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Tutorial 5: Integrating

Digital Mapping Tools

with Move
Tutorial 5: Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Exercise 1: Preparing basemaps in Move 4

Exercise 2: Setting up a stratigraphy column in Move 16

Exercise 3: Transferring data (basemaps and a stratigraphy column) from Move into FieldMove and
FieldMove Clino. 18

Exercise 4: Export a project from FieldMove and FieldMove Clino 27

Exercise 5: Visualising digital mapping data in Move 29

Conclusion 39
Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move



To demonstrate how Move can be used to prepare data for use in FieldMove and FieldMove Clino, outline
how data can be transferred between Move and each application, and explore the tools in Move that can
be used to display the collected field data.

Midland Valley has developed two digital mapping applications for field geologists: FieldMove Clino for Apple
and Android smartphones, and FieldMove for larger touchscreen tablet devices using the iOS, Android, or
Windows operating system. Both applications have inbuilt help pages, as well as more detailed user guides,
which can be downloaded from the Midland Valley website:


There are several features in Move that can be used to help set up a digital field mapping project before
going into the field. In addition, the data collected using the FieldMove Clino and FieldMove applications can
be quickly imported back into Move for visualization, model building and analysis. This tutorial will describe
the most effective workflows to:

l Prepare several basemaps and a stratigraphic column (or list of rock units) in Move.
l Transfer data onto a digital mapping device and import into FieldMove Clino and FieldMove.
l Export data from FieldMove Clino or FieldMove.
l Import and visualize the collected field data in Move.

Ordnance Survey maps and field data collected from Loch Eriboll, NW Scotland.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Exercise 1: Preparing basemaps in Move


l To outline how online basemaps can be downloaded and saved (cached) directly into FieldMove for
offline use.
l To show how a digital OS basemap and scanned field-slip can be imported into Move, then
converted into an MBTile and/or GeoTIFF for use in FieldMove or FieldMove Clino.

Downloading and caching basemaps in FieldMove

If working on a device with cellular or internet connectivity then online basemaps can be accessed within
FieldMove Clino and FieldMove. In FieldMove Clino the online maps are provided by Google Maps (for Android
devices) and Apple Maps MapKit (for iOS devices). In FieldMove the maps are provided by MapBox (across
all operating systems). Examples of online maps in FieldMove Clino and FieldMove are provided in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The Maps page in A) FieldMove and B) FieldMove Clino displaying satellite images of the Eriboll

In FieldMove the area of interest displayed in the Map View is automatically saved (cached) so that it can be
retrieved again at a later date. This is a useful feature if work is being carried out in a remote area without
any data connection; the map area that is cached beforehand can still be viewed. To cache an online map in
FieldMove the following workflow is recommended before going into the field:

Note: It is also possible to cache online maps in FieldMove Clino, however the amount of data saved is
limited by the storage space of the device, and it is common for cached maps to get overwritten.

1. Connect the tablet to a network provider or local WiFi (please note that charges may apply).

2. Open FieldMove and load the appropriate project.

Within the Map View an online basemap will be displayed.

3. From the Side Panel, open the Maps page by tapping .

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Three options are available for the type of basemap displayed; Satellite, Road and Terrain. Satellite
basemaps consist of a satellite image with key roads and settlement locations highlighted. Road basemaps
comprise more detailed road maps with settlement locations and basic geographic information (e.g. rivers,
forests, etc.) marked. Terrain basemaps display key roads, settlement locations, basic geographic
information, and elevation contours with a hillshade effect.

4. Tap on the desired basemap (that is most appropriate for the project).

5. Close the Maps page by tapping once more.

6. In the Map View, navigate to the field area and make sure to zoom into a level appropriate for

As the Map View is updating a rotating blue symbol will appear next to the icon for the Maps page . This
symbol indicates that the current view is being downloaded and cached into the FieldMove project. It will
disappear once the caching is complete.

7. Manually re-position the Map View until the entire field area has been viewed and cached, whilst
maintaining the desired basemap resolution . After each re-positioning wait until the rotating blue
symbol next to the Maps page icon has disappeared before navigating to a new part of the field area.

Note: To ensure that the basemap has been cached correctly before going out into the field, turn the
device onto Airplane Mode. Then open FieldMove and check that the online map will display at the
resolution appropriate for mapping (within the field area).

