Delivery Challan Format Excel
Delivery Challan Format Excel
Delivery Challan Format Excel
Delivery Challan
Consignor : Date: ##########
Shubham Enterprises nashik No #: 100
jail road nashik road nashik
centeral railway tmw workshop
Sr. Item # Description HS CODE Qty. UOM Unit Price Discount Taxable Value
1 se001 100A mccb L&T with db box 0 1 nos -
2 se002 16A L&T mcb 11 nos -
20A L&T mcb ac box with metal clad
3 se003 6 nos -
plug socket switch
4 se004 green wire polycab 100 mtr -
5 se005 32A L&T mcb 4 nos -
Total Discount
Remarks: Subtotal
SGST @ 9% 0.00
Notes: CGST @ 9% 0.00
Total #VALUE!