Astm C1698-14
Astm C1698-14
Astm C1698-14
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on 5. Significance and Use
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
C09.68 on Volume Change.
5.1 Autogenous strain is the self-created bulk strain of
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2014. Published November 2014. Originally cement paste, mortar, or concrete during hardening at constant
approved in 2009. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as C1698-09. DOI: temperature. In conventional concrete, autogenous shrinkage
10.1520/C1698-09R14. strain is generally negligible, but in concrete with low water-
Section on Safety Precautions, Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.02. cementitious materials ratio (w/cm) or with silica fume it may
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from American Petroleum Institute (API), 1220 L. St., NW,
the ASTM website. Washington, DC 20005-4070,
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
C1698 − 09 (2014)
be considerable (1).5 Restraint of the autogenous strain by 5.5 The autogenous shrinkage strain of mortar specimens
aggregates or adjoining structural members may result in will be less than that of paste specimens for the same w/cm.
formation of micro and macro cracks that impair strength, The autogenous shrinkage strain of concrete will be less than
durability and aesthetics. Cracks may also be a problem with that of mortar for the same w/cm. The nominal maximum
regard to hygienic cleaning of surfaces. aggregate size for mortar used in this test method is 4.75 mm.
5.2 An accurate measurement of the autogenous strain of
6. Apparatus
cementitious mixtures with low w/cm is important for evalu-
ating the risk of early-age cracking of concrete structures. 6.1 The apparatus to measure autogenous strain is com-
Measurements of autogenous strain have been carried out using posed of a corrugated mold with two end plugs, a dilatometer
either volumetric or linear methods. Both methods may show bench, a length measuring gauge, and a reference bar (see Fig.
evidence of significant artifacts (1); therefore, results of the 1).
two methods may disagree considerably if not carried out 6.2 Molds—The molds consist of corrugated plastic tubes,
properly. having a length of 420 6 5 mm and an outer diameter of 29 6
5.3 A sealed, flexible corrugated mold system (2) combines 0.5 mm (see Note 2). The plastic tubes are made of 0.5 6
the advantages of linear and volumetric measurement of 0.2-mm thick low-density polyethylene (PE) and have
autogenous strain, while avoiding most of their disadvantages. triangular-shaped corrugations in order to minimize restraint in
The mold effectively prevents moisture loss and minimizes the longitudinal direction (see Fig. 2). The distance between
restraint to volume change during hardening. Moreover, results corrugations is 5.8 6 0.2 mm. The mold is tightly closed with
obtained with the corrugated mold system agree with those two tapered end plugs having a length of 19 6 0.5 mm. The
from the volumetric method, once some artifacts, in particular diameter of the plastic end plugs tapers from 21 6 0.1 mm to
water absorption through the membrane used to contain the test 22.4 6 0.1 mm (see Fig. 3).
specimen, have been eliminated in the latter (3,4). The corru- NOTE 2—The small diameter of the molds limits the temperature
differences that may arise during hydration of the cementitious materials.
gated mold system is easier to use and shows better repeatabil-
Typical maximum temperature increase in the center of the test specimen,
ity than the volumetric technique (3,4). Measurements with the due to heat of hydration of cement paste or mortar has been determined to
corrugated mold system are in good agreement with unre- be 2 °C. The maximum longitudinal restraint stress exerted by the molds
strained length change measurements obtained using Test has been determined to be 0.001 MPa (6).
Method C157/C157M with sealed specimens (5); however, 6.3 Dilatometer Bench—The dilatometer bench consists of
Test Method C157/C157M does not allow measurement of the three stainless steel rods with a diameter of 20 6 1.0 mm and
shrinkage occurring before 24 h (5). two stainless steel end plates. Technical drawings of a suitable
5.4 This test method can be used to evaluate the effects of dilatometer bench are shown in Fig. 4. During measurement,
cementitious materials, admixtures, and mixture proportions the test specimen is positioned horizontally and is supported
on autogenous shrinkage strain of paste or mortar specimens. longitudinally by the two upper rods.
6.4 Length Measuring Gauge—A gauge measures length
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of changes at one end of the specimen. The measuring range of
this standard. the gauge shall be at least 10 mm and the resolution shall be at
NOTE 1—In the foreground a corrugated PE-mold with two specially shaped end plugs and a 425 mm reference bar. In the background the dilatometer
bench with a test specimen placed for length measurement. To the right a digital length gauge with remote control.
FIG. 1 A Suitable Dilatometer Bench with Accessories
C1698 − 09 (2014)
least 0.0025 mm, corresponding to a resolution of about 6 6.9 Tamping Rod for consolidation of the paste or mortar. It
µm/m for the calculated strain. shall be made of a rigid, non-absorptive material that does not
6.5 Reference Bar—Measurements in the dilatometer are react with the cementitious mixture. The length of the rod shall
performed relative to the length of the reference bar. The bar is be at least 500 mm and the diameter shall be 6 6 1 mm. The
made of Invar with a length of 425 6 0.5 mm and a diameter ends may be flat or hemispherical.
of 20 6 1.0, tapering to 10 6 1.0 mm at both ends as shown 7. Procedure
in Fig. 5. The actual length of the reference bar shall be marked
permanently on the bar to the nearest 0.01 mm. Two plastic 7.1 Number of Specimens—Three replicate specimens shall
rings with an external diameter 30 6 0.5 mm are mounted on be tested for each cement paste or mortar (see Note 3).
the reference bar, as shown in Fig. 1. 7.1.1 Mixing—Mix cement pastes and mortars according to
Practice C305. Record the time when the cementitious mate-
6.6 Reference Masses and Devices for Determining Mass rials are added to the water.
and Volume shall conform to the requirements of Specification 7.1.2 Mixing Apparatus
C1005. Mortar Preparation—The mixer shall comply with
6.7 Support Tube used to support the corrugated mold the sequence in Practice C305.
during specimen fabrication. The support tube has a length of Paste Preparation—A high shear blender,6 or simi-
400 6 5 mm and an inside diameter of 32 6 1 mm (see Fig. lar variable speed blender capable of maintaining a no-load
6). The tube is attached to a base that can be fixed to a vibrating speed of at least 15 000 r/min, with optional cooling device. A
6.8 Vibrating Table as described in Practice C192/C192M. 6
Mixing devices described in API Specification RP 10B-2/ISO 10426-2.