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The Frank Home Oil Service has had a long-standing tradition of

promotion from within, largely on the basis of length of service. Men were hired as
labourers and moved up through several Promotional ladders to higher-paying
positions, including maintenance work. Older workers typically “bid” the mechanics”
jobs when there were openings, because this work was easier than delivery and
pumping jobs. Recently the company became concerned that its maintenance
mechanics were less skilled than those of its competitors. As new and more
complicated equipment was purchased, the company found itself without adequate
maintenance personnel. The company was finally able to negotiate an agreement with
the union permitting it to use aptitude tests in selecting new mechanics. The steady
stream of older workers bidding on these jobs was now halted. To fill openings as
they occurred, the company for the first time was able to go outside the organisation
and hire young trade–schooled graduates who quickly learned the requisites skills.
Over time the older mechanics who had come into their jobs “unscreened” were
shifted to the less-skilled work in the department-largely building - maintenance
work. The immediate problem is that declining business is forcing a cutback in the
size of the maintenance department. Normally, department seniority is used to
determine who will, be laid off. The result in this case will be that nearly all of the
relatively new and more able younger mechanics will be laid off, except those who
have enough seniority to “bump” the few unskilled labourers in the department. The
company fears that its maintenance work will be crippled and that a good share of the
mechanics will leave the company permanently to take jobs elsewhere.

2. Mr. Kishore is Manager of the automobile underwriting department of the Regional

office in Visakhapatnam. Over the past two years, there has been a 43% increase in
the number of policies written in this department. This large increase in business has
resulted in a problem for Mr. Kishore. A backlog of policy applications has built up
over the past few months and despite Kishore’s efforts, the department just cannot get
caught up. Kishore is working especially hard and is spending nights and weekends
working away at the backlog. After considerable think through of the problem,
Kishore has decided that one way to handle this overload and his job is to delegate
some of his authority and responsibility to his staff. His staff consists of five
underwriters, twelve policy raters, secretaries and
clerks. Kishore, however, is having difficulty in persuading his employees to show
any initiations. They seem to be satisfied with doing routine work and continually
come to him looking for solutions to work problems. Naturally, Kishore end up
working out solutions for them and he is overburdened most of the time. How can
Kishore solve the problem?

3. Arion Auto was a dealer for the Hanuman Motor Company, India's
most popular car maker. Aimed at the first time buyer, this company had
notched up 80 per cent market share at one time. Gradually, with the
entry of new players, the share has come down to about 50 per cent by
2003, but there was still a large market for its 800 cc car. In other
segments, the company had a much lower share. A customer who had just bought the
car from Arion was upset, as the car had developed a couple of significant problems
within a week. It had an unexplained noise in the engine while turning, and its rear
bumper had come loose. The customer claimed that he had been sold a
defective car, and that the dealer should replace it with a new one.
The service manager at Arion motors tried to communicate to the
buyer that it was company policy to rectify any problem within the
warranty period free of cost, and that he would do the same, as per the
policy. However, the customer was not satisfied, as he would have to
suffer great inconvenience on account of it. Being a businessman on the move, he had
many important engagements, and he would be severely hampered in his movements
without a car. What should the Arion service manager do?

4. This is about 4 employees Radha (26 yrs/Engaged to Avinash/working/ Ambitious)

John (bachelor, 20 yrs old ) Avinash( 30 yrs old/ Engaged to Radha, Dominating
character) Ashish (45 yr old/ married and settled in life/ superior in the org)
Avinash doesnt want Radha to be working at his level. John is a buddy to Radha but
still is jealous of her achievements. Ashish feels women should not be working, kind
of an ancient bugger. The management makes a decision to move the supervisor out
of the org and make one of the 4 as the new supervisor. Radha is chosen as the new
supervisor. The rest of the guys are not happy with her promotion. Scenario - The
business make a profit of 10 crores every year. And the last year it was 12 crores.
Suddenly management says to her that she should make 10 crores in the next 2
quaters (6 months). Radha doesn’t have any choice since if she doesn’t make it
Avinash will be promoted in her place and Avinash is so upset with Radha that he
will ditch her if she fails then. Also he is not happy to work under her as he is
engaged to her. Ashish is a senior guy and feels very bad to report to Radha, John is
ok to report to Radha but has evil intentions in his mind about Radha.
What would you suggest Radha if she reach out to you for help?

Investigate the reason for performance degradation and present the solution.