Once the online map has been cached into the FieldMove project, the basemap settings can be set to offline.
This will stop the app trying to download and cache maps over a patchy signal, which improves the
performance and battery life of the device.

8. To change the basemap settings to offline, tap the Side Panel .

9. Tap on Settings .

10. Next to Basemaps, tap Offline, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2:Settings window in FieldMove showing the Basemaps set to Offline.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

11. To apply the changes, tap on the top left of the Settings window.

FieldMove and FieldMove Clino can also work with offline basemaps that are saved as the file type known as
MBTile. These files can be imported as raster images into Move, converted into MBTiles and imported into
FieldMove and FieldMove Clino.

Note: In FieldMove it is also possible to import offline maps as GeoTIFFs and osgEarth files.

Import Ordnance Survey (OS) basemaps into Move and export as an

The following section will show how a digital OS basemap (.tif file) can be imported into Move and exported
as an MBTile. Digital OS basemaps are geo-referenced raster images, and can be imported into Move using
the GIS Data: Raster images/elevation grids Importer. When importing geo-referenced images the
coordinate system will be defined automatically using the information within the file.

Note: In Move2017 it is possible to directly import MBTile files directly into Move, if necessary.

12. In Move, on the File tab, click Insert.

13. Set the file format to GIS Data: Raster images/elevation grids.

14. Navigate to the following file and click Open:


15. Click on As an image (Figure 3).

Figure 3: GIS Raster Import: Import Type window

16. Click Next.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

A sub-region of the basemap can be chosen by checking on Import Sub Region and cropping the image.
However, in this exercise the full image extent will be imported.

17. Ignore the GIS Raster Import: Image Name and Region window and click Next.

18. Since this file is geo-referenced, in the GIS Raster Import: Image Location window click on Use
location information in file, as shown in Figure 4. This uses the geo-referencing information saved
in the .tif file to position the image.

Figure 4: GIS Raster Import: Image Location window

19. Click Next.

20. In the Import Projection Options window ensure that the correct coordinate system has been
defined, as shown in Figure 5.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 5: Import Projection Options window

21. Click Load and close the Import Summary window.

The OS basemap will be loaded into Move and visualized in a 3D View . To confirm the image has been
positioned correctly, the Google Map View can be opened.

Note: The Google Map View can only be opened when the Move project has a defined coordinate
system. In this case, the coordinate system has been set up automatically by importing a geo-
referenced file.

22. On the View tab, click Google Map. A new view will open.

23. At the top left of the Google Map View, click Satellite from the list. The view will update, as shown in
Figure 6.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 6: OS basemap inserted into Move and displayed in the Google Map View .

24. To close the Google Map View select the Close icon located above the view.

To export the image in the MBTile file format complete the following steps.

25. In the 3D View or the Model Browser, click on the OS basemap 01_Eriboll_OS.

26. Right-click, point to Export As and click Export MBTiles... (Figure 7).

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 7: Export the OS basemap as an MBTile

In the Set MBTiles Properties window it is possible to define the resolution of the exported file so that the
zoom level is suitable for mapping. Increasing the maximum zoom level will also increase the number of tiles
and thus, the file size. This information is provided in the window and it is important to check that there is
enough space on the device for the file.

Note: The maximum and minimum zoom levels should be set depending on how much detail is needed
from the image. The higher the level of detail, the bigger the file size. It is worth spending some time
thinking about how much detail is needed, and how much storage that particular image would take up on
the device.

27. In the Set MBTiles Properties, set Minimum Zoom Level to 1.

28. Set Maximum Zoom Level to 17, this will create a file with a size of 13 MB, as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8:Set MBTiles Properties window

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

29. Click OK.

30. Name the file Eriboll_OSMap.mbtiles and save it in a suitable location.

31. Click Save.

Import scanned field-slips into Move and export as a GeoTIFF

Scanned images of hand-drawn field-slips can also be imported into Move. Scanned images contain no geo-
referencing information, however this can be defined using the options available in the GIS Raster Importer.
To geo-reference a scanned image it is necessary to know the longitude (x) values of the left and right edges
of the image and the latitude (y) values of the top and bottom edges of the scanned image. These can be
read directly from a field-slip. Prior to importing the scanned image into a new Move project, the correct
coordinate system must be defined in the Document Properties, which is located on the Data & Analysis tab.

In this section an image will be imported into Move and geo-referenced, then exported as a GeoTIFF file, for
use in FieldMove.

