Carbon Steel Handbook
Carbon Steel Handbook
Carbon Steel Handbook
Effective December 6, 2006, this report has been made publicly available
in accordance with Section 734.3(b)(3) and published in accordance with
Section 734.7 of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. As a result
of this publication, this report is subject to only copyright protection and
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embedded in the document prior to publication.
Carbon Steel
For further information about EPRI, call the EPRI Customer
Assistance Center at 800.313.3774 or e-mail
Principal Investigator
P. Flenner
Applications, Value, and Use
The report will serve as a reference for utility engineers who must make
decisions about projects that involve carbon steels. An underlying
assumption is that engineers and other plant personnel will benefit from
access to information about relevant codes and standards, the
metallurgical characteristics of carbon steels, and their mechanical
properties. Because carbon is a particularly powerful alloying element in
steel, there are significant differences in the strength, hardness, and
ductility achievable with relatively small variations in the proportion of
Although this report concentrates primarily on the pressure-containing
applications of carbon steels, it will also be a useful tool in addressing
structural fabrication issues. To give it the convenient portability of a field
guide, this report has been formatted as a pocket handbook.
EPRI Perspective
This report and the others in the series provide information about the most
common boiler materials. Although each has been produced as a volume
on an individual alloy, a broader perspective of the metallurgical aspects
of boiler steels can be gained through the EPRI report Metallurgical
Guidebook for Fossil Power Plant Boilers (1011912). Readers might also
wish to consult the previous EPRI reports in this series—The Grade 22
Low Alloy Steel Handbook (1011534) and The Grades 11 and 12 Low
Alloy Steel Handbook (1013358).
This series is being developed for several major component materials used
in fossil power production. In each section of these reports, the project
team has presented information in a succinct manner, with references to
source documents supporting technical information.
Carbon steel
Fabrication issues
Standards and codes
Welding issues
1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................... 1-1
8 REFERENCES...................................................................................... 8-1
Figure 3-1 Allowable Stress Trend Curves, SA-516 Gr. 65 ......................................... 3-8
Figure 4-1 Carbon Steel Microstructures ..................................................................... 4-6
Figure 4-2 The Growth of Bainite and the Development of Upper and Lower
Bainite Morphologies ........................................................................................ 4-8
Figure 4-3 Iron-Iron Carbide Phase Diagram ............................................................. 4-10
Figure 4-4 Schematic Representation of Plain Carbon Steel (0.20%
Carbon) When Heated Rapidly to the Temperature Shown .......................... 4-12
Figure 4-5 Schematic Representation of Transformations of Carbon Steel
with Slow Cooling ........................................................................................... 4-14
Figure 4-6 Microstructure of Upper Bainite as Seen in the Transmission
Electron Microscope ....................................................................................... 4-16
Figure 4-7 Microstructure of Lower Bainite as Seen in the Transmission
Electron Microscope ....................................................................................... 4-17
Figure 4-8 Microstructure of Water-Quenched Low-Alloy Steel Showing
Lath Martensite............................................................................................... 4-18
Figure 4-9 The Relationship Between Carbon Content and Maximum
Obtainable Hardness in Carbon or Alloy Steels ............................................ 4-19
Figure 4-10 The Relationship of CCT and IT Diagrams for Eutectoid Steel .............. 4-20
Figure 4-11 Isothermal Transformation Diagram for SAE 1021 Steel (0.20%
Carbon)........................................................................................................... 4-22
Figure 4-12 Isothermal Transformation Diagram for AISI-SAE 1035 Steel ............... 4-23
Figure 5-1 Carbon Steel (AISI 1025) Specific Heat Versus Temperature ................... 5-5
Figure 5-2 Design Tensile and Yield Strength of Carbon Steels Versus
Temperature ..................................................................................................... 5-6
Figure 5-3 Elevated Temperature Material Properties, Including Creep
Rupture for Medium Carbon Steel ................................................................... 5-8
Figure 5-4 Variation of the LMP with Stress for Rupture of Carbon Steel
Pipe and Tube .................................................................................................. 5-9
Figure 5-5 Variation of LMP with Stress for Rupture of Carbon Steel Plate .............. 5-10
Figure 5-6 The Relationship Between Graphitization, Temperature, and
Time................................................................................................................ 5-12
Figure 5-7 Photomicrograph Illustrating Graphitization (the Black Nodules)
in a Weld Heat-Affected Zone ........................................................................ 5-12
Figure 5-8 Typical S-N Curve for Medium Strength Carbon Steel ............................. 5-14
Figure 5-9 The Effect of Steel Microstructure on the Endurance Ratio ..................... 5-15
Figure 5-10 The Effect of Grain Size on Transition Temperature .............................. 5-16
Figure 5-11 The Relationship Between 105-Hour Creep Rupture Strength
and Ultimate Tensile Strength for Carbon Steel ............................................ 5-17
Figure 7-1 Typical Butt Weld Joint Preparations .......................................................... 7-7
Figure 7-2 A Typical Weld Joint Preparation Trimmed for Misalignment..................... 7-8
Figure 7-3 A Typical Welding End Transition: Maximum Envelope ............................. 7-9
The carbon steels of interest in this report are those with carbon equal to
or less than about 0.35% to facilitate welding. A further distinction can be
made according to carbon content. Low-carbon steels (below 0.15%
carbon) contain too little carbon to benefit from hardening and are
frequently used in the hot-worked or—for maximum ductility—the
annealed condition. Steels of less than 0.25% carbon (often referred to as
mild steel) have somewhat higher strength near the upper carbon level.
Medium-carbon steels (0.25–0.55% carbon) are often heat-treated
(quenched and tempered) to achieve yet higher strength, but it is mainly
the compositions below 0.35% carbon that are relevant to this report.
Carbon steel is one of the most widely used materials in the industry. This
material is used not only in many of the water- and steam-pressure-
containing systems in power plants but also in the supports for these
systems. Although this report concentrates primarily on the pressure-
containing applications of carbon steels, it can also be a useful tool for
structural carbon steel fabrication issues.
The carbon steel materials used in pressure applications cover a very wide
range of mechanical properties. Carbon steel materials are listed in the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel (B&PV) Code [1] with a room temperature tensile strength range
from 40 kips per square inch (ksi) (275 megapascals [MPa]) up to 100 ksi
(690 MPa). Most of the higher strength materials have very limited
application in power plants; accordingly, the materials covered in this
report will be limited to those with a specified minimum tensile strength
less than 80 ksi (550 MPa).
Carbon steels are used in the United States and throughout the world for
nearly all of the same reasons: their cost, properties, ease of fabrication,
availability, weldability, and so on. Table 2-1 lists some ASME material
specifications covered in this report with some comparative European
material specifications and with those of the UK, Germany, and Japan
(where comparative international specifications are identified) [2].
However, it is important to note that these materials are not necessarily
exactly equivalent because there can be minor differences in the chemical
composition or mechanical properties requirements for the material. Note
that in Table 2-1, these are designated as comparative materials, not
equivalent materials. The material specifications of ASME and ASTM
International (ASTM), which are listed as comparative, are similar in both
chemistry and mechanical properties to those of the international
specifications listed. In general, an alloy is considered comparable if the
specified mechanical properties are essentially the same despite variation
in the compositions. The specifications are not identical, so they cannot be
considered equivalent. It is possible that a material meets the requirements
of any or all of the comparative specifications. Where available, the
Unified Numbering System (UNS) [3] identification is also given because
this identification provides some link between materials with the same
chemical composition (and to some extent, with their mechanical
properties) and has some significance in the ASME Codes.
Technical Background
Table 2-1
Comparative International Specifications (See general notes A, B, and C.)
