GAP Analysis of HSEMS in ADCS Oil & Gas, UAE: Abstract

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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol.

4 Issue 5, May 2017

ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264

GAP Analysis of HSEMS in ADCS Oil & Gas, UAE

Abdul Hameed A.S1, N.A Siddiqui2, Abhinav Srivastava3

Department of Health, Safety and Environment

University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun

Abstract: the organization’s priorities and it can lead

to the accidents or injuries, production &
After oil and diesel cost de-direction in midst
of 2014, oil and gas industries are seeing quick
financial loss and affect the reputation and
increment in the transportation of perilous image of the organization.
items like petroleum and diesel, because of This case study provides an objective
expanded request of powers by market clients,
assessment of the company’s Health &
in this way it has improved the mishap
Safety Management System including risk
potential amid travel. Additionally fast
industrialization has seen expanded management, existing control and gap
prerequisite of fills for different applications in analysis. The report provides the relevant
industry and furthermore by end clients or information for the improvement of the
shoppers. The key dangers required in the health and safety management system.
street transportation of fills can be a street This case study provides a reference
mischance of tanker, hole or spill of fuel, document for improvement on the
resistance to lawful necessities, significant information relevant to the health and
mishap including flame or blast affecting safety of the personnel and resources of
groups around, disturbance of business and the company.
other related impacts. Accessibility of data on
the perils and building up control measures at Objective of Research:
the season of crisis is indispensable for
limiting the impact of such mishaps. The purpose of this research paper is to
Accordingly legitimate hazard administration verify the effectiveness and reliability of
of all dangers identified with land transport is the organization’s Occupational Health
essential piece of street wellbeing and Safety Management System and to
administration for administrators. In this paper assess that the Health and Safety
an attempt has been made to identify and Management System is being effectively
assess the risk associatd in oil and gas implemented in order to manage the risk of
industry. accidents and ill health occurring in the
Introduction: workplace and identify how to bridge the
gap between current situation and the
The Occupational health and safety is desired future state
managed within organization due to
ethical, morale, legal and financial reasons. The primary goal of this report is to
Good health and safety culture is vital for communicate the top management of the
worker’s morale and helps to promote a company about the compliance and gaps of
positive culture by involving people in a their Health and Safety Management
practical way in health and safety in the system along with the potential hazards,
workplace. Poor working conditions of existing controls and additional controls to
any type have the potential to affect reduce the associated risks to ALARP (as
worker’s health and safety. In the absence low as reasonably practicable) level to
of commitment to health and safety, minimize the risk of accident or injury in
workers will make their own mindset bout the workplace. This gap analysis

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 5, May 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264

undertakes to assess the current a. Collected the Health and Safety

sustainability performance of the informative documents from the
organization and to highlight the priority Health and Safety representatives of
areas for the sustainability program. the company.
b. Interviewed the key personnel within
the organization at various levels
c. Inspected the different areas of the
A peer review was carried out to study the
running project of the company to
company’s Health and Safety Management
complete the risk assessment and gap
System. The case study is based on a
analysis. The company (ADCS Oil &
combined approach of collecting and
Gas) currently is working with Client
analyzing qualitative and quantitative data,
Company (Abu Dhabi Onshore Oil
while it was difficult to collect adequate
Operation Company / Oil and Gas)
data for a truly scientific approach, as
as contractor for oil and gas plant
client is reluctant to share data. The
maintenance and shutdown activities.
permission was taken from the General
Manager of the Company for allowing d. Analysis of integrated information to
carrying out the assessment of Health and identify the gaps and issues under the
Safety management System of his various elements of HSG 65 model,
company. which have been identified as
underpinning good practice in
The documents of level 2 and 3 were
managing health and safety.
reviewed such as incidents reports,
Facilities response plan, HSEMS plan, e. Identified the physical and health
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), hazards
existing Task Risk Assessments, Audit
f. Carried out semi quantitative risk
reports, Corrective Action for non-
conformities, review of Health and Safety
plan, Health and Safety meetings records, g. Prepared action plan for the
minutes of meeting, safety memo, warning improvement of management system
letters for Health and Safety violations, (Corrective and preventive actions
training data to familiarize with the required.)
company’s Health and Safety Management
System. h. Assigned the tasks to the relevant
personnel and set the target dates for
The following methodology was adopted the completion of the tasks.
to make the case study
The following personnel were interviewed to complete the case study.
Personnel interviewed Case study
General Manager: To assess the leadership and management involvement and visibility
Construction Manager: For the availability of resources and manpower & controlling the risks
Health and Safety For Site Health and Safety inspections, hazard identification and risk
Representative: management programs

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 5, May 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264

Site Foreman: For competency and communication to manage Health and Safety.

