Economics 2019 v1.1: Unit 2 Sample Assessment Instrument

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Economics 2019 v1.

Unit 2 sample assessment instrument
September 2018

Examination — extended response to stimulus

This sample has been compiled by the QCAA to assist and support teachers in planning and
developing assessment instruments for individual school settings.
Schools develop internal assessments for each senior subject, based on the learning described
in Units 1 and 2 of the subject syllabus. Each unit objective must be assessed at least once.

Assessment objectives
This assessment instrument is used to determine student achievement in the following
1. comprehend economic concepts, principles and models of markets and efficiency, and
market measures and strategies
2. select data and economic information from sources relevant to markets and efficiency, and
market measures and strategies
3. analyse an economic issue that involves markets and efficiency, and market measures
and strategies
4. evaluate an economic situation relevant to markets and efficiency, and market measures
and strategies
5. create responses that communicate economic meaning to suit the intended purpose in an
analytical essay.
Subject Economics

Technique Examination — extended response to stimulus

Unit 2: Modified markets

Topic 2: Case options of market measures and strategies


Time 2 hours Planning time 15 minutes

Word length 800–1000 words Seen/unseen Unseen question

Other • Stimulus material:

six seen sources to be provided to students seven days before the examination
three unseen sources to be provided to students at the start of the examination.
• Rulers free from markings other than measurement indicators are permitted.
• Non-programmable calculator permitted.


• The provided planning paper will not be collected.

• Answer in the supplied ‘Response booklet’, writing on one side of each page only.
• The response may be:
hand written
produced in a word-processing document. During the exam, you will be working in a secure
electronic folder and have no access to the internet, instant messaging or a grammar, punctuation
and spelling checker.


Create an analytical essay, using both seen and unseen stimulus material, to analyse the extent of
income inequality in Australia.
Evaluate a proposal that embraces a more market-based system of determining wages by reducing the
minimum wage. Use two criteria to draw a conclusion about the proposal, for example economic growth
and sustainability, distribution of income and wealth, economic efficiency and/or employment.


Refer to the seen and unseen stimulus material.


Economics 2019 v1.1 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority

Unit 2 sample assessment instrument September 2018
Page 2 of 4
List of sources

Source Focus Mode Seen/ unseen Resources

1 Australian Infographic: Australian Seen McCrindle Research Pty Ltd, n.d.

income and income and wealth ‘Australia’s household income and
wealth statistics distribution by wealth distribution’,
household quintiles
(blog) blog/australias-household-income-and-
Text: One paragraph on
the Gini coefficient and
one paragraph on
highest earners

2 Poverty in Table: Table 4 — Rate Seen Australian Council of Social Service

Australia of poverty – proportion 2016, ‘Poverty in Australia 2016’,
of people from different
groups living below content/uploads/2016/10/Poverty-in-
poverty lines in 2013– Australia-2016.pdf

Text: One sentence

description of Table 4

3 Minimum and Graph: Ratio of Seen ABC News 2011, ‘Graph 6 — Ratio of
average wages minimum wage to minimum wage to average wage’, 13
average wage December,

4 Australian Graph: Figure 9 — Seen Richardson, D and Denniss, R 2014

household Income distribution ‘Income and Wealth Inequality in
income and before and after the tax Australia’, The Australia institute, Policy
income and transfer system Brief no. 64, July,

5 Income Text: Extract of 206 Seen Whiteford, P 2017, ‘Income inequality

inequality in words (three in Australia and its impacts’, Australian
Australia paragraphs) National University — Crawford School
of Public Policy’, 24 March,

6 Where are the Graph: The world’s Seen Myers, J 2016, ‘Where are the world’s
world’s highest highest minimum wages highest minimum wages?’ World
minimum Economic Forum,
wages? 4 April,

Economics 2019 v1.1 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority

Unit 2 sample assessment instrument September 2018
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7 Evolution of the Text: Excerpt of 114 Unseen Bray, J R 2013, ‘HC Coombs Policy
minimum wage words in one paragraph Forum Findings: Reflections on the
in Australia evolution of the minimum wage in
Australia: Options for the future’,
Australian National University, May,

8 Minimum wage Text: Excerpt of 278 Unseen ABC News 2016, ‘RMIT (University)
and words on the review by Fact Check: Does the minimum wage
unemployment the European increase unemployment?’, 3 March,
Commission into the
employment effects of 12/minimum-wage/6290482
minimum wages

9a Labour market Graph: Labour market Unseen Reserve Bank of Australia 2018,
(Released on 5 ‘Labour market’,
September 2018) pack/factors-prod-labour-mkt.html

9b Estimated Graph: Estimated Unseen D’Arcy, P (et al.) 2012, ‘Bulletin —

worker flow worker flows – selected December Quarter 2012: Labour
industries market turnover and mobility’ (Graph 9:
Estimated worker flows — selected
industries), Reserve Bank of Australia,

Economics 2019 v1.1 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority

Unit 2 sample assessment instrument September 2018
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