EG-P36 Lot-2 ENG 00124 Tech Renovation Attachment-2

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General Notes:
1) The Contractor did not provide enough informations or calculations
for the Engineer's review
2) The Engineer requested many times for professional drawing plans
in order to review
3) Please submit the Dry Bulb temperature and Wet Bulb temperature
to determine the state of humid air
4) Please calculate not only cooling loads but also heating loads.
00 5) The Contractor needs
28-09-2021 to state
HVAC noise levelM.ASHRAF
SYSTEM taking into

that it has to be less than 45dB PREPARED CHECKED APPROVED

The Employer:

Project Title:


The Engineer:

The Contractor:

Document Title:
Sheet no.: 1 OF 6

Scale: N.T.S



Code No. :

Design and Construction of Split Unit Air Conditioners – Helmya building Project
Please consider Heat gain through the floor.
For Power source room, Heat gain due to Ventilation

Please clarify what these numbers are based on. system shall be considered.
Generally, the heat transfer coefficient varies depending Please illustrate the calorific value of the equipment in
on things such as windows, inner walls and outer walls. each room.

Design Consideration The cooling loads consist of the following:

Air-conditioning system design is governed by • Heat gain through the building wall
either thermal comfort condition or special • Heat gain through the ceiling
requirement for material or processes. This air • Heat gain through the window
condition is basically design for office
application or residential application, thus only • Heat gain through door
thermal comfort if considered. Hence, small • Heat gain due to air infiltration
function in temperature and humidity are tolerated. • Internal heat gain due to equipment in
The outdoor and indoor surface heat transfer
• building space.
coefficient was considered to be 22.7w/m2K and
7.42w/m2K respectively Calculation of Areas in Building Space
Design Calculation Height of wall
The calculation of cooling load is a very vital Height of windows
factor in determining the appropriate air Height of doors
conditioner. The cooling load is defined as the Area of Glass Window (AGW)
rate at which heat is removed from the conditioned
AGW = Lw × Hw (1)
space in order to maintain a constant air space
temperature. where,

There is no door in

The Engineer already informed the Contractor before that plans should be submitted in professional way (Double
line with wall thickness and dimensions, ..etc.)
How the Engineer can review HVAC design without knowing the dimensions of each room ?
The Engineer cannot accept that the Contractor is not reflecting the Engineer's previous comments (i.e EG-
P36_Lot-2_ENG_00113_Tech_Renovation), please reflect the comments before sending any new correspondances

Design and Construction of Split Unit Air Conditioners – Helmya building Project

Where are the

rest of the rooms
calculations ?

The Height of the windows cannot be 2m this

is very huge , after checking with the
Employer it is 1.2m, please correct

Lw =Length of window= 2.0 m Area of concrete wall

Hw = Heigth of window =2.0m WA = WL × WH
AGW = Area of glass window where,
This is not the right height of the walls
Area of Door WA =Area of wall
as per the Contractor's civil drawings it
DD = DL × DH The Standard
(2) height of the WL = Length of wall inshall
(m) be 3.1m
door is 2.2m, so the
where, contractor has to make sure WH =Height of wall =3.25m after checking the height with the
DD = Area of door that its 2.1m or its a mistake Calculation of Area ofEmployer
Concretethe heights in both
from the Contractor ? Contractor's letters are wrong.
DL = Length of door = 0.9 m Table 4 shows the calculated
So these area of concrete
calculations are wrong, please
DH = Height of door =2.1m wall correct according to the real site heights
Table1. Calculated Area of Concrete Wall
Wall dimension Length of Wall (m) Height of wall ( m) Area of wall (m2)
AB 6.1 3.25 19.825
BC 5.0 3.25 16.25
CD 5.0 3.25 16.25
DE 6.1 3.25 19.825
∑WA = 72.15 m2

On the above layout of Sever Room, there is no E. The Calculations should

clarify the wall
Heat dimension.
Transfer Co-efficient Heat Gain through Concrete Wall be considering
1 xw 1
excluding the Area of
OHT = 1/( + + ) HGCW = OHT × TACW× ∆T (5)
windows and doors.
ho kw h1
OHT = overall heat transfer co-efficient of
OHT = Overall heat transfer coefficient
building space and wall
TACW = total area of concrete wall
Ho = outdoor surface heat transfer coefficient
∆T = outside and inside temperature difference
hi = Indoor surface heat transfer coefficient
Estimation of Internal Heat Gain
xw = Thickness of concrete wall
The internal heat gain are due to occupants such
kw = Thermal conductivity of concrete wall and
as light, appliances, and equipment within the
air-condition space.