Note: It is not possible to import GeoTIFF files into FieldMove Clino, as this application will only accept
maps in the MBTile file format. However, the following workflow can be adapted for users working on
FieldMove Clino by exporting the image from Move as a MBTile.

32. Continue working with the file from the previous section, or open:


The correct coordinate system will have been defined in the Move project when the OS basemap was
imported. This can be checked in the Document Properties.

33. On the Data & Analysis tab, click Document Properties. Information on the coordinate system will be
listed, as shown in Figure 9.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 9: Document Properties showing information on the coordinate system.

34. Close the Document Properties window.

Note: If the scanned field-slip was imported into a new, empty Move project, a dialog will automatically
open, allowing the user to define a coordinate system.

35. On the File tab, click Insert.

36. Set the File Format to GIS Data: Raster images/elevation grids and open file:


37. Click on As an image and click Next.

38. In the GIS Raster Import: Image Name and Region window, if not cleared by default, click the
Import Sub region check box and then click Next.

39. In the GIS Raster Import: Image Location window, click on Horizontal extents (document
coordinate system), as shown in Figure 10.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 10: GIS Raster Import: Image Location window

40. Click Next.

41. In the GIS Raster Import: Reference Settings window, define the height and image extents as

l Height = 0 m
l Top = 6484126.1 m
l Right = 404631.9 m
l Bottom = 6482263.4 m
l Left = 401712.6 m

The setup is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: GIS Raster Import: Reference Settings window

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

31. Click Load and close the Import Summary window.

The alignment between the field-slip and the OS map should be checked, this can be done by applying a
transparency to one of the maps, and checking that key features such as roads, buildings, rivers, and lakes,
are aligned on both the field-slip and OS map.

32. On the View tab, click Map View.

33. To apply a transparency, in Map View or the Model Browser, click on the image 01_Eriboll_OS.

34. On the Display toolbar, click on the Show Transparency Slider .

35. Increase the transparency and compare the two images, as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: The OS map (highlighted in red) has been given a transparency for comparison with the
underlying field-slip. The road and lochs on the two maps are good reference features.

Note: If necessary, the alignment between the field-slip and OS map can be improved by adjusting the
positioning of the field-slip using the Basic Transform and/or Advanced Transform tools. These are
located on the Model Building tab.

The correctly positioned field-slip is now ready to be exported as a GeoTIFF image, which can be imported
into FieldMove.

36. In the Model Browser, click on 02_Fieldslip.

37. Right-click, select Export As and click Export Image... (Figure 13).

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 13: Export the field-slip as a GeoTIFF

38. Set the Save as type to GeoTIFF (*.tiff).

39. Name the file Eriboll_Fieldslip.tif and save it in a suitable location.

40. Save the Move file as 02_Fieldslip_Imported.move.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Exercise 2:  Setting up a stratigraphy column in Move


To show how a Stratigraphy Column can be set up in Move and exported for use in FieldMove and
FieldMove Clino.

In FieldMove and FieldMove Clino all clinometer readings must be assigned to a unit in the Stratigraphy
Column. When working in a new FieldMove or FieldMove Clino project the Stratigraphy Column will be blank
and a list of rock units can be added manually within each application. Alternatively, a Stratigraphy Column
can be set up in Move and imported into each application. This workflow is outlined in the following steps.

1. Continue with the previous file or open:


2. On the Data & Analysis tab, click Stratigraphy.

The Move project is currently set up with a default stratigraphy consisting of ten horizons (Horizon_01 to
Horizon_10), as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Stratigraphy database containing ten horizons by default.

3. Select the rows for Horizon_09 and Horizon_10.

4. Delete these horizons from the Stratigraphy database by clicking on the Delete row(s) icon .

5. Re-name and assign a colour and age to the remaining eight horizons by double-clicking on the
respective cells. Assign the following parameters listed in Table 1.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Horizon Colour Age

Durness Limestone Green 500 Ma
Salterella Grit Yellow 510 Ma
Fucoid Beds Brown 520 Ma
Pipe Rock Dark blue 530 Ma
Basal Quartzite Light blue 540 Ma
Moine Orange 1100 Ma
Toridonian SST Purple 1200 Ma
Lewisian Gneiss Red 2900 Ma
Table 1: Showing the parameters to enter into the Stratigraphy database.

The database is shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15:Stratigraphy database set up for the Eriboll field area.