6. Suppose two regional sales reps share responsibility for sending weekly updates
to their manager. Brad always submits them on time, but Frank often turns them
in late. Saying, “Frank, you’ve turned in the sales reports late again” would only
put Frank on the defensive. Instead, Brad opens the conversation this way:
“Frank, you and I place a different value on deadlines. I want to explain why
meeting them is important to me, and then I’d like to hear your take on them.”
Brad learns that Frank, when faced with the choice of possibly making a sale or
compiling the report, thinks he should focus on the sale. With this insight, Brad
proposes another way to share responsibilities: Brad will complete the report
when it’s Frank’s turn to do so, as long as Frank gives Brad two hours’ notice and
a share in any commission Frank earns as a result of being able to continue
pursuing a lead. What are your favourite conflict management methods?

7. In a large publishing company in New York, a young woman, Laura, was hired as
a copy editor for one of the many journals produced by the company. Seven other
employees worked on this team editing this Journal, including a senior editor
named Tim. Laura had worked there for about a month when she and her fellow
co-workers went for happy-hour after work. Everybody had a great time and had
consumed a fair amount of alcohol. When everybody was leaving the bar to head
home, Tim, who had been secretly attracted to Laura, hailed a cab and offered to
share the ride with Laura. Laura accepted the offer. Once she was inside the cab,
Tim then suddenly made an aggressive sexual advance toward her. Horrified,
Laura pushed him away and told him to get out of the cab. Mortified, Tim slinked
out of the cab. The next day, Laura came to work with some apprehension. Tim
immediately went to her office and apologized for his extremely inappropriate
behavior in the cab. Relieved at his apology, Laura decided not to pursue the
matter through any formal channels in the office. After all, Laura was a new
employee, still in the process of learning the office politics and proving herself as
being a competent editor. Everything would have been okay if Tim had stopped at
just one sincerely expressed apology. However, whenever he found himself alone
with Laura, Tim apologized again and again. He said he was sorry about the
incident at every opportunity he had for three months. This constant apology was
awkward and annoying to Laura. After three months of many apologies, she
reached a point where she asked him to stop apologizing, to no avail. Frustrated,
she confided in a few co-workers about her unusual dilemma. Consequently, these
co-workers lost respect for Tim. Although the cab incident was not common
knowledge in the office, Tim sensed that others knew about it by the way they
interacted with him. The incident became the office "elephant" that the employees
"in the know" saw, but didn't explicitly acknowledge. Meanwhile, Laura was tired
of hearing Tim apologize and her feelings of discomfort increased. So when
another editor position opened up in another journal division of the company, she
applied for the job and was transferred to the other journal. In her new position,
she didn't have Tim bothering her anymore. But she was unhappy with her new
job. The journal material was very boring. She didn't work as well with her co-
workers as she did in the previous journal (excepting Tim). She realized that she
really enjoyed her old job. She began to regret her decision to avoid the conflict
with Tim by moving to the new job. In an effort to seek advice as to how to solve
her problem, Laura decided to consult with the company ombudsman. What she
could have done?

8. Roger is a 25-year old who is a foodservice manager at a casual dining restaurant.

He is responsible for supervising and managing all employees in the back of the
house. Employees working in the back of the house range in age from 16 years
old to 55 years old. In addition, the employees come from diverse cultural and
ethnic backgrounds. For many, English is not their primary language. Roger is
certified and tries his best to keep up with food safety issues in the kitchen but he
admits it’s not easy. Employees receive “on the job training” about food safety
basics (for example, appropriate hygiene and hand washing, time/temperature,
and cleaning and sanitizing). But with high turnover of employees, training is
often rushed and some new employees are put right into the job without training if
it is a busy day. Eventually, most employees get some kind of food safety
training. The owners of the restaurant are supportive of Roger in his food safety
efforts because they know if a food safety outbreak were ever linked to their
restaurant; it would likely put them out of business. Still, the owners note there
are additional costs for training and making sure food is handled safely. One day
Roger comes to work and is rather upset even before he steps into the restaurant.
Things haven’t been going well at home and he was lucky to rummage through
some of the dirty laundry and find a relatively clean outfit to wear for work. When
he walks into the kitchen he notices several trays of uncooked meat sitting out in
the kitchen area. It appears these have been sitting at room temperature for quite
some time. Roger is frustrated and doesn’t know what to do. He feels like he is
beating his head against a brick wall when it comes to getting employees to
practice food safety. Roger has taken many efforts to get employees to be safe in
how they handle food. He has huge signs posted all over the kitchen with these
HANDS ALWAYS AND OFTEN. All employees are given a thermometer when
they start so that they can temp food. Hand sinks, soap, and paper towels are
available for employees so that they are encouraged to wash their hands
frequently. What are the communication challenges Roger is facing, how can he
address these challenges and barriers through solution?