Labors : For competency and cooperation and communication

Result & Discussion: assessment was carried out for two

activities i.e. lifting operation and
The purpose of the gap analysis is to provide
project teams with a format in which to do the exposure to gases (hydro carbons and toxic
following: gases such as methane, propane and
Hydrogen sulfide etc.), with the approach
Compare the best practices with the processes to eliminate the risk or reduce the risk to
currently in place in the organization. ALARP level. Overall the company ADCS
Determine the “gaps” between your
has demonstrated a positive approach
organization’s practices and the identified best
practices. Selecting the best practices towards health and safety of the people
implement in organization. and in implementing company’s Health
and Safety Management System, Clients
Upon completion of the gap analysis, project requirements and standards HSE model
teams will have the following: OHSAS 18001 and HSG65. Although the
company is following the international
• An understanding of the differences
between current practices and best procedures but there were some gaps
practice. identified in the construction site as below.
• An assessment of the barriers that
need to be addressed before successful 1 The policy is signed by Company CEO
implementation of best practices but during site visit it was observed
that it is not displayed on some Safety
By analyzing these gaps, management can notice boards in the field and offices.
create specific action plans to move the
organization forward toward its goals and 2 Health and Safety focal points are not
close the gaps identified in the gap analysis appointed by name to take the overall
report. However, a gap analysis does not responsibility of health and safety
provide the action plan; it only provides the
foundation of understanding necessary to
create it. 3 The budget for Health and Safety
programs is insufficient.
In this gap analysis, SWOT analysis
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and 4 There is no procedure available for
threats analysis) and benchmarking methods HSE awards & recognition events for
are used. Assessment is on the basis of both
HSE performance.
quantitative and qualitative. The company’s
Health and Safety Management of ADCS Oil 5 As stated in Policy section that Health
& Gas reviewed in-line with Occupational and Safety focal points are not
Health and Safety regulations and laws. appointed by name to take the overall
Conclusion: responsibility of health and safety
This case study has assessed the gaps in
the organizations Health and Safety plan 6 No specified budget for technical
and identified the non-compliance and trainings is allocated and employee’s
requirement for improvement. The risk training requirements are not

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 5, May 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264

communicated to the employee and 18 Training for the critical activities are
appropriate supervisors. not planned such as use of breathing
apparatus , escape sets and emergency
7 There is no record or evidence for the
response/ facilities response
evaluation of the trainings evaluation.
In the site audit, consultation with the
8 As per client requirement the
workers and company incident data shows
contractor’s Health and safety plan to
that lifting operation and exposure to gases
be in-line with the Company Health
due to machineries are the two most
and safety plan Health & Safety is not
significant hazards in company operations.
discussed as an agenda item for
Although, there were many good controls
subcontract awards and kick-off
in place, but some important controls are
omitted which if implemented could bring
9 Project specific medical record as down the risk level. They were primarily:-
required by client is not available.
1 Appointing of competent and third
10 No hazard register available. The risk party certified (as per UAE law) crane
assessment was carried out for operators, banks men & lifting
common activities. Each applicable job supervisor.
has not been evaluated using a risk
2 All lifting gears should be certified by
assessment system.
3rd. party and color coded (Ref. UAE

11 Key Performance Indicators are local law).

developed but without logic.
3 Load chart, Warning signs and
12 Inadequate number of trained and positioning of crane, use of flag men to
competent auditors, other than HSE warn about overhead lifting operation.
4 Proper maintenance of cranes by
13 For improvement of company Health competent mechanic and inspection by
and Safety Management system no crane operator before starting the
benchmarking company was selected lifting operation must be carried out.
with the similar business.
5 Barricaded should be provided for
14 Facilities Response plan is available lifting operation with appropriate
for the emergencies but the emergency warning signs to avoid unauthorized
drills to check the emergency entry in the lifting area.
preparedness is not conducted.
6 To enter in the hydrocarbon area –
15 The strength of HSE professional is Zone -2, the crane should have Zone –
not sufficient to the proportionate to 2 acceptable certificate
the workforce.
7 There should be a scenario in the
16 There is no allocation of the separate Facilities Response Plan for quick
budget for the HSE campaigns and response in case of accident resulting
HSE trainings. by crane incident

17 Training matrix is developed but not The second significant health hazard
implemented. identified during site audit is working with
hydrocarbons and toxic fluids and the

