations of the
them that speak against thee trouble earth, and the sinners, like the straw
4 thee. For all the unbelievers shall 24 that is kindled. Woe to them that
die in their unbelief. sin, and keep not my coimiiaiuhnents!
5 Behold, saith the Lord, I bring evils 25 saith the Lord. I will not spare them
upon the whole earth; sword and go your way, ye rebellious children,
famine, and death and destruction. 2(5 defile not my sanctuary. For the
6 For wickedness hath prevailed over Lord knoweth all them that trespass
every land, and their hurtful works against him, therefore hath he deliv-
7 are come to the full. Therefore saith ered them unto death and destruction.
8tlie Lord, I will hold my peace no 27 For now are the evils come upon
more as touching their wickedness, the whole earth, and ye shall remain
which they profanely commit, neither in them: for God shall not deliver
will I suffer them in these things, you, because ye have'sinnfid against
which they wickedly practise behold,: him.
the innocent and righteous blood eri- 28 Behold, a vision horrible, and the
eth unto me. and the souls of the right- appearance thereof from the east!
9 eous cry out continually. I will surely 29 And the nations of the dragons of
avenge them, saith the Lord, and will Arabia shall come out with many cha-
receive unto me all the innocent blood riots, and from the day that they set
10 from among them. Behold, my people forth the hissing of them is carried
is led as a flock to the slaughter: I over the earth, so that all they which
will not suffer them now to dwell in shall hear them may fear also and
lithe land of Egypt: but I will bring 30 tremble. Also the Carmonians raging
them out with a mighty hand and in wrath shall go forth as the wild
witli a high arm, and will smite Egypt boars of the wood, and with great
with plagues, as aforetime, and will power shall they come, and join battle
12 destroy all the land thereof. Let with them, and shall waste a portion
Egypt mourn, and the foundations of the laud of the Assyrians with their
thereof, for the plague of the chastise- 31 teeth. And then shall the dragons
ment and the punishment that God have the upper hand, remembering
13 shall bring upon it. Let the husband- their ^ nature and if they shall turn
men that till the ground mourn: for themselves, conspiring together in
their seeds shall fail and their trees 32 great power to persecute them, then
shall be laid waste through the blast- these shall be troubled, and keep si-
14 iug and hail, and a terrible star. Woe lence through their power, and shall
to the world and them that dwell 33 turn and flee. And from the land of
15 therein! for the sword and their de- the Assyrians shall the lier in wait be-
struction draweth nigh, and nation siege them, and consume one of them,
shall rise up against nation to battle and upon their host shall be fear and
16 with weapons in their hands. For trembling, and sedition against their
there shall be sedition among men 34 kings. Behold, clouds from the east
and waxing strong one against an- and from the north unto the south,
15. 53. II. ESDRAS. 16. 13.
and they are very horrible to look always slain mychosen, exalting the
35 upon, full of wrath and storm. They stroke of thine hands, and saying
shall dash one against another, and over their ^ dead, when thou wast
they shall pour out a plentiful ' storm 54 drunken. Set forth the beauty of thy
upon tlie earth, even their own star; 55 countenance ? The reward of a har-
and there shall be blood from the lot shall be in thy bosom, therefore
36 sword unto the horse's belly, and to 50 shalt thou receive recompense. Like
the thigli of man, and to the camel's as thou shalt do unto my chosen,
37 hough. And there shall be fearful- saith the Lord, even so shall God do
ness and great trembling upon earth unto thee, and shall deliver thee into
and they that see that wrath shall be 57 mischief. And thy children shall die
afraid, and trembling shall take hold of himger, and thou shalt fall by the
38 upon them. And after this shall there sword and tliy cities shall be broken
be stirred up great storms from the down, and all thine shall perish by
south, and from the north, and an- 58 the sword in the field. And they that
39 other part from the west. And strong be in the mountains shall die of hun-
winds shall arise from the east, and ger, and eat their own flesh, and
shall sliut it up, even the cloud which drink tlieir own blood, for very hun-
he raised in wrath and the star that
; ger of bread, and thirst of water.
was to cause destruction by the east 59 Thou unhappy above all shalt come
wind shall be violently driven toward (iO and Shalt again receive evils. And in
40 the south and west. And great clouds the passage they shall rush on the
and miglity and full of wrath shall be ^ idle city, and shall destroy some por-
lifted up, and the star, that they may tion of thy land, and mar part of thy
destroy all the earth, and them that glory, and shall return again to Baby-
dwell therein and they shall pour
; 01 Ion that was destroyed. And thou
out over every high and eminent one shalt be cast down by them as stubble,
41a terrible star, fire, and hail, and and they shall be unto thee as fire
flying swords, and many waters, that 02 and shall devour thee, and thy cities,
all plains may be full, and all rivers, thy land, and thy mountains all thy ;
with the abundance of those waters. woods and thy fruitful trees shall
42 And th(^y shall break down the cities 03 they burn up with fire. They .shall
and walls, mountains and hills, trees carry thy children away cajitive, and
of the wood, and grass of the mea- shall spoil thy wealth, and mar the
43 dows, and their corn. And they shall glory of thy face.
go on stedfastly unto Babylon, and 16 Woe unto thee, Babylon, and Asia
44 destroy her. They shall come unto woe unto thee, Egypt, and Syria
her, and compass iier about; the star 2 Gird up yourselves with sackcloth and
and all wrath shall they pour out garments of hair, and bewail your
upon her then shall the dust and
: children, and lament; for your de-
smoke go up inito the heaven, and all 3 struction is at hand. A sword is sent
they that be al)out her shall bewail upon you, and who is he that may turn
43 her. And they that remain shall do 4 it back ? A fire is sent upon you, and
service unto them that have put her 5 who is he that may quench it? Evils
In fear. are .sent upon you, and who is he that
46 And thou, Asia, that art partaker in may drive them away ? May one drive
the beauty of Babylon, and in the away a hungry lion in the wood ? or
47 glory of her person woe unto thee,
: may one quench the fire in stubl)Ie,
thou wretch, because thou hast made when it hath once begun to burn?
thyself like unto her thou hast
; 7 May one turn again the arrow that is
decked thy daughters in whoredom, 8 shot of a strong archer ? The Lord
that they might please and glory in God sendeth the evils, and who shall
thy lovers, which have alway desired 9 drive them away ? A fire shall go forth
tliee to commit whoredom withal ! from his wrath, and who is he that
48 Thou hast followed h^r that is hate- 10 may quench it? He shall cast light-
ful in all her works and inventions ning, and who shall not fear? he shall
49 therefore saith (iod, I will send evils thunder, and who shall not tremble?
upon thee widowhood, poverty, fa- 1 The Lord shall threaten, and who
mine, sword, and pestilence, to waste shall not lie utterly broken in pieces
thy houses unto destruction and 12 at his presence ? The earth quaketh,
50 death. And the glory of thy power and the foundations thereof; the sea
shall be dried up as a flower, when ariseth up with waves from the deep,
the heat shall arise that is sent over and the waves of it shall be troubled,
51 thee. Thou shalt be weakened as a and the fishes thereof also, at the
poor woman with stripes, and as one presence of the Lord, and before the
chastised with wounds, so that thy 13glory of his ))ower for strong is his
mighty ones and </*?/ lovers thou shalt right hand that bendeth the bow, his
52 not he able to receive. Would I with arrows tliat he shooteth are sharp,
jealousy have so proceeded against and shall not miss, when they begin
53 thee, saith the Lord, if thou hadst not to be shot into the ends of the world.
16. 35. II. ESDRAS. 16. 59.
14 Behold, the evils are sent forth, and 36 Behold, the word of the Lord, receive
shall not return again, until they come it disbelieve not the tilings whereof
15 upon the earth. The fire is kindled, 37 the Lord speaketh. Behold, the evils
and shall not be put out, till it con- 38 draw nigli,an(l aie not slack. Like as
sume the foundations of the earth. a woman with eliild in llie ninth nmnth,
16 Like as an arrow which is shot of a when the hour of her ileUvery draweth
mighty archer returneth not back- near, within two or tlu'ee hours dole-
ward, even so the evils that are sent pains compass her womb, and
forth upon earth shall not return when the child cometli forth from the
17 again. Woe is me woe is me who
! ! womb, there shall be no tarrying for
will deliver me in those days? 39 a moment even so shall not the evils
18 The beginning of sorrows, and there be slack to come upon the earth, and
shall be great mournings; the begin- the world shall groan, and sorrows
ning of famine, and many shall perish 40 shall take hold of it on every side. O
the beginning of wars, and the powers my people, hear my word make you :
them from their wickedness, nor be 43 that shall not dwell therein he that :
hold, victuals shall be so good cheap also he that pruneth the r///(.s, ashe
upon earth, that tliey shall think them- 44 that shall not gatiier the grapes tliey :
selves to be in good case, and even that marry, as they that shall get no
then shall evils grow upon earth, children and they that marry not, as
sword, famine, and great confusion. 45 the widowed. Inasmuch as they that
22 For many of them that dwell upon 46 labour labour in vain; for strangers
earth shall perish of famine and the ; shall reap their fruits, and spoil their
other, that escape the famine, shall goods, overthrow their houses, and
23 the sword destroy. And the dead take their children captive, for in
shall be cast out as dung, and there captivity and famine shall they l)eget
shall be no man to comfort them for : 47 their children and they that trattick
tlie earth shall be left desolate, and traftick to become a spoil the more :
the cities thereof shall be cast down. they deck their cities, their houses,
24 There shall be no husbandman left to their possessions, and their own per-
25 till the earth, and to sow it. The trees 48 sons, the more will I hate them for
shall give fruit, and wlio shall gather 49 their sins, saitli the Lord. Like as
2(5 them? The grapes shall ripen, and a right honest and virtuous woman
who shall tread them? for in all SOhateth a harlot, so shall righteous-
places there shall be a great forsak- ness hate iniciuity, when she decketh
27ing: for one man shall desire to see herself, and shall accuse her to her
28 another, or to hear his voice. For of face, when he eometh that shall de-
a city there shall be ten left, and two fend him that diligently searcheth
of the field, which have hidden them- out every sin upon earth.
selves in the thick groves, and in the 51 Therefore be ye not like thereunto,
29 clefts of the rocks. As in an orchard 52 nor to the works thereof. For yet a
of olives upon every tree there be little while, and iniquity shall be taken
30 left three or four olives, or as when a away out of the earth, and righteoiis-
vineyard is gathered there be some 53 ness shall reign over us. Let not the
clusters left by them that diligently sinner say that he hatii not sinned:
31 seek through the vineyard; even so for he shall burn coals of fire upon his
in those days there shall be three or head, which saith, I have not sinned
four left by them that search their 54 before God and his glory. Behold, the
32 houses with the sword. And the Lord knoweth all the works of men,
earth shall be left desolate, and the their imaginations, their thoughts,
fields thereof shall be for > briers, and 55 and their hearts. Who
said. Let the
her ways and her paths shall bring
all earth be made and ; it was made : Let
forth thorns, because no sheep shall the heaven be made and it was made.
33 pass therethrough. The virgins shall 56 And at his word were the stars estab-
mourn, having no bridegrooms the ; lished, and he knoweth the number of
women Ishall mourn, having no hus- 57 the stars. Who searcheth the deep,
bands their daugliters shall mourn,
; and the treasures thereof he hath ;
34 having no helpers. In the wars shall measured tlie sea, and what it con-
their bridegrooms be destroyed, and 58 taineth. Who hath shut the sea in
their husbands shall perish of famine. the midst of the waters, and with his
35 Hear now these things, and under- word hath he hanged the earth upon
stand them, ye servants of the Lord. 59 the waters. Who spreadeth out the
1. 6. TOBIT. 1. U.
heaven like a vault; upon the waters yon, and feed you with that which is
60 hath he foiuulecl it. Who
hath niaile 69 slain unto idols. And they that con-
in the desert springs of water, ami tliein shall be had in deri-
sent inito
pools upon the tops of the mountains, and in reproach, and be trodden
to send forth rivers from the height to 70 under foot of them. For there shall
61 water the earth. Who
framed man, be in divers places, and in the next
and put a heart in the midst of the cities, a great insurrection upon those
body, and gave him breath, life, and 7 1 They shall be like
that fear the Lord.
62 understanding, yea, the spirit of God mad men,
sparing none, but spoiling
Almighty. He wlio made all things, and destroying them that still fear the
and searcheth out hidden things in 72 Lord. For they shall waste and take
63 hidden places, surely he knoweth away their goods, and cast them out
your imagination, and what ye think 73 of their houses. Then shall be mani-
in yom- hearts. Woe to them that fest the trial of mine elect even as ;
sin, and would fain liide their sin the gold that is tried in tlie fire.
64 Forasmuch as tlie Lord will exactly 74 Hear, O ye mine elect, saith the Lord:
search out all your works, and he will behold, the days of tribulation are at
65 put you all to shame. And when hand, and I will deliver you from
your sins are brought forth before 75 them. Be ye not afraid, neither doubt
men, ye shall be ashamed, and your 76 for God is your gnide and ye who :
great multitude is kindled over you, shut off, and given up to be consumed
and they sliall take away certain of of lire.
1 The book of tlie words of Tobit, the Jerusalem at the feasts, as it hath
son of Tobiel, the son of Ananiel, the been ordained unto all Israel by an
son of Aduel, the son of Gabael, of the everlasting decree, having the first-
seed of Asiel, of the tribe of Naphtali fruits and the tenths of mine increase,
2 who in the days of ' Enemessar king and that which was first shorn and ;
of the Assyrians was carried away I gave them at tlie altar to the priests
captive out of Thisbe, which is on the the sons of Aaron. The tenth part
right hand of Kedesh Naphtali in of all mine increase I gave to tlie sons
Galilee above Asher. of Levi, who ministered at Jerusalem
3 I Tobit walked in the ways of truth and the second tenth part I sold away,
and righteousness all the days of my and went, and spent it each year at
life, and 1 did many almsdeeds to my Jerusalem and the third I gave unto
brethren and my nation, who went them to whom it was meet, as Deborah
with me into the land of the Assyri- my father's mother had commanded
4 ans, to Nineveh. And when I was in me, because I was left an orphan by
mine own country, in the land of Ls- my father. And when I became a
rael, while I was yet young, all the man,
I took to wife Anna of the
tribe of Naphtali my father fell away seed of our own family, ami of her I
from the house of Jerusalem, which 10 begat Tobias. And when I was car-
was chosen out of all the tribes of ried away captive to Nineveh, all my
Israel, that all the tribes should sac- lirethrenand those that were of my
rifice tliirc, and the temple of the kindred did eat of the bread of the
habitation of the Most High was hal- 11 Gentiles: but I kept myself from eat.
lowed and l)uilt therein for all ages. 12 imi, because I reniemlH-red (iod with
5 And all the tribes which fell away 13 all my soul. And the Most High gave
together sacrificed to the heifer Baal, me grace and = favour in the sight of
and so did the house of Naphtali my Enemessar, and I was his purveyor.
6 father. And I alone went often to 14 And I went into ISIedia, and left in
TOBIT. 3. 7.
trust with Gahiiel, the hrotlier of Ga- ed me, and said. He is no longer afraid
brias, at Kages of Media, ten talents to lie put to death for this matter
of silver. and yet he fled away and, lo, he buri-
15 And when Enemessar was dead, 9 eth the dead again. And the same
Sennacherib his son reigned in his night I returned from burying him,
J Or. A IS stead and in his time the highways
' andslejit liy the wall of my courtyard,
were troubled, and I could no more being polluted; and my face was un-
1() go into Media. And in the days of 10 covered; ;uid I knew not that there
Enemessar I did many almsdeeds to were sparrows in the wall and, mine
me, and my son Tobias, in the feast and for captivity, and for death, and
of Pentecost, which is the holy feast for a proverb of reproach to all the
of the seven weeks, there was a good nations among whom we are dispers-
dinner prepared ine, and I sat down 5 ed. And now many are thy judge-
2 to eat. And I saw abundance of ments, true are they that thou should-
meat, and I said to my son. Go and est deal with me according to my sins
bring what poor man soever thou shalt And the sins of my fathers: because
find of our brethren, who is mindful we did not keep thy commandments,
of the Lord and, lo, I tarry for thee.
; for we walked not in truth before
3 And he came, and said. Father, one of 6 thee. And now deal with me accord-
our race is strangled, and is cast out ing to that which is pleasing in thy
4 in the marketplace. And before I had sight, conniiand my spirit to be taken
tasted aught, 1 sprang up, and took from me, that I may be released, and
him up into a chamber until the sun become earth for it is profitalile for
5 was set. And I retui'ned, and washed me to die rather than to live, because
and ate my bread in heavi-
myself, I have heard false reproaches, and
6 ness, and remembered the prophecy there is much sorrow in me com- :
that thou stranglest thy husbands? the days of thy life, and follow not the
thou hast had aheady seven husbands, 6 ways of unrighteousness. For if thou
and thou liast had no profit of any one doest the truth, thy doings shall pro-
9 of them. Wherefore dost thou scourge sperously succeed to thee, and to all
us? if they be dead, go thy ways with 7 them that do righteousness. Give
them let us never see of thee either
; alms of thy substance and when thou
10 son or daughter. When she heard givest alms, let not thine eye be envi-
these things, she was grieved exceed- ous turn not away thy face from any
ingly, so that she thought to have poor man, and the face of God shall
hanged herself: and she said, I am the 8 not be turned away from thee. As thy
only daughter of my father; if I do substance is, give alms of it according
this, it shall be a reproacli unto him, to thine abundance if thou have little,
and I shall bring down his old age be not afraid to give alms according to
1 with sorrow to - the grave. And she 9 that little for thou layest up a good
prayed by the window, and said. treasure for thyself against the day
Blessed art thou, O Lord my God, and 10 of necessity; because alms delivereth
blessed is thy holy and honourable from death, and suffereth not to come
name for ever let all thy works praise
: 1 into darkness. Alms is a good gift in
12 thee for ever. And now. Lord, I have the sight of the Most High for all that
set mine eyes and my face toward 12 give it. P.eware, my child, of all whore-
115 thee: command that I be released dom, and t;ik(' first a wife of the seed
from the earth, and that I no more of thy fatliers, ;ind take not a strange
14 hear reproach. Thou knowest. Lord, wife, which is not of thy father's tribe
that I am pure from all sin with man, for we are tlie sons of the prophets.
15 and that I never polluted my name, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, our fa-
nor the name of my father, in the land thers of old time, remember, my child,
of my captivity 1 am the only daugli-
: that they all took wives of their bre-
ter of my father, and he hath no child thren, and were blessed in tlieir chil-
that shall be his heir, nor brother near dren, and their seed sliall inlierit the
him, nor son belonging to him, that I 13 land. And now, my child, love thy
should keep myself for a wife unto brethren, and scorn not in thy heart
him seven husbands of mine are dead
: thy brethren, and the sons and the
already; why should I live? And if daughters of thy people, to take a wife
it pleaseth thee not to slay me, com- of tlieni for in scornfulness is destruc-
mand some regard to he had of me, tion and nuich trouble, and in naughti-
and pity taken of me, and that I hear ness is decay and great want for :
4 In that day Tobit remembered con- thine abundance give alms and let ;
cerning the money which he had left not thine eye be envious when thou
in trust with Gabael in Rages of Me- 17 givest alms. Pour out thy bread on
2 dia, and he said in himself, I have the * burial of the just, and give no-
asked for death why do not ; 1 call my 18 thing to sinners. Ask counsel of every
son Tobias, that I may shew to him man that is wise, and despise not any
Soffhr mntici/ heiove I die? And he 19 counsel that is profitable. And bless
called him, and said. the Lord thy God at all times, and ask
My child, •''
when I die, bury me and
: of him that thy ways may be made
despise not thy mother honour her all ; straight, and that all thy paths and
the days of thy life, and do that which counsels may prosi)er for every na-
is pleasing unto her, and grieve her tion hath not counsel; but the Lord
4 not. Remember, my cliild, tliat she himself giveth all good things, and he
hath seen many dangers for thee, )/'/ie»!, humbleth whom lie will, as he will.
thou wast in her womb. When she is And now, my child, remember my
5. 16. TOBIT. 6. 12.
conimaiulments, and let them not be the journey, and his father said unto
20 blotted out of tby mind. And now I him. Go thou with this man but God,
shew thee of the ten talents of silver, which dwelleth in heaven, shall pro-
which 1 left in trust with (iabael the sper your journey and may his angel
son of Gabrias at Kages of Media. go with you. And they both went
21 And fear not, my child, because we forth to depart, and the young man's
are made poor thou hast much
: dog with them.
wealth, if thou fear God, and depart 17 But Anna his mother wept, and said
from all sin, and do that which is to Tobit, Why hast thou sent away
pleasing in his sight. our child? is he not the staff of our
5 And Tobias answered and said unto hand, in going in and out before us ?
him, Father, I will do all things, what- 18 Be not greedy to add money to money
2 soever thou hast commanded me but : but let it be as refuse in respect of
how shall I be able to receive the our child. For as the Lord hath given
3 money, seeing I know him not ? And us to live, so doth it suftice us. And
he gave him the handwriting, and Tobit said to her. Take no care, my
said mito him. Seek thee a man which sister he shall return safe and sound,
shall go with thee, and I will give 21 and thine eyes shall see him. For a
him wages, whiles I yet live and go : good angel shall go with him, and his
4 and receive the money. And he went journey shall be prospered, and he
to seek a man, and found Raphael shall return safe and sound. And she
5 which was an angel and he knew it ; made an end of weeping.
not and he said unto him. Can I go
; Now as they went on their journey,
with thee to Kages of Media? and they came at eventide to the river
6 knowest thou the places well ? And Tigris, and they lodged there. But
tlie angel said unto him, I will go with the young man went down to wash
thee, and I know the way well : and I himself, and a fish leaped out of the
have lodged with our brother Gabael. river,and would have swallowed up
7 And Tobias said unto him, Wait for the young man. But the angel said
8 me, and I will tell my father. And unto him, Take hold on the fish. And
he said unto him. Go, and tarry not. the young man caught hold of the fish,
And he went in and said to his father, and east it up on the land. And the
Behold, I have found one which will angel said mito him. Cut the fish open,
go with me. But he said. Call him and take the heart and the liver and
unto me, that I may know of what the gall, and put them up safely. And
tribe he is, and whether he be a trusty the young man did as the angel com-
man to go with thee. manded him; but they roasted the
9 And he called him, and he came in, fish, and ate it. And they l)oth went
10 and they saluted one another. And on their way, till they drew near to
Tobit said unto him, Brother, of what Ecbatana. And the young man said
tribe and of what family art tlKm? to the angel, Brother Azarias, to what
11 Shew me. And he said unto him, use is tlie heart and the liver and the
Seekest thou a tribe and a family, or gall of the fish? And he said unto him,
a hired man which shall go with thy Touching the heart and the liver, if a
son? And Tobit said unto him, I 1 devil or an evil spirit trouble any,
would know, brother, thy kindred and we must make a smoke thereof before
12 thy name. And he said, I am Azarias, the man or the woman, and the party
the son of Ananias the great, of thy shall be no more vexed. But as for
13 brethren. And he said unto him. Wel- the gall, it is good to anoint a man
come, brother; and be not angry with that hath white films in his eyes, and
me, because I sought to know thy he shall be healed.
tribe and family: and thou art my But when they drew nigh unto Rages,
brother, of an honest and good line- the angel said to the young man.
age for I knew Ananias and Jathan,
: Brother, to-day we shall lodge with
the sons of Shemaiah the great, when Raguel, and he is thy kinsman and;
wages shall I give thee ? a drachma wise. And now hear me, and I will
a day, and those things that be neces- speak to her father; and when we
15 sary for thee, as unto my son? And return from Rages we will celebrate
moreover, if ye return safe and sound, the marriage for I know that Raguel
I will add something to thy wages. may in no wise marry her to another
16 And so they consented. And he said according to the law of Moses, or else
to Tobias, Prepare thyself for the jour- he shall be liable to death, because it
ney, and God prosper you. And his appertaineth unto thee to take the
sou prepared what was needful for inheritance, rather than any other.
7. 8. TOBIT. 8. 11.
13 Then the young man said unto the 9 matter be finished. And he commu-
angel, Brother Azarias, I have heard nicateil the thing to Kaguel and Ra- :
that this maid liath been given to guel said to Tobias, Eat and drink,
seven men, and tliat tliey all perished 10 and make merry for it appertaineth
commanded thee, that thou shouldest merciful God shall give all good sue-
take a wife of thine own kindred ? and 13 cess to you. And he calletl his daugh-
now hear me, brother for she shall ; ter Sarah, and took her by the hand,
be thy wife and make thou no reck-
; and gave her to be wife to Tobias,
oning of the devil for this night shall
; and
said. Behold, take her to thyself
16 she be given thee to wife. And ^ when after the law of ISIoses, and lead her
thou shalt come into the bride-cham- away to thy father. And he blessed
ber, thou shalt take the ashes of in- 14 them; and he called Edna his wife,
cense, and shalt lay upon them some and took a book, and wrote an instru-
of the heart and liver of the fish, and 15 ment, and sealed it. And they began
17 shalt make a smoke thereivith and : to eat.
the devil shall smell it, and flee away, 16 And Raguel called his wife Edna,
and never come again any more. But and said unto her. Sister, prepare the
when thou goest nigh unto her, rise other chamber, and bring her in
up both of you, and cry to God which 17 thither. And she did as he bade her,
is merciful, and he shall save you, and and brought her in thither: and she
have mercy on you. Fear not, for she wept, and she received the tears of
was prepared for thee from the begin- 18 her daughter, and said unto her. Be
ning and thou shalt save her, and
; of good comfort, my child the Lord ;
she shall go with thee. And I sup- of heavt-n and earth give thee favour •'
pose that thou shalt have children of for this thy sorrow: be of good com-
her. And when Tobias heard these fort, my daughter.
things, he loved her, and his soul clave 8 And when they had finished their
to her exceedingly. supper, they brought Tobias in unto
7 And they came to Ecbatana, and 2 her. But as he went, he remembered
arrived at the house of Raguel. But the words of Raphael, and took the
Sarah met them and she saluted
; ashes of the incense, and put the heart
them, and they her and she brought
; and the liver of the fish thereupon,
2 them into the house. And he said to 3 and made a smoke fJtereirith. Bui;
Edna his wife, How like is the young when the * devil smelled the smell, he
3 man to Tobit my cousin. And Kaguel fled into the uppermost parts of Egypt,
asked them. From whence are ye, 4 and the angel bound him. But after
brethren? And they said unto him, they were botli shut in together, To-
We are of the sons of Naphtali, which bias rose up from the bed, and said,
4 are captives in Nineveh. And he said Sister, arise, and let us pray that the
unto them. Know ye Tobit our bro- 5 I.or(;l may have mercy on us. And
ther? But they said. We know him. Tobias began to say. Blessed art thou,
And he said unto them. Is he in good O God of our fiithers, and blessed is
5 health? But they said. He is both thy holy and glorious name for ever;
alive, and in good health and Tobias : let the heavens bless thee, and all thy
6 said. He is my father. And Kaguel 6 creatures. Thou madest Adam, and
sprang up, and kissed him, and weiit, gavest him Eve his wife for a helper
7 and blessed him, and said unto him, and a stay of them came the seed of
Thou art the son of an honest and men thou didst say. It is not good
good man. And when he had heard that theman should be alone let us ;
that Tobit had lost his sight, he was make him a helper like unto him.
8 grieved, and wept; and Edna his wife 7 And now, O Lord, I take not this my
and Sarali his daughter wept. And sister for lust, but in truth command
they received them gladly and they ; that I may iind mercy and grow old
killed a ram of the flock, and set store 8 with her. And she said with him,
of meat before them. y Amen. And they slept both that night.
But Tobias said to Raphael, Brother And Raguel arose, and went and
Azarias, speak of those things of which 1 digged a grave, saying. Lest he also
thou didst talk in the way, and let the 1 should die. And Raguel came into
10. 7. TOBIT. 11. 14.
12 his house, and said to Edna his wife, time, and ceased not whole nights to
Send one of the maidservants, and let bewail her son Tobias, until the four-
them see whether lie be alive but if : teen days of the wedding feast were
not, that we may bury him, and no expired, which Raguel had sworn that
13 man know it. So the maidservant he should spend there.
opened the door, and went in, and But Tobias said unto Raguel, Send
14 found them both sleeping, and came me away, for my father and my mother
forth, and told them that he was alive. look no more to see me. But his fa-
15 And Kaguel blessed God, saying. ther in law said unto him, Abide with
Blessed art thou, O God, witli all me, and I will send to thy father, and
pure and holy blessing; and let thy they shall declare unto him how tilings
saints bless thee, and all thy creatures go with thee. And Tobias saith, Xo;
and let all thine angels and thine elect but send me away to my father. But
16 bless thee for ever. Blessed art thou, Raguel arose, and gave him Sarah his
because thou hast made me glad; and wife, and half his goods, servants and
it hath not l)efallen me as I suspected 11 cattleaiid money and he blessed them,
but thou hast dealt with us according and sent them away, saying, The God
17 to tliy great mercy. Blessed art thou, of heaven shall prosper you, my chil-
I)ecause thou hast had mercy on two 12 dren, before I die. And he said to his
that were the only begotten children daughter. Honour thy father and thy
of their parents shew them mercy, O
: mother in law they are now thy par-
with gladness and mercy. thee. And he kissed her. And Edna
18 But he commanded his servants to said to Tobias, The Lord of heaven
19 fill the grave. And he kei)t the wed- restore thee, dear brother, and grant
ding feast for them fourteen days. to me that I may see thy children of
20 And before the days of the wedding my daughter Sarah, that I may rejoice
feast were finished, Kaguel sware unto before the Lord and, behold, 1 commit
him, that he should not deitart till my daughter unto thee in special
the foiu'teen days of thf wedding feast trust vex her not.
21 were fulfilled; and that then lie should 11 After these things Tobias also went
take the half of his goods, and go in his way, blessing God because he had
safety to his fatlier ;and the rest, sa id prospered his journey and he blessed
he, when I and my wife shall die. Raguel and Edna his wife. And he
Q And Tobias called Raphael, and said went on his way till they drew near
2 unto him, Brotlier Azarias, take with unto Nineveh. And Raphael said to
thee a servant, and two camels, and Tobias, Knowest thou not, brother,
go to Rages of Media to Gabael, and how thou didst leave thy father? Let
receive tlie money for me, and bring us run forward before thy wife, and
3 him to the wedding feast because : prepare the house. But take in thy
Eaguel hath sworn that I shall not hand the gall of the fish. And they
4 depart and my father counteth the
; wenttheirway, and the dog went after
days and if I tarry long, he will be
; them. And Anna sat looking about
5 sorely grieved. And Raphael went on toward the way for her son. And she
his way, and lodged with Galiael, and espied him coming, and said to his
gave him the handwriting but he : father. Behold, thy son cometh, and
brought forth the bags with their seals, the man that went with him. And
6 and gave them to him. And they rose Raphael said, I know% Tobias, that
up early in the morning together, and thy father will open his eyes. Do
came tothe wedding feast: and Tobias thou therefore anoint his eyes with the
blessed his wife. gall, and being pricked therewith, he
10 And Tobit his father made his count shall rub, and shall make the wliite
every day and when the days of the
: films to fall away, and he shall see
journey were expired, and they came thee.
1 Many 2 not, he said, ' Is he perchance de- And Anna ran unto him, and fell upon
authori- tained? or is Gabael perchance dead, the neck of her son, and said unto him,
ties read and there is no man to give him the I have seen thee, my child from hence-
Are they
per- 3 money ? And he was sorely grieved. forth I will die. And they wept both.
chance 4 But his wife said unto him. The child 10 And Tobit went forth toward the door,
put to hath perished, seeing he tarrieth long; and stumbled but his son ran unto
and slie began to bewail him, and said, 11 him, and took hold of his father and :
2 Some o - 1 care for nothing, my child, since I he strake the gall on his father's eyes,
ties read
have let thee go, the light of mine eyes. saying, Be of good cheer, my father.
(foe IS 6 And Tobit saith unto her. Hold thy But when his eyes began to smart,
peace, take no care he is in good ; he rubbed them and the white films
7 health. And she said unto him. Hold scaled away from the corners of his
thy peace, deceive me not my child ; eyes and he saw his son, and fell up-
hath perished. And she went out 14 on his neck. And he wept, and said.
every day into the way by which they Blessed art thou, O God, and blessed
went, and did eat no bread in the day- is thy name for ever, and blessed are
12. 13. TOBIT. 13. 6.
15 all thy holy angels; for thou didst thou didst not delay to rise up, and
scourge, and didst have mercy on me leave thy dinner, that thou mightest
behold, I see my son Tobias. And his go and cover the dead, thy good deed
son went in rejoicing, and told his was not hid from me but I was with :
father the great things that had hap- 14 thee. And now God did send me to
penedto him in Media. heal thee and Sarah thy daughter in
16 And Tobit went out to meet his 15 law. I am Kaphael, one of the seven
daughter in law at the gate of Nine- holy angels, which present the prayers
veh, rejoicing, and blessing God and : of the saints, and go in before the
they which saw him go marvelled, be- glory of the Holy One.
17 cause he had received his sight. And 16 And they were both troubled, and fell
Tobit gave thanks before them, be- upon their faces for they were afraid.
cause God had shewed mercy on him. 17 Antl he said unto them, Be not afraid,
And when Tobit came near to Sarah ye shall have peace but bless God ;
his daughter in law, he blessed her, 18 for ever. For not of any favour of
saying. Welcome, daughter blessed : mine, but by the will of your God I
is God which hath brought thee unto came wherefore bless him for ever.
us, and blessed are thy father and thy 19 All these days did I appear unto you
mother. And there was joy to all and I did neither eat nor drink, but
his brethren which were at Nineveh. 20 ye saw a vision. And now give God
18 And Achiacharus, and Nasbas his thanks because I ascend to him that
19 brother's son, came: and Tobias" sent me and write in a book all the
wedding feast was kept seven days 21 things which have been done. And
with great gladness. they rose up, and saw him no more.
12 And Tobit called his son Tobias, and 22 And they confessed the great and
said unto him. See, my child, that the wonderful works of God, and how
man wiiicli went with thee have his the angel of the Lord had appeared
wages, and thou must give him more. unto them.
2 And he said unto him, Father, it is no 13 And Tobit wrote a prayer for re-
harm to me to give him the half of joicing, and said.
those things which I have brought Blessed God that liveth for
is ever.
3 for he hath led me for thee in safety, And blessed is his kingdom.
and he cured my wife, and brought 2 For he scourgeth, and sheweth
my money, and likewise cured thee. mercy
4 And the old man said, It is due unto He leadeth down to ' the grave, and I Gr.
5 him. And he called the angel, and bringeth up again Hades.
said unto him. Take the half of all And there is none that shall escape
6 that ye have brought. Then he his hand.
called them both privily, and said 3 Give thanks inito him before the
unto them. Gentiles, ye children of Israel:
Bless God, and give him thanks, and For he hath scattered us among
magnify him, and give him thanks in them.
the sight of all that live, for the things 4 There declare his greatness.
which he hath done with you. It is And extol him before all the living:
good to bless God and exalt his name, Because he is our Lord,
shewing forth with honour the works And God is our Father for ever.
of God; and be not slack to give him 5 And he will scourge us for our ini-
7 thanks. It is good to keep close the quities, and will again shew
secret of a king, but to reveal glori- mercy.
ously the works of God. Do good. And will gather us out of all the
Sand evil shall not find you. Good is nations among whom ye are scat-
prayer with fasting and alms and tered.
righteousness. A little with right- 6 If ye turn to him with your whole
eousness is better than much with un- heart and with your whole soul,
righteousness. better to give
It is To do truth before him,
9 alms than to lay up gold alms doth
: Then will he turn unto you.
deliver from death, and it shall purge And will not hide his face from
away all sin. They that do alms and you.
righteousness shall be filled with life And see what he will do with you,
10 but they that sin are enemies to their And give him thanks with your
11 own life. Surely I will keep close no- whole mouth,
thing from you. I have said. It is And bless the Lord of righteous-
good to keep close the secret of a ness.
king, but to reveal gloriously the And exalt the everlasting King.
12 works of God. And now, when thou I in the land of my captivity give
didst pray, and Sarah thy daughter him thanks.
in law, I did bring the memorial of And shew his strength and majesty
your prayer before the Holy One to a nation of sinners.
and when thou didst bury the dead, Turn, ye sinners, and do righteous-
13 I was with thee likewise. And when ness before him
14. 4. TOBIT. 14. 15.
Who can tell if he will accept you child, for I surely believe all the things
and have mercy on you ? which Jonah the prophet spake of
7 I exalt my (iod, Nineveh, that it shall be overthrown,
And my soul doth exalt the King of but in INIedia there shall rather be
heaven. peace for a season and that our bre-
And it shall rejoice in his greatness. thren shall be scattered in the earth
8 Let all men speak, and let them from the good land and Jerusalem
in thee ai;ain with joy. with honour, and the house of God
And that lie may make glad in thee shall be built in it for ever with a glo-
those that are captives, rious building, even as the prophets
And love in thee for ever those that 6 spake concerning it. And all the na-
are miserable. tions shall turn to fear the Lord God
1 Many nations shall come from far to 7 truly, and shall bury their idols. And
the name of the Lord God all the nations shall bless the Lord,
With gifts in their hands, even gifts and his people shall give thanks unto
to the King of heaven ;
God, and the Lord shall exalt his
Generations of generations shall people and all they that love the
And they shall be made glad for ever. saved, but the other had his recom-
15 Let my soul bless God the great King. pense, and he went down into dark-
10 For .Jerusalem shall be builded ness. IVtanasses gave alms, and es-
with sapphires and emeralds and caped the snare of death which he
precious stones set for him but Ainan fell into the
Thy walls and towers and battle- 11 snare, and perished. And now, my
ments with pure gold. children, considerwhat alms doeth,
17 And
the streets of Jerusalem shall and how righteousness doth deliver.
be paveil with beryl and car- And while he was saying these
buncle and stones of Ophir. things, he gave up the ghost in the
18 And all her streets shall say. Hal- bed ; but he was a hundred and eight
lelujah, and give praise. and fifty years old ;and he buried him
Saying, Blessed is God, which hath 12 magnificently. And when Anna died,
exalted thee for ever. he buried her with his father. But To-
14 -^iid Tobit made an end of giving bias departed with his wife and his
2 thanks. And he was eight and fifty sons to Ecbatana unto Kaguel his fa-
years old when he lost his sight and ; 13 ther in law, and he grew old in honour,
after eight years he received it again and he buried his father and mother
and he gave alms, and he feared the in law magnificently, and he inherited
Lord God more and more, and gave their substance, and his father Tobit's.
thanks unto him. 14 And he died at Ecbatana of Media,
3 Now he grew very old and he called
; being a hundred and seven and twenty
his son, and the six sons of his son, 15 years old. And before he died he
and said unto him. heard of the destruction of Nineveh,
child, take thy sons behold, I : am which Nebuchadnezzar and Ahasu-
grownold, and am
ready to depart erus took captive and before his
3 and set the towers thereof at the gates and turned to flight all the host of
thereof, a Inmdred cubits high, and Arphaxad, and all his horse, and all
the breadth thereof in the foundation 14 his chariots; and he became master
4 threescore cubits and made the gates
; of his cities, and he came even unto
thereof, even gates that were raised to Eebatana, and took the towers, and
the height of seventy cubits, and the spoiled the streets thereof, and turned
breadth of them forty cubits, for tlie 15 the beauty thereof into shame. And
going fortli of his mighty hosts, and he took Arphaxad in the mountains
the setting in array of his footmen : of Kagau, and smote him through with
5 even in those days king Nebuchadnez- his darts, and destroyed him utterly,
zar made war with king Arphaxad in 1(5 unto this day. And he returned with
the great i)lain this plain is in the
: them to Nineveh, he and all his com-
6 borilers of Kagau. And there came to pany of sundry nations, an exceeding
meet him all that dwelt in the hill great multitude of men of war, and
country, and all that dwelt by Euphra- there he took his ease and banqueted,
tes, and Tigris, and HydasiJes, and in he and his host, a hundred and twenty
the plain of Arioch tlie king of the days.
Elymseans and many nations of the
; 2 And in the eighteenth year, the two
sons of Chelod assembled themselves and twentieth day of the first month,
to the battle. there was talk in the house of Nebu-
7 And Nebuchadnezzar king of the As- chadnezzar king of the Assyrians,
syrians sent unto all that dwelt in that he should be avenged on all the
Persia, and to all that dwelt westward, 2 land, even as he spake. And he called
to those that dwelt in Cilicia and Da- together all his servants, and all his
mascus and Libanus and Antilibanns, great men, and communicated with
and to all that dwelt over against the them hissecret counsel, and concluded
8 sea coast, and to those among the na- the afflicting of all the land out of his
tions that were of Carmel and Gilead, 3 own moutli. And they decreed to de-
and to the higher Calilee and the great stroy all flesh which followed not the
9 plain of Esdraelon, and to all that 4 word of his mouth. And it came to
were in Samaria and the cities thereof, pass, when he had ended his counsel,
and beyond Jordan unto Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar king of the Assyri-
and Betane, and Chellus, and Kadesh, ans called Ilolofernes the chief cap-
and the river of Egypt, and Tahpan- tain of his host, which was next after
hes, and Rameses, and all the land of himself, and said unto him,
10 Goshen, until thou eomest above Tanis 5 Thus saith the great king, the lord of
and Memphis, and to all that dwelt in all the earth, Behold, thou shalt go
Egypt, initil thou eomest to the bor- forth from my presence, and take with
11 ders of Ethiopia. And all they that thee men that trust in their strength,
dwelt in all the land made light of the unto a hundred and twenty thousand
commandment Nebuchadnezzar
of footmen and the number of horses
king of the Assyrians, and went not witli their riders twelve thousand
with him to the war for they were ; 6 and thou shalt go forth against all the
not afraid of him, but he was liefore west country, because they disobeyed
them as one man and they turned ; 7 the commjindment of my mouth. And
away his messengers from their pre- thou shalt declare unto them, that
sence without effect, and with dis- they prepare earth and water because ;
would surely be avenged upon all the 8 and their slain shall fill their valleys
2. 26. JUDITH. 4. 3.
and brooks, and tlie river shall be filled about all the children of Midian, and
9 with their dead, till it overflow and : set on tire their tents, and .spoiled
I will lead them captives to the iit- 27 their sheepcotes. And Ik! went down
10 most parts of all the earth. Hut thou into the plain of Damascus in the
Shalt go forth, and talce l>eforehand days of wheat harvest, and set on fire
for me all their coasts and if they
' all their fields, and utterly destroyed
shall yield themselves unto thee, then their flocks and herds, and spoiled
Shalt thou reserve them for me till the their cities, and laicl their plains
1 day of their reproof. But as for them waste, and smote all their young men
that are disobedient, thine eye shall with the edge of the sword.
not spare but thou sjialt uivc tliem up 28 And the fear and the dread of him
to be slain and to be spDJicil in all tliy fell upon them that dwelt on the sea
12 land. For as I live, and hy tlie i)Ower coast, upon them tliat were in Sidoii
of my kingdom, I have spoken, and I and Tyre, and them that dwelt in Sur
13 will do this with my hand. And thou, and Ocina, and all that dwelt in Jem-
moreover, ^lalt not transgress aught naan; and they that dwelt in Azotus
of the commandments of thy lord, but and Ascalon feared him exceedingly.
thou shalt surely accomplish them, as 3 And they sent unto him messengers
I have commanded thee, and thou 2 with words of peace, saying. Behold,
shalt not defer to do them. we the servants of Nebuchadnezzar
14 And Holofernes went forth from the the great king lie before thee use us :
presence of his lord, and called all the 3 as it is pleasing in thy sight. Behold,
governors and the captains and offl- our dwellings, and all our country,
locers of the host of Asshur; and he and all our fields of wheat, and our
numbered chosen men for the battle, flocks and herds, and all the sheep-
as his lord had commanded him, unto cotes of our tents, lie before thy face :
a hundred and twenty thousand, and 4 use them as it may plt?ase thee. Be-
twelve thousand archers on liorse- hold, even our cities and they that
16 back and he ranged them, as a great
; dwell in them are tliy servants come :
1 multitude is ordered for the war. And and deal with tlieni as it is good in
he took camels and asses and mules 5 thine eyes. And the men came to
for their baggage, an exceeding great Holofernes, and declared unto him
multitude; and sheej) and oxen and according to these words.
goats without number for their pro- 6 And he came down toward the sea
18 vision; and great store of victual for coast, he and his host, and set gar-
every man, and exceeding much gold risons in the high cities, and took out
and silver out of the king's house. 7 of them chosen men for jillies. And
lit And he went forth, he and all his host, they received him, they and all the
on their journey, to go before king country round about them, with gar-
Nebuchadnezzar, and to cover all the 8 lands and dances and timbrels. And
face of the earth westward with their he cast down all their borders, and cut
chariots and horsemen and chosen down their groves: and it had been
20 footmen. And a great company of given unto him to destroy all the gods
sundry nations went forth with them of the land, that all the nations should
like locusts, and like tlie sand of the worship Nebuchadnezzar only, and
earth for they could not be numbered
: that all their tongues and their tribes
by reason of their multitude. 9 should call upon him as god. And he
21 And they departed out of Nineveh came towards Esdraelon nigh unto
three days' journey toward the plain Dotfea, which is over against the
of Bectileth, and encamped from Bec- 10 great ridge of .Judoea. And he en-
tiletli near the mountain which is at camped between Geba and Scythopo-
the left hand of the upper Cilicia. lis, and he was there a whole month,
22 And he took all his host, lii's footmen that he might gather together all the
and horsemen and chariots, and went baggage of his host.
away from thence into the hill coun- 4 And the children of Israel that dwelt
23 try,and destroyed Put and Lud, and in Judsea heard all that Holofernes
spoiled all the children of Kasses, and the chief captain of Nebuchadnezzar
the children of Ishmael, which were king of the Assyrians had done to the
over against the wilderness to the nations, and after what manner he
south of the land of the Chellians. had spoiled all their temples, and
24 And he went over Euphrates, and 2 destroyed tliein utterly. And they
went through Mesopotamia, and were exceedingly afraid before him,
brake down all the high cities that and were troul)le(l for .Jerusalem, and
were upon the river Arbonai, until for the temple of the Lord their God
25 thou comest to the sea. And he 3 because they were newly come up
took possession of the borders Of from the captivity, and all the people
Cilicia, and slew all that resisted him, of .Tudnea were lately gathered to-
and came unto the borders of Japheth, gether and the vessels, and the altar,
which were toward the south, over and the house, were sanctified after
26 against Arabia. And he compassed the profanation.
5. 1. JUDITH. 5. 16.
4 And they sent into every coast of the tops of the high hills, and had laid
Samaria, and to Konae, and to Betli- 2 impediments in the plains and he :
horon, and Belmaim, and Jericho, and was exceeding wroth, and he called
to Choba, and ^sora, and to the all the princes of Moab, and the cap-
5 valley of Salem and they possessed
; tains of Amnion, and all the governors
themselves beforehand of all the tops 3 of the sea coast, and he said unto
of the high mountains, and fortified thein, Tell me now, ye sons of Canaan,
the villages that were in them, and who is this people, that dwelleth in
laid up victual for the provision of the hill country, and what are the cit-
war for their fields were newly reap-
: ies that they inhabit, and what is the
6 ed. And Joakim the high priest, multitude of their host, and wherein
which was in those days at Jerusalem, is their power and their strength, and
wrote to them that dwelt in Bethulia, what king is set over them, to be the
and Betomesthaim, which is over 4 leader of tlieir army and why have
against l^sdraelon toward the plain they turned their backs, that they
7 that is nigli unto Dothaim, charging should not come and meet me, more
them to seize upon the ascents of the than all that dwell in the west.
hill country; because by them was 5 And Achior, the leader of all the
the entrance into Judsea, and it was children of Amnion, said unto him,
easy to stop them from approaching, Let my lord now hear a word from
inasmuch as the approach was nar- the mouth of thy servant, and I will
row, with space for two men at the tell thee the truth concerning this
8 most. And the children of Israel did people, which d\\elleth in this hill
as Joakim the high priest had com- country, nigh unto the place where
manded them, and the senate of all thou dwellest and there shall no lie
the people of Israel, which dwelt at come out of the mouth of thy servant.