6. Click the green Apply icon .

Now that a list of rock units has been defined for the Eriboll area, this data can be exported from Move as a
.csv file, and imported in FieldMove and FieldMove Clino as a Stratigraphy Column. This workflow is ideal for
ensuring a consistency when multiple users are working in the same field area.

7. In the Stratigraphy database, click on the File menu and click Save as...

8. Set the Save as type to CSV (Comma delimited).

9. Name the file Eriboll_Stratigraphy.csv and save it in a suitable location.

Three files have now been created: Eriboll_OSMap.mbtile, Eriboll_Fieldslip.tif and Eriboll_Stratigraphy.csv.
These can be imported directly into FieldMove and FieldMove Clino for use when mapping.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Exercise 3: Transferring data (basemaps and a

stratigraphy column) from Move into FieldMove and
FieldMove Clino.


l To show how a basemap and stratigraphy column prepared in Move can be transferred from a PC
onto an iOS or Android devices.
l To import an MBTile basemap and Stratigraphy Column (.csv file) into FieldMove.
l To import an MBTile basemap and Stratigraphy Column (.csv file) into FieldMove Clino.

In this exercise the OS basemap that was exported as an MBTile file, and stratigraphy column will be
transferred onto a device and imported into FieldMove Clino and FieldMove. To transfer data prepared in
Move onto a digital mapping device, the device must be connected to the desktop computer or laptop,
commonly via a USB cable. This exercise is split into sections depending on whether an iOS or
Android/Windows device, FieldMove and FieldMove Clino is being used. Therefore, please navigate to the
section that is relevant.

Note: GeoTIFF files can only be imported into FieldMove and not FieldMove Clino. Although the
geoTIFF file is not used in this exercise, it can be imported onto devices using FieldMove using the same
workflow described in this exercise.

1. Continue working on the files exported during Exercise 1 and 2, or use the following files:




Transferring files onto iOS devices

2. Connect the iOS device to the computer that contains the basemap and stratigraphy column
generated in the previous exercises.

3. Click on iTunes and select the device from the iTunes toolbar by clicking .

4. Click Apps from the device options tab.

5. Click on the FieldMove or FieldMove Clino application on the list. In this example, the FieldMove
application has been selected.

A list of related files will appear in the right-hand column, under the heading FieldMove Documents as shown
in Figure 16.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 16: FieldMove Clino and FieldMove files are accessed and edited in iTunes by navigating to the
FieldMove Clino or FieldMove application listed in the Apps menu.

6. Click Add File...

7. Navigate to the basemap MBTile file (Eriboll_OSMap.mbtile) and stratigraphy column (Eriboll_
Stratigraphy.csv) file created during the previous exercise. With both files selected click Open.

Note: The GeoTiff can be imported into FieldMove but not FieldMove Clino.

8. The files will be listed in the FieldMove Documents column (Figure 17), if not, click Sync.

The data is now ready to be imported into FieldMove.

Figure 17: Files added to FieldMove

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Transferring files onto Android/Windows devices

9. Connect the Android/Windows device to the computer that contains the basemap and stratigraphy
column files generated in the previous exercise.

10. In a file browser (e.g. Windows explorer) navigate to the basemap MBTile file (Eriboll_OSMap.mbtile)
and stratigraphy column (Eriboll_Stratigraphy.csv) file created during the previous exercise.

11. Select and copy the files.

12. In the file browser, navigate to the Android/Windows device, open Internal Storage folder and click
on the FieldMove or FieldMove Clino folder.

13. Paste the MBTile file and stratigraphy column file into this location, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: The FieldMove or FieldMove Clino folder is located within the internal storage of the
Android/Windows phone.

The basemap has now been transferred onto the Android/Windows device and is ready to be imported into
the FieldMove Clino or FieldMove applications. The next section will show how data can be imported into

Importing maps and stratigraphy into FieldMove

Once the basemap and stratigraphy column has been transferred onto the digital mapping device, they can
be imported directly into a FieldMove project. The OS Basemap MBTile file (Eriboll_OSMap.mbtile) will be
imported first.

14. Open FieldMove.

15. On the Side Panel, open the Maps page by tapping as shown inFigure 19.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 19: Maps page of FieldMove.

16. At the top of the page, tap Import. All MBTile and GeoTiff files that are stored in the FieldMove app will
be listed.

