BMW India CSR Policy V2.PDF - Asset.1633331834130
BMW India CSR Policy V2.PDF - Asset.1633331834130
BMW India CSR Policy V2.PDF - Asset.1633331834130
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................2
1 CSR Objectives.......................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Definition ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Annexure – 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 9
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BMW India Private Limited (BMW India) is a wholly owned subsidiary of BMW Group, with its
headquarter in Gurgaon, Haryana. The wide range of BMW India activities includes establishment
of a manufacturing plant in Chennai, a parts warehouse in Mumbai and development of a world-
class premium dealer organization across major metropolitan centers of the country.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) per BMW India ethos, refers to transparent
business practices that are based on ethical values, compliance with legal requirements, and
respect for people, communities, and the environment.
At BMW India, a broad social commitment is an integral part of our Culture and rich heritage and
how we define ourselves as a company. We feel both the desire and the obligation to be a reliable
partner for society. As such, we are particularly committed to those issues that are relevant to us
as a company in the regions where we operate.
The company is committed to undertake CSR activities in accordance with and in pursuance of
its statutory obligations with the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013
(hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) read together with the Companies (Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as “the Rules, 2014”) as amended from
time to time. The “CSR Policy” encompasses the company’s philosophy for delineating its
responsibility as a responsible Indian corporate entity.
The Policy lays down the guidelines and mechanism for undertaking socially useful programs for
welfare & sustainable development of the community at large. This policy shall apply to all CSR
initiatives and activities taken up by the company for the economic and social development of the
1. CSR Objectives:
Corporate Social Responsibility forms an integral part of the BMW India’s vision of itself as a
business enterprise. The broad areas of our corporate social responsibility focus include
intercultural innovation, social inclusion, responsible use of resources, skill development and
road safety. We also endeavor to align our efforts with the locally relevant topics and issues thus
creating a greater positive impact on the society.
Our efforts are directed towards scaling up of our social responsibilities and to help people to help
themselves in the long term. In addition to our focus areas, we also continue to support
neighborhoods around our locations and thus contribute towards local development.
It is both our objective and duty to be a dependable partner to society. The aim is to integrate the
company into society and to create mutual acceptance and a rewarding partnership while taking
local context into account.
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2. Definitions:
2.1 Act : means and refers to the Companies Act, 2013 as amended from time to time.
2.2 Committee: means the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee constituted by the
Board of Directors of the Company and referred to in section 135 of the Act.
For effectively carrying out CSR initiatives and to ensure that this policy meets its objective, as
mandated under the Act, the company has constituted the “Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee” (the “CSR Committee"). The composition of the CSR committee of the Board is as
• Chairman of the CSR Committee: The Managing Director of the company shall act
as the Chairman of the CSR Committee; and
• Number of Member Directors: The CSR Committee shall consist of at least two
The extant composition of the CSR Committee is enclosed as Annexure – 1. The Composition of
the Committee is subject to change, if any, where the Managing Director/any Director appointed
as the Chairman/member of the Committee retires, resigns or is removed from/by the Board of
Directors. The Board of Directors may fill any vacancy in the Committee by making an appointment
from the remaining Directors on the Board of the Company. For the relevant financial year, the
Board’s report in respect of that year shall disclose the composition of the CSR Committee.
In terms of section 135 of the Act read with the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility
Policy) Rules, 2014, the following are key responsibilities of the CSR Committee to:
(a) formulate CSR policy or amend/propose changes in the extant CSR policy on and
recommend the same to the Board for its consideration and approval;
(b) be responsible for identification, selection, approval, planning, execution, supervision, co-
ordination and monitoring of various programmes/projects, initiatives and activities to be
undertaken by the Company under its CSR programs ;
(c) recommend the CSR activities/projects and the amount to be expended on such
activities/projects, to the Board that the company will undertake during the relevant
financial year;
(d) Formulate broad guidelines for the selection of CSR initiatives/projects, planning the
execution of CSR activities/projects.