Jerusalem. () This people are descended of the Chal-
9 And every man of Israel cried to God 7 deans ami tliey siijourued heretofore
with great earnestness, and with great in i\Ies(ipotaiiiia, because they were
earnestness did they humble their not minded to follow the gods of their
10 souls. They, and their wives, and fathers, whicli were in the land of the
their babes, and their cattle, and 8 Chaldeans. And they departed from
every sojourner and hireling and ser- the way of their parents, and wor-
vant bought with their money, put shipped the God of heaven, the God
11 sackcloth upon their loins. And whom they knew and they cast them
every man and woman of Israel, and out from the face of their gods, and
the little children, and the inhabitants they fled into Mesopotamia, and so-
of Jerusalem, fell before the temple, 9 journed there many days. And their
and cast ashes upon their heads, and God commanded tiiem to depart from
spread out their sackcloth before the the place wliere they sojourned, anfl
Lord; and they put sackcloth about to go into the land of Canaan: and
12 the altar and they cried to the God
: they dwelt there, and were increased
of Israel earnestly with one consent, with gold and silver, and with exceed-
that he would not give their babes 10 lug much cattle. And they went down
for a prey, and their wives for a spoil, into Egypt, for a famine covered all
and the cities of their inlieritance to the land of Canaan and there they
destruction, and the sanctuary to pro- sojourned, until they were grown up ;
fanation and reproach, for the nations and they became there a great multi-
13 to rejoice at. And the Lord heard tude, so that one could not number
their voice, and looked upon their 11 their nation. And the king of Egypt
affliction and the people continued
: rose up against them, and dealt sub-
fasting many days in all Judaea and tilly with them, ^and brought them
Jerusalem before the sanctuary of low, making them to labour in brick,
14 the Lord Almighty. And Joakim the 12 and made them slaves. And they
high priest, and all the priests that cried unto their God, and he smote
stood before the Lord, and they that all the land of Egyi)t with iuciuable
ministered unto the Lord, had their plagues and the Egyiitiaiis cast flieni
loins girt about with sackcloth, and 13 out of tlieir sight. And God diicd up
offered the continual burnt offering, 14 the Eed sea before them, and brought
and the vows and the free gifts of the them into the way of Sinai, and Ka-
15 people; and they had ashes on their desh-Barnea, and they cast out all
mitres and they cried unto the Lord
: 15 that dwelt in the wilderness. And
with all their power, that he would they dwelt in the land of the Amorites,
look upon all the house of Israel for and they destroyed by their strength
good. all them of Heshbon, and passing
5 And it was told Holofernes, the chief over Jordan they possessed all the
captain of the host of Asshur, that the 1(5 hill country. And they cast out be-
children of Israel had i)repared for fore them the Canaanite, the Periz-
war, and had shut up the passages of zite, the Jebusite, and the Shechemite,
the hill country, and had fortified all and all the Girgashites, and they
6. 4. JUDITH. 6. 21.
hast said, that we should not make together, and their women, to the
war with the race of Israel, because assembly and they set Achior in the
their God will defend them? And midst of all their people. And Ozias
3 who is God but Nebuchadnezzar? He asked him of that which had hap-
shall send forth his might, and shall 17 pened and he answered and declared
destroy them from the face of the unto them the words of the council of
earth, and their God shall not deliver Holofernes. and all the words that he
them but we his servants shall smite
: had spoken in the midst of the princes
them as one man and they shall not
; of the children of Asshur, and all the
4 sustain the might of our horses. For great words that Holofernes had
with them we shall burn them up, and spoken against the house of Israel.
their mountains shall be drunken with And the people fell down and wor-
their blood, and their plains shall be shipped God, and cried, saying, O Lord
filled with their dead bodies, and their God of heaven, behold their arro-
footsteps shall not stand before us, gance, and pity the low estate of our
but they shall surely perish, saith race, and look upon the face of those
king Nebuchadnezzar, lord of all the that are sanctified unto thee this
earth for he said. The words that
: day. And they comforted Achior, and
1 have spoken shall not be in vain. praised him exceedingly. And Ozias
7. 13. JUDITH. 7. 26.
took him out of the assembly into his encamp upon them, to watch that not
house, ami made a feast to the eklers ;
14 one man go out of the city. And they
and they called on the God of Israel shall be consumed with famine, they
for help all that night. {ind their wives and their children,
7 But ilie next day Holofernes gave and before the sword come against
connnand army, and to all
to all his them they shall be laid low in the
his people which were come to be his 15 streets where they dwell. And thou
allies, that they should remove their Shalt render them an evil reward
camp toward Bethulia, and take afore- because they rebelled, and met not
hand the ascents of the hill country, thy face in peace.
and make war against tlie children 16 And their words were pleasing in the
2 of Israel. And every mighty man of sight of Holofernes and in the sight of
them removed that day, and the host all his servants and he appointed to
of their men of war was a hundred 17 do as they had spoken. And the army
and seventy thousand footmen, and of the children of Amnion removed,
twelve thousand horsemen, beside the and with them five thousand of the
baggage, and tlie men that were afoot children of Asshur, and they encamp-
among them, an exceeding great niul- ed in the valley, and seized upon the
3 titude. And they encamped in the waters and the fountains of the waters
valley near unto Bethulia, by the 18 of the children of Israel. And the
fountain, and they spread themselves children of Esau went up with the
in breadth over Dothaim even to Bel- children of Amnion, and encamped in
maim, and in lengtli from Bethulia the hill country over against Dothaim:
unto Cyamon, which is over against and they sent some of them toward
Esdraelon. the south, and toward the east, over
4 But tlie children of Israel, when they against Ekrebel, which is near unto
saw the multitude of them, were Chusi, that is upon the brook Moch-
troubled exceedingly, and said every mur ^nd the rest of the army of the
one to his neighbour. Now shall these Assyrians encamped in the plain, and
men lick up the face of all the earth covered all the face of the land and;
and neither the high mountains, nor their tents and baggage were pitched
the valleys, nor the hills, shall be able upon it in a great crowd, and they
5 to bear their weight. And every man were an exceeding great multitude.
took up his weapons of war, and when 19 And the children of Israel cried unto
they had kindled fires upon their the Lord their God, for their spirit
towers, they remained and watched fainted; for all their eneniics liad com-
all that niglit. passed them round about, and there
6 But on tiie second day Holofernes was no way to escape out from among
led out all his horse in the sight of the 20 them. And all the army of Asshur re-
children of Israel which were in Beth- mained about them, their footmen and
7 iilia, and viewed the ascents to their their chariots and their horsemen,
city, and searched out the fountains of four and thirty days ; and all their
tlie waters, and seized upon them, and vessels of water failed all the inhabi-
set garrisons of men of war over tliem, 21tantsof Bethulia. And the cisterns
and himself departed to his people. were emptied, and they had not water
8 And there came unto him all the fill for one day
to drink their : for they
rulers of the children of Esau, and all 22 gave them drink by measure. And
the leaders of the people of Moab, and their young children were out of heart,
the captains of the sea coast, and said, and the women and the young men
9 Let our lord now hear a word, that fainted for thirst, and they fell down
there be not an overthrow in thy host. in the streets of the city, and in the
10 For this people of the children of passages of the gates, and there was
Israel do not trust in their spears, but 23 no longer any strength in them. And
in the height of the mountains wherein all the people were gathered together
they dwell, for it is not easy to come against Ozias, and against the rulers
up to the tops of their mountains. of the city, the young men and the
11 And now, my lord, fight not against women and the children, and they
them as men fight who join battle, and cried with a loud voice, and said be-
there shall not so much as one man fore all the elders,
12 of thy people perish. Remain in thy 24 God be judge between you and us :
camp, and keep safe every man of thy because ye have done us great wrong,
host, and let thy servants get posses- in that ye have not spoken words of
sion of the fountain of water, which peace with the children of Asshur.
issueth forth of the foot of the moun- 25 And now we have no helper: but God
13 tain: l)ecause all the inhabitants of hath sold us into their hands, that we
Bethulia have their water thence and ; should be laid low before them with
thirst shall kill them, and they shall 2(j thirst and great destruction. And
give up their city: and we and our now call them unto you, and deliver
people will go up to the tops of the up the whole city for a prey to the
mountains that are near, and will people of Holofernes, and to all his
8. 8. JUDITH. i. 23.
27 host. For it is better for us to be 9 And she heard the evil words of the
made aspoil unto them for we shall : people against the governor, l)ecause
be servants, and our souls shall live, they fainted for lack of water and ;
and we shall not see the death of our Judith heard all the words that Ozias
babes before our eyes, and our wives spake unto them, how he sware to
and our children fainting in death. them that he would deliver the city
28 We take to witness against you the unto the Assyrians after five days.
heaven and the earth, and our God 10 And she sent her maid, that was over
and the Lord of our fathers, wliieh all things that slie had, to call Ozias
punisheth us according to our sins and Chabris and Channis, the elders
and the sins of our fathers, that he do 11 of her city. And tlieycame unto her,
not according as we have said this and she said unto them.
day. Hear me now, O ye rulers of the in-
29 And there was great weei)iug of all habitants of Bethulia for your word
with one consent in the midst of the that ye have spoken before the people
assembly; and they cried unto the this day is not right, and ye have set
30 Lord God with a loud voice. And the oath which ye have pronounced
Ozias said to them. Brethren, be of between God and you, and have pro-
good courage, let us yet endure five mised to deliver the city to our ene-
days, in the which space the Lord our mies, unless wMthin these days the
God shall turn his mercy toward us 12 Lord turn to help you. And now who
3 1 for he will not forsake us utterly. But are ye that have tempted God this
if these days pass, and tliere come no day, and stand instead of God among
help unto us, I will do according to 13 the children of men? And now try
32 your words. And he dispersed the the Lord Almighty, and ye shall never
people, every man to his own camp 14 Ivnow anything. For ye shall not find
and they went away unto the walls the depth of the heart of man, and ye
and towers of their city and he sent ; shall not perceive the things that he
the women and children into their thinketh: and how shall ye search
houses and they were brought very
: out God, which hath made all these
low in the city. things, and know his mind, and com-
8 And in those days Judith heard prehend his purpose ? Nay, my bre-
thereof, the daughter of Merari, the thren, provoke not the Lord our God
son of Ox, the son of .Joseph, the son 15 to anger. For if he be not minded to
of Oziel, the son of Elkiali, the son of help us within these five days, he hath
.\nanias, the son of Gideon, the son power to defend us in such time as he
of Raphaim, the son of Ahitub, the will, or to destroy us before the face
son of Elihu, the son of Eliali,the son 16 of our enemies. But do not ye pledge
of Nathanael, the son of Salamiel, the the counsels of the Lord our God for :
son of Salasadai, the son of Israel. God is not as man, that he should be
2 And her husband was Manasses, of threatened ; neither as the son of
lier tribe and of her family, and he man, that he should be turned l)y in-
died in the days of barley harvest. 17 treaty. Wherefore let ns wait for the
3 For he stood over them that bound salvation that cometh from him, and
slieaves in the held, and the heat came call upon him to help us, and he will
upon his head, and he fell on his bed, 18 hear our voice, if it please him. For
and died in his city Bethulia and : there arose none in our age, neither
tliey buried him with his fathers in the is there any of us to-day, tribe, or kin-
field which is between Dothaim and dred, or family, or city, which wor-
4 Balamon. And Judith was a widow ship gods ma<le with hands, as it was
her house three years and four
in 19 in the former days; for the wliich
5 months. And she made her a tent cause our fathers were given to the
upon the roof of her house, and put on sword, and for a spoil, and fell with
sackcloth upon her loins; and the 20 a great fall before our enemies. But
garments of her widowhood were we know none other god beside him,
6 upon her. And she fasted all the wherefore we hope that he will not
days of her widowhood, save the eves 21 despise us, nor any of our race. For
of the sabbaths, and the sabbaths, if we be taken so, all Judaea shall sit
and the eves of the new moons, and upon the ground, and our sanctuary
the new moons, and the feasts and shall be spoiled ; and of our blood
joyful days of the house of Israel. shall he require the profanation there-
7 And she was of a goodly countenance, 22 of. And the slaugbterof our brethren,
and exceeding beautiful to behold: and the captivity of the land, and the
and her husband Manasses had left desolation of our inheritance, shall he
her gold, and silver, and menservants, turn upon our heads among the Gen-
and maidservants, and cattle, and tiles, wheresoever we shall be in bond-
lands and she remained upon them.
; age and we shall be an offence and
8 And there was none that gave her an a reproach before them that take us
evil word for she feared God exceed-
; 23 for a possession. For our bondage
ingly. shall not be ordered to favour but :
9. 3. JUDITH. 9. 14.
let us give thanks to the Lord our for a prey, and their daughters to be
God, which trieth us, even as he did captives, and all their spoils to be
26 our fathers also. Kemember all the divided among thy dear children;
things which he did to Abraham, and which were moved with zeal for thee,
all the things in which he tried Isaac, and abhorred the pollution of their
and all the things which happened to blood, and called upon thee for aid
Jacob in Mesopotamia of Syria, when O God, O my God, hear me also that
he kept the sheep of Laban his mo- 5 am a widow. For thou wroughtest
27 ther's brother. For he hath not tried the things that were before those
us in the Are, as he did them, to search and those things, and such as
out their hearts, neither hath he taken ensued after and thou didst devise
hast spoken hast thou spoken with a didst determine stood before thee,
good heart, and there is none that and said, Lo, we are here: for all thy
29 shall gainsay thy words. For this is ways are prepared, and thy judgement
not the first day wherein thy wisdom 7 is with foreknowledge. For, behold,
is manifested but from tlie beginning
; the Assyrians are multiplied in their
of thy days all the people have known power; they are exalted with horse
thine understanding, because the dis- and rider; they have gloried in the
30 position of thy heart is good. But ^ strength of their footmen they have
the people were exceeding thirsty, trusted in shield and spear and how
and compelled us to do as we spake and sling and they know not that
to them, and to bring an oath upon thou art the Lord that breaketh the
ourselves, which we will not break. 8 battles the Lord is thy name. Dash
31 And now pray thou for us, because thou down their strength in thy power,
thou art a godly woman, and the Lord and bring down their force in thy
shall send us rain to fill our cisterns, wrath for they have purposed to
!and we shall faint no more. And profane thy sanctuary, and to defile
Judith said unto tliciu. Hear nic. and the tabernacle where thy glorious
I will do a thing, wliich sliall go down name resteth, and to cast down with
to all generations among tlic children the sword the horn of thine altar.
33 of our race. Ye shall stand at the 9 Look upon their pride, and send thy
gate this night, and I will go forth wrath upon their heads give into my
Go in peace, and the Lord God be be- art a God of the afflicted, thou art a
fore thee, to take vengeance on our helper of the ^ oppressed, an upholder
36 enemies. And they returned from the of the weak, a protector of the forlorn,
tent, and went to their stations. a saviour of them that are without
9 But Judith fell upon her face, and 12 hope. Yea, yea, God of my father,
put ashes upon her head, and uncov- and God of the inheritance of Israel,
ered the sackcloth wherewith she was Lord of the heavens and of the earth.
clothed and the incense of that even-
; Creator of the waters. King 'of every
ing was now being offered at Jerusa- 13 creature, hear thou my prayer: and
lem in the house of God, and Judith make my speecli and deceit to be
cried unto the Lord with a loud voice, their wound and stripe, who have
and said, purposed hard things against thy
2 O Lord God of my father Simeon, in- covenant, and thy hallowed house,
to whose hand thou gavest a sword and the top of Sion, and the house of
to take vengeance of the strangers, 14 the possession of thy cliildren. And
loosened the girdle of a virgin to make every nation and tribe of thine
and uncovered the thigh to
defile her. to know that thou art God, the God
her shame, and profaned tlie womb to of all power and might, and that there
her reproach; for thou saidst. It shall is none other that protecteth the race
3 not be so and they did so wherefore
; : of Israel but thou.
10. 13. JUDITH. 11. 5.
10 And it came to pass, when she had and there shall not be lacking of his
ceased to cry unto the God of Israel, 14 men one person, nor one life. Is'ow
and had made an end of all these when the men heard her words, and
2 words, that she rose up where she considered her countenance, the beau-
had fallen down, and called her maid, ty thereof was exceeding marvellous
and went down into the house, in the in their eyes, and they said unto her,
which she was wont to abide on the 13 Thou hast saved thy life, in that thou
sabbath days and on her feast days, hast hasted to come down to the pre-
3 and pulled off the sackcloth which she sence of our lord: and now come to
had put on, and put off the garments his tent, and some of us shall conduct
of her widowhood, and washed her thee, until they shall deliver thee into
body all over with water, and anointed 1(J his hands. But ^ when thou standest
herself with rich ointment, and braid- before him, be not afraid in thine
ed the hair of her head, and put a tire heart, but declare unto him according
upon it, and put on her garments of to thy words and he shall entreat
gladness, wherewith she was wont to 17 thee well. And they chose out of
be clad in the days of the life of ISIa- them a hundred men, and appointed
4 nasses her husband. And she took them to accompany her and her maid
sandals for her feet, and put her chains and they brought them to the tent of
about her, and her l)racelets, and her Holofernes.
rings, and her earrings, and all her 18 And there was a concourse through-
ornaments, and decked herself brave- out all the camp, for her coming was
ly, to beguile the eyes of all men that noised among the tents and they ;
5 should see her. And she gave her came and compassed her about, as she
maid a leathern bottle of wine, and stood without the tent of Holofernes,
a cruse of oil, and filled a bag with 19 until they told him of her. And they
parched corn and lumps of figs and marvelled at her beauty, and mar-
' fine bread and she packed all her
; velled at the children of Israel be-
vessels together, and laid them upon cause of her, and each one said to his
her. neighbour. Who shall despise this
And they went forth to the gate of
6 people, that have among them such
the city of Bethulia, and found stand- women ? for it is not good that one
ing thereby Ozias, and the elders of man of them be left, seeing that, if
7 the city, Chabris and Charmis. But tliey are let go, they shall be able to
when they saw her, that her counte- 20 deceive the whole earth. And they
nance was altered, and her apparel that lay near Holofernes, and all his
was changed, they wondered at her servants, went forth and brought her
beauty veryexceedingly.and said unto 21 into the tent. And Holofernes was
8 her. The God of our fathers give thee resting upon his bed under the cano-
favour, and accomplish thy purposes py, which was woven with purple
to the glory of the children of Israel, and gold and emeralds and precious
and to the exaltation of Jerusalem. 22 stones. And they told him of her;
9 And she worshipped God, and said and he came forth into the space be-
unto them. Command that they open fore his tent, with silver lamps going
unto me the gate of flie city, and I will 23 befcfre him. But when Judith was
go forth to accomplish the things come before him and his servants,
whereof ye spake with me. And they they all marvelled at the beauty of
commanded the young men to open her countenance and she fell down
10 unto her, as she had spoken and : upon her face, and did reverence unto
they did so. him and his servants raised her ui).
And Judith went out, she, and her 11 And Holofernes said unto her. Wo-
handmaid with her and the men of
; man, be of good comfort, fear not in
the city looked after her, until she was thy heart for I never hurt any that
gone down the mountain, until she hath chosen to serve Nebuchadnezzar,
had passed the valley, and they could 2 the king of all the earth. And now,
Usee her no more. And they went if thy people that dwelleth in the hill
straight onward in the valley "and the : country had not set light by me, I
12 watch of the Assyrians met her and ; would not have lifted up my spear
they took her, and asked her. Of what against them but they have done
people art thou ? and whence coniest 3 these things to themselves. And now
thou? and whither goest thou? And tell me wherefore thou didst flee from
she said, I am a daugliter of the He- them, and earnest unto us: for thou
brews, and I flee away from their art come to save thyself be of good ;
let thy handmaid speak in thy pre- and I pray unto God, and he
sence, an<l I will declare no lie unto shall tell me when tliey have com-
6 my lord tliis night. And if thou shalt ISmitted their sins: and I will come
follow the words of thy handmaid, and shew it also unto thee and thou
God shall bring tlie thing to pass per- shalt go forth with all thy host, and
fectly with tliee; and my lord shall there shall be none of them that shall
7 not fail of his purposes. As Nebu- 19 resist thee. And I will lead thee
chadnezzar l\ing of all the earth through the midst of Judaea, until
liveth, and as his power liveth, who thou coniest over against Jerusalem;
hath sent thee for the preservation of and I will set thy seat in the midst
every living thing, not only do men thereof; and thou shalt drive them as
serve him by thee, but also the beasts sheep that have no shepherd, and a
of the field and the cattle and the dog shall not so much as open his
liirds of tlie lieaven sluill live through nioutli before thee for these things
and niiglity in knowledge, and won- 2 doin, and said. There is not such a
9 derful in feats of war. And now as woman from one end of the earth to
concerning the matter, which Acliior the other, for beauty of face, and wis-
did speak in tliy council, we have 22 dom of words. And Holofernes said
heard his words for the men of Beth-
: unto her, God did well to send thee
ulia saved him, and he declared un- before the people, that might should
to them all that lie had spoken before be in our hands, and destruction
10 thee. Wlierefore, () lor(l and master, among them tliat lightly regarded my
neglect not his word but lay it up in 23 lord. And now thou art beautiful in
tliy heart, for it is true :for our race thy countenance, and witty in thy
shall not be punished, neither shall words for if tliou shalt do as thou
the sword prevail against them, ex- hast spoken, thy God shall be my
11 cept they sin against their God. And God, and thou shalt dwell in the
now, that my lord be not defeated aiub house of king Nebuchadnezzar, and
frustrate of his purpose, and that shalt be renowned through the whole
deatli may fall upon them, their sin earth.
hath overtaken them, wherewith they 12 And he commanded to bring her in
shall provoke their God to anger, where his silver vessels were set, and
whensoever they shall do wickedness. bade that they should prepare for her
12 Since their victuals failed them, and of his own meats, and that she should
all their water was scant, they took 2 drink of his own wine. And Judith
counsel to lay hands upon their cattle, said, I will not eat thereof, lest there
and determined to consume all those be an occasion of stumbling but pro- :
things, which God charged them by vision shall be made for me of the
his laws that they should Bot eat: 3 things that are come with me. And
13 and they are resolved to spend the Holofernes said unto her. But if the
firstfruits of tlie corn, and the tenthsof things that be with thee should fail,
tlie wine and tlie oil, which they liaxl whence shall we be able to give thee
sauctil'ied, and reserved for the priests the like? for there is none of thy race
that stand before the face of our God 4 with us. And Judith said unto him.
in Jerusalem the which things' it is
; As thy soul liveth, my lord, tliy ser-
not fitting for any of the people' so vant shall not spend those things that
much as to touch with their hands. be with me, until the Lord work by
14 And they have sent some to .Jerusa- my hand the things that he hath de-
lem, because they also that dwell 5 termined. And the servants of Holo-
there have done this tiling, to bring fernes brought her into the tent, and
15 them a licence from the senate. And she slept till midnight, and she rose
it shall be, when one shall bring them 6 up toward the morning watch, and
word, and they shall do it, they shall sent to Holofernes, saying. Let my
be given thee to be destroyed the lord now command tliat they suffer
IG same day. Wherefore I thy servant, thy servant to go forth unto prayer.
knowing all this, fled away from their 7 And Holofernes commanded his
presence and God sent me to work
; guards that they should not stay her:
things with thee, whereat all the earth and she abode in the camp three days,
shall be astonished, even as many as and went out every night into the val-
17 shall hear it. For thy servant is re- ley of Bethulia, and washed herself
ligious, and serveth the (!od of heaven at the fountain of water in the camp.
day and night: and now, my lord, I 8 And when she came up. she besought
will abide with thee, and thy servant the Lord God of Israel to direct her
will go fortii by night into the valley. way to the raising up of the children
13. 3. JUDITH. 13. 17.
9 of his people. And slie came iii cletin, Bagoas according to the same words.
and remained in the tent, until she And all went away from her presence,
toolv her meat toward evening. and none was left in the bedchamber,
10 And it came to pass on the fourth neither small nor great. Anil Judith,
day, Holofernes made a feast to his standing by his bed, said in her lieart,
own servants only, and called none of O Lord God of all i)ower, look in this
1 the officers to the banquet. And he hour upon the works of my hands for
said to Bagoas the eunucli, who had the exaltation of Jerusalem. For now
charge over all that he had. Go now, is the time to help thine inheritance,
and persuade this Hebrew woman and to do the thing that I have pur-
which is with thee, that she come posed to the destruction of the ene-
mito us, and eat and drink with us. mies which are risen ujj against us.
12 For, lo, it is a shame for our person, if 6 And she came to the rail of the bed,
we sliall let such a woman go, not hav- which was at Holofernes' head, and
ing had her company for if we draw
; took down his scimitar from thence
her not unto us, she shall laugh us to and she drew near unto the bed, and
13 scorn. And Bagoas went from the took hold of the hair of his head, and
presence of Holofernes, and came in said. Strengthen me, O Lord God of
to her, and said. Let not this fair dam- Israel, this day. And she smote twice
sel fear to come to my
lord, and to be upon his neck with all her might, and
honoured in his presence, and to drink 9 took away his head from him, and
wine and be merry with us, and to be tumbled his body down from the bed,
made this day as one of the daughters and took down the canopy from the
of the children of Asshur, which wait pillars and after a little while she
li in the house of Nebuchadnezzar. And went forth, and gave Holofernes' head
Judith said unto him. And who am I, 10 to her maid and she put it in her bag
that I should gainsay my lord? for of victuals and they twain went forth
be my joy unto the day of my death. the camp, and compassed that valley,
15 And she arose, and decked herself and went up to the mountain of Beth-
with her apparel and all her woman's ulia, and came to the gates thereof.
• and her servant went and laid
attire ; 11 And Judith said afar oft' to the watch-
on the ground for her over
fleeces men at the gates, »pen, open now the
against Holofernes, which she had gate God is with us, even our God, to
received of Bagoas for her daily use, shew his power yet in Israel, and his
that she might sit and eat upon them. might against the enemy, as he hath
16 And Judith came in and sat down, and 1 done even this day. And it came to
Holofernes' heart was ravished witli pass, when the men of her city heard
her, and his soul was moved, and he her voice, they made haste to go down
desired exceedingly her company and : to the gate of their city, and they
he was watching for a time to deceive called together the elders of the city.
her, from the day that he had seen her. 13 And they ran all together, both small
17 And Holofernes said unto her. Drink and great, for it was strange unto
18 now, and be merry with us. And Ju- them that she was come: and they
dith said, I will drink now, my lord, opened the gate, and received them,
because my life is magnified in me this making a fire to give light, and com-
day more than all the days since I was 14 passed them round about. And she
19 born. And she took and ate and drank said to them with a loud voice. Praise
before him what her servant had pre- God, praise him praise God, who hath
20 pared. And Holofernes took great not taken away his mercy from the
delight in her, and drank exceeding house of Israel, but hath destroyed our
much wine, more than he had drunk 15 enemies by my hand this night. And
at any time in one day since he was she took forth the head out of the bag,
born. and shewed it, and said unto them.
13 But when the evening was come, his Behold, the head of Holofernes, the
servants made haste to depart, and chief captain of the host of Asshur,
Bagoas shut the tent without, and dis- and behold, the canopy, wherein he did
missed them that waited from the pre- lie in his drunkenness and the Lord
20 God for ever. And (iod turn these went to their captains and tribunes,
things to thee for a perpetual praise, 13 and to every one of tlieir rulers. And
to visit thee with good things, because they came to Holofernes' tent, and
thou didst not spare thy life by reason said to him that was over all that he
of the affliction of our race, but didst had, Waken now our lord for the :
avenge our fall, walking a straight slaves have been bold to come down
way before our God. And all the against us to battle, that they may
people said, So be it, so be it. 14 be utterly destroyed. And Bagoas
14 And Judith said unto them. Hear went in, and knocked at the outer
me now, my brethren, and take this door of the tent; for he supi)osed
head, and hang it upon the battlement that he was sleeping with Judith.
2 of your wall. And it shall be, so soon li) But when none hearkened to him, he
as the morning shall appear, and the opened it, and went into the bed-
sini shall come forth upon the earth, chamber, and found him cast upon the
ye shall take up every one his weapons threshold dead, and his head had been
of war, and go forth every valiant man 16 taken from him. And he cried with a
of you out of the city, and ye shall loud voice, with weeping and groaning
set a cMjitain over them, as though ye and a mighty cry, and rent his giir-
would i;(iili)\vnt() thf jijain toward the 17 ments. And he entered into the tent
watcli of the cliililren of Asshur; and where Judith lodged and he found
3 ye shall not go down. And these shall her not, and he leaped out to the peo-
take up their panoplies, and shall go 18 pie, and cried aloud. The slaves have
into their camp, and rouse up the dealt treacherously one woman »f
captains of the host of Asshur, and the Hebrews hath brought shame
they shall run together to the tent of upon the house of king Nebuchad-
Holofernes, and they shall not find nezzar for, behold, Holofernes lictli
inGilead and in Galilee fell upon their The multitude whereof stopped the
flank with a great slaughter, until torrents.
they were past Damascus and the And their horsemen covered the
6 borders thereof. But the residue, hills.
that dwelt at Bethulia, fell upon the He said that he would burn up my
camp of Asshur, and spoiled them, borders,
7 and were enriched exceedingly. But And kill my young men with the
the children of Israel returned from sword.
the slaughter, and gat possession of And throw my sucking children to
that which remained and the vil-
; the ground.
lages and the cities, that were in the And give mine infants for a prey,
hill country and in the plain country, And make my virgins a spoil.
took many spoils for there was an
: The Almighty Lord brought them
exceeding great store. to nought by the hand of a woman.
8 And Joakim the high priest, and the For their mighty one did not fall
senate of the children of Israel that by young men.
dwelt in Jerusalem, came to behold Neither did sons of the Titans smite
the good things which the Lord had him.
shewed to Israel, and to see Judith, Nor did high giants set upon him :
9 and to salute her. But when they But Judith the daughter of Merari
came unto her, they all blessed her made him weak with the beauty
with one accord, and said unto her, of her covuitenance.
Thou art the exaltation of Jerusalem, For she put off the apparel of her
thou art the great glory of Israel, widowhood
thou art the great rejoicing of our For the exaltation of those that
10 race: thou hast done ail these things were distressed in Israel,
by thy hand thou hast done with
: She anointed her face with oint-
Israel the things that are good, and ment.
God is pleased therewith: blessed be And bound her hair in a tire.
thou with the Almighty Lord for And took a linen garment to deceive
evermore. And all the people said, him.
1 So be it. And the people spoiled the Her sandal ravished his eye,
camp for the space of thirty days and : And her beauty took his soul pri-
they gave unto Judith Holofernes' soner :
tent, and all his silver cups, and his The scimitar passed through his
beds, and his vessels, and all his furni- neck.
ture and she took them, and placed
: 10 Tlie Persians quaked at her daring.
them on her mule, and made ready And the Medes were daunted at
her wagons, and heaped them thereon. her boldness.
12 And the women of Israel ran to-
all 11 Then my lowly ones shouted aloud.
gether to see her and they blessed
; And my weak ones were terrified
her, and made a dance among them and crouched for fear :
4 Asshur came out of the mountains But thou art yet merciful to them
from the north. that fear thee.
He came with ten thousands of his 16 For all sacrifice is little for a sweet
host, savour,
10. 13. ESTHER. 11. 7.
And all the fat is very little for a 21 remained with them. But after these
whole burnt offering to thee days every one departed to his own
But he that feareth the Lord is inheritance, and Judith went away to
great continually. Bethulia, and remained in her own
17 Woe to the nations that rise up possession, and was honourable in
against my race 22 her time in all the land. And many
The Lord Almiglity will take venge- desired her, and no man knew her all
ance of them in the day of judge- the days of her life, from the day that
ment. Manasses her husband died and was
To put fire and worms in their flesli 23 gathered to his people. And she in-
they shall weep and feel their creased in greatness exceedingly and ;
people were purified, they offered ulia and they buried her in the cave
their whole burnt offerings, and their 21 of her husband Manasses. And the
freewill offerings, and their gifts. house of Israel mourned for her seven
19 And Judith dedicated all the stuff' days: and she distributed her goods
of Holofernes, which the people had before she died to all them that were
given her, and gave the canopy, which nearest of kin to Manasses her hus-
slic liail taken for herself out of his band, and to them that were nearest
bedclianibrr, for a gift unto the Lord. 2."> of her own kindred. And there was
20 And the people continued feasting in none that made the children of Israel
Jerusalem before the sanctuary for any more afraid in the days of Ju-
the space of three months, and Judith ditli, nor a long time after her death.
9 to destroy the name of the Jews and : Artaxerxes the great, in the first day
my nation, this is Israel, which cried of the month Nisan, IMardocheus the
to God, and were saved for the Lord : son of Jairus, the son of Semeias,
hath saved his people, and the I.,ord the son of Kiseus, of the tribe of
hath delivered us from all these evils, 3 Benjamin, had a dream who was a ;
and God hath wrought signs and great Jew, and dwelt in the city of Susa,
wonders, which have not been done a great man, being a servitor in the
10 among the nations. Therefore hath 4 king's court and he was of the cap-
he made two lots, one for the i)e()i)le tivity, which Nalnichodoiiosor the
of God, and anotli(>r foi-all the nations. king of Babylon cairit'd from Jerusa-
11 And tliese two lots came at the hour, lem with Jechonias king of udiea; and . I
and time, and day of judgement, be- 5 this was his dream: Behold, ^ noise
12 fore God among all the nations. So and tumult, thunderings and earth-
God remembered his people, and jus- quake, and uproar upon the earth:
13 tifled his inheritance. Therefore these G and, behold, two great dragons came
days shall be unto them in the month fortli. both of them ready to fight,
Adar, the fourteenth and fifteenth day 7 and tlieir cry was great. And at their
13. 4. ESTHER. 14. 2.
cry all nations were ready to battle, honourably intended by us, cannot
that tliey might light against the 5 go forward. Seeing then we under-
8 righteous nation. And, lo. a clay of stand tliat this nation is alone con-
darkness and gloominess, tribulation tinually in opposition unto all men,
and anguish, affliction and great up- following perversely a life which is
9 roar upon the earth. And the whole strange to oiii- laws, and evil affected
righteous nation was troubled, fearing to our state, working all the mischief
1 Gr. '
the evils that should befall them, they can, that our kingdom may not
own 10 and were ready to perish. Then they 6 be firmly stablished: therefore have
evils. cried unto God, and upon their cry, we conmianded, that they that are
as it were from a little fountain, there signified in writing unto you by Aman,
came a great river, eren much water. who is ordained over the affairs, and
11 The light and the sun rose up, and is a second father unto us, shall all,
the lowly were exalted, and devoured with their wives and children, be ut-
12 the glorious. Now when Mardocheus, terly destroyed by the, sword of their
who had seen this dream, and what enemies, without all mercy and pity,
God had determined to do, was awake, the fourteenth day of the twelfth
he bare it in mind, and until night by month Adar of this present year:
all means was desirous to know it. 7 that they, who of old and now also
12 And iMardocheus took his rest in the are malicious, may in one day with
court with Gabatha and Tharra, the violence go down to - the grave, and
two eunuchs of the king, that were so ever hereafter cause our affairs to
2 keepers of the court. And he heard be well settled, and without trouble.
their communings, and searched out 8 • Then Mardocheus made his prayer
their purposes, and learned that they unto the I^ord, calling to remembrance
were about to lay hands ujjou Artax- 9 the works of the Lord, and said,
erxes the king; and he certified the O
Lord, Lord, thou King Almighty:
3 king of them. Then the king exam- is in thy power,
for the whole world
ined the two eunuchs, and after that and if it be thy will to save Israel,
they had confessed it, they were led there is no man that can gainsay thee
4 to execution. And the liing wrote 10 for thou hast made heaven and earth,
these things for a memorial Mardo- ; and all the wondrous things that are
cheus also wrote concerning these 11 beneath the heaven; and thou art
5 things. So the king commanded Mar- Lord of all, and there is no man that
docheus to serve in the court, and can resist thee, which art the Lord.
6 for this he gave him gifts. Howbeit 12 'Thou knowest all things, and thou
Aman the son of Amadathus, a Bu- knowest, Lord, that it was neither in
gean, who was in great honour with contempt nor pride, nor for any desire
the king, sought to molest Mardo- of glory, that I did not bow down to
cheus and his people because of the 13 proud Aman. For I could have been
two eunuchs of the king. content with good will for the salva-
« Part of
the third
13 Now " this is the copy of the letter tion of Israel to kiss the soles of his
chapter The great king Artaxerxes writeth 14 feet. But I did this, that I might not
after the these things to the princes of a hun- prefer the glory of man above the
dred and seven and twenty provinces glory of God neither will I l»ow down
ing Esth. from India unto Ethiopia, and to the unto any but to thee, which art my
iu.13. governors that are set muler them. Lord, neither will I do it in pride.
2 After that I became lord over many 15 And now, O Lord, thou God and King,
nations, and had dominion over the the God of Abraham, spare thy peo-
whole world, not lifted up with pre- ple for their eyes are upon us to
among us, and was approved for his the mouth of them that praise thee,
constant good will and stedfast fidel- O Lord.
ity, and had the honour of the second 18 And all Israel cried out mightily,
4 place in the kingdom, declared unto because their death was before their
us, that in all nations throughout the 14 eyes. Queen Esther also, being seiz-
world there was scattered a certain ed as it were with the agony of death,
malignant people, that had laws con- 2 resorted unto the Lord: and laid
trary to all nations, and continually away her glorious apparel, and put on
set aside the commandments of kings, the garments of anguish and mourn-
so as the uniting of our kingdoms, ing and instead of the most excellent
14. 19. ESTHER. 16. 5.
ointments, she covered her head with 15 And upon the third day, when she
ashes and dung, and she humbled her had ended her prayer, she laid away
body greatly.and all the places of the her garments of service, and put on
ornaments of her joy she covered with 2 her glorious apparel. And being ma-
3 her tangled hair. And she prayed unto jestically adorned, after she had called
the Lord, the God of Israel, saying, O upon the all-seeing God and saviour,
my Lord, thou only art our King: help 3 she took her two maids with her and
me that am desolate and have no other upon tlie one she leaned, as carrying
4 helper but thee for my danger is in
: 4 herself delicately and tlie other fol-
5 mine hand. From my youth up I have 5 lowed, bearing up her train. And she
heard in the tribe of my family, that was ruddy through the perfection of
thou, O Lord, tookest Israel from her beauty, and her countenance was
among all the nations, and our fathers cheerful and right amiable: but her
from all their progenitors, for a per- 6 heart was in anguish for fear. Then
petual inheritance, and didst perform having passed through all the doors,
for them whatsoever thou didst pro- she stood before the king, who sat up-
G mise. And now we have sinned before on his royal throne, and was clothed
thee, and thou hast given us into the with all his robes of majesty, all glit-
7 hands of our enemies, because we tering with gold and precious stones ;
glorified their gods O Lord, tliou art: 7 and he was very dreadful. Then lifting
8 righteous. Nevertheless it satisfleth up his countenance that was flushed
them not, that we are in bitter captivi- with glory, he looked upon her in
ty but they have stricken hands with
: fierce anger and the queen fell down,
9 their idols, that they will abolish the and turned pale, and fainted, and she
thing that thou with thy mouth hast bowed herself upon the head of the
ordained, and destroy thine inherit- 8 maid that went before. Then God
ance, and stop the mouth of them that changed the spirit of the king into
praise thee, and quench the glory of mildness, who in an agony leaped from
10 thy house, and thine altar, and open his throne, and took her in his arms,
the mouths of the heathen to set forth till she came to herself again, and
the virtues of ' idols, and that a fleshly comforted her with soothing words,
1 king shall be magnified for ever. O 9 and said unto her, Esther, what is the
Lord, give not thy scfi)tre unto them matter? I am thy brother, be of good
that be nothing, and let them not laugh 10 cheer: thou slialt not die, for ^our
at our fall but turn tlieir device upon
; commandment is for our subjects
themselves, and make him an exam- 1 come near. So he held up his golden
ple, that hath begun this against us. 12 sceptre, and laid it upon her neck, and
12 Remember, O Lord, make thyself embraced her, and said. Speak unto
known in the time of our affliction, and 13 me. Then said she unto him, I saw
give me
boldness, O King of the gods, thee, my lord, as an angel of God, and
13 and holder of all dominion. Give me my heart was troubled for fear of thy
eloiiuent speech in my mouth before 14 glory. For wonderful art thou, my
the lion and turn his heart to hate him
: lord, and thy countenance is full of
that fighteth against us, that there 15 grace. And as she was speaking, she
may be an end of him, and of them that 16 fell down for faintness. Then the
14 are likeminded with him: but deliver king was troubled, and all his servants
us with thine hand, and hel]) me that comforted lier.^
am desolate and have no other helper 16 * The great king Artaxerxes unto the
15 but thee, O Lord. Thou hast know- governors of countries in a htmdred
ledge of all things and thou knowest
; and seven and twenty provinces from
that I hate the glory of the wicked, India unto Ethiopia, and unto them
and abhor the bed of the luicircum- that are well aft'ected to our state,
16 cised, and of every alien. Thou know- 2 greeting. Many, the more often they
est my necessity that I abhor the
: are honoured with the great bounty of
sign of my high estate, which is upon their benefactors, the nunc proud they
mine head in the days wherein I shew 3 are waxen, and endeavour to hurt not
myself. I abhor it as a menstruous our subjects only, but not being able to
rag, and I wear it not when I am pri- bear abundance, do take in hand to
17 vate by myself. And thine handmaid practise also against those that do
hath not eaten at Aman's table, nei- 4 them good and take not only thank-
ther have I honoured the king's feast, fulness away from among men, but
nor drunk the wine of the drink offer- also lifted up with the boastful words
18 ings. Neitlier had thine handmaid any of them that were never good, they
joy since tlie day that I was brought think to escape the evil-hating justice
hither to this present, but in thee, O of God, who alway seetli all things.
19 Lord, thou God of Abraham. O God, 5 Oftentimes also fair speech of those
that art mighty above all. hear the that are put in trust to manage their
voice of the forlorn, and deliver us out friends' affairs, hath caused many that
of tlie hands of the mischievous, and are in authority to be partakers of
deliver ihe out of my fear. innocent blood, and hatli enwrapped
9 both by changing our purposes, and all things, speedily rendering venge-
always judging things that come be- ance to him according to his deserts.
foreour eyes with more equal proceed- 19 Therefore ye shall publish openly the
10 ing. For Aman, a Macedonian, the son copy of this letter in all places, and
Amadathus, an alien in truth from
of let the Jews live after their own laws,
the Persian blood, and far distant from 20 and ye shall aid them, that even the
our goodness, being as a guest received same day, being the thirteenth day of
1 of us, had so far forth obtained the fa- the twelfth month Adar, they may
vour that we shew toward every nation, defend themselves against those who
as that he was called our father, and set upon them in tlie time of their
was CI intiuually honoured of all men, as 21 affliction. For Almighty God hath
the next person unto the royal throne. made this day to be a joy unto them,
12 But he, not bearing his high estate, instead of the destruction of the
went about to deprive us of our king- 22 chosen people. And ye shall therefore
l.'i dom and our life having by manifold
; among your commemorative feasts
and cunning deceits sought of us the keep it a high day with all feasting
destruction, as well of Mardocheus, 23 that both now and hereafter there may
who saved our life, and continually be safety to us, and the well affected
procured our good, as also of Esther Persians but to those which do con-
15 Macedonians. But we find that the sword it shall be made not only un-
Jews, whom this most ungracious passable for men, but also most hate-
wretch hath dehvered to utter de- ful to wild beasts and fowls for ever.
1 Love righteousness, ye that be judges 5 For a holy spirit of discipline will flee
of the earth, deceit.
Think ye of the Lord ' with a good And will start away from thoughts
mind. that are without understanding.
And in singleness of heart seek ye And will be " put to confusion when
him unrighteousness hath come in.
2 Because he is found of them that 6 For * wisdom is a spirit that loveth
tempt him not. man.
And is manifested to them that do not And she will not hold a ^ blasphemer
distrust him. guiltless for his lips ;
3 For crooked thoughts separate from Because God beareth witness of his
God; reins.
And the supreme Power, when it is And is a true overseer of his heart,
brought to the proof, ^pntteth to And a hearer of his tongue :
8 Tlierefore no man that iitteretli nn- And our life shall pass away as the
righteous things shall be unseen; traces of a cloud.
1 Neither shall Justice, when it con- And shall be scattered as is a mist,
victeth, pass him by. "When it is chased by the beams of the
9 For in the m
idst of his counsels the sun.
ungodly shall be searched out; And overcome by the heat thereof.
And the sound of his words shall come 5 For our allotted time is the passing of
unto the Lord a shadow.
To bring to conviction his lawless And'" our end retreateth not;
Aiid may prove liis patience under 12 Their wives are foolish, and wicked
wrong. are their children
20 Let us condenni bim to a shameful 13 Accursed is their begetting.
death Because happy is the barren that Is
> Gr. For 1 he shall be visited according to inidefiled,
shall be
his words. She who bath not conceived in trans-
a vifila- gression ;
tion of
him out
21 Thus reasoned they, and they were She shall have fruit when God visiteth
of his led astray souls.
words. For their ^ wickedness blinded them, 14 And happy is the eunuch which hath
2 Or,
22 And they knew not the mysteries of wrought no lawless deed with his
God, hands.
Neither hoped they for wages of holi- Nor imagined wicked things against
ness, the Lord;
Nor did they judge that there is a For thereshall be given him for his
prize for blameless souls. faithfulness "a peculiar favour,
23 Because God created man for incor- And a lot in the sanctuary of the Lord
ruption. more delightsome than wife or chil-
And made him an image of his own dren.
3 Some proper being
2 15 For good labours have fruit of great
ties read 2i But by the envy of the devil death renown
everlast- entered into the world, And the root of understanding can-
ingness. And tlu-y that are of his portion make not fail.
trial tliereiif. 16 But children of adulterers shall not
3 But the souls of the righteous are in come to maturity.
the hand of God, And the seed of an unlawful bed shall
And no torment shall touch them. vanish away.
2 In the eyes of the foolish they seemed 17 For if they live long, they shall be
to have died held in no account.
And their departure was accounted to And at the last their old age shall be
he tlteir hurt, without honour.
3 And their journeying away from us 18 And if they die quickly, they 'shall
to be their ruin : have no hojje.
But they are in peace. Nor in the day of decision shall they
4 For even if in the sight of men they have consolation.
be punished. 19 For 8 the end of an unrighteous gen-
Their hope is full of immortality eration is alway grievous.
5 And having borne a little chastening, 4 Better than this is childlessness with
they shall receive great good virtue
Because God made trial of them, and For in the memory » of virtue is im-
found them worthy of himself. mortality :
was translated 4 We
fools accounted his life madness.
11 He was caught away, lest wicked- ^ And his end without honour :
ness should change Ids understand- 5 How was he numbered among sons
ing. of God?
Or guile deceive his soul. And li(>H> is his lot among saints?
12 (For the bewitching of naughtiness tJ Verily we went astray from the way
bedlmmeth the things which are of truth,
good, And the light of righteousness shined
Andthe giddy whirl of desire pervert- not for us.
eth an innocent mind.) And the sun rose not for us.
13 Being made perfect in a little while, 7 We'= took our fill of the paths of law-
spise ;
rush of the moving wings, is passed
But them the Lord shall laugh to through.
scorn. And afterwards no sign of her coming
And after this they shall become a is found therein:
dishonoured carcase. 12 Or as when an arrow is shot at a
And ''
a reproach among the dead for mark,
ever The air disparted closeth up again
19 Because he shall dash them speech- immediately,
less to the ground. So that men know not where it passed
And shall shake them from the foun- through
dations, 13 So we also, as soon as we were born,
And they shall ' lie utterly waste, and ceased to be
things that are holy shall fheinselies
And shall array himself with judge-
be " hallowed ' Or, «c-
ment unfeigned as with a helmet And they that have been taught them counteU
19 He shall take holiness as an invinci-
shall find what
to answer;
ble shield,
11 Set your desire therefore on my
20 And he shall sharpen stern wrath for words
a sword Long for them,ai\d ye shall be Hrain- 8 Gr. dis.
And the world shall go forth with him
ed by their discipline. ciplined.
to fight against his insensate fors.
21 Shafts of lightning shall fly with true
12 Wisdom is radiant and fadeth not
And from the clouds, as from a well And easily is she beheld of them that
drawn bow, shall they leap to the love her.
mark. And found them that seek her.
22 And as from an engine of war shall be 13 She forestalleth them that desire to
hurled hailstones full of wrath
know her, making herself first
The water of the sea shall be angered
against them.
14 He that riseth up early to seek her
rivers shall sternly overwhelm shall have no toil.
them For he shall find her
23 A mightyblast shall encounter them,
sitting at his
And as a tempest shall it winnow'
15 For to think upon her is perfectness
them away of understanding,
And so shall lawlessness make all the And he that watcheth for her sake
land desolate,
shall quickly be free from care.
And their evil-doing shall overturn the 16 Because she goeth about, herself seek-
thrones of princes.
ing them that arc worthy of her.
And in their patlis sheappeareth unto
6 Hear therefore, ye kings, and under-
them graciously.
stand ;
them that be
And I will not hide mysteries from
in high place
65 F
7. 14. THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON. 7. 27.
But Iwill trace her out ^from the Commended to him "by the gifts s Gr.,A)r
tfif. sake
beginning of creation, which they through discipline pre-
of ttie
And bring the knowledge of her into sent to him. }>re^ents
clear light, that
come of
And I will not pass by the truth 15 But to me may God give to speak dhci-
23 Neither indeed will I take - pining 1" with judgement, pline.
envy for my companion in the way, And to conceive thoughts worthy of i»Or,ac-
Because ^ envy shall have no fellow- what " hath been given me; to his
ship with wisdom. Because himself is one that guideth mind
Or, ac-
24 But a multitude of wise men is salva- even wisdom and that correcteth cording
tion to tlie world. the wise. to my
And an understanding king is tran- 10 For in his hand are both we and our 1 1 Some
quillity to his people. words authori-
25 Wherefore be disciplined by my All understanding, and all acquaint- ties read
is said.
words, and thereby shall ye profit. ance with divers crafts.
17 For liimself gave me an unerring
7 I myself also am * mortal, like to all. knowledge of the things that are.
And am sprung from one born of the To know the constitution of the world,
earth, the man first formed, and the operation of the elements
2 And in the womb of a mother was 1 The beginning and end and middle of
I moulded into flesh in the time of times.
ten months, The
alternations of the solstices and
Being compacted in blood of the seed the changes of seasons,
of man and pleasure that came with 19 The circuits of years and the ^^ posi- 12 Or,
sleep. tions of stars
3 And I also, when I was born, drew in 20 The natures of living creatures and
the common air. the ragings of wild beasts,
And fell upon the ''
kindred earth, The violences of '' winds and the 13 Or,
Uttering, like all, for my first voice, thoughts of men, spirits
29 For she is fairer than the sun, And if I continue speaking, they shall
1 Gr.
And above ^ all the constellations of lay their hand upon their mouth.
an-ange- the stars 13 Because of her I shall have immor-
ment of Being compared with light, she is tality.
found to be before it And leave behind an eternal memory
30 For Ho the light of day succeedeth to tliem that come after me.
night, 14 Ishall govern peoples,
But against wisdom evil doth not And nations shall be subjected to
prevail me.