17. Select the file Eriboll_OSMap.mbtiles. A message will appear confirming that the import was
successful, and the basemap will be listed under the heading Imported Maps, as shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20: A message should appear stating that the basemap was imported successfully. It will be
listed in the Maps page.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

18. To display the imported map, tap so that the icon changes to .

19. To centre the Map View on the imported image, tap .

A transparency can also be applied to each imported map by tapping on the icon .

Note: The layering of multiple imported maps can be adjusted by dragging the map name up or down the
Imported Maps list.

The stratigraphy column Eriboll_Stratigraphy.csv will now be imported into the project.

20. From the Side Panel, open the Compass Clino page (Figure 21) by tapping .

Figure 21: The Compass Clino page open in FieldMove.

21. Change the Assign Unit setting to On.

22. To open the StratColumn, tap on Tap to Add a Rock Unit (if working in a new project).

Note: If working on a FieldMove project with a StratColumn already set up, the column can be opened by
tapping on the active horizon.

23. Tap on the Import icon .

24. Under the Browse Files heading, click Load.

A new page will open listing any stratigraphy (.csv) files that have been transferred onto the device.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

25. Select Eriboll_Stratigraphy.csv .

The list of rock units generated in Move will be loaded into the FieldMove project. An Import Successful
message will be displayed to confirm the StratColumn was loaded successfully.

26. Inspect the rock units loaded into FieldMove. It should display the horizon names and colours
previously set up in Move, as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22: StratColumn imported into FieldMove.

27. Close the StratColumn by tapping Done.

Importing MBTile images and stratigraphy into FieldMove Clino

The following section will show how a basemap and stratigraphy column can be imported into a FieldMove
Clino project on a device using an iOS operating system. Since FieldMove Clino is designed for mobile phone
use, the workflow and interface varies slightly from FieldMove. Please also note that this workflow differs
slightly for users working on Android devices.

The OS Basemap MBTile file (Eriboll_OSMap.mbtile) will be imported first.

28. Open FieldMove Clino.

29. Tap the Side Panel icon then tap Map.

30. To view the imported maps, tap and select Edit Base Maps, as shown in Figure 23.

Note: On Android devices, the Edit Base Maps command is not present. Instead select Manage maps.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 23: Edit Base Maps option.

Any MBTile files that have been transferred onto the device will be listed under the New Maps heading. Any
maps listed under the Current Maps heading are those that have already been imported into the project.

31. Select the map Eriboll_OSMap.mbtile by tapping the Add icon .

32. The Map View will automatically zoom in to centre into the imported map. Tap to load the file.

33. The basemap will now be imported into the project and will be listed under the Current Maps

34. Tap the Back icon at the top left of the screen.

35. To view the imported maps once more tap .

36. The OS basemap will be listed, tap on it to make sure that it is displayed. A tick should appear next to
the name, as shown in Figure 24.

Note: In FieldMove Clino, it is only possible to display one imported map at a time.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 24: Map displayed over the Satellite image

The stratigraphy column that was transferred onto the device (Eriboll_Stratigraphy.csv) will now be imported
into the FieldMove Clino project.

37. In the FieldMove Clino project, tap the Side Panel and then tap on Compass/Clino.

38. Open the StratColumn by tapping Tap to Add a Rock Unit (if working on a new project with an
empty StratColumn).

39. Tap the Import icon .

40. Select Eriboll_Stratigraphy.csv from the list of available files, a message will display as in Figure 25.

Figure 25: StratColumn import page in with a warning message displayed.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

41. Tap Continue.

42. Tap Ok for the Import Successful message. The StratColumn created in Move will be loaded into
the FieldMove Clino project, as shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26:The Eriboll_Stratigraphy.csv stratigraphy column successfully loaded into FieldMove Clino.

43. Inspect the rock units loaded into FieldMove to confirm the Stratigraphy Column has been loaded

44. Apply the changes by tapping .

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Exercise 4: Export a project from FieldMove and

FieldMove Clino


To export data from FieldMove Clino and FieldMove in the Move (.mve) file format.

Having used FieldMove or FieldMove Clino to map, the data can be exported, visualized and analysed in
other applications. There are three export formats:

l *.mve format for loading directly into Move

l *.csv (ASCII) format for loading into multiple data analysis packages
l *.kmz format for loading into Google Earth.

The following exercise will show how a project can be exported in the .mve file format.