9. Mukul was a hard working policeman. He married a beautiful girl from his
village. Both of them stayed in a house at police quarters. Mukul’s boss, Sub-
Inspector Sandeep was an arrogant and flirtatious officer. He did not treat his
subordinates well. He had an eye on Mukul’s wife ever since he first saw her on
the day of Mukul’s wedding. His house was in the neighbourhood of Mukul’s.
Unlike other superior officers, Sandeep often invited Mukul to visit his home with
his wife for dinner and to other get together parties. Mukul had noticed that
Sandeep was trying to get closer to his wife by making jokes and giving
unsolicited advises. Sandeep denied Mukul any holidays. Mukul was tired of
asking for leave so many times and had even mildly protested once. Sandeep
wanted Mukul and his wife to stay at the quarters all the time. Once Mukul
wanted a fifteen days of leave to arrange and look after his only sister’s wedding.
He had to go to his native with his family for fifteen days. Mukul officially kept
asking for leave two months well before the wedding date itself. But as expected,
Sandeep kept refusing him any leave. Just before the scheduled day Mukul had to
leave for his native, he once again finally asked Sandeep to grant him leave.
Sandeep said that he would grant him leave provided he went alone to the
marriage leaving behind his wife in the quarters. Mukul, agitated, took his loaded
rifle and shot the inspector dead. He then surrendered to the police. How Mukul
could have handled the situation.

10. Jane: an overworked nurse. Jane is working in the psychiatric unit of a hospital.
Required to fill out paperwork for every client admitted. Works overtime every
week due to being a recent hire and hospital being short staffed. Scapegoating is a
common practice in the unit. Jane accepts any and all shifts due to social pressure;
she lacks the ability to create boundaries. Supervising nurse does not check in on
staff and perpetuates the culture of scapegoating. Co-workers are apathetic and
Jane sees a lot of client abuse. Jane is assigned to a client with suicidal ideation,
her workload prevents adequate supervision. Supervising nurse brushes off all
attempts to communicate about stress and assigns more work. Jane is feeling
burnt out, depersonalized, and hopeless, she cannot leave the job. What can be
done to help Jane? The unit in general?

14. Ajay, 23 year old, fresh MBA with HR, starts his career has a junior HR
executive at Raj Manufacting House. His boss is a simple B.Com. degree holder with
4 years of handy experience. He does not like Ajay’s joining the company and
therefore tortures him by different ways. He wants Ajay to resign so he almost
harasses him by playing politics in background. Ajay comes to know about this. If
you were a consultant, what advice would you give him? What is the reason for the
boss’ negative behavior?

15. Workplace Drug Abuse

Amber, an administrative assistant began well, however, started to embrace bizarre and
conflicting conduct. Her work was kept up truly well, yet she started arriving late and
falling sick frequently, particularly appropriate around the time she got paid. She started
borrowing money from others and failing to pay it back later. Soon, she began
demonstrating irritability on the telephone with clients. She was caught one day sniffing
white powder which happened to be cocaine. When confronted she stopped coming to
work, leaving a gap in the organization for a considerable length of time before a
substitution could be found. Specialists trust the business’ activities weren’t right,
holding up too long to defy Amber, and concentrating on allegations as opposed to
scrutinizing conduct straightforwardly identified with work, for example, delay and
impoliteness to customers. They likewise bring up that Amber ought to have been sent in
for a medical test before being through and through blamed for utilizing cocaine, opening
up the open door for recovery rather than a separated tie.

16.Malden Mills Case

In some cases, making the best decision could easily compare to benefits, an exercise that
Malden Mills adapted first-hand. At the point when the industrial facility torched in 1995
only two weeks previously Christmas, production came to a halt and representatives
expected they’d be out of work until the point that the processing plant was
reconstructed. Yet, CEO Aaron Feuerstein expanded the representatives 90 days at full
pay, and also 180 days with benefits at a cost of $25 million to Malden Mills. After the
processing plant was modified and the greater part of the uprooted specialists were
rehired, collaboration and profitability achieved another high with 40% more business,
95% client and representative maintenance. The creation incremented from 130,000 to
200,000 yards for each week. In any case, from that point forward, Malden Mills has
been to liquidation court three times, with a significant part of the obligation fixing to the
remake of the industrial facility. Feuerstein made representatives cheerful, certainly, yet
business students should examine this case to consider whether striking humanitarian
activities will satisfy at last.