ASME/ASTM (European (United
(Note 1) (Germany) (Japan)
Normal) Kingdom)
SA-27 60-30 J03000 3100 A1 G 5101 SC 410
SA-27 65-35 J03001 G 5102 SCW 450
SA-27 70-36 J03501 3100 A2 G 5101 SC 480
A-27 70-40 J02501 3100 A2 G 5101 SCW 480
17175 St35.8
SA-53 Gr. A K02504 (Note 2) 3601 320
(Note 3)
SA-53 Gr. B K03005 (Note 2) 3602-2 430 17175 St45.8 G 3454 STPG 410
SA-105 K03504 (Note 2) 10222-2 P 280GH G 3202 SFVC 2 A
SA-106 Gr. B K03006 (Note 2) 3602-2 430 17175 St45.8 G 3454 STPG 410
SA-106 Gr. C K03501 (Note 2) 3602-2 490 17175 17Mn4 G 3456 STPT 480
SA-135 Gr. A K02509 3601 320
SA-135 Gr. B K03018 3602-2 430 17175 St45.8 G 3454 STPG 410
A-139 Gr. A -- 3601 320
A-139 Gr. B K03003 (Note 2) 3602-2 430 17175 St45.8 G 3454 STPG 410
Technical Background
Table 2-1 (continued)
Comparative International Specifications (See general notes A, B, and C.)
ASME/ASTM (European (United
(Note 1) (Germany) (Japan)
Normal) Kingdom)
A-139 Gr. C (Note 4) K03004 (Note 2) 3602-2 430 17175 St45.8 G 3454 STPG 410
A-139 Gr. D (Note 4) K03010 3602-2 430 17175 St45.8 G 3454 STPG 410
A-139 Gr. E (Note 4) K03012 3602-2 490 17175 17Mn4 G 3456 STPT 480
SA-178 Gr. A K01200 3059 320 28180 TTSt 35 N G 3461 STB 340
SA-178 Gr. C K03503 3059-2 440 G 3461 STB 410
SA-178 Gr. D K02709 G 3461 STB 510
SA-179 K01200 (Note 2) 3059 320 28180 TTSt 35 N G 3461 STB 340
SA-181 Cl. 60 K03502 10222-2 P245GH G 3202 SFVC 1
SA-181 Cl. 70 K03502 10222-2 P280GH G 3202 SFVC 2 A
SA-192 K01201 3059 320 28180 TTSt 35 N G 3461 STB 340
SA-210 Gr. A1 K02707 3059-2 440 17175 St45.8 G 3461 STB 410
SA-210 Gr. C K03501 G 3461 STB 510
SA-214 K01807 3059 320 28180 TTSt 35 N G 3461 STB 340
Technical Background
Table 2-1 (continued)
Comparative International Specifications (See general notes A, B, and C.)
ASME/ASTM (European (United
(Note 1) (Germany) (Japan)
Normal) Kingdom)
SA-216 WCB J03002 G 5151 SCPH 2
SA-216 WCC (Note 4) J02503 G 5151 SCPH 2
10222-2 P245GH
SA-266 Gr. 1 K03506 (Note 2) G 3202 SFVC 1
SA-266 Gr. 2 K03506 (Note 2) 10222-2 P280GH G 3202 SFVC 2 A
SA-266 Gr. 4 K03017 10222-2 P280GH G 3202 SFVC 2 B
SA-283 Gr. A K01400 10025 S185
SA-283 Gr. B K01702 G 3101 SS330
SA-283 Gr. C K02401 G 3101 SS400
SA-333 Gr. 1 K03008 17179 TStE 255 G 3460 STPL 380
SA-333 Gr. 6 K03006 17179 TStE 285 G 3460 STPL 450
SA-334 Gr. 1 K03008 17173 TTSt 35 N G 3464 STBL 380
3603 carbon,
SA-334 Gr. 6 K03006
Technical Background
Table 2-1 (continued)
Comparative International Specifications (See general notes A, B, and C.)
ASME/ASTM (European (United
(Note 1) (Germany) (Japan)
Normal) Kingdom)
SA-350 LF1 K03009 10222-2 P245GH G 3202 SFVC 1
SA-350 LF2 K03011 10222-2 P280GH G 3202 SFVC 2 A
SA-352 LCA J02504 10213-3 G17Mn5 G 5152 SCPL 1
SA-352 LCB J03003 10213-3 G17Mn5 G 5152 SCPL 1
SA-352 LCC J02505 10213-3 G20Mn5 G 5152 SCPL 1
SA-508 Gr. 1 K13502 10222-2 P280GH G 3202 SFVC 2 A
SA-515 Gr. 60 K02401 10028-2 P265GH G 3103 SB 410
SA-515 Gr. 65 K02800 10028-2 P295GH G 3103 SB450
SA-515 Gr. 70 K03101 10028-5 P355ML G 3103 SB 480
SA-516 Gr. 60 K02100 10028-2 P265GH G 3103 SB 410
SA-516 Gr. 65 K02403 10028-2 P295GH G 3103 SB450
SA-516 Gr.70 K02700 10028-5 P355ML G 3103 SB 480
SA-537 Cl.1 (Note 4) K12437 G 3115 SPV 315
Technical Background
Table 2-1 (continued)
Comparative International Specifications (See general notes A, B, and C.)
ASME/ASTM (European (United
(Note 1) (Germany) (Japan)
Normal) Kingdom)
SA-541 Gr. 1 K03506 10222-2 P280GH G 3202 SFVC 2 A
SA-541 Gr. 1A K03020 10222-2 P280GH G 3202 SFVC 2 A
A-573 Gr. 58 K02301 G 3101 SS400
A-573 Gr. 65 K02404 10025 S275J2G4
A-573 Gr. 70 K02701 10025 E 295 G3106 SM490A
General notes:
A. Materials that are fabricated from other listed materials and those that do not have comparative specifications are not included.
B. Some specifications that have been discontinued or that are not listed as comparative in the Handbook of Comparative World Steel Standards [2] are not contained in this table
but are covered in this report. See Appendix A for a complete list of materials covered.
C. The non-U.S. specifications listed in Table 2-1 are British Standards (BSs), Japan Industrial Standards (JISs), and the standards established by the European Committee for
Standardization (CENs) and Deutsches Institut für Normung (DINs).
1. UNS numbers are from ASTM DS-56I/SAE HS-1086/2004, 10th Edition, unless otherwise identified.
2. UNS numbers are from ASME B&PV, Section IX, Table QW/QB-422, 2004 Edition with 2005 Addenda.
3. This specification is not listed as comparative in the Handbook of Comparative World Steel Standards [2].
4. The high-yield strength of this material is likely to affect the allowable stresses as compared to the comparable materials.
Technical Background
2.2 Applications
Carbon steel is used in boilers, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, piping,
and other moderate-temperature service systems in which good strength
and ductility are desired. Significant other factors include cost,
availability, and the ease of fabrication.
3.1 Specifications
The lists provided in Tables 3-1 and 3-2 identify the specifications
covered by this report. In Table 3-1, all specifications listed as SA-nnn are
ASME specifications. Those listed as A-nnn are ASTM specifications that
have not been adopted by the ASME B&PV Code. However, it should be
noted that these steels might have been accepted for use in the ASME
Code for Pressure Piping [4], in Code cases, or in structural Codes. Unless
otherwise noted, all of the information for the ASME materials was
obtained from the ASME B&PV Code, Section II, Part A, 2004 Edition
with the 2005 Addenda [5]. For the discontinued specifications and those
that are unique to ASTM, the specific source information and the edition
year are also noted. The user should recognize that the information can
change between different editions of the specifications or Codes
Standards and Codes
Table 3-1
Specific Carbon Steel ASME/ASTM Material Specifications Covered
and Source/Edition Information
Number Name
Standards and Codes
Table 3-1 (continued)
Specific Carbon Steel ASME/ASTM Material Specifications Covered
and Source/Edition Information
Number Name
SA-216 Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion Welding for
High-Temperature Service: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-226 Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel Boiler and
Superheater Tubes for High-Pressure Service. (Note: ASTM A-226 was
discontinued in 1997; source information was taken from ASME SA-226,
1998 Edition.)
SA-234 Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel
for Moderate and High-Temperature Service: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-266 Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel Components:
2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-283 Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel
Plates: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-285 Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low- and
Intermediate-Tensile Strength: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-299 Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Manganese-
Silicon: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-333 Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature
Service: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-334 Specification for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes for
Low-Temperature Service: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-350 Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch
Toughness Testing for Piping Components: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-352 Specification for Steel Castings, Ferritic and Martensitic, for Pressure-
Containing Parts, Suitable for Low-Temperature Service: 2004 with 2005
SA-372 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled
Pressure Vessels: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
A-381 Specification for Metal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipe for Use with High-Pressure
Transmission Systems. (Note: source information was taken from ASTM
A-381-96, 2002 Edition.)