(e) monitor the progress of implementation of the CSR activities/projects from time to time;
(f) Formulate requisite strategies and institution of a transparent monitoring mechanism for
implementation of the projects/programmes/activities undertaken or proposed to be
undertaken by the company;
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(g) Recommend requisite disclosures in the Annual Report, stating that the implementation
and monitoring of the CSR policy is in compliance with the CSR objectives and Policy of
the company;
(h) Recommend terms of contract with respect to the execution of CSR Projects/programs
with BWM India foundation and/or any other implementation agency, identify and
recommend for acceptance any deviations/changes in CSR activities/project/programs
planned or implemented and make appropriate interact with the Governmental and Non –
Governmental Bodies as and when required in relation to implementation of CSR
activities/projects under this Policy;
(i) ensure receipt of Utilization Certificates along with Statement of Expenditure, duly certified
by an eligible professional (including Chartered Accountant of repute), by the
organizations/institutions to whom CSR Fund is allocated/by whom CSR Fund is spent;
(j) review performance of the company in the area of “Corporate Social Responsibility” and
decide the priority of the activities to be undertaken;
(k) ensure that the conduct of the CSR Policy is in line with the overall “Sustainability
The Committee shall place before Board of Directors of the company, its Report (at the end of
financial year) in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act and rules made thereunder.
The Board shall perform the following duties so far as the CSR Policy of the company and the
activities relating thereto are concerned. It shall;
(a) approve the “Corporate Social Responsibility Policy” or any amendments thereof for the
company after considering the recommendations made by the CSR Committee;
(b) disclose the contents of the company’s CSR Policy in the Board Report and shall display
the same on the company’s website;
(c) ensure that the activities included in the CSR Policy of the company are undertaken by the
(d) ensure that the company spends at least two per cent (2%) of the average net profits of
the company made during the three immediately preceding financial years in every
financial year;
(e) ensure that preference is given to the local area and areas around it where it operates, for
spending the amount allocated for CSR activities;
(f) ensure that activities covered by the company in it’s CSR Policy as CSR projects or
programmes are within the scope of Schedule VII of the Act and Rules framed thereunder.
(g) Ensure that the funds disbursed for the purposes of undertaking CSR activities/programs
directly or indirectly have been utilised for the purposes and in the manner approved by
the Board.
(h) Ensure adherence and enforcement of contractual obligations on the part of the
implementation agency in respect of the CSR projects for which any engagement is made
by the Company and basis the recommendation of the CSR committee, approve any
deviation/changes in the projects that are planned or under implementation through the
implementation agency
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6. Scope of activities under CSR initiative:
The CSR Committee is empowered to recommend activities and programs falling within the ambit
of Schedule VII read with Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 as
amended from time to time.
The activities which can be undertaken by the Company are specified in ScheduleVII.
(a) eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting preventive health care and
sanitation including contribution to the Swach Bharat Kosh set-up by the Central
Government for the promotion of sanitation and making available safe drinking water:
(b) promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation
skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood
enhancement projects;
(c) promoting gender equality, empowering women, setting up homes and hostels for women
and orphans; setting up old age homes, day care centers and such other facilities for senior
citizens and measures for reducing inequalities faced by socially and economically
backward groups;
(d) ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna,
animal welfare, agro forestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of
soil, air and water including contribution to the Clean Ganga Fund set-up by the Central
Government for rejuvenation of river Ganga.
(e) protection of national heritage, art and culture including restoration of buildings and sites
of historical importance and works of art; setting up public libraries; promotion and
development of traditional arts and handicrafts:
(f) measures for the benefit of armed forces veterans, war widows and their dependents
Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) and Central Para Military Forces (CPMF) veterans,
and their dependents including widows;
(g) training to promote rural sports, nationally recognised sports, paralympic sports and
Olympic sports;
(h) contribution to the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund or Prime Minister’s Citizen
Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM CARES Fund) or any other fund
set up by the Central Government for socio-economic development and relief and welfare
of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes, minorities and
(i) Contribution to incubators or research and development projects in the field of science,
technology, engineering and medicine, funded by the Central Government or State
Government or Public Sector Undertaking or any agency of the Central Government or
State Government; and
(j) Contributions to public funded Universities; Indian Institute of Technology (IITs); National
Laboratories and autonomous bodies established under Department of Atomic Energy
(DAE); Department of Biotechnology (DBT); Department of Science and Technology
(DST); Department of Pharmaceuticals; Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy,
Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH); Ministry of Electronics and Information
Technology and other bodies, namely Defense Research and Development Organisation
(DRDO); Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR); Indian Council of Medical
Research (ICMR) and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), engaged in
conducting research in science, technology, engineering and medicine aimed at promoting
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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(k) rural development projects
(l) slum area development
(m) disaster management, including relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities
(n) any other authority as may be notified by the relevant Authority under Schedule VII to the
The scope of activities may be enlarged to conform to the requirements of the Act as amended
from time to time.