17.When Starbucks had to shut outlets

In 2008, Starbucks declared that it would close 600 US stores. Till that point, Starbucks
stores had included new contributions, including wi-fi and music available to be
purchased, yet begun to lose its warm “neighbourhood store” feeling for a chain store
persona. Harvard Business Review brings up that in this circumstance, “Starbucks is a
mass brand endeavouring to charge an exceptional cost for an affair that is not any more
extraordinary.” Meaning, so as to keep up, Starbucks would either need to chop costs or
cut down on stores to re-establish its image selectiveness. HBR’s contextual investigation
imparts three issues to the development of Starbucks: estranging early adopters,
excessively wide of an interest, and shallow development through new stores and items.
Harvard prescribes that Starbucks ought to have remained private, developing at a
controlled pace to keep up its status as a top-notch mark.
18.Smaller business and bigger profit share
Big business is appealing, with immense benefits for a few. However, there’s something
to be said in regards to an independent company as well, with bringing down hazards and
the potential for innovativeness. Darren Robbins of Big D Custom Screen Printing in
Austin, TX discovered achievement in his business by seeking after clients with orders
both substantial and little. Although Big D began catering just for big requests, the shop
sat idle in between until another big order request was received. Through viable booking
and transparent pricing, the shop was able to fill in dead occasions with smaller orders.
Big D found a benefit in a market share that other nearby screen printers weren’t
clamouring to fill. Experts are of the opinion that this was a brilliant methodology,
enabling Big D to spread out hazards in their business and offer modified items. Be that
as it may, no less than one individual is reproachful of the offering, calling attention to
that the specialty has little upside potential, and may hurt the organization’s productivity.

19.Finding the rightful Successor

Family Business run by relying on the heir apparent. The companies do not have to go
through the ordeal of finding a deserving candidate who would run the institution
successfully. However, the situation was different for Carlson companies who did not
have any successor to take over the reins. The senior management tried to look both
internally and externally for a potential successor. They ultimately found an internal
candidate who would work well with the family but also offered plenty of experience as
an executive in different industries. According to Beverly Behan of Hay’s Group, Carlson
should be commended for not only making the right decision in not hiring the heir
apparent but for handling the job search in a calm, effective way.

20.Loss of Knowledge and Experience

Another vital retirement issue is the loss of experience and information. With retirement
the employees leave the workplace, taking years of expertise and ability all along with
them. But American Express found a way to retain these experiences and knowledge
through its pilot program. AMEX created a team of workers transformation group that
would allow retiring members to step by step provide up some of their day-to-day
responsibilities. In return, the person would spend some of this time mentoring and
educating classes to successors. This resulted in phased retirement, permitting personnel
to leave steadily and revel in extra time whilst nevertheless taking part in a component of
their preceding salary, and regular benefits. This additionally meant that some personnel
stayed a year or more previous traditional retirement age. AMEX believes this software is
a success, allowing senior personnel to experience their final years of work in a decreased
capacity, as properly as educating the current group of workers for future success.

21.Strategic AD Spending
Advertising can cost a chunk of money to any organization and the financial conditions
might not be conducive to undertaking such a huge ad expenditure every time. But
forgoing ad spending in favour of better profits can be a mistake. Experts say that in a
slump, one of the high-quality things you can do is adopt or enlarge your marketing
approach to appeal to customers. During a recession, this is particularly true, as there
would be a surge in cutting back on the ad spending by many organizations, making your
voice even extra outstanding to customers. After seven years of boom, increasing from 30
to 300 locations, Firehouse Subs’ boom fizzled, and organization leaders realized they
had to come up with a solution. So they returned local advertising fees collected from
franchisees, not to put in their pockets, but to take hold of their own local marketing.
Consequently, sales fell, even more, revealing that this was not an appropriate strategy at
the time.  Firehouse reclaimed their local marketing fee, and then gave franchisees the
option to take part in a new marketing campaign, requiring them to pay double for local
marketing, but in return, becoming part of an $8 million advertising campaign poised for
success. Experts commend Firehouse for having the courage to ask franchisees for more
money where it was needed, even when times were tough.