Export a project from FieldMove

1. In the FieldMove project, tap the Side Panel .

2. Tap Export and select Move (.mve), as shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27: The export project window in FieldMove allows you to export your data as a Move (.mve),
Google Earth (.kmz), or ASCII (.csv) file.

3. Tap Export.

Note: Once project has been exported, it can be shared using AirDrop, email, or Dropbox. The Share
button will become active once the project has been exported.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

4. Tap OK.

5. The data has now been exported successfully.

Export a project from FieldMove Clino

To export the field data from FieldMove Clino, follow the steps below.

6. Tap the Side Panel then tap Export.

7. Select Move (.mve). A window will pop-up stating the name of the exported project.

The data exported from FieldMove and FieldMove Clino can then be transferred from the digital mapping
device onto an iMac, laptop, or desktop computer using the reverse of the workflow described in Exercise 3.
For more information please refer to the FieldMove or FieldMove Clino User Guides.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Exercise 5: Visualising digital mapping data in Move


l Open an .mve project exported from FieldMove and view it in Move.

l To use the To Surface tool to project dip, line and polygon data to a Digital Elevation Model (DEM).
l To use the Field Images browser to view any field photographs.
l To use the Image tool and Map Snapshot functionality to create an image of the collected data in
the Map View.

1. Open Move and on the File tab, click Open and Browse.

2. Set the file format to MVE Format (*.mve*.move*.movz) and open the file:


The project will open in the Map View and contains data collected whilst mapping with FieldMove, which
includes a field-slip, dip data, localities, mapped outcrop traces and geo-referenced photographs.

Figure 28:File 04_Eriboll_Data.move visualized in the Map View.

3. To examine the data in 3D, on the View tab click 3D View.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 29:The Eriboll dataset visualized in the 3D View.

A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has also been imported into the project and will be used to condition the

4. In the Model Browser, expand the Mesh Surfaces folder then click on Topography.

Projecting data to a surface

Whilst mapping with FieldMove, the collected data was not attributed an elevation (z attribute) and therefore
all measurements appear at a default elevation of 0 m. However, in Move it is possible to project this data to
the correct elevation using the DEM.

5. In the 3D View or Model Browser, click on the DEM surface Topography.

6. On the Display toolbar, located below the 3D View, click Overlay.

7. Toggle on Image and select Fieldslip on the list. The image will now be draped on the DEM.

8. In the Model Browser, expand the Images folder and then the Horizontal Images folder. Clear the
Fieldslip check box so that it is no longer visualized in the 3D View. The 3D View will look like Figure

Figure 30: Fieldslip draped over the DEM.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Note: The transparency of the DEM can be adjusted using the Transparency slider located on the
Display toolbar.

Now the remaining data will be projected to the correct elevation.

9. On the Model Building tab, click To Surface.

10. Select all objects, apart from the polygons and DEM, and collect them into the Select The Objects to
Project box.

11. Collect the DEM Topography into the Select Target Grid/Surface box.

12. Click on Replace Existing Objects. The toolbox will match Figure 31.

Figure 31: The Project to Surface toolbox.

13. Click Project and close the tool.

The measurements that were collected during day one will have been projected from an elevation of zero
onto the DEM, as seen in Figure 32. The dip data now has an elevation attribute.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 32: Measurement data projected onto the DEM.

14. To check that the data now has a z attribute, in the Model Browser, select the dip data Day 1 Dips
and on the Data & Analysis tab, click Vertex Attributes.

The attributes for each individual dip will be listed (Figure 33). Examine the Z column and note that each dip
has an elevation that will correspond to the point on the DEM it was projected to.

Figure 33: Dip data collected during day 1 is given an elevation (z) attribute using the Project to
Surface tool.

Note: The dip data can be analysed in more detail using a number of plots (e.g. stereonet plot, cross
plot) that are available in the Vertex Attributes analyser.

15. Close the Vertex Attributes analyser.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Displaying field photographs

Field photos taken in FieldMove and FieldMove Clino are displayed in Move as point referenced images.
These can be viewed in more detail and annotated using the Field Images browser.

16. On the Data & Analysis tab, click Field Images.

All of the photos will open in a vertical list (Figure 34) and display a thumbnail of the image, along with the
following details: the name, the assigned locality, the bearing, the time it was taken and any notes attached
to the image. At the bottom of the browser it is possible to print each the photos or export them to pdf.

Figure 34: Field Image browser opened and displaying a number of photographs.

