Guidelines On Utilisation of Special Central Assistance To Scheduled Castes Sub Plan
Guidelines On Utilisation of Special Central Assistance To Scheduled Castes Sub Plan
Guidelines On Utilisation of Special Central Assistance To Scheduled Castes Sub Plan
Subject: Special Central Assistance (SCA) to Special Component Plan (SCP) for Scheduled
Castes (SCs) - Modifications in the criteria for release of SCA to States/UTs, utilization etc.
2. An illustrative list of areas under various sectors of development where SCA could be utilized
has already been circulated vide this Ministry's d.o. letter No.19020/35/93-SCD-VI dated
29th July, 1993. The condition of blocks having 50% or more of SC population for use of SCA
for infrastructural development programmes has been relaxed and villages having 50% or more
of SC population can now be considered for infrastructural development programmes with the
support of SCA funds. Only 10% of the total SCA released to the State Government/UT
Administration in a year should be utilized for infrastructural development programmes.
3. The continuation of the Scheme of Special Central Assistance to Special Component Plan for
SCs during the IX Five Year Plan has been approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic
Affairs with the following modifications and conditions: -
(i) The SCA will be released to the state Governments/UT Administrations on the basis of
following criteria:-
(c) On the basis of the percentage of SC families in the States/UTs covered 25%
by composite economic development Programmes in the Plans to
enable them to cross the Poverty line.
(d) On the basis of the Special Component Plan to the Annual Plan as
compared to the SC population percentage in the States/UTs
(ii) 2% of the total budget allocation for he scheme will be earmarked for North Eastern States,
which implement SCP for SCs.
(iii) 15% of the total SCA released to the States/Uts, On the basis of the Criteria a (i) above will
be utilized by State Governments/UTs Administrations exclusively on viable income generating
economic development schemes/Programmes for SC Women.
(iv) 5% of the total SCA released to the States / UTs will be utilized by them exclusively for the
economic development of disabled persons among SCs
(v) 3% of the total SCA released to the States /UTs shall be utilized by the States/UTs for
supervision, monitoring and evaluation of economic development schemes implemented with the
support of SCA funds.
(vi) Second installment of SCA should be released to the States/UTs after ensuring expenditure
of cumulative opening balances of the previous year and 75% of the first installment for the
current year.
4. The limit of SCA permitted for staff meant for supervision implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of Schemes at various levels has been increased from r% to 3% taking into account
the requirement of staff and infrastructure for the purpose at all levels of implementation. Proper
and timely utilization of SCA funds on viable schemes for the economic development of SC
families below the poverty line needs greater attention. The State Governments/UT
Administrations should strengthen their monitoring mechanism at State and district levels. There
should be regular feed back through monthly progress report on implementation and utilization
of funds from the implementing agencies to the District Level Monitoring Committee and from
District Level Committee to the State Level Monitoring Committee on quarterly basis. The
Secretary of the Department concerned with the SC welfare and development should send the
quarterly progress report on utilization of SCA within 15 days after the end of each quarter and
he annual progress repot on the utilization of funds within 3 month of the end of each financial
year to the Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. Based on the
progress reports received from the State Governments/UT Administrations, the Ministry will
send consolidated State-wise report on the subject especially on utilization of funds under SCA
to SCP indicating diversion of funds, if any to the Planning Commission.
5. Late release of funds to the Implementing departments/agencies, non-utilization of funds
sanctioned/released to the implementing departments/agencies for the purpose for which it is
sanctioned, accumulation of unspent balances of funds for considerable long period with the
implementing departments/agencies, keeping funds in Civil Deposits, Fixed deposits, saving
bank accounts, P.L.A. etc. for considerable long period, lack of proper action plan for
implementation of schemes, sanction of funds for schemes without ascertaining their feasibility
and viability, leakage of benefit of schemes meant for SCs to Non-SCs, etc. decelerate the
process of economic development of the target group. An effective device needs to be evolved to
remove such shortcomings/loopholes so that the purpose of SCA could be served meaningfully.