3 Or,
8 But she reacheth from one end of
^ 15 Dread princes shall fear me when
from end the world to the other with full they hear of me:
onward strength, Among )iiy "people I shall shew
unto end
mightily And ordereth all things * graciously. myself a good rider, and in war
«0r, courageous.
unto 2 Her I loved and sought out from my 16 When I am come into my house, I
good use
youth. shall find rest with her
And I sought to take her for my For converse with her hath no bitter-
bride. ness.
And I became enamoured of her And to live with her hath no pain, but
beauty. gladness and joy.
3 She glorifieth her noble birth in that 17 When I considered these things in
it is given her to live with God, myself,
And the Sovereign Lord of all loved Andtook thought in my heart how
her. that in kinship unto wisdom is im-
4 For she is initiated into the know- mortality,
ledge of God, 18 And in her friendship is good delight,
» Some And she ^ chooseth out for him his And in the labours of her hands is
ties read works. wealth that faileth not,
5 But if riches are a desired possession And in '-^assiduous communing with
in life. is understanding.
What is richer than wisdom, which Andgreat renown in having fellow-
worketh all things? ship with her words,
6 The 6 ^ And
if understanding worketh, I went about seeking liow to take her
text of
"Who more than " wisdom is an arti- unto myself.
this ficer of the things that are ? 19 Now I was -'Ja child of parts, and a
7 And if a man
loveth righteousness,good soul fell to my lot
corrupt. * The 20 Nay rather, being good, I came into a
fruits of wisdom's labour are
' Gr.she. virtues, body undefiled.
8 Gr. Her For she teacheth soberness and un- 21 But perceiving that I could not other-
are. derstanding, righteousness and cou- wise '" possess u'isdom except God
rage ; gave Iter me
And there is nothing in life for men (Yea and to know '»by whom the'
more profitable than these. grace given, this too
is came of un-
» Some 8 And if a man longetli even for much derstanding),
authori- experience. I pleaded with the Lord and besought
ties read
how to She knoweth ^ the things of old, and him,
'" divineth the things to come And with my whole heart I said,
things She understandeth subtilties of
of old
and the
speeches and interpretations of 9 O God of the fathers, and ^'•'
Lord who
dark sayings keepest thy mercy.
to come. She foreseeth signs and wonders, and Who madest all things by thy word
loGr. the issues of seasons and times. 2 And by thy wisdom thou formedst
9 I determined therefore to take her man.
11 Or, unto me to live with me, That he should have dominion over
hold Knowing that she is one who would the creatures that were made by
with me "give me good fhoughtsior counsel, thee,
for good And '-encourage me in cares and 3 And rule the world in holiness and
and . .
grief. righteousness.
against 10 Because of her I shall have glory And execute judgement in upright-
among multitudes. ness of soul
grief And honour in the sight of elders, 4 Give me wisdom, her that sitteth by
12 Or, though I be young. thee on thy -' throne ;
5 Because I am thy bonclinau and the them which are on earth were cor-
son of thy handmaid, rected,
A man weak and shortrlived, And men were taught the things that
And power to understand
of small are pleasing unto thee
judgement and laws. And through wisdom were they saved.
6 For even if a man be perfect among
the sons of men,
Yet if the wisdom that cometh from
thee be not with him, he shall be 10 '"Wisdom guarded to the end the
held in no account. first formed father of the world, that
7 Tliou didst choose me before mij bre- was created
alone, ,
11. 4. THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON. 11. 19.
11 When in their covetousness vien dealt And healing of their thirst out of the
hardly with him, hard stone.
She stood by hiui and made him 5 For by what things their foes were
rich punished.
12 She guarded him from enemies, By these they in their need were
And from those that lay in wait she benefited.
kept him safe, 6 ' When
the enemy were troubled with
And over his sore conflict she watched clotted blood instead of a river's
as judge, ever-flowing fountain,
Tliat lie might know that godliness is 7 To rebuke the decree for the slaying
more powerful than ' all. of babes.
Thou gavest them abundant water
2 Gr. sAp. 13 When a righteous man was sold, wis- beyond all hope,
dom forsook him not. 8 Having shewn them by " the thirst
3 Or, But 'from sin she delivered him; which they had suffered how thou
from the She went down with him into a dun- didst punish the adversaries.
sin of his
brethren geon, 9 For when tiiey were tried, albeit but
. .
a pit
14 And bonds she left him not.
in in mercy cliastciied.
Till she brought him the sceptre of a They learned how the ungodly were
kingdom. tormented, being judged with
And authority over those that dealt wrath
tyrannously with him; 10 For these, as a father, admonishing
She,slieweil tliemalso to he false that them, thou didst prove
hail mockingly accused him. But those, as a stern king, condemn-
And gave him eternal glory. ing them, thou didst search out.
11 Yea and whether they were far off
15 * Wisdom delivered a holy people and from the rh/hteoiis or near them,
a blameless seed from a nation of they were alike distressed
oppressors. 1 For a double grief took hold on them.
16 She entered into the soul of a servant And a groaning at the remembrance
of tlic Lord, of things past.
withstood terrible kings in won- 13 For when they heard that through
ders and signs. theirown punishments the others
17 She rendered unto holy men a reward I'Miad been benefited,
of their toils They felt the j^resenee of the Lord
She guided them along a marvellous 14 For him who long before was " cast
way, forth and exposed they left off
And became unto them a covering in mocking
tlie day-time, In the last issue of what came to pass
And a tlame of stars through the ^- they marvelled,
20 Yea and without these might they To cause them to perish by little and
have fallen by a single breath, little
Being pursued by Justice, and scat- 9 Not that thou wast unable to subdue
tered abroad by the breath of thy the ungodly under the hand of the
power. righteous in battle.
But by measure and number and Or by terrible beasts or by one stern
weight thou didst order all things. word to make away with them at
10 But judging them by little and little
21 For to be greatly strong is thine at thou gavest them a place of repent-
all ance.
And the niiglitof thine arm who shall Not being ignorant that their nature
withstHiid? by birth was evil, and their wicked-
22 Because the whole world before thee ness inborn.
Is as a grain - in a balance,
that their manner of thought
And as a drop of dew that at morning would in no wise ever be changed,
Cometh down upon the earth. 11 For they were a seed accursed from
23 But thou hast mercy on all men, be- the beginning
cause thou hast power to do all Neither was it through fear of any
things, that thou didst leave them then
And thou overlookest the sins of men unpunished for their sins.
to the end they may repent.
24 For thou lovest all things that are.
And abhorrest none of the things 12 For who shall say. What hast thou
which thou didst nial<e ; done ?
For never wduldcst tliiiu liave formed Or who shall withstand thy Judge-
anytliing if tliou didst liate it. ment ?
23 And liow would anytliing have en- And who shall accuse thee for the
dured, except thou hadst willed it? perishing of nations which thou
Or that which was not called by didst make ?
thee, how would it have been pre- Or who shall come and stand before
served ? thee as an avenger for unrighteous
26 But thou sparest all things, because men ?
they are thine, 13 For neither is there any God beside
O Sovereign Lord, thou lover of men's thee that careth for all,
3 lives Tliat thou mightest shew unto him
12 For thine incorruptible spirit is in all that thou didst not judge imright^
things. eously
2 Wherefore thou convictest by little 14 Neither shall king or prince be able
and little them that * fall from the to look thee in the face to plead
right way. for those whom thou hast pun-
And, putting them in remembrance by ished.
the very things wherein they sin, 15 But being righteous thou rulest all
dost thou admonish them, things righteously.
That escaping from their wicl<edness Deeming it a thing alien from thy
they may believe on thee, O Lord. power
To condemn one that doth not himself
deserve to be punished.
3 For verily the old inhabitants of thy 1(5 For thy strength is the beginning of
holy land, righteousness.
4 Hating-^/(r(/j because they practised Andthy sovereignty over all maketh
detestablt- works of enchantments thee to forbear all.
and uulioly rites 17 For when men believe not that thou
5 (''^Merciless slaughters of children. art perfect in power, thou shewest
And sacrificial banquets of men's flesh thy strength,
and of blood), * And ' in dealing with them that know • The
6 Confederates in an impious fellow- it thou puttest their boldness to Greek
ship. confusion. here is
And murderers of their own helpless 18 But thou, being sovereign over thij perhaps
babes. strength, juilgcst in gentleness.
It was thy counsel to destroy by the And witli great forl)earance dost thou in tliem
hands of our fathers ;
govern us
7 That the land which in thy sight is For the power is thine whensoever
most precious of all Ja)ids thou hast the will.
Might receive a worthy colony of
God's servants.
8 Nevertheless even these thou didst 19 But thou didst teach thy people by
spare as beiiui men, such works as these.
And tliou sentest " hornets as fore- How that the righteous must be a
runners of thy host. lover of men ;
13. 3. THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON. 13. 16.
And thou didst make thy sons to be of 4 But was througli astonishment at
if it
25 Therefore, as unto unreasoning chil- Who called them gods which are
dren, thou didst send thy judgement works of men's hands.
to mock them. Gold and silver, wrought with careful
26 But they that would not be admon- art, and likenesses of animals.
ished * by a mocking correction as Or a useless stone, the work of an
of children ancient hand.
Shall have experience of a judgement 11 Yea and if some •" woodcutter, having
worthy of God. sawn down a "^^
tree that is easily
27 For through the sufferings whereat moved,
they were indignant. Skilfully strippeth away all its bark.
Being punished in these creatures And fashioning it in comely form mak-
which tliey supposed to be gods. eth a ve^el useful for the service of
They saw, and recognised as the true life;
God him whom before they » refused 12 And burning the refuse of his handy-
to know work to dress his food,eateth his fill
Wherefore also the last end of con- 13 And taking the very refuse thereof
demnation came upon them. which served to no use,
A crooked piece of wood and full of
13 For verily all men by nature " urre knots,
but vain who had no perception of Carveth it with the diligence of his
God, idleness.
And from the good things that are And shapeth it by the skill of his
seen they gained not power to know 21 indolence
him that is, Then he givetli it the semblance of
raft are brought safe to htnd. 20 And the multitude, allured by reason
6 For 2 in the old time also, when proud of the grace of his handywork.
giants were perishing. Now accounted as an object of devo-
The hope of the world, taking refuge tion him that a little before was
on a raft, honoured as a man.
Left to -"the race of men a seed of 21 And this became 'a hidden danger
generations to comr. unto life,
Thy haiiil Kuidnitj: tin; helm. Because men. in bondage either to
7 For blessed -'liath been wood through calamity or to tyranny,
which cometh righteousness Invested stones and stocks with the
8 But the idol made with hands is ac- incommunicable Name.
cursed, itself and he that made it;
Because his was the working, and the 22 Afterward it was not enough for them
corruptible thing was named a god to go astray as touching the know-
9 For botli the ungodly doer and his ledge of (l(id :
But one brings upon another eitlier Both the vessels that minister to clean
death by treachery, or anguish by uses, and those of a contrary sort.
adulterate offspring. All in like manner ;
25 And all things confusedly are filled But what shall be the use of each ves-
with blood and murder, theft and sel of either sort.
deceit. The * craftsman himself is the judge.
Corruption, faithlessness, tumult, per- 8 And also, labouring to an evil end, he
26 jury, turmoil,' mouldeth a vain god out of the same
Ingratitude for benefits received, clay.
Defiling of souls, confusion of - sex. He who, having but a little before
Disorder in marriage, adultery and been made of earth,
wantonness. After a short space goeth his way to
27 For the worship of " those * nameless the earth out of which he was taken,
idols When he is required to render back
Is a beginning and cause and end of the soul which was lent him.
30 But for both sins shall the just doom 11 Because he was ignorant of him that
pursue them. moulded him.
Because they had evil thoughts of And of him that inspired into him
God by giving heed to idols. '-an active ' soul,
And swoi*e unrighteously in deceit And breathed into him a vital spirit.
through contempt for holiness. 12 But 13 he accounted our very life to be
31 For it is not the power of them by a " plaything.
wliom men swear. And our lifetime a gainful >" fair
But it is ° that Justice which hath re- For, saith he, one must get gain
gard to them that sin, whence one can, though it be by
That visiteth always the transgres- evil.
sion of the unrighteous. 13 For this man beyond all others know-
eth that he sinneth,
Out of earthy matter making brittle
15 But thou, our God, ai't gracious and vessels and graven images.
true, 14 But most fodlisli ' inrr they all, and
Longsuffering, and in mercy ordering 1*' of feebler soul tliaii a babe.
all things. The enemies of thy people, who op-
2 For even if we sin, we are thine, pressed them
knowing thy dominion 15 Because they even accounted all the
But we shall not sin, knowing that we idols of the nations to be gods
have been accounted thine : Which have neither the use of eyes
3 For to be acquainted with thee is for seeing.
" perfect righteousness. Nor nostrils for drawing breath.
And to know
thy dominion is the root Nor ears to hear.
of immortality. Nor fingers for handling,
4 For neither were we led astray by any And their feet are helpless for walking.
evil device of men's art. 16 For a man made them,
Nor yet by painters' fruitless labour, And one whose own spirit is borrow-
A form stained with varied colours ed moulded them
5 The sight whereof leadeth fools into For no one hath power, lieintf a man,
' lust to mould a god like unto himself,
Their desire is for the breathless form 17 But, being mortal, he maketh a dead
of a dead image. thing by the work of lawless hands ;
.6 Lovers of evil things, and worthy of For he is better than the objects of
such llO]>es rrs tJiise, his worship,
Are l)()tli tlicy tliat do, and they that >^ Forasmuch as he indeed had life,
desire, and tliey tliat worship. but they never.
7 For a potter, kneading soft earth. 18 Yea, and the creatures that are most
Laboriously mouldeth each several hateful do they worship,
vessel for our service :
-" For, being compared as to want of
Nay, out of the same clay doth he sense, these are worse than all
fashion others
73 -F*
16. 12. THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON. 16. 2c
19 Neither, as seen beside other crea- 13 For tliou hast authority over life and
tures, are they beautiful, so that one death,
sliould desire tliem. And thou leadest down to the gates
But tliey have escaped both the praise Hades, and leadest up again.
of God and his blessing. 14 But though a man may slay by his
16 For this cause were these men wickedness,
worthily i)unislie(l throuiili crtntures Yet the spirit that is gone forth he
lil<e ZhdAi- irliicli lltiij Hdi-^liijJ, turneth not again.
And tormentedtlu-ougli a nuUtitude Neither givetli release to the soul that
of vermin. Hades hath received.
2 Instead of which punishment, thou,
l)estowing benefits on thy people, 15 But thy hand it is not possible to
Preparedst quails for food. escape
Food of rare taste, to satisfy the
^ 16 For ungodly men, * refusing to know
desire of their appetite ;
thee, were scourged in the strength
3 To the end that ^ thine enemies, de- of thine arm.
siring food. Pursued with strange rains and hails
Might for the hideousness of the ci-ea- and showers inexorable,
t II res sent among tliem And utterly consumed with Are ;
Loatlie even the necessary appetite 17 For, what was most marvellous of all.
But these, thij people, having for a In tlic water which quencheth all
sliort space suffered want, things tlie fire wrought yet more
Might even partake of food of ' rare mightily
taste. For tlie world fighteth for the right-
4 For was needful that npon those
it eous.
should come inexorable want in 18 For at onetime the flame lost its
their tyrannous dealing. fierceness,
But that to these it should only be Tliat it might riot burn up the crea-
shewed how their enemies were tor- tures sent against the ungodly.
mented. But tliat these themselves as they
5 For even when terrible raging of wild looked might "see that tliey were
beasts came upon ^ thy people. cliased through the judgement of
And they were perishing by the bites God:
of crooked serpents, 19 And at another time even in the midst
Thy wrath continued not to the utter- of water itburneth above the power
most ;
of fire.
C But for admonition were they troubled Thatit may destroy the *" fruits of an
That thou art he that delivereth out Wliile thai hread, ministering to the
of every evil. desire of the eater.
9 For them verily the bites of locusts Tempered itself according to every
and flies did slay. man's choice.
And there was not found a healing for 22 But snow and ice endured fire, and
their life. melted not,
Because they were worthy to be pun- That men might know that fire was
ished by such as these ;
destroying tlie fruits of the enemies,
10 But thy sons not the very teeth of Burning in the hail and flashing in the
venomous <lragons overcame. rains ;
Hut yet heavier than darkness were Had ivith them corpses without num-
they unto themselves. ber;
18 But for thy holy ones there was For the living were not sufficient even
great light to bury them,
And the Egyptians, hearing their Since at a single "stroke their '= no-
voice but seeing not their form, bler offsjiring was consumed.
Counted it a happy thing that they 13 For' while they were disbelieving all
too had suffered, things by reason of the enchant-
2 Yet for that they do not hurt them ments.
nov, though wronged by them be- Uponthe destruction of the firstborn
they are thankful
fore, they confessed the people to be
And because they had been at vari- God's son.
ance ivith them, they made suppli- 14 For while peaceful silence enwrapped
cation to them. all things.
3 Whereas thou didst provide /o/- thy And night in her own swiftness was
people a burning pillar of fire. in nnd course,
To be a guide for their unknown 15 Thine all-powerful word leaped from
journey. heaven out of '^ the royal " throne,
And withal a * kindly sun for their A stern warrior, into the midst of the
2 proud exile. '^ doomed land,
4 For well did " the Egyptians deserve 16 Bearing as a sharp sword thine un-
to be deprived of light and impri- feigned commandment
soned by darkness. And standing it filled all things with
They who had kept in close ward thy death
sons, Andwhile it touched the heaven it
Tlu-ough whom the incorruptible light trode upon the earth.
of the law was to be given to * the 17 Then forthwith apparitions in dreams
race of men. terribly troubled them.
And fears came upon them unlooked
5 After they had taken counsel to slay for:
the balies of the holy ones. 18 And each, one thrown here half dead,
And when a single child had been another there.
cast forth and saved ^ to convict Made manifest wherefore he was dy-
the^n of their sin. ing :
Thou tookest away from them their 19 For the dreams, perturbing them, did
multitude of children. foreshew this.
And <lestroyedst all ?/!f/r /(OS? together That they might not perish without
in a mighty flood. knowing why they were afflicted.
6 Of that niglir were our fathers made
aware beforehand. 20 But it '» befell the righteous also to
That, having sure knowledge, they make death.
trial of
might lie cheered by the oaths which And a multitude were stricken in the
they had trusted wilderness :
12 Yea, all the people together, under one was the whole world.
form of death, And the glories of the fathers n-cre
19. 10. THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON. 19. 22.
upon the graving of the four rows 1 But afterwards they saw also a new
race of birds.
of ' precious stones,
And tliy majesty was upon the diadem When, led on Ijy desire, they asked
of his liead. for luxurious dainties
25 To these the destroyer gave place, 12 For, to solace them, there came up
and these 'the people feared ;
for them quails from the sea.
For it was enough only to make trial
of the wrath. 13 And upon the sinners came the pun-
19 But upon the ungodly there came Not without the tokens that were
unto the end indignation without given '" beforehand by the force of
mercy tlie thunders
For their future also God foreknew, For justly did they suffer through tlieir
2 How that, having changed their minds own wickednesses.
to let thy people go. For " grievous indeed was tlie hatred
And having speeded them eagerly on which they practised toward guests.
their way, 14 For whereas the men. of Sodom re-
They would repent themselves and ceived not "'the strangers when
pursue them. they came among them ;
3 For while they were yet in the midst " The Egyptians made slaves of
of their mourning. guests who were their benefac-
And making lamentation at the tors.
graves of the dead, 15 And not only so, but O'orfshall >* visit
They drew upon themselves another '"the men of Sodom after another
counsel of folly. sort.
And pursued as fugitives those whom Since they received as enemies them
with intreaties they had cast out. that were aliens
4 For the doom which they deserved
^ 16 "Whereas these first welcomed with
was drawing them * unto this end, feastings,
And it made
tliem forget the things And tlieii afflicted with dreadful toils.
that had befallen them. Them tluit luid already shared u-ith
That they might till up the punish- them iu the same riglits.
ment which was yet wanting to 17 And moreover they were stricken
their torments, with loss of sight
5 And that thy people might ^ journey (Even as were those others at the
on by a marvellous road. righteous man's doors),
But they themselves might find a When, being compassed about with
strange death. yawning darkness.
They sought every one the passage
6 For the whole creation, each port in through his own door.
its several kind, was fashioned 18 For as the notes of a psaltery vary the
again anew, character of the rhythm,
Ministering to thy several command- Even so did the elements, changing
ments, their order one with another.
Tliat thy " servants might be guarded Continuing always the same, each in
free from hurt. its several sound
7 Then was beheld the cloud that sha- As may clearly be ^o divined from the
dowed the camp. sight of the things that are come to
And dry land rising up out of what pass.
before was water, 19 For creatures of the dry land were
Out of the Ked sea an unhindered turned into creatures of the wa-
highway. ters.
And a grassy plain out of the violent And creatures that swim trode now
surge upon the earth
8 ' By which they passed over with all 20 Fire kept the mastery of its own
their hosts, power in the midst of water.
These that were covered with thy And water forgat its quenching na-
hand, ture :
The Prolor/ue of the Wisdovi o/ Jesus And the deep, and wisdom, who shall
the Son of Sirach. search them out?
Whereas many and great things have 4 Wisdom hath been created before all
been dehvered unto us by the law and things,
the prophets, and by the others that And
the understanding of prudence
have followed in their steps, for the from everlasting.^
which things we must give Israel the 6 To whom hath the root of wisdom
praise of instruction and wisdom; and been revealed?
since not only the readers must needs And who hath known her shrewd
become skilful themselves, but also they counsels? 2
that love learning must be able to profit 8 There is one wise, greatly to be
them which are without, both by speak- feared.
ing and writing my grandfather Jesus,
; The Lord sitting upon his throne :
most necessary for me to apply some dil- And with their seed shall she be had
igence and travail to interpret this l)ook ; in trust.
applying indeed niueli watelifuhiess and 16 To fear the Lord is the fulness of
skill in tliat spatx' of time to liring the wisdom
book to an end, and set it forth for them And she satiateth men with her
also, who in the land of their sojourning fruits.
are desirous to learn, fashioning their 17 She shall fill all her house with desir-
manners beforehand, so as to live accord- able things.
ing to the law. And her garners with her produce.
1 8 The fear of the Lord is the crown of
1 All wisdom cometh from the Lord, wisdom.
And is with him for ever. Making peace and * perfect health to
2 The sand of the seas, and the drops of flourish.'^
rain. 19 He both saw and numbered her
And the days of eternity, who shall He rained down skill and knowledge
number? of understanding.
3 The height of the heaven, and the And exalted the honour of them that
breadth of the earth, hold her fast.
20 To feiir the Lord is the root of wis- 9 Ye that fear the Lord, hope for good
dom ;
erse And her branches are length of days.' And
for eternal gladness and mercy.
10 Look at the generations of old, and
he 22 Unjust wrath can never be justified ;
au- Fortlie sway of his wrath is his down- Who did ever put his trust in the
fall. Lord, and was ashamed ?
ost 23 A man that is longsuffering will - bear Or wlio did abide in his fear, and was
fiori- 3 for a season, forsaken ?
t. Andafterward gladness shall sining Or wlio did (;all upon him, and he
up unto him despised him ?
24 He will hide his words ^ for a season, 11 For the Lord is full of compassion and
And the lips of many sliall tell forth mercy
his uMiliMstanding. And he forgiveth sins, and saveth in
25 A panil)li' of
knowledge is in the trea- time of affliction.
sures of wisdom
But godliness is an abomination to a 12 Woe unto fearful hearts, and to faint
sinner. hands.
26 If thou desire wisdom, keep the com- And to the sinner that goeth two
mandments, ways!
And the Lord shall give her unto thee 13 Woe unto the faint heart for it be- !
of And come not unto him with a double 15 They that fear the Lord will not dis-
line heart. oI)ey his words
29 Be not a hypocrite in the mouths of And
they that love him will keep his
best men ways.
And take good heed to thy lips. 16 They that fear the Lord will seek his
30 Exalt not thyself, lest thou fall. good pleasure
. And bring dishonour upon thy soul And they that love him shall be filled
And so the Lord shall reveal thy witli the law.
secrets, 17 Tlicy tluit fear the Lord will prepare
And shall cast thee down in the midst tlicir liearts.
of the congregation And will lumible their souls in his
Because thou earnest not unto the fear 18 sight, Sdylnrf,
of the Lord, We will fall into the hands of the
And thy heart was full of deceit. Lord,
And not into the hands of men:
2 My son, if thou comest to serve the For as his majesty is,
Lord, So also is his mercy.
Prepare thy soul for temptation.
2 Set thy heart aright, and constantly 3 Hear me your father, my children,
endure. And do thereafter, tliat ye may be
And make not haste in time of ca- sjived.
lamity. 2 For the Lord hath given the father
3 Cleave unto Iiim, and depart not. glory as touching the children.
That thou mayest be increased at thy And hath confirmedthe judgement of
latter end. the mother as touching the sons.
4 Accept whatsoever is brought upon 3 He that honoureth his father shall
thee. make atonement for sins
r. And be longsuffering ^ when thou 4 And he that giveth glory to his mo-
e passcst into huiiiiliation. ther is as one that layeth up trea-
5 For tiold is ti-ic'il in tlic tire, sure.
Hi- And acceptable men iu tlie furnace of 5 Whoso honoureth his father shall
humiliation. have joy of his children ;
6 Put thy trust in him, and lie will help And in the day of his prayer he shall
thee be heard.
Order thy ways aright, and set thy He that giveth glory to his father shall
hope on him. have length of days ;
9 For the blessing of the father estab- 28 The calamity of the proud is no heal-
lisheth the houses of children ; ing ;
But the curse of the mother rooteth For a plant of wickedness hath taken
out the foundations. root in him.
29 The heart of the prudent will under-
10 Glorify not thyself in the dishonour of stand a parable
thy father And
the ear of a listener, is the desire
For thy father's dishonour is no glory of a wise man.
unto thee. 30 Water will quench a flaming fire
1 1 For tlie glory of a man is from the And almsgiving will make atonement
honour of his father for sins.
And a mother in dislionour is a re- 31 He that requiteth good turns is mind-
proach to her children. ful of that which cometh afterward ;
12 My son, help thy father in his old And in the time of his falling he shall
age find a support.
And grieve him not as long as he
livetli. 4 My son, deprive not the poor of his
13 And he fail in understanding, have
if living.
patience with him And make not the needy eyes to wait
And dishonour him iwi ivhilethou art long.
in thy full strength. 2 Make not a hungry soul sorrowful
14 For tlie relieving of thy father shall Neither provoke a man in his dis-
not be forgotten: tress.
And instead of sins it shall be added 3 To a heart that is provoked add not
to liuild thee \\\i. more trouble
15 In tlie day of thine affliction it shall And defer not to give to him that is in
rememljer thee need.
As fair weather upon ice. 4 Reject not a suppliant in his afflic-
So shall thy sins also melt away. tion ;
20 For great isthe potency of the Lord, to a great man liow thy head.
by tlie And he is glorified of them that are 8 Incline thine ear to a poor man,
best nii- lowly. And answer him with peaceable
21 Seek not things that are too hard for words in meekness.
thee, 9 Deliver liim that is wronged from the
And search not out things that are hand of liim tliat wrongeth him ;
troubles bless.
3 Gr.
And the siimer sliall heap sin upon 14 Tliey that do her service shall minis-
3 sin. ter to the Holy One
Ami them that love her the Lord doth For the Lord will surely take venge-
love. ance on thee.
15 Hethat giveth ear unto her shall
judge the nations 4 Say not, I sinned, and w-hat happened
18 Then will she returnagaiu the straight And put not off from day to day
way unto him, For suddenly shall the wrath of the
And will gladden him, and reveal to Lord come forth ^ ;
3 Or, And ^ reverence no man unto thy fall- A«d with patience make thine an-
be not
ing. swer.
Gr. 23 Refrain not speech, * when it tendeth 12 If thou hast understanding, answer
in an to safety thy neighbour
of safety.
" And hide not thy wisdom for the sake And if not, let thy hand be upon thy
ties omit
this line.
And instruction by the word of the And the tongue of a man is his fall.
tongue. 14 Be not called a whisperer
25 Speak not against the truth And lie not in wait with thy tongue :
And be abashed for thine ignorance. For upon the thief there is shame,
26 Be not ashamed to make confession And an evil condemnation upon him
of thy sins ; that hath a double tongue.
And force not the current of the river. 15 In a great matter and in a small, be
27 Lay not thyself down for a fool to not ignorant
tread upon Q And instead of a friend become not
And accept not the person of one that an enemy
is mighty. For an evil name shall inherit shame
28 Strive for the truth unto death, and and reproach
the Lord God shall flght for thee. Even so shall the sinner that hath a
double tongue.
« Some 29 Be not hasty in thy tongue.
tiesread And thy deeds slack and remiss.
in 2 Exalt not thyself in the counsel of thy
rough. 30 Be not as a lion in thy house. soul
Nor fanciful among thy servants. That thy soul be not torn in pieces as
31 Let not thine hand be stretched out a bull
'Or, to receive, and ' closed when thou 3 Thou
Shalt eat up thy leaves, and
shouldest repay. destroy thy fruits,
5 Set not thy heart upon thy goods And
leave thyself as a dry tree.
And say not, They are sufficient for 4 A wicked soul shall destroy him that
me. hath gotten it.
2 Follow not thine own mind and thy And shall .make him " a laughing-
strength. stock to his enemies.
To walk in the desires of thy heart
3 And say not. Who shall have dominion 5 1^ Sweet words will multiply " a man's
over me ? friends
6. 24. ECCLESIASTICUS. 7. 6.
And a fair-speaking tongue will multi- 25 Put thy shoulder under her, and bear
ply courtesies. her,
fi Let those that are at peace with thee And be not grieved with'her bonds.
be many 26 Come unto her with all thy soul.
But thy counsellors one of a thou- And keep her ways with thy whole
sand. power.
7 If thou wouldest get thee a friend, get 27 Search, and seek, and she shall be
1 Or. in him ' by proving, made known unto thee ;
the time
of trial
And be not in haste to trust him. And when thou hast got hold of her,
8 For there is a friend that is so for his her not go.
own occasion 28 For at the last thou shalt find her
And he will not continue in the day of rest
thy affliction. And * she shall l)e turned for thee into * Or, it
For thy toil shall be little in the tillage He shall establish thine heart.
of her, And tliy desire of wisdom shall be
And thou shalt eat of her fruits right given unto thee.
20 How
exceeding harsh is she to the 7 r)o no evil, so shall no evil overtake
unlearned thee.
And he that is without understanding 2 Depart from wrong, and it shall turn
will not abide in her. aside from thee.
21 As a mighty stone of trial shall she 3 My son, sow not upon the furrows of
rest ui)on him unrighteousness.
he will not delay to cast her from And tliou shalt not reap them seven-
him. fold.
22 For wisdom is according to her name
and she is not manifest unto many. 4 Seek not of the Lord preeminence.
Neither of the king the seat of honour.
23 Give ear, my son, and accept my 5 Justify not thyself in the presence of
judgement. the Lord ;
And refuse not my counsel, And display not thy wisdom before
24 And bring thy feet into her fetters. the king.
And thy neck into her chain. 6 Seek not to be a judge.
7. 25. ECCLESIASTICUS. 8. 8.
Lest thou be not able to take away And give her to a man of understand-
iniquities ing.
Lest liaply tliou fear the person of a
mighty man, 2(5 Hast thou a wife after thy mind?
And lay a stumblingblock in the way cast her not out:
of thy uprightness. ^ But trust not thyself to one that is » Many
" hateful. ties omit
7 Sin not against the multitude of the 27 Give glory to thy father with thy this Hue.
22 Hast thou cattle? have an eye to 4 Jest not with a rude man.
them Lest thine ancestors be dishonoured.
And if they are profitable to thee, let 5 Reproach not a man when he turneth
them stay by thee. from sin
23 Hast thou children ? correct them, Rememberthat we are all worthy of
And bow down their neck from their punishment.
youth. 6 Dishonour not a man in his old age
24 Hast thou daughters? give heed to For some of us also are waxing old.
their body. 7 Rejoice not over one that is dead :
And make not thy face cheerful to- Remember that we die all.
ward them.
25 Give thy daughter in marriage, and 8 Neglect not the discourse of the wise,
thou Shalt have accomplished a And be conversant with their pro-
great matter verbs ;
9. 7. ECCLESIASTICUS. 10. 3.
For of them thou shalt learn instruc- 8 Turn away thine eye from a comely
tion, woman.
And how to minister to great men. And gaze not on another's beauty
9 Miss not the discourse of the aged Bythe beauty of a woman many have
For they also learned of their fa- been led astray
thers : And herewitli love is kindled as a flre.
Because from tliem thou shalt learn 9 Sit not at all with a woman that hath
understanding, a husband ;
3 A line
of this
And to give answer in time of need. And revel not with her at the wine
Lest haply thy soul turn aside unto ishere
10 Kindle not the coals of a sinner. her. omitted
bv the
1 Gr. fire Lest thou be burned with the • flame And with thy spirit thou slide into best au-
or /lis
fiame. of his flre. destruction. thorities.
And thou shalt perish with his folly. And if thou come unto him, commit no
16 Fight not with a wratliful man. fault,
And travel not with him through tlie Lest he take away thy life
desert Know surely that tliou goest about in
For blood as nothing in his siglit
is the midst of snares.
And where there is no help, he will And walkest upon the battlements of
overthrow tliee. a city.
17 Take not counsel with a fool
For lie will not be able to conceal the 14 Aswell as thou canst, guess at thy
matter. neighbours
18 Do nosecret thing before a stranger Andtake counsel with the wise.
a Or, it For thou knowest not what ^ he will 15 Let thy converse be with men of
bring fortli. understandiufi';
19 Open not tliine heart to every man ; And 1ft all tin discourse be in the law
And let him not return thee a favour. of the Most High.
16 Let just men be the companions of thy
9 Be not jealous over the wife of thy board
bosom. And let thy glorying be in the fear of
And teach her not an evil lesson the Lord.
against thyself.
2 Give not thy soul unto a woman. 17 For the hand of the artiflcers a work
That she should set lier foot upon thy shall be commended
strength. And he that ruleth the people shall be
3 Go not to meet a woman that playeth counted wise for his speecli.
the harlot. 18 A man full of tongue is dangerous in
Lest haply thou fall into her snares. his city
4 Use not tlie company of a woman that And he that is headlong in his speech
is a singer, shall be hated.
Lest haply thou be caught by her
attempts. 10 A wise judge will instruct his people
5 Gaze not on a maid, lest haply thou And the government of a man of un-
be trapped in her penalties. derstanding shall be well ordered.
6 Give not tliy soul unto harlots, 2 As is tlie judge of his people, so are
That tliou lose not thine inheritance. his ministers
7 Look not round about thee in the And
as is the ruler of the city, such
streets of the city. are all they that dwell therein.
Neither wander thou in the solitary 3 An uninstructed king will destroy his
places thereof. people
10. 19. ECCLESIASTICUS. 11. 6.
13 For the beginning of pride is sin; And a rich man is glorified for his
And he that keepeth it will pour forth riches.
abomination. 31 But he that is glorified in poverty,
this cause the Lord brought upon how much more in riches?
them strange calamities, And he tliat is inglorious in riches,
And overthrew them utterly. how much more in poverty?
14 The Lord cast down the thrones of
rulers. 11 The wisdom of the lowly shall lift up
And set the meek in their stead. his head,
15 The Lord plucked up the roots of And make him to sit in the midst of
nations, great men.
planted the lowly in their stead.
l(JThe Lord overthrew the lands of 2 Commend not a man for his beauty
nations. And abhor not a man for his outward
And destroyed them unto the founda- appearance.
tions of the earth. 3 The beeis little among such as fly
1 He took some of them away, and de- Andher fruit is the chief of sweet-
stroyed them, meats.
And made their memorial to cease 4 Glory not in the putting on of rai-
from the earth. ment,
18 Pride hath not been created for men, And exalt not thyself in the day of
Nor wrathful anger for the offspring honour
of women. For the works of the Lord are won-
19 2 What manner of seed hath honour ? And his works are hidden among men.
the seed of man. 5 Many "kings have sat down upon the
What manner of seed hath honour ? ground ;
the Lord swiftly on the sudden to Keep back his bread, and give it not
make a poor man rich. to him,
22 The blessing of the Lord is in the Lest he overmaster thee thereby
reward of the godly For thou shalt receive twice as much
And in an hour that cometh swiftly evil
he maketh his blessing to flour- all the good thou shalt have done
ish. unto him. 2 The
23 Say not. What use is there of me ? 6 For the Most High also hateth sin- remain-
der of
And what from henceforth shall my ners,
good things be ? And will repay vengeance unto the verse is
22 When a rich man is fallen, there are 13 Do well unto thy friend before thou
many helpers die;
He speaketh ' things not to be spoken, And according to thy ability stretch
and men justify him out fhy hand and give to him.
A man of low degree falleth,and men 14 Defraud not tlujself of a good day
rebuke him withal And let not the portion of a good
He uttereth wisdom, and no place is desire pass thee by.
allowed him. 15 Shalt thou not leave thy labours unto
23 A rich man speaketh, and all keep another ?
silence And thy toils to be divided by lot?
And what he saith they extol to the 16 Give, and take, and beguile thy soul;
clouds For there is no seeking of luxury in
A poor man speaketh, and they say, the grave.
And that the covenant of " the grave And iu the midst of the congregation
is not shewed unto thee. shall she open his mouth.
16. 5. ECCLESIASTICUS. 16. 24.
7 Foolish men shall not obtain her And in a disobedient nation wrath is
And sinners shall not see her. kindled.
8 She is far from pride 7 He was not pacified toward the giants
And liars shall not remember her. of old time.
9 Praise is not comely in the mouth of Who revolted in their strength.
a sinner 8 He spared not those with whom Lot
For it was i;ot sent him from the sojourned,
Lord. "Whom he abhorred for their pride.
10 For praise shall be spoken in wis- 9 He pitied not the people of perdition.
dom; Who were taken away in their sins.
And the Lord will prosper it. 10 And in like manner the six hundred
thousand footmen.
1 Say not thou. It is through the Lord Whowere gatliered together in the
that I fell away hardness of tiieir liearts.
For thou Shalt not do the things that 11 Even if there be one stiffnecked per-
he hateth. son,
12 Say not thou, It is he that caused me It is marvel if he shall be unpun-
to err ished :
For he hath no need of a sinful man. For mercy and wrath are with him
13 The Lord hateth every abomination; He is mighty to forgive, and he pour-
And they tliat fear him love it not. eth out wrath.
14 He himself made man from the begin- 12 As his mercy is great, so is his cor-
ning, rection also
And left him in the hand of his own He judgeth a man according to his
counsel. works.
15 If thou wilt, thou shaltkeep the com- 13 The sinner shall not escape with his
mandments ;
And to perform faithfulness is of thine And the patience of the godly shall
own good pleasure. not be frustrate.
1(5 He hath set fire and water before 14 He will make room for every work of
thee mercy
Shalt stretch forth thy hand Each man shall find according to his
unto whichsoever thou wilt. works. "^
And give heed to my words with thy 1 9 All their works are as the sun before
heart. him
25 will shew forth instruction by
1 And his eyes are continually upon
weight, their ways.
And declare knowledge exactly. 20 Their iniquities are not hid from him
26 In the judgement of the Lord are his And all their sins are before the Lord.'
works from the beginning; 22 With him the alms of a man is as a
And from the making of them he dis- signet
posed the parts tliereof. And
he will keep the bounty of a man
27 He garnished his works for ever, apple of the eye.'"
as tlie 10 The
And the beginnings of them unto their 23 Afterwards he will rise up and recom- remain-
der of
generations pense them. this
Tliey neither hunger, nor are weary, And render their recompense upon verse is
And they cease not from their works. their head. by the
28 No one thrusteth aside his neighbour 24 Howbeit unto them that repent he best au-
And they shall never disobey his granteth a return thorities.
13 Their eyes saw the majesty of his 5 Who shall number the strength of his omitted
glory majesty ?
by the
best au-
And their ear heard the glory of 'his And who shall also tell out his mer- thorities.
voice. cies ?
14 And he said unto them, Beware of all G As for the wondrous works of the
unrightednsness Lord, it is not i)()ssilile to take from
And he gave tliem commandment, them nor add to thrni,
each man concerning his neighbour. Neither is it possiVile to track them
15 Their ways are ever before him 7 When a man hath finished, then he is
They shall not be hid from his eyes.' but at the beginning
17^ For every nation he appointed a And when he ceaseth, then shall he be
ruler ; in perplexity.
And Israel is the Lord's portion.^ 8 What is man, and whereto serveth he ?
18. 26. ECCLESIASTICUS. 19. 13.
What is his good, aud what is his 27 A wise man will fear everything;
evil ? And in days of sinning he will beware
The number of man's days at the
9 of offence.'
most are a hundred years. 28 Every man of understanding knoweth
10 As a drop of water from tlie sea, and wistlom
a pebble from the sand; And he will give thanks unto him that
So are a few years in the day of found her.
eternity. 29 They that were of understanding in
1 this cause the Lord was long-
For sayings became also wise them-
suffering over them, selves,
And poured out his mercy upon them. And poured forth apt proverbs.
12 He saw and perceived their end, that
it is evil 30 Go not after thy lusts ;
Therefore he multiplied his forgive- And refrain thyself from thine appe-
ness. tites.
13 Tlie mercy of a man is upon his neigh- 31 Ifthou give fully to thy soul the de-
bour ;
of her desire.
But the mercy of the Lord is upon all She will make thee -the laughing-
flesh stocls: of thine enemies.
Reproving, and chastening, and teach- 32 Make not merry in nuich luxm-y ;
16 Shall not the dew assuage the scorch- And he that cleaveth to harlots will
ing heat? be the more reckless.
So is a word better than a gift. 3 Moths and worms shall have him to
17 Lo, is not a word better tlian a gift? heritage
And both are with a gracious man. And a reckless soul shall be taken
18 A fool will upbraid ungraciously ;
And the gift of an envious man con-
sumeth the eyes. 4 He that is hasty to trust is light-
minded ;
And in the hour of visitation thou 6 ^ And he that hateth talk hath the
shalt find forgiveness. less wickedness.
21 Humble thyself before thou be sick ; 7 Never repeat what is told thee.
And in the time of sins shew repent- And thou shalt fare never the worse.
ance. 8 Whether it be of friend or foe, tell it
22 Let nothing hinder thee to pay thy not;
vow in due time And unless it is a sin to thee, reveal
And wait not until death to be justi- it not.
fied. 9 For he hath heard thee, and observed
23 Before thou makest a vow, prepare thee.
thyself And when the time cometh he will
be not as a man that tempteth hate thee.
the Lord. 10 Hast thou heard a word? let it die
24 Think upon the wrath that shall be in with thee
the days of the end, Be of good courage, it will not burst
And the time of vengeance, when he thee.
turneth away his face. 11 Afool will travail in pain with a
25 In the days of fulness remember the word.
time of hunger. As a woman in labour with a child.
poverty and want in the days of 12 As an arrow that sticketh in the
wealth. * flesh of the thigh,
26 From morning until evening the time So is a word in a fool's belly.
And all things are speedy before the 13 Reprove a friend ; it may be he did it
Lord. not
20. 5. ECCLESIASTICUS. 20. 22.
30 A man's attire, and » grinning laugh- So the fall of the wicked shall come
ter, speedily.
And gait, shew what he is. 19 A man without grace is as a tale out
of season
20 There is a reproof that is not come- be continually in the mouth of
It will
ly; the ignorant.
And there is a man that keepeth si- 20 A wise sentence from a fool's mouth
and he is wise.
lence, will be rejected
2 How good is it to reprove, rather than For he will not speak it in its season.
to be wroth
And he that maketh confession shall 21 There is that is hindered from sin-
be kept back from hurt.*^ ning through want;
4 As is the lust of an eunuch to deflower And when lie taketh rest, he shall not
a virgin be trouliled.
So is he that executeth judgements 22 There is that destroyeth his soul
with violence. through bashfulness
5 There is one that keepeth silence, and And by a foolish comitenance he will
is found wise destroy it.
21. 9. ECCLESIASTICUS. 21. 25.
23 There is that for bashfuhiess pronils- And the end of them is a flame of
eth to his friend; nre.
And he maketh him his enemy for 10 The way of sinners Is made smooth
nothing. with stones
And at the last end thereof is the pit
24 A lie is a foul blot in a man : of Hades.
It will be continually in the mouth of
the ignorant. 11 He that keepeth the law becometh
25 A thief is better than a man that is master of the intent thereof;
continually lying And the end of the fear of the Lord is
But they both shall inherit destruc- wisdom.
tion. 12 He
that is not clever will not be in-
26 The disposition of a liar is dishonour ;
structed ;
And his shame is with him continu- And there is a cleverness which mak-
ally. eth bitterness to abound.
13 The knowledge of a wise man shall be
27 He that Is wise in words shall ad- made to abound as a flood
vance himself; And his counsel as a foimtaln of life.
And one that is prudent will please 14 The inward parts of a fool are like a
great men. broken vessel
28 He that tilleth his land shall raise his And he will hold no knowledge.
heap high;
Andhe that pleaseth great men shall 15 Ifa man of knowledge hear a wise
get pardon for iniquity. word,
29 Presents and gifts blind the eyes of He will commend it, and add unto
the wise, it:
And as a muzzle on the mouth, turn Tlie dissolute man heareth it, and it
And make supplication for thy former And they will ponder his words in
sins. their heart.
2 Flee from sin as from the face of a
serpent 18 As a house that is destroyed, so is wis-
For if thou draw nigh it will bite dom to a fool
thee And the knowledge of an unwise man
The teeth thereof are the teeth of a is as " talk without sense. 3 Gr.
lion. 19 Instruction is as fetters on the feet of amined
Slaying the souls of men. an unwise man. words.
3 All iniquity is as a two-edged sword ;
And as manacles on the right hand.
Its stroke hath no healing. 20 A fool lifteth up his voice with laugh-
ter ;
4 Terror and violence will lay waste But a clever man will scarce smile
riches quietly.
So the house of a haughty man sliall 21 Instruction is to a prudent man as an
be laid waste. ornament of gold.
5 Supplication from a poor man's mouth And as a bracelet upon his right arm.
reacheth to the ears of " God,
And his judgement cometh speedily. 22 The foot of a fool is soon in another
6 One that hateth reproof is in the path man's house
of the sinner But a man of experience will be
And he that feareth the Lord will turn ashamed of entering.
again in his heart. 23 A foolish man peepeth In from the
7 He that is mighty in tongue is known door of a not Iter tnan's house ;
22. 14 ECCLESIASTICUS. 23. 1.
Turn aside from him, and thou shalt tongue destroy me not ?
find rest; 23 O Lord, Father and Master of my
And thou shalt not be wearied
.so in life,
his Abandon me not to their counsel
14 What shall be heavier than lead? Suffer me not to fall by them.
23. 14. ECCLESIASTICUS. 24. 2.
3 That mine ignorances be not multi- A hot mind, as a Ijurning fire, will not
plied, be quenched till it be consumed
And my sins abound not; A fornicator in the body of his flesh
And I shall fall before mine adver- will never cease till he hath ' burned
saries, out the fire.
And mine enemy 17 All bread is sweet to a fornicator:
rejoice over me.'
4 O Lord, Father and God of my life, He will not leave off till he die.
Give me not a ^ proud look,' 18 A man that goeth astray from his
5 And turn away concupiscence from own bed.
me.i Saying in his heart, Who seeth me ?
G Let not ^ greediness and chambering Darkness is round about me, and the
overtake me walls hide me.
And give me not over to a shameless And no man seeth me ; of whom am I
mind. afraid ?
The Most High will not remember
7 Hear ye, my children, the discipline of my sins
the mouth 19 — And the eyes of men are his terror,
And hethat keepeth it shall not be And he knoweth not that the eyes
taken. Lord are ten thousand times
of the
8 The sinner shall be * overtaken in his brighter than the sun.
lips Beholding all the ways of men.
And the reviler and the proud man And looking into secret places.
shall stumble therein. 20 All things were known unto him or
9 Accustom not thy mouth to an oath ever they were created ;
And be not accustomed to the naming And in like manner also after they
of the Holy One. were perfected.
10 For as a servant that is continually 21 This man shall be punished in the
scourged shall not lack a bruise. streets of the city
So he also that sweareth and nameth And where he suspected not he shall
God continually shall not be be taken.
cleansed from sin. 22 So also a wife that leaveth her hus-
1 A man of many oaths shall be filled band,
with iniquity ; And bringeth in an heir by a stranger.
And tlie scourge shall not depart from 23 For first, she was disobedient in tlie
his house law of the Most High
If he shall offend, his sin shall be And secondly, she trespassed against
upon him; her own husband
And if he disregard it, he hath sinned And thirdly, she played the adulteress
doubly in whoredom,
And if he hath sworn in vain, he shall And brought in children by a stranger.
not be justified 24 She shall be brought out into the
For his house shall be filled with congregation
calamities. And upon her children shall there be
12 There is a manner of speech that is visitation.
clothed about with death 25 Her children shall not spread into
Let it not be found in the heritage of roots,
Jacob And her branches shall bear no fruit.