Note: Selecting a photo in the Field Image browser will highlight its location in the 3D View.

17. To view a photo in a new window, double-click on one of the photos. This will open the Image Editor,
as shown in Figure 35.

The Image Editor contains a number of tools that can be used to annotate and edit the photographs.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 35:Image Editor window.

Taking map snapshots

It is not possible to transfer a .mve file back into FieldMove or FieldMove Clino. However, if several FieldMove
projects are collated into one .mve file, the Image tool can be used to create a map snapshot of all the
collected data. This image can then be exported this as an MBTile file, or GeoTIFF, and imported into
FieldMove or FieldMove Clino.

18. Close the image editor and field images browser.

19. Return to the Map View.

20. In the Model Browser to ensure that only the Polylines, Polygons, Dips and Point Referenced
Images are visible. The view will match Figure 36.

Figure 36: Polyline, polygon, and dip data displayed in the Map View.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

21. In the Model Browser, select Day1_Dips and Day2_Dips.

22. In the Quick Editor, ensure Enhanced Symbol Style is on.

23. Open the Point Labels tab and click on the Show Labels and Horizon check boxes, as shown in
Figure 37.

Figure 37: Quick Editor with Show All Labels checked on.

The Map View will display a label showing the recorded dip and horizon assignment of each dip.

Note: The label size cannot be adjusted when multiple dip data clouds are selected in the Model

If the next stage of field mapping will focus on a particular area, the Marker/Point Display tool can be used to
show only dips belong to a particular horizon. In this case, it is assumed that additional field mapping will
focus on the Basal Quartzite unit. In that case, only the dips belonging to this horizon will be displayed.

24. With Day1_Dips and Day2_Dips still selected, click Marker/Point on the Data & Analysis tab.

25. Under the Display Settings sheet, if not on by default, click Show Markers is set to Specification.

26. Click on Horizon as the Specification.

27. Under the Horizons column, clear all horizons check boxes except the Basal Quartzite horizon, as
shown in Figure 38.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 38: Marker/Point Display toolbox.

28. Close the Marker/Point Display toolbox.

The Map View will look like that in Figure 39.

Figure 39: Dip data measured within the Basal Quartzite unit is displayed.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

29. On the Model Building tab, click Image.

30. Click on Map Snapshot. A yellow rectangle will be displayed in the Map View highlighting the extent
of the snapshot, as shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40:The area to be imaged while taking a map snapshot is outlined by a yellow box.

31. Adjust the positions to: Top Left: East (X) = 402036 m, North (Y) = 6483831 m; Bottom
Right: East (X) = 403958 m, North (Y) = 6482522 m.

32. Name the image Geological Interpretation.

33. Click on Transparent Background. The toolbox will look like Figure 41.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Figure 41: Creating a map snapshot using the Image toolbox

34. Zoom into the image to make sure that the image is displayed at a suitable zoom level, and click
Create Image.

35. Close the Create Image tool.

The new image will be listed in the Model Browser under the Horizontal Images folder.

36. Turn off all objects in the Map View, by clicking the Hide All Objects icon located in the Quick

37. Then in the Model Browser click on the newly created snapshot Geological Interpretation.

Once this image has been created, it can be exported from Move as an MBTile file and imported back into
FieldMove or FieldMove Clino. This will allow users to compare legacy data against their own measurements.

Tutorial 5: Integrating Digital Mapping Tools with Move

Geological mapping is the first stage in the process of understanding geological structures in 3D. Digital
mapping tools allow a geologist to streamline data collection, data management, and data transfer from
digital devices onto a computer for further analysis. This tutorial focused on data preparation in Move, data
transfer between Move and FieldMove or FieldMove Clino, and subsequent visualization of field data in Move.
The process allows a geologist to focus on attaining an understanding of the geology in 3D. Once field data
has been imported into Move, 2D cross-sections and 3D models can be constructed and analysed.
Recommended tutorials which cover these topics in more detail include:

l Tutorial 6: Section Construction from Surface Data

l Tutorial 7: Building, Restoring and Validating a Geological Model
l Tutorial 8: 3D Model Building - Ordinary Kriging
l Tutorial 9: 3D Model Building - 3D Dip Domain
l Tutorial 10: 3D Model Conditioning.

For more information on the tools in FieldMove or FieldMove Clino, please refer to the relevant User Guides,
which can be downloaded from www.mve.com/digital-mapping.


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