Amongst various measures for effective implementation of development schemes for SCs, the
following points may be given more stress: -
i. Release of funds to the implementing agencies without loss of time after getting the SCA
from the Government of India.
ii. Separate Account of SCA released to the implementing agencies may be maintained and
utilization of SCA funds by the implementing agencies may be watched regularly through
periodical progress reports from the implementing agencies.
iii. It may be ensured that Utilization Certificates from the concerned implementing agencies
are obtained in time.
iv. Annual Audit of SCA accounts of State and District/Block Level Implementing Agencies
may be ensured.
v. Keeping SCA funds in civil deposits, fixed deposits, saving bank account, PLA etc. for
long periods by implementing agencies or nodal department may be discouraged. Delay
in identifying schemes & beneficiaries and sanction of schemes and release of assistance
to the beneficiaries often lead to deposit the funds in various accounts. Release of funds
to the implementing agencies without ascertaining the utilization of funds released to
them earlier leads to accumulation of unspent balances and increase in the deposit in
various accounts.
vi. Identification of viable schemes as per the developmental needs of SCs and identification
of eligible beneficiaries to be considered for assistance in a financial year should be
completed well before the commencement of the financial year. Sanction of schemes and
release of assistance can thus be ensured in time soon after the receipt of SCA funds. This
will help in avoiding last minute sanction of schemes at the fag end of the financial year
and in ensuring the full utilization of funds.
6. The Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment will intimate the
tentative allocation of SCA to State Governments/UT Administration at the beginning of the
financial year and will release the first installment of SCA on the basis of SC Population and
relative backwardness of States/UTs during the first quarter of the financial year. The State
Governments/UT Administrations should furnish the information on effort-based criteria {the
criteria at (c) and (d) mentioned in Para 3 (i)} and the utilization of SCA released to them during
the previous year and first installment released during the current year, in the month of August
every year. This will ensure the release of second installment in the beginning of the second half
of the financial year.
7. Utilization of 15% and 5% of total SCA released to the State Governments/UT
Administrations exclusively for the economic development schemes/programmes for SC women
and disabled persons among SCs respectively may be ensured from this year (1998-99) onwards.
The progress on utilization of SCA for SC Women and disabled among SCs indicating the
schemes implemented, funds utilized and the number of beneficiaries covered, may be furnished
to this Ministry within a month after the end of this financial year. From next year onwards the
progress report in this regard may be furnished to this Ministry within one month after the end of
each six months period.
8. The skill developing training programmes to be implemented with the support of SCA funds
should be formulated in such a way that after the completion of training, the placement of trained
candidates either in waged employment or in self-employment is ensured.
9. Follow up of the beneficiaries after the schemes are sanctioned to them is necessary to
ascertain whether they have acquired necessary assets and utilizing the assets for income
generating activities. Proper maintenance of records regarding the accounts of funds received,
given to the beneficiaries including subsidy and bank loan, full address of the beneficiaries,
assets created under various schemes sanctioned to the beneficiaries, etc. by the implementation
departments/agencies should be ensured.
10. I shall be grateful, if the various measures for ensuring full utilization of SCA funds and
effective implementation of schemes for the benefit of the target group are given adequate
attention and made into practice.
Yours sincerely,
(A.K. Choudhary)
Dear Shri
(a) Training-Cum-demonstration to Scheduled Castes farmers.
(b) Distribution of seeds/fertilizers, minkits and pesticides to Scheduled Castes
farmers in addition to the usual programmes of Agriculture department.
(c) Commercial crops programme in Scheduled Caste cultivators’ land .
(d) High yielding variety programme in Scheduled Caste cultivators’ land in addition
to the usual programmes of Agriculture department.
(e) Assistance to persons/landless agricultural labourers belonging to Scheduled
Castes for reclamation/development of their lands.
(a) Taking up fruit and vegetable plantation in Scheduled Castes beneficiary land.
(b) Training to Scheduled Castes in growing, marketing of fruits and vegetables
(c) Small nurseries seed farms incidental to the above.
(a) Assistance to Scheduled Caste families who have been distributed surplus land for
developing and cultivating the land.
(b) Preparation of land records of block having 50% or more Scheduled Caste
a. Check-dams, diversion channels, water harvesting structures, dug-wells, tubewells,
cooperative lift points for Scheduled Caste groups/community in areas having 50%
or more Scheduled Caste beneficiaries.
b. Subsidy/assistance to individual beneficiaries for dug-wells, tube wells, irrigation
pump sets, farm ponds.
a. Plantation of food and species as part of soil conservation measures.