For all these things shall be far from 26 She shall leave her memory for a
the godly. curse
And they shall not wallow in sins. And her reproach shall not be blotted
1 Accustom not thy mouth to gross out.
rudeness, 27 And they that are left liehind shall
For therein isthe word of sin. know that there nothing better
14 Remember thy father and thy mo- than the fear of the Lord,
ther, And nothing sweeter than to take
For thou sittest in the midst of great heed inito the commandments of
men the Lord."
That thou be not forgetful before
them. 24 Wisdom shall praise ^ herself.
And become a fool by thy custom ;
And shall glory in the midst of her
So Shalt thou wish that thou hadst people.
not been born, 2 In the congregation of the Most High
And curse the day of thy nativity. shall she open her mouth,
8* !
24. 21. ECCLESIASTICUS. 25. 4.
And as choice myrrh, I spread abroad 25 I" three things I was beautified.
a pleasant odour And stood up beautiful before the
As 1 gall)anum, and onyx, and stacte. Lord and men
And as the fume of frankincense in The concord of brethren, and friend-
the tabernacle. ship of neighbours,
16 As the terebinth I stretched out my And a woman and her husband that
branches walk together in agreement.
And my branches are branches of 2 But three sorts of men my soul hat-
glory and giace. eth,
17 As the vine I put forth grace ;
And I am greatly offended at their
And my flowers are the fruit of glory life:
and riches.2 A man that is haughty, and a
19 Come unto me, ye that are desirous rich man that is a liar,
of me, AnrI an old man that is an adulterer
And be ye filled with my produce. lacking understanding.
20 For my memorial is sweeter than
honey. 3 In thy youth thou hast not gathered.
And mine inheritance than the honey- And how shouldest thou find in thine
comb. old age ?
21 They that eat meshall yet be hungry 4 How beautiful a thing is judgement
And they that drink me shall yet be for gray hairs,
thirsty. And for elders to know counsel
25. 2] ECCLESIASTICUS. 26. 12.
5 How beautiful is the wisdom of old And desire not a woman for her
men, beauty.
And tliought and counsel to men that 22 There is anger, and impudence, and
are in honour great reproach.
fi Much experience is the crown of old If a woman maintain her husband.
men 23 A wicked woman is abasement of
And their glorying is the fear of the heart.
Lord. And sadness of countenance, and a
wounded heart
7 There be nine things that I have A woman that will not make her hus-
thought of, and iu mine heart band happy
counted happy Is as hands that hang down, and
And tlie tenth I will utter with my palsied knees.
tongue 24 From a woman tvas the beginning of
A man that hath joy of his children sin
A man that liveth and looketh upon And because of her we all die.
of his enemies
tlie fall : 25 Give not water an outlet;
8 Happy he tliat dwelleth witli a wife
is Neither to a wicked woman freedom
of understanding; of speech.
And he that hath not slipped with 26 If she go not - as thou wouldest have 2 Gr. ac-
his tongue her, to thif
And he that hath not served a man Cut her ofl: from thy flesh.^ hand.
that is unworthy of him :
3 The
9 Happy is he that hath found pru- 26 Happy is the husband of a good
der of
dence ;
wife this
And he that discourseth in the ears And the number of his days shall be verse is
of them that listen. twofold. by the
10 How great is he that hath found 2 A brave woman rejoiceth her hus- best au-
wisdom band ;
11 The fear of the Lord passeth all She shall be given in the portion of
things such as fear the Lord.
He that holdeth it, to whom shall he 4 Whether a man be rich or poor,
1 Verse be likened?' A good heart makcth at all times a
12 is
cheerful countenance.
by the 13 Give me any plague but the plague of
bebt au-
the heart 5 Of three things my heart was afraid ;
And any wickedness but the wicked- And concerning the fourth * kind I *Gr.
ness of a woman made supplication: cnuntc-
14 Any calamity, but a calamity from The slander of a city, and the assem-
them that hate me ;
bly of a multitude, and a false ac-
And any vengeance, but the venge- cusation :
2 Anail will stick fast between the 20 Pursue him not, for he is gone far
joinings of stones away,
And sin will * thrust itself in between And hath escaped as a gazelle out of
buying and selling. the snare.
3 Unless a man
hold on diligently in 21 For a wound may be bound up, and
the fear of the Lord, may be a recon-
after reviling there
His house shall soon be overthrown. cilement ;
eth it on his own head And if thou spit upon it, it shall be
And a deceitful stiolve will open quenched
wounds. And both these shall come out of thy
26 He that diggetha pit shall fall into it; mouth.
And he that setteth a snare shall be
taken therein. 13 Cui'se the whisperer and doul)le-
27 He that doeth evil things, they shall tongued :
8 Abstain from strife, and thou shalt It shall be sent forth upon them as a
diminish thy sins lion;
For a passionate man will kindle And as a leopard it shall destroy
strife them.
9 And
a man that is a sinner will trou- 24 Look that thou hedge thy possession
ble friends. about with thorns
will make debate among them Bind up thy silver and thy gold ;
As is the strength of the man, so will Lest thou fall before one that lieth in
be his wrath wait.
And as is his wealth, so will he exalt
his anger. 29 He that sheweth mercy will lend
11 A contention begun in haste kindleth unto his neighbour
a fire And he that strengtheneth him with
29. 17. ECCLESIASTICUS. 30. 6.
his hand keepeth the command- ISSuretiship hath undone many that
ments. were prospering,
2 Lend to thy neighbour in time of his And shaken them as a wave of the
need sea
And pay thou thy neighbour again in Mighty men hath it driven from their
due season. homes
3 Confirm tliy word, and keep faith with And they wandered among strange
him nations.
And at all seasons thou shalt find 19 Asinner that falleth into suretiship.
what tliou needest. And undertaketh contracts for work.
4 Many have reckoned a loan as a wind- shall fall into lawsuits.
fall, 20 Help thy neighbour according to thy
And have given trouble to those that power.
helped them. And take heed to thyself that thou
5 Till he hath received, he will kiss a fallnot *o the same.
man's hands
And for his neighbour's money he will 21 The chief thing for life is water, and
speak submissly bread,
And when payment is due, he will And a garment, and a house to cover
prolong the time, shame.
return words of heaviness, and 22 Better is the life of a poor man under
1 Gr. the complain of ' the times. a shelter of logs.
season. 6 If he prevail, he shall hardly receive Than sumptuous fare in another
the half: man's house.
And he will count it as a windfall 23 With little or with much, be well
Ifnot, he hath deprived him of his satisfied.* 3 The
money, 24 It is a miserable life to go from house remain-
der of
And he hath gotten him for an enemy to house this
without cause .-
And where thouart a sojourner, thou verse is
He will pay him with cursings and shalt not dore to open thy mouth. by the
railings 25 Thou shalt entertain, and give to best au-
And for honour he will pay him dis- drink, and have no thanks: thorities.
For he hath given his life for thee. And when he died, he sorrowed not:
16 A sinner will overthrow the good 6 He left behind him an avenger against
estate of his surety; his enemies.
17 And he that is of an unthankful mind And one to requite kindness to his
will fail him that delivered him. friends.
30. 24 ECCLESIASTICUS. 31. 17.
And thou shalt gnash thy teeth in the hisgood things. baSly'
end. 4 A poor man toileth in lack of sub- corrupt.
And there is no profit therein. And eat not greedily, lest thou be
24 Envy and wrath shorten a man's hated.
days 17 Be first to leave ofi" for manners'
And care bringeth old age before the sake ;
Ami when thou liast once done, re- 15 And thus look upon all the works of
pent not. the IMost High
20 Go not in a way of conflict Two and two, one against another.
And stumble not in stony places.
1 Gr. 21 Be not confident in a ' snuiotli way. 10 And I awaked up last.
stuin- 22 And beware of thine own children. As one that gleaneth after
the grape-
bli)ia- 23 In every work trust thine own soul gatherers :
For this is the keeping of the com- By the blessing of the Lord I got
All his ways are according to his good And without judgement do nothing.
So men are in the hand of him that 30 If thou hast a servant, let him be as
made them, thyself.
2 A line To render unto them according to his Because thou hast bought him with
of this judgement. blood. 3 The
verse is Greek
here 14 Good is set over against evil. 31 If thou hast a servant, treat him as text of
omitted And life over against death : thyself this line
by the pro-
best au-
So is 2 the sinner over against the 2 For as thine own soul wilt thou have is
thorities. godly. need of him corrupt.
34. 17. ECCLESIASTICUS. 35. 9.
Ifthou treat liim ill, and he depart He giveth heahng, life, and bless-
and run away, ing.
Which way wilt thou go to seek him?
18 He that sacriflceth of a thing wrong-
34 Vain and false hopes are for a man fully gotten, his offering is made in
void of understanding mockery
And dreams give wings to fools. And the mockeries of wicked men are
2 As one that catcheth at a shadow, not well-pleasing.
and followeth after the wind, 19 The Most High hath no pleasure in
So is lie that setteth his mind on the offerings of the ungodly
dreams. Neither is he pacified for sins by the
3 The vision of dreams is as this thing multitude of sacrifices.
against that. 20 As one that killeth the son before his
The lilveness of a face over against a father's eyes
face. Is he that bringeth a sacrifice from
4 Of an unclean thing what shall be the goods of the poor.
cleansed ? 21 The bread of the needy is the life of
And of that which is false what shall the poor
be true ? He that depriveth him thereof is a
5 Divinations, and soothsayings, and man of blood.
dreams, are vain 22 As one that slayeth his neighbour is
And the heart fancieth, as a woman's he that taketh away his living
in travail. And ns a shedder of blood is he that
6 If they be not sent from the Most depriveth a hireling of his hire.
High in tlnj visitation. 23 One luulding, and another pulling
Give not thy heart unto them. down,
7 For dreams have led many astray What profit have they had but toil ?
And they have failed by putting their 24 One praying, and another cursing,
hope in them. AVhose voice will the Lord listen to ?
8 Without lying shall the law be ac- 25 He that washeth himself after touch-
complished ; ing a dead body, and toucheth it
And wisdom is perfection to a faithful again.
mouth. What profit hath he in his washing?
26 Even so a man fasting for his sins,
9 A
well-instructed man knoweth many And going again, and doing the same
things; Who will listen to his prayer ?
And he
that hath much experience And what profit hath he in his humi-
will declare imderstanding. liation ?
10 He that hath no experience knoweth
few things 35 He that keepeth the law multiplieth
But he that hath wandered shall in- offerings
crease his skill. He that taketh heed to the command-
1 In my wandering I have seen many mentssacrificeth a peace offering.
things 2 He that requite th a good turn offer-
And more than my words is my un- eth fine flour
derstanding. And he that giveth alms sacrificeth
12 0fttimes was I in danger even unto a thank offering.
death 3 To depart from wickedness is a thing
And I was preserved because of these pleasing to the Lord ;
10 Give unto the Most High according 4 As thou wast sanctified in us before
as he liath given ; them.
And as lliy liaud hath found, give So be thou magnified inthem before us.
with a good eye. 5 And let them know thee, as we also
1 For the Lord recompenseth, have known thee.
And he will recompense thee seven- That there is no God but only thou,
fold. O God.
6 Shew new signs, and work divers
12 Think not to corrupt with gifts; for wonders
he will not receive them Glorify thy hand and thy right arm.'
And set not thy mind on au unright- 7 Kaise up indignation, and pour out
eous sacrifice wrath
For the Lord is judge, Take away the adversary, and destroy
And with him is no respect of per- the enemy.
sons. 8 Hasten the time, and remember the
13 He will not accept any person against oath
a poor man And let them declare thy mighty
And he will listen to the prayer of works.
him that is wronged. 9 Let him that escapeth be devoured
14 He will in no wise despise the suppli- by the rage of fire ;
cation of tlie fatherless And may they that harm thy people
Nor the widow, i when she poureth find destruction.
out her tale. 10 Crush the heads of the rulers of the
15 Do not the tears of the widow run enemies.
down her cheek? That say. There is none but we.
And is not her cry against him that 11 Gather all the tribes of Jacob to-
hath caused them to fall ? gether,
16 He that serveth God according to his And *take them for thine inheritance,
good pleasure shall be accepted. as from the beginning.
And his supplication shall reach un- 12 O Lord, have mercy upon the people
to the clouds. that is called by thy name,
17 The prayer of the humble pierceth And upon Israel, whom thou didst
the clouds liken unto a firstborn.
And till it come nigh, he will not be 13 Have compassion upon the city of thy
comforted sanctuary,
And he will not depart, till the Most Jerusalem, the place of thy rest.
High shall visit; 14 Fill Sion exalt thine oracles,
And he shall judge -righteously, and Ai\<\ fill thy people with thy glory.
execute judgement. 15 Give testimony unto those that were
18 And the Lord will not be slack, nei- thy creatures in the beginning.
ther will he be longsuffering toward And raise up the prophecies that have
them. been in thy name.
Till he have crushed the loins of the 16 Give reward unto them that wait for
unmerciful thee
And he shall repay vengeance to the And men shall put their trust in thy
heathen prophets.
Till he have taken away the multitude 17 Hearken, O Lord, to the prayer of thy
of the haughty, suppliants.
And broken in pieces the sceptres of According to the blessing of Aaron
the unrighteous concerning thy people
19 Till he have rendered to every man And all they that are on the earth
according to his doings. shall know
And to the works of men according That thou art the Lord, the ^ eternal
to their devices God.
Till he have judged the cause of his
people 18 The belly will eat any meat
Andhe shall make them to rejoice in Yet is one meat better than another.
his mercy. 19 The mouth tasteth meats taken in
Her husband is not like the sons of Nor with an servant about much
men. business :
24 He that getteth a wife entereth upon Give not heed to these in any matter
a possession of counsel.
A help meet for him, and a pillar of 12 But ratlier be continually with a godly
rest. man.
25 Where no hedge is, the possession will Whom thou shalt have known to be a
be laid waste keeper of the conmiandments,
And he that hath no wife will mourn Who
in his soul is as thine own soul.
as he wandereth up and down. And who will
grieve with thee, if thou
26 For who will trust a nimble robber, shalt miscarry.
that skippeth from city to city? 13 And make the counsel of thy heart to
Even so u-lia shall trust a man that stand
hath no nest, and lodgetli whereso- For there is none more faithful unto
ever he flndeth himself at night- thee than it.
fall? 14 For a man's soul is sometime wont
to bring him tidings.
37 Every friend will say, I also am his More tlian seven watchmen that sit
friend : on high on a watch-tower.
But there is a friend, which is only a 15 And above all this intreat the Most
friend in name. High,
2 Is there not a grief in it even unto That he may direct thy way in truth.
When a companion and friend is 10 Let reason be the beginning of every
turned to enmity ? work.
3 O wicked imagination, whence earnest And let counsel go before every action.
thou rolling in 1 As a token of the changing of the heart,
To cover the dry land with deceitful- 18 fom- manner of things do rise up.
ness ? Good and evil, life and death ;
4 There is a companion, which rejoiceth And tluit which ruleth over them con-
in the gladness of a friend, tinually is the tongue.
But in time of affliction will be against 19 There is one that is shrewd and the
him. instructor of many.
5 There is a companion, which for the And yet is unprofitable to his own
belly's sake laboureth with his soul.
friend. 20 There is one that is subtil iu words,
In the face of battle will take up the and is hated
buckler. He shall be destitute of all food :
6 Forget not a friend in thy soul 21 For grace was not given him from the
And be not unmindful of him in thy Lord
riches. Because he is deprived of all wisdom.
22 There is one that is wise to his own
7 Every counsellor extolleth counsel soul
But there is that counselleth for him- And tlie fruits of his understanding
self. are trustworthy in the mouth.
8 Let thy soul beware of a counsellor, 23 A wise man will instruct his own
And know thou before what is his people
interest And tlie fruits of his understanding
(For he will take counsel for himself) are trustworthy.
Lest he cast the lot upon thee, 24 A wise man shall be filled with bless-
9 And say unto thee. Thy way is good ing;
And he will stand over against thee, And all they that see him shall call
to see what shall befall thee. him happy.
10 Take not counsel with one that look- 25 The life of man is numbered by days
eth askance at thee And the days of Israel are innumera-
And hide thy counsel from such as are ble.
jealous of thee. 2(5 The wise man shall inherit confidence
11 Take not counsel with a woman about among his people,
her rival
And his name shall live for ever.
Neither with a coward about war
Nor with a merchant aliout exchange 27 My son, prove thy soul in thy life.
Nor with a buyer about selling And see what is evil for it, and give
Nor with an envious man about thank- not that unto It.
fulness ; 28 For all things are not profitable for
Nor with an unmerciful man about all men,
kindliness Neitiier hath every soul pleasure in
Nor with a sluggard about any kind every thing.
of work 29 Be not insatiable in any luxury.
38. 16. ECCLESIASTICUS. 38. 28.
And be not greedy on the things that And as one that suffereth grievously
thou eatest. begin lamentation
30 For in multitude of meats there shall And wind up his body according to
be disease, his due.
And surfeiting shall come nigh unto And neglect not his burial.
colic. 17 Make bitter weeping, and make pas-
31 Because of surfeiting have many sionate wailing,
perished And let thy mourning be according to
But he that taketh heed shall prolong his desert.
his life. For one day or two, lest thou be evil
spoken of
38 Honour a physician according to thy And so be comforted for thy sorrow.
need of him with the honours due 18 For of sorrow cometh death,
unto him And sorrow of heart will bow down
For verily the Lord hath created him. the strength.
2 For from the Most High cometh heal- 19 In calamity sorrow also remaineth :
14 For they also shall beseech the Lord, The vapour of the fire will waste his
That he may prosper them in r/ivinff flesh
relief and in healing for the main- And in theheat of the furnace will he
tenance of life. wrestle nith his work
1.5 He that sinneth before his Maker, The noise of the hammer will * be ever
Let him fall into the hands of the in his ear,
physician. And his eyes are upon the pattern of
the vessel
16 My son, let thy tears fall over the He will set his heart upon perfecting
dead. his works,
39. 5. ECCLESIASTICUS. 39. 20.
31 All these put their trust in their And so long as the world endureth, it
hands shall not be blotted out:
And each becometh wise in his own His memorial shall not depart,
work. And his name shall live from genera-
32 Without these shall not a city be in- tion to generation.
habited. 10 Nations shall declare his wisdom.
And men shall not sojourn nor walk And the congregation shall tell out
up and down therein. his praise.
iThis 33 » They shall not be sought for in the 1 1 If he continue, he shall leave a greater
line is
absent council of the people. name than a thousand
from the And in the assembly they shall not And if he * die, he addeth thereto. 4Gr.
oldest ctase.
mount on high
They shall not sit on the seat of the 12 Yet more will I utter, which I have
judge, thought upon
Andthey shall not understand the And I am filled as the moon at the
covenant of judgement full.
Neither shall they declare instruction 13 Hearken unto me, ye holy children,
and judgement; And bud forth as a rose growing by a
And where parables are they shall brook of water
not be found. 14 And give ye a sweet savour as frank-
34 But they will maintain the fabric of incense.
2Gr. the 2 world And put forth flowers as a lily.
age. And in the handywork of their craft Spread abroad a sweet smell, and
is their prayer. sing a song of praise
Bless ye the Lord for all his works.
3Gr. 39^ Not so he that hath applied his 15 Magnify his name.
Except soul. And give utterance to his praise
him that.
And meditateth in the law of the With the songs of your lips, and with
Most High harps
Hewill seek out the wisdom of all And thus shall ye say when ye utter
the ancients. his praise :
And there is nothing wonderful be- And a heavy yoke is upon the sons of
fore him. Adam,
21 None can say, What is this ? where- From the day coming forth
of their
fore that ?
is from their mother's womb.
For all things are created for their Until the day for their burial in the
uses. mother of all things.
2 The expectation of things to come,
22 His blessing covered the dry land as and the day of death,
a river, Trouble their thoughts, and cause
heavily nought.
In the time of consummation they
pour out their strength, 8 Tt is thus with all flesh, from man to
And shall appease the wrath of him beast.
that made them. And upon sinners sevenfold more.
29 Fire, and hail, and famine, and death, 9 Death, and bloodshed, and strife, and
All these are created for vengeance sword.
30 Teeth of wild beasts, and scorpions Calamities, famine, tribulation, and
and adders, the scourge
And a sword punishing the ungodly 10 All these things were created for the
unto destruction. wicked.
31 They shall rejoice in his command- And because of them came the flood.
ment. 11 All things that are of the earth turn
And shall be made ready upon earth, to the earth again
when need is And all thiiu/s that are of the waters
And in their seasons they shall not return into the sea.
transgress his word.
12 All bribery and injustice shall be
32 Therefore from the beginning I was blotted out
resolved. And good faith shall stand for ever.
And I thought this, and left it in 13 The goods of the unjust shall be dried
writing up like a river.
33 All the works of the Lord are good : And like a great thunder in rain shall
And he will supply every need in its go off in noise.
season. 14 In opening his hands a man
shall be
34 And none can say. This is worse than made
that So shall transgressors utterly fail.
For they shall all be well approved in 15 The children of the ungodly shall not
their season. put forth many branches
35 And now with all your heart and And are as unclean roots upon a sheer
mouth sing ye praises, rock.
And bless the name of the Lord. 16 The sedge that groweth upon every
water and bank of a river
40 Great travail is created for every Shall be plucked up before all
man. grass.
41. 2. ECCLESIASTIC us. 41. 18.
17 Bounty is as a garden ' of blessings, That extreme old age, and is dis-
is in
And almsgiving endureth for ever. tracted about all things,
And is perverse, and hath lost pa-
1 8 The life of one that laboureth, and is tience!
contented, shall be made sweet Fear not the sentence of death
And he that findeth a treasure is Remember them that have been be-
above both. fore thee, and that come after
19 Children and the building of a city This is the sentence from the Lord
establish a m(iii''s name; over all flesh.
And a blameless wife is counted above And why dost thou refuse, when it
both. is the good pleasure of the Most
20 Wine and music rejoice the heart High?
And the love of wisdom is above Whether it be ten, or a hundred, or a
both. thousand years,
21 The pipe and the psaltery make There is no inquisition of life in ^ the
pleasant melody grave.
a pleasant tongue is above both.
22 Thine eye shall desire grace and The children of sinners are abomina-
beauty ble children.
And above both the green blade of And they frequent the dwellings of
corn. the ungodly.
23 A friend and a companion never meet The inheritance of sinners' children
amiss shall perish.
And a wife with her husband is above And with their posterity shall be a
both. perpetual reproach.
24 Brethren and succour are for a time Children will complain of an ungodly
of affliction father.
And almsgiving is a deliverer above Because they shall be reproached for
both. his salve.
25 Gold and silver will make the foot Woe unto you, ungodly men.
stand sure Which have forsaken the law of the
And counsel is esteemed above them Most High God!'»
both. ye be born, ye shall be born to a
26 Eiches and strength will lift up the curse
heart ye die, a curse shall be your portion.
And the fear of the Lord is above both 10 All things that are of the earth shall
There is nothing wanting in the fear go back to the earth
of the Lord, So the ungodly shall go from a curse
And there is no need to seek help unto perdition.
therein. 11 Tlie mourning of men is about their
27 The fear of the Lord is as a garden bodies:
of blessing. But the name of sinners being evil
And covereth ^ a man above all glory. shall be blotted out.
12 Have regard to thy name
28 My son, lead not a beggar's life For it continueth with thee longer
Better it is to die than to beg. than a thousand great treasures of
29 A man that looketh unto the table of gold.
another. 13 A good life hath its nimiber of days
His life is not to be counted for a And a good name continueth forever.
He will pollute his soul with another 14 My children, keep instruction in
man's meats peace
But a man wise and well-instructed But wisdom that is hid, and a treasure
will beware thereof. that is not seen.
30 In the mouth of the shameless begging What profit is in them both?
will be sweet 1.5Better is a man that hideth his fool-
And in his belly a fire shall be kin- ishness
dled. Than a man that hideth his wisdom.
IG Wherefore shew reverence to my
410 death, how bitter is the remem- word
brance of thee to a man that is at For it is not good to retain every kind
peace in his possessions, of shame
Unto the man that hath nothing to And not all things are approved by
distract him, and hath prosperity in all in good faith.
all things,
And tliat still hath strength to receive 17 Be ashamed of whoredom before fa-
meat ther and mother
2 O death, acceptable is thy sentence And of a lie before a prince and a
unto a man that is needy, and that mighty man
faileth in strength, 18 Of an offence before a judge and ruler
42. 9. ECCLESIA-STICUS. 42. 21.
Of iniquity before the congregation In her youth, lest she pass the flower
and tlie people of her age
Of unjust dealing before a partner And when she is married, lest she
and friend should be hated
19 And of theft in regard of the place 10 In her virginity, lest she should be
where thou sojournest, defiled
And regard of the truth of God and
in And be with child in her father's
his covenant house
And of leaning with thine elbow at And when she hath a husband, lest
meat she should transgress
Andof scurrility in the matter of And when she is married, lest she ^
And so Shalt thou be well instructed There is not a word hid from him.
indeed. 2 1 The mighty works of his wisdom he
And approved in the sight of every hath ordered.
man living. Who is from everlasting to everlast-
ing :
9 A daughter is a secret cause of wake- Nothing hath been added unto them,
fulness to a father nor diminished from them ;
And the care for her putteth away And he had no need of any coun-
sleep sellor.
43. 13. ECCLESIASTICUS. 43. 30.
22 How desirable are all his works Andsendeth swiftly the lightnings of
One may behold this even unto a his judgement.
spark. 14 By reason thereof the treasure-houses
23 All these things live and remain for are opened
ever in all manner of uses. And clouds fly forth as fowls.
they are all obedient. 15 By his mighty power he maketh
24 All things are double one against strong tiie clouds,
another And the liailstones are broken small
And he hath made nothing imperfect. 16 And at his appearing the mountains
25 One thing establisheth the good things will be shaken.
of another And at his will the south wind will
And who shall be filled with behold- blow.
ing his glory ? 17 The voice of his thunder maketh the
earth to travail
43 The pride of the height is the firma- So doth the northern storm and the
> Gr. of ment in its clearness,
' whirlwind
clear- The appearance of heaven, in the As birds flying down he sprinkleth the
spectacle of its glory. snow
2 The sun when he appeareth, bringing And as the lighting of the locust is
tidings as he goeth forth, the falling down thereof:
Is a marvellous instrument, the work 18 The eye will marvel at the beauty of
of the Most High : its whiteness,
3 At his noon he drieth up the coun- And the heart will be astonished at
try. the raining of it.
And who shall stand against his burn- 19 The hoarfrost also he poureth on the
ing heat ? earth as salt
4 A man blowing a furnace is in works And when it is congealed, it is as
of heat. points of thorns.
But the sun three times more, burning
up the mountains 20 The cold north wind shall blow.
Breathing out fiery vapours, Andthe ice shall be congealed on the
And sending forth bright beams, he w^ater
dimmeth the eyes. It shall lodge upon every gathering
o Great is the Lord that made him together of water.
And at his word he hasteneth his And the water shall put on as it were
course. a breastplate.
21 It shall devour the mountains, and
6 The moon also is in all things for her burn up the wilderness.
season. And consume thegreen herb as fire.
For a declaration of times, and a sign 22 A mist coming speedily is the healing
of the world. of all things
7 Fromthe moon is the sign of the A dew coming after heat shall bring
feast day; cheerfulness.
light that waneth when she is come 23 By his counsel he hath stilled the
to the full. deep,
8 The month is called after her name. And planted islands therein.
= 3 The
Increasing wonderfully in her chang- 24 They that sail on the sea tell of the mostancient
ing; danger thereof authori-
An instrument of the hosts on high, And when we hear it with our ears, ties read
Shining forth in the firmament of we marvel. planted
heaven 25 Therein be also those strange and it.
9 The beauty of heaven, the glory of the wondrous works,
stars. Variety of all that hath life, the * race * Cr.
An ornament giving light in the high- of sea-monsters. Several
est places of the Lord. 26 By reason of him his end hath suc- ancient
10 At the word of the Holy One they will cess,
»Gr. stand in - due order. And by his word all things consist. posaes-
And they will not faint in their sion of
watches. 27 "Wemay say many things, yet shall
1 1 Look upon the rainbow, and praise we not attain ;
him that made it ; And the sum of our words is. He is all.
Exceeding beautiful in the brightness 28 How shall we have strength to glorify
thereof. him?
12 It compasseth the heaven roundabout For he is himself the great one above
with a circle of glory all his works.
The hands of the INIost High have 29 The Lord is terrible and exceeding
stretched it. great
And marvellous is his power.
13 By his commandment he maketh the 30 When ye glorify the Lord, exalt him
snow to fall apace, as much as ye can ;
44. 15. ECCLESIASTICUS. 45. .5.
That their good things be not abol- And who turned not away from the
islied, Lord,
And t/iat their glory endure for all May their memorial be blessed.
their generations. 12 May their bones flourish again out of
tlieir place.
46 Joshua the son of i
Nun was valiant And may the name of them that have
in war, been honoured be renewed upon
And was the successor of Moses in their children.
Wlio according to his name was made 13 Samuel, the prophet of the Lord, be-
great loved of his Lord,
^GT.hif. For the saving of - God's elect, Established a kingdom, and anointed
To talve vengeance of the enemies princes over his people.
that rose up against them. 14 By the law of the Lord he judged the
That he might give Israel their inherit- congregation,
ance. And the Lord visited .Jacob.
2 How was he glorified in the lifting 15 By his faithfulness he was proved to
up his hands, be a prophet.
And in stretching out his sword And by his words he was known to
against the cities be faithful in vision.
3 Wlio before him so stood fast? 16 Also when his enemies pressed him
For the Lord himself brought his round about
enemies unto liim. He called upon the Lord, the Mighty
4 Did not the sun go back by. his hand? One,
And did not one day become as two? With the olTering of the sucking lamb.
5 He called upon the Most High and 17 And the Lord thundered from lieaven.
Mighty One, And with a mighty sound made his
When his foes pressed him round voice to be heard.
about 18 And he utterly destroyed the rulers of
And the great Lord heard him. the Tyrians,
6 With hailstones of mighty power And all the princes of the Philistines.
He caused war to break violently up- li) Also before the time of his ' long sleep 6 Gr.
on the nation. He madeprotestations in the sight of af/e-long
3 See And 3 in the going down he destroyed
the Lord and Ms anointed,
X. U. them that resisted I have not taken any man's goods, so
That the 'nations might know his much as a shoe:
4Gr. ^ armour. And no man did accuse him.
How that he fought in the sight of 20 And after he fell asleep he prophesied.
the Lord And shewed the king his end.
For he followed after the Mighty And lifted up his voice from the earth
One. in prophecy,
7 Also in the time of Moses he did a To blot out the wickedness of the
work of mercy, people.
He and Caleb the son of Jephunneh,
In that they withstood the adversary, 47 And after him rose up Nathan
Hindered the people from sin. To prophesy in the days of David.
And stilled the murmuring of wicked- 2 As is the fat when it is separated
ness. from the peace oft'ering.
8 And of six hundred thousand people So was David seimrated irom the chil-
on foot, they two alone were pre- dren of Israel.
served 3 He played with lions as with kids.
To bring them into the heritage, And with bears as with lambs of the
Even into a land flowing with milk flock.
and honey. 4 In his youth did he not slay a giant.
9 Also the Lord gave strength unto And take away reproach from the
Caleb, people.
And remained with him unto his
it When he lifted up his hand witli a
old age sling stone.
So that he entered upon the height of And beat down the boasting of Goli-
the land. ath?
his seed obtained it for a herit- 5 For he called upon the Most High
age: Lord
10 That all the children of Israel might And he gave him strength in his right
see hand.
That it is good to walk after the To slay a man mighty in war.
Lord. To exalt the horn of his people.
() So they glorified him for /its ten thou-
11 Also the judges, every one by his sands.
name, And praised him for the blessings of
All whose hearts went not a whoring. the Lord,
47. 22 ECCLESIASTICUS. 48. 13.
Ill that there was given him a diadem And he gave a remnant unto Jacob,
of glory. And unto David a root out of him.
7 For he destroyed the enemies on every
side, 23 And so rested Solomon with his fa-
And brought to nought the Philistines thers ;
bles. 7 Who heard rebuke in Sinai,
riddles. 1() Thy name reached unto the isles afar And judgements of vengeance in
off Horeb
for thy peace thou wast beloved. 8 Who anointed kings for retribution,
17 For thy songs and proverbs and para- And prophets to succeed after him
bles, 9 Who was taken up in a tempest of fire.
And for thine interpretations, the In a chariot of fiery horses :
He made
glorious the precinct of the 24 To intrust his mercy with us ;
51. 12. ECCLESIASTICUS. 51. 30.
2 For thou wast my protector and 14 Before the temple I asked for her.
helper, And I will seek her out even to the
And didst deliver my body out of end.
destruetion. 15 From her flower as from the ripening
And out of the snare of a slanderous grape my heart delighted in her
tongue, My foot trod in uprightness.
From lips that forge lies, From my youth I tracked her out.
And wast my helper before them that 16 I bowed down mine ear a little, and
stood by received her.
3 And didst deliver me, according to And found for myself much instruc-
the abundance of thy mercy, and tion.
(/reatness of thy name. 17 1 profited in her :
From the gnashings of teeth ready to Unto him that giveth me wisdom I
devour. will give glory.
Out of the hand of such as sought my 18 For I purposed to practise her,
life. And I was zealous for that which is
Out of the manifold afflictions which good
1 had And I shall never be put to shame.
4 From the choking of a fire on every 19 My soul hath wrestled in her.
side. And in my doing I was exact:
Andout of the midst of fire which I spread forth my hands to the heaven
kindled not above,
5 Out of the depth of the belly of ^ the And bewailed my ignorances of her.
grave. 20 I set my soul aright unto her.
And from an unclean tongue. And in pureness I found her.
And from lying words, I gat me a heart joined with her from
6 The slander of an unrighteous tongue the beginning , :
unto Joakim the //(V//( priest, the son clave unto us, and the curse, which
of Helkias, the son of Salom, and to the Lord commanded Closes his ser-
the priests, aud to all the people vant to pronounce in the day that he
which were found with him at Jeru- brought our fathers out of the land of
8 salem, at the same time when he took Egj'pt, to give us a land that fioweth
the vessels of the house of the Lord, with milk and honey, as at this day.
that had been carried out of the tem- 21 Nevertheless we hearkened not unto
ple, to return tlinn into the land of the voice of the Lord our God, accord-
Judah, the tenth day of the nioufh ing unto all the words of the prophets,
Sivan, name/i/, silver vessels, which 22 whom he sent unto us but we walked :
Sedekias the son of Josias king of Jii- every man imagination of his
in tlie
9dah had made, after that Nabucho- own wicked heart, to serve strange
donosor king of Babylon had carried gods, and to do that which is evil in
away Jechonias, and the princes, and 2 the sight of the Lord our God. There-
the captives, and the mighty men, and fore the Lord hath made good his
tlie people of the land, from Jerusa- word, which he iiromuinced against
lem, and bronglit them unto Babylon. us, and against our judges tliat judged
10 And they said, Behold, we have sent Israel, and against our kings, and
you money; buy you therefore with against our princes, and against the
the money burnt offerings, and sin of- 2 men of Israel and Judah, to bring
ferings, and incense, and prepare an upon us great plagues, such as never
oblation, and offer upon the altar of happened under the whole heaven,
1 the Lord our God and pray for the
; ^as It came to pass in Jerusalem,
life of Nabuchodonosor king of Baby- according to the things that are writ-
lon, and for the life of Baltasar his 3 ten in the law of Moses that we should
son, that their days maybe =as the eat every man the flesh of his own son,
12 days of heaven above the earth and : and every man the flesh of his own
the Lord will give us strength, and 4 daughter. Moreover he hath given
lighten our eyes, and we shall live them to be in subjection to all the
under the shadow of Nabuchodonosor kingdoms that are round about us, to
king of Babylon, and under the sha- be a reproach and a desolation among
dow of Baltasar his son, and we shall all the peo])le round about, where the
serve them many days, and find fa- 5 Lord hath scattered them. Thus were
13 vour in their sight. Pray for us also they cast down, and not exalted, be-
unto the Lord our God, for we have cause we sinned against the Lord our
sinned against the Lord our God and ; God, in not lieiirkeniiig unto his voice.
unto tliis (lay the wrath of the Lord 6 To the Lord our God )»/n„(/rth right-
and his indignation is not turned from eousness but unto us and to our fa-
14 us. And ye shall read this book thers confusion of face, as at this day.
2. 24. BARUCH. 3. 8.
7 For all these plagues are come upon should be taken out of their places.
us, which the Lord hath pronounced 25 And, lo, they are cast out to the heat
8 against us. Yet have we not intreated by day, and to the frost by night, and
the favour of the Lord, in turning they died in great miseries by famine,
every one from the thoughts of his 26 by sword, and by - pestilence. And
9 wicked heart. Therefore hath the the house which is called by thy name
Lord kept watch over the plagues, and hast thou laid waste, as at this day,
the Lord hath brought than upon us; for the wickedness of the house of
for the Lord is righteous in all his 27 Israel and the house of Judah. Y'et,
works which he hath commanded us. Lord our God, thou hast dealt with
10 Yet we have not hearkened unto his us after all thy kindness, and accord-
voice, to walk in the commandments 28 ing to all that great mercy of thine, as
of the Lord that he hath set before thou spaki'st liytliy siTvant Closes in
us. the day when thou didst connnand him
1 And now, O Lord, thou God of Israel, to write thy law before the children of
that hast brought thy people out of 29 Israel, saying, If ye will not hear my
the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, voice, surely this very great multitude
and with and with wonders, and
signs, shall be turned into a small number
with great power, and with a high among the nations, where I will scat-
arm, and hast gotten thyself a name, 30terthem. For I know that they will
12 as at this day: O Lord our God, we not hear me, because it is a stiffnecked
have sinned, we have done ungodly, people but in the land of their cap-
we have dealt unrighteously in all oltivity they shall lay it to heart, and
13 thine ordinances. Let thy wrath turn shall know that I am the Lord their
from us for we are l)ut a few left
•. God and I will give them a heart,
among the heathen, where thou hast 32 and ears to hear: and they shall praise
14 scattered us. Hear our prayer, O me in the land of their captivity, and
Lord, and our petition, and deliver us 33 think upon my name, and shall return
for thine own sake, and give us favour from their stiff neck, and from their
in the sight of them which have led us wicked deeds for they shall remem- :
17 and hear: open thine eyes, and be- them, and they shall not be dimin-
hold for the dead that are in ^ the 35 ished. And I will make an everlast-
grave, whose breath is taken from ing covenant with them to be their
their bodies, will give unto the Lord God, and they shall be my people
18 neither glory nor righteousness: but and I will no more remove my people
the soul that is greatly vexed, which of Israel out of the land that I have
goeth stooping and feeble, and the given them.
eyes that fail, and the hungry soul, 3 O Lord Almighty, thou God of Is-
will give thee glory and righteousness, rael, the soul in anguish, the troubled
19 Lord. For we do not present our 2 spirit, crieth unto thee. Hear, O
supplication before thee, O Lord our Lord, and have mercy for thou art a ;
God, for the righteousness of our merciful God yea. have mercy upon :
20 fathers, and of our kings. For thou us, because we have sinned before
hast sent thy wrath and thine indig- 3 thee. For thou sittest as kinr/ for
nation upon us, as thou hast spoken 4 ever, and we perish evermore. O
by thy servants the prophets, sai/ing, I/Ord Almighty, thou God of Israel,
2 1 Thus saith the Lord, Bow your shoul- hear now tlie i)rayer of ' the dead Is-
ders to serve the king of Babylon, and raelites, and of the children of them
remain in the land that I gave unto which were sinners l)efore thee, that
22 your fathers. But if ye will not hear hearkened not unto the voice of thee
the voice of the Lord, to serve the their God: for the which cause these
23 king of Babylon, I will cause to cease 5 plagues clave unto us. Remember
out of the cities of Judah, and from not the iniquities of our fathers but :
without Jerusalem, the voice of mirth, remember thy power and thy name
and the voice of gladness, the voice of 6 nam at this time. For th(5u art the
the bridegroom, and the voice of the Lord our God, and thee, O Lord, will
liride and the whole land shall be
: 7 we praise. For for this cause thou
24 desolate without inhabitant. But we hast put thy fear in our hearts, ^ to the
would not hearken unto thy voice, to intent that we should call upon thy
serve the king of Babylon therefore : name and we will praise thee in our
hast thou made L'ood tliy words that captivity, for we have called to mind '^
hast scattered us, for a reproach and earth for evermore hath filled it with
a curse, and to be subject to penalty, 33 fourfooted beasts he that sendeth
according to all the iniquities of our forth the light, and it goeth he called;
fathers, which departed from the 34 it, and it obeyed him with fear and :
10 How happeueth it, O Israel, that thou gladness unto him that made them.
art in thine enemies' land, that thou 35 This is our God, and there shall none
art waxen old in a strange country, other be accounted of in comparison
that thou art defiled with the dead, 36 of him. He hath found out all the
11 that thou art counted with them that way of knowledge, and hath given it
12ffo dovn into ' the grave ? Thou hast unto Jacob his servant, and to Israel
13 forsaken the fountain of wisdom. For 37 that is beloved of him. Afterward
if thou liadst walked in the way of did she appear upon earth, and was
God, thou shouldest have dwelled in conversant with men.
14 peace for ever. Learn where is ^ wis- 4 This is the book of the command-
dom, where is strength, where is under- ments of God, and the law that en-
standing that thou mayest know also
; dureth for ever all they that hold it
where is length of days, and life, where fast are appointed to life; but such
is the light of the eyes, and peace. 2 as leave it shall die. Turn tliee, O Ja-
15 Who hath found out her place? and cob, and take liold of it walk towards
who hath come into her treasuries ? her shining in the presence of the light
16 Where are the princes of the heathen, 3 thereof. Give not thy glory to an-
and such as ruled the beasts that are other, nor tlie things that are profita-
17 upon the earth; they that had their ble unto thee to a strange nation.
pastime with the fowls of the air, and 4 O Israel, happy are we for the things
they that hoarded up silver and gold, that are pleasing to God are made
wherein men and of whose get-
trust; 5 known unto us. I5e of good cheer,
18 ting there is no end? For they that my people, the memorial of Israel.
3 wrought in silver, and were so care- 6 Ye were sold to the nations, but not
ful, and whose works are past finding for destruction : because ye moved
19 out, they are vanished and gone down God to wratli, ye were delivered unto
to the grave, and others are come up
7 your adversiuics. For ye i)rovoked
20 in their steads. Younger men have him th;it made you by sacrificing unto
seen the light, and dwelt upon the 8 demons, and not to God. Ye forgat
earth but the way of knowledge have
: the everlasting God, that brought you
21 they not known, neither understood up ye grieved also Jerusalem, that
23 been seen in Teman. The sons also of 10 upon me great mourning for I have ;
Agar that seek understanding, which seen the captivity of my sons and
are in the land, the merchants of Mer- daughters, which the Everlasting hath
ran and Teman, ;ui(i the authors of 1 brought upon them. For with joy did
fables, and the scarclu'rs out of under- I nourish them ; but sent them away
standing; none of these have known 12 with weeping and mourning. Let no
the way of wisdom, or rememl)ered man rejoice over me, a widow, and
24 her paths. O Israel, how great is the forsaken of many for the sins of my
house of God! and how large is the children am I left desolate because ;
25 place of his possession! great, and they turned aside from the law of
hath none end high, and unmeasur-
; 13 God, and had no regard to his statutes,
26 able. There were the giants born that neither walked they in the ways of
were famous of old, great of stature, God's commandments, nor trod in the
27 «»irf expertin war. Tliese did not God paths of discipline in his rigliteous-
choose, neither gave he the way of 14 ness. Let them that dwell about Sion
28 knowledge unto them so they per- : come, and remember ye the captivity
ished, because they h;i(l no = wisdom, of my sons and daughters, which the
they perished through their own fool- Everlasting hath brought \\]nm them.
29 ishnesn. Who hath gone up into 15 For he hath brought a nation upon
heaven, and taken her, and brought them from far, a shameless nation,
30 her down from tlie clouds ? Who hath and of a strange language, "who
gone over the sea, and found her, and neither reverenced old man, nor pitied
31 will bring her for choice gold? There 16 child. And they have carried away
is none that knoweth her way, nor the dear beloved sons of the widow,
any that comprehendeth her path. and left her that was alone 'desolate
32 But he that knoweth all things know- 1 of her daugliters. Hut I, what can I
eth her, he found her out with his 18 help you? For he that lirought these
understanding: lie that prepared the plagues upon you will deliver you
5. 2. BARUCH. 6. 11.
from tlie hand of your enemies. Go diadem on thine head of the glory of
your way, O my children, go your way 3 the Everlasting. For (iod will shew
for I am left desolate. I have put off thy brightness unto every rer/ion un-
the garment of peace, and put upon 4 der heaven. For thy name shall be
me the sackcloth of my petition I : called of God for ever The peace of
will cry unto the Everlasting as long righteousness, and The glory of godli-
21 as Ilive. Be of good cheer, O my r> ness. Arise, O Jerusalem, and stand
children, cry unto God, and he shall upon the height, and look about thee
deliver you from the power and hand toward the east, and Ijchold thy chil-
of the enemies. For I have trusted dren gathered from the going down of
in the Everlasting, that he will save the sun unto the rising thereof at the
you and joy is come unto me from
; word of the Holy One, rejoicing that
the Holy One, because of the mercy 6 God hath remembered them. For
which shall soon come unto you ' from they went from thee on foot, being
2;5the Everlasting your Saviour. For I led away of their enemies but God :
sent you out with mourning and weep- bringeth them in unto thee borne on
ing but God will give you to me
: high with glory, * as on a royal throne.
again with joy and gladness for ever. 7 For God hath appointed that every
24 For like as now they that dwell about high mountain, and the everlasting
Sion have seen your captivity so : hills, should be made low, and the
shall they see shortly your salvation valleysfilled up, to make plain the
from - our God, which shall come upon ground, that Israel may go safely in
you with great glory, and brightness 8 the glory of God. Moreover the woods
of the Everlasting. My
children, suf- and every sweet-smelling tree have
fer patiently the wrath that is come overshadowed Israel by the command-
upon you from God for thine enemy
: 9ment of God. For God shall lead
hath persecuted thee but shortly
; Israel with joy in the light of his glory
thou Shalt see his destruction, and with the mercy and righteousness that
Shalt tread upon their necks. My cometh from him.
delicate ones have gone rough ways
they were taken away as a flock
carried off by the enemies. Be of THE EPISTLE OF JEREMY.
good cheer, O my children, and cry
unto God for ye shall be remember-
: 6 A copy of an epistle, which Jeremy
ed of him that hath brought these sent unto them which were to be led
things upon you. For as it was your captives into Babylon by the king of
mind to go astray from God so, re- : the Babylonians, to certify them, as it
turn and seek him ten times more. was commanded him of God.
For he that brought these plagues 2 Because of the sins which ye have
upon you shall bring you everlasting committed before God, ye shall be led
joy again with your salvation. Be of away captives into Babylon by Nabu-
good cheer, O Jerusalem for he that : chodonosor king of the Babylonians.
called thee by name will comfort thee. 3 So when ye be come unto Babylon,
Miserable are they that afflicted thee, ye shall remain there many years,
and rejoiced at thy fall. Miserable and for a long season, even for seven
are the cities which thy children generations and after that I will
Holy One, rejoicing in the glory of 9 cannot speak. And taking gold, as it
God. Put off, O Jerusalem, the gar- were for a virgin that loveth to go
ment of thy mourning and affliction, gay, they make crowns for the heads
and put on the comeliness of the glory 10 of their gods and sometimes also the
that cometit, from God for ever. Cast priests convey from their gods gold
about thee the robe of the righteous- and silver, and bestow it upon them-
ness which cometh from God; set a 11 selves; and will even give thereof to
6. 29. BARUCH. 6. 51.
the common harlots and they deck 30 are no gods, fear them not. For how
them as men with garments, even the can they be called gods? because
gods of silver, and gods of gold, and of women set meat before the gods of
12 wood. Yet cannot these gods save 31 silver, gold, and wood. And in their
themselves from rust and moths, temples the priests sit on seats,
though they be covered with purple having their clothes rent, and their
13 raiment. Tliey wipe their faces be- heads and beards shaven, and nothing
cause of the dust of the temple, which 32 upon their heads. They roar and cry
14 is thick upon them. And he that before their gods, as men do at the
cannot put to death one that offend- 33 feast when one is dead. The priests
eth against him holdeth a sceptre, as also take off garments from them, and
though he were judge of a country. clothe their wives and children withal.
