DcFAc6 970.full
DcFAc6 970.full
DcFAc6 970.full
n the field of dentistry, knowledge and technical Amongst dental practitioners themselves and
skills are not the only prerequisites for good prac- specialist groups working in the field, there has also
tice. An ability to communicate effectively with been a general acceptance of behavioral sciences and
patients—in particular, to use active listening skills, communication skills as important components of
to gather and impart information effectively, to handle dental education.12-15 Dental students and teaching
patient emotions sensitively, and to demonstrate staff have evaluated communication skills training
empathy, rapport, ethical awareness, and profession- as highly relevant as well.12,16-20 Only a small minor-
alism—is crucial. Among the benefits noted when ity of surveys have indicated that attitudes towards
dentists demonstrate effective communication skills communication skills training and behavioral sci-
are increased patient satisfaction, improved patient ences have been less positive or have worsened over
adherence to dental recommendations, decreased time.10,15
patient anxiety, and lower rates of formal complaints Despite widespread recognition of the impor-
and malpractice claims.1-9 tance of communication skills training in the dental
The importance of behavioral sciences, and in curriculum, the reality of what is practiced is some-
particular communication skills, was formally rec- what different. Two recent reviews, one of North
ognized in the United Kingdom with the 1990 publi- American dental schools and one of UK dental
cation of the General Dental Council’s guidelines for schools, have identified a number of problems with
the inclusion of behavioral sciences teaching in den- communication skills training to date. Yoshida et al.21
tal schools.10 In the United States, the American As- conducted a survey of forty U.S. and Canadian den-
sociation of Dental Schools’ 1993 guidelines11 iden- tal schools and found that only one-third of them had
tified core areas of behavioral science and courses focusing specifically on interpersonal com-
communication skills in the dental curriculum. munication. The authors noted that where programs
Table 1. Percentage of students who rated the course on the highest two categories on the Likert scale (4 & 5) and
the mean and standard deviation of student ratings
Percent rated
4 or 5 Mean and SD
Question (n = 59) (n = 59)
Table 2. Means, standard deviations, and ANOVA values, of student ratings for two groups: a) those who considered
communication skills (CS) as more important (increased ratings) compared with b) all other student ratings