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 5, May 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264

company HSE system & procedures have 1. Appoint a competent Health &
documented few controls to reduce risks. Safety management representative,
However, there were some significant who will be the focal point to
deficiencies in these controls are as:- address any issues on behalf of the
top management besides his
1 Need to conduct more emergency
normal duties.
drills/ exercises (at least annual) to
2. Appoint sufficient numbers of
train the workforce to respond in case
competent health & safety staff as
of loss of containment of hydrocarbons
proportionate to the work force.
and other toxic gases.
3. A platform is essential for
2 There is no availability of personal coordinating or presenting key
multi gas monitors with individuals. issues that needs consensus and
conveyed to all departments the
3 Fixed gas detectors are available at few quickest and easiest way.
locations only. Needs to install more Therefore, timely and scheduled
numbers. meetings need to be conducted to
4 Safe heaven (Gas proof) area is not discuss safety related issues.
available at the site. 4. Companies that ask employees for
their views on health and safety
5 Trainings on hydrocarbons and issues can cut down on accidents.
hydrogen sulfide are not conducted. By including workers’ ideas and
6 Action limits are not defined as first involving them in enforcing health
action and second action limits. and safety rules, companies can
create a positive attitude towards
7 Rescue plan for vessel entry is maintaining good practice and
available but not signed by the make significant improvements
authorized personnel. collective participation of all in
suggestions can yield more
8 Escape sets are not available with
improvement options.
every single person to escape in case of
5. The best way to identify all hazards
hydrogen sulfide or hydrocarbon leak
and risks is to breaking down all
critical jobs and describe the
method use to conduct those
activities and critically assess the
Recommendations: risks involved. This requires a
system of method statements and
Management System
risk assessments for all critical
Major gaps in the existing management jobs.
system are captured in sec 2.2 (gap 6. Health & Safety programs include
analysis) and detailed action plan with provision of adequate training,
target date and responsible person is personal protective equipment,
demonstrated in the action plan. reward programs etc. Hence,
allocating a budget for health &
Main recommendations according to their safety on all projects are essential
priorities to improve the existing and same must be incorporated
management systems are:- while assessing the project values

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 5, May 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264

and putting forward bid proposals Physical Hazard – Lifting

for new contracts. operation/Suspended load on the over
7. All health & safety programs needs heads on workers
to be measured and only by
After studying and analyzing the existing
assigning a SMART (Simple,
controls the company has employed, the
measurable, achievable, realistic
following additional controls were
and time bound) Setting objectives
recommended to bring down the risk of
can measure the performance. Only
fall of load on persons down the load on
measuring gets the activity done.
workers during lifting operation to a more
Hence, objectives and targets need
tolerable level (ALARP):-
to be clearly identified and
periodically reviewed, in any case 1 Appointing appropriately
not later than yearly. trained crane operators,
8. Emergency response drills needs to banks men & lifting
be conducted periodically (at least supervisor which are
annually) so that the company can technically sound in all
evaluate the effectiveness of the aspects of lifting operation
response plan and take corrective and avoid losses, both
measures before an accident direct and indirect.
happens. 2 All lifting gears should be
9. The management system needs to certified by 3rd party. After
be continuously reviewed and the use it should be stirred
measured so as to incorporate any properly. It should be
changes in the company’s checked by Banks man at
organization; equipment or daily bases not depend only
processes or legislation changes so on certificates. The capacity
that company can proactively and ID no’s should be
address issues take appropriate marked clearly and color
controls. Therefore, internal audits code system should be
are required to be conducted on an applied for all lifting gears.
annual basis. 3 Warning signs and
positioning of crane, use of
Out of these recommendations only
flag men to warn about
additional budget/ cost involvement is to
overhead lifting operation
impart external training which can be
Warning signs and night
either done by awarding a training
lights will provide
provider a long term contract or by
awareness to people who
sending people individually to the training
are working in near vicinity
providers. The former option will work out
and prevent them from
to be more cost efficient. Rest all
coming in the line of fire of
recommendations can be developed and
fall of load during the
implemented within the existing company
lifting operation.
resources and would work out cheaper
4 All cranes should be
than it sounds.
inspected by competent
mechanic and operator
before starting the lifting

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 5, May 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264

operation. The checklist from exposure to the hydrocarbon and

should be used for toxic gases are not properly dealt with. It
inspection & inspection was necessary to conduct a survey to
copy should be in the crane. identify sources / potential of gas leak &
End of the day it should be concentrations and vulnerable risk groups.
file for record purpose. Based on the survey, the following
5 Lifting area should be recommendations are made:-
barricaded & warning signs
1 It is needed to provide shade /
should be in place. Only
shelters for the workers for rest
banks men and lifting
and must be provided with
supervisor should allow
drinking water and refreshment
entering the lifting
operation area. The crane
2 It is required to monitor
routs should be identified
continuously the weather
and marked before lifting
condition during summer
the load.
weather and implement the
6 Training and regular tools
rules of frequent brake as per
box talks must be imparted
the heat index requirements
to all operatives and
3 It is needed to conduct
supervisory staffs on the
emergency drills/ exercises (at
correct use of lifting gears
least annual) with the scenario
and cranes and about safe
“Loss of containment” to train
procedure of lifting
the workforce to respond in
operation to avoid any
case of loss of containment of
accidents and incidents to
hydrocarbons and other toxic
self and to others.
7 An emergency rescue plan
4 It is recommended to provide
must be developed and
the personal multi gas monitor
communicated to all so that
to individual working inside the
people are aware of actions
hazardous areas.
that need to be taken during
5 The Fixed gas detectors are not
any incident related to
sufficient, need to install more
lifting operation and can
numbers in high concentration
initiate speedy recovery
areas in operations.
programs thereby reducing
6 It is recommended to build a
the chances for an
Safe haven (Gas proof) area
aggravated injuries/
close to the location where the
situations and limit the
workers / contractors (ADCS
impact of the incident.
and others) are working.
Health Hazard – Asphyxiation and serious 7 A training plan must be
injury due to loss of containment of developed to arrange the
hydrocarbon and toxic gases training for employees working
near Hydrocarbon and toxic gas
It was evident from the review of records,
area on hydrocarbons and
consultations and site survey that
hydrogen sulfide and the use of
appropriate controls for protecting people