15 He hath also a dagger in his right 34 Whetlier it be evil tliat one doeth unto
hand, and an axe but cannot deliver
: them, or good, they are not able to
16 himself from war and robbers. Where- recompense it: they can neither set
by they are known not to be gods: 35 up a king, nor put him down. In like
17 therefore fear them not. For like as manner, they can neither give riches
a vessel that a man usetli is nothing nor money though a man make a
worth when it is broken even so it ; vow unto them, and keep it not, they
is with their gods: when they be set 36 will never exact it. They can save no
up in the temples their eyes be full of man from death, neither deliver the
dust through the feet of them that 37 weak from the mighty. They cannot
18 come in. And as the courts are made restore a blind man to his sight, nor
sure on every side upon him that 38 deliver any that is in distress. They
offendeth the king, as being committed can shew no mercy to the widow, nor
to sutler death; even so the priests 39 do good to the fatherless. They are
make fast their temples with doors, like the stones that be fieicn out of
with locks, and bars, lest they be the mountain, these gods of wood, and
19 carried off by robbers. They light that are overlaid with gold and with
them candles, yea, more than for silver they that minister unto them
2 lit not when their faces are blacked call upon Bel, as though he were able
through the smoke that cunieth out 42 to understand. Yet they cannot per-
22 of tlie teini)le: upon tlieir hodii's and ceive this themselves, and forsake
heads aliglit bats, swallows, antl hirds them for they have no understand-
and in like manner the cats also. 43 ing. The women also with cords about
23 Whereby ye may know that they are them sit in the ways, burning bran
no gods therefore fear them not.
: for incense bnt if any of them, drawn
24 Notwithstanding the gold wherewith by some that passeth by, lie with him,
they are beset to make them beautiful, she reproacheth her fellow, tliat she
except one wipe off the rust, they will was not thought as worthy as herself,
not shine for not even when they 44 nor her cord broken. Wliatsncver is
25 were molten did they feel it. Things done among them is false how sliould
wherein there is no breath are bought a man then think or say that they
26 at any cost. Having no feet, they are 45 are gods? They are fashioned by
borne upon shoulders, whereby they carpenters and goldsmiths they can :
declare unto men that they be nothing be notliing else than the workmen
27 worth. They also that serve them 46 will have them to be. And they them-
are ashamed for if they fall to the
: selves that fashioned them can never
ground at any time, they cannot rise continue long how then should the
awry, can they make themselves there cometh any war or plague upon
straight: but the offerings are set tlifiii, tlie i)iifsts consult with them-
before them, as if they were dead selves, where tliey may be hidden with
28 men. And the things that are sacri- 49 them. How then cannot men under-
ficed unto them, their priests sell and stand that they be no gods, which can
spend and in like manner their wives
; neither save themselves from war,
also lay up part thereof in salt but 50 nor from plague ? For seeing they be
unto the poor and to the impotent will but of wood, and overlaid with gold
29 they give nothing thereof. Tlie men- and with silver, it shall he known
struous woman and the woman in 51 hereafter that they are false: and it
childbed touch their sacrifices know- shall be manifest to all nations and
ing therefore by these things that they kings that they are no gods, but the
works of men's hands, and tliat there 62 every country. And when God com-
52 is no work of (iod in them. Who mandeth the clouds to go over the
then may not know
that they are whole world, they do as they are
53 no gods? For neither can they set 63 bidden. And the fire sent from above
up a king in a land, nor give rain to consinne mountains and woods do-
54 unto men. Neither can they judge eth as it is commanded but these are
overlaid with silver or with gold, able they can get under a covert, and help
to escape either from thieves or rob- 69 themselves. In no wise then is it
58bers. Whose gold, and silver, and manifest unto us that they are gods
garments wherewith they are clothed, i
in a house, to keep the things safe 72 that is cast forth into the dark. And
that be therein, than such false gods ye shall know them to be no gods by
or a pillar of wood in a palace, than the bright purple that rotteth upon
60 such false gods. For sun, and moon, them and they themselves afterward
and stars, being bright and sent to do shall be consumed, and shall be a re-
61 their offices, are obedient. likewise 73 proach in the country. Better there-
also the lightning when it glittereth fore is the just man that hath none
is fair to see and after the same
; idols: for he shall be far from re-
manner the wind also bloweth in proach.
1 And they walked in the midst of the our fathers, even Jerusalem, thou hast
fire, praising God, and blessing the executed true jiulgements for accord-
2 Lord. Then Azarias stood, and prayed ing to truth and justice hast thou
on this manner and opening his
; brought all these things upon us be-
mouth in the midst of the fire said, 6 cause of our sins. For we have sinned
3 I'.lessed art thou, O Lord, thou God of and committed iniquity, in departing
ourfathers, and worthy to be praised;
' 7 from thee. In all things have we
andthy name isglorified for evermore trespassed, and not obeyed thy com-
4 for thou art righteous in all the things mandments, nor kept them, neither
that thou hast done yea, true are all
: done as thou hast commanded us, that
thy works, and thy ways are right,
. 8 it might go well with us. Wherefore
5 and all thy judgements truth. In all all that tiiou hast brought upon us,
the things that thou hast brought and everything that thou hast done
upon us, and upon the- holy city of to us, thou hast done in true judge-
9nient. And thou didst deliver us into 30 all for ever. And blessed thy
tlie hands of lawless enemies, and glorious and holy name : and to be
most hateful forsakers of God, and to praised and exalted above all for
an unjust king, and the most wicked 31 ever. Blessed art thou in the temple
10 in all the world. And now we cannot of thine holy glory and to be praised
the sake of Abraham that is beloved praised and ^ extolled above all for
of thee, and for the sake of Isaac thy 34 ever. Blessed art thou in the firma-
13 servant, and Israel thy holy one; to ment of heaven: and to be praised
whom tliou didst promise, that thou and glorified for ever.
wonkiest multiply their seed as the 35 O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye
stars of heaveu, and as the sand that the Lord praise and exalt him al)ove
H is upon the sea shore. For we, O Lord, 3(5 allfor ever. O ye heavens, Idess ye
are become less than any nation, and the Lord: praise and exalt him above
be kept under this day in all the world 37 all for ever. O ye angels of the Lord,
15 because of our sins. Keither is there bless ye the Lord praise and exalt
at this time prince, or prophet, or 38 him above all for ever. O all ye waters
leader, or burnt offering, or sacrifice, that be above the heaven, bless ye
or oblation, or incense, or place to the Lord praise and exalt him above
• offer before thee, and to find mercy. 39 all for ever. O all =ye powers of the
16 Nevertheless in a contrite heart and Lord, bless ye the Lord praise and :
a humble spirit let us be accepted; 40 exalt him above all for ever. O ye
17 like as in the burnt offerings of rams sun and moon, bless ye the Lord :
and bullocks, and like as in ten thou- praise and exalt him above all for ever.
sands of fat lambs so let our sacrifice 4 O ye stars of heaven, bless ye tlie
be in thy sight this day, and grant Lord: praise and exalt him above
that we may wliolly go after thee, for 42 all for ever. O every shower and
they shall not be ashamed that put dew, bless ye the Lord praise and :
18 their trust in thee. And now we 43 exalt him above all for ever. O all ye
follow thee witli all our heart, we fear winds, bless ye the Lord: praise and
19 thee, and seek thy face. Put us not 44 exalt him above all for ever. Oye fire
to shame but deal with us after thy
: and heat, bless ye the Lord praise :
kindness, and accouling to the multi- 47 and exalt him above all for ever.'' ^ O
20 tude of thy mercy. Deliver us also ye nights and days, bless ye the Lord
according to thy marvellous works, praise and exalt him above all for ever.
and give glory to thy name, O Lord 48 () ye light and darkness, bless ye the
and let all them that do thy servants Lord praise and exalt him above all
21 hurt be confounded; and let them be for ever. O ye cold and heat, bless ye
ashamed of all their 'i)ower and the Lord praise and exalt him above
might, and let their strength be bro- 50 all for ever. " O ye frost and snow,
22 ken and let them know that thou art
; bless ye the Lord praise and exalt
the Lord, the only God, and glorious 51 him above all for ever. O ye lightnings
over the whole world. and clouds, bless ye the Lord praise :
23 And the king's servants, that put and exalt him above all for ever. O let
them in, ceased not to make the fur- the earth bless the Lord let it praise:
nace liot with na))litha. pitch, tow, and 53 and exalt him above all for ever. O ye
24 small wood so tliat tlie flame stream-
; mountainsand hills,blessyethe Lord:
ed forth al)ove tlie furnace forty and praise and exalt him above all for ever.
25 nine cubits. And it spread, and 54 O all ye things that grow on the earth, tliorities
burned those Chaldeans whom it bless ye the Lord praise and exalt insert
26 found about the furnace. But the 56 him above all for ever. ' O sea and' 40,
V !ie ice
angel of the Lord came down into rivers, bless ye the Lord praise and ami :
the furnace together with Azarias exalt him above all for ever. O ye cold^
htexs y9
and his fellows, and he smote the fountains, bless ye the Lord praise :
flame of the fire out of the furnace and exalt him above all for ever. O ye
27 and made the midst of the furnace whales, and all tliat move in the wa-
as it had been a moist whistling ters, bless ye the Lord praise and trans-
wind, so that the fire touched them 58 exalt him above all for ever. O all ye ptise
not at all, neither hurt nor troubled fowls of the air, bless ye the Lord
them. praise and exalt him above all for
28 Then the three, as out of one mouth, 59 ever. O all ye beasts and cattle,
praised, and glorified, and bles.sed God bless ye the Lord praise and exalt B Some
29 in the furnace, saying. Blessed art 60 him above all for ever. O ye children iMSS. <)
thou, O Lord, thou God of our fathers : of men, bless ye the Lord praise and IsniH, :
and to be praised and exalted above 61 exalt him above all for ever. ^ O let bless ye.
1. 14. HISTORY OF SUSANNA. 1. 27.
(i2 exalt him above all for ever. O ye above all forever for he hatli rescued
priests ' of the Lord, bless ye the us from - hell, aiid saved us from the
Lord praise and exalt him above all
: hand of death: he hath delivered us
(j3 for ever. O ye servants ' of the Lord, out of the midst of the furnace and
bless ye the Lord praise and exalt
: burning flame, even out of the midst
6i him above all for ever. O ye spirits 67 of the fire hath he delivered us. O
and souls of the righteous, bless ye the give thanks unto tiie Lord, for he is
Lord praise and exalt him above all
: good for his mercy f/idurelh for ever.
65 for ever. O ye that are holy and 68 O all ye that worship the Lord, bless
humble of heart, bless ye the Lord the God of gods, jjraise him, and give
praise and exalt him above all for ever. him tliauks for his mercy endureth
Set apart from the beginning of DANIEL, because it is not in the Hebrew, as
neither the Narration of Bel and the Dragon.
1 There dwelt a man in Babylon, and one another the cause, they acknow-
2 his name was Joakim and he took a
: ledged their last and then appointed
wife, whose name was Susanna, the tliey a time both together, when they
daughter of Helkias, a very fair wo- 15 might find her alone. And it fell out,
man, and one that feared the Lord. as they watched a fit day, she went in
3 Her parents also were righteous, and as aforetime with two maids only, and
taught their daughter according to the she was desirous to wash herself in
4 law of Moses. Now Joakim was a 16 the garden for it was hot. And there
great rich man, and had a fair garden was nobody there save the two elders,
joining unto his house: and to him that had hid themselves, and watched
resorted the Jews because lie was
; 17 her. Then she said to her maids, Bring
5 more honourable than all others. And me oil and washing l)alls, and shut the
the same year there were appointed garden doors, that I may wash me.
two of the; ancients of the people to 18 And they did as she bade them, and
be judges, such as the Lord spake of, shut the garden doors, and went out
that wickedness came from Babylon themselves at the side doors to fetch
from ancient judges, who were ac- the things that she had commanded
6 counted to govern the people. These them and they saw not the elders,
kept much at Joakim's house and all : 19 because they were hid. Now when the
that had any suits in law came unto maids were gone forth, the two elders
7 them. Now when the people departed 20 rose up, and ran luito her, saying, Be-
away at noon, Susanna went into her hold, the garden doors are shut, that
8 husband's garden to walk. And the no man can see us, and we are in love
two elders l)elield her going in every with thee therefore consent unto us,
away their eyes, that they might not fore thou didst send away thy maids
look unto heaven, nor remember just from thee. Then Susanna sighed, and
10 judgements. And albeit they both said, I am straitened on every side
were wounded with her love, yet for if I do tills thing, it is death unto
durst not one shew another his grief. me and if I do it not, I cannot escape
11 For they were ashamed to declare your hands. It is better for me to fall
their lust, that they desired to have to into your hands, and not do it, than
12 do with her. Yet they watched jeal- to sin in the sight of the Lord. With
ously from day to day to see her. that Susanna cried with a loud voice
l.^And the one said to the other. Let us and the two eliiers cried out against
14 now go home for it is dinner time. So
: her. Then ran the one, and opened the
when they were gone out, they parted garden doors. So when the servants
the one from the other, and turning of the house heard the cry in the gar-
back again they came to the same den, they rushed in at the side door, to
place and after that they had asked
; 27 see what had befallen her. But when
10* 127
1. 48. HISTORY OF SUSANNA. 1. 64.
the elders had tokl their tale, the ser- 49 Israel? Return again to the place of
was never such a report made of 50 witness against her. Wherefore all
28 Susanna. And it came to pass on the the i)eoi)le turned again in haste, and
morrow, when the people assembled the elders said uiiti> him. Come, sit
to her husband Joakim, the two elders down among us, and shew it us, seeing
came full of their wicked intent against God hath given thee the honour of an
29 Susanna to put her to death and said 51 elder. Then said Daniel unto them.
before the people, Send for Susanna, Put them asunder one far from an-
the daughter of Helkias, Joakim's 52 other, and I will examine them. So
30 wife. So they sent and she came with
; when they were i)ut asunder one from
her father and mother, her children, another, he called one of them, and
31 and all her kindred. Now Susanna said unto him, O thou that art waxen
was a very delicate woman, and old in wickedness, now are thy sins
32 beauteous to behold. And these come home to thee which thou hast
wicked men commanded her to be un- 53 committed aforetime, in pronouncing
veiled, (for she was veiled) that they unjust judgement, and condenniing
33 might be lilled with lier beauty. There- the innocent, and letting the guilty go
fore her friends and all that saw her free; albeit tihe I-ord saith, The inno-
34 wei)t. Then the two elders stood up in cent and righteous shalt thou not slay.
the midst of the people, and laid their 54 Now then, if thou sawest her, tell me.
35 hands upon her head. And she weep- Under what tree sawest thou them
ing looked up toward heaven for her : companying together? Who answered,
36 heart trusted in the Lord. And the 55 Under a mastick tree. And Daniel
elders said, As we walked in the garden said, Kight well hast thou lied against
alone, tills icanKdi came in with two thine own head ; for even now the
maiiis, and shut the garden doors, and angel of God hatli received the sen-
37 sent the maids away. Tlien a young tence of God and shall cut thee in
man, who there was hid, came unto 56 two. So he put him aside, and com-
38 her, and lay with her. And we, being manded to bring the other, and said
in a corner of tlie garden, saw tliis unto him, O thou seed of Canaan, and
39 wickedness, and ran unto them. And not of Judah, beauty hath deceived
when we saw them together, the man thee, and lust hath perverted thine
we could not hold for he was stronger 57 heart. Thus have ye dealt with the
than we, and opened the doors, and daughters of Israel, and they for fear
40 leaped out. But having taken this companied with you but tlie daughter
woman, we asked who tlie young man of Judah would not abide your wicked-
was, but she would not tell us these 58 ness. Now therefore tell me. Under
41 things do we testify. Then the as- what tree didst thou take them com-
sembly believed them, as those that panying together? Who answered,
were elders of the people and judges 59 Under a holm tree. Then said Daniel
42 so they condemned her to death. Then unto him. Right well hijst thou also
Susanna cried out with a loud voice, lied against thine own head : for the
and said, O everlasting God, that angel of God waiteth with the sword
knowest the secrets, that knowest all to cut thee in two, tliat he may de-
43 things before they l)e thou knowest 60 stroy you. With that all the assembly
that they have borne false witness cried out with a loud voice, and bless-
against me, and, behold, I must die ed God, who saveththem that hope in
whereas I never did such things as 61 him. And they arose against the two
these men have maliciously invented elders, for Daniel had convicted them
44 against me. And the Lord heard her of false witness out of their own
45 voice. Therefore when she was led 62 mouth: and according to the law of
away to be put to death, God raised Moses they did unto them in such
up the holy spirit of a young youth, sort as they maliciously intended to
46 whose name was Daniel and he cried
: do to their neighbom- and tliey put
with a loud voice, I am clear from the them to death, and the innocent blood
47 blood of this woman. Then all the 63 was saved the same day. Therefore
people turned them toward him, and Helkias and his wife praised God for
said. What mean these words that their daughter Susanna, with Joakim
48 tliou hast spoken ? So he standing in her husliaud, and all the kindred, be-
the midst of them said. Are ye such cause^ there was no dishonesty found
fools, ye sons of Israel, that without 64 in her. And from that day forth was
examination or knowledge of the truth Daniel had in great reputation in the
ye have condemned a daughter of siglit of the people.
1 And king Astyages was gathered to 16 to do, and did eat and drink up all. In
Ills fathers, and Cyrus the Persian the morning betinie tlie king arose,
2 received liis kingdom. And Daniel 17 and Daniel with him. And the king
lived with the king, and was lionoured said, Daniel, are the seals whole ?
3 ahove all his friends. Now tlie Baby- And he said. Yea. O king, they be
lonians had an idol, called Bel, and 18 whole. And as soon as he had opened
there were spent upon him every day the door, the king looked upon the
twelve great measures of fine flour, table, and cried with a loud voice.
and forty sheep, and six firkins of Great art thou, O Bel, and with thee
4 wine. And the king did lionour to it, 19 is no deceit at all. Tlien laughed
and went daily to worship it but : Daniel, and held the king that he
Daniel worshipped his own God. should not go in, and said. Behold
And the king said unto him, "Why now the pavement, and mark well
5 dost thou not worship Bel ? And he 20 whose footsteps are these. And the
said. Because I may not do honour see the footsteps of men,
king said. I
to idols made with hands, but to the women, and children. And then the
living God, who hath created the 21 king was angry, and took the priests
heaven and the earth, and hath sov- with their wives and children, who
6 ereignty over all flesh. Then said shewed him the privy doors, where
the king unto him, Thinkest thou not they came in, and consumed such
that Bel is a living god? or seest thou 22 things as were upon the table. There-
not how much he eateth and drinketh fore tlie king slew them, and delivered
7 every day ? Then Daniel laughed, and Bel into Daniel's power, who over-
said, O king, be not deceived for this : threw him and his temple.
is but clay within, and brass without, 23 And in that same place there was a
and did never eat or drink anything. great dragon, which they of Babylon
8 So tlie king was wroth, and called for 24 worshipped. And the king said unto
his priests, and said unto them, If ye Daniel, Wilt thou also say that this
tell me not who this is that devoureth is of brass ? lo, he liveth, and eateth
9 these expenses, ye sliall die. But it and drinketh thou canst not say that
them, then Daniel shall die for he : 2.5 him. Then said Daniel, I will wor-
hath spoken blasphemy against Bel. ship the Lord my God for he is a
And Daniel said unto the king, Let it 26 living God. But give me leave, O
10 be according to thy word. Now the king, and I shall slay this dragon
priests of Bel were threescore and ten, without sword or staff. The king
beside their wives andcliildren. And 27 said, I give thee leave. Tlien Daniel
the king went with Daniel into the took pitch, and fat, and hair, and did
1 temple of Bel. So Bel's priests said, seethe them together, and made lumps
Lo, we will get us out: but thou, thereof: this he put in the dragon's
king, set on the meat, and mingle the mouth, so the dragon did eat and
wine and set it forth, and shut the burst in sunder and Daniel said, Lo,
door fast, and seal it witli thine own 28tliese are the gods ye worship. When
12 signet and when thou comest in the
; they of Babylon heard that, they
morning, if thou find not that Bel hath took great indignation, and conspired
eaten up all, we will suffer death against the king, saying, The king is
or else Daniel, that speaketh falsely become a Jew, and he hath pulled
13 against us. And they little regarded down Bel, and slain the dragon, and
it :under the table they had made
for 29 put the priests to the sword. So they
a privy entrance, whereby they en- came to the king, and said. Deliver
tered in continually, and consumed us Daniel, or else we. will destroy thee
14 those things. And it came to pass, 30 and thine house. Now when the king
when they were gone forth, tlie king saw that they pressed him sore, being
set the meat before Bel. Now Daniel constrained, the king delivered Dan-
had commanded his servants to bring 31 iel unto them: who east him into
ashes, and they strewed all the temple the lions' den where he was six days.
vith them in the presence of the king 32 And in the den there were seven
alone then went they out, and shut
: lions, and they had given them every
the door, and sealed it witli tlie king's day two carcases, and two sheep
15 signet, and so departed. Now in the which then were not given to them, to
night came the priests with their the intent they might devour Daniel.
wives and children, as they were wont 33 Now there was in Jewry the prophet
' Habakkuk, who had made pottage, Thou hast remembered me, O God:
and had broken bread into a bowl, neither hast thou forsaken them that
and was going into tlie field, for to 39 love thee. So Daniel arose, and did
34 bring it to the reapers. But the angel eat and the angel of God set Habak-
of the Lord said unto Habakkuk, Go kuk in his own place again immedi-
carry the dinner that thou hast into 40ately. Upon the seventh day the
Babylon unto Daniel, in the lions' den. king came to bewail Daniel: and
35 And Habakkuk said, Lord, I never when he came to the den, he looked
saw Babylon; neither do I know in, and, behold, Daniel was sitting.
36 where the den is. Then the angel of 41 Then cried the king with a loud voice,
the Lord took him by .the crown, and saying, Great art thou, O Lord, thou
lifted him up by the hair of his head, God of Daniel, and there is none other
and with the blast of his breath set 42 beside thee. And he drew him out,
37 him in Babylon over the den. And and cast those that were the cause of
Habakkuk cried, saying, O Daniel, his destiuction into the den and they :
Daniel, take the dinner which God were devoured in a moment before
38 hath sent thee. And Daniel said. his face.
O LoKD Almighty, that art in heaven, the sea. My transgressions are multi-
thou God of our fathers, of Abraham, plied, * O Lord :my transgressions are 4 The
and Isaac, and Jacob, and of their right- multiplied, and I am not worthy to be- Alex.
eous seed who hast made heaven and
; hold and see the height of heaven for the omits O
earth, with all the 'ornament thereof; multitude of mine iniquities. I am bowed Lord .
who hast bound the sea by the word of down with many iron bands, that I can- plied.
thy commandment who hast shut up
; not lift up mine head by reason of my -"^
» Some
the deep, and sealed it by thy terrible sins, neitlier have I any respite for I :
and glorious name ;whom all things fear, have provoked thy wrath, and done that omit by
yea, tremble before thy power; for the which is evil before thee " I did not thy :
majesty of thy glory cannot be borne, will, neither kept I thy commandments :
and the anger of thy threatening toward I have set up abominations, and have 6 The
sinners is importable thy merciful pro-
: multiplied detestable things.
' Now Alex.
mise is unmeasurable and unsearcfiable therefore I bow
the knee of mine heart, omits /
for thou art the Lord Most High, of great beseeching thee of grace. I have sinned, rli<l . . .
compassion, longsuffering and abundant O Lord, I have sinned, and I acknow- mand-
in mercy, and repentest ' of bringing evils ledge mine iniquities but, I humbly be-
: menu.
upon men. ^ Thou, O Lord, according to seech thee, forgive me, O Lord, forgive ' Or,
thy great goodness hast promisi'd rciicut- me, and destroy me not with mine iniqui-
ance and forgiveness to them that have ties. Be not angry with me for ever, by
sinned against thee and of thine infinite
: reserving evil for me neither condemn;
mercies hast appointed repentance imto me into the lower parts of the earth.
sinners, that they may be saved. Thou For thou," O Lord, art the God of them s An-
therefore, O Lord, that art the God of that repent and in me thou wilt shew
the just, hast not appointed repentance all thy goodness for thou wilt save me,
: is. O
to the just, to Abraham, and Isaac, and that am unworthy, according to thy great
Jacob, which have not sinned against mercy. And I will praise thee for ever
thee but thou hast appointed repentance
; all the days of my life for all the host of
Pliilip, wlio came out of the land of with elephants, and with horsemen,
Chittini, and smote Darius kingof the ; 18 and with a great ' navy and he made
Persians and Medes, it came to jmss, war against Ptolemy kingof Egypt;
after he liad smitten him, that he and Ptolemy was put to shame before
reigned in his stead, in former time, him, and fled and many fell wounded
2 ov-er ' Greece. And lie fought many 19 to death. And they got possession of
and won many strongholds,
battles, the strong cities in the land of Egypt;
3 and slew the kings of the earth, and and he took tlie spoils of Egypt.
went through to tlie ends of the earth, 20 And Antiochus, after tiiat he had
and took spoils of a multitude of na- smitten Egypt, returned in " the hun-
tions. And the earth was quiet before dred and forty and third year, and
him, and he was exalted, and his heart went up against Israel and .Jerusalem
4 was lifted up, and he gathered to- 21 with a great multitude, and entered
sinful root, Antiocluis Epiphanes, son 26 and the rulers and elders groaned,
of Antiochus the king, who had been the virgins and young men were made
a hostage at Rome, and he reigned in feeble, and the beauty of the women
2 the hundred and thirty and seventh was changed. Every bridegroom took
year of the kingdom of tlie Greeks. up lamentation, she that sat in the
11 In those days came there forth out marriage chamber was in heaviness.
of Israel transgressors of the law, and 28 And the land was moved for the in-
persuaded many, saying, Let us go habitants thereof, and all the house
and make a covenant with the ^ Gen- of Jacob was clothed with shame.
tiles that are round about us for ; 29 And ' after " two full years the king
since we were parted from them many sent a chief collector of tril)ute unto
12 evils have befallen us. And the saying the cities of .Jndah, and he came unto
13 was good in their eyes. And certain .Jerusalem with a "'great multitude.
of the people were forward herein and 30 And he spake words of peace unto
went to the king, and he gave them them in subtilty, and they gave him
licence to do after the ordinances of credence: and he fell upon the city
14 the ' Gentiles. And ^ they built a place suddenly, and smote it very sore, and
of exercise in Jerusalem according to destroyed much peojile out of Israel.
15 the laws of the ^ Gentiles; and they 31 And he took the spoils of the city, and
made themselves uncircumcised, and set it on fire, and pulled down the
forsook the holy covenant, and joined houses thereof and the walls thereof
themselves to the = Gentiles, and sold 32 on every side. And they led captive
themselves to do evil. the women and the children, and the
16 And the kingdom was well ordered 33 cattle they took in possession. And
in the sight of Antiochus, and he they builded the city of David with
thought to reign over Egypt, that he a great and strong wall, with strong
might reign over the two kingdoms. towers, and it became unto them a
1. 55. 1. MACCABEES. 2. 17.
34 citadel. And they put there a sinful doors of the houses and in the streets
nation, transgressors of the law, and 56tliey burnt incense. And they rent
they strengthened themselves therein. in pieces the books of the law which
35 And they stored up arms and victuals, 57 tliey fdund, and set them on fire. And
and gathering togetlier tlie spoils of wheresdever was found with any a
Jerusalem, they laid them uj) there, book of tlie covenant, and if any con-
3() and they became a sore snare and it
: sented to the law, the king's sentence
became a place to lie in wait in against 58 delivered him to death. Thus did
the sanctuary, and an evil adversary they in their might unto Israel, to
37 to Israel continually. And they shed those that were found month by
innocent blood on every side of tlie 59 month in the cities. And on the five
sanctuary, and defiled tlie sanctuary. and twentieth day of the month they
38 And tlie iulialiitants of .Icrusalem fled sacrificed upon the idol ' altar, which
because of them; and she became a 60 was upon the altar of d'od. And -'
habitation of strangers, and she be- * the women that had circumcised
came strange to them that were born their children they put to death ac-
in her, and her children forsook her. fil cording to the commandment. And
3!) Her sanctuary vv'as laid waste like a tliey lianged their babes about their
wilderness, ' her feasts were turned necks, and desfroi/ed their houses,
into moiu'iiing, her sabliaths into re- and tliem that had circumcised them.
proach, her honour into contempt. 62 And many in Israel were fully re-
40 According to her glory, so was her solved and confirmed in themselves
dishonour nuiltii)lied, and her high 63 not to eat unclean things. And they ''
estate was turned into mourning. chose to die, that they might not be
41 And king Antiochus wrote to his defiled with the meats, and that they
whole kingdom, that all should be might not jirofane the holy covenant:
42 one people, and that each should for- 64 and they died. And there came ex-
sake his own laws. And all the na- ceeding great wrath upon Israel.
tions agreed according to the word of 2 In those days rose up Mattathias the
43 the king and many of Israel con-
; son of John, the son of Simeon, a priest
sented to his-vvorship, and sacrificed of the sons of Joarib, from Jerusalem
to the idols, and profaned the sabbath. 2 and he dwelt at Modin. And he had
44 And the king sent letters by the hand five sons, John, who was surnamed
the cities of Judah, that they should 4 Tliassi Judas, who was called Mac-
45 follow laws strange to the land, and 5 cabaeus Eleazar, who was called
should forbid whole burnt offerings Avaran Jonathan, who was called
and temples, and shrines for idols, see the destruction of my people, and
and should sacrifice swine's flesh and the destruction of the holy city, and
48 unclean beasts and that they shoulil
: to dwell there, when it was given into
leave their sons uncircumeised, tliat the hand of the enemy, the sanctuary
they should make their souls abomin- S into the hand of aliens ? Her temple
able with all manner of uiicleanness is liecome as a man ' that was glori-
49 and profanation so that they might
; 9ous: her vessels of glory are carried
forget the law, and change all the or- away into captivity, her infants are
50 dinances. And whosoever shall not slain in her streets, her young men
do according to the word of the king, 10 with the sword of the enemy. What
51 he shall die. According to all these nation hath not inherited her palaces,
words wrote he to his whole kingdom and gotten possession of her spoils ?
and hea])pointed overseers over allthe 11 her adorning is all taken away; in-
and he commanded the cities
peojile, stead of a free woman she is become
of Judah to sacrifice, city by city. 12 a bond woman and, behold, our holy
52 And from the people were gathered things and our beauty and our glory
together unto them many, every one are laid waste, and the Gentiles haVe
that had forsaken the law; and they 13 profaned them. Wherefore should
53 did evil things in the land; and they we live any longer?
made Israel to hide themselves in 14 And Mattathias and his sons rent
every place of refuge which they their clothes, and put on sackcloth,
had. and mourned exceedingly.
54 And on the fifteenth day of Chislev, 15 And the king's oflicers, that were
in 2 the hiuidred and forty and fiftli enforcing the ajiostasy, came into the
year, they builded an abomination of 16 city Modin to sacrifice. And many of
desolation upon the ° altar, and in the Israel came unto them, and Mattathias
cities of Judah on every side they and his sons were gathered together.
55 builded idol -altars. And at the 17 And the king's officers answered and
2. 36. I. MACCABEES. 2. .58.
spake to Mattathias, saying, Thou art not, neither cast they a stone at them,
a ruler and an honourable and great 37 nor stopped up the secret places, say-
man in this city, and strengthened ing, I^et us die all in our innocency:
18 with sons and brethren: now there- heaven and earth witness over us, that
fore come thou first and do the com- 38ye put us tn (icatb willioiit trial. And
mancbnent of the king, as all the they rose u]! against tliem in battle on
nations have done, and the men of the sabbath, and they died, they and
Jiidah, and they that remain in Je- their wives and their children, and
rusalem: and thou and thy house their cattle, to the number of a thou-
number of the king's
shall be in the sand ^ souls.
Friends, and thou and tliy sons shall
• 39 And Mattathias and his friends knew
be honoured with silver and gold and it, and they mourned over them ex-
19 many gifts. And IMattathias answered 40 ceedingly. And one said to another.
and said with a loud voice. If all the If we all do as our brethren have done,
nations that are in the house of the andfight not against the Gentiles for
king's dominion hearken unto him, to our lives and our ordinances, they will
fall away each one from the worship now quickly destroy us from off the
of his fathers, and have made choice 41 earth. And they took counsel on that
20 to follow his commandments, yet will day, saying. Whosoever shall come
I and my sons and my lirethren walk against us to battle on the sabbath
2 1 in the covenant of our fathers. - Hea- day, let us fight against him, and we
ven forbid that we should forsake the shall in no wise all die, as our brethren
22 law and the ordinances. We will not 42 died in the secret places. Then w-ere
hearken to the king's words, to go gathered together unto them a com-
aside from our worship, on the right pany of * Hasidgeans, mighty men of
liand, or on the left. Israel, every one that offered himself
23 And when he had left speaking these 43 willingly for the law. And all they
words, there came a .Jew in the sight that fled from the evils were added to
of all to sacrifice on the altar which them, and became a stay mito them.
was at Modin, according to the king's 44 And they mustered a host, and smote
24 commandment. And Mattathias saw sinners in their anger, and lawless men
it, and his zeal was kindled, and his in their wrath and the rest fled to the
reins trembled, and he shewed forth 45 Gentiles for safety. And Mattathias
his wrath according to judgement, and and his friends went round about, and
25 ran, and slew him upon the altar. And 4(5 pulled down the altars and they cir-
the king's officer, who compelled men cumcised by force the children that
to sacrifice, he killed at that time, and were uncircumcised, as many as they
20 pulled down the altar. And he was 47 found in the coasts of Israel. And they
zealous for the law, even as Phinehas pursued after the sons of pride, and
27 did inito Zinn-i the son of Salu. And 48 the work prospered in their hand. And
jNIattathias cried out in the city with tliey rescued the law out of the hand
a loud voice, saying, Whosoever is of the Gentiles, and out of the hand of
zealous for the law, and maintaineth the kings, neither ' suffered they the
the covenant, let him come forth after sinner to triumph.
28 me. And he and his sons fled into 49 And the days of Mattathias drew
the mountains, and forsook all that near that he should die, and he said
they had in the city. inito his sons,
2'.l Then many that sought after justice Xow have i)ride and rebuke gotten
and judgement went down into the strength, and a season of overtlirow,
30 wilderness, to dwell there, they, and 50 and wrath of indignation. And now,
their sons, and their wives, and their my children, be ye zealous for the law,
cattle because evils were multiplied
; and give your lives for the covenant
31 upon them. And it was told the 51 of your fathers. And call to remem-
king's officers, and the forces that brance the deeds of our fathers which
were in .Jerusalem, the city of David, they did in their generations; and
that certain men, who had broken the receive great glory and an everlasting
king's commandment, were gone down 52 name. Wasnot Abraham found faith-
into the secret places in the wilder- ful in temptation, and it was reckoned
32ness; and many pursued after them, 53 unto him for righteousness ? .Joseph
and having overtaken them, they en- in the time of his distress kept the
camped against them, and set the commandment, and became lord of
battle in array against them on the 54 Egypt. Phinehas our father, for that
33 sabbath day. And they said unto i
he was zealous exceedingly, obtained
them. Thus far. Come forth, and do the covenant of an everlasting priest-
according to the word of the king, and !
55 hood. Joshua for fulfilling the word
34 ye shall live. And they said. We will I
56 became a judge in Israel. Caleb for
not come forth, neither will we do the |
bearing witness in tlie congregation
word of the king, to profane the sab- '
not afraid of the words of a sinful he said, I will make myself a name
man for his glory shall be dung and
; and get me glory in tlie kingdom and ;
63 worms. To-day he shall be lifted up, I will light against Judas and them
and to-nlorrow he shall in no wise that are with him, that set at nought
be found, because he is returned unto 15 the word of the king. And there went
his dust, and his thought is perished. up with him also a mighty army of the
64 And ye, my children, be strong, and ungodly to help him, to take vengeance
shew yourselves men in behalf of the on the children of Israel.
law for therein sliall ye obtain glory.
; And he came near unto the going up
65 And, behold, Simon your brother, I of Bethhoron, and Judas went forth to
know that he is a man of counsel meet him with a small company. But
give ear unto him alway he shall : when they saw the army coming to
66 be a father unto you. And Judas meet them, they said unto Judas,
Maccabffius, he hath been strong and What ? shall we be able, being a small
mighty from his youth he shall : company, to fight against so great and
be your (•ai)tain, and 'shall fight the strong a multitude? and we for our
67 liattlc ol'thf people. And take ye unto part are faint, having tasted no food
you all tlie doers ot the law, and avenge 18 this day. And .Judas said. It is an
68 the wrong of your peojile. Eender a easy thing for many to be shut up in
recompense to the Gentiles, and take the hands of a few and with heaven
70 ed to his fathers. And lie died in - the not in the multitude of a host but ;
hundred and forty and sixth year, and 20 strength is from heaven. They come
his sons buried him in the sepulchres unto us in fulness of insolence and
of his fathers at IModin, and all Israel lawlessness, to destroy us and our
made great lamentation for him. wives and our children, for to spoil
3 And his son .Judas, who was called us hut we fight for our lives and our
2 Maccabreus, rose up in his stead. And laws. And he himself will discomfit
all his hri'tlireu bellied him. and so did them before our face but as for you,
all they Ihat clave unto his father, and be ye not afraid of them.
they fought with gladness the battle of 23 Now when he had left off speaking,
3 Israel. And he gat his people great he leapt suddenly upon them, and
glory, and put on a breastplate as a Seron and his army were discomfited
and girt his warlike harness
giant, 24 before him. And they pursued them
about him, and set battles in array, in the going down of Bethhoron unto
protecting the army with his sword. the plain, and there fell of them about
4 And he was like a lion in his deeds, eight hunilred men; but the residue
and as a lion's whelp roaring for prey. fleil into the land of tlie I'hilistines.
5 And he pursued the lawless, seeking And the fear of Judas and his bre-
them out, and he burnt up those that thren, and the dread of them, began
6 troubled liis peojile. And the lawless to fall upon the nations round about
shrunk for fear of him, and all the 26 them and his name came near even
workers of lawlessness were sore trou- unto the king, and every nation told
bled, and salvation prospered in his of the battles of Judas.
7 hand. And he angered many kings, But when king Antiochus heard
and made Jacob glad with his acts, and these words, he was full of indigna-
8 his memorial is blessed for ever. And tion and he sent and gathered to-
he went about among the cities of gether all the forces of his realm, an
.Tudah,and destroyed the ungodly ^out 28 exceeding strong army. And he open-
of the land, and turned away wrath ed his treasury, and gave his forces
9 from Israel: and he was renowned pay for a year, and commanded them
inito the utmost part of the earth, and 29 to be ready for every need. And he
he gathered together such as were saw that the money failed from his
ready to perish. treasures, and that the tributes of the
10 And Apollonius gathered the Gentiles country were small, because of the
together, and a great host from Sa- dissension and plague which he had
llmaria, to fight against Israel. And brought upon the land, to the end that
Judas perceived it, and he went fortli lie might take away the laws which
to meet him, and smote him, and slew j
.'>0 had been from the first days; and he
as at other times for the charges and citadel, the Gentiles lodged therein;
the gifts wliich he gave aforetime and joy was taken away from Jacob,
with a liberal hand, and he abounded and the pipe and the harp ceased.
above the kings that were before him. 46 And they gathered themselves to-
31 And he was exceedingly perplexed in gether, and came to Mizpeh, over
his mind, and he determined to go against Jerusalem for in Mizpeh was
into Persia, and to take the tributes there a place of prayer aforetime for
of the countries, and to gather nmch 47 Israel. And they fasted that day, and
32 money. And he left Lysias, an hon- put on sackcloth, and put ashes ui)on
ourable man, and one of the seed 48 their heads, and rent their clothes, and
royal, to be over the affairs of the laid open the book of the law, con-
king from the river Euphrates unto cerning which the Gentiles were wont
33 the borders of Egypt, and to l)ring up to inquire, seeking tlie likenesses of
his son Antiochu-s, until he came 49 their idols. And tliey brought the
3'4 again. And he delivered unto liim the priests' garments, and the firstfruits,
half of his forces, and the elepliants, and the tithes and tliey stirred up the
and gave him charge of all tlie things Nazirites, who had accomplished their
that he would have done, and con- 50 days. And they cried aloud toward
cerning them that dwelt in Judaea and heaven, saying, What shall we do with
35 in Jerusalem, that he sliould send a these men, and wliitlier sliall we carry
host against them, to root out and Sltliem away? And thy lioly place is
destroy the strength of Israel, and the trodden down and pr()faiied, and thy
remnant of Jerusalem, and to take priests are in heaviness and brought
away their memorial from tlie place ;
52 low. And, behold, the Gentiles are
36 and that he should make strangers to assembled together against us to de-
dwell in all their coasts, and should stroy us thou knowest what things
37 divide their land to them liy lot. And 53 they imagine against us. How shall
the king took the half tliat remained we be able to stand before them,
of the forces, and removed from Auti- 54 except thou lie our help ? And they
ocii, from his royal city, ' tlie hundred sounded with the trumpets, and cried
and forty and seventh year and he; with a loud voice.
passed over the river Euphrates, and 55 And after this Judas appointed lead-
went through the upper countries. ers of the people, captains of thou-
38 And Lysias chose Ptolemy the son of sands, and captains of hundreds, and
Dorymenes,and Nicanor,and Gorgias, captains of fifties, and captains of
mighty men of the king's -Friends; 56 tens. And he said to them that were
39 and witli them he sent forty thousand building houses, and were betrothing
footmen, and seven thousand horse, to wives, and were planting vineyards,
go into tlie land of Judah, and to de- and were fearful, that they should
stroy it, according to the word of the return, each man to liis own house,
40 king. And they removed with all 57 according to the law. And the army
their host, and came and pitched near removed, and encamped upon the
unto Emmaus in the plain country. 58 south side of Emmaus. And Judas
41 And the merchants of the country said, Gird yourselves, and be valiant
heard the fame of them, and took men, and be in readiness against the
silver and gold exceeding much, with morning, that ye may fight with these
^fetters, and came into the camp to Gentiles, that are assembled together
take the children of Israel for ser- against us to destroy us, and our holy
vants: and there were added unto 59 place for it is better for us to die in
them the forces of Syria and of the battle, than to look upon the evils of
land of the ^ Philistines. 60 our nation and the holy place. Nev-
42 And Judas and his brethren saw that ertheless, as may be the will in hea-
evils were multiplied, and that the ven, so shall he do.
forces were encamping in their bor- 4 And Gorgias took five thousand foot^
ders and they took knowledge of the
; men, and a thunsand chosen horse,
king's words which he had command- 2 and the army removi'd by night, that it
ed, to destroy the people and make an might upon the army of the Jews
43 end of them and they said each man
: and smite them suddenly and the :
to his neighbour, Let us raise up the men of the citadel were his guides.
ruin of our people, and let us fight for 3 And Judas heard thereof, and remov-
44 our people and the holy place. And ed, he and the valiant men, that he
the congregation was gathered to- might smite the king's liost which was
gether, tliat tliey might be ready for 4 at Emmaus, while as yet the forces
battle, and that they miglit pray, and 5 were dispersed from the camp. And
45 ask for mercy and compassion. And Gorgias came into the camp of Judas
Jerusalem was without inhabitant as by night, and found no man ; and he
a wilderness, there was none of her sought them in the mountains for he ;
offspring that went in or went out 6 said. These men flee from us. And as
and the sanctuary was trodden down, soon as it was day, Judas appeared in
and tlie sons of strangers were in the the plain with three thousand men:
4. 28. I. MACCABEES. 4. 46.
howbeit they liad not armour nor together threescore thousand chosen
7 swords to their nnnds. And they saw footmen, and live thousand horse, that
the camp of the Gentiles strong and 29 he might subdue them. And they
and horsemen compassing it
fortified, came into Idumaea, and encamped at
round about and these were expert in
; Bethsura and Judas met them with
the Gentiles shall know that there the hand of thy people Israel, and let
is one who redeemeth and saveth Is- them be ashamed tor their host and
12 rael. And the strangers lifted up their 32 their horsemen: give them faintness
eyes, and saw them coming over of heart, and cause the boldness of
13 against them: and they went out of their strength to melt away, and let
the camp to battle. And they that 33 them quake at their destruction cast :
were with Judas sounded their trum- them down with the sword of them
14 pets, and joined battle, and the Gen- that love thee, and let all that know
tiles were discomfited, and fled into thy name praise thee with tlianksgiv-
15 the plain. But all the hindmost fell ing.
by the sword and they pursued them 34 And they joined battle and there fell
for the smoke that was seen declared the altar profaned, and the gates
21 what was (lone. But when they per- burned up, and shrubs growing in the
ceived these things, they were sore courts as in a forest or as on one of
afraid; and perceiving also the army tlie mountains, and the priests' cham-
of Judas in the i)iain ready for battle, 39 bers pulled down and tliey rent their
22 they fled all of tliem into the land of clothes, anil made great lamentation,
23 the - Philistines. And Judas returned 40 and jiut jishes ui)on their heads, and
to spoil the camp, and they got much fell on their faces to the ground, and
gold, and silver, and blue, and sea * blew with the solemn trumpets, and
24 purple, and great riches. And they 41 cried toward lieaveu. Then Judas
returiie<l lionie, and sang a song of api)ointed certain men to figlit against
thanksgiving, and gave praise "unto tliosetliat were in the citadel, until he
heaven; l)ecause /*(.s mercy is good, should have cleansed the holy place.
because his mercy endureth for ever. 42 And he chose blameless priests, such
25 And Israel had a great deliverance 43 as had i)leasure in the law and they :
such things as he would been done to their mind a good counsel, that they
mito Israel, nor had such things as should pull it down, lest it should be
the king commanded him come to a reiiroacli to tliem, because the Gen-
pass. tiles li;iil defiled it: and they pulled
28 And in the next year he gathered 40 down the altar, and laid up the stones
5. 2. I. MACCABEES. 5. 19.
in the mountain of the house ain slay and destroy among the people.
convenient place, until there should o And Judas touglit against thechildren
come a piophet to give an answer con- Esau in Idunuea at Akrabattine,
47 cerning them. Antl they took whole because they besieged Israel: and he
stones according to the law, and l)uilt smote them with a slaughter,
a new altar after the fashion of the and brought down tlnur pride, and
48 former and they huilt the holy place,
4 took their spoils. And he remembered
and the inner parts of the house and
; the the children of
wicketlness of
49 they hallowed the courts. And they ^ liajan, who were
luito the people a
made the holy vessels new, and they snare and a stund)lingblock, lying in
hrought the candlestick, and the altar 5 wait for them in the ways. And they
of burnt offerings and of incense, and were shut up by him in the towers
50 the table, into the temple. And they and he encamped against them, and
burned incense upon the altar, and destroyed them utterly, and burned
they lighted the lamps that were upon with fire the towers of the i)lace, with
the candlestick, and they gave light 6 all that were therein. And he passed
51 in the temple. And they set loaves over to the children of Annnon, and
upon the table, and spread out the found a mighty band, and much
veils, anil finished all the works people, with Timotheus for their
which they made. 7 leader. And he fought many battles
52 And they rose up early in the morn- with them, and they were discomfited
ing, on the five and twentieth day of before his face and he smote them,
the ninth month, which is the month 8 and gat possession of Jazer, and the
Chislev, in ' the hundred and forty ^villages thereof, and returned again
53 and eighth year, and offered sacrifice into Judaea.
according to the law upon the new 9 And the Gentiles that were in Gilead
altar of burnt offerings which they gathered themselves together against
54 had made. At what time and on what the Israelites that were on their bor-
day the Gentiles hail i)r()faned it, even ders, to destroy them. And they fled
on that day was it dedicated afresh, 10 to the stronghold of IJathema, and
with songs and harps and lutes, and sent letters unto Judas and his.bre-
55 with cymbals. And all the people fell tl!ren, saying. The Gentiles that are
upon their faces, and worshipped, and round about us are gathered together
^ gave praise unto heaven, which had 11 against us to destroy us and they are :
56 given them good success. And they preparing to come and get possession
kept the dedication of the altar eight of the stronghold whereunto we are
days, and offered burnt offerings with fled for refuge, and Timotheus is the
gladness, and sacrificed a sacrifice of 12 leader of their host. Now therefore
57 deliverance and praise. And they come and deliver us from their hand,
decked the forefront of the temple 13 for many of us are fallen. And all
with crowns of gold and small shields, our brethren that were in the land of
and dedicated .it'rcsh tlie .uatcs and the " Tubias have been put to death and ;
priests" chaml)tn-s, and made doors for they have carried into captivity their
58 them. And there was exceeding great wives and their children and their
gladness among the people, and the stuff; and they destroyed there about
reproach of the Gentiles was turned 14 a thousand men. While the letters
59 away. And Judas and his brethren were yet reading, behold, there came
and tlie wliole congregation of Israel other messengers from Galilee with
ordained, that the days of the dedica- their clothes rent, bringing a report
tion of the altar should be kept in 15 after this wise, saying. That there
their seasons from year to year by the were gathered together against them
space of eight days, from the five and those of Ptolemais, and of Tyre, and
twentieth day of the month Chislev, of Sidon, and all Galilee of the " Gen-
60 with gladness and joy. And at that tiles, to consume them.
season they l)ull<led up the mount Sion 16 Now when Judas and the people
with high walls and strong towers heard these words, there assembled
round about, lest haply the Gentiles together a great congregation, to con-
should come and tread them down, as sult what they should do for their
61 they had done aforetime. And he set brethren, that were in tribulation, and
there a force to keep it, and they 17 were assaulted of them. And Judas
fortified Bethsura to keep it that the
; said unto Simon his l)rother. Choose
pet)i)le might have a stronghold over thee out men, and go and deliver thy
against Iilumaea. brethren that are in Galilee, but I and
5 And it came to pass, when the Gen- Jonathan my brother will go into the
tiles round about heard that the altar 18 land of Gilead. And he left Joseph
was huilt, and the sanctuary dedicated the son of Zacharias, and Azarias, as
as aforetime, they were exceeding leaders of the i)eople, with the rem-
2 wroth. And they took counsel to de- nant of the host, in Juda?a, for to keep
stroy the race of Jacob that was in 19 it. And he gave commaiulment unto
the midst of tliem, and they began to them, saying, Take ye the charge of
13 7 A''
5. 36. I. MACCABEES. 5. 52.
this people, and fight no battle with 37 Now after these things Timotheus
the Gentiles until that we come again. gathered another army, and encamped
20 And unto Simon were divided three over against Raphon beyond the
thousand men to go into Galilee, but 38 brook. And Judas sent men to espy
unto Judas eight thousand men to go the army and they brought him word,
into the land of (iilead. saying. All the Gentiles that be round
21 And Simon went into Galilee, and about us are gathered together unto
fought many battles with the Gentiles, 39 them, an exceeding great host. And
and the Gentiles were discomfited they have hired Arabians to help
22 before him. And he pursued them them, and are encamping beyond the
unto the gate of Ptolemais and there ; brook, ready to come against thee to
fell of the Gentiles about three thou- battle. And Judas went to meet them.
sand men, and he took their spoils. 40 And Timotheus said unto the captains
23 And they took to them those that when Judas and his army
of his host,
were in Galilee, and in Arbatta, with drew nigh unto the brook of water, If
their wives and their children, and all he pass over first unto us, we shall
that they had, and brought them into not be able to withstand him for he ;
Judaea with great gladness. 41 will mightily prevail against us: but
24 And Judas Maccabgeus and his bro- it he be afraid, and encamp beyond
ther Jonathan passed over Jordan, the river, we will cross over unto him,
and went three days' journey in the 42 and prevail against him. Now when
25 wilderness and they met with the
; Judas came nigh unto the brook of
Nabathseans, and these met them in a water, he caused the scribes of the
peaceable manner, and told them all people to remain by the brook, and
things that had befallen their brethren gave commandment unto them, say-
2(iin the land of Gilead, and how that : ing. Suffer no man to encamp, but let
many of them were shut up in Bosora, 43 all come to the battle. And he crossed
and Bosor, and Alema, Casphor, 'over the first against them, and all the
IMaked, and - Carnaim all these cities; people after him and all the Gentiles :
27 are strong and great and how that : were discomfited before his face, and
they were shut up in the rest of the cast away their arms, and fled luito
cities of the land of Gilead, and' that 44 the temple at ^ Carnaim. And they
to-morrow they have appointed to took the city, and burned the temple
encamp against the strongholds, and with fire, to^'fthcr with all that were
to take them, and to destroy all these therein. And Carnaim was subdued,
28 men in one day. And Judas and his neither could they stand any longer
army turned suddenly by the way of before the face of Judas.
the wilderness unto Bosora and he 45 And Judas gathered together all Is-
took the city, and slew all the males rael, them that were in the land of
with the edge of the sword, and took Gilead, from the least unto the great-
all their spoils, and burned the city est, and their wives, and their chil-
29 witli fire. And he removed from dren, and their stuff, an exceeding
thence by night, and went till he came great army, that they might come into
30 to the stronghold. And the morning 46 the land of Judah. And they came as
came, and they lifted np their eyes, far as Ephron, and this same city was
and, behold, in\icli jieople which could great, and it was in the way as they
not lie niinilK'rcd, liearinij: ladders and should go, exceeding strong: they
i'nginesof war, to take tlie stronghold; could not turn aside from it on the
and they were fighting against them. right hand or on the left, but must
31 And Judas saw that the battle was needs pass through the midst of it.
begun, and that the cry of the city 47 And they of the city shut them out,
went up to heaven, with trumpets and and stopped up the gates with stones.