SA-433 Specification for Leaded Carbon Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels. (Note:
ASTM A-433 was discontinued in 1972; source information was taken
from ASME SA-433, 1971 Edition.)
SA-442 Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Improved
Transition Properties. (Note: ASTM A-442 was discontinued in 1991;
source information was taken from ASME SA-442, 1992 Edition.)
Standards and Codes
Table 3-1 (continued)
Specific Carbon Steel ASME/ASTM Material Specifications Covered
and Source/Edition Information
Number Name
SA-455 Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, High-Strength
Manganese: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-465 Specification for Leaded Carbon Steel Forged Pipe Flanges and Parts for
Pressure and General Service. (Note: SA-465 was discontinued in 1975;
source information was taken from ASTM A-465-68, 1974 Edition.)
SA-508 Specification for Quenched and Tempered Vacuum-Treated Carbon and
Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-515 Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Intermediate-
and Higher-Temperature Service: 2004 with 2005 Addenda. (Note:
exception—SA-515 Grade 55 was discontinued in ASME Section II, Part
A as of the 1992 Edition with the 1994 Addenda. Source information was
taken from the 1992 Edition without addenda.)
SA-516 Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate- and
Lower-Temperature Service: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-524 Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower
Temperatures: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-537 Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat-Treated, Carbon-
Manganese-Silicon Steel: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-541 Specification for Quenched and Tempered Carbon and Alloy Steel
Forgings for Pressure Vessel Components: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
A-573 Specification for Structural Carbon Steel Plates of Improved Toughness.
(Note: source information was taken from ASTM A-573-00a, 2002
SA-587 Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Low-Carbon Steel Pipe for
the Chemical Industry: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-671 Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and
Lower Temperatures: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-672 Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure
Service at Moderate Temperatures: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
SA-691 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe, Electric-Fusion-Welded
Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at High Temperatures: 2004 with
2005 Addenda.
Standards and Codes
Table 3-2
The Specific Carbon Steel International Material Specifications
Covered [2]
EN 10025 Hot Rolled Products of Non-Alloy Structural Steels.
EN 10028-2 Specification for Flat Products Made of Steels for Pressure Purposes.
Non-Alloy and Alloy Steels with Specified Elevated Temperature
EN 10028-5 Specification for Flat Products Made of Steels for Pressure Purposes.
Weldable Fine Grain Steels, Thermomechanically Rolled.
EN 10213-2 Technical Delivery Conditions for Steel Castings for Pressure
Purposes. Steel Grades for Use at Room Temperature and at
Elevated Temperature.
EN 10213-3 Technical Delivery Conditions for Steel Castings for Pressure
Purposes. Steels for Use at Low Temperatures.
EN 10222-2 Steel Forgings for Pressure Purposes. Ferritic and Martensitic Steels
with Specified Elevated Temperature Properties.
BS 3059 Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes.
BS 3100 Steel Castings for General Engineering Purposes.
BS 3601 Carbon Steel Pipes and Tubes with Specified Room Temperature
Properties for Pressure Purposes.
BS 3602 Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes: Carbon and Carbon
Manganese Steel with Specified Elevated Temperature Properties.
BS 3603 Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipes and Tubes with Specified Low
Temperature Properties for Pressure Purposes.
DIN 17173 Seamless Circular Tubes Made from Steels with Low Temperature
DIN 17175 Seamless Tubes of Heat Resistant Steels.
DIN 17179 Seamless Circular Fine Grain Steel Tubes Subject to Special
DIN 28180 Seamless Steel Tubes for Tubular Heat Exchangers.
Standards and Codes
Table 3-2 (continued)
The Specific Carbon Steel International Material Specifications
Covered [2]
JIS G 3101 Rolled Steels for General Structure.
JIS G 3103 Carbon Steel and Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates for Boilers and
Other Pressure Vessels.
JIS G 3115 Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels for Intermediate Temperature
JIS G 3202 Carbon Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels.
JIS G 3454 Carbon Steel Pipes for Pressure Service.
JIS G 3456 Carbon Steel Pipes for High Temperature Service.
JIS G 3460 Steel Pipes for Low Temperature Service.
JIS G 3461 Carbon Steel Boiler and Heat Exchange Tubes.
JIS G 3464 Steel Heat Exchanger Tubes for Low Temperature Service.
JIS G 5101 Carbon Steel Castings.
JIS G 5102 Steel Castings for Welded Structure.
JIS G 5151 Steel Castings for High Temperature and High Pressure Service.
JIS G 5152 Steel Castings for Low Temperature and High Pressure Service.
In the B31 Code for Pressure Piping, including the B31.1 Code for Power
Piping [6] and the B31.3 Code for Process Piping [7], a list of materials is
provided within the specific Code section. The allowable stresses for the
materials are given. Some of the B31 Codes (including B31.1 and B31.3)
Standards and Codes
allow the use of materials that are not listed. (In the case of B31.1, this has
been true only since the 2001 edition.) However, restrictions apply to the
use of unlisted materials.
The basis for the allowable stresses can vary in different Codes, although
the bases are generally the same for most power plant applications. Recent
changes to the safety factor in the B&PV Code and in the B31.1 Code
have resulted in increased allowable stresses (the safety factor based on
tensile strength was reduced from 4 to 3.5). Although different Codes
might have different requirements for the allowable stresses, the criteria
used to establish the allowable stress for the Code’s Tables 1A and 1B are
shown in Table 1-100 of Appendix 1 of ASME Section II, Part D [8].
These criteria follow:
• (1/3.5) x the tensile strength at temperature (2YS/3)
• (2/3) x the yield strength at temperature (TS/3.5)
• A percentage of the creep rupture strength dependent on the testing
Standards and Codes
The data are used to develop trend curves. Each of these values (TS/3.5,
2YS/3, and the creep strength value) is plotted against the temperature,
and the lowest value is the allowable stress for that material and that
temperature. See Figure 3-1 for an example plot for SA-516 Gr. 65.
Figure 3-1
Allowable Stress Trend Curves, SA-516 Gr. 65
Standards and Codes
The chemical compositions for the ASME carbon steels covered herein
are given in Appendix A. Single values are minimums unless otherwise
identified, and ranges are given for other elements. The UNS number is
listed again for convenience and because the main criteria used to
establish that identification is the chemical composition.
The heat analysis is given unless otherwise noted. Although this is the
analysis taken from the molten heat and given on the certified material test
report, the actual composition of the end product might vary in excess of
the heat analysis due to fluctuations that occur during solidification and
processing. The limits on the product analysis are therefore somewhat less
restrictive than those of the heat analysis.
As previously discussed, the alloying that is used for the materials covered
by this report is limited primarily to carbon, manganese, and silicon added
in limited and varying percentages to the iron base. In spite of this limited
alloying, the properties of the materials are wide-ranging, as described in
Section 5. The metallurgical structure and the carbon content are major
contributors to the overall properties of the different carbon steel
materials. Materials classified as carbon steel might also contain small
amounts of other elements, such as chromium, nickel, molybdenum,
copper, vanadium, niobium (columbium), phosphorous, and sulfur.
Each element that is added to the basic constituent of iron has some effect
on the end properties of the material and how that material reacts to
fabrication processes. The alloying additions are responsible for many of
CE is defined by several formulas, and it is important that close attention
be paid to the formula being used. The following formula is used in most
ASME applications:
4.3.1 Microstructure
Metallic materials take the form of a crystalline structure in the solid state
(with the exception of amorphous metals that have been formed under
radical cooling conditions, unlike those that occur in normal processing).
The crystalline structure and the alloying elements added to pure iron give
carbon steel the ability to have a wide range of properties, which make it
one of the most useful materials in industry today. The crystalline
structure of carbon steel might include body-centered cubic (ferrite), face-
centered cubic (austenite), or body-centered tetragonal (martensite) forms.
Figure 4-1
Carbon Steel Microstructures (These have been created in high
carbon eutectoid steel [0.77% carbon] by isothermal transformation.
A nital etchant and 500x magnification were used.) [11]
Reprinted with permission of the American Welding Society. All rights
The mechanism by which the arrangements in Figure 4-1 were formed
will be covered in Section 4.3.2, but the following is a brief description of
each of these microstructures.
Figure 4-2
The Growth of Bainite and the Development of Upper and Lower
Bainite Morphologies [12]
Reprinted with permission of ASM International. All rights reserved.
