Introduction To What-If Analysis

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Introduction to What-If Analysis

Delivered by
Dr. Sameer Rohadia
Data Analyst & IT Trainer l Hannover, Germany
What is What-If Analysis?

• One of the most powerful Excel features & one of the

least understood.
• It allows us to test out various scenarios and determine a
range of possible outcomes.
• It enables us to see the impact of making a certain
change without changing the real data.
What is Goal Seek?

• It is within What-If Analysis tool that shows how one

value in a formula impacts another.
• It determines what value we should enter in an Input cell
to get the desired result in a Formula cell.
• It is especially useful for doing Sensitivity Analysis in
financial modeling.
• Goal Seek can process only ONE input value at a time.
What is Solver?

• It is a sophisticated optimization program that enables us

to find the solutions to complex problems that would
otherwise require high-level mathematical analysis.
• It is a type of What-If analysis and is particularly useful
when trying to determine the “best” outcome, given a
set of more than two assumptions.
• We use it to find an optimal solution which Maximizes
Profit or Minimizes Costs or matches other criteria.
What is Scenario Manager?

• A Scenario is a set of values that Excel saves and can

substitute automatically on our worksheet.
• Scenarios are managed with the Scenario Manager
wizard from the What-If Analysis.
• A Scenario Manager allows us to change or substitute
input values for multiple cells (maximum up to 32).
• We can view the results of different input values or
different scenarios at the same time.
What is Data Table?
• A Data Table is a range of cells in which we can change
values in some of the cells and come up with different
answers to a problem.
• Especially useful when a formula depends on several values,
and we would like to experiment with different
combinations of inputs and compare the results.
• E.g.: PMT function with different loan amounts and interest
rates to calculate the affordable amount on a home
mortgage loan.

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