Theo.3 Topic 2
Theo.3 Topic 2
Theo.3 Topic 2
church traced our roots. This is what we should not And to those in sorrow joy.
forget and are called to live out today (anamnesis).
In fulfillment of your will
“Father, we acknowledge your He gave himself up to death;
greatness: all your actions show your But by rising from the dead,
wisdom and love. You formed man He destroyed death and restored life.
in your own likeness and set him
over the world to serve you, his That we might live no longer for
creator... ourselves but for him,
(and for one another)
Even when he disobeyed you and He sent the Holy Spirit from you,
lost your friendship you did not father,
abandon him to the power of death as his first gift to those who believe,
but help all men to seek and find to complete his work on earth
you. Again and again you offered a and bring us the fullness of grace.”
covenant to man and through the
prophets taught him to hope for
What can we get from this excerpt from the
Father, you so loved the world Eucharistic Prayer IV? Going back to our lessons in
That in the fullness of time you sent Theology 1 we can say the following:
your only son to be our savior.
a. Our God is a God who takes the initiative to
He was conceived through the
reveal Himself/Herself to us and to find us.
power of the Holy Spirit, and
b. Our God is a God already and always present
born of the Virgin Mary,
and active in our life and the world, even
a man like us in all things but sin.
before we recognize or accept Him, and
whether we like it or not.
To the poor he proclaimed the good
c. Our God is a God revealing, showing or
news of salvation,
telling us that He/She is the God of life and
To prisoners freedom,
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First Semester 2014-2015.
Theology 3: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [3]
Topic 2: Church as Sacrament of Christ’s Life and Love
vine, you are the branches. Whoever c. The Church- Community is a community
remains in me and I in him will bear much of virtues
fruit because without me you can do
The church-community exists as
nothing.”(John 15:5).
witness to Jesus and his resurrection. She
also exists as the proof for the existence of
b. The Church-Community is the body of
Jesus’ Spirit living with His people. As
such it is a necessity that the church-
Christ is the head of that body we community must live a life filled with the
call church (Col 1:18). As the body of Christ Spirit. Christians are expected to be living
the Christian community acts as a “body” sacraments of the spirit, living spirit-filled
to locate the risen Christ in space and lives. Paul in his letter to the Colossians
time. As long as the body remains faithful, admonished the early Christians to
moved by the head who is Christ, then the renounce vices when he wrote: (Col 3:5-10.)
body, the church, makes it possible for
“Put to death then, the parts of
people to come in contact with Christ. As
you that are earthly: immorality,
the body of Christ, the Christian
impurity, passion, evil desire,
community implements in the concrete
and the greed that is
circumstances of human life the vision you must put
and purposes of the risen Christ. The
them all away: anger, fury,
Church becomes and should remain the
malice, slander, and obscene
clear sign and symbol through which Christ
language out of your mouths.
saving presence, his resurrection is made
Stop lying to one another...”
manifest and mediated to the world; a clear
perceptible manifestation of what and In the same letter and chapter (v.12-
who Jesus is as the risen Lord and what 17) Paul exhorts Christians:
his resurrection mean for us today.
“Put on then, as God’s chosen
ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt
understanding and appreciation of the meaning discussed individually in the coming chapters
involved in the particular event or experience. or lessons in class.
Most often, even after the celebration is over,
the celebration-experience continues to effect its
influence on ourselves and our life. 4. The Church-Community Live: Love of
The early Christians never thought of God and Love of neighbor as Christ has
going to church. What they knew was that of loved us.
“being a church” (Lode Wostyn). They did not
need to go to church. They are the church. They
The early Christians live a life of love of
gather together as a community to celebrate
God and love of neighbor. The book of the
their being church. They gather as a
Acts of the Apostles gives a brief but beautiful
community to express the fact that they were
description of the early church: (Acts 2:41-47)
graced, in ritual and sign. They saw their
communal activity as communal actions (of the “They devoted themselves to the
church) that celebrate the story of their teaching of the apostles and to the
wonderful relationship with God through communal life, to the breaking of the
Jesus. They did not go to church to receive bread and to the prayers. Awe came
something. They gathered together as a upon everyone and many wonders and
community to celebrate something: who and signs were done through the apostles.
what they are as church. All who believe were together and had
all things in common; they would sell
Today, the church’s official celebrations
their property and possessions and
of the Paschal Mystery are known as the seven
divide them among all according to each
sacraments; more specifically, the seven
one’s need. Every day they devoted
sacraments of the church. They are the
themselves to meeting together in the
sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation,
temple area and to breaking of bread in
Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick,
their homes. They ate their meals with
Matrimony and Holy Orders. They will be
exultation and sincerity of heart presence and love (Casel). The sacraments
praising God...” do not produce something. We do not go to
the sacraments so that something is done to
Jesus himself would tell his followers us or so that we are able to get or to receive
“By this everyone will know that you are my something. We come together to celebrate
disciples, if you have love for one another” our being church and sacrament.