Iron-iron carbide phase diagrams (see Figure 4-3) represent the crystalline
structures, or phases, of the carbon steels in an equilibrium state that are
determined by very slow cooling from molten material. This is not a
realistic view of the microstructural phases that exist during normal
fabrication processes because the heating and cooling rates significantly
affect the temperatures at which the suggested phase transformations
occur. This effect can be seen in the temperature difference between A1,
the equilibrium lower transformation temperature, and Ar1, the lower
transformation temperature upon cooling. Although not shown, there is
also a lower transformation temperature upon heating, Ac1, which is
somewhat higher than A1. The Ac1 temperatures depict the start point of
the transformation between the α ferrite and the γ austenite upon heating.
The phase diagram in Figure 4-3 also shows an equilibrium upper
transformation temperature—A3. Similar to the variations noted for A1,
there are also upper transformation temperatures upon heating and cooling
(Ac3 and Ar3, respectively). The transformation temperatures indicate the
points at which the structure becomes an unstable form and begins to
undergo a transformation to a different crystalline structure. It can be seen
that carbon steels, with a typical maximum carbon content of less than
0.35% for pressure-containing applications, will have a transformation
temperature range that will vary with the carbon content and the rate of
heating or cooling.
Figure 4-3
Iron-Iron Carbide Phase Diagram [11]
Reprinted with permission of the American Welding Society. All rights
Figure 4-4
Schematic Representation of Plain Carbon Steel (0.20% Carbon)
When Heated Rapidly to the Temperature Shown [11]
Reprinted with permission of the American Welding Society. All rights
Shortly after full austenization has been completed and upon the
temperature reaching a point slightly above the upper transformation
temperature Ac3, the grain size will be quite small. Upon subsequent
cooling, this fine grain structure will be essentially maintained. However,
if the metal is heated to a higher temperature before cooling, the grain size
will be larger, and the result will be a coarser grain structure in the room
temperature structure. The temperature reached during thermal cycles
upon heating above the transformation temperatures (such as during a
welding process) will therefore have a significant effect on the end
properties of the material.
Figure 4-5
Schematic Representation of Transformations of Carbon Steel with
Slow Cooling [13]
When the structure cools further to just below the Ar1 temperature (as
represented by point d just below Ar1 in Figure 4-5), the high-carbon
austenite transforms to ferrite and cementite because the ferrite is not able
to accommodate the high carbon content. This results in the pearlitic
microstructure in which the ferrite and the cementite are arranged in
alternating lamellar platelets, as shown in Figure 4-1.
the microstructure of the material. The effects of the cooling rates are
discussed more fully in Section 4.3.3. Following is a discussion of the
various microstructures that might result from this more rapid cooling.
Figure 4-6
Microstructure of Upper Bainite as Seen in the Transmission Electron
Microscope (Note the carbides in the ferrite lath boundaries. A thin
foil and magnification of 5500x were used.) [12]
Reprinted with permission of ASM International. All rights reserved.
Figure 4-7
Microstructure of Lower Bainite as Seen in the Transmission Electron
Microscope (Note the carbides at a discrete angular orientation within
the ferrite laths. A thin foil and magnification of 8000x were used.)
Reprinted with permission of ASM International. All rights reserved.
If the cooling rate is too rapid to allow nucleation and growth mechanisms
(this condition is called the critical cooling rate), the result is that the
trapped carbon is forced into the crystalline lattice. Instead of forming
ferrite structures, the austenite lattice shears and results in a body-centered
tetragonal structure called martensite (see Figure 4-8). This martensitic
transformation occurs without diffusion of the carbon and therefore occurs
very rapidly. In addition, once the austenitic structure is undercooled to
the point at which the carbon cannot diffuse and additional ferrite cannot
form, the only remaining transformation that can occur upon further
cooling is to martensite. The temperature at which martensite begins to
form from austenite is the Ms. Because ferrite cannot form, martensite will
continue to form as the temperature decreases from any existing austenite
until all of the austenite is transformed, which occurs at the martensite
finish temperature, or Mf. This carbon steel martensitic structure is known
to be both hard and strong but lacks ductility and toughness in the
untempered state. The resulting maximum hardness is closely related to
the carbon content of the steel and the percentage of martensite that is
formed (see Figure 4-9).
Figure 4-8
Microstructure of Water-Quenched Low-Alloy Steel Showing Lath
Martensite (A 2% nital etchant and magnification of 500x were used.)
Reprinted with permission of ASM International. All rights reserved.
Figure 4-9
The Relationship Between Carbon Content and Maximum Obtainable
Hardness in Carbon or Alloy Steels [11]
Figure 4-10
The Relationship of CCT and IT Diagrams for Eutectoid Steel (Four
cooling rates from different positions on a Jominy end-quench
specimen are superimposed on the CCT diagram.) [14]
Reprinted with permission of ASM International. All rights reserved.
The Jominy end-quench test is related to the CCT diagram because the
specimen is raised to an austenitizing temperature and then quenched on
one end with water. The result is a varying cooling rate along the
specimen that can then be plotted on the CCT to determine the expected
microstructure. Hardness readings taken at points along the specimen can
then be used to determine the hardenability of the steel.
Figure 4-11
Isothermal Transformation Diagram for SAE 1021 Steel (0.20%
Carbon) [15]
Reprinted with permission of United States Steel Corporation. All rights
Figure 4-12
Isothermal Transformation Diagram for AISI-SAE 1035 Steel [11]
Reprinted with permission of the American Welding Society. All rights
Tables 5-1 through 5-3 and Figure 5-1 present the physical properties for
carbon steels.
Table 5-1
Typical Physical Properties of Carbon Steel
Table 5-2
The Variation in Selected Physical Properties with Temperature
Table 5-2 (continued)
The Variation in Selected Physical Properties with Temperature
Figure 5-1
Carbon Steel (AISI 1025) Specific Heat Versus Temperature
Table 5-3
Carbon Steel (AISI 1025) Specific Heat (Joules/Kilogram - °Kelvin)
Data Versus Temperature
Figure 5-2
Design Tensile and Yield Strength of Carbon Steels Versus
Temperature [8]
Unfortunately, with power plants, other factors enter the story. These
factors are often related to the operation of the plant and can include the
desire to operate at higher temperatures to increase efficiency, the buildup
of corrosion products within the pipe or tube (this can expose the material
to a higher localized temperature than that intended in a boiler),
obstructions in the pipe or tube, and local flaws that can cause local stress
where (ºF + 460) is the absolute temperature, C is a constant assumed to
be 20 for carbon and low-alloy steels, and t is the time to failure in hours.
Graphs for different material groups are available, such as those shown in
Figure 5-3 for medium carbon steel, Figure 5-4 for carbon steel pipe or
tube, and Figure 5-5 for carbon steel plate.
Figure 5-3
Elevated Temperature Material Properties, Including Creep Rupture
for Medium Carbon Steel (In LMP, C=20, T [°R].) [22]
Figure 5-4
Variation of the LMP with Stress for Rupture of Carbon Steel Pipe and
Tube [23]
Figure 5-5
Variation of LMP with Stress for Rupture of Carbon Steel Plate [23]
Creep failures can occur in carbon steel materials when subjected to long-
term overheating while under stress. Although carbon steel materials are
generally not used under conditions where creep is expected, a number of
factors can cause the material to see higher temperatures than expected,
particularly within a boiler with a heat source external to the material. The
buildup of an internal oxide scale or tube blockage can cause this
5.4 Graphitization
Several major failures have occurred in carbon and carbon-molybdenum
steels as a result of long-term service at elevated temperatures. The
mechanism of these failures has been graphitization [25, 26], a
microstructural change that occurs primarily in materials that have been
deoxidized using aluminum. The pearlitic microstructure is a mixture of
ferrite and iron carbide (cementite). However, the cementite is unstable at
higher temperatures and breaks down into essential pure iron and
randomly dispersed carbon. The breakdown occurs over a significant
period related to the temperature (see Figure 5-6): this can result in a very
localized failure of the weak pure iron associated with the brittle carbon.
Often, the primary location for this failure is in the heat-affected zone of a
weld at the point where the material is briefly heated above the lower
transformation temperature (in the intercritical zone). (See Figure 5-7.)