7. CSR Expenditure
CSR Committee will recommend the annual budgeted expenditure to the Board for its approval.
To ensure funds are spent on CSR projects/programmes and projects under implementation are
completed within the planned timelines, a comprehensive Monitoring and Reporting framework
will be put in place which will be divided into two distinct areas:
Provided that, the company has specified the projects or programs to be undertaken through
these entities, the modalities of utilization of funds on such projects and programs and the
monitoring and reporting mechanism.
The Company may also collaborate with other companies for undertaking projects or programs or
CSR Activities in such a manner that the CSR committees of respective companies are in a
position to report separately on such projects or programs in accordance with Rules, 2014.
However, the CSR Committee of such group Companies or Associate Companies shall provide
separate reports on such projects or programmes in accordance with the applicable laws.
The Company may use services of expert agencies, consultancy firms etc. wherever required for
carrying out base line surveys, guidance on project design and implementation, impact
assessment surveys etc. The Company shall undertake impact assessment if so required in
compliance of provision of the Act and Rules, 2014
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The CSR Committee from time to time will specify the list of activities to be undertaken by the
company and shall place before the Board the status update of the projects and programs
undertaken specifying the modalities of execution of such activities or projects. The Committee
shall closely monitor the spending of CSR funds and progress of projects/programmes.
The CSR Committee shall formulate and recommend to the Board, an annual action plan in
pursuance of its CSR policy, which shall include the matter as specified in the Act.
The Board of Directors of Company will review on yearly basis the implementation of CSR projects
including the ongoing projects as per the applicable provisions of the Act.
The CSR Committee may approve the outside agencies with whom the collaborations or
association may be established to undertake CSR activities.
The CSR Committee will prepare the annual CSR report in accordance with provisions of the Act
and Rules which upon approval of the Board of Directors shall form part of the Board’s Report.
During every financial year, the CSR Committee will meet at least twice in a year. The committee
shall review and discuss the scope of the activities or programmes or projects those were
undertaken during the financial year as a part of the company’s CSR activities/projects. The Board
of Directors of the Company shall from time-to-time review CSR activities of the Company.
(a) As per the CSR Policy, the company shall undertake such CSR activities as projects or
programmes (either new or ongoing) not comprising the activities undertaken in pursuance
of it’s normal course of business.
(b) The company shall not consider the CSR activities as CSR projects or programmes or
activities that benefit only the employees of the company and their families. This may also
encourage its employees to actively and voluntarily participate in the CSR initiatives
undertaken by the company.
(c) Only the CSR projects or programmes or activities undertaken by the company in India
shall amount to CSR expenditure.
(d) In no case, the surplus arising out of the CSR activities shall form a part of “business profits”
ofthe company.
(e) Contribution made by the company of any amount directly or indirectly to any political party
shall not be considered as “CSR activity”. The company may build CSR capacities of it’s
own personnel as well as those of their Implementing agencies through Institutions with
established records of at least three financial years, however, such expenditure (including
administrative overheads) shall not exceed five percent of total CSR expenditure of the
company in one financial year.
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10. Funding, Allocation and Tax Treatment of CSR spend:
(a) For achieving its CSR objectives through implementation of meaningful and sustainable
CSR programmes, the Company will allocate 2% of average of its net profits computed as
per section 198 of the Companies Act, for the immediate three preceding financial years
made by the Company during “every block of three years” as its “Annual CSR Budget”.
(b) Tax treatment of the CSR spend of the company during every financial year, shall be in
accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1963 and rules framed thereunder,
as notified by the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and as amended from time to time.
(c) In any financial year, if the company fails to spend the required amount as mentioned
above, the Board shall, in its report, specify the reasons for not spending the amount in its
report and treat the balance fund in terms of the requirements of the Act.
The surplus arising out of the CSR Activities shall be ploughed back into the same project or
shall be transferred to the Unspent CSR Account and spent in pursuance of CSR policy and
annual action plan of the company or transfer such surplus amount to a Fund specified in
Schedule VII, within a period of six months of the expiry of the financial year.
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