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 5, May 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264

breathing apparatus and escape


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8 It is recommended to provide
6 CRONER 2006. The Law of Health
the escape sets for individual to
and Safety at Work. by Norman
carry with them in hazardous
Selwyn, Surrey
area to escape in case of sudden
gas release. 7 IOSH 2007, Health and Safety:
hazardous agents. By Dr. Chris
By ensuring that the above mentioned
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controls are put in place, the company can
reduce the injuries and accidents 8 Health and Safety Executive, 1998,
significantly and thus save on both direct Five Steps to Risk Assessment: Case
and indirect costs. Improve productivity by Studies., HSG183, HSE Books,
avoiding business interruptions, Sudbury
enforcement actions; improve the public
image and trust. Improve employee 9 Health and Safety Executive, 2006,
relations and will also help optimization of Successful health and safety
resources. management. HSG65, HSE Books,
10 Health and Safety Executive, 1996,
References: Slips and Trips: Guidance for
Employers on Identifying Hazards and
1 Managing for health and safety
Controlling Risks. HSG155, HSE
Books, Sudbury.

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11 Health and Safety Executive, 1995,
Sound Solutions. HSG138, HSE
2 NEBOSH 2006, Guide to the NEBOSH
Books, Sudbury
National Diploma in Occupational
Health and Safety, Leicester. 12 Health and Safety Executive, 1999,
Health Surveillance at Work. HSE
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HSG61, HSE Books, Sudbury.
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Health and Safety in Construction.
44.pdf. Feb 2007. Author : NEAL U31T
HSG150, HSE Books, Sudbury.
14 Health and Safety Executive, 1996, the
4 Lifting Operations & Lifting Costs of Accidents at Work. HSG96,
Equipment 1998 (as amended 2002) HSE Books, Sudbury
ref. 2/21. Associates HSE workbook
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Reducing Noise at Work. Guidance on
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L108, HSE Books, Sudbury.

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Scaffolds performance requirements

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 5, May 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264

and general design. BS EN 12811-1: amended by SI 1999/ 860 and SI

1994, BSI, London. 1999/2001)
17 British Standards Institution, 1994a, 26 Supply of Machinery (Safety)
Hearing Protectors: Recommendation Regulations 1992 (SI 1992/3073) (as
for the Selection, Use, Care and amended by the Supply of Machinery
Maintenance. BS EN 458: 1994, BSI, (Safety) Regulations 1994 (SI 1994/
London. 2063)
18 Fact sheet, 258, ‘Occupational and 27 Abu Dhabi Municipality (2002), Code
community noise’, World Health of Construction. Abu Dhabi : nk
Organization, revised 2001.
28 HSE The Health and Safety Executive,
19 Health and Safety Executive, nk,

INDG275: Managing Health and ml (Accessed 2 March 2008)


Safety, Five Steps to success. HSE

29 European Agency for Safety and
Publications, Sudbury.
Health at Work,
20 Construction (Design and (Accessed 3
Management) (Amendment) March 2008)
Regulations 2000 (SI 2000 No. 2380)
30 Oil and gas regulation in the UK
21 Construction (Health, Safety and (practical law 01-Apr-2014)
Welfare) Regulations 1966 (SI 1966

No. 95 5349?q=*&qp=&qo=&qe= U31T

22 Management of Health and Safety at 31 Hydrocarbon releases (HCRs)

Work Regulations 1999 (SI 1999 No.

3242) Provision and Use of Work rbonreleases.cfm U31T

Equipment Regulations 1988 (SI 1998

32 Releases of hydrocarbons
No. 2306)

23 Work at Height Regulations 2005 (SI carbon.htm) U31T

2005 No. 735)

33 ADCO (Client) Facility Response
24 Noise at Work Regulations 1989 (SI Procedure and method statements for
1989/1790) the specific jobs
25 Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations 1998 (SI 1998/2306) (as


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