This occurs slightly away from the fusion line of the weld and can extend
around the entire circumference of the pipe at a girth weld. The failure can
be similar to a brittle failure and can therefore be catastrophic. Some
failures have resulted in complete separation of a pipe at a girth weld (a
double-ended pipe break).
Figure 5-6
The Relationship Between Graphitization, Temperature, and Time [27]
Figure 5-7
Photomicrograph Illustrating Graphitization (the Black Nodules) in a
Weld Heat-Affected Zone (Graphitization took place in the carbon
steel after approximately 15 years of service at 850ºF [455ºC].) [24]
This mechanism was first recognized in the early 1940s, but significant
failures have occurred much more recently—for example, a graphitization
failure occurred in August 1977 that resulted in six fatalities. Failures
have occurred even though Codes such as B31.1 recognized the
mechanism and took steps to limit the use of the carbon and carbon-
molybdenum steels to temperatures at which this mechanism would not be
expected. The problem was that many plants had already been designed
and built using these materials at higher temperatures. The temperature
above which graphitization is expected to occur is approximately 800ºF
(427ºC) for carbon steels. Although the materials used today have much
better resistance to graphitization due to the use of silicon instead of
aluminum as a deoxidizer, they are still susceptible. Long-term operation
of carbon steels at temperatures above 800ºF (427ºC) should therefore be
avoided. Modern power plant design would not allow carbon steels to be
used for long-term operation at the elevated temperature at which
graphitization could occur. However, the failure mechanism is still a
concern due to material identification or design errors.
Figure 5-8
Typical S-N Curve for Medium Strength Carbon Steel [28]
Metallurgical discontinuities are those for which the microstructure is
crack-sensitive, such as those with high hardness, low toughness, or high
residual stresses. These discontinuities can often occur within the heat-
affected zone of a weld or in the weld itself. The effect of microstructural
differences can be seen in Figure 5-9 (the endurance ratio is the endurance
limit divided by the ultimate tensile strength). Because some of the
microstructures illustrated are the result of welding in the areas of the
heat-affected zone, this is in part the same issue as the metallurgical
discontinuities. The environment and the service will also affect the
fatigue strength of a component because corrosion and creep will also
contribute to an acceleration of fatigue.
Figure 5-9
The Effect of Steel Microstructure on the Endurance Ratio [28]
grain size—or adding other grain-refining elements, such as niobium,
vanadium, or titanium. Heat treatment can also result in grain growth or
refinement by austenitizing at different temperatures, as discussed in
Section 4.3.2. An aging heat treatment on material that has been
recrystallized after cold working might increase the grain size.
Figure 5-10
The Effect of Grain Size on Transition Temperature (Variation in
fracture appearance transition temperature [FATT] with ferritic grain
size for 0.11% carbon mild steel.) [30]
Figure 5-11
The Relationship Between 105-Hour Creep Rupture Strength and
Ultimate Tensile Strength for Carbon Steel [31]
Table 6-1
Maximum Metal Temperatures [31]
Oxidation Resistance
7.1 Machinability
The carbon steels covered by this report have generally high levels of
machinability [33, 34] even though this is not a factor for selection of the
steel in the applications intended (primarily, power plant and pressure
applications). Machinability can be based on tool life, cutting speed,
power consumption, comparison with standard steels, quality of surface
finish, and feeds resulting from constant thrust force [33]. As with other
properties—such as strength, hardness, and ductility—carbon content is
the dominant factor in machinability. Compared to a free-machining steel
containing a high level of sulfur that would give the steel low weldability
and a possible machinability rating of 100 (based on cutting speed), a
carbon steel with approximately 0.15% carbon might have a machinability
rating of 60. Carbon steel with 0.30% carbon might have a rating of 70.
Steels with higher carbon contents, however, can result in lower ratings
because the hardness of the material starts to reduce the machinability—
carbon steel with 0.50% carbon might have a rating of only 45 [34].
7.3 Welding
7.3.1 Weldability
The term weldability is also used in a narrower sense to mean the ease
with which a material can be welded without cracking or other
discontinuities. It is this meaning that is more relevant to the welding
P Number Designation
Section IX of the ASME B&PV Code groups base metals with others of
similar weldability. The materials covered in this report all have the
current ASME Section IX designation of P number 1, with the exceptions
listed in Table 7-1. The P number 1 materials are carbon or carbon-
manganese steels. For the purpose of addressing toughness considerations,
the P number 1 materials are subdivided into Groups 1–4. Although
variations might be considered by the Section IX Code Committee, the
following breakdown is used:
• P number 1: Carbon or carbon-manganese steels
– Group 1: Minimum tensile strength of less than 70 ksi
(485 MPa)
– Group 2: Minimum tensile strength of 70–80 ksi
(485–550 MPa)
– Group 3: Minimum tensile strength of 80–90 ksi
(550–620 MPa)
– Group 4: Minimum tensile strength of greater than 90 ksi
(>620 MPa)
Table 7-1
Listed Materials Without Current ASME Section IX P Number
Designations or with Group Number Exceptions
Table 7-1 (continued)
Listed Materials Without Current ASME Section IX P Number
Designations or with Group Number Exceptions
Table 7-1 (continued)
Listed Materials Without Current ASME Section IX P Number
Designations or with Group Number Exceptions
The type of examination can also influence the joint design. For example,
when an ultrasonic examination is required, the joint is prepared in a way
that the backside of the weld minimizes the signal interruption by the joint
configuration. Also, the use of backing rings can complicate the
interpretation of radiographs.
Figure 7-1
Typical Butt Weld Joint Preparations
Reprinted from ASME B31.3-2004 [7], by permission of The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
Figure 7-2
A Typical Weld Joint Preparation Trimmed for Misalignment
Reprinted from ASME B31.3-2004 [7], by permission of The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
Figure 7-3
A Typical Welding End Transition: Maximum Envelope
Reprinted from ASME B31.3-2004 [6], by permission of The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
The weld joint at times has been designed to minimize the effects of
thermal transients on dissimilar welds in high-temperature environments.
This configuration can actually provide a much wider weld with a flatter
angle on the bevel than would otherwise be used. When possible, this joint
design is avoided because it increases the amount of welding required.
The weld joint preparation must also be made so that the surfaces to be
welded (and the surfaces close to the weld) are clean and dry. Even minor
contaminants can be the cause of an unsuccessful weld.
When the application is repair, the weld joint is the cavity to be filled.
Like any other joint, this cavity must be prepared to allow the welder
access to the weld location.
7.3.3 WPSs
WPSs are required for all Code welding. When the fabrication is being
done in accordance with ASME B&PV Code or ASME B31 Pressure
Piping Codes, the WPSs that are required are those qualified in
accordance with ASME Section IX, “Welding and Brazing
Qualifications,” or those that are acceptable to the Section IX rules
(specific rules are applicable in the case of standard welding procedures
[SWPs] that have been accepted by ASME Section IX). These WPSs are
intended to provide direction to the welder in order to make a weld that
meets the design requirements for properties and soundness.
The user is cautioned that the qualification rules for WPSs are simplified
and apply to a broad range of materials (the P numbers described in
Section 7.3.1). This can result in a WPS that is qualified but not
technically adequate for welding some materials. For instance, a P number
1 carbon steel welding procedure qualified using 60-ksi (415-MPa)
material and 60-ksi (415-MPa) filler metal could be considered to be
qualified for P number 1 carbon steel material of 90 ksi (620 MPa) tensile
strength using the same 60-ksi (415-MPa) filler metal. This presents the
problem that the weldment might not meet the strength requirements of
the base metal. Some (but not all) Codes require that the WPS
qualification be performed using materials of the maximum strength level
to be used or that the filler metal selected be of similar strength and
chemical composition as the base metal. In this latter case, the designer
can select other filler metals.
Fabrication Preheat
The primary purpose of preheat prior to and during welding is to slow the
cooling rate in the weld area. This has multiple effects on the resulting
weldment. For those materials that have a high hardenability, the effect is
to lower the hardness levels that result from the extreme thermal cycles
that occur during welding. For carbon steel materials of fairly high
relative carbon content, this becomes important—particularly for single
pass welds because these will result in very high peak hardnesses that are
not somewhat tempered by other passes.