32 a great sound, and he said nnto the 48 And Judas sent unto them with words
men of his host. Fight this day for of peace, saying. We will pass through
33 your brethren. And he went forth thy land to go into our own land, and
behind them in three companies, and none shall do you any hurt, we will
they sounded with their trumpets, and only pass by on our feet. And they
34 cried out in prayer. And the army of 49 would not open nnto him. And Judas
Timotheus perceived that it was Mac- commanded i)roclamation to be made
eabaens, and they fled from before in the army, that each man should
him and he smote them with a great
: encamp in the place where he was.
slaughter and there fell of them on 50 And the men of the host encamped,
that day about eight thousand men. and fought against the city all that
35 And he turned aside to Mizpeh and day and all that night, and the city
fought against it, and took it, and 51 was delivered into his hands; and he
slew all the males thereof, and took destroyed all the males with the edge
the si)oils thereof, and burned it with of the sword, and rased the city, and
3() fire. From tlu'nce he renio\(Ml, and took the spoils thereof, and passed
took Casplior, Maked, liosor, and the
through the city over them that were
other cities of the land of Gilead. 52 slain. And they went over Jordan
I. MACCABEES. 6. 20.
into the great plain over against Betli- among the Greeks, left behind there.
53 slum. And Judas gathered togetlier 3 And he came and sought to take the
lagged behind, and encour-
tliose that and to pillage it; and he was not
aged the people all the way through, because the thing was known to
until he came into the land of Judah. 4 them of the city, and they rose up
54 And they went up to mount Sion with against him to battle and he fled, :
gladness anil joy, and offered whole and removed thence with great heavi-
burnt ott't'rings, because not so much ness, to return unto Babylon.
as one of them was slain until they 5 And there came one bringing him
returned in peace. tidings into Persia, that the armies,
55 And in the days when Judas and which went against the land of Ju-
Jonathan were in the land of Gilead, 6 dah, had been put to flight; and that
and Simon his brother in Galilee be- Lysias went first with a strong host,
56 fore Ptolemais, Joseph the son of and was put to shame before them ;
Zacharias, and Azarias, rulers of the and that they had waxed strong by
host, heard of their exploits and of the reason of arms and power, and with
57 war, what things they had done and : store of spoils, which they took from
they said, Let us also get us a name, 7 the armies that they had cut off and ;
and let us go fight against the Gentiles that they had pulled down the abom-
58 that are round about us. And they ination which he had built upon the
gave charge luito the men of the host altar that was in Jerusalem and that ;
that was with them, and went toward they had compassed about the sanc-
59Jamnia. And Gorgias and his men tuary with high walls, as before, and
came out of the city to meet them in 8 Bethsura, his city. And it came to
60 battle. And Joseph and Azarias were pass, when the king heard these
put to flight, and were pursued unto words, he was astonished and moved
the borders of Judaea and there fell
; exceedingly and he laid him down
on that day of the people of Israel upon and fell sick for grief,
his bed,
61 about two thousand men. And there because it had not befallen him as he
was a great overthrow among the peo- 9 looked for. And he was there many
ple, because they hearkened not unto days, lieeause great grief was renewed
Judas and his brethren, thinking to do upon him, and he made account that
62 some exploit. But they were not of the 10 he should die. And he called for all
seed of those men, by whose hand his = Friends, and said unto them,
deliverance was given unto Israel. Sleep departeth from mine eyes, and
6-3 And the man Judas and his brethren 11 my heart faileth for care. And I said
were glorified exceedingly in the sight in my heart. Unto what tribulation
of all Israel, and of all the (Jentiles, am I come, and how great a flood is
wheresoever their name was heard of it, wherein I now am ! for I was gra-
64 and men gathered together unto them, 12 clous and beloved in my power. But
acclaiming them. nOw I the evils which I did
65 And Judas and his brethren went at Jerusalem, and that I took all the
forth, and fought against the children vessels of silver and gold that were
of Esau in the land toward the south; therein, and sent forth to destroy the
and he smote Hebron and the villages ' inhabitants of Judah without a cause.
thereof, and pulled down the strong- 13 1 perceive that on this account these
holds thereof, and burned the towers evils are come upon me, and, behold,
66 thereof round about. And he removed I perish through great grief in a
to go into the land of the = Philistines, 14 strange land. And he called for
67 and he went tlirough ^ Samaria. In Philip, one of his ^ Friends, and set
that day certain priests, desiring to 15 him over all his kingdom, and gave
do exploits there, were slain in battle, himhis dia<lem, and his robe, and his
when as * he went out to battle unad- signet-ring, to the end he should bring
68 visedly. And Judas turned aside to Antiochus his son, and nourish him
Azotus, to the land of the- Philistines, 16 up that he might be king. And king
and pulled down their altars, and Antiochus died there in the hundred '=
burned the carved images of their 17 and forty and ninth year. And Lysias
gods with fire, and took the spoil of knew that the king was dead, and he
their cities, and returned into the set up Antiochus his son to reign,
land of Judah. whom he hid nourished up being
6 And king Antiochus was journeying young, and he called his name Eu-
through the upper countries and he ; pator.
heard say, that in Elymais in Persia 18 And they that were in the citadel
there was a city renowned for riches, shut up Israel round about the sanc-
2 for silver and gold and that the tem-
; tuary, and sought always their hurt,
ple which was in it was rich exceed- and the strengthening of the Gentiles.
ingly, and that therein were golden 19 And Judas thought to destroy them,
shields, and breastplates, and arms, and called all the people together to
which Alexander, son of Philip, the 20 besiege them. And they were ga-
Macedonian king, who reigned first thered together, and besieged them
6. 37. I. MACCABEES. 6. 55.
against us only did they stretch out 42 great and strong. And Judas and his
their hand, but also against all their army drew near for battle, and there
2(; borders. And, beliolil, they are en- fell of the king's army six hundred
camped this day agahist tlie citadel 43 men. And Eleazar, who was called
at Jerusalem, to take it and the sauc-
: Avaran, saw one of the beasts armed
tuaryand Bethsura havethey fortified. with royal breastidates, and he was
27 And if ye are not beforehand with higher than all the beasts, and the
them quickly, they will do greater 44 king seemed to be upon him and he ;
things than these, and thou shalt not gave himself to deliver his people,
be able to control them. and to get him an everlasting name ;
28 And when the king heard this, he 45 and he ran upon him courageously
was angry, and gathered together all into the midst of the phalanx, and
his ^ Friends, crni the rulers of his slew on the right hand and on the
host, and them that were over the left, and they parted asunder from
29 horse. And there came unto him 46 him on this side and on that. And he
from other kingdoms, and from isles crept under the elephant, and thrust
of tlie sea, bands of hired soldiers. him from beneath, and slew him and ;
30 And the number of his forces was tlie elrpliaiit fell to the earth uiion
a hundred thousand footmen, and 47 him, and he died there. And they saw
twenty thousand horsemen, and two the strength of the kingdom, and the
and thirty elephants trained for war. fierce onset of the hosts, and turned
31 And they went through Idum?ea, away from them.
and eiicainiied against I'.t'thsura, and 48 But they of the king's army went up
fought against it many days, mid liiade to Jerusalem to meet them, and the
engines of war; and tliey n/ Ikihaura king encamped toward Judaea, and
came out, ami burned them with fire, 49 toward mount Sion. And he made
32 and fought valiantly. And Judas re- peace with them of Bethsura and he ;
moved from the citadel, and encamped came out of the city, because they had
at Bethzacharias, over against the no food there to endure the siege,
33 king's camp. And the king rose early because it was a sabbath to the land.
in the morning, and removed his army 50 And the king took Bethsura, and ap-
• at full speed along the road to Beth- pointed a garrison there to keep it.
zacharias, and his forces made them 51 And he encamped against the sanc-
ready to battle, and sounded with the tuary many days and set there
34: trumpets. And they shewed the ele- mounds to shoot from, and engines of
phants tlie blood of giajies and inul- war, and instruments for casting fire
l>rrri<'S, tliat they iniglit prepare tliem and stones, and pieces to cast darts,
35 for till" battle. And they divided the 52 and slings. And they also made en-
beasts among the phalanxes, and gines against their engines, and
they set by each elephant a thousand 53 fought for many days. But there
men armed with coats of mail, and were no victuals in the sanctuary,
helmets of lirass on their heads and; because it was the seventh year, and
for each beast were appointed five they that fled for safety into Jndrea
3(5 hundred chosen horsemen. These from among the Gentiles had eaten
were ready beforehand, wheresoever 54 up the residue of the store and there ;
the beast was ; and whithersoever were but a few left in the sanctuary,
the beast went, they went with him because the famine prevailed against
37 theydeparted iiotfromhim. And tow- them, and they were scattered, each
ers of wood were upon them, strong man to his own place.
(iikI covered, one iijioii each beast, 55 And Lysias heard say, that Philip,
girt fast upon liim with cunning con- whom Antiochus the king, whiles he
trivances and upon each beast were
was yet alive, appointed to nourish up
I two and thirty valiant men that fought his son Antiochus, that he might be
7. 9. I. MACCABEES. 7. 28.
56 kiiij;, was returiietl from Persia and 10 And they removed, and came with
Media, Mild with liiiii tlie forces that a great host into the land of Judah,
went witli tlie king, aiul that he was and he sent messengers to Judas and
seeking to take unto him the govern- his brethren with wortls of peace
57 nient. And lie made liaste, and gave 11 deceitfully. And they gave no heed
consent to depart; and lie said to the to their words for they saw that they
king and the leaders of the host and 12 were come with a great host. And
to the men. We decay daily, and our there were gathered together unto
food is scant, and the i)lace where we Alcimus and Baechides a company of
encamp is strt)iig, ami the affairs of 13 scribes, to seek for justice. And the
58 the kingdom lie upon us now there-
Hasidgeans were the first among the
fore let us give the right hand to these children of Israel that sought peace
men, and make peace with them and 1-tof them; for they said. One that is
59 with all their nation, and covenant a priest of the seed of Aaron is come
with them, that tlu-y shall walk after with the forces, and he will do us no
their own laws, as aforetime: for be- 15 wrong. And he spake with them
cause of their laws which we abol- words of peace, and sware unto them,
ished they were angered, and did all saying. We will seek the hurt neither
60 these things. And the saying pleased 16 of you nor your friends. And they
the king and the princes, and he sent gave him credence and he laid hands
unto them to make peace and they ; on threescore men of them, and slew
61 acrepted tlii'i-eof. And the king and them in one day, according to the
the princes sware unto them: there- word which the 2>-'«il»i'gt wrote,
upon they came forth from the strong- 17 'The flesh of thy saints did they
62 hold. And the king entered into cast out.
mount Slon and he saw the strength
; And
their blood did they shed round
nought the
of the place, an<l set at about Jerusalem
oath which he had sworn, and gave And there was no mail to bury them.
commandment down the wall
to pull 18 And the fear and the dread of them^
63 round alioiit. And he removed in fellupon all the people, for they said,
haste,and returned unto Antioch, and There is neither truth nor judgement
found Philip master of the city and ; in them for they have broken the
he fought against him, and took the covenant and the oath which they
city by force. 19 sware. And Baechides removed from
7 In the hundred and one and fiftieth
' Jerusalem, and encamped in Bezeth ;
year Demetrius the son of Seleucus and he sent and took many of the de-
came Rome, and went up
forth from serters that were with him, and cer-
with a few men unto a city by the sea, tain of the people, and he slew them,
2 and reigned there. And it came to 20 and cast them into the great pit. And
pass, when he would go into the house he matle sure the country to Alcimus,
of the kingdom of his fathers, that the and left with him a force to aid him;
army laid hands on Antiochus and and Baechides went away unto the
3 Lysias, to bring them unto him. And king.
the thing was known to him, and 21 And Alcimus strove for his high
he said. Shew me
not their faces. 22 priesthood. And there were gathered
4 And the army slew them. And De- unto him all they that troubled their
metrius sat upon the throne of his people, and they got the mastery of
5 kingdom. And there came unto him the land of Judah, and did great hurt
all the lawless and ungodly men of 23 in Israel. And Judas saw all the mis-
Israel ; and Alcimus was their leader, chief that Alcimus and his company
6 desiring to be high priest and they ; had done among the children of Israel,
accused the people to the king, say- 24 even above the Gentiles, and he went
ing, Judas and his brethren have de- out into all the coasts of Judaea round
stroyed all thy friends, and have al)Out, and took vengeance on the men
7 scattered us from our own land. Now that had deserted from him, and they
therefore send a man whom thou were restrained from going forth into
trustest, and let him go and see all 25 the country. But wlien Alcimus .saw
the havock which he hath made of us, that Judas and his company waxed
and of the king's coiuitry, and hoir strong, and knew that he was notable
he hath punished them and all that to withstand them, he returned to the
8 helped them. And the king chose king, and brought evil accusations
Baechides, one of the khig's - Friends, against them.
who was ruler in the country beyond 26 ^ And the king sent Nicanor, one of
the river, and was a great man in the his honourable princes, a man that
kingdom, and faithful to the king. hated Israel and was their enemy, and
9 And he sent him, and that ungodly commanded him to destroy the people.
Alcimus, and made sure to him the 27 And Nicaiior came to Jerusalem with
high priesthood, and he commanded a great host and he sent unto Judas
him to take vengeance upon the chil- and his brethren deceitfully with
dren of Israel. 28 words of peace, saying, Let there be
7. 46. L MACCABEES. 8. 12.
no battle between me and you I will ; by the sword, and there was not one
come with a few men, that I may see 47 of them left. And they took the spoils,
29 your faces in peace. And he came to and the booty, and they smote off
Judas, and they saluted one another Nicanor's head, and his right hand,
peaceably. And the enemies were which he stretched out so haughtily,
ready to take away Judas by vio- and brouglit them, and ' hanged them
30 lence. And the thing was known to 48 up beside Jerusalem. And the people
Judas, to irif, that he came unto him was exceeding glad, and they kept
with deceit, and he was sore afraid of that day as a day of great gladness.
him, and would see his face no more. 49 And "they ordained to keep this day
31 And Nicanor knew that his counsel year by year, to irit, the thirteenth
was discovered and he went out to; 50 day of Adar. And the laud of Judah
meet Judas In battle beside Capharsa- had rest * a little while.
32 lama and there fell of Nicanor's side
; 8 And Judas heard of the fame of the
about ' five hundred men, and they Romans, that they are valiant men,
fled into the city of David. and have pleasure in all that join
33 And after these things Nicanor went themselves unto them, and make
up to mount Sion: and there came amity with all such as come unto
some of the priests out of the sanc- 2 them, and that they are valiant men.
tuary, and some of the elders of the And they told him of their wars and
people, to salute him peaceably, and exploits which they do among the
to shew him the whole burnt sacrifice (4auls, and how that they conquered
that was being offered for the king. them, and brought them under tri-
34 And he mocked them, and laughed at 3 bute and what things they did in
them, and ^entreated them shamefully, the land of Spain, that they might
35 and spake haughtily, and sware in a become masters of the mines of silver
rage, saying. Unless Judas and his 4 and gold which were there and how ;
army be now delivered into my hands, that by their policy and persistence
it shall be that, if I come again in they conquered all the place (and the
peace, I will burn up this house and : place was exceeding far from them),
36 he went out ina great rage. And the and the kings that came against them
priests entered in, and stood before from the uttermost part of the earth,
the altar and the temple; and they until they had discomfited them, and
37 wept, and said. Thou didst choose this smitten them very sore; and how the
house to be called by thy name, to be rest give them tribute year by year:
a hoiise of prayer and supplication 5 and Philip, and Perseus, king of Chit-
38 for thy people: take vengeance on tim, and them that lifted up them-
tills man and his army, and let them selves against them, did they discom-
f.ill by the sword remember their : fit in battle, and conquered them
blasphemies, and suffer them not to 6 Antiochus also, the great king of
live any longer. Asia, who came against them to
39 And Nicanor went forth from Jeru- battle, liaving a hundred and twenty
salem, <ind encamped in Bethhoron, elephants, with horse, and chariots,
and there met him the host of Syria. and an exceeding great host, and he
40 And Judas encamped in Adasa with 7 was discomfited by them, and they
three thousand men and Judas pray- : took him alive, and appointed that
41 ed and said. When they that came both he and such as reigned after him
from the king blasphemed, thine an- should give them a great tribute, and
gel went out, and smote among them should give hostages, and a parcel of
a hundred and fourscore and five 8 land, to wit, the country of India, and
42 thousand. Even so discomfit thou Media, and Lydia, and of the goodliest
this army before ns to-day, and let all of their countries and they took them
the rest know that he hath spoken from him, and gave them to king
wickedly against thy sanctuary, and OEumenes: and how they of Greece
judge thou him according to his wlck- took counsel to come and destroy
43 edness. And on the thirteenth day of 10 them; and the thing was known to
the month Adar the armies joined them, and they sent against tliem a
battle and Nicanor's army was dis-
: captain, and fought against them, and
comfited, and he himself was the first many of them fell down wounded to
44 to fall in the battle. Now when his death, and they made captive their
army saw that Nicanor was fallen, they wives and their children, and spoiled
45 cast away their arms, and fled. And them, and conquered their land, and
they pursued after them a day's jour- pulled down their strongholds, and
ney from Adasa until thou comest to spoiled them, and brought them into
^ Gazara, and they sounded an alarm 11 bondage unto this day: and the resi-
after them with the ^solenni trumpets. due of the kingdoms and of the isles,
46 And they came forth out of all the as many as rose up against them at
villages of Judaea round about, and any time, they destroyed and made
"closed them in; and these turned 12 them to be their servants; but with
thein back on those, and they all fell their friends and such as relied upon
8. 28. I. MACCABEES. 9. 12.
that heard of their fame were afraid these ordinances, and that without de-
13 of them moreover,
: whomsoever they 29 ceit. According to these words have
will to succonr and to make kings, the Romans made a covenant tlius
these do they make kings and whom- 30 with the people of the Jews. But if
soever they will, do they depose and hereafter the one party and the other
14 they are exalted exceedingly and shall take counsel to add or diminish
for all this none of them did ever anything, they shall do it at tlieir
pnt on a diadem, neither did they pleasure, and whatsoever tliey shall
clothe themselves with purple, to be add or take away shall lie established.
15 magnified tliereby and how they had 31 And as touching tlie evils which king
made for themselves a senate house, Demetrius doetli unto them, we have
and day by day three hiuidred and written to him, saying, Wherefore
twenty men sat in council, consult- hast thou made thy yoke heavy upon
ing alway for the people, to the end our friends and confederates tiie
16 they might be well ordered: and 32 Jews? If therefore they plead any
how they commit their government more against thee, we will do them
to one man year by year, that he justice, and figlit with thee by sea
should rule over them, and be lord and by land.
over all their country, and all are And Demetrius heard that Nieanor
obedient to that one, and there is was fallen with hisforces in l)attle,and
neither envy nor emulation among he sent Bacchides and Alcimus again
them. into the land of .Judah a second time,
17 And Judas chose Eupolemus the son and the right wing of his army with
of John, the son of Accos, and .Jason them and they went by the way that
the son of Eleazar, and sent tliem to leadeth to Gilgal, and encamped
Kome, to make a league of amity and against Mesalotli, which is in Arbela,
18 confederacy with tliem,and that they and gat possession of it, and destroy-
should take the yoke from them for ; ed much people. And the first month
tlieysaw that the kingdom of the of the hundred and fifty and second
Greeks did keep Israel in bondage. year they encamped against Jerusa-
19 And they went to Rome (and the way lem and they removed, and went to
was exceeding long), and tliey entered Berea, with twenty thousand footmen
into the senate house, and answered 5 and two tliousand horse. And Judas
20 and said, Judas, wlio is also rullrd was encamped at Elasa, and three
Maccabaeus, and his l)rethren, and the 6 thousand chosen men with liini and
people of the Jews, have sent us unto they saw the multitude of the forces,
you, to make a confederacy and peace that they were many, and they feared
witli you, and that we migJit be regis- exceedingly and many slipped away
tered your confederates and friends. out of the army there were not left
21 And tlie thing was well-pleasing in of them more than eight hundred men.
22 their sight. And this is tlie copy of And .Judas saw that his army slipped
the writing which they wrote back away, and that tlie battle pressed up-
again on tables of brass, and sent to on him, and he was sore trouliled in
Jerusalem, that it might be with them heart, for that he had no time to
there for a memorial of peace and con- gather them together, and he waxed
federacy : faint. And he said to them that were
23 Good success be to the Romans, and left, Let us arise and go up against
to the nation of the .Jews, by sea and our adversaries, if peradventure we
by land for ever the sword also and
: may be al)le to fight with them. And
24 the enemy be far from tliem. But if they would have dissuaded liim, say-
war arise for Rome
first, or any of ing. We shall in no wise be able but :
their confederates in all their domin- let us rather save our lives now: let
25 ion, the nation of the Jews shall lielp us return again, ire and our brethren,
them as confederates, as the occasion and fight against them: but we are
shall prescribe to them, with all their 10 few. And Judas said. Let it not be so
2(5 lieart and unto them that make war
: that I should do this thing, to flee
upon them they shall not give, neither from them and if our time is come,
supply, food, arms, money, or ships, as let us die manfully for our brethren's
it hath seemed good unto Rome, and sake, and not leave a cause of re-
they shall keep their ordinances with- 1 proach against our glory. And the
27 out taking anything therefore. In the host removed from the camp, and
same maimer, moreover, if war come stood to encounter them, and tlie
first upon the nation of the .Jews, the horse was parted into two companies,
Romans shall help them as confeder- and the slingers and the archers went
ates with all their soul, as the occasion before the host, and all the mighty
28 shall prescribe to them and to them
: men that fought in the front of the
that are confederates vAth their foes 12 battle. But Bacchides was in the
9. 33 I. MACCABEES. 9. 53.
right wing; and the phalanx drew 34 Asphar. And Bacchides knew It on*
near on tlie two parts, and they blew the sabbath day, and came, he and
13 with their trumpets. And the men 35 all his army, over Jordan. And .Tona-
of Judas' side, even they sounded thdu sent his brother, a leader of the
with their trumpets, and the earth multitude, and besought his friends
shook with the shout of the armies, the Kabathaeans, that they might
and the battle was joined, and con- leave with them their baggage, wliich
tinued from morning until evening. 36 was much. And the children of Jam-
14 And Judas saw that Bacchides and bri came out of Medaba, and took
the strength of his army were on the John, and all that he had, and went
right side, and there went with him all their way with it.
1.5 that were brave in heart, and the right 37 But after these things they brought
wing was discomflted by them, and he word to Jonathan and Simon his bro-
pursued after them unto the mount ther, that the children of Jambri were
16 Azotus. And they that were on the making a great marriage, and were
left wing saw that tlie right wing was bringing the bride from Nadabath
discomfited, and they turned and fol- with a great train, a daughter of one
lowed upon the footsteps of Judas and 38 of the great nobles of Canaan. And
17 of those tliat were with him and the: they remembered .John their brother,
battle waxed sore, and many on both and went up, and hid themselves un-
18 parts fell wounded to deatli. And 39der the covert of the mountain and :
lit Judas fell, and tlie rest fled. And they lifted up their eyes, and saw, and,
Jonathan and Simon toolv .Judas their behold, a great ado and much liaggage
brother, and buried him in the sepul- and the bridegroom came forth, and
20 chre of his fathers at Modin. And his friends and his brethren, to meet
they bewailed him, and all Israel them with timbrels, and minstrels, and
made great lamentation for him, and 40 many weapons. And they rose up
21 mourned many days, and said. How a.uainst them from their ambush, and
is the mighty fallen, the saviour of slew them, and many fell wounded to
"^"^ Israel! And the rest of the acts of deatli, and the remnant fled into the
Judas, and his wars, and the valiant mountain, and they took all their
deeds which he did, and his greatness, 41 spoils. And the marriage was turned
they are not written; for they were into mourning, and the voice of their
exceeding many. 42 minstrels into hunentation. And tliey
And it came to pass after the death avenged fully tlie blood of their bro-
of Judas, that the lawless put forth ther, and turned back to the marsh of
their heads in all the coasts of Israel, Jordan.
and all they that wrought iniquity 43 And Bacchides heard it, and he came
24 rose up (in those days was there an on the sabbath day unto the banks of
exceeding great famine), and the coun- 44 .Jordan with a great host. And .Jona-
try went over witli tliein. And Bac- tlian sard to ills company. Let us stand
chides chose out tlie ungodly men, up now and tight for our lives, for it is
and made them lords of the country. not vith IIS to-day, as yesterday and
2(5 And they sought out and searclied 4."! the day before. For, behold, the battle
for the friends of Jiidas, and brought is liefore us and behind us; moreover
them unto Bacchides, and he toolv the water of the Jordan is on this side
vengeance on them, and used them and on that side, and marsh and wood
despitefiilly. And tliere was great and there is no place to turn aside.
trilmlation in Israel, such as was not 4() Now therefore cry unto heaven, that
since the time that no prophet ap- ye may be delivered out of the hand
peared unto them. And all the 47 of your enemies. And the battle was
friends of Judas were gathered to- joined, and Jonathan stretched forth
gether, and they said unto .Jonathan, his hand to smite Bacchides, and he
29 Since thy lirother Judas hath died, we 48 turned away back from him. And
have no man like liiin to go forth .Tonatlian and they that were with him
against our enemies and Bacchides, leapt into the Jordan, and swam over
and among them of our nation that to the other side and they did not
30 hate us. Now therefore we have 49 pass over Jordan against them. And
chosen thee this day to be our prince there fell of Bacchides' comi)any that
and leader in his stead, that thou 50 day about a thousand men and he re- ;
31 mayest figlit our battles. And Jona- turned to.Terusalem. And tlicy builded
than took the governance upon him strong cities in .)\i(l;ea, tlie sti'onghold
at that time, and rose up in the stead tiiat was ill .It'i-iclio, and Kinin;ius, and
of his brother Judas. Bethhoron, and Bethel, and Timnath,
32 And Bacchides knew it, and he riiarathon, and Tephon, with high
33 sought to slay him. And Jonathan, 51 walls and gates and bars. And in
and Simon liis brother, and all that tlieni he set a garrison, to vex Israel.
were with him, knew it and they fled 52 And he fortified the city Bethsura, and
into the wilderness of Tekoah, and Gazara, and the cit;idel, and put forces
encamped by the water of the pool 53 in them, and store of victuals. And
9. 70. I. MACCABEES. 10. 16.
he took the sons of the chief men of end that they should make peace with
the country for hostages, and put him, and that he should restore unto
them in ward in the citadel at Jeru- 71 them the captives. And lie accepted
salem. the thing, and did according to his
54 And ill ' the hundred and fifty and words, and sware unto him tliat he
third year, in the second month, Al- would not seek his hurt all tlie days
cinuis commanded to pull down the 72 of his life. And he restored unto him
wall of the inner court of the sanc- the captives which he had taken
tuary he pulled down also tlie works
aforetime out of tlie land of Judah,
55 of the prophets anil he began to pull
; and he returned and departed into
down. At that time was Aluimus his own land, and came not any more
stricken, and his works were hindered; 73 into .their borders. And the sw-ord
and his mouth was stopped, and he ceased from Israel. And Jonatlian
was taken with a palsy, and he could dwelt at Micliinash and Jonathan ;
110 more speak anything and give began to judge the people; and he
5() order concerning his house. And Al- destroyed the ungodly out of Israel.
ciinus died at that time witli great 10 And in - the hundred and sixtieth
57 torment. And Bacchides sawtliat Al- year Alexander Epiphanes, the son of
cimus was dead, and lie returned to Autioclius, went up and took posses-
the king: and the land of Judah had sion of Ptolenuiis and they received:
they should lay hands on Jonathan ber all the evils that we have done
and those that were with him and : against him, and unto liis brethren
they could not, because their counsel 6 and unto his nation. And he gave him
61 was known unto them. And they that authority to gather together forces,
u'ere of Jonathaii''s jKirt laid hands on and to provide arms, and that he
about fifty of the men of the country, should be his confederate: and he
that were authors of the wickedness, commanded that they should deliver
62 and he slew them. And Jonathan, up to him the hostages that were in
and Simon, and they that were with the citadel.
him, gat them away to Betlibasi, which 7 And Jonathan came to Jerusalem,
is ill the wilderness, and he built up and read the letters in the audience of
that which had been pulled down all the people, and of them that were
63 thereof, and they made it strong. And 8 in the citadel and they were sore
Bacchides knew it, and he gathered afraid, when they heard that tlie king
together all his multitude, and sent had given him authority to gather
word to them that were of Juda-a. 9 together a host. And they of the
6-1 And he went and encamped against citadel delivered up the hostages unto
Betlibasi, and fought against it many Jonathan, and he restored them unto
65 days, and made engines of war. And 10 their parents. And Jonathan dwelt
Jonathan left his brother Simon in in Jerusalem, and began to build and
the city, and went forth into the coun- 11 renew the city. And he commanded
66 try, and he went with a few men. And them that did the work to build the
he smote Odomera and his brethren, walls and the mount Sion round about
and the children of Phasiron in their with ^ square stones for defence and ;
67 tent. And tliey began to smite them, 12 they did so. And the strangers, that
and to go up with their forces. And were in the strongholds which Bacchi-
Simon and they that were with him 13des had built, fled away; and each
went out of the city, and set on fire man left his place, and dejiarted into
68 the engines of war, and fought against 14 his own land. Only at Betlisura were
Bacchides, and he was discomfited by there left certain of those that had for-
them, and they afflicted him sore for ; saken the law and theconiinandments;
his counsel was in vain, and his in- for it was a place of refuge unto them.
69 road. And they were very wroth with 15 And king Alexander heard all the
the lawless men that gave him counsel promises which Demetrius had sent
to come into the country, and they unto Jonathan and they told him of
slew many of them. And he took coun- the battles and the valiant deeds which
70 sel to depart into his own land. And he and his brethren had done, and of
Jonathan had knowledge tliereof,and 16 the toils which they had endured and ;
sent ambassadors unto him, to the he said. Shall we find such another
10. 34. I. MACCABEES. 10. 48.
ments in the seventh month of ^ tlie them, and their rulers, be of them-
hundred and sixtieth year, at the selves, and let them walk after their
feast of tabernacles, and he gathered own laws, even as the king hath com-
together forces, and provided arms in 38 manded in the land of .Judah. And the
abundance. three governments that have been
22 And Demetrius heard these things, added to Judfea from the country of
23 and he was grieved, and said, What is Samaria, let them be added to Judaea,
tliistliat we liave done, that Alexander that they may be reckoned to be un-
hatli been beforehand with us in estab- der one, that they may not obey other
lisliing friendsiiip witli the Jews, to 39authority than the high priest's. As
2-1 strengtlien himself ? I also will write for Ptolemais, and the land pertaining
unto them words of encouragement have given it as a gift to
tliereto, I
and of honour and of gifts, that they the sanctuary that is at Jerusalem,
25 may be with me to aid me. And he for the expenses that beflt the sanc-
sent unto them according to these 40 tuary. And I give every year fifteen
words tliousand shekels of silver from the
King Demetrius unto the nation of king's revenues from the places that
2G tlie Jews, greeting Forasmuch as ye
: 4 1 are convenient. And all the overplus,
have kept your covenants with us, which they that manage the king's
and continued in oiu- friendship, and atfairs paid not in as in the first years,
have not joined yourselves to our they shall give from henceforth to-
enemies, we have beard hereof, and 42 ward the works of the house. And
27 are glad. And now continue ye still to beside tiiis, the five thousand shekels
keep faith witli us, and we will recom- of silver, wliieli they received from
pense unto you good things in return the uses of tlie sanctuary from the
28 for your dealings with us, and will revenue year by year, this also is re-
grant you many immunities, and give leased, liecause it appertaineth to the
29 you gifts. And now do I free you, and 43 priests that minister. And whoso-
release all the Jews, from the tributes, ever shall flee unto the temple tliat
and from the customs of salt, and from is at Jerusalem, and be found within
30 the crowns. And instead of the third all the borders thereof, whether one
part of the seed, and instead of tlie owe moneys to the king, or any other
half of the fruit of the trees, which matter, let them go free, and all tliat
falleth to me to receive, I release it 44 they have in my kingdom. And for
from this day and henceforth, so that the building and renewing of the
I will not take it from the land of works of the sanctuary tlie expense
Judah, and from the three govern- shall be given also out of the king's
ments which are added thereunto from 45 revenue. And for the building of the
the country of Samaria and Galilee, walls of Jerusalem, and the fortifying
from this day forth and for all time. thereof round about, shall the expense
.31 And let Jerusalem be holy and free, be given also out of the king's reve-
and her borders the tenths and the
; nue, and for the building of the walls
32 tolls nifso. I yield up also my author- in Judrea.
ity over the citadel which is at Jeru- 46 Now when Jonatlian and the people
salem, and give It to the high priest, heard these words, they gave no cre-
that he may ai)point in it such men as dence unto them, nor received them,
33 he shall clioose to keep it. And every because they remembered the great
soul of the Jews, that hath been car- evil wbicli he had done in Israel, and
ried captive from the land of Judah that be had afflicted them very sore.
into any part of my Ivingdom, I set at 47 And they were well pleased with
liberty witliout price and let all remit
; Alexander, because he was the first
34 the tributes of their cattle also. And tliat spake words of iieace unto them,
all the feasts, and the sabbaths, and and they were confederate with him
new moons, and appointed days, and 48 always. And king Alexander ga-
10. 65. I. MACCABEES. 10. 84.
thered together great forces, and en- wrote him among Chief Friends,
his ^
49 camped over against Demetrius. And and ma<le him a captain, and gover-
tlie two kings joined battle, and tlie nor of a province. And Jonathan
army of Alexan<ler fled and Deme- ; returned to Jerusalem with peace
trius followed after him, and prevailed and gladness.
50 against them. And he strengthened And in ^the hundred and threescore
the battle exceetlingly until the sun and fifth year came Demetrius, son of
went down : and Demetrius tell that Demetrius, out of Crete into the land
day. of his fathers: and king Alexander
51 And Alexander sent ambassadors to heard thereof, and he was grieved ex-
Ptolemy king of Egypt according to ceedingly, and returned unto Antioch.
5'2these words, saying, Forasmuch as I And Demetrius appointed Apollonius,
returned to my kingdom, and am
am who was over Coelesyria, and he
set on the throne of my fathers, and gathered together a great host, and
have gotten the dominion, and have encamped in .lanuiia, and sent unto
overthrown Demetrius, and have got- .Tonathaii the high priest, saying,
53 ten possession of our coimtry yea, ;
70 Thou alone liftest up thyself against
I joined battle, witli him, and he us,but 1 am had in derision and in re-
and his army were discomfited by us, proach because of thee. And why dost
and we sat upon the throne of his thou vaunt thy power against us in the
54 kingdom now also let us establish
: 71 mountains? Now therefore, if thou
amity one with the other, and give me trustest in thy forces, come down to us
now thy daughter to wife and I will : into the plain, and there let us try the
make affinity with thee, and will give matter together; for with me is the
both thee and her gifts worthy of thee. 72 power of the cities. Ask and learn
55 And Ptolemy the king answered, say- who I am, and the rest that help us ;
ing, Happy is the day wherein thou and they say. Your foot cannot stand
didst return into the land of thy before our face for thy fathers have
fathers, and didst sit on the throne been twice put to flight in their own
56 of their kingdom. And now will I do 73 land. And now thou shalt not be able
to thee, as thou hast written : but to abide the horse and such a host as
meet me at Ptolemais, that we may this in the plain, where is neither stone
see one another; and I will make nor flint, nor place to flee unto.
affinity with thee, even as thou hast 74 Now when Jonathan heard the words
57 said. And Ptolemy went out of of Apollonius, he was moved in his
Egypt, himself and Cleopatra his mind, and he chose out ten thousand
daughter, and came unto Ptolemais men, and went forth from Jerusalem,
in 1 the hundred and threescore and and Simon his brother met him for to
58 second year and king Alexander
: help him. And he encamped against
met him, and he bestowed on him his Jwppa: and they of the city shut him
daughter Cleopatra, and celebrated out, because Apollonius iKt (la garrison
her marriage at Ptolemais with great in Joppa: and they fought against it.
pomp, as the manner of kings is. And they of the city were afraid, and
59 And king Alexander wrote unto Jo- opened unto him and Jonathan be-
nathan, that he should come to meet came master of Joppa. And Apollo-
60 him. And he went with pomp to nius heard, and he gathered an army
Ptolemais, and met the two kings, and of three thousand horse, and a great
gave them and their - Friends silver host, and went to Azotus as though he
and gold, and many gifts, and found were on a journey, and therewithal
61 favour in their sight. And there were drew onward into the plain, because
gathered together against him certain he had a nudtitude of horse, and
pestilent fellows out of Israel, men trusted therein. And he pursued after
that were transgressors of the law, to him to Azotus, and the armies joined
complain against him: and the king battle ^. And Apollonius had left a
62 gave no heed to them. And the king thousand horse behind them privily.
commanded, and they took off Jona- And Jonathan knew that there was an
than's garments, and clothed him in ambushment behind him. And they
6.5 purple and thus they did. And the
: compassed round his army, and cast
king made him sit with him, and said their darts at the people, from morn-
unto his princes, Go forth with him ing until evening l>ut the people stood
into the midst of the city, and make still, as Jonathan commanded them :
proclamation, that no man complain and their horses were wearied. And
against him of any matter, and let no Simon drew forth his host, and joined
man trouble him for any manner of battle with the phalanx (for the liorse-
64 cause. And it came to pass, when men were spent), and they were dis-
they that complained against him saw comfited by him, and fled. And the
his glory according as the herald horsemen were scattered in the plain,
made proclamation, and saw him and they fled to Azotus, and entered
clothed in purple, they all fled away. into Beth-dagon, their idol's temple,
65 And the king gave him honour, and to save themselves. And Jonathan
11. 13. I. MACCABEES. 11. 33.
burned Azotus, and the cities round dems upon his head, the diadem of
about it, and took their spoils and 14 Egypt and that of Asia. But king
the temple of Dagon, and them that Alexander was in Cilicia at that sea-
85 fled into it, he burned with fire. And son, because they of those parts were
they that had fallen by the sword, 15 in revolt. And Alexander heard of it,
with them that were burned, were and he came against him in war and :
86 about eight thousand men. And from Ptolemy led forth his host, and met
thence Jonathan removed, and en- him with a strong force, and put him
camped against Ascalon, and they of 16 to flight. And Alexander fled into
the city came forth to meet him with Arabia, that he might be sheltered
87 great pomp. And Jonathan, with them there but king Ptolemy was exalted.
that were on his side, returned unto 17 And Zabdiel the Arabian took ofl"
88 JerusaU'in, having many spoils. And Alexander's head, and sent it to Ptol-
it came to pass, when king Alexander 18eniy. And king Ptolemy died the
heard these things, he honoured Jona- third day after, and they that were in
89 than yet more and he sent unto him
; his strongholds were slain by them
a buckle of gold, as the use is to give 19 that were in the strongholds. Ami
to such as are of the kindred of the Demetrius reigned in the hundred
is by the sea shore, and many ships, made many engines of war against it.
and sought to make himself master 21 And certain that hated their own na-
of Alexander's kingdom by deceit, and tion, men that transgressed the law,
2 to add it to his own kingdom. And went unto the king, and reported to
he went forth into Syria with words him that Jonathan was besieging the
of peace, and tliey of the cities opened 22 citadel. And he heard, and was an-
inito him, and met him; for king gered but when lie heard it, he set
12 because he coveted his kingdom. And which we wrote unto Lasthenes our
taking his daughter from him, he gave kinsman concerning you, we have
her to Demetrius, and was estranged written also unto you, that ye may see
from Alexander, and their enmity was 32 it. Kinn Demetrius unto Lasthenes
i;> openly seen. And Ptolemy entered 33 his fatlier, greeting We have deter-
into Antioch, and put on himself the mined to do good to the nation of the
diadem of Asia and he put two dia-
; Jews, who are our friends, and ob-
11. 46. I. MACCABEES. 11. 63.
serve what isjust toward us, l)ecause seized tlie passages of tlie city, and
Si of their good We
will towartl us. have 47 began to figlit. And
tlie king called
eonlirmed therefore unto them the the Jews to him, and they were
borders of Judtea, and also the three gathered togetherunto himall atonee,
governments of Aphieremaand Lydda and they dispersed themselves in the
and Kamathaim {t/iefit- were adiled city, anil slew that day to the iiumljer
unto Judiea from tlu' country of Sa- 48 of a hundred thousand. And they set
maria), and all tilings appertaining the city on fire, and gat many spoils
unto them, for all sucli as do sacrifice 49 that tlay, and saved the king. And
in Jerusalem, instead of the king's they of the city saw that the Jews had
dues which the Icing received of them made themselves masters of the city
yearly aforetime from the produce as they would, and they waxed faint
of the earth and the fruits of trees. ill their hearts, and they cried out to
35 And as for the otlier things that per- the king with supjilication, saying,
tain unto us from henceforth, of the 50 Give us thy riglit liand. and let the
tenths and the tolls that pertain unto Jews cease from lighting against us
us, and the saltpits, and the crowns 51 and the city. And they cast away
that pertain unto us, all these we will their arms, and made peace and the ;
30 bestow upon them. And not one of Jews were glorified in the sight of the
these things shall be annulled from king, and before all that were in his
37 this time forth and for ever. Mow kingdom; and they returned to Je-
therefore be careful to make a copy 52rusaleni, having many spoils. And
of these tilings, and let it l>e given king Demetrius sat on the throne of
unto Jonathan, and let it be set up his kingilom, and the land was quiet
on the holy mount in a meet and con- 53 before him. And he lied in all that
spicuous place. he spake, and estranged himself from
38 And king Demetrius saw that the Jonathan, and recompensed him not
land was quiet before him, and that according to tlie benefits with which
no resistance was made to him, and he had recompensed him, and afilicted
he sent away all his forces, each man liiin exceedingly.
to his own place, except the foreign 54 Now after this Tryphon returned,
forces, which he had raised from the and with him the young child Antio-
isles of the Gentiles and all the forces
: chus and he reigned, and put on a
39 of his fatliers hated him. Now Try- 55 diadem. And there were gatliered
phon was of those who aforetime unto him all the forces which Deme-
had been of Alexander's part, and he trius had sent away with disgrace, and
saw that all the forces murmured they fought against him, and he fled
against Demetrius, and he went to 5G and was put to the rout. And Tryphon
Imalcue the Arabian, who was nour- took the elephants, and became mas-
ishing up Antiochus the young child 57 ter of Antioch. And the young Anti-
40 of Alexander, and pressed sore upon ochus wrote unto Jonathan, saying, I
him that he should deliver him unto confirm unto thee the high priesthood,
him, that he migiil reign in liis father's and appoint thee over the four govern-
stead and he told him all that De-
: ments, and to be one of the king's
metrius liad done, and the hatred 58 ^Friends. And he sent unto him
wherewith his forces hated him and ; golden vessels and furniture for the
he abode there many days. table, and gave him leave to drink in
41 And Jonathan sent unto king De- golden vessels, and to be clothed in
metrius, that he should cast out of purple, and to have a golden buckle.
Jerusalem them of the citadel, and 59 And his brother Simon he made cap-
them that were in the strongholds tain from the Ladder of Tyre unto the
for they fought against Israel con- 60 borders of Egypt. And Jonathan went
42 tinually. And Demetrius sent unto forth, and took his journey beyond the
Jonathan, saying, I will not only do river and through the cities; and all
this for thee and thy nation, but I the forces of Syria gathered them-
will greatly lionour thee and thy na- selves unto him for to be his confed-
43 tion,if Ifindfairoccasion. Nowthere- erates. And he came to Ascalon,and
fore thou shall do well, if thou send they of the city met him honourably.
me men who shall fight for me for all
; 61 And he departed thence to (iaza, and
44 my forces are revolted. And Jona- they of (iaza shut him out; and he
than sent him three thousand valiant laid siege unto it, and burned the sub-
men unto Antioch and they came to
: urbs there(jf with fire, and spoiled
the king, and the king was glad at 62 them. And they of Gaza made re-
4o their coming. And tliey of the city quest unto Jonathan, and he gave
gatliered tliemselves together into the them his right Iiaiid, and took the
midst of the city, to tlie number of a sons of their princes for hostages, and
hundred and twenty thousand men, sent them away to Jerusalem and he ;
and they were minded to slay the passed through the country as far as
4(J king. And the king fled into the court Damascus.
of the palace, and they of the city 63 And Jonathan heard that Demetrius'
12. I. MACCABEES. 12. 27.
that lie would give tliem his right long time is passed since ye sent unto
hand, and he gave it to them and he
; 11 us. We therefore at all times with-
put them out from thence, and took out ceasing, both in our feasts, and on
possession of the city, and set a gar- the other convenient days, do remem-
67 rison over it. And Jonathan and his ber you in the sacrifices which we
army encamped at the water of Gen- offer, and in our prayers, as it is right
nesareth, anil early in the morning and meet to be mindful of brethren :
they gat them to the plain of Hazor. 1 and moreover are glad for your glory.
68 And, behold, an army of strangers met 13 But as for ourselves, many afflictions
him In the plain, and they laid an and many wars have encompassed us,
ambush for him in the mountains, but and the kings that are round about us
69 themselves met him face to face. But 14 have fought against us. We were not
they that lay in ambush rose out of minded therefore to be troublesome
their places, and joined battle and ; mito you, and to the rest of our con-
all they that were of Jonathan's side federates and friends, in these wars
70 flednot one of them was left, except
: 15 for we have the help which is from
JNIattathias the son of Absalom, and heaven to help us, and we have been
Judas the son of Chalphi, captains of delivered from our enemies, and our
71 the forces. And Jonathan rent his 16 enemies have been brought low. We
clothes, and put earth upon his head, chose therefore Numenius the son of
72 and prayed. And he turned again unto Antiochus, and Antipater the son of
them in battle, and put them to the Jason, and have sent them unto the
73 rout, and they fled. And they of his Komans, to renew the friendship that
side that lied saw it, and returned we had with them, and the former con-
unto him, and pursued with him unto 17 federacy. We commanded them
Kedesh unto their camp, and they therefore to go also unto you, and to
74 encamped there. And there fell of the salute you, and to deliver you our
strangers on that day about three letters concerning the renewing of
thousand men: and Jonathan re- lS/rlen(liiltipa.iu\ our brotherhood. And
turned to Jerusalem.- now ye shall do well if ye give us au
12 And Jonathan saw that the time ansvi'er thereto.
served him, and he chose men, and 19 And this is the copy of the letters
sent them to Kome, to confirm and which they sent to Onias :
renew the friendship that they had 20 Arius king of the Spartans to Onias
2 with them. And to the Spartans, and 21 the chief priest, greeting: It hath
to other places, he sent letters after been found in writing, concerning the
3 the same manner. And they went Spartans and the Jews, that they are
unto Eome, and entered into the sen- brethren, and that they are of the
ate house, and said, Jonathan the high 22 stock of Abraham and now, since :
priest, and the nation of the Jews, this is come to our knowledge, ye
have sent us, to renew for them the shall do well to write unto us of your
friendship and the confederacy, as in 23 - prosperity. And we moreover do » Gr.
