Social Studies SBA New and Final

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Social Studies S.B.

Domestic violence

Candidate Name: Samoya Campbell

Centre Number: 20220033210
Table Of Content
Title Page
Statement of Problem.........................................................................................3
Reason for selecting Topic.................................................................................4
Method of Investigation.....................................................................................5
Instrument used to Collect Data.........................................................................6-8
Procedure used to Collect Data..........................................................................9
Analysis and Interpretation..............................................................................10-14
The researcher wishes to thank the lord for granting her the health and strength to complete this
SBA. The researcher also wishes to extend a heartfelt gratitude to the Social Studies teacher for
guiding her through it.

Fairy Hill is a small community located in east Portland. It is approximately 8 miles away from
the parish’s capital Port Antonio. In the community there isn’t a lot of big businesses, I have
lived in this community for 14 years and there have been a few cases of Domestic Violence.
According to, Domestic violence is a pattern of incidents of controlling,
coercive, degrading and violent behavior including sexual violence.

I have decided to investigate the knowledge of/and experience members of my community may
have had with domestic violence.

Statement Of Problem
1: What are the causes and effects of Domestic Violence in Fairy Hill?
2: How does this impact the lives of the residents?
3: What can be done to correct this problem

Reason for Selecting Topic
The researcher chose this topic to investigate because this problem is on a rise and has caused a
lot of harm in not only my community but the whole country. Domestic Violence damages the
prospects for economic and social development of every country, not just the lives of the victims
and their direct support. Over the years there has been an increase in Domestic Violence cases,
some of which turn fatal. According to the World Health Organization 1 in 3 women globally
suffer from abuse. Domestic Violence is more prevalent in the women at the ages of 13-55.
Domestic abuse causes a variety of problems. I intend on finding out the causes, effects and
possible solutions to solve this problem.

Method Of Investigation
To investigate the problem, I have decided to supply questionnaire's, to gather information for
my survey. It can be done at the accessibility of the persons required to complete it.
It is classified as respondents aren’t required to state their names, and it requires little time to be

Instrument Used to Collect
Put a tick on the line to indicate your answer from the
questions below.

1 Gender: Male___ Female___

2.Age 15-25__ 26-44___ 45-59___ 60& over___

3.How long have you lived in the Fairy Hill community?

5-10 years___ 11-20____ 21-35___ 36& over_____

4.Do you know what Domestic Violence is? Yes____ No___

5.Have you or someone you know ever been in an abusive relationship? Yes____ No___

6.What do you consider as Domestic Violence? Physical____ Verbal____

Emotional/Psychological_____ Financial_____ Other___
7.What causes Domestic Violence? Substance Abuse____ Mental Illness______
Early Exposure to Abusive Behavior____ Poverty___ Other____

8. Who do you think is affected most as a result of Domestic Violence?

Victim___ Abuser___ Child/Children____

9.Are you aware of any recent cases of Domestic Violence in your community?
Yes__ No__

10.Give a reason for your answer.

11.What are some effects of Domestic Violence?

12.Why do victims of Domestic Violence remain in/return to the relationship?


13.What are some methods that can be used to reduce Domestic Violence?

14.State the name of an organization/agency that deals with Domestic Violence.


Procedure Used to Collect
The community of Fairy hill has approximately about a 900 households or more. I have decided
to provide 30 with questionnaires. Questionnaires were distributed at random and respondents
were given a week to complete and return. At the end of the 1 week only 25 questionnaires were

Analysis and Interpretation of

Female 15
Male 10



Do you know what Domestic Violence is? Percentage

Respondents who know 88%
Respondents who don't know 12%

Have you or anyone you know been in an Percentage

Abusive Relationship?
YES 28%
NO 72%


What Causes Substance Mental Early Poverty Other

Domestic Abuse Illness Exposure
# Of
Respondents Eight (8) Five (5) Five (5) Four (4) Three (3)



Are you aware of recent

Domestic Violence cases? YES NO

# Of Respondents Seven (7) Eighteen (18)


Interpretation of Data
When completing my survey of Fairy hill out of 25 persons 15 were females and 10 males,
Table.1 shows this representation on page 10.
Figure.1 shows the age group of the respondents out of 25 respondents 7 is between the age of
15-25, 5 between 26-44, 9 between 45-59 and 4 is 60& over.
Figure.2 shows how long the respondents have lived in the community of Fairy Hill 40% lived
there for 36 years & over, 28% lived there for 11-20 years, 20% lived there for 5-10 years and
12% has lived there for 21-35 years.
Table.2 shows how many people know what Domestic Violence is which 88% knows what it is
while 12% doesn't know what it is.
Table.3 shows the answers to question 5. Have you or someone you know been in an abusive
relationship? Which 72% responded with No and 28% responded with Yes.
Figure.3 shows what the respondents consider Domestic Violence, you have Physical Abuse
with 36%, 24% with Verbal Abuse, 20% with Financial, Emotional with 12% and Other
with 8%.
Table.4 shows what respondents think causes Domestic Violence in the lead we have Substance
Abuse with 8 respondents both Mental illness and Early Exposure with 5, next is Poverty with
4 respondents and Other with 3.
Figure.4 shows who the respondents think suffers the most as a result of Domestic Violence
Between the Abuser, The Victim and The Child/Children. 15 Respondents responded with the
victim, 10 with the Child/Children and None with The Abuser.
Table.5 shows how many of the respondents are aware of recent Domestic Violence Cases In the
community 18 answers No and 7 answers Yes.


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