The cooling rates that occur during welding are a result of multiple factors
beyond the use of preheat. Included are factors such as material thickness
(because the primary heat removal is by conduction), thermal
conductivity, and welding heat input. Preheat might be needed to
counteract such factors. With the exception of the material thicknesses,
the rules contained in the Codes do not directly address these factors.
The current Code (B&PV and B31) rules for preheat of carbon steels are
fairly consistent. The general requirements are as follow: the minimum
preheat is 50ºF (10ºC), and for materials with a carbon content > 0.30%
and a thickness at the joint > 1 in. (25 mm), the minimum preheat is 175ºF
(80ºC). PWHT
The Code requirements for PWHT of carbon steels are quite inconsistent.
They are, however, mandatory within each Code application. The
thicknesses that require PWHT vary from 0.75 in. (19.1 mm) for the
greater thickness at the joint to 1.5 in. (38.1 mm) for the thinner thickness
at the joint. There are also many exemptions that apply to different types
of welds and for welds in which the weld thickness is less than the
exemption thickness. There are efforts to try to bring more consistency to
the various Codes, and changes are likely. The one value that is
reasonably consistent for carbon steels is the holding temperature
previously described. In addition to the Code requirements describing the
PWHTs, the WPSs also contain the requirements for PWHT. Both the
Code requirement and the WPS requirement must be followed.
The heating and cooling rates are required by the Codes to be controlled at
maximum rates of either 400ºF (220ºC) per hour or 600ºF (335ºC) per
hour, normally above 600ºF (315ºC) to the holding temperature. The
purpose of this is to minimize distortion and stresses developed by high
thermal gradients.
Local PWHT is often the only choice in field applications. For large
vessels, this can be an extensive undertaking because it normally requires
the entire circumference of the vessel to be subjected to the PWHT even if
the welding occurred at a limited area. ASME Section VIII does allow
local PWHT without heating the entire circumference in some
applications (see Section VIII, Div. 1, paragraph UW-40 [41]). Local
PWHT requires that the soak band (the heated material that is held at the
required PWHT temperature) extend beyond the edges of the weld usually
by at least one thickness at the joint or a thickness that is three times the
total width. The purpose of this width is to ensure that the inner diameter
of the weld has been adequately heat-treated because the heated band will
be much narrower at the inner diameter when it is uninsulated and the
only heating occurs on the outer diameter.
An ideal weld would be one that is invisible to the environment and the
loads imposed on it. This means that in the ideal weld, the weld metal and
the heat-affected zone are very similar in chemical composition and
strength properties to those of the base metals being welded. Obviously,
this is not always possible due to factors such as dissimilar joints, the
availability of filler metals that will result in a deposit of a similar
composition, certain weld designs that require different strength
properties, the inability to duplicate manufacturing heat treatments, and
the inherent isotropy of the dendritic weld structure. However, when these
factors are not controlling, the choice of filler metals should achieve as
much similarity as possible. In carbon steels, this is primarily achieved by
selecting filler metals whose deposit strength is not significantly less or
more than the base materials being welded.
As with all of the variables associated with welding, the choice of filler
metals is controlled by the WPS and what was used during the WPS
qualification. However, particularly for the carbon steels, there can be an
excessive range of qualified filler as a result of one qualification test. For
example, procedure qualification using a low tensile strength P number 1
carbon steel base material and low tensile strength filler would serve to
qualify a much higher tensile strength P number 1 base material with the
same low tensile strength filler. This would obviously violate the intent to
achieve similar strength properties in the weld and the base material.
Some Codes have rules that would require the qualification of the highest
strength base materials to be used or to use filler metals of similar strength
as the base material.
For the materials in this report, the typical filler metals can be those types
designated as E60xx or E70xx for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW),
ER70S-x for gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) or gas metal arc welding
(GMAW), and E6xT-x or E7xT-x for flux-cored arc welding (FCAW).
The choice of filler metal for the submerged arc welding (SAW) process
is more complicated because it involves both the electrode selection and
the flux selection. The filler metal specifications (AWS [44] and ASME
[45]) for these materials are as follows:
• SMAW: AWS A-5.1 or ASME SFA-5.1
• GTAW or GMAW: AWS A-5.18 or ASME SFA-5.18
• FCAW: AWS A-5.20 or ASME SFA-5.20
• SAW: AWS A-5.17 or SFA-5.17
Although carbon steels are not as susceptible to hydrogen cracking as the
alloy steel materials, it is advisable to use electrodes that have low
diffusible hydrogen content of H8 or less.
7.4 Repair
Repair can take the form of restoring the item to the original configuration
by a total replacement of sections or components. Repair sometimes takes
the form of techniques in which there is a new configuration but the
resulting repair will serve the need. In some cases, the repair is not
expected to be permanent but rather a stop-gap measure to gain time until
a permanent repair can be made. Repair of a component or section
requires some knowledge of the expected cause of the failure or
degradation in order to avoid a repeat failure or to avoid exacerbating the
cause. However, in the case of a temporary repair, often the true cause can
not be resolved, but the prior history allows temporary operation in order
to properly prepare for a permanent repair.
When the weld is between carbon steel and austenitic stainless steel, a
filler with increased chromium and nickel content, such as a Type 309
alloy, is often used. This increased alloy content will help to form a
similar composition in the weld when diluted with the carbon steel base
material. Nickel-based fillers are also used—particularly in high-
temperature applications—because the nickel-based material has a thermal
expansion coefficient that is closer to the carbon steel than the austenitic
13. Metallurgical Guidebook for Fossil Power Plant Boilers. EPRI, Palo
Alto, CA: 2006. 1011912.
14. Metals Handbook, Volume 4: Heat Treating, “Heat Treating of
Steel,” “Quantitative Prediction of Transformation Hardening in
Steels,” “Relationship Between IT, CCT, and Jominy Curves.” ASM
International, Materials Park, OH: 2002.
15. United States Steel, I-T Diagrams, 1963.
16. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II, Part A, Ferrous
Material Specifications, SA-941, “Specification for Terminology
Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Related Alloys, and Ferroalloys.”
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York: 2004.
17. Metals Handbook, Volume 1, Properties and Selection: Irons, Steels,
and High Performance Alloys, “Carbon and Low Alloy Steels,”
“Physical Properties of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels.” ASM
International, Materials Park, OH: 2002.
18. “General Properties of Steels.” Retrieved from,
19. The Grade 22 Low Alloy Steel Handbook. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA:
2005. 1012840.
20. Metals Handbook, Desk Edition, “Glossary of Terms.” ASM
International, Materials Park, OH: 2002.
21. Metals Handbook, Volume 11: Failure Analysis and Prevention,
“Fracture,” “Creep and Stress Rupture Failures,” “Bulk Creep
Behavior.” ASM International, Materials Park, OH: 2003.
22. Boiler Tube Failure Metallurgical Guide, Volume 2: Appendices.
EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 1994. TR-102433-V2.
23. G. V. Smith, An Evaluation of the Elevated Temperature Tensile and
Creep-Rupture Properties of Wrought Carbon Steel. ASTM Data
Series DS 11S1. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA:
24. Boiler Tube Failures: Theory and Practice, Volume 3: Steam-
Touched Tubes. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 1996. TR-105261-V3.
36. Buttwelding Ends. ASME B16.25. American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, New York: 2003.
37. Structural Welding Code – Steel. D1.1/D1.1M. American Welding
Society, Miami, FL: 2004.
38. Single Welding Qualification Code Project. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA:
2004. 1009714.
39. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I, “Power Boilers.”
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York: 2004 with
2005 Addenda.
40. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, “Nuclear Power
Plant Components.” American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
New York: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
41. ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1,
“Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels.” American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, New York: 2004 with 2005 Addenda.
42. BPTCS Task Group on PWHT – Final Report. American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, New York: 1998.
43. Recommended Practices for Local Heating of Welds in Piping and
Tubing. D10.10/ D10.10M. American Welding Society, Miami, FL:
44. Filler Metal Specifications. A5.xx. American Welding Society,
Miami, FL: various dates.
45. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II, Part C,
“Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals.”
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York: 2004 with
2005 Addenda.
46. National Board Inspection Code. NB-23. National Board of Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, Columbus, OH: 2001.
47. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, “Rules for
Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components.” American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York: 2004 with 2005
48. Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: Maintenance Inspection, Rating,
Repair and Alteration, API 510. API, Washington, D.C.: 2003.