(a)Supply of milk cattle, poultry, goat, sheep, pigs and duck units to Scheduled Caste
(b) Assistance to dairy and poultry cooperative societies in the areas with substantial
Scheduled Caste population.
a. Development of Social and agro-forestry benefiting Scheduled Caste Families.
a. Assistance to Scheduled Caste Families for pisiculture.
b. Training of Scheduled Castes in fish production collection etc.
c. Development of Scheduled Caste fishermen cooperative
d. Subsidy/assistance to Sch. Caste fishermen to purchase fishing boats, nets etc.
(a) Skill development training to traditional Scheduled Caste artisans in modern
methods of production.
(b) Assistance to Scheduled Caste artisans/craftsmen for setting up of business and
small and cottage industries.
(c) Entrepreneurship development training to Scheduled Castes.
(d) Bee Keeping
(e) Sericulture
(f) Introduction of new craft programmes among Scheduled Caste families.
a. Formation of new cooperatives and strengthening existing Cooperatives with
substantial Scheduled Caste members for promoting ventures in traditional
occupations like leather works, weaving and brick-making etc.
b. Strengthening of consumer cooperatives, labour cooperatives and other
cooperatives having a substantial number of Scheduled Castes members.
c. Working capital assistance to Scheduled Caste cooperatives engaged in production
of consumable items etc.
d. Training to Scheduled Caste members of cooperatives in management and
administration cooperatives.
e. Processing/marketing cooperatives.
a. Establishment and running of residential schools in areas having low level literacy.
b. Repairs and proper upkeep of existing schools/hostels meant for Schedule Castes.
a. Assistance to Scheduled Caste Women and their cooperatives for their production
and marketing of consumer goods.
b. Training of Sch. Caste women in schemes designed to improve family earning.
Programmes of improvement of ecology and environment having a bearing on
family-oriented economic programmes.
a. Establishment of dispensaries/hospital/ centers for Homeopathic, Naturopathic and
Yogic cures in areas having 50% or more Scheduled Caste population.
b. Establishment of mobile medical dispensaries so that all areas of SC concentration
can be targeted for the provision of health services.
c. Provision of electric supply and light to the Scheduled Caste habitats.
d. Provision of drinking water to Scheduled Caste habitats where there are no
drinking water facilities.
e. Development of village link roads and small C.D. Works in areas/blocks having
50% or more Scheduled Caste population.
NEW DELHI-110001
Please refer to my D.O. letter of even number dated 29th July, 1993,
regarding Special Central Assistance (SCA) to Special Component Plan (SCP) and
amplified guidelines thereon with an illustrative list of items under various
developmental sectors where SCA could be utilized in blocks having 50 per cent or
more of Scheduled Caste population.
2. In this connection, it is clarified that the “ amplified guidelines do not
alter the principle of SCA being an additive to SCP and its utilization in conjunction
with SCP for filling the critical gaps and for providing missing inputs on viable
schemes for the economic development of Schedules Caste families. SCA should not
be used to substitute the obligations for State Governments under their Plan and non-
plan allocations for Scheduled Castes. Use of SCA with the SCP for establishing and
running residential schools should strictly be in areas having low literacy, particularly
in those areas where literacy level amongst SC female is below two percent. Similarly
utilization of SCA with SCP for the items mentioned under Minimum Needs
Programmes should be in those areas where such facilities are not available for
Scheduled Castes.”
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
To Secretary, Social Welfare Of all states/UTs as per the list.
Annexure II
TEL 3381643;
D.O. No.19020/35/93-SCD-VI/II
Kindly refer to this Ministry’s d.o. letter of even number dated 29.7.1993
regarding amplification of guidelines on Special Central Assistance to Special Component Plan
for Scheduled Castes, extending the scope of its utilization also for infrastructure development
programmes in the blocks having 50 per cent or more of SC population .
2. On the basis of requests from various State Governments for exemption of
blocks having 50 percent or more of SC population for utilization of SCA for infrastructural
development programmes, the matter was re-examined and it is found that the benefit of
infrastructure development out of SCA funds is possible only for SCs in a few blocks in the
country spread over in four States. Since most of the villages in the country with high
concentration of SC population are lacking basic infrastructure for providing drinking water
facilities, health care facilities, link roads, educational facilities, etc. to SC population, it has been
decided to relax the condition of blocks having 50 per cent or more of SC population for use of
SCA for infrastructural development programmes. SCA may now be utilized for infrastructural
development programmes in villages with 50% or more of SC population, where infrastructural
facilities for overall development of SCs are lacking.