Please explain why the value of the

Please consider heat gain due
ceiling is in this calculation. This OHT is
to people in the room as well.
for the wall.
The heat gain through the ceiling is
calculated separately. Please correct the page 5
Design and Construction of Split Unit Air Conditioners – Helmya building Project

These are inconsistent with

Table2. Internal Heat Gain Computations "Third floor lighting plan".
Please clarify.
Heat gain by light(bulb) Number of light bulb =2 Total heat from light = 60 x 2
60watts There are many equipment in Server Room.
Heat gain from appliances DatapathVSN nine slot chassis Please state
Total heatthe equipment
from appliance =with its heat gain
24552 W 24672 W

Total internal heat gain = 1130W

Estimation of Heat Gain due to Air Inflation Where
Qi = heat gain to air does this value come from?
Please clarify
Using the air change method, heat load due to B = Density of air
air changes and other infiltration is estimated VC = Rate of air infiltration/change
by Qi = BVC∆T (6)
∆T = Air temperature difference

Table3. Heat Load Analysis

S/N Heat gain type Q (W)
1. Heat gain through concrete wall 1604.8
2. Heat gain through concrete ceiling 947.9
3. Heat gain through door 87.41
4. Heat gain through glass window 1537.8
5. Internal heat gain 24672
6. Heat gain through air infiltration 14.7
Total heat load = ∑Q 28864.61

Converting Q (W) to BTU/h Please consider Safety Factor.

It is usually between 1.1 and 1.3.
1 W = 3.4121416331 Btu/h What are these calculations based
1 Btu/h = 0.2930710702 W on ?
Please show the detailed calculation
ΣQ 28864.61 W = 98490 BTU/h sheets for each heat gain.

Required Numbers of Split A/C Per Room

∑Q 98490 / 36000 BTU/h = 3 Unit


Adding Extra units to be 6 Split A/C 36000 BTU/h to operate in standby condition 3 by 3.

Selection of Units

SHARP Split Air Conditioner 5HP Cool - Heat

• SHARP Air Conditioner 5 HP Cool - Heat

• Cooling Capacity: 36000 (BTU/H)
• Heating Capacity: 37000 (BTU/H)
• Air Conditioner Color: White
• With Strong Cooling and Heating
• Country of Origin: Egypt Based on the Contract, the catalog of the
Air conditioner to be installed shall be
submitted for the Engineer's review.

Design and Construction of Split Unit Air Conditioners – Helmya building Project

Table4. Final A/C List according to thermal loads and Heat dissipation

Room Number of A/C Cooling Capacity

Server 6 36.000 BTU/H

Storage 1 24.000 BTU/H
Manager 1 24.000 BTU/H
Engineering 1 12.000 BTU/H
Secretary 1 12.000 BTU/H
Control 2 36.000 BTU/H
GIS 1 24.000 BTU/H
Training 1 36.000 BTU/H
Operation 1 24.000 BTU/H
AMI 1 18.000 BTU/H
Power source 2 24.000 BTU/H
Total 18

Where are the calculations of

this ?
what are the difference
between colors?

According to False ceiling

drawings, it is 6540.
Where are the rest of the
dimensions in this room

Design and Construction of Split Unit Air Conditioners – Helmya building Project

The resolution of the drawing

is very poor, the Engineer
cannot review

The Calculations are not clear for the Power

Source room, so the Engineer is requesting
clear calculations for this room taking into
consideration that the Engineer needs a
detailed calculations of
The Heat Generated from Different Batteries
(No. of UPS, Battery cell capacity, total heat

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