4 former time. And they gave them write on our part to you, that your
letters unto the men in every place, cattle and goods are ours, and ours
that they should bring them on their are yours. We do command there-
way to the land of Judah in peace. fore that they make report unto you
5 And this is the copy of the letters on this wise.
which Jonathan wrote to the Spar- 24 And Jonathan heard that Demetrius'
tans: princes were returned to fight against
6 Jonathan the high priest, and the him with a greater host than afore,
senate of the nation, and the priests, 2.') and he removed from Jerusalem, and
and the rest of the people of the Jews, met them in the country of Hamath ;
unto their brethren the Spartans, for he gave them no respite to set foot
7 greeting: Even before this time were 2() in his country. And he sent spies
letters sent unto Onias the high priest into his camp, and they came again,
from 1 Arius, who was reigning among and reported to hitn that they were
yon, to signiify that ye are our bre- appointed in such and such a way to
thren, as the copy here underwritten fall upon them in the night season.
Ssheweth. And Onias entreated hon- 27 But so soon as the sun was down,
ourably the man that was sent, and Jonathan commanded his men to
received the letters, wherein declara- watch, and to be in arms, that all the
tion was made of confederacy and night long they might be ready for
12. 45. I. MACCABEES. 13. 10.
battle: and he put forth sentinels and the rest of the strongholds and
28 roinul about the camp. And the ad- the rest of the forces, ;iud all the
versaries heard that Jonathan and his king's officers and I will return and
men were ready for battle, and they depart; for this is the cause of my
feared, and trembled in their hearts, 46 coming. And he put trust in him,
and they kindled fires in their camp '. and did even as he said, and sent
29 But Jonathan and his men knew it away his forces, and they departed in-
not till the morning; for they saw the 47 to the land of Judah. But he reserved
30 lights burning. And Jonathan pur- to himself three thousand men, of
sued after them, and overtook them whom he left two thousand in Galilee,
not; for they were gone over the river but one thousand went with him.
31 Eleutherus. And Jonathan turned 48 Now as soon as Jonathan entered into
aside to the Arabians, who are called Ptolemais, they of I'tolemais shut the
Zabadseans, and smote them, and took and laid hands on him; and
32 their spoils. And he set out from all them that came in with him they
thence, and came Damascus,
to and 49 slew with the sword. And Tryphon
took his journey through all the coun- sent forces and horsemen into Galilee,
33 try. And Simon went forth, and took and into the great plain, to destroy all
his journey as far as Ascalon, and the 50 Jonathan's men. And they perceived
strongholds that were near unto it. that he was taken and had perished,
And he turned aside to Joppa, and and they that were with him and ;
stronghold unto the men of Deme- 51 prepared to fight. And they that
trius and he set a garrison there to
followed upon them saw that they
keep it. were ready to fight for their lives, and
35 And Jonathan returned, and called 52 turned back again. And they all came
the elders of the i)eople together and ; in peace into the land of Judali, and
lie took counsel with them to build they mourned for Jonathan, anil them
36 strongholds in Juihi^a, and to make that were with him, and tliey were sore
the walls of Jerusalem higher, and to afraid and all Israel mourned with
raise a great mound between the 53 a great mourning. And all the Gen-
citadel and the city, for to separate tiles that were round about them
it from the city, that so it might sought to destroy them utterly for :
be all alone, that men might neither they said. They have no ruler, nor any
37 buy nor sell. And they were gathered to help them now therefore let us
together to build the city, and there fight against them, and take away
fell down part of the wall of the brook tlieir memorial from among men.
that is on the east side, and he repair- 13 And Simon heard that Tryphon had
ed that which is called Chaphenatha. gathered together a mighty host to
38 And Simon also built Adida in the come into the land of Judah, and
^ plain country, and made it strong, 2 destroy it utterly. And he saw that
and set up gates and bars. the people trembled and was in great
39 And Tryphon sought to reign over fear; and he went up to Jerusalem,
Asia and to put on himself the diadem, 3 and gathered the people together and ;
and to stretch forth his hand against he encouraged them, and said unto
40 Antiochus the king. And he was afraid them. Ye yourselves know all the
lest haply Jonathan should not suffer things that I, and my brethren, and
him, and lest he slioiild fiirlit ii^aiiist my father's house, have done for tlie
him; and he souglit a way Imw to take laws and the sanctuary, anil the battles
him, that he might destroy him. And and the distresses which we have seen
he removed, and came to Bethshan. 4 by reason hereof all my brethren have
41 And Jonathan came forth to meet him perished for Israel's sake, and I am
with forty thousand men chosen for 5 left alone. And now be it far from
42 battle, and came to Bethshan. And me, that I should spare mine own life
Tryphon saw that he came with a in any time of affliction for I am not ;
great host, and he was afraid to stretch 6 better than my brethren. Howbeit I
43 forth his hand against him and he : will take vengeance for my nation, and
received him honourably, and com- for the sanctuary, and for our wives
mended him inito all his ^ Friends, and and children because all the Gentiles
gave him gifts, and commanded his are gathered to destroy us of very
forces to be obedient unto him, as unto 7 hatred. And
the spirit of the people
44 himself. And he said unto Jonathan, revived, as soon as tliey heard these
Why hast thou put all this people 8 words. And they answered with a
to trouble, seeing there is no war loud voice, saying. Thou art oiu* leader
45 betwixt us ? And now send them instead of Judas and Jonathan thy
away to their homes, but choose for 9 brother. Fight thou our battles, and
thyself a few men who shall be with all that thou shalt say unto us, that
thee, and come thou with me to Pto- 10 will we do. And he gathered together
lemais, and I will give it up to thee. all the men of war, and made haste
11 151
13. 29. I. MACCABEES. 13. 47.
to finish the walls of Jerusalem, and ' arms ships carved, that they should
11 he fortified it round about. And lie he seen of all that sail on the sea.
sent Jonathan the son of Absalom, 30 This the sepulchre which he made
and with him a great host, to Joppa: at Modin, and it in there unto this day.
and he cast out them that were there- 31 Now Tryphon dealt deceitfully with
in, and abode there in it. the young king Antiochus, and slew
12 And Tryplion removed from Ptole- 32 him, and reigned in his stead, and put
mais with a mighty host to enter into on himself the diadem of Asia, and
the land of Judah, and Jonathan was brought a great calamity upon the
13 with liim in ward. But Simon en- 33 land. And Simon built the strong-
camped at Adida, over against tlie holds of Judaea, and fenced them
14 plain. And Tryphon knew that Simon about with high towers, and great
was risen up instead of his brother walls, and gates, and bars; and he
Jonatlian, and meant to join battle laid up victuals in the strongholds.
witli liim, and he sent ambassadors 34 And Simon chose men, and sent to
15 unto him, saying. It is for money king Demetrius, to the end he should
whicli Jonathan thy brother owed unto give the country an immunity, because
the king's treasure, by reason of the all that Tryphon did was to idunder.
oflices whicli he had, that we hold 35 And king Demetrius sent unto him
16 him fast. And now send a hundred according to these words, and an-
talents of silver, and two of Ills sons swered him, and wrote a letter unto
for hostages, that when he is set at him. after this manner:
liberty he may not revolt from us, 36 King Dtiiietrius unto Simon the high
17 and we will set him at liberty. And priest and = Friend of kings, and unto
Simon knew that they spake unto him the elders and nation of the Jews,
deceitfully and he sendeth the money
; 37 greeting: The golden crown, and tiie
and the peradventure he
cliildren, lest palm branch, which ye sent, we have
should procure to himself great hatred received and we are ready to make a
18 of the people, and they should say. sstedfast peace with you, yea, and to
Because I sent him not the money and write unto our officers, to grant im-
lytlie children, he perished. And he 38 muuities unto you. And whatsoever
sent tlie children and the hundred things we confirmed unto you, they
talents. And he dealt falsely, and did are confirmed; and the strongholds,
20 not set Jonathan at liberty. And after which ye have builded. let them be
this Tryphon came to invade tlie land, 39 your own. As for any oversights and
and destroy it, and he went round faults committed unto this liay, we
about by the way that lea(h'th unto forgive them, and the crown which ye
Adora : and Simon and his army owed us and : if there were any other
marched over against him to every toll exacted in Jerusalem, let it be
21 place, wheresoever he went. Now 40 exacted no longer. And if there be
they of the citadel sent unto Tryphon any among you meet to be enrolled
ambassadors, hastening him to come in our court, let them be enrolled, and
mitotliem tlu'ougli tlie wilderness, and let there he peace betwixt us.
22toseiul them victuals. And Tryphon 41 In * the hundred and seventieth year
made ready all his horse to come and : was the yoke of the heathen taken
on that niglit there fell a very great 42 away from Israel. And the people
snow, and he came not by reason of began to write in their instruments
the snow. And he removed, and came and contracts, In the first year of
23 into the country of (iilead. But when Simon tlie great high priest and cap-
he came near to Bascama, he slew tain and leader of the Jews.
Jonathan, and he was buried there. 43 In those days he encamped against
24 And Tryphon returned, and went ^ Gazara. and compassed it round B See
ver. 53
away into his own land. ahout with armies; and he made an (com-
25 And Simon sent, and took the bones engine of siege, and brought it up to pare ver.
4S) ; ch.
of Jonathan his brother, and liuried the city, and smote a tower, and took xiv.-..S4;
him at Modin. the city of his fathers. 44 it. And they that were in the engine XV. 28 ;
26 And all Israel made great lamentation leaped forth into the city and there
xvi. 1 :
ulso Jo-
over him, and mourned for him many 45 was a great uproar in the city and :
27 days. And Simon built a monnment they of the city rent tlieir clotlies, and All the
upon the sepulchre of Ids father and went up on the walls with their wives ties read
his brethren, and raised it aloft to the and children, and cried witli a loud Gaza
in this
with polished stone behind and
sight, voice, making request to Simon to give verse.
28 before. And he set up seven pyra- 46 them ^ his right iiand. And they said, 6 Gr.
mids, one over against another, for Deal not with us according to our rhfht
his fatlier, and
his inotlu'r. and his wickednesses, but according to thy
29 four brethren. And for these he made 47 mercy. And Simon was reconciled
cunning devices, setting about them unto them, and did not fight against
great pillars, and upon the pillars he them and he put them out of the
fashioned ' all manner of arms for a city, and cleansed the houses wherein
perpetual memory, and beside the the idols were, and so entered into it
14. 10. I. MACCABEES. 14. 27.
49 But they of the citadel in Jerusalem ceased in the land any that fought
were hindered from going forth, and against them and the kings were
from going into the country, and from 14 discomfited in those days. And he
buying and selling; and they hungered strengthened all those of his people
exceedingly, and a great number of that were brought low the law he:
50 them i^erisiied through famine. And searched out, and every lawless and
they cried out to Simon, that he should 15 wicked person he took away. He
give them his right hand and he gave ; glorified the sanctuary, and the ves-
it to them and he put them out from
: sels of the temple he multiplied.
thence, and he cleansed the citadel 16 And it was heard at Rome that Jona-
51 from its pollutions. And he entered than was dead, and even unto Sparta,
into it on the three and twentieth day 17 and they were exceeding sorry. But
of the second month, in the hundred ' as soon as they heard that his brother
and seventy and first year, with praise Simon was made high priest in his
and palm branches, and with harps, stead, and ruled the country, and the
and with cymbals, and with viols, and 18 cities therein, they wrote unto him on
with hymns, and with songs because : tables of brass, to renew with him the
a great enemy was destroyed out of friendship and the confederacy which
52 Israel. And he ordained that they they had confirmed with Judas and
should keep that day every year with 19 Jonathan his brethren; and they
gladness. And the hill of the temple were read before the congregation at
that was by the citadel he made 20 Jerusalem. And this is the copy of
stronger than before, and there he the letters which the Spartans sent:
53 dwelt, himself and lu's men. And The rulers of the Spartans, and the
Simon saw that John his son was a city, unto Simon the liigli priest, and
V(i/iinif man, and he made him leader unto the elders, and the priests, and
of all his forces and he dwelt in : the residue of the people of the Jews,
Gazara. 21 our brethren, greeting The ambassa-
14 And in -the hundred and seventy dors that were sent unto our people
and second year king Demetrius ga- made report to us of your glory and
thered his forces together, and went honour and we were glad for their
into Media, to get him help, that he 22 coming, and we did register the things
2 might fight against Tryphon. And Ar- that were spoken by them in the
saces, the king of Persia and Media, public records after this manner
heard that Demetrius was come into Numenius son of Antiochus,and Anti-
his borders, and he sent one of his pater son of Jason, the Jews' ambas-
3 princes to take him alive and he went : sadors, came unto us to renew the
and smote the army of Demetrius, and 23 friendship they had with us.. And it
took him, and brought him to Arsaces pleased the people to entertain the
and he i)ut him in ward. men honourably, and to put the copy
4 And the land had rest all the days of of their words in the ^ public records,
Simon and he sought the good of his
: to the end that the people of the
nation and his authority and his glory
; Spartans might have a memorial
was well-pleasing to them all his days. thereof moreover they wrote a copy
5 And amid all his glory he took Joppa of these things unto Simon the high
for a haven, and made it an entrance priest.
fifor the isles of the sea; and he el^ 24 After this Simon sent Numenius to
larged the borders of his nation, and Rome with a great shield of gold of a
7 gat possession of the country and he ; thousand pound weight, in order to
gathered together a great number of confirm the confederacy with them.
captives, and gat the dominion of 25 But when the people heard these
Gazara, and Bethsura, and the citadel, things, they said. What thanks shall
and he took away from it its unclean- 26 we give to Simon and his sons? for
nesses and there was none that re-
; he and his brethren and the house
8 sisted him. And they tilled their land of his father have made themselves
in peace, and the land gave her in- strong, and have chased away in fight
crease, and the trees of the plains the enemies of Israel from them, and
9 their fruit. The ancient men sat in the 27 confirmed liberty to Israel.
streets, they communed all of them they wrote on tables of brass, and set
together of good things, and the young them upon pillars in mount Sion and :
men put on glorious and warlike ap- this is the copy of the writing :
manner of munition, until the name of year, and this is the third year of
14. 42. I. MACCABEES. 15. 8.
28 Simon the high priest, ' in Asaramel, should take charge of the sanctuary,
in a great congregation of priests and to set them over their works, and over
people and princes of the nation, and the country, and over the arms, and
of the elders of the country, - was it over the strongholds and that he
of their nation, that their sanctuary be lawful for any of the people or of
and the law might be established, and the priests to set at nought any of
glorified their nation with great glory these things, or to gainsay the words
30 and Jonathan assembled their na- that he should speak, or to gather an
tion together, and became their high assembly in the country without him,
priest, and was gathered to his peo- or to be clothed in purple, or wear a
31 pie: and their enemies purposed to 45 buckle of gold but whosoever should
invade their country, that they might do otherwise, or set at nought any of
destroy their country utterly, and these things, he should be liable to
stretch forth their hands against their 46 punishment. All the people consent-
32 sanctuary then rose up Simon, and
: ed to ordain for Simon that he should
fought for his nation, and spent much 47 do according to these words; and Si-
of his own substance, and armed the mon accepted hereof, and consented
valiant men of his nation, and gave to be high priest, and to be captain
33 them wages and he fortified the
: and governor of the Jews and of the
he thought to l)ring unto his nation, 2 nation and the contents thereof were
and they made him their leader and after this manner:
high priest, liecause he had done all King Antiochus to Simon the chief
these things, and for the justice and priest and " governor, and to the
the faith which he kept to his nation, 3 nation of the Jews, greeting: Foras-
and for that he sought by all means much as certain pestilent fellows have
36 to exalt his people: and in his days made themselves masters of the king-
things prospered in his hands, so that dom of our fathers, but my purpose
the Gentiles were taken away out of is to claim the kingdom, that I may
their country, and they also that were restore it as it was before and more-
in the city of David, they that were in over I have raised a multitude of
Jerusalem, who had made themselves foreign soldiers, and have prepared
a citadel, out of which they issued, 4 ships of war moreover I am minded
and polluted all things round about to land iivthe country, that I may
the sanctuary, and did great hurt punish them that have destroyed our
37 unto its purity and he placed Jews
; country, and them that have made
therein, and fortified it for the safety many cities in the kingdom desolate :
of the country and the city, and made 5 Now therefore I confirm unto thee all
38 high the walls of Jerusalem and king : the exactions which the kings that
Demetrius confirmed to him the high were before me remitted unto thee,
priesthood according to these things, and whatsoever gifts besides they
39 and made him one of his •'Friends, 6 remitted unto thee and I give thee
and honoured him with great honour leave to coin money for thy country
40 for he had heard say, that the Jews 7 with thine own stamp, but that Jeru-
had been called by the Romans friends salem and the sanctuary should be
and confederates and brethren, and free and all the arms that thou hast
that they had met the ambassadors of prepared, and the strongholds that
41 Simon honourably and that the Jews
; thou hast built, which thou hast in
and the priests were well pleased that thy possession, let them remain unto
Simon should be their leader and 8 thee: and everything owing to the
high priest for ever, until there shoulil king, and the things that shall be
42 arise a faithful prophet and that he
; owing to the king from henceforth
should be captain over them, and and for evermore, let them be reniit-
15. 25. I. MACCABEES. 15. 41.
and the temple with great glory, so and gold, and instruments of war in
that your glory shall be made mani- 27 abundance. And he would not receive
fest in all the earth. them, but set at nought all the cove-
In the hundred and seventy and nants which he had made with him
fourth year went Antiochus forth into aforetime, and was estranged from
the land of liis fathers and all the
; 28 him. And he sent unto him Atheno-
forces came together unto him, so that bius, one of his* Friends, to commune
16 Lucius, consul of the Romans, unto glory of Simon, and the cupboard of
17 king Ptolemy, greeting: The Jews' gold and sijver vessels, and his great
ambassadors came unto us as oiu' attendance, and he was amazed and ;
and unto the countries, that they beit, it was had in possession of our
should not seek their hurt, nor light enemies wrongfully for a certain time.
against them, and their cities, and 34 But we, having opportunity, hold fast
their country, nor be confederates 35 the inheritance of our fathers. But
with such as fight against them. as touching Joppa and Gazara, which
20 Moreover it seemed good to us to thou demandest, they did great harm
21 receive the shield of them. If there- among the people throughout our
fore any pestilent fellows have fled country, we will give a hundred tal-
from their country unto you, deliver ents for them.
them unto Simon the high priest, that And he answered him not a word,
he may take vengeangg on them ac- 36 but returned in a rage to the king,
cording to their law. and reported unto him these words,
22 And the same things wrote he to De- and the glory of Simon, and all that
metrius the king, and to Attains, and he had seen and the king was ex-
23 to Arathes, and to Arsaces, and unto 37ceeding wroth. But Tryphon em-
all the countries, and to
'Sampsa- barked on board a ship, and fled to
mes, and to the Spartans,
and unto Orthosia.
and unto 38 And the king appointed Cendebaeus
Delos, and unto Myndos,
Sicyon, and unto Caria,
and unto chief captain of the sea coast, and
Samos, and unto Pamphylia, and unto gave him forces of foot and horse
Lycia, and unto Halicarnassus, and 39 and he commanded him to encamp
unto Rhodes, and unto Phaselis, and before Judaea, and he commanded him
unto Cos, and unto Side, and unto to build up Kidron, and to fortify the
Aradus, and Gortyna.and Cnidus, and gates, and that he should tight against
24 Cyprus, and Cyrene. But the copy the people but the king pursued Try-
hereof they wrote to Simon the high 40 phon. And Cendel)seus came to Jam-
priest. nia, and began to provoke the people,
25 But Antiochus the king encamped and to invade Judaea, and to take the
against Dor the second day, bringing 4 1 people captive, and to slay them. And
his forces up to it continually, and he built Kidron, and set horsemen
making engines of war, and he shut up there, and forces of foot, to the end
16. 12. I. MACCABEES. 16. 24.
that issuing out they miglit make out- 13 in law. And his heart was lifted up,
roads upon the ways of Ju(la?a, ac- and he was minded to make himself
cording as the king commanded Iiim. master of the country, and he took
16 And Jolm went up from Gazara, and counsel deceitfully against Simon and
told Simon what Cendebaeus
his father his sons, to make away with them.
2 was doing. And Simon called his two 14 Now Simon was visiting the cities
eldest sons, Judas and John, and said that were in the country, and taking
unto tliem, I and my brethren and my care for the good ordering of them;
father's house have fought the battles and he went ilown to Jericho, himself
of Israel from our youth, even unto and Mattathias and Judas his sons,
this day and things have prospered
; in 1 tlie hundred and seventy and
in our hands, that we should deliver seventh year, in the eleventh month,
3 Israel oftentimes. But now I am old, 15 the same is the month Sebat and the :
and ye moreover, by his mercy, are of son of Abubus received them deceit-
a sutticient age be ye instead of me
: fully into the little stronghold that is
and my brother, and go forth and called Dok, which he had built, and
fight for our nation but let the help; made them a great bancpiet, and hid
which is from heaven be with you. IG men there. And when Simon and
4 And he chose out of the country his sons had drunk freely, Ptolemy
twenty thousand men of war and and his men rose up, and took their
horsemen, and they went against arms, and came in upon Simon into
5 'endebteus, and slept at Modiu. And
( the baufiueting place, and slew him,
rising up in the mornhig, tliey went and his two sons, and certain of his
into the plain, and, beliold, a great 17 servants. And he connnitted a great
host came to meet them, of footmen iniquity, and recompensed evil for
and iiorsemen and there was a brook
: 18 good. And Ptolemy wrote these
6 betwixt them. And he encamped things, and sent to the king, that he
over against them, he and his people : sliould send him forces to aid him, and
and he saw that the people were should deliver him their country and
afraid to pass over the brook, and he 19 the cities. And he sent others to
passed over first, and tlie men saw Gazara to make away with John:
7 him, and passed over after him. And and unto the captains of thousands he
he divided tlie people, and set the sent letters to come unto him, that he
horsemen in the nudst of tlie footmen might give them silver and gold and
but the enemies' horsemen were ex- 20 gifts. And others he sent to take i»os-
Sceeding many. And they sounded session of Jerusalem, and the mount
with the trumpets and Cendeba?us ; 21 of the temple. And one ran before
and Ids army were put to the rout, to Gazara, and told John that his fa-
and tliere fell of them many wounded ther and brethren were perished, and
to death, but they that were left fled 22 he hath sent to slay thee also. And
9 to the stronghold at that time was
: when he heard, lie was sore amazed
Judas John's brother wounded but : and he laid hands on the men that
John pursued after them, till he came came to destroy him, and slew them
unto Kidron, which Ceiuh-ba'us had for he perceived that they were seek-
1 built and they fled unto the towers
ing to destroy him.
that are in the fields of Azotus; and 23 And the rest of the acts of John, and
he burned it with fire and there fell ; of his wars, and of his Viiliant deeds
of them about two thousand men. which he did, and of the building of
And he returned into Judsea in peace. the walls which he built, and of his
1 And Ptolemy the son of Abubus had 24 doings, behold, they are written in
been appointed captain for the plain the - chronicles of his high priesthood,
of Jericho, and he had much silver and from the time that he was made high
12 gold for he was the higii priest's son
; priest after his father.
1 The brethren, the Jews that are ni company within the wall of the pre-
Jerusalem and they that are in the cincts, they shut to the temple when
country of Judaea, send greeting to tlie 16 Antiochus was come in: and oprniug
brethren, tlie Jews tliat are through- the secret door of the panelled cieling,
out Egypt, and wish them good they threw stones and ' struck down
2 peace :and may God do good unto the prince, and they hewed him and
you, and remember his covenant witlr his company in pieces, and smote off
Abraham and Isaac and Jacol), his their heads, and cast them to those
3 faitliful servants; and give you all 17 that were without. Blessed be our
a heart to worship him and do his God in all things, who gave for a
' pleasure with a great heart and a jyrey them that had committed impi-
4 willing soul and open your heart in
; ety.
his law and in his statutes, and make 18 Whereas we are now about to keep
5 peace, and hearken to your supplica- the purification of the temple in the
tions, and be reconciled with you, and month Chislev, on the five and twen-
not forsake you in an evil time. And tieth day, we thought it necessary to
7 now we here are praying for you. In certify you thereof, that " ye also may
the reign of Demetrius, in the hundred keep a feast of tabernacles, and a tne-
threescore and ninth year, we the morial of the fire vhieh u-a.s given
Jews have already written unto you when Nehemiah ottered sacrifices,
in the tribulation and in the extrem- after that he had builded both the
ity that hath come upon us in these 19 temple and the altar. For indeed
years, from the time that Jason and when our fathers were about to be
his company revolted from the holy led into the land of I'ersia, the godly
8 land and the kingdom, and set the priests of that time took of the fire of
- gate on fire, and shed innocent blood the altar, and hid it privily in the
and we besought the Lord, and were hollow of a well that was without
heard and we offered sacrifice and
water, wherein they made it sure, so
meal and we lighted the
offering, that the place was unknown to all
lamps, and we set forth the =shew- 20 men. Now after many years, when it
9 bread. And now see that ye keep the pleased God, Nehemiah, having re-
days of the feast of tabernacles of ceived a charge from the king of
10 the month Chislev. Written in the Persia, sent in quest of the fire the de-
hundred fourscore and eighth year. scendants of the priests that hid it.
When they declared to us that they
They that are in Jerusalem and they 21 had found no fire, but thick water, he
that are in Judaea and the senate and commanded them to draw out thereof
Judas, unto Aristobulus, king Pto- and bring to h im and when '" the sac-
clius, on the pretence that he would O Lord, Lord God, the Creator of all
marry her, came into the place, he things, who art terrible and strong
and his ^ Friends that were with him, and righteous and merciful, who alone
that they might take a great part of 25 art King and gracious, who alone sup-
the treasures in name of a dowry. pliest every nerd, who alone art right-
15 And when the priests of Nanaea's eous and almighty and eternal, thou
temple had set "the treasures forth, that savest Israel out of all evil, who
and he was come there with a small madest the fathers thy chosen, and
2. II. MACCABEES. 2. 22.
27 Gather together our Dispersion, set as also Solomon besought that the temple.
at liberty them that are in bondage place might be consecrated greatly, As Mosa
among the heathen, look upon them 9 and it was also declared that he, hav-
that are despised and abhorred, and ing wisdom, offered a sacrifice of dedi-
let the heathen know that thou art our cation, and of the finishing of the
28 God. Torment them that oppress us temple; so ice would have it now.
and in arrogancy shamefully entreat 10 As Moses prayed unto the Lord, and
29 us. Plant thy people in thy holy fire came down out of heaven and
place, even as Moses said. consumed the sacrifice, even so prayed
30 And thereupon the priests sang the Solomon also, and the fire came down
31 hymns. And as soon as the sacrifice and consumed the burnt offerings
was consumed, then Nehemiah com- ll(*and Moses said, Because the sin
manded ^ to pour on great stones the offering had not been eaten, it was
32 water that was left. And when this consumed in like manner with the
was done, a flame was kindled " but ; \2rest\) and Solomon kept the eight
when the light from the altar " shone days.
over against it,was consumed.
all 13 And the same things were related
33 And when the matter became known, "both in the public archives and in « Or,
and it was told the king of the Per- '"the records that concern Nehemiah 10 Or,
sians, that, in the place where the and how he, founding a lil>rary, g<i- Nehe-
priests that were led away had hid thered together the books about the miah* s
the tire, there appeared the water, kings and prophets, and the books of
wherewith also Nehemiah and they David, and letters of kings about sa-
that were with him purified the sacri- 14 cred gifts, And in like manner Judas
34 then the king, inclosing the place,
fice, also gathered together for us all those
made it sacred, after he had proved writinr/s that had been scattered by
35 the matter. And when the king would reason of the war that befell, and they
shew favour to any, he would take 15 are still with us. If therefore ye have
from tliein many presents and give need thereof, send some to fetch them
3() them some of this wafer. And Ne- unto you.
hemiah and they that were with him 16 Seeing then that we are ab6ut to
called this thing Nephthar, which is keep the purification, we write imto
by interpretation, Cleansing; but you; ye will therefore do well if ye
most men call it Nephthai. 17 keep the days. Now (iod, who saved
2 It is also found in the records, that all his people, and restored the herit-
Jeremiah the prophet coninianded age to all, and the kingdom, and the
them that were carried away to take of 18 priesthood, and the hallowing, even
the fire, as hath been signified above: as he promised through the law, in —
2 and how that the prophet charged God have we hope, that he will quick-
them that were carried away, having lyhave mercy upon us, and gather us
given them the law, tiuit they should together out of " all the earth into the iiGr.Me
not forget the statutes of the Lord, holy place for he delivered us out of
neither lie led astray in their minds, great evils, and purified the place. heaven.
when they saw images of gold and
silver, and the adornment thereof.
3 And with other such words exhorted
he them, that the law should not de-
4 part from their heart. And it was
contained in the writing, that the pro-
phet, being warned of God, command-
ed that the tabernacle and the ark
should follow with him, • when he
went forth into the mountain where
Moses went up and beheld the herit-
5 age of God. And .Teremiah came and
found -'a chamber in the rock, and 19 Now
the things concerning Judas
there he brought in the tabernacle, Maccabneus and his brethren, and the
and the ark. and the altar of incense purification of the '^ great temple, and
6 and he made fast the door. And some 20 the dedication of the altar, and further
of those that followed with him came the wars against Antiochus Epipha-
there that they might mark the way, 21nes, and Eupator his son, and the
7 and could not find it. But when .lere- manifestations that came from heaven
miah perceived it, he blamed them, unto those that vied with one another
saying, Yea and the place shall be un- in manful deeds for the religion of the
known until God " gather the people .Jews so that, being but a few, they
13 Gr.
8 again together, and mercy come and '^ rescued the whole country, and chas-
: took/or
then shall the Lord disclose these 22 ed the barbarous multitudes, and a prey.
3. 5. II. MACCABEES. 3. 18.
recovered again tlie temple renowned come Onias, he gat him to Apollonius
all the world over, and freed the eity, the son of " Thrasaeus, who at that
and restored the laws which were like time was governor of Cffilesyria arul
to be overthrown, seeing the Lord be- 6 Phoenicia: and he brought him word
came ' gracious unto them with all how that the treasury in Jerusalem
23 forbearance these tli ini/s, I say, which
: was full of untold sums of money, so
have been declared by Jasou of Cyrene that the multituile of tlie funds was
in five books, we will assay to abridge innumerable, and that they did not
24 in one work. For having in view the pertain to the accountof the sacrifices,
confused mass of the numbers, and but that it was possible that these
the 2 difficulty which awaiteth them should fall under the king's power.
that would enter into tlie narratives 7 And when Apollonius met the king,
of the history, by reason of the abun- he informed him of tlie money where-
25 dance of the matter, we were careful of he had been told ; and the kinr/
that they who choose to read may be appointed Heliodorus, who was his
attracted, and tiiat tliey who wish well chancellor, and sent him with a com-
to our cause may find it easy to recall mandment to accomplish the removal
3 what we have written, and that all 8 of the aforesaid money. So forthwith
20 readers may have profit. And al- Heliodorus took his journey, under a
though to us, who have taken upon us colour of visiting the cities of Coelesy-
the painful labour of the abridgement, ria and Phoenicia, but in fact to exe-
the task is not easy, but « niatter of 9 cute the king's purpose. And when
27 sweat and watching (even as it is no he was come to Jerusalem, and had
light thing unto him that prepareth a been courteously received by the high
banquet, and seeketh the benefit of priest ^- of the city, he laid before
others); yet for the sake of the grati- '" them an account of the information
tude of the many we will gladly en- which had been given Itim, and de-
28 dure the painful labour, leaving to tlie clared wherefore lie was come and ;
30 think it is also with us. To occupy four hundred talents of silver and two
the ground, and to * indulge in long 12 hundred of gold and that it was alto,
discussions, and to lie curious in jiar- gether impossible that wrong should
ticulars, becometh the first antlior of be done unto them that liad put trust
31 the history but to strive after brevity
: in the holiness of tlie place, and iu tlie
of expression, and to avoid a lal)oured majesty and inviolable sanctity of tlie
fulness in the treatment, is to be temple, honoured over all the world.
gr.inted to him that would bring a 13 But 1= Heliodorus, because of the
32 writing into a new form. Here then king's commandments given him, said
let us begin the narration, only adding that in any case this money must be
thus much to that which hath lieen confiscated for the king's treasury.
already ^said for it is a foolish thing
; 14 So having appointed a day, he entered
to make a long prologue to the history, in to direct the inquiry concerning
and to abridge the history itself. these matters and there was no small
19 was like to come into contempt. And and they stood and said. Give Onias
tlie women, girt witli sael^clotli under the high priest great thanks, for for
tlieirbreasts, tln-onged tlie streets, and his sake the Lord hath granted thee
tlievirgins tliat were kept in ward ran 34 life and do thou, since thou hast been
togetlier, some to tlie ' gates, others scourged from heaven, publish unto
to tlie walls, and some looked out all men the sovereign majesty of God.
20 through the windows. And all, stretch- And when they had spoken these
ing forth their hands toward heaven, 35 words, they vanished out of sight. So
21 made their solemn supplication. Then Heliodorus, having offered a sacrifice
it would have pitied a man to see tlie unto the Lord and vowed ^ great
multitude prostrating themselves all vows unto him that had saved his life,
mingled together, and the expectation and having graciously received Onias,
of the high priest in his sore distress. returned with his host to the king.
22 While therefore they called upon the 36 And he testified to all men the works
Almighty Lord to keep the tilings in- of the ^ great God which he had be-
trusted to them - safe and sure for held with his eyes.
23 those that had intrusted them, Helio- 37 And when the king asked Heliodo-
dorus went on to execute that which rus, what manner of man was fit to
24 had been decreed. But when he was be sent yet once again to Jerusalem,
already present there with his guards 38 he said. If thou hast any enemy or
ovef against the treasury, the Sove- conspirator against the state, send
reign of spirits and of all authority him thither, and thou slialt receive
caused a great 'apparition, so that all him back well scourged, if he even
that lia<i presumed to come in with escape with his life because of a
him, stricken with dismay at the power truth there is about the place a power
of God, fainted and were sore afraid. 39 of God. For he that hath his dwelling
25 For there was seen by them a horse in heaven himself hath his eyes upon
with a terrible rider upon him, and that place, and helpeth it and them ;
adorned with beautifid trappings, and that come to hurt it he smiteth and
he rushed fiercely and smote at Helio- destroyeth.
dorus with his forefeet, and it seemed 40 And such was the history of Helio-
that he that sat upon the horse had dorus and tlie keeping of the treasury.
26 complete armour of gold. Two otlier 4 But the aforesaid Simon, lie wlio had
also appeared unto him, young men given information of the money, and
notable in their streugtli, and beautiful liad betrayed his country, slandered
in their glory, and splendid in tiieir Onias, sa i/iin/ that it was he who had
apparel, who stood by him on either incited Heliodorus, and made himself
side, and scourged him unceasingly, 2 the author of these evils. And him
inflicting on him many sore stripes. that was the benefactor of the city,
27 And when he had fallen suddenly unto and tlie guardian of his fellow-country-
the ground, and great darkness had men, and a zealot for the laws, he
come over him, // /s r/nards caught him dared to call a conspirator against
28 up and put him into a litter, and 3 the state. But when the growing
carried him, him tliat had iust now enmity betireen them waxed so great,
entered willi a great train and all his that even murders were perpetrated
guard into the aforesaid treasury, through one of ^ Simon's trusted fol-
himself now brought to utter help- 4 lowers, Onias, seeing the ' danger of
lessness, manifestly made to recog- the contention, and that " Ai)ollonius
29nise the sovereignty of God. And so, the sou of Menestheus, tlie governor
while he, througli the working of God, of Coelesyria and Phamicia, was iii-
speechless and bereft of all hope and 5 creasing Simon's malice, betook him-
30 deliverance, lay iirostrate, they bless- self to the king, not to be an accuser
ed the Lord,that made marvellous his of his fellow-citizens, but looking to
own place and the temple, which a
; the good of all the "people, both pub-
afore was full of terror and
little 6lie and private for he saw that with-
alarm, was filled with joy and gladness out the king's providence it was im-
after the Almighty Lord appeared. possible for the state to obtain peace
31 But quickly certain of Heliodorus's any more, and that Simon would not
familiar friends besought Onias to call cease from his madness.
upon the Most High, and grant life to 7 But when Seleucus was deceased,
him who lay quite at the last gasp. and Antiochus, who was called Kpi-
32 And the high priest, secretly fearing phanes, succeeded to tiie kingdom,
lest the king might come to think that Jason the brother of Onias supplanted
some treachery toward Heliodoi'us 8 Ills In-other in the high priesthood, hav-
had been perpetrated by the Jews, ing promised unto the king at an au-
brought a sacrifice for the deliverance dience three hundred and threescore
33 of the man. But as the high priest talents of silver, and out of another
was making the propitiation, the same 9 fund eighty talents; and beside this,
young men appeared again to Helio- he undertook to assign a liundred and
dorus, arrayed in the same garments fifty more, if it might be allowed him
4. 22. II. MACCABEES. 4. -Mi.
Hhrough the king's authority to set torches and shoutings. This done, he
liini up a Greek place of exercise and afterward led his army down into
fonn a body of youtlis fo he trained Phauiicia.
therein, iiud to register tlie inliabitants 23 Now after a space of three years
of Jerusalem as citizens of Autioch. Jason sent Meuelaus, the aforesaid
10 And when the liing had given assent, Simon's brother, to bear the money
and he had gotten possession of the unto the king, and to ^make reports
office, he forthwith brought over them concerning some necessary matters.
of his own race to the Greek fashion. 24 But he being connnended to the king,
1 And setting aside the royal ordinances and i» having glorified "himself '-by
of special favour to the Jews, granted the display of his authority, got the
l)y the means of John the father of high priesthood for himself, outbid-
Eupolemus, who went on the ambas- ding .Jason by three hundreil talents
sage to the Komans for friendship and 25 of silver. And having reeeive<l the
alliance, and seeking to overthrow the royal mandates he came to Jemsalem,
lawful modes of life, he brouglit in new bringing nothing worthy the high
12 customs forbidden by the law for he : priesthood, but having the passion of
eagerly established a (Sreck place of a cruel tyrant, and the rage of a sav-
exercise under tlie citadel itself and ; 26 age beast. And whereas Jason, who
caused the noblest of the young men had supplanted his own brother, was
13 to wear the <U-eek cap. And thus there supplanted by another and driven as
was an extreme of Greek fashions, and a fugitive into the country of the Am-
an advance of an alien religion, by rea- 27 monites, Meuelaus had possession of
son of the exceeding profaneness of the office but of the money that had
Jason, tliat ungodly man and no high been promised to the king nothing
14 priest so that the priests Imd no more
; '"Was duly paid, and that though
any zeal for the services of tlie altar: Sostratus the governor of the citadel
but despising the sanctuary, and neg- 28 demanded ittforunto him appertained
lecting the sacrifices, they hastened the gathering of the revenues) for;
to - enjoy that which was unlawfully which cause they were both called by
provided in the pala\stra, after the 29 the king to his presence. And Meue-
ISsununons -'of the discus; making of laus left his own brother Lysimachus
no account the honours of their fa- for his '* deputy in the high priest-
thers, and thinking the glories of the hood and Sostratus left Crates, wlio
thei'e he put the murderer out of the 3 and on the other side squadrons of
way, the Lord rendering to him the horse in array and encounters and
men, and with unrighteous violence wall being routed, and the city being
began thr conflict, one Hauran, a man now at length well nigh taken, Mene-
far gone in years and no less also in G laus took refuge in the citadel. But
41 madness, leading the attack. But Jason slaughtered his own citizens
when they perceived the assault of without mercy, not considering that
Lysimachus, some caught up stones, good success against kinsmen is the
others logs of wood, and some took greatest ill success, but supposing
handfuls of the ashes that lay near, himself to be setting up trophies over
and they flung them all pell-mell enemies, and not over fellow-country-
u])on Lysimachus and them that were 7 men. The office hoivcrer he did not
42 with him by reason of which they
; get, but, receiving shame as the end
wounded many of them, and some of his conspiracy, he passed again
they struck to the ground, and all of a fugitive into the country of the
tlirm they forced to flee, but the au- 8 Ammonites. At the last therefore he
thor of the sacrilege himself they met with a miserable end having
killed beside tlie treasury. been " shut up at the court of Aretas
43 Buttouehingthese matters there was the prince of the Arabians, fleeing
an accusation laid against Menelaus. from city to city, pursued of all men,
44 And when the king was come to Tyre, hated as an apostate from the laws,
the three men that were sent by the and held in abomination as the
senate pleaded the cause before him. butcher of his country and his fellow-
45 But Menelaus, seeing himself now citizens, he was cast forth into Egypt
defeated, promised much money to 9 and he that had driven many from
Ptolemy the son of Dorymenes, that theirown country into strange lands
4(5he might win over the king. Where- perished himself in a strange land,
upon Ptolemy taking the king aside having crossed the sea to tlie Laeeihe-
into a cloister, as it were to take the monlans, as thinking to find shelter
air, brought him to be of another there because they were " near of kin
47 mind and him that was the cause of
: 10 and he that had cast out a nuiltitude
all the evil, Menelaus, he discharged unburied bad none to mourn for him,
from the accusations but those hap-
; nor had he any funeral at all, or
men, who, if they had pleaded
less place in the sepulchre of his fathers.
even before Scythians, would have 11 Now when tidings came to the king
been discharged uncondemned, them concetiiing that which was done, he
48 he sentenced to death. Soon then did thought that Judjea was in revolt
they that were spokesmen for the whereupon setting out from Egypt in
and the families /if/sme? and the
city a furious mind, he took the city by
holy vessels suffer that unrighteous 12 force of arms, and commanded his
49 penalty. Forwhich cause even certain soldiers to cut down without mercy
Tyrians, moved with hatred of the such as came in their way, and to .slay
5. 25. ir. MACCABEES. 6. 12.
13 sucli as went up upon the houses ; anilfrom work, he commanded his men to
there was killing of >ouiig and 2() parade in arms.
old, And he put to the
making away of l)oys, women, and sword all them that came forth to the
children, slaying of virgins and in- spectacle; and running into the city
14 fants. And in all tlie tln-ee days of with the armed men lie slew great
the slaughter there were destroyed 27 multitudes. But Judas, who is also
fourscore thousand, wliereof forty called Maccabaeus, with nine others
thousand xrre slain in close combat, or thereabout, withdrew himself, and
and no fewer were sold than slain. with his comiiany kept himself alive
15 But not content with tliis he presumed in the niotuitains alter the manner of
to enter into the most holy temple of wild beasts; and tliey continued feed-
all the earth, having ^Slenelaus for his ing on ^ such poor herbs as grew there,
guide (him that had proved himself that they might not be partakers of
a traitor both to the laws and to his the threatened pollution.
16 country), even taking the sacred ves- 6 And not long after this the king sent
sels with his polluted hands, and drag- forth ° an old man of Athens to compel
ging down with his profane hands the Jews to depart from the laws of
the offerings that had been dedicated their fathers, and not to live after the
by other kings to the augmentation 2 laws of God and also to pollute the
and glory and honour of the place. sanctuary In Jerusalem, and to call it
17 And Antiochus was lifted up in mind, by the name of « Jupiter Olympius, and
not seeing that because of the sins to call the sancttiari/ in Gerizim by
of them that dwelt in the city the the name of Jupiter the Protector of
Sovei'eign Lord had been provoked to strangers, even as they ' were that
anger a little while, and therefore his 3 dwelt in the place. But sore and
eye was then turned away from the utterly grievous was the visitation of
18 place. But had it not so been that 4 this evil. For the temple was filled
they were already holden by many with riot and revellings by the hea-
sins, this man, even as Heliodorus then, who 8 dallied with harlots, and
who was sent by Seleucus tlie king had to do with women within the sa-
to view the treasury, would, so soon cred precincts, and moreover brought
as he pressed forward, have been inside things tluit were not l)efitting;
scourged and turned back from his 5 and ' the place of sacrifice was filled
19 daring deed. Howbeit the Lord did with those abominable things which
not choose the nation for the place's 6 had been prohibited by the laws. And
sake, but the place for the nation's a man could neither keep the sabbath,
20 sake. Wherefore also the place itself, nor observe the feasts of the fathers,
having partaken In the calamities that nor so much as confess himself to be
befell the nation, did afterward share 7 a Jew. And on the day of the king's
in its benefits; and the place which birth every month they were led along
was forsaken in the wrath of the Al- with bitter constraint to eat of the
mighty was, at the reconciliation of sacrifices; and when the '" feast of
the great Sovereign, restored again Bacchus came, they were compelled
with all glory. to go in procession in honour of " Bac-
21 As for Antiochus, when he had car- 8chus, wearing wreaths of ivy. And
ried away out of the temple a thousand there went out a decree to the neigh-
and eight hundred talents, he departed bouring Greek cities, by the sugges-
in all haste unto Antioch, weening in tion of Ptolemy, that they should
his arrogancy to make the laud navi- observe the same conduct against the
gable and the sea passable by foot, Jews, and should make them eat of
22 because his heart was lifted up. And 9 the sacrifices; and that they should
moreover he left governors to afflict slay such as did not choose to go over
the race: at Jerusalem, Philip, by to the Greek rites. So the present
race a Phrygian, and in character 10 misery was for all to see :for two
more barbarous than him that set women were brought up for having
23 him there and at Gerizim, Androni-
; circumcised their children and these,
cus; and besides these, Menelaus, when they had led them publicly
who worse than all the rest exalted round about the city, with the babes
himself against his fellow-citizens. hung from their breasts, they cast
And having a malicious mind toward 11 down headlong from the wall. And
the Jews - irhom he had made his others, that had run together into the
24 citizens, he sent that ^ lord of pollu- caves near by to keep the seventh
tions Apollonins with an army of two day secretly, being betrayed to Philip
and twenty thousand, commanding were all burnt together, because they
him to slay all those that were of full scrupled to defend themselves, from
age, and to sell the women and the regard to the honour of that most
25 younger men. And he coming to Je- solemn day.
rusalem, and playing the man of 12 I beseech therefore those that read
peace, waited till the holy day of the this book, that they be not discou-
sabbath, and finding the Jews at rest raged because of the calamities, but
6. 26. II. MACCABEES. 7. 9.
account that these punishments were the hands of tlie Almighty, either liv-
not for the destruction, Imt for the 27 ing or dead. Wherefore, by manfully
13 chastening of our race. For indeed parting with my life now, I will shew
that those who act impiously be not 28 myself worthy of mine old age, and
let alone any long time, but straight- 8 leave behind a nol)le ensample to
way meet with retribution, is a sign the young to die willingly and nobly a
14 of great beneficence. For in the case glorious deatli for tlie reverend and
of the other nations the Sovereign holy laws. And when he had said
Lord (loth with longsutTering forljear, these words, lie went straightway to
until that he punisli tliem wiien tliey 29 the inslnnucnt of torture. '-'And
have attained unto the full measure when tliey cliangedthe goodwill they
of their sins hut not so judged he as
; bare him a little before into ill will,
15 touching us, that he may not take because '" these words of his were, as
vengeance on us afterward, ' when we 30 they thought, sheer madness, and
be come luito the -height of oiu' sins. when he was at the point to die with
10 Wherefore he never withdraweth his the " stripes, he groaned aloud and
mercy from us but though he chas-
; said. To the Lord, tliat hatli the holy
teneth with calamity, yet doth he not knowledge, it is manifest that, where-
17 forsake his own people. Howbeit let as I might have been delivered from
this that we have spoken suffice to death, I endure sore pains in my body
put you. in remembrance; but after by being scourged; but in soul I
fheKP few words we must come to the gladly suffer these things for my fear
narrative. 31 of him. So this man also died after
18 Kleazar, one of the principal scribes, this manner, leaving his death for an
a man already well stricken in years, ensample and a memo-
of nolileness
and of a noble countenance, was com- not only to the young
rial of virtue,
pelled to open his mouth to eat swine's but also to the great body of his
1!) flesh. But he, welcoming death witli nation.
renown rather than life with pollution, 7 And it came to pass that seven bre-
advanced of his own accord to the thren also witli their niotlier were at
instrument of torture, but first spat tlie Iviiig's ciimmaiiil taken and sliame-
20 forth tlii'jir-fth,cnmin(//orward asmen fully liaiiillt'd witli scourges and cords,
ought to come that are resolute to to compel them to taste of the abomin-
repel such things as not even for the 2 able swine's flesh. But one of them
natm'al love of life is it lawful to taste. made himself the spokesman and said,
21 But they that had the charge of that What wouldest tliou ask and learn
forbidden sacrificial feast took the of us? for we are ready to die rather
man aside, for the acquaintance which than transgress the laws of our fa-
of old times they had with him, and 3 thers. And the king fell into a rage,
privately besought him to bring flesh and commanded to heat pans and
of his own providing, such as was 4 caldrons and when these forthwith
befitting for him to use, and to make were heated, he commanded to cut
as if he did eat of the flesh from the out the tongue of him that had been
as had been commanded by
sacrifice, their spokesman, and to seal)) him,
1the king that by so doing he might
: and to cut off his extremities, the rest
be delivered from ileath, and for his of his brethren and his niotlier look-
ancient frieiulship with them might be 5 ing on. And when he was utterly
23 treated kindly. But he, having formed '-maimed, tlie kiiuj commanded to
a high resolve, and one that became bring him to the yet alive,
fire, lieiiig
and the dignity of old age,
his years, and to fry him And as
in the pan.
and tlie gray hairs which he had •' the vapour of the pan spread far, they
reaclii'd witli honour, and his excellent and their mother also exhorted one
^education from a child, "or rather another to die nobly, saying thus
that became the holy laws of God's ''
6 The Lord God beholdeth, and in
ordaining, declared his mind accord- truth is '2 intreated for us, as Moses
ingly, bidding them quickly send him declared in '^ his song, which witness-
24 unto Hades. For it becometh not our eth against tlie jieoji/e to their faces,
years to dissemble, said he, that saying. And he shall be '^ intreated
throvgh this many of the young . for his servants.
should suppose that Eleazar, the man 7 And when the first had died after
of fourscore years and ten, had gone this manner, they brought the second
25 over unto an alien religion and so ; to the mocking; and they pulled off
they, by reason of my dissimulation, the skin of his head with the hair and
and for the sake of this brief and asked him, WMlt thou eat, before thy
momentary life, should be led astray 8 body be punished in every limb ? But
because of me, ' and th us I get to my- he answered in the language of his
self a pollution and a stain of mine fathers and said to them, No. Where-
2() old age. For even if for the present fore he also underwent the next tor-
time I sliall remove from me the pun- ture in succession, as the first had
ishment of men, yet shall I not escape 9 done. And when he was at the last
7. 24. II. MACCABEES. 7. 38.