3. Since the main objective of SCA is the economic development of SC
population in order to bring them above the poverty line, only 10% of the total SCA released to
the State/UT in a year should be utilized for infrastructural development programmes in the
villages having 50 per cent or more of SC population.
4. As you are aware, SCA is an additive to the SCP of State/UT and its
utililsation should primarily be on income generating schemes/programmes of economic
development of SCs in conjunction with SCP as well as resources available from other sources
like various corporations, financial institutions etc. The basic principle of utilization of SCA in
conjunction with SCP for filling the critical gaps and for providing missing inputs on viable
schemes may strictly be followed while utilizing SCA for economic development schemes as
well as infrastructure development programmes. SCA should not be used to substitute the
obligations of State Government/UT Administrations under their plan and non-plan allocations
for SCs.
5. The details of villages where SCA funds are utilized for the purpose of
infrastructural development and the physical achievement thereon may also be included in the
quarterly and annual progress reports on utilization of SCA to be furnished to this Ministry by
the State Government/UT Administrations.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
1. Chief Secretaries of 24 States ( as per list attached)
2. Secretaries in charge of SC Welfare ( as per list attached )
Copy for information to: 1. Advisor (SW&BC), Planning Commission, Yojana Bhavan, New
2. Secretary, National Commission for SCs & STs, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi
3. Accountant General in 24 States /UTs
4. Director, Office of the C & AG, New Delhi
Joint Secretary
Additional Instruction
2. With a view to implement the schemes in a more focused manner, the State
Government/UT Administration have been requested to submit project report for utilization of
admissible SCA during 2000-01 indicating the economic activities proposed to be financed,
provision of required forward and backward linkages, flow of institutional finance and other
details. This Ministry's D.O. letter number 11014/30/99-SCD-II (Pt) dated 25.5.2000 may please
be referred to in this regard. We have not received detailed project reports from your State so far.
The first installment of SCA has been released to your State based on population and relative
backwardness. You are requested to give your personal attention and arrange for sending project
reports and utilization certificate in respect of the amount sanctioned so far at the earliest. It may
please be noted that release of 2nd instalment of SCA would be considered only on getting the
project reports and utilization certificate.
(i) In this Ministry's letter No.16011/1/94-SCD-IV dated 23rd August, 1994, it was
clarified that SC beneficiaries, living below the poverty line may be provided
assistance under SCA in manner similar to those admissible under the Integrated
Rural Development Programme (IRDP). The Ministry of Rural Development has
launched the Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) in April, 1999, in
place of IRDP, as a holistic programme covering all aspects of self employment,
such as organization of poor into self help groups, and provision of training,
credit, technology, infrastructure and marketing etc. to such groups, for enabling
the poor families to cross the poverty line. The SGSY adopt a project approach
for each key activity. The poor families are to be assisted for taking up viable
income generating activities, through a mix of institutional finance and subsidy.
Guidelines of SGSY provides that credit will be the critical component and
subsidy will be the only a minor and enabling element. In view of the above,
relevant provisions of SGSY, may be adopted as a totality, while utilizing SCA.
Amount of subsidy admissible under SGSY i.e. subject to a maximum of Rs.10,
000 per beneficiary may accordinglybe adopted in case of Special Central
Assistance. The number of SC families assisted under the Scheme and the number
crossing the poverty line may be monitored and reported to the Ministry on
quarterly basis.
(ii) As regards selection of SC families living below poverty line and definition of
poverty line, the guidelines issued by the Planning Commission and the procedure
laid down by the Ministry of Rural Development for selecting the beneficiaries
through the Panchayati Raj Institutions may be adopted.
(iii) Special Central Assistance should be utilized only for the purpose specified
under the guidelines and should not be diverted for any other purpose.
4. We are separately communicating dates for discussing the SCP of your State for
the year 2000-01 as well as the project report for utilization of SCA, some time in Oct-Nov 2000.
As the matter relates to welfare of Scheduled Castes, I shall be grateful to you for giving your
personal attention on the matter and arrange to send the project report and SCP document at the
Yours sincerely,
Government of India
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated 29.3.2007
(27 States/UTs)
Subject: - Guidelines for utilization of Special Central Assistance (SCA) to the
Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP).
The fundamental objectives and the basic operative principles of the approved Special
Central Assistance scheme are (a) economic development of the SC target groups by way of
employment or self employment either in primary or secondary or tertiary sectors, (b) Special
emphasis on training and skill development with forward linkages for employment and
occupational diversification.