22.Tylenol’s 1982 Scandal

In 1982, seven people in Chicago died after taking Tylenol due to an unknown suspect
lacing the capsules with cyanide after the products reached the shelves. In the immediate
aftermath, Tylenol’s commanding 37% market share dropped to just 7% nationwide,
despite the problem being contained to the Chicago area. Tylenol was not responsible for
the tampering of the product, but to maintain the product’s reputation, Johnson &
Johnson pulled all of the Tylenol from the shelves, absorbing a loss of more than $100
million dollars. Tylenol was successfully reintroduced with tamper-resistant packaging,
discounts, and sales presentations to the medical community. The brand survived due to
swift action and effective public relations from Johnson & Johnson.

23.Smaller Player takes over the bigger

It’s tough to be a little player, especially when one of the huge players will become your
direct competitor. But at Hangers Cleaners, an offbeat photo and suitable consumer
carrier helped them pull via when P&G opened eco-friendly dry cleaners in the same
town. Hangers differentiated itself thru van shipping service, humorous t-shirts, and
hangers, as properly as social networking. The agency additionally spent time connecting
with the community with the aid of partnering with nearby groups and charities. Instead
of out-pricing or out-spending P&G, Hangers embraced its personality and adopted a
lifestyle of notable service that customers discovered value in. As a result, Hangers has
experienced a surge in its growth whilst different local dry cleaners have witnessed flat or
declining revenues.

24.Supply Chain Disruption

In 2000, a fire at the Philips microchip plant affected telephone manufacturers Nokia And
Ericsson. The groups reacted in extraordinary ways, and ultimately, Ericsson did no
longer do well, quitting the mobile smartphone commercial enterprise and permitting
Nokia to win over the European market. While Ericsson had tied up all of its key
elements in a single source and decided to wait till the hassle got over, Nokia worked to
snatch up spare chips from different plants and suppliers, they also re-engineered some of
their telephones to adapt to one-of-a-kind chips from new suppliers. It’s no longer
difficult to imagine what was the outcome. Nokia stayed trucking along, whilst Ericsson
suffered from months of lost production and sales, permitting the market to be dominated
with the aid of Nokia. This incident and fallout is a classic lesson in supply chain risk

25.Dealing with late-paying clients

We all hope that clients will pay on time, however, the reality is that most corporations
have to deal with lateness at some point or another. How you deal with it can make all the
difference, and this case study displays a smart strategy. When a client wrote to check in
on the development of work, a web developer answered that she was once hesitant to
work quickly for that consumer because she was once nonetheless ready on repayments
for month-old work. This right away attracted the attention of the client, who contacted
her and located that their cheques were not getting delivered to the proper address. The
hassle was solved almost instantaneously, implementing leverage and beneficial positive
behavior. However, it was once risky, and the client criticized her for not sharing a
warning earlier than coming to a difficult point.

26.Crisis Management
In 2009, Maclaren issued a recall for every stroller it had sold in the US for a decade,
which was around 1 million units. The strollers were recalled so that a cover could be
mounted to stop amputation of a baby’s fingers, which ought to show up if the toddler
were to be in the stroller in the incorrect spot. As a luxury brand, this incident proved to
be detrimental even though it was a case of misuse of the product and not a
manufacturing defect. Experts are of the view that Maclaren did take the correct step in
the aftermath of the recall, asking for a fast track recall from the Consumer Product
Safety Commission, and soon as it started spreading through the press, saving face and in
addition embracing a mission of toddler safety.
27.Maintaining Good Employees Consistently
It often happens that once your best employee is longer the same after promotion. Such
was the case for cat shelter Paws Need Families where Della, a cleaner became an
assistant manager and was soon promoted to be a manager. She started arriving late,
letting applications sit, and slipped on inoculations, all serious offenses. Instead of
confronting Della directly, meetings were held, and an assistant manager was hired to
compensate for Della’s shortcomings. Ultimately, Della never cleaned up her act and was
fired. Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager believes this situation may
want to have been avoided with short meetings and a review or feedback system, with the
help of these we can become aware of troubles earlier than they become actual problems.