(Jn13:35). In another verse Jesus says “A new
commandment I give to you, that you love one The sacraments are celebrations,
another, even as I have loved you, that you communal activity by which the
also love one another” (v. 34).In another verse community manifests, symbolizes and
Jesus tells his followers: “Greater love has no makes present to the individual and the
one than this, that one lay down his life for his community the reality of a joyful,
friends” (Jn15:13). The writer of the First Letter consoling, enriching event (Worgul). The
of John writes:””This is how we know what reality or joyful event the community
love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. celebrates is the Great love of God
And we ought to lay down our lives for our manifested definitively and uniquely in the
brothers and sisters” (1Jn 3:16) People will say person of Jesus Christ. Thus, what is
that this is a tall order. But this is how we, the happening in the celebration is more
church must live: love God and love of important than any particular object.
neighbor as Jesus have loved us. Sacraments are symbolic activities,
expressing in ritual form the presence of a
5. Sacraments as the Church’s Celebration of living God offering himself to the
God’s Transforming Love and Action towards a community; at the same time they are
Community of Virtues acceptance of God’s love by the community
in their act of worship.
A. Sacraments are celebrations.
Sacraments are festive actions in
The sacraments are celebrations,
which the Christians assemble to celebrate
communal act of worship (liturgy) that
their lived experience and call to heart their
celebrates something already given-God’s
Property of the Institute of Religious Education
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First Semester 2014-2015.
Theology 3: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [8]
Topic 2: Church as Sacrament of Christ’s Life and Love
common story (Guzie). Such event or God. As a kind of dialogue the encounter
common story is the life, death and demands mutual acceptance, gratuity and
resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth and what freedom. There is also the need for
God has done to humans through it. personal involvement, commitment and
Christians gather to celebrate their Central faith. Self-giving, active involvement, and
Myth- the Paschal Mystery, the life, death love is demanded of a person who
and resurrection of Jesus and attempt a participates in the sacrament. Since it is
communal interpretation of human life almost impossible to have totally passive
based on the same life, death and interpersonal relations, we can also say that
resurrection of Jesus. The Paschal mystery, sacraments do not function automatically,
the central Christian Myth, serves as a kind mechanically and magically.
of “Hermeneutic of Experience” adding
When two persons in love deeply
depth and richness of meaning to the
encounter each other, they discover
Christians’ understanding and appreciation
something of the mystery of that person.
of human life. Even after the celebration is
Sacraments so to speak gives people a
over, we become determined to live or
chance to fall in love with God through
continue living a truly and fully human life
Jesus and the Church (Schillebeeckx).Jesus
patterned after that of Jesus.
is the sacrament through people encounter
B. Sacraments are Encounter with God the mystery of God’s love and presence in
and Encounter with Jesus the world.
invitation to a new way of life that leads to one another. But still they have to celebrate
happiness and fulfillment (salvation). even if their unity is imperfect because
Jesus as the sacrament of the Father perfect unity is what they hope to be.
transformed the meaning of human
The sacraments are symbolic
existence and thereby transformed the very
figures allowing us entry into and
reality of human life and experience. The
empowerment to live out that
sacraments are effective rituals or truly
sacramentality (God’s presence, love and
sacramental if they make the saving
life)that is the very essence of life and
significance of the risen Christ truly
Christian existence; and mediating to us
humans what is really important and
E. Sacraments as symbolic actions of the meaningful for us as humans and
church Christians (Chauvet).The sacraments as
community behavior serves as a kind of
The sacraments are symbolic “stylized behavior” that signify something
activities of the community wherein they about the group, helping transform the
express collectively what they are and individual and the community to make it
what they are becoming more fully (Karl what it is and what it should be
Rahner). In every human action human (Christians).This the sacraments does by
being symbolize what they are. At the same giving us a memory of what it means to be
time every time they perform such action like Christ; helping in the process of
people go beyond or transcend what they initiation, full membership, and full
were before. The sacraments enable people Christian identity (Burgeois).
in celebration to express who they are and
at the same time become a challenge for
them to become who they should be. For
F. Sacraments as symbols of human
example, the Eucharist is a symbol of unity.
But it does not follow that people who
celebrate the Eucharist are fully united with
our community in the world in a truly and A. Group Sharing: What the church should be?
fully human way. As a community our goal
is love and togetherness starting with the
love of God for us and our response of love B. Class Sharing :
to God and neighbor which brings about
the kingdom of God on earth (Keenan).
Let us “ACT”/PRAY
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First Semester 2014-2015.