2. It has been the endeavor of this Ministry to serve the larger cause of the target groups by
guiding the State Governments in directing their efforts and initiatives from time to time. As a
further initiative, the Ministry has decided to draw a new road map for the empowerment of the
SC target groups in tune with the opportunities offered by the modern era of globalization and
liberalization. In this exercise the most important component is quality and excellence, both in
professional education and training which have a direct linkage with high -end employment.
3. The need of the hour is to promote sunrise sectors through the Special Central Assistance
mechanism without leaving any scope or possibility for dilution of the qualitative excellence of
the new programmes. While doing so the emphasis would rest on choosing the best out of the
available market by diligent observance of norms of propriety and transparency. It is thus felt
necessary to include capacity building programmes matching the new sunrise high-end sectors
within the existing format of the scheme of Special Central Assistance. An illustrative list of
such sectors is Commercial Pilot Course, Aviation and Hospitality Course, course in Fashion
Technology, General Nursing Course and Hotel Management Course. These are all income
generating activities and fit into the scheme of Special Central Assistance.
4. The recent public private partnership initiative taken by the Government of Karnataka in
such high-end sunrise sectors have come to the notice of this Ministry. They have started various
training courses after a competitive exercise and deliberate effort to have minimal possible costs.
This Ministry would like similar or better initiatives by other Sates also.
5. The focus of Special Central Assistance is to bring in economic development through
occupational diversification and professalization in a changing market situation. The
development approach of the Governments therefore needs to change with the changing course
of Indian economy. The States need to identify the activities according to their felt needs and
support them through Special Central Assistance if they fit into he broad mandate of the scheme.
6. With these amplifications, the State Governments/UT Administrations are requested to
open up more avenues for the SC youth to prove their potential and excellence in high-end
income generating activities.
7. These guidelines will come into effect/introduced from 2007-08
8. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Yours sincerely,
(Arbind Prasad)
Joint Secretary to Government of India
No.11014/ 8/2003-SCD-II
Government of India
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Shastri Bhavan, New
Dated 24.8.07
The Secretaries in charge of SC Welfare,All States/UTs.
Subject: Guidelines for utilization of Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste
Sub Plan.
The scheme of Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste Sub Plan was
started in 1980 to give a thrust to the development programmes for the Scheduled Castes (SCs),
with particular reference to their occupational pattern and to the need for increasing the
productivity of and income from their limited resources.
2. In view of the varying needs and availability of opportunities in different States
of the country and even with different regions of the same State, State Govts have been given
flexibility in choice of scheme to be implemented out of SCA. However, this Ministry has been
issuing enabling guidelines from time to time to focus directions of the State Govts towards
newer avenues and to address some of the chronic disabilities suffered by SCs, especially with
respect to lack of access to essential services.
3. Atrocities on SCs is an area of concern. Lack of basic infrastructural facilities is
one of the important factors responsible for incidents of atrocities in the remote and inaccessible
villages/habitations of Scheduled Castes. Further, awareness among SCs about the legal
provisions to check the atrocities is limited by the lack of education.
4. In order to address the concerns stated above, special steps are required to be
taken. As a first step all the State Govts should identify atrocity prone areas. For development of
these areas, State Govt are requested to undertake following activities out of the SCA released by
the Ministry:
i. Guidelines for utilizing upto 10% of SCA released in a year on infrastructure
development in SC dominated Blocks/villages were issued vide this Ministry's
letters dated 29.7.93 and 7.9.98. Priority should be given to identify atrocity
prone areas in implementation of infrastructure development schemes.
ii. Setting up of primary schools for Scheduled Castes; and
iii. Coverage of beneficiaries from these identified Districts on priority basis under
the income-generating beneficiary oriented schemes.
5. Since SCA is provided as an additive, the funds earmarked for SCSP under
different sectors of the State Plan should be effectively mobilized and pooled together for
deriving optimum outcome.
6. These guidelines will come into effect immediately.
Yours Sincerely,
(Dr. Arbind Prasad)
Joint Secretary to
Government of India
Tele.No.: 23384284
Government of India
Department of Social Justice & Empowerment
Shastri Bhavan, New
Delhi - 110 115
Dated 2nd May, 2013
Yours faithfully,
(Sanjeev Kumar)
Joint Secretary to Government of India
Government of India
Department of Social Justice and Empowerment
Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi -
110 115
Dated 6th June, 2013
Yours faithfully,
Maulishree Pande
Tele: 011-23387539