28.Twitter and the Creme Brulee

Marketing is the key whether one owns a billion-dollar enterprise or setting spring rolls in
a Chinese van. One can spend a chunk of fortune in doing that but it won’t yield much
return until it is done in an effective way. Curtis Kimball, the man in the back of the
Creme Brulee Cart, put Twitter to work for him amassing heaps of followers and growing
his commercial enterprise by allowing people to follow the cart online. Curtis developed
a personal relationship with his followers by asking for their advice of flavours to cart
location. Perhaps the most incredible part of this story is the fact that Kimball has no
advertising finances (Twitter is a free service), but enjoys distinctly popular popularity
and excessive scores on Yelp.

29.Excessive Variety leads to a Revenue loss

Hickory Farms started out with holiday gift baskets including sausage, ham, and cheese
at one point had a presenting of 2,500 special products, sprawling the employer and
resulting in a loss of favour with customers. Recognizing this issue, Hickory Farms
streamlined itself, slashing its range of merchandise from 2,500 to 300 with more modern
visuals, descriptions, and other features, such as less packaging and extra recycled
content. The organization also overhauled its website, making it easier to save online. All
of this streamlining resulted in a charge reduction of 13% that Hickory Farms used to be
capable to skip on to their customers. Brand strategist Jennifer Woodbery believes that
this was a smart move, making the most of Hickory Farms’ trusted name and image with
an effective rebranding of offerings.

30.Partnership leads to Market Expansion

To support new growth, businesses got to expand past their initial client base which is a
usually daunting task for little businesses. However, partnering with another successful
market player will facilitate businesses to reach a brand new level. Diagnostic Hybrids,
specializing in medical nosology, did simply that, partnering with Quidel, a market leader
in speedy diagnostic tests. This partnership allowed Diagnostic Hybrids to get a bigger
market presence, as well as take advantage of higher analysis and development resources.
Although Diagnostic Hybrids was acquired by Quidel, key components of the
organization like the same company president and operation as a separate subsidiary
remained with them.

31.Tesco’s Korean Venture

Tesco’s Korean venture can be a perfect case study of creating a market share
internationally. The organization made some well strategic moves in their Korean
expansion, most relatively partnering with Samsung, the main Korean conglomerate, and
embracing the Korean way of life by operating shops as nearby agencies and
neighborhood centers. Tesco additionally made a smart move by way of employing
almost a hundred percent Koreans on staff, with solely 4 British employees out of 23,000.
Reports indicate that Tesco’s well-planned method has gained over customers in Seoul,
with 25% of Koreans signed up for loyalty cards and income in the billions, discovering
success in “crack[ing] the Asian tiger,” where competitors such as Carrefour and Wal-
Mart have failed.

32.Triumph in an International Market

Triumph, a British Bike manufacturer gradually faded out of prominence in their home
market three decades ago. However, it gained a new life internationally. In 2010,
Triumph sold just 7,562 bikes in the UK, but 50,000 worldwide, indicating that an
international activity paid off for the company. Triumph’s famous manufacturing facility
in Warwickshire closed up shop in 1983, but the Indian factory remained, and these days
it has become very popular. The agency struggles to meet demand in India, with a six-
month ready list and a new factory being built. India’s middle-income group has
embraced the car as a low-cost commodity, even giving them as dowries at weddings.
The success of Triumph in India can be another example splendid case study.

33.Background check for job candidates

Background assessments are a difficulty faced by many companies, as sensitive statistics
is now extra public than ever. Office Drop was no exception, as the corporation scans
paper into digital files, along with personal medical history and minister sermons, most of
which require a trustworthy person who can take care of documents discreetly.

Many third-party companies provide quick, superficial checks, however, Prasad

Thammineni, the proprietor of Office Drop was not satisfied, he needed more accurate
statistics.  He found a company that would allow researchers to delve into a number of
different sources and perform a more comprehensive search. There was a opposition from
other business owners pointing out that alternative to using Google to perform a historical
check, he should have requested their enterprise network who they were using. They also
endorsed that he take advantage of free resources, which include on-line searches and
checking out social media websites to learn more about job candidates.

34.Proper Utilization of the Human Resources

When Gamal Aziz took the reins of the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino in his hands, he
notices that there is a miscommunication between the hotel employees and whatever is
going on at the hotel. He found an easy way to fill this gap by engaging the hotel staff in
quick huddles before their shifts to give a brief overview of the day’s itinerary so that
staff could offer more to guests, improving customer loyalty, return visits, and spending.
This made considerable returns on the Hotel’s revenue. Experts laud Aziz for
differentiating the MGM grand with top quality service from the employees.

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