11 rageously, and nobly said. From hea- 25 affairs. But when the young man
ven I possess these and for his laws'
; would in no wise give heed, the king
sake I contemn these and from him
; called unto him his mother, and ex-
I hope to receive back again hortetl her that she would counsel the
12 insomuch that the king himself and 26 lad to save himself. And when he had
they that were with him were aston- exhorted her with many words, she
ished at the young man's soul, for that 27 undertook to persuade her son. But
he nothing regarded the pains. bending toward him, laughing the
13 And when he too was dead, they cruel tyrant to scorn, she spake thus
shamefully handled and tortured the in the language of her fathers: My
14 fourth in like manner. And being son, have pity upon me that carried
come near unto death he said thus thee nine months in my womb, and
It is good to die at the hands of men gave thee suck three years, and nour-
and look for the hopes which are ished and brought thee up unto this
(liven by God, that we shall be raised 28 age, and sustained thee. I beseech
up again by him for as for thee, thou
; thee, my child, to lift thine eyes unto
shalt have no resurrection unto life. the heaven and the earth, and to see
15 And next after liim they brought the all things that are tlierein, and thus
fifth, and sluinii'fully handled him. to recognise that God made them not
16 But he looked toward tlie king and
' of things that were, and that the race
said. Because tliou hast authority of men in this wise cometh into being.
among men, though tliou art tliyself 29 Fear not this butclier, but, proving
corruptible, thou doest what thou thyself worthy of thy brethren, accept
wilt yet tliink not that our race hath
thy death, that in the mercy of God
17 been forsaken of God but hold thou
; I may receive thee again with thy
on thy way, and behold his sovereign brethren.
majesty, how it will torture thee and 30 But before she had yet ended speak-
thy seed. ing, the young man said. Whom wait
18 And after him they brought the ye for? I obey not the commandment
sixtli. And when he was at the point of the king, but I hearken to the com-
to die he said. Be not vainly deceived, mandment of the law that was given
for we suffer these things for our own 31 to our fathers through Moses. But
doings, as sinning against our own thou, that hast devised all manner of
God marvellous things are come to
: evil against the Hebrews, shalt in no
19 pass; but think not thou that thou 32 wise escape the hands of God. For
shalt be unpunished, having assayed we are suffering because of our own
to fight against God. 33 sins and if for rebuke and chastening
20 But above all was the mother mar- our living Lord hath been angered a
vellous and worthy of honourable little while, yet shall he again be re-
memory; for when she looked on 34 conciled with his own servants. But
seven sons perishing within the space thou, O unholy man and of all most
of one day, she bare t!ie sight with a vile, be not vainly lifted up in thy wild
good courage for the hopes that she pride with uncertain hopes, raising thy
2 had set on the Lord. And she exhort- hand against the heavenly children;
ed each one of them in the language 35 for not yet hast thouescaped the judge-
of their fathers, filled with a noble ment of the Almighty God that seetli
temper and stirring up her womanish ZG all thiufjs. For these our brethren,
thought with manly passion, saying having endured a " short pain that
22 unto them, I know not how ye came bringeth everlasting life, have now
into my womb, neither was it I that '
died under God's covenant but thou,
bestowed on you your - spirit and your through the judgement of God, shalt
life, and it was not I that brought into receive in just measure the penalties
order the first elements of each one 37 of thine arrogancy. But I, as my bre-
23 of you. Therefore the Creator of the thren, give up both body and soul for
world, who fashioned the ^ generation the laws of our fathers, calling upon
of man and devised the ^ generation of God that he may speedily become
all things. In mercy giveth back to yon » gracious to the nation ; and that thou
again both your - spirit and your life, amidst trials and plagues niayest con-
as ye now contemn your own selves 38 fess that he alone is God and that in
24 for his laws' sake. But Antiochus, me and my brethren " thou mayest
thinking himself to be despised, and stay the wrath of the Almighty, which
8. 11. II. MACCABEES. I 21.
hath been justly brought upon our that was to follow upon him from the
39 whole race. But the king, falling into Almighty.
a rage, handled him worse than all the But tidings came to Judas concern-
rest, being exasperated at his mock- ing the inroad of Nicanor; and when,
40 ing. So he also died pure/ro7H jjollu- he communicated to them that were
tion, putting his whole trust hi, the with him the presence of the army,
Lord. 13 they that were cowardly and distrust-
41 And last of all after her sons the ful of the judgement of God ' ran
mother died. 14 away and left the country. And
42 Let it then suffice to have said thus others sold all that was left over to
much concerning the enforcement of them, and withal besought the Lord
sacrificial feasts and the king's ex- to deliver them that had been sold as
ceeding barbarities. slai'es by the impious Nicanor or ever
8 But Judas, who is also called Macca- 15 he met them and thin, if not for their
bfeus, and they that were with him, own sakes, yet for the covenants made
making their way privily into the vil- with their fathers, and because he
lages, called unto them their kinsfolk had called them by his reverend and
and taking unto them such as had con- 16 glorious name. And Jlaccabseus ga-
tinued in the Jews' religion, gathered thered his men together, six thousand
2 together as many as six thousand. And in number, and exhorted them not to
they called upon the Lord, beseech- be stricken with dismay at the enemy,
ing Itim to look upon the people that nor to fear the great multitude of the
was oppressed by all and to have
; heathen who came wrongfully against
compassion on the sanctuary also 17 them but to contend nobly, setting
that had been profaned by the ungod- before their eyes the outrage that
3 ly men and to have pity on the city
; had been lawlessly perpetrated upon
also that was suffering ruin and the holy place, and the shameful
ready to be made even with the handling of the city that had been
ground and
; to hearken to the blood turned to mockery, and further the
4 that cried unto him and to remember
; overthrow of the mode of life received
also the lawless ' slaughter of the in- 18 from their ancestors. For they, said
nocent infants, and the blasphemies
^ he, trust to arms, and withal to deeds
that had been committed against of daring; but we trust on the Al-
his name and to shew his hatred of
; mighty God, since he is able at a
5 wickedness. And when Maccabaeus beck to cast down them that are com-
had trained his men for service, the ing against us, and even the whole
heathen at once found him Irresist- 19 world. And moreover he recounted
ible, for that the wrath of the Lord unto them the help given from time
6 was turned into pity. ^ And coming to time in the days of their ancestors,
luiawares he set fire to cities and vil- both the help given in the days of
lages. And in winning back the most Sennacherib, how that a hundred four-
important positions, putting to flight 20 score and five thousand perished, and
7 no small number of the enemies, he the help given in the land of Baby-
specially took advantage of the nights lon, even the battle that was fought
for such assaults. And his courage against the * Gauls, how that they
was loudly talked of everywhere. came to the engagement eight thou-
8 But when Philip saw the man gain- sand in all, with four thousand Mace-
ing ground by little and little, and in- donians, and how that, the ISIacedo-
creasing more and more in his pro- nians being hard pressed, the "six
sperity, he wrote unto Ptolemy, the thousand destroyed the hundred and
governor of Coelesyria and Phoenicia, twenty thousand, because of the suc-
that he should support the king's cour which they had from heaven,
9 cause. And Ptolemy quickly appoint- and took great booty. And when he
ed Nicanor the son of Patroclus, one had with these words made them of
of the ldng''s * Chief Friends, and sent good courage, and ready to die for
him, in command of no fewer than the laws and their country, he divided
twenty thousand of all nations, to de- his army into four parts api'ointing '
; '
stroy the whole race of Judaea and ; his l)retiu'en to be with himself leaders
with him he joined Gorgias also, a of the several bands, to irit, Simon
captain and one that had experience and Joseph and Jonathan, giving
10 in matters of war. And Nicanor un- each the command of fifteen hundred
dertook by the sale of the captive 23 men, and moreover Eleazar also
Jews to make up for the king the tri- then, having read aloud the sacred
bute of two thousand talents which he book, and having given as watch-
11 was to jiay to the Romans. And im- word, THE HELP OF (iOD, leading the
mediately he sent unto the cities first band himself, he joined battle
upon the sea coast, inviting them to 24 with Nicanor. And, since the Al-
buy Jewish " slaves, promising to mighty fought on their side, they slew II Gr.
8. 36. II. MACCABEES. 9. 12.
themselves about the sabbath, bless- chus was put to flight by the people
is un-
certain. ing and thanlving the Lord exceed- of the country and broke up his camp
3 Gr. ingly, who had saved them unto this 3 with disgrace. And while he was at
day, for that he had caused a begin- Ecbatana, news was brought him
arms . ,
t?ie spoils ning of mercy to distil upon them. what had happened unto Nicanor and
of the 28 And after tlie sabbath, when they 4 the forces of Timotheus. And being
had givenof the spoils to the •'maimed, lifted up 1' by his passion he thought
4 Or,
wounded and to the widows and oriihans, the to make the Jews suffer even for the
Gr. residue they distribnteil among them- evil-doing of those that had put him
fuUy 29 selves and their children. And when to rout. Wherefore, the judgement
hmulled. they had accomplished these things, from heaven even now accompanying
and had made a common supplica- him, he gave order to his charioteer
tion, they besought the merciful Lord to drive without ceasing and despatch
to be wholly reconciled with his ser- the journey; for thus he arrogantly
vants. spake I will make Jerusalem a com-
30 And having had an encounter with mon graveyard of Jews, when I come
the forces of Timotheus and Bac- 5 there. But the All-seeing Lord, the
s Gr.
chides, they killed above twenty God of Israel, smote him with a '" fatal
of them. thousand of them, and made them- and invisible stroke; and as soon as
8 That selves masters of strongholds exceed- he had ceased speaking this word, an
pro- incurable pain of the bowels seized
ing high, and divided very much plun-
the cap- der, giving the • maimed and orphans him, and bitter torments of the inner
tain of
and widows, and moreover the aged 6 parts and that most justly, for he
an ir-
regular also, an equal share with themselves. had tormented other men's bowels
auxiliary 31 -And when they had gathered the with many and strange sufferings.
Some arms ' of the enemy together, they 7 But he in no wise ceased from his
write stored them all up carefully in the rude insolence nay, still more was
as a
most important positions, and the he filled with arrogancy, breathing
proper residue of the spoils they carried to fire in his passion against the Jews,
name. 32 .Jerusalem. And they killed the and commanding to haste the jour-
' The '•
phylarch of Timotheus's forces, a ney. But it came to pass moreover
text most unholy man, and one who had that he fell from his chariot as it
peril aps
33 done the Jews much hurt. ' And as rushed along, and having a grievous
corrupt. they kept the feast of victory in the fall was racked in all the members of
8 Or, *city of their fathers, they burned 8 his body. And he that but now sup-
those that had set the sacred ^ gates posed himself to have the waves of
9 Or,
porches on fire, and among them Callisthenes, the sea at his bidding, so vainglorious
10 Or, a who had fled into '" an outhouse and ; was he beyond the condition of a man,
soUtai-y so they received the meet reward of and that thought to weigh the heights
11 Gr. their impiety. of the mountains in a balance, was
hiiving 34 And the thrice-accursed Nicanor, now brought to the ground and car-
made who had brought the thousand mer- ried In a litter, shewing unto all that
solitary. 35 chants to buy the Jews/oc slaves, be- 9 the power was manifestly God's so ;
J 2 Or, ing through the help of the Lord that out of the body of the impious
having humbled by them who in his eyes man worms swarmed, and while he
v)OH the
greatest were held to be of least account, put was still living in anguish and pains,
possible off his glorious apparel, and passim/ his flesh fell off, and by reason of the
hu reason through the midland, "shunning ail stench all the army turned with loath-
of the company like a fugitive slave, arrived 10 ing from his corruption. And the man
tion of at Antioch, ^^ having, os he thought, that a little afore supposed himself
his host had the greatest possible good for- to touch the stars of heaven, no one
13 Or, tune, though his host was destroyed. could endure to carry for his intoler-
or' this 3G And he that had taken upon him to 1 able stench. Hereupon therefore he
their make tribute sure for the Romans by began in great part to cease from his
wat/ of
the captivity of the men of Jerusalem broken in spirit,
arrogancy, being
Gr. pubhshed abroad that the Jews had and to come to knowledge under the
because One who fought for them, and that scourge of God, his pains increasing
of this
'^ because this was so the Jews were 12 every moment. And when he himself
9. 26. II. MACCABEES. 10. 12.
could not abide his own smell, he said each of you your present good will
these words It is right to be subject
: 27 toward me and my son. For I am per-
unto God, and that one who is mortal suaded that he in gentleness antl kind-
should not Mie minded arrogantly. ness will follow my i)urpose and treat
13 And the vile man vowed unto the Sove- you with indulgence.
reign Lord, who now no more would 28 So the nun-derer aud blasphemer,
have pity upon him, saying on this having endured the sorest sufferings,
14: wise: that the holy city, to the which even as he had dealt with other men,
he was going in haste, to lay iteven with ended his life among the mountains
the ground and to - make it a common by a most piteous fate in a strange
15 graveyard, he would declare free and ; 29 land. And Philip his foster-brother
as touching the Jews, whom he had conveyed the body Itouie; aud then,
decided not even to count worthy of fearing the son of Autiochus, he be-
burial, but to cast them out to the took himself to Ptolemy Philometor in
beasts with their infants, for the birds Egypt.
to devour, he would make them all 10 And Maccabfeus and they that were
IG equal to citizens of Athens; and the with him, the Lord leading them on,
holy sanctuary, which before he had recovered the temple and the city;
spoiled, he would adorn with goodliest 2 and they pulled down the altars that
offerings, and would restore all the had been built in the marketplace by
sacred vessels many times multiplied, the aliens, and also the walls of sacred
and out of his own revenues would 3 inclosure.s. And having cleansed the
defray the charges that were required sanctuary they made another altar of
17 for the sacrifices and, beside all this,
; sacrifice ; and
striking stones and
that he would become a Jew, and taking out of them, they offered
would visit every inhabited place, puli- sacrifices, after tlicy hml rfonfd for
18 lishing abroad the might of God. Hut two years, and hitmcd incense, and
when his sufferings did in no wise Jir/lited lamps, and set forth the shew-
cease, for the judgement of God had 4 bread. Aud when they had done these
come upon him in righteousness, hav- things, they fell prostrate and be-
ing given up all hope of himself, he sought the Lord that they might fall
wrote unto the Jews the letter writ- no more into such evils; but that, if
ten below, having the nature of a ever they should sin, they might be
supplication, to this effect r chastened by him with forbearance,
19 To the worthy Jews, his fellow-citi- and not be delivered unto blasjihem-
zens, Autiochus, king and general, 5 ing and barbarous heathen. Now on
wisheth much joy and health and pro- the same day that the sanctuary was
20 sperity. = May ye and your children profaned by aliens, upon that very
fare well; and your affairs shall be day did it come to pass tliat tlie cleans-
to your mind. Having my hope in ing of the sanctuary was made, even
21 heaven, I remembered with affection on the five and twentieth day of the
your honour and good will tou-ardvie. 6 same month, which is Chislev. And
Returning out of the region of Persia, they kept eight days with gladness in
and being taken with a noisome sick- the manner of the feast of tabernacles,
ness, I deemed it necessary to take i-emembering how that not long
thought for the common safety of all, afore, during the feast of tabernacles,
22 not despairing of myself, but having they were wandering in the mountains
great hope to escape from the sick- and in the caves after the manner
23 ness. But considering that my father 7 of wild beasts. Wherefore bearing
also, at whattinie he led an army into wands wreathed with leaves, and fair
the upper country, appointed his suc- boughs, and palms also, they offered
24 cesser, to the end that, if anything fell up hynnis of thanksgiving to him that
out contrary to expectation, or if any had prosperously brought to pass the
miwelcome tidings were brought, they 8 cleansing of his own place. Tliey or-
that rcinained in the country, know- dained also with a connnon statute
ing to whom the state had been left, and decree, for all the nation of the
25 might not be troubled and, beside all
; Jews, that they should keep these
this, observing how that the i)rinces days every year.
that are borderers and neighbours 9 And ' such was tlie end of Autiochus,
unto my kingdom watch opportuni- 10 who was called Epiphanes. But now
ties, and look for the future event, I will we declare what came to pass
have appointed my son Autiochus to under Autiochus named ~ Enpator,
be king, whom often committed and
I who proved himself a true son of that
commended to most of you, when I ungodly man, and will gather up
was hastening unto the upper pro- briefly the * successive evils of the
vinces; and I have written to him what 11 wars. For this man, when he suc-
26 is written below. I exhort yon there- ceeded to the kingdom, apimiuted one
fore and beseech you, having in your Lysias^o lie chaucellor, and sui)reme
remembrance the benefits done to you governor of Cadesyria and IMKenicia.
in common and severally, to preserve 12 For Ptolemy that was called Macron,
10. 25. II. MACCABEES. 11. 2.
upon being accused by the kiwfs mies and an adversary to their adver-
- Friends before Eupator, and hear- 27 saries, as the law declareth. And ris-
ing himself called traitor at every ing from their prayer they took up
turn, because he had abandoned Cy- their arms, and advanced some dis-
prus which IMiilometor had intrusted tance from the city and when they ;
to liim, and had withdrawn himself had come near to their enemies they
unto Antiocluis rul/cd Epiphanes, and 28 ' halted. And when the dawn was
'failing to uphold the honour of his now spreading, the two armies joined
office, he took poison and made away battle the one part having this, be-
ing tliem vigorously they made them- blinded and thrown into confusion,
selves masters of the positions, and and were cut to pieces, filled with be-
kept off all that fought upon the wall, 31 wilderment. And there were slain
and slew those that fell in their way, twenty thousand and five hundred,
and killed no fewer than twenty thou- beside six hundred horsemen.
18 sand. And because no less than nine 32 But Timotheus himself fled into a
thousand were fled into two towers stronghold called Gazara, a fortress of
exceeding strong and having all things exceeding strength, '•'Chaereas being
19 needed for a siege, Maccabeus, having 33 in command there. But Maccabaeus
left Simon and Joseph, and Zacchaeus and his men were glad and laid siege
besides and them that were with him, to the fortress four and twenty days.
a force sufficient to besiege them, de- 34 And tliey that wen- witlilu, trusting to
parted himself unto places where he the strengtli of the place, blasphemed
20 was most needed. But Simon and exceedingly, and hurled forth impious
they that were with him, yielding to 35 words. But at dawn of the five and
covetousness, were bribed by certain twentieth day certain young men of
of those that were in tlie towers, and the company of Maccal)aeus, inflamed
receiving seventy thousand drachmas with passion because of the blasphe-
21 let some of them slip away. But mies, assaulted the wall with mascu-
when word was brought to Macca- line force and with '"fiu'ious passion,
beus of what was done, he gathered and cut down wliosoever came in their
the leaders of the people together, 36 way. And others climbing up in like
and accused those men of having sold manner, while the liesier/ed were dis-
their brethren for money, by setting tracted with them that had made
their enemies free to fi(jht against their iray within, set fire to the tow-
22 them. So he slew these men for hav- ers, and kindling fires burned the
ing turned traitors, and forthwith took blasphemers alive while others broke
23 possession of the two towers. And open the gates, and, having given en-
prospering with his arms in all things trance to the rest of the band, occupied
he took in hand, he destroyed in the 37 the city. And they slew Timotheus,
two strongholds more than twenty who was hidden in a cistern, and his
thousand. brother Chaereas, and Apollophanes.
24 Now Timotheus, who had been before 38 And when they had acoomi)lished
defeated by the Jews, having gathered these things, they blessed the Lord
together foreign forces in great multi- with hynnis and thanksgivings, him
tudes, and having collected the * horse- who doeth great benefits unto Israel,
men which belonged to Asia, not a few, and giveth them the victory.
came as though he would take Judaea 11 Now after a very little time Lysias,
25 by force of arms. But as he drew near, the king's guardian and kinsman and
Maccabasus and his men sprinkled chancellor, being sore disj)leased for
earth upon their heads and girded 2 the things that had come to pass, col-
n 3t'
11. 17. 11. MACCABEES. 11. 35.
lected about fourscore thousaiul /oof- 18 therein. What
things soever there-
)in'u and all his horsemen and came fore hail need to be brought before
against the Jews, thinking to make the king I declared to, and what
tlie city a phice for Greeks to dwell 19 things were possible he allowed. If
3 in, and to levy tribute on the temple, then ye will preserve your good will
as ' on the other sacred places of the towarti the state, henceforward also
nations, and to put up the high priest- will I endeavour to contribute to your
4 hood to sale every year holding in no
; 20 good. 8 And on this behalf I have
account the might of God, but puffed given order in detail, both to these
up with his ten thousands of footmen, men and to those that are scut from
and his thousands of horsemen, and 21 me, to confer with you. Fare ye well.
5 his fourscore elephants. And coming Written in the hundred forty and
into Judaea and drawing near to Beth- eighth year, on the four and twentieth
suron, which was a strong place and day of the month Dioscorinthius.
distant from Jerusalem about -five 22 And the king's letter was in these
6 leagues, he pressed it hard. But when words
]SIaccali;eus and his men learned that King Antiochus unto his brother Ly-
he was bcsiegini;- the slrdiiirhnlils, they 23 sias, greeting. Seeing that our father
and all the people with lamentations passed unto the gods having the wish
and tears made supplication unto the that the stibjects of his kingdom
Lord to send a good angel to save " should be undisturbed and give
7 Israel. And Maccabeus himself took themselves to the care of their own
up arms first, and exhorted the others 24 affairs, we, having heard that the
to jeopard themselves together with Jews do not consent to om* father's
him and succour their brethren and ; purpose to turn them unto the customs
they sallied forth with him right will- of the Greeks, but choose rather their
8 ingly. And as they were there, close own manner of living, and make re-
to Jerusalem, there appeared at their quest that the cxstoms of their law be
head one on horseback in white ap- 25 allowed unto them, — choosing there-
parel, brandishing ' weapons of gold. that this nation also should be
9 And they all together praised the from " disturbance, we determine
merciful God, and were yet more that their temple be restored to them,
strengthened in heart being ready to
: and that they live according to the
•assail not men only but the wildest customs that were in the days of their
10 beasts, and walls of iron, tliey ad- 20 ancestors. Thou wilt therefore do
vancecl in array, having him that is in well to send messcii(/)'rtf unto them and
heaven to fight on their side, for the give them the right hand of friend-
1 Lord had mercy on them. And hurling ship, that they, knowing our mind,
themse/ves like lions upon the enemy, may be of good heart, and gladly oc-
they slew of them eleven thousand cupy themselves with the conduct of
footmen and sixteen hundred horse- own affairs.
12 men, and forced all tlir rest to flee. But 27 And unto the nation the king's letter
the more part of thcni escaped wound- was after this manner:
ed nnd naked; and Lysias also him- King Antioclius to the senate of the
13 self escaped by shameiiil llight. But Jews and to the other Jews, greeting.
as he was a man not void of under- 28 ye fare well, we have our desire
If :
standing, weighing with himself the weourselves also are in good health.
defeat which had befallen him, and 29 Menelaus informed us thatyourdesire
considering that the Hebrews could was to return home and follow your
not be overcome, because the Almighty 30 own business. They therefore that
God fought on their side, he sent again de)iart home up to the thirtieth day
li unfo them, and persuaded them to of Xanthicus shall have our i=friend-
come to terms on condition that all 31 ship, with full permission that the
their rights were acknowledged, and Jews use their own proper meats and
^'promised that he would also per- observe their own laws, even as here-
suade the king to become their friend. tofore and none of them shall be in
1.5 And Maccabaeus gave consent upon any way molested for the things that
all the conditions which Lysias pro- 32 have been ignorantly done. ]\Ioreover
posed to him, being careful of the I have sent Menelaus also, that he
roiintion good; for whatsoever re- 33 may encourage you. Fare ye well.
(/iir.'ifs Maccabaeus delivered in writing Written in the hundred forty and
unto Lysias concerning the Jews the eighth year, on the fifteenth day of
16 king allowed. For the letters written Xanthicus.
unto the Jews from liysias were to 34 And the l>om;ins ;ilso sent unto them
this effect: a letter in these words :
Lysias unto the "people of the Jews, Qnintus ."\lemmius and Titus Mani-
17 greeting. John and Absalom, who us, ambassadors of the Romans, unto
were sent from you, having delivered 35 the people of the Jews, greeting. In
the ' petition written below, made re- regard to the things which Lysias the
quest concerning the things signified king's kinsman granted you, we also
12. 12. II. MACCABEES. 12. 24.
36 give consent. But as for tlie things peace with them and receiving
speed, that we also may learn what is 14 But they that were within, trusting
38 your mind. ^ Farewell. Written in to the strength of the walls and to
the hundred forty and eighth year, on their store of provisions, behaved
the fifteenth day of Xanthicus. themselves rudely toward Judas and
12 So when these covenants had been them that were with him, railing, and
made, Lysias departed unto the king, furthermore blaspheming and speak-
and tlie Jews went about their hus- 15 ing impious words. But Judas and
bandry. company, calling upon the great
2 But certain of the governors of dis- Sovereign of the world, who without
tricts, Timotheus and Apollonius the rams and cunning engines of war
son of Gennseus, and Hieronymns also hurled down Jericho in the times of
and Demophon,and ijeside them Nica- Joshua, rushed wildly against the
nor the governor of Cyprus, would 16 wall: and having taken the city by
not suffer them to enjoy tranquillity the will of God, they made unspeaka-
3 and live in peace. And men of Joppa ble slaughter, insomuch that the ad-
perpetrated this great impiety they : joining lake, which was two furlongs
invited the Jews that dwelt among broad, appeared to be filled with the
themto go with their wives and chil- deluge of blood.
dren into the boats which they had 17 And when they had drawn off seven
provided, as though they had no ill hundred fifty furlongs from
4 will towards them and when - the
; thence, they made their way to Cha-
Jews, ^ relying on the common decree rax, unto the Jews that are called
of the city, accepted tlie invitation, 18 " Tubieni. And Timotheus they found
as men desiring to live in peace and not in occupation of that district, for
suspecting nothing, they took them he had then departed from the district
out to sea and drowned them, in without accomplishing anything, but
number not less than two hundred. had left behind a garrison, and that
5 But when Judas heard of the cruelty a very strong one, in a certain post.
done unto his fellow-countrymen, giv- 19 But Dositheus and Sosipater, who
ing command to the men that were were of Maccabaens's captains, sallied
6 with him and calling upon God the forth and destroyed those that had
righteous Judge, he came against the been left by Timotheus in the strong-
murderers of his brethren, and set 20 above ten thousand men. And
the haven on Are by night, and burned Maccabaeus, ranging his own army by
the boats, and put to the sword those bands, set * these two over the bands,
7 that had fled thither. But when the and marched in haste against Timo-
town was closed against him, he with- theus, who had with him a hundred
drew, intending to come again to root and twenty thousand footmen and two
out the whole community of the men thousand and five hundred horsemen.
8 of Joppa. But learning that the men 21 But when Timotheus heard of the
of Jamnia were minded to do in like inroad of Judas, he at once sent away
manner unto the Jews that sojourned the women and the children and also
9 among them, he fell upon the Jam- the baggage into the fortress called
nites also by night, and set fire to the "
Carnion for the place was hard to
haven together with the fleet, so that besiege and difficult of access by rea-
the glare of the light was seen at Je- son of the narrowness of the ap-
rusalem, two hundred and forty fur- 22 proaches on all sides. But when the
longs distant. band of Judas, who led the van,
10 Now when they had drawn off nine appeared in sight, and when terror
furlongs from thence, as they marched came upon the eiiemy and fear, be-
against Timotheus, a host of Ara- cause the manifestation of him who
bians attacked him, no fewer than beholdeth all things came upon them,
five thousand /'oof ?^( OH, and five hun- they fled amain, carried this way and
11 dred horsemen. And when a sore that, so that they were often hurt of
battle had been fought, and Judas their own men, and pierced with the
and his company by the help of God 23 points of their swords. And Judas
had good success, the nomads being continued the pursuit the more hotly,
overcome besought Judas to grant putting the wicked wretches to the
them friendship, promising to give sword, and he destroyed as many as
him cattle, and to help * his people in 24 thirty thousand men. But Timotheus
12 all other ways. So Judas, thinking himself, falling in with the company
that they would indeed be iirofitable of Dositheus and Sosipater, besought
in many things, agreed to live in them with much * crafty guile to let
12. 38. II. MACCABEES. 13. 5.
him go with his life, because he had purified themselves according to the
in his power the parents of many of custom, and kept the sabbath there.
them and the brethren of some other- 39 And on the day following, " at which
wise, said he, little regard will ^be time it had become necessary, Judas
25 shewn to these. So when he had with and his company came to take up the
many words confirmed the agreement bodies of them that had fallen, ^- and
to restore them without hurt, they let in company with their kinsmen to
him go that they might save their bring them back unto the sepulchres
brethren. 40 of their fathers. But under the gar-
2(i And .hid as, marching against " Car- luents of each one of the dead they
iiion and the temple of Atergatis, slew foiuid '= consecrated tokens of the
five and twenty thousand persons. idols of Jamnia, which the law forbids
27 And after he had put these to flight the Jews to have aught to do with sepuf-
and destroyed them, he marched and it became clear to all that it was
against Ephron also, a strong city, for this cause that they had fallen.
* wherein were multitudes of people 41 All therefore, blessing the works of
of all nations ; and stalwart young the Lord, the righteous .Judge, who
men i)laced '^on the walls made a maketh manifest the things that are
vigorous defence ; and there were 42 hid, betook themselves unto supplica-
great stores of engines and darts tion, bfscfching that the sin connnit-
28 there. But calling upon the Sove- ted miglit be wholly blotted out. And
reign who with might breaketh in the ni)l)le .Judas exhorted the multi-
pieces the " strength of " the enemy, tude to keep themselves from sin, for-
they got the city into their hands, and somuch as they had seen before their
slew as many as twenty and five eyes what things had come to pass
thousand of them that were within. because of the sin of them that had
29 And setting out from thence they 43 fallen. And when he had made a
marched in haste against Scythopo- collection man by man to the sum of
lis, which is distant from Jerusalem two thousand drachmas of silver, he
30 six hundred furlongs. But when the sent unto Jerusalem to offer a sacri-
Jews that were settled there testified fice for sin, doing therein right well
of the good will that the Scythopo- and honourably, in that he took
litans had shewn toward them, and of 44 thought for a resurrection. For if he
their kindly bearing toicard them in were not expecting that they that had
31 the times of their misfortune, they fallen would rise again, it were super-
gave thanks, ;ind further exhorted fluous and idle to pray for the dead.
them to remain well affected toward 45 (And if he did it looking unto an hon-
the race for the future ; and they ourable memorial of gratitude laid up
went up to .lerusaleni, the feast of for them that " die '•>
in godliness, holy
weeks being close at hand. and godly was the thought.) Where-
32 But after the /pttN/ called Pentecost fore he made the propitiation for them
they marched in haste against Gor- that had ilieil, that they might be re-
33 gias the governor of Iduni;ea and he : leased from their sin.
came ont with three thousand footmen 13 111 the hundred forty and ninth year
34 and four hundred horsemen. And tidings were brought to Judas and his
when they had set themselves in array, company that Antiochus Eui)ator was
it came to pass that a few of the Jews coming with great multitudes against
35 fell. And a certain Dositheus, one 2 Judsea, and with him Lysias his
* of Bacenor's company, who was on guardian and chancellor, "'each hav-
horseback and a strong man, pressed ing a Greek force, a hundred and ten
hard on Gorgias, and taking hold of thousand footmen, and five thousand
his cloke drew him along by main and three hundred horsemen, and two
force; and while he was minded to and twenty elephants, and three hun-
take the accursed man alive, one of dred chariots armed with si'ythcs.
the Thracian horsemen bore down 3 And Menelaus also joined himself
upon him and disabled his shoulder, with them, and with great dissinnda-
and so Gorgias escaped unto" Marisa. tion encouraged Antiochus, not for the
30 And when they that were with Es- saving of his country, but because he
dris had been fighting long and were thought that he would be set over the
wearied out, Judas called upon the 4 government. But the King of kings
Lord to shew himself, fighting on stirred up the '" passion of Antiochus
their side and leading the van of the against the wicked wretch and when
oTliattle; and tlien in tlie language of Lysias informed liim that this man
his fathers he raised the battle-cry was the cause of all the evils, tJie kiiu/
joined with hymns, and rushing un- connnanded to bring him unto Beroea,
awares upon the troops of Gorgias and • to i)ut him to death after the
put them to flight. 5 manner of that place. Now there is
38 And Judas gathering his army came in that place a tower of fifty cubits
unto the city of "' Adullam and as; higli, full of ashes, and it had all
the seventh day was coming on, they round it a '* gallery '''descending sheer
13. 20. II. MACCABEES. 14. 8.
6 on every side into the ashes. Here 21 them that were within. But Kliodo-
him that is guilty of sacrilege, or hath cus, from the Jewish ranks, made
attained a preeminence in any other known to the enemy the secrets of his
evil deeds, they ' all push forward countrymen. He was sought out, and
7 into destruction. By such a fate it 22 taken, and shut uj) in prison. The
befell the breaker of the law, Mene- king treated with them in Bethsura
laus, to die, without obtaining so the second time, gave his hand, took
much as a i/rate in the earth, and theirs, departed, attacked the forces
8 that right justly ; for inasmuch as 23 of Judas, was put to the worse, heard
he had perpetrated many sins -against that Philip who had been left as
the altar, whose (ire and whose ashes chancellor in Antioch had become
were holy, in ashes did he receive his reckless, was confounded, made to the
death. Jews an overture of peace, sul)mitted-
9 Now the king, ^ infuriated in spirit, himself and sware to acknowledge all
was coming with intent to inflict on their rights, came to terms with them
the Jews the very worst of the suffer- and offered sacrifice, honoured the
ings that had befallen tltem in his 24 sanctuary and the place, shewed kind-
10 father's time. But when Judas heard ness and graciously received Mac-
of these things, he gave charge to the cabasus, left Hegemonides governor
nuiltitude to call upon the Lord day from Ptolemais even unto the '- Ger-
and night, beseeching him, if ever at 25 renians, came to Ptolemais. The men
any other time, so now to succour of Ptolemais were displeased at the
them that were at the point to be de- treaty, for they had exceeding great
prived of the law and their country indignation against the Jews they de- :
11 and the holy temple, and not to suffer sired to annul the articles of the agree-
the people that had l>een but now a 26 ment. Lysias '* came forward to
little while revived to fall into the speak, made the best defence that
12 hands of those profane heathen. So was possible, persuaded, pacified,
when they had all done the same made them well affected, departed
thing together, * beseeching the unto Antioch. This was the issue of
merciful Lord with weeping and fast- the inroad and departure of the king.
ings and prostration for three days X4: Now after a space of three years
without ceasing, JuiUis exhorted them tidings were brought to .ludas andhis
and connnanded they slmuld join him company that Demetrius the tmn of
13/«/- strrifi'. And liaving gone apart Seleui'us, having sailed into tlie haven
with the elders he resolved that, be- of Tripolis with a mighty host and a
fore the king's army should enter 2 fleet, had gotten possession of the
into Judaea and make themselves country, having made away with An-
masters of the city, they should go tiochus and Lysias his guardian.
forth and try the matter in fiuht by 3 But one Alcimus, who had formerly
14 the help of God. And committing
been high priest, and had wilfully i)ol-
the decision to the " Lord of tlie luted himself in the times when there
world, and exhorting them that were was no mingling icith the Gentiles,
with him to contend nobly even unto considering that there was no deliver-
death for laws, temple, city, country, ance for him in any way, nor any more
' commonwealth, he pitched his camp
4 access unto the holy altar, came to
15 by iModin. And having given out to king Demetrius in about tlie hundred
his men the watchword, victory i.s and one and fiftieth year, presenting
(iiiD's, with a chosen body of the to him a chaplet of gold and a palm,
bravest young men he fell upon the and beside these some of the festal
cionp by night cduI penetrated to the olive boughs of the temple. And for
king's * tent, and slew of the army
' '•'
5 that day he held his peace but hav- ;
as many as two thousand men, and ing gotten opportunity to further his
1 brought down the chiefest elephant own madness, being calleil by Deme-
with him that was in the '" tower upon trius into a meeting of his council, and
16 him. And at last they filled the asked how the .lews stood affected
"army with terror and alarm, and and what they purposed, he answered
1 departed with good success. And this 6 thereunto. Those of the Jews that be
had been accomplished when the day called " Hasidaeans, whose leader is
was but now dawning, because of the Judas Maccabaeus, keep up war, and
Lord's protection that gave " .Judas are seditious, not suffering the king-
help. 7 doni to find tranquillity. Wherefore,
18 But the king, having had a taste of having laid aside mine ancestral
the exceeding boldness of the Jews, glory, I mean the high priesthood, I
made attempts by stratagem ui)on 8 am now come '"hither; first for the
19 their positions, and vjwn a strong unfeigned care I have for the things
fortress of the .Jews atBethsura; he that concern the king, and secondly
advanced, was tin-ned back, failed, because I have regard also to mine
20 was defeated. And Judas conveyed own fellow-citizens for, through the
I spake before, our whole race is in no in his presence ;he had gained a
9 small misfortune. But do thou, O 25 hearty affection for the man he urged ;
king, having informed thyself of these him to marry and beget children he ;
things severally, take thought both for married, settled quietly, took part in
our country and for our race, which common life.
' is surrounded by foes, according to 26 But Alcimus, perceiving the good
the gracious kindness with which thou will that was betwixt them, '" and
10 receivest all. For as long as Judas re- having got possession of the cove-
maineth alive, it is impossible that the nants that had been made, came unto
1 state should find peace. And when he Demetrius and told him that Nicanor
had spoken such words as these, at was ill affected toward the state, for
once - the rest of the kinr/'s ^ Friends, he had appointed that consi)irator
having ill will against Judas, inflamed against his kingdom, Judas, to lie Ids
12 Demetrius yet more. And forthwith 27 successor. And the king, falling into
appointing Nicanor, who had been a rage, and being exasperated by the
master of the elephants, and making calumnies of that most wicked man,
him governor of Judgea, he sent him wrote to Nicanor, signifying that he
13 forth, giving him written instructions was displeased at the covenants, and
to make away with Judas himself and commanding him to send Maecabaeus
to scatter them that were with him, l)risoner unto Antioch in all haste.
and to set up Alclmus as high priest 28 And when this message came to Ni-
14 of the * great temple. And ^ those in canor, he was confounded, and was
Judaea that ' had before driven Judas sore troubled at the thought of annul-
into exile thronged to Nicanor in ling the articles that had been agreed
flocks, supposing that the misfortunes upon, the man having done no wrong
and calainitifs of the Jews would be 29 but because there was no dealing
successes to themselves. against the king, he watched his time
15 But when the Jeirg heard of Nica- to execute this purpose by strata-
nor's inroad and the assault of the 30 gem. But Maccabseus, when he per-
heathen, they sprinkled earth iqwn ceived that Nicanor was behaving
their heails and made solemn suppli- more harshly in his dealings with him,
cation to him who had established his and that he had become ruder in his
own people for evermore, and who al- customary bearing, understanding
way, making manifest his presence, that this harshness came not of good,
upholdeth them that are his own por- gathered together not a few of his
16 tion. ' And when the leader had given men, and concealed himself from Ni-
// ;.s commands, he straightway setteth canor.
out from thence, and joineth battle 31 But the other, ^'when he became
with them at a village ealled Lessau. aware that he had been bravely de-
17 But Simon, the brother of Judas, had feated by the stratagem of '^ Judas,
encountered Nicanor, *yet not till came to the * great and holy temple,
late, having received a check by rea- while the priests were offering the
son of the sudden consternation caus- usual sacrifices, and connnanded them
ed by his adversaries. 32 to deliver up the man. And when they
1 Ne vertlieless Nicanor, hearing of the declared with oaths that they had no
manliness of them that were with knowledge where the man was whom
Judas, and their courage in fighting 33 he sought, he stretched forth his right
for their country, shrank from bring- hand toward the sanctuary, and sware
ing the matter to the decision of the this oath : If ye will, not deliver up to
19 sword. Wherefore he sent Posidonius me Judas as a prisoner, I will lay this
and Theodotus and Mattathias to give 13temple of God even with the ground,
20 and receive pledges of friendship. So and will break down the altar, and 1
when these proposals had been long will erect here a temple unto » Bacchus
considered, and the leader had made 34 for all to see. And having said this
the troops acquainted therewith,
he departed. But the priests, stretch-
and it ai)p(!are(l that they were all of ing forth their hands toward heaven,
like niind,tliey consented to the cove- called upon him that ever fighteth for
21 nants. And they appointed a day on 35 our nation, in these words Thou, '= O :
convenient places, lest haply there holy Lord of all hallowing, keep un-
should suddenly be treachery on the defiled for ever this house that hath
part of the enemy; they held such been lately cleansed.
23 conference as was meet. Nicanor 37 Now information was given to Ni-
tarried in lerusalem, and did nothing canor against one Eazis, an elder of
to cause (listurl)aiic(\ luit dismissed Jerusalem. ' as being a lover of his
the flocks of |ieoph' tliat liad gatliered countrymen and a man of very good
24 together. And he keiit Judas always report, and one called Father of the
15. 7. II. MACCABEES. 15. 20.
were now rushing within the door, he 12 all exceeding glad. Anti the vision of
ran bravely up to the wall and cast ttmtff ream was this: He saw Onias,
himself down manfully among the him that was high priest, a noble and glad
44 crowds. But as they quickly gave good man, reverend in bearing, yet
back, a space was made, and he fell on gentle in manner and well-spoken, and
45 the middle of ^ his side. And having exercised from a child in all points
yet breath within him, and being in- of virtue, with outstretched hands in-
flamed with passion, he rose up, and voking blessht(fs on the whole body of
though his blood gushed out in 13 the Jews: thereupon Jte sair a man
streams and his wounds were griev- appear, of venerable age and exceed-
ous, he ran through the crowds, and ing glory, and wonderful and most
46 standing upon a steep rock, when as majestic was the dignity around him :
his blood was now well nigh spent, 14 ami Onias answered and said. This
he drew forth his bowels tln-oHfjh the is the lover of the brethren, he who
wound, and taking them in both his prayeth much for the people and the
hands he shook them at the crowds ;
holy city, Jeremiah the prophet of
and calling upon him who is Lord of 15 God: and .Teremiah stretching forth
2 the life and the * spirit to restore his right hand delivered to Judas
him ^ these again, he thus died. a sword of gold, and in giving it
15 But Nicanor, hearing that Judas and IG addressed him thus. Take the holy
his company were in the region of sword, a gift from God. w.herewith
Samaria, resolved to set upon them thoushalt smite down the adversaries.
with all security on tlie day of rest. 17 And being encouraged by the words
2 And when the Jews that were com- of Judas, which were of a lofty strain,
pelled to follow him said, O destroy and able to incite unto virtue and to
not so savagely and barbarously, but stir the sonls of the young unto manly
give due glory to the day which he courage, they determined " not to 13 Or,
7iOt to go
that beholdeth all things hath ' hon- carry on a campaign, but nobly to out to
oured and hallowed above o^/)*;- f/<fvs ;
bear down upon t/ie enemi/.und fight- battle,
3 then the thrice-accursed wretcli asked ing hand to hand with all courage nobbt to
if there were a Sovereign in heaven bring the matter to an issue, because en (/age
that had commanded to keep the sab- vithin
the city and the sanctuary and the their
4 bath day. And when they declared. 1,8 temple were in danger. For their lities, SfC.
There is the Lord, living himself a fear for wives and children, and fur- The
Sovereign in heaven, who bade vs ob- thermore for brethren and kinsfolk, text of
5 serve the seventh day then saith the
; was in less account with them but ; this pas-
other, I also am a sovereign upon the greatest and first was their fear for
iafre is
earth, ' who no?r command to take up 19 the consecrated sanctuary. And they tain.
arms and execute tlie king's business. also that were shut up in the city were
Nevertheless he prevailed not to exe- in no light distress, being troubled be-
cute his* cruel purpose.
cause of the encounter in the open
6 And Nicanor, bearing
himself ground.
14 Gr.
haughtily in all vaingloriousness, had 20 And when all were now waiting for bea»ts.
determined to set up a monument of the decision of the issue, and the ene- IE Or,
complete victory over Judas and all my had already joined battle, and the stationed
7 them that were with him but Macca- : army had been set in array, and the for ron-
bgeus still trusted unceasingly, with all " elephants ^^ brought back to a con- action
15. 31. II. MACCABEES. 15. .39.
venient post, and the horsemen drawn and set the priests before the altar,
1 Or, 21 up 'on the flank, Maccabfeiis, per- he sent for them that were in the
in line
ceiving the presence of the - troops, 32 citadel and shewing the head of the
2 Gr.
and the various arms with which they vile Nicanor, and the hand of that
tiiiha. were equipped, and tlie savageness of profane man, which with proud brags
3 Or. the " elephants, liolding up his hands he had stretched out against the holy
unto heaven called upon the Lord 33 house of the Almighty, and cutting
that worketh wonders, recognising out the tongue of the impious Nicanor,
that success cometh not by arms, but he said that he would give '''it by pieces
that, according as the Lord shall to the birds, and hang up the ' rewards
jutlge, he gaineth the victory for them of his madness over against the sanc-
22 that are worthy. And calling upon 34 tuary. And they all looking up inito
God he said after this manner Thou, : heaven blessed » the Lord who had
() Sovereign Lord, didst send thine manifested himself, saying. Blessed be
angel in tlie time of Hezekiah king of he that hatli preserved his own place
*Gr. luda'.i, and he slew of the *host of 35 undefiled. And he hanged Nicanor's
Sennacherib as many as a hundred head and shoulder from the citadel, a
23 fourscore and five thousand so now
; sign, evident unto all and manifest,
also, O Sovereign of tlie heavens, send 36 of the help of the Lord. And they all
a good angel before us to bring terror ordained with a common decree in no
24 and trembling through the greatness
: wise to let this day pass undistin-
of thine arm let them be stricken with guished, l)ut to mark with honour the
dismay that with blasphemy are come thirteenth day of the twelfth month (it
hither against thy holy people. And is called Adar in the Syrian tongue),
25 as he ended with these words, Nicanor the day before the day of Mordecai.
and his company advanced with trum-
26 pets and iireans; lint .Tudas and his
company joiucd liattle witli the enemy
27 with invoi'iitioii and prayers. And con-
tending with their hands, and praying
unto God with their hearts, they slew
no less than thirty and five thousand
men, being made exceeding glad by
the manifestation of God. 37 This then having been the issue of
28 And when the engagement was over, the attempt of Nicanor, and the city
and they were returning again with having from those times been held by
joy, they recognised Nicanor lying the Hebrews, I also will here make an
29 dead in full armour; and there arose 38 em! of my book. And if I ha re written
» Or, he- a shout and '^tumult, and then they well and to the point in my story, this
wilder- is what I myself desired but if meanly
blessed the Sovereign Lord in the ;
30 language of their fathers. And he and indifterently, this is all I could at-
tluat in all things was in body and soul 39 tain unto. For as it is » distasteful
the foremost champion of his fellow- to drink wine alone and in like manner
citizens, he that kept through life the again to drink water alone, '" while
good will of his youth toward his the mingling of wine with water at
countrymen, commanded to cut off once " giveth full pleasantness to the
Nicanor's head, and his hand with the flavour; so also the fashioning of the
shoulder, and bring them to Jerusalem. language delighteth the ears of them
31 And when he had arrived there, and that read tlic story.
had called his countrymen together And here siuiU be the end.