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
These products
SA-134 are fabricated
K02702 0.27 0.90 0.035 0.04 0.40 -- -- -- -- -- --
Gr. 283D from SA-283
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Table A-1 (continued)
Material Chemical Compositions
Chemical Compositions of Selected Carbon Steels
Other notes:
1. The specification or grade has been discontinued. The information given is from the last available specification or code. See Table 3-1 for the specific source edition.
2. UNS numbers were obtained from ASTM DS-56I/SAE HS-1086/2004, 10th Edition, unless otherwise identified.
3. UNS numbers were obtained from ASME B&PV Code [1], Section IX, Table QW/QB-422, 2004 Edition with 2005 Addenda.
4. UNS numbers were obtained from DS-56G/SAE HS-1086/Jan 99, 8th Edition.
5. These grades are no longer made, although they are listed in the current specification (2004 with 2005 Addenda). Plates required were fabricated to a now-discontinued
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-27 60-30 J03000 60 415 30 205 24 35 --
SA-27 65-35 J03001 65 450 35 240 24 35 --
SA-27 70-36 J03501 70 485 36 250 22 30 --
A-27 70-40 J02501 70 485 40 275 22 30 --
A-27 N1 J02500 Mechanical testing not required
A-27 N2 J03500 Mechanical testing not required
K02504 (Based on
SA-53 Gr. A 48 330 30 205 (Based on size) --
(Note 4) size)
K03005 (Based on
SA-53 Gr. B 60 415 35 240 (Based on size) --
(Note 4) size)
K03504 187 Brinell
SA-105 70 485 36 250 22 30
(Note 4) hardness (HB)
SA-106 Gr. B 60 415 35 240 16.5 -- --
(Note 4)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-106 Gr. C 70 485 40 275 16.5 -- --
(Note 4)
SA-134 Gr. 283A K01400 45–60 310–415 24 165 30 -- --
SA-134 Gr. 283B K01702 50–65 345–450 27 185 28 -- --
SA-134 Gr. 283C K02401 55–75 380–515 30 205 25 -- --
SA-134 Gr. 283D K02702 60–80 415–550 33 230 23 -- --
SA-134 Gr. 285A K01700 45–65 310–450 24 165 30 -- --
SA-134 Gr. 285B K02200 50–70 345–485 27 185 28 -- --
SA-134 Gr. 285C K02801 55–75 380–515 30 205 27 -- --
SA-135 Gr. A K02509 48 331 30 207 35 -- --
SA-135 Gr. B K03018 60 414 35 241 30 -- --
A-139 Gr. A -- 48 330 30 205 35 -- --
A-139 Gr. B 60 415 35 240 30 -- --
(Note 4)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
A-139 Gr. C 60 415 42 290 25 -- --
(Note 4)
A-139 Gr. D K03010 60 415 46 315 23 -- --
A-139 Gr. E K03012 66 455 52 360 22 -- --
SA-155 KC55 K02001 From
55–75 380–515 30 205 27 --
(Note 1) (Note 5) A-515 Gr. 55
SA-155 KC60 From
K02401 60–80 415–550 32 220 25 --
(Note 1) A-515 Gr. 60
SA-155 KC65 From
K02800 65–85 450–585 35 240 23 --
(Note 1) A-515 Gr. 65
SA-155 KC70 From
K03101 70–90 485–620 38 260 21 --
(Note 1) A-515 Gr. 70
SA-155 KCF55 From
K01800 55–75 380–515 30 205 27 --
(Note 1) A-516 Gr. 55
SA-155 KCF60
K02100 60–80 415–550 32 220 25 -- --
(Note 1)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-155 KCF65
K02403 65–85 450–585 35 240 23 -- --
(Note 1)
SA-155 KCF70 From
K02700 70–90 485–620 38 260 21 --
(Note 1) A-516 Gr. 70
SA-178 Gr. A K01200 47 325 26 180 35 -- --
SA-178 Gr. C K03503 60 415 37 255 30 -- --
SA-178 Gr. D K02709 70 485 40 275 30 -- --
SA-179 47 325 26 180 35 -- --
(Note 4)
SA-181 Cl. 60 K03502 60 415 30 205 22 35 --
SA-181 Cl. 70 K03502 70 485 36 250 18 24 --
SA-192 K01201 47 325 26 180 35 -- --
SA-210 Gr. A1 K02707 60 415 37 255 30 -- --
SA-210 Gr. C K03501 70 485 40 275 30 -- --
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-212 Gr. B 21 for flange;
-- 70–85 485–585 38 260 -- --
(Note 1) 22 for firebox
72 Rockwell
SA-214 (Note 2) K01807 47 325 26 180 -- -- hardness (B
scale) (HRB)
SA-216 WCB J03002 70–95 485–655 36 250 22 35 --
SA-216 WCC J02503 70–95 485–655 40 275 22 35 --
SA-226 (Note 1) 47 325 26 180 35 -- 72 HRB
(Note 5)
SA-234 WPB K03006 60–85 415–585 35 240 30 -- --
SA-234 WPC K03501 70–95 485–655 40 275 30 -- --
SA-266 Gr. 1 60–85 415–585 30 205 23 38 --
(Note 4)
SA-266 Gr. 2 70–95 485–655 36 250 20 33 --
(Note 4)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-266 Gr. 3 75–100 515 690 37.5 260 19 30
(Note 4)
SA-266 Gr. 4 K03017 70–95 485–655 36 250 20 33 --
SA-283 Gr. A K01400 45–60 310–415 24 165 30 -- --
SA-283 Gr. B K01702 50–65 345–450 27 185 28 -- --
SA-283 Gr. C K02401 55–75 380–515 30 205 25 -- --
SA-283 Gr. D K02702 60–80 415–550 33 230 23 -- --
SA-285 Gr. A K01700 45–65 310–450 24 165 30 -- --
SA-285 Gr. B K02200 50–70 345–485 27 185 28 -- --
SA-285 Gr. C K02801 55–75 380–515 30 205 27 -- --
290 ≤ 1
42 ≤ 1 in. in.
SA-299 K02803 75–95 515–655 19 -- --
40 > 1 in. 275 > 1
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
13 feet/pound
SA-333 Gr. 1 K03008 55 380 30 205 35 -- (ft-lb) @
13 ft-lb @
SA-333 Gr. 6 K03006 60 415 35 240 30 --
HRB 85
SA-334 Gr. 1 K03008 55 380 30 205 35 -- 13 ft-lb @
HRB 90
SA-334 Gr. 6 K03006 60 415 35 240 30 -- 13 ft-lb @
13 ft-lb @
SA-350 LF1 K03009 60–85 415–585 30 205 28 38
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
15 ft-lb @
-50ºF for
Cl. 1
SA-350 LF2 K03011 70–95 485–655 36 250 30 30
20 ft-lb @
0ºF for
Cl. 2
13 ft-lb @
SA-352 LCA J02504 60.0–80.0 415–585 30.0 205 24 35
13 ft-lb @
SA-352 LCB J03003 65.0–90.0 450–620 35.0 240 24 35
15 ft-lb @
SA-352 LCC J02505 70.0–95.0 485–655 40.0 275 22 35
SA-372 Gr. A K03002 60–85 415–585 35 240 20 -- 121 HB
SA-372 Gr. B K04001 75–100 515–690 45 310 18 -- 156 HB
A-381Y35 K02601 60 415 35 240 26 -- --
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
A-381 Y42 K02601 60 415 42 290 25 -- --
A-381 Y46 K02601 63 435 46 316 23 -- --
A-381 Y48 K02601 62 430 48 330 21 -- --
A-381 Y50 K02601 64 440 50 345 21 -- --
A-381 Y52 K02601 66 455 52 360 20 -- --
A-381 Y56 K02601 71 490 56 385 20 -- --
A-381 Y60 K02601 75 515 60 415 20 -- --
SA-433 Gr. L-45
45–55 -- 24 -- 30 -- --
(Note 1)
SA-433 Gr. L-50
50–60 -- 27 -- 28 -- --
(Note 1)
SA-433 Gr.L-55
55–65 -- 30 -- 27 -- --
(Note 1)
SA-433 Gr. LK-55
55–65 -- 30 -- 27 -- --
(Note 1)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-433 Gr. LK-60
60–72 -- 32 -- 24 -- --
(Note 1)
65–77 -- 35 -- 22 -- --
Gr. LK-65 (Note 1)
70–85 -- 38 -- 20 -- --
Gr. LK-70 (Note 1)
SA-442 Gr. 55 K02202
55–75 380–515 30 205 26 -- --
(Note 1) (Note 5)
SA-442 Gr.60 K02402
60–80 415–550 32 220 23 -- --
(Note 1) (Note 5)
≤ 0.375-in.
75–95 515–655 38 260
K03300 thick
SA-455 22 --
-- >0.375 in.
73–93 505–640 37 255
≤0.580 in.
A-465 Gr. L-I
-- 60 414 30 207 22 35 --
(Note 1)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
A-465 Gr. L-II
-- 60 414 30 207 25 38 --
(Note 1)
A-465 Gr. L-III
-- 70 483 36 248 18 24 --
(Note 1)
A-465 Gr. L-IV
-- 70 483 36 248 22 30 --
(Note 1)
SA-508 Gr. 1 K13502 70–95 485–655 36 250 20 38 --
SA-515 Gr. 55 K02001
55–75 380–515 30 205 27 -- --
(Note 1) (Note 5)
SA-515 Gr. 60 K02401 60–80 415–550 32 220 25 -- --
SA-515 Gr. 65 K02800 65–85 450–585 35 240 23 -- --
SA-515 Gr. 70 K03101 70–90 485–620 38 260 21 -- --
SA-516 Gr. 55 K01800 55–75 380–515 30 205 27 -- --
SA-516 Gr. 60 K02100 60–80 415–550 32 220 25 -- --
SA-516 Gr. 65 K02403 65–85 450–585 35 240 23 -- --
SA-516 Gr. 70 K02700 70–90 485–620 38 260 21 -- --
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-524 Gr. I K02104 60–85 414–586 35 240 30 -- --
SA-524 Gr. II K02104 55–80 380–550 30 205 35 -- --
70–90 for
≤ 2.5 in. for ≤ 2.5 50 for 345 for
in. ≤ 2.5 in. ≤ 2.5 in.
SA-537 Cl. 1 K12437 65–85 22 -- --
450–585 45 for 310 for
for > 2.5 > 2.5 in. > 2.5 in.
in. for > 2.5
15 ft-lb @
SA-541 Gr. 1 K03506 70–95 485–660 36 250 20 38
15 ft-lb @
SA-541 Gr.1A K03020 70–95 485–660 36 250 20 38
A-573 Gr. 58 K02301 58–71 400–490 32 220 24 -- --
A-573 Gr. 65 K02404 65–77 450–530 35 240 23 -- --
A-573 Gr. 70 K02701 70–90 485–620 42 290 21 -- --
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-587 K11500 48 331 30 207 40 -- --
SA-671 Gr. CA55 K02801 55–75 380–515 30 205 27 -- from SA-285
Gr. C
SA-671 Gr. CB60 K02401 60–80 415–550 32 220 25 -- from SA-515
Gr. 60
SA-671 Gr. CB65 K02800 65–85 450–585 35 240 23 -- from SA-515
Gr. 65
SA-671 Gr. CB70 K03101 70–90 485–620 38 260 21 -- from SA-515
Gr. 70
SA-671 Gr. CC60 K02100 60–80 415–550 32 220 25 -- from SA-516
Gr. 60
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-671 Gr. CC65 K02403 65–85 450–585 35 240 23 -- from SA-516
Gr. 65
SA-671 Gr. CC70 K02700 70–90 485–620 38 260 21 -- from SA-516
Gr. 70
70–90 for
≤ 2.5 in. for 50 for 345 for
≤ 2.5 in. ≤ 2.5 in. ≤ 2.5 in. Fabricated
SA-671 Gr. CD70 K12437 65–85 22 -- from SA-537
450–585 45 for 310 for Cl.1
for > 2.5 in. > 2.5 in.
> 2.5 in. for
> 2.5 in.
SA-671 Gr. CE55 K02202
55–75 380–515 30 205 26 -- from SA-442
(Note 1) (Note 5)
Gr. 55
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-671 Gr. CE60 K02402
60–80 415–550 32 220 23 -- from SA-442
(Note 1) (Note 5)
Gr. 60
290 ≤ 1
42 ≤ 1 in. in.
SA-671 Gr. CK75 K02803 75–95 515–655 19 -- from
40 > 1 in. 275 > 1
SA-672 Gr. A45 K01700 45–65 310–450 24 165 30 -- from SA-285
Gr. A
SA-672 Gr. A50 K02200 50–70 345–485 27 185 28 -- from SA-285
Gr. B
SA-672 Gr. A55 K02801 55–75 380–515 30 205 27 -- from SA-285
Gr. C
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-672 Gr. B55
K02001 55–75 380–515 30 205 27 -- from SA-515
(Note 1)
Gr. 55
SA-672 Gr. B60 K02401 60–80 415–550 32 220 25 -- from SA-515
Gr. 60
SA-672 Gr. B65 K02800 65–85 450–585 35 240 23 -- from SA-515
Gr. 65
SA-672 Gr. B70 K03101 70–90 485–620 38 260 21 -- from SA-515
Gr. 70
SA-672 Gr. C55 K01800 55–75 380–515 30 205 27 -- from SA-516
Gr. 55
SA-672 Gr. C60 K02100 60–80 415–550 32 220 25 -- from SA-516
Gr. 60
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-672 Gr. C65 K02403 65–85 450–585 35 240 23 -- from SA-516
Gr. 65
SA-672 Gr. C70 K02700 70–90 485–620 38 260 21 -- from SA-516
Gr. 70
70–90 for
for 50 for 345 for
≤ 2.5 in. Fabricated
≤ 2.5 in. ≤ 2.5 in. ≤ 2.5 in.
SA-672 Gr. D70 K12437 65–85 22 -- from SA-537
450–585 45 for 310 for
for Cl.1
for > 2.5 in. > 2.5 in.
> 2.5 in.
> 2.5 in.
SA-672 Gr. E55 K02202
55–75 380–515 30 205 26 -- from A-442
(Note 1) (Note 6)
Gr. 55
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
SA-672 Gr. E60 K02402
60–80 415–550 32 220 23 -- from A-442
(Note 1) (Note 6)
Gr. 60
290 ≤ 1
42 ≤ 1 in. in.
SA-672 Gr. N75 K02803 75–95 515–655 19 -- from
40 > 1 in. 275 > 1
70–90 for
≤ 2.5 in. for 50 for 345 for
≤ 2.5 in. ≤ 2.5 in. ≤ 2.5 in. Fabricated
SA-691 Gr.
K12437 65–85 22 -- from SA-537
CMSH70 450–585 45 for 310 for
for Cl.1
for > 2.5 in. > 2.5 in.
> 2.5 in.
> 2.5 in.
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Table B-1 (continued)
Mechanical Properties of Selected Carbon Steels
Mechanical Properties
ASME/ASTM UNS Minimum Minimum
Material Number Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Reduction in Other
Specification (Note 3) (2 in./ 50mm), % Area, %
ksi MPa ksi MPa
K02803 42 ≤ 1 in. ≤ 1 in.
SA-691 Gr. CMS75 75–95 515–655 19 -- from
(Note 4) 40 > 1 in. 275
> 1 in.
Conversion notes:
1 in. = 25.4 mm
ºC = (ºF - 32) x 5/9
1 ft-lb = 1.356 joules
ºF = (ºC x 9/5) + 32
Other notes:
1. The specification or grade has been discontinued. The information given is from the last available specification or code. See Table 3-1 for specific source edition.
2. Mechanical properties are not specified in the SA-214 material specification; those shown were obtained from ASME Section II, Part D.
3. UNS numbers obtained from ASTM DS-56I/SAE HS-1086/2004, 10th Edition, unless otherwise identified.
4. UNS number obtained from ASME B&PV, Section IX, Table QW/QB-422, 2004 Edition with 2005 Addenda.
5. UNS number obtained from DS-56G/SAE HS-1086/Jan 99, 8th Edition.
6. These grades are no longer made, although they are listed in the current specification (2004 with 2005 Addenda). Plates required were fabricated